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BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News

11 Jan 10 - 09:43 PM (#2809626)
Subject: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

She'll get even with them now!

11 Jan 10 - 10:06 PM (#2809640)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Rapparee

Truthfully? I don't give rat's anal opening if she goes to Hell and pulls the hole in after her.

11 Jan 10 - 10:18 PM (#2809647)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bill D

She said it was a real honor to be joining an organization so...**cough** dedicated to **giggle** fair **gasp** and **choke** balanced reporting.

11 Jan 10 - 10:21 PM (#2809648)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Stilly River Sage

Is anyone surprised? ANYONE?

It's a perfect fit. Dumb and Dumber.


11 Jan 10 - 10:22 PM (#2809650)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Alice

She will quit, just like everything else, she won't last the distance.

11 Jan 10 - 10:23 PM (#2809652)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: EBarnacle

As SRS says, "A perfect fit." Now it's official that she can say whatever she wants with no relationship to the truth.

11 Jan 10 - 10:48 PM (#2809658)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News

Does this reveal more about Sarah Palin, or about Fox News?
Perhaps both?
Can't wait to hear from DougR.

11 Jan 10 - 10:55 PM (#2809661)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Beer

Fantastic! Yahoooo!!! Hip hip Hooray!! This should be the end of her run for the White House.
Beer (adrien)

11 Jan 10 - 10:59 PM (#2809662)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: open mike

she;s going "to" them to do what?
be a reporter?
be on the comedy show?
the hunting and fishing show?
lipstick on a pig show?
literary hour and book review?
maybe the hockey mom show?

Sarah Palin ... unaware that Africa was a continent....

11 Jan 10 - 11:07 PM (#2809669)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

I'm glad. Now I can ignore her.

11 Jan 10 - 11:08 PM (#2809670)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

On the other hand, does that mean that Palin will have to leave Alaska? The state she loves so much? sob

11 Jan 10 - 11:22 PM (#2809673)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Stilly River Sage

Is in crocodile tears? Or alligator tears? I never could remember which, Ebbie. ;-D You must feel so lucky right now! Sarah is getting out of Dodge. . .


11 Jan 10 - 11:29 PM (#2809676)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

"Fantastic! Yahoooo!!! Hip hip Hooray!! This should be the end of her run for the White House."

Don't dream. Fox News has shown throughout the last presidential election that there is no difference (for them) between politics and "news".

Further this keeps her fresh in the face of her demographic, stoking her own popularity and milking the Fox name. It's hard to think of a better move for her if she wants to be the Repuglican candidate for 2012.

I'm beginning to wonