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BS: (Brussels) Sprouts

24 Dec 09 - 12:01 PM (#2795682)
Subject: BS: Sprouts
From: Girl Friday

I thought that maybe this subject had been up for discussion before, but can't see it. I checked the thread relating to Gas Generators, and it wasn't Brussels Sprouts so here goes.

Brussels Sprouts.... I heard them referred to on t.v. as the Grape of The Devil... so.... I humbly ask....

The Food of The Gods... or....

The Grape Of The Devil....

Personally, I think they look more like gooseberries, and I hate them! Over to you Folks..

24 Dec 09 - 12:05 PM (#2795686)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Alice

Like little cabbages, good with lots of butter and with salt & pepper sprinkled over top.
Neither God Food nor Devil Grape, I'm somewhere in the middle on this one.

24 Dec 09 - 12:06 PM (#2795689)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: John MacKenzie

I adore Brussels Sprouts. They must be crunchy though, and not boiled to death.
I do believe some folks have had them on to cook for the last week, just to make sure they are cooked through.
Best thing they can do, is throw the sprouts out, and drink the water that's left.

24 Dec 09 - 12:08 PM (#2795694)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: MGM·Lion

Dollies' Cabbages, a child I knew once called them. Can't think of a better name.

24 Dec 09 - 12:10 PM (#2795696)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Kampervan

Don't think of them as sprouts, they're Bonsai cabbages.

Far more sophisticated and far less objectionable.

Mine have been simmering on a low light since September and they are very nearly ready.

Merry Christmas


24 Dec 09 - 12:11 PM (#2795697)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: EBarnacle

I used to hate them as a kid. Then, as an adult, I learned to appreciate them sauteed with sesame oil and garlic until they were just singed. Marvelous!

24 Dec 09 - 12:12 PM (#2795698)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: VirginiaTam

Fluvanna Cabbages to people living in Albermarle County in Virginia. Because Fluvanna is small by comparison.

24 Dec 09 - 12:28 PM (#2795708)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: bobad

I grow them in my garden and they are best if left to be hit by a frost or two. This will make them sweeter. As John says, sprouts are best lightly steamed only 'till tender and still bright green, they will be sweet and mild. Unfortunately too many have been traumatized in childhood by being forced to eat terribly overcooked, sulfurous green gobs - get over it.

24 Dec 09 - 12:30 PM (#2795710)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Becca72

My absolute favorite veg! I don't put a damned thing on them, either. Naked sprouts mmmmm

24 Dec 09 - 12:35 PM (#2795715)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: John MacKenzie

Oh, be still my beating heart!

24 Dec 09 - 12:37 PM (#2795716)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: michaelr

Never boil them! Cut them in half and steam until just tender, then sautee with bacon and a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar. Yum!

24 Dec 09 - 12:37 PM (#2795718)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Girl Friday

Thanks everyone.. keep the thread going. Though I don't eat them myself, I agree that it doesn't do to overcook them. 10 minutes in the microwave seems ideal. I always cook my veg in the microwave now, it tastes far nicer. All you need to add is a little water.

24 Dec 09 - 12:41 PM (#2795721)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: CarolC

Food of the gods if steamed from fresh, served with either butter and salt or soaked in a vinaigrette, and grape of the devil if boiled, especially if they were bought frozen.

24 Dec 09 - 12:50 PM (#2795732)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Bill D

My mother seldom got beyond boiling for most veggies....consequently, I grew up not liking most of them. I have learned that some, done well, can be just fine... including Sprouts. (Though we seldom have them)

24 Dec 09 - 12:54 PM (#2795739)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Morticia

sliced thinly, cooked lightly with pancetta in butter and cream with lots of freshly ground black pepper, nom, nom, nom....

24 Dec 09 - 01:32 PM (#2795763)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Smedley

Grapes of the Devil is too kind.

Satan's testicles is more accurate.

I have only once found them remotely edible, and that was when they were pureed into a soup with lots of cream & parmesan. Otherwise: bleeeuuuuugh.

Happy Christmas!

24 Dec 09 - 01:42 PM (#2795771)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I love sprouts, but only if lightly cooked and only if I can eat them almost fresh from the pot. I've given up on taking them to gatherings because (A) lots of people don't like them (B) people who do like them don't all like them cooked the same (C) by the time they get served at a gathering, they're usually lukewarm and soggy, even if they were cooked perfectly to begin with. So I reserve them for more intimate meals... like when I'm eating alone.

24 Dec 09 - 01:42 PM (#2795772)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Rasener

I do beleive that if you cook them until they are soggy like my mother used to do (god bless her cotton picking will fart till the cows come home. In fact if you lit a candle and held it to your bum as you farted, you would become a flame thrower.

I love sprouts the way my wife cooks them. Crunchy with bacon bits.

Blimey am I looking forward to them tomorrow. My favourite vegetable.

I also love roasted parsnips, red cabbage, carrots and green beans.

All of that with bread sauce, Turkey, Duck and Venison.

Mustn't forget the Yorkshire Puds (with anything).

A lovely gravy to go over the top.

Yum yum, can't wait until tomorrow.

Incidentally, how the F did they become the ownership of Brussels

24 Dec 09 - 01:51 PM (#2795777)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: CarolC

BWL, if you marinate them in a vinaigrette, they don't get soggy after they've been sitting a while. That is, if you don't cook them too much.

24 Dec 09 - 02:19 PM (#2795793)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Uncle_DaveO

Little ones, steamed only until they are about to turn "done" instead of firm, and served with melted butter and grated parmesan over the top.

When asked, "What shall we have for Christmas dinner?", my grown kids will all start their list of menu requests with Brussells Sprouts.

Dave Oesterreich

24 Dec 09 - 02:19 PM (#2795794)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Mavis Enderby

You're making my mouth water Les! Sounds like we do a similar dish to you, sprouts with ham & chestnuts.

I love sprouts, but not over cooked. Managed to grow our own crop this year and they are bloody lovely!

Merry Christmas to sprout lovers and haters alike!


24 Dec 09 - 02:33 PM (#2795804)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: bobad

Defend your Christmas dinner with this flash game: Attack Of the Killer Sprouts

24 Dec 09 - 02:38 PM (#2795806)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Rasener

Hey Pete, have a good en. I wish you had told me about your home grown sprouts. I would have been paying you a visit :-)


24 Dec 09 - 02:50 PM (#2795812)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Rasener

Nice one Bobad, but I prefer this one

24 Dec 09 - 03:17 PM (#2795825)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

The sprouts should be small, firm and fresh. Steaming is fine, but I use a variant that might be called 'wok in a pot'.

Put a little water in a pot, add pat of butter, powdered thyme, and white pepper.
Cut sprouts in half and add to pot. Cover. Heat to high temperature; remove from heat when the water is almost gone. Use care not to burn!

Serve with more butter and salt to taste.

Requires watching, but the flavor is preserved.

24 Dec 09 - 03:27 PM (#2795830)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: open mike

the word sprouts seems to me to refer to alfalfa sprouts or (mung) bean sprouts...brussel sprouts would be specified by Brussel or Brussels

I often make a little "X" in them with a knife so they cook quicker.

great with Hollandaise sauce! (what's pancetta??)
oh i see it is Italian pork product like bacon but un-smoked

i sometimes see them for sale at a produce stand...on the stalk..
it is a brassica or Cole family plant...

several thousand acres planted in coastal areas of San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties of California, (according to Wiki.)
i find them in a large produce stand near Monterey...

are these connected with a holiday tradition in england?
(sort of like mushy peas?? --whatever that is...)

24 Dec 09 - 03:29 PM (#2795836)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Liz the Squeak

Love 'em... in all forms. Tomorrow mine will be lightly steamed then tossed in butter with mushrooms. I think I may be the only one eating them so I'll have them done my way!

Sarah Kennedy of Radio 2 says they must be on the boil by April 17th or else they're not ready. Les Barker says they're not meant to be eaten. Put the two together and you get Sarah Kennedy reading 'Sprouts' on 'Guide Cats for the Blind' - a fantastic CD which raises money for Computers for the blind, and at 3 volumes is well worth a copy for your CD library.


24 Dec 09 - 03:37 PM (#2795842)
Subject: RE: BS: Sprouts
From: Liz the Squeak

Actually it's 4 volumes of 'Guide Cats' now.... as Clive Lever puts it 'We put the Archbishop of Canterbury on the record shelves a full 4 months before the Pope got there'.


24 Dec 09 - 04:41 PM (#2795880)
Subject: RE: BS: Brussels Sprouts
From: Joe Offer

Are they called simply "sprouts" anywhere in the world? I've always thought of "sprouts" as seeds that were allowed to form roots, and then eaten before the rest of the plant started growing.
I like Brussels sprouts. I usually have no trouble eating them, but I bought a stalk of Brussels sprouts at Trader Joe's, and they made me into a methane factory. Don't know why they would be different from cut Brussels sprouts, which agree with me very well.

24 Dec 09 - 04:57 PM (#2795892)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Ed T

Steamed, with butter and vinegar (white, wine, or balsamic) vinegar.

24 Dec 09 - 05:08 PM (#2795901)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: WalkaboutsVerse

Quite like half a dozen, taken 1 by 1 with other elements of the roast on the fork, but certainly no more of this seasonal veg.

24 Dec 09 - 05:16 PM (#2795909)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I think all brassicas (cabbage family crops) cause a bit of methane generation, but it's usually the "country cousins" of the clan (cabbage, kale, collards) that are the worst offenders while their more "sophisticated" relatives (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower) are a bit more civilized. Maybe it has to do with how long they're cooked. The more primitve varieties have to be cooked quite a bit longer to be equally tender. If I were to cook collards for as short a time as I cook broccoli, it'd be like trying to eat a shredded plastic milk jug, only greener.

24 Dec 09 - 05:39 PM (#2795928)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: GUEST,Roger Knowles

John McKenzie's quite right. Don't over cook 'em.
My dear departed old Mum used to boil sprouts til all the crunch had gone, and then give 'em another hour to be sure they were totally inedible.
On thinking about it, she did that to all the vegetables she cooked, apart from potatoes.She wasn't very good at cooking savoury meals.
Her apple pie was really good, she just didn't understand vegetables, or meat.

24 Dec 09 - 06:03 PM (#2795945)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

John and Roger, right, they should have some of the 'crunch' left. Water removes the flavor as well as much of the mineral and vitamin content.

My wife has a sister who visited a while back. She took the broccoli, and to help out with dinner insisted on boiling it to mushiness in a pot of water. Needless to say, nearly all was left after dinner. I threw it out in the lane, thinking that the hares might eat it (common here, having become citified as the subdivisions spread)- it stayed uneaten until it rotted. I think rejected even by insects.

24 Dec 09 - 07:16 PM (#2795989)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Bat Goddess

Bonzai cabbages -- I like that!

And I really like brussels sprouts, cooked just enough (yes, my Midwestern mother cooked veggies to death, too) and with lots of butter -- sauteed slivered almonds, too. But I want to try the bacon and balsamic vinegar and a couple other things read above.

If you parboil frozen brussels sprouts and then let 'em sit in the leftover brine from dill pickles, they are WONDERFUL in a bloody mary. Put a bunch of 'em on a skewer.


24 Dec 09 - 11:30 PM (#2796095)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: open mike

with enough bloody mary's anything tastes great!
i prefer my tomato juice bevereges with tequila
instead of vodka//bloody maria...but never thought
of putting any other veggie besides celery or olive in it

thanks for adding brussel to the title,
i think that this may be a thread started in the UK
and they must not use alfalfa or bean sprouts there
as much as in the US

25 Dec 09 - 03:03 AM (#2796127)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Backwoodsman

No need for bacon, balsamic vinegar or any of the other additives listed above, and no boiling, sautee-ing, frying or barbeque-ing. Just lightly steam 'em till they're cooked but still a tad crunchy, season with salt and pepper, then add a generous dollop of turkey-giblet gravy.


(BTW, no need to cut that daft cross in them that seems to have become a fad, it's totally superfluous - they cook just as well without it).

IMHO of course! HAPPY CHRISTMAS!   :-)

25 Dec 09 - 03:44 AM (#2796134)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Rasener

Happy Christmas to you Backwoodsman.

I forgot to say. I love sprouts in bubble and squeek. Hmmmm Yes please.

Brussel Sprout bubble and squeak cakes

25 Dec 09 - 06:37 AM (#2796172)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Suegorgeous

Ohhhh my favourite veg! mmmmmmmmmm!!!!

25 Dec 09 - 07:23 AM (#2796185)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Wolfgang

It is so easy to make them taste bitter: boil them in the same water for 18 minutes.
If you don't prefer them bitter, split up this time into 2 and 16 minutes of boiling.
Pour away the bitter water used in the first two minutes and use fresh boiling water for the last 16 minutes.


25 Dec 09 - 04:54 PM (#2796383)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: EBarnacle

It may not be needed to cut the X but I find that I prefer them when I cut the stem close to "head" of the sprout.

25 Dec 09 - 05:35 PM (#2796401)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Rasener

Well I had a large dollop of them on my plate plus loads of stuffing.

I could fart for England at the moment

25 Dec 09 - 06:45 PM (#2796435)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: McGrath of Harlow

Cutting the cross may be unnecessary, but it's not a fad, it's a tradition.

25 Dec 09 - 06:46 PM (#2796437)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Paul Burke

Apparently it's all down to fructans, polymerised fructose, because the human gut doesn't absorb it readily. On the other hand, the gut bacteria, who don't get much sugar (because you do), can use it, and do, most enthusiastically. Hence that which happens.

25 Dec 09 - 07:28 PM (#2796452)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Bat Goddess

It's a carminative! (I love that word.)


25 Dec 09 - 08:30 PM (#2796469)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: open mike

bubble and squeak??!!sounds like some sort of chewing gum...

A carminative, also known as carminativum (plural carminativa), is an herb or preparation that either prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, or facilitates the expulsion of said gas, thereby combating flatulence.

The English author Aldous Huxley includes a long passage (chapter 20) about the word "carminative" in his novel Crome Yellow. The character Denis explains how unfortunate it is that some words don't mean what they ought to mean

26 Dec 09 - 12:16 AM (#2796508)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: CarolC

We had them a new way (for us) this evening. JtS sauteed some onions in butter until they were caramelized, and he lightly browned the already steamed sprouts in the butter with the onions. We made baked potatoes, put some slices of vintage Australian cheddar on top and let them melt, and then we put the sprouts and onions on top of that. It was perfect.

26 Dec 09 - 03:13 AM (#2796539)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Backwoodsman

"I could fart for England at the moment"

We'd make a truly unbeatable team Les! Best nobody stikes a match in our house right now! And green veggies are v. good for diabetics, so double helpings for me! :-) :-)

Mike - Bubble and Squeak has a number of variations in recipe, but is usually made by frying a mixture of mashed boiled potato, boiled or steamed cabbage or brussels sprouts (or both!) and, if desired, some onion. It tastes wonderful (especially the brown bits where it's 'caught' on the pan). HP (brown) sauce is the perfect additive. Amazing with some big, fat, juicy Lincolnshire sausages. Yummmmmeeeeee!!

26 Dec 09 - 04:01 AM (#2796542)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Mavis Enderby

It's kind of inevitable that a discussion on sprouts leads to the after effects!

In a previous life I had cause to research ...ahem... how shall I put it? ..."gases associated with human waste" and came across this little gem: Suarez et al. Note they used pinto beans to provide the "raw materials" rather than sprouts....

I'm reminded of one of my favourite Bill Bryson quotes, on sampling spa water: "According to a notice by the tap, it is reputedly very good for flatulence, which seemed an intriguing promise, and I very nearly drank some until I realized they meant it prevented it. What an odd notion."

Happy holidays folks!


PS - is there a sign up sheet for the England team?

26 Dec 09 - 06:47 AM (#2796588)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Sooz

Yesterday we had them lightly steamed but today they are to be sliced and mixed with sliced leaks, then steamed together and finally dressed with a mixture of creme fraiche and whole grain mustard. Scrummy.

26 Dec 09 - 07:33 AM (#2796612)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Backwoodsman

Too much faffin' about. You need a nice meat-and-tatie pie, and a double-helping of steamed Brussels!   :-) :-)

26 Dec 09 - 08:37 AM (#2796641)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Paul Burke

Fart for England?

Let's see...

Rude Britannia
Farts of Oak
Jerusalem (artichokes)
Gas of Richmond Hill
Raspberry Fair
Trumpet Involuntary (John Blow)

And of course Wilfred Owen's great poem:

... the hoots
Of gas bombs dropping softly behind...

26 Dec 09 - 09:56 AM (#2796678)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Rasener


26 Dec 09 - 10:13 AM (#2796683)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: LilyFestre

I love them made like this:

Thinly slice the brussel sprouts and saute them in olive oil and a little bit of butter, sprinkle with lime juice. Salt according to your own taste. YUM.


26 Dec 09 - 10:48 AM (#2796688)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Girl Friday

Lots of food for thought there then. We always cut a cross in the base. This provides protection against them actually turning into The Devil's Grapes!

Happy New Year


26 Dec 09 - 10:54 AM (#2796693)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Girl Friday

Now we've played those games. Great fun! Have put them on the favourites!

26 Dec 09 - 11:38 AM (#2796718)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: VirginiaTam

we had them steamed yesterday.. They were perfect. and I could taste them even through my terrible head cold and too much red wine.

26 Dec 09 - 12:33 PM (#2796738)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: GUEST,Girl Friday

There is no such thing as too much red wine until the day after.

26 Dec 09 - 02:16 PM (#2796798)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: EBarnacle

It's those damn congeners again.

26 Dec 09 - 02:33 PM (#2796806)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

And some people denigrate cattle for adding to greenhouse gases.

Brussels sprouts in England, Chinese cabbage in China.

Stir-fry the cabbage with, chili paste(1), garlic(2), cabbage(3) and white or rice wine(4) in peanut oil- add a little water(5), simmer at lower heat, add green onions(6), salt(7) and a little sugar(8), Soy(9) if desired; add a little tapioca or corn starch(10) mixed and center-woked with water to thicken.

( ) order added to wok or hot pan.

26 Dec 09 - 06:45 PM (#2796927)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Paul Burke

You put the cabbage in twice. I know dupiaza means two lots of onions, but two lots of cabbage is asking for trouble.

26 Dec 09 - 07:20 PM (#2796959)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

So take out the first cabbage and discard. Follow the numbers, 1, 2, 3, .... The oil and chili paste go first, of course.

26 Dec 09 - 08:00 PM (#2796980)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Steve Shaw

It's easy. Don't buy sprouts if any in the box/bag/whatever they're in are even thinking of turning yellow or looking wilted. I think the best way to buy sprouts is those huge walking sticks with the sprouts still on. Just take off the outer leaves. Cutting little crosses is a complete waste of time. How to get nasty, squelchy sprouts: boil them, sauté them, overcook them or use loose, old or frozen ones. The only way to get good sprouts is to use tight ones and steam them for around seven or eight minutes. They are very unforgiving of under- or over-cooking, which is why a lot of people don't like them. I start testing my sprouts after six minutes in the steamer and once every 90 seconds thereafter and I test by eating one, not prodding with a knife or fork, which is useless. You might have to cool the sprout in question under the cold tap first. The perfect sprout has a nice firm texture with no sogginess outside or rawness inside. You can do it if you try. Stay with 'em.

26 Dec 09 - 08:19 PM (#2796985)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: frogprince

Maybe they are edible after all; All that I've tried have been absolutely nasty little bitter green globs. My mother cooked some things very well, and some things very badly.

26 Dec 09 - 10:31 PM (#2797017)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Suegorgeous

My dinner tonight consisted of a huge plate of brussels, sauteed with loads of garlic and soya sauce, then a bit of water added til just soft. Pretty damn orgasmic! mmmmmm!

26 Dec 09 - 10:31 PM (#2797018)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Suegorgeous

Oh... and it's the slight bitterness that I LOVE....

27 Dec 09 - 07:12 PM (#2797558)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: CarolC

I totally pigged out on sprouts last night. Steamed until just al dente, and then marinated in balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, a little sugar and a little salt. And I found out that eaten this way, they are very good with potato chips (crisps) mmmmmmmmmm...

For those who are used to them being bitter - when they are cooked properly, they have a slightly sweet, slightly nutty taste and no hint of bitterness at all.

27 Dec 09 - 07:50 PM (#2797576)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: gnomad

As a kid I would eat 'em raw.......what was I thinking? I don't remember when I stopped, but when I tried again a few years back I didn't rate the dish at all, bitter and tough beyond belief. Light steaming works for me, with a bit of butter, and I like the Parmesan idea.

Did I dream it that someone last year recommended olive oil, garlic and almonds as a dressing, sounds like a good mix to me, though I haven't tried it (yet).

28 Dec 09 - 05:38 PM (#2798010)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Dave MacKenzie

I love sprouts (Brussels for you Yanks). Had lots on my plate at Christmas dinner, so nobody would notice I didn't take any turkey, just baked ham and pigs in blankets. And they should be al dente.

29 Dec 09 - 05:34 PM (#2798804)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: scouse

My mother boiled Sprouts as well as Cabbage into submission and put me off them both for years until I started cooking for myself now I love Sprouts and Cabbage and all other sort of Veg. But I still draw the line on boiled Spinach!!!

As Aye,


29 Dec 09 - 07:36 PM (#2798866)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: gnomad

Just to respond to open mike's semi-question of 24 Dec, yeah, to a UK resident 'Sprouts' is enough to identify them; bean sprouts would be described as such, and are quite common, alfalfa sprouts would be pretty much unheard of outside seriously vegetarian circles.

30 Dec 09 - 02:34 AM (#2799043)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Backwoodsman

I thought Alfalfa was some dopey kid we used to see in some kinda dopey American comedy film at Saturday-Morning-Kids-Cinema (Gaumont, where I lived) back in the '50's .

"We come along on Saturday morning,
Greeting everybody with a smile..............
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

30 Dec 09 - 02:59 AM (#2799046)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: rangeroger

My brother absolutely loves them.Sautes them with lamb.
As far as I'm concerned,Brussel's sprouts lovers must have other serious character defects as well.

In my brother's case,I probaly taught him those defects.But Brussel's sprouts,he did that on his own.


30 Dec 09 - 06:42 AM (#2799142)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: GUEST,Dani

Roast! Roast!

Rinse, dry, put 'em on a baking sheet with plenty of extra virgin olive oil and some kosher salt (I like a lot), and roast at 450* for 20-30, shaking a few times to cook evenly, until their outsides are toasty brown. They will cook perfectly inside, not mushy, and taste like nothing else you've ever had. Even good leftover and cold!

I convert people regularly with this recipe, from Ina Garten.


30 Dec 09 - 07:42 AM (#2799177)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: scouse

Roasted!! I like the idea of that I'll try them when I roast me Parsnips!!

As Aye,


30 Dec 09 - 08:31 AM (#2799200)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Ed T

I ate Brussel Sprouts before eating them was cool:

30 Dec 09 - 04:47 PM (#2799572)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Jim Dixon

There seems to be an assumption here that sprouts are traditionally eaten at Christmas. Well, that was not part of any tradition I grew up with. In fact, I don't think my mother ever bought or cooked them at all. I didn't discover them until I was an adult. I have never heard of such a tradition here in Minnesota. You can live a long time in Minnesota without being offered a Brussels sprout.

Now alfalfa sprouts are a different thing altogether. Likewise onion sprouts, radish sprouts, bean sprouts—often used in salads or as a garnish on sandwiches.

Where do people eat Brussels sprouts at Christmas? And how long has this tradition existed?

30 Dec 09 - 04:53 PM (#2799576)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Rasener

England and for yonks

However we eat Brussels Sprouts on a regular basis, but Christmas Day is it.

30 Dec 09 - 06:04 PM (#2799616)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Dave MacKenzie

Scotland too, and again whenever they're available.

31 Dec 09 - 11:51 AM (#2800106)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: GUEST,Steamin' Williw

Fartin' Crackers?

Love 'em.

Saw a recipe on the telly a few weeks ago and gave it a try;

Par boil, push one end slightly flat and push in black pudding to make it round again, (about 60% farting cracker, 40% black pudding.)

Dip in batter that has a dash of balsamic vinegar in it and deep fry till crispy brown.


01 Jan 10 - 09:14 AM (#2800744)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Big Phil

Remove a couple of the outer leafs.
Cut in half.
Place in boiling water for 4 mins.
Drain, nob of butter, salt and pepper.



01 Jan 10 - 07:59 PM (#2801117)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Suegorgeous

Can't believe you're all STILL discussing Brussels sprouts! mind you.... they're worth it.... mmmmmmm

01 Jan 10 - 08:14 PM (#2801125)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Tug the Cox

A must for 'bubble and squeak'.

02 Jan 10 - 03:20 AM (#2801246)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Seamus Kennedy

My favorite, had it thrice over the holidays:

2 lbs. sprouts washed with outer leaves removed.
Score stems with a cross.
Steam for 5 mins or till bright green.
Toss with balsamic vinegar and chopped dried cranberries.


02 Jan 10 - 05:29 AM (#2801295)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: freda underhill

well, I've been lurking here for some days. Tonight I had brussels sprouts with tofu, tamari and a bit of tahini.


02 Jan 10 - 01:13 PM (#2801631)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: CarolC

How did you cook your tofu? Did you crumble it up over the sprouts, or did you fry it separately, or something different? I think tofu is great with broccoli, too (crumbled up with the sprouts in the pan and some butter).

02 Jan 10 - 08:50 PM (#2801978)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: freda underhill

Carol I use firm tofu and chop it into squares. At present I'm not frying anything, so it was steamed with the sprouts and some other green veg, and the tamari and tahini stirred in.


02 Jan 10 - 08:57 PM (#2801983)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: olddude

I like EM

02 Jan 10 - 09:05 PM (#2801985)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Ed T

Oh well, why not? Wine is made with just about everything:

03 Jan 10 - 12:45 AM (#2802066)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: rangeroger

People who eat tofu must have others serious character defects as well.

03 Jan 10 - 12:50 AM (#2802068)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: CarolC

Yes, we do, and they are delicious.

03 Jan 10 - 08:55 PM (#2802594)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: Suegorgeous

Tofu, YUM

03 Jan 10 - 09:03 PM (#2802597)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: bobad

Ain't much yum in tofu, IMO, the yum comes from what you add to it. Tofu in black bean sauce is good.

04 Jan 10 - 06:01 AM (#2802816)
Subject: RE: BS: (Brussels) Sprouts
From: freda underhill

that's so true (character defects and black bean sauce!)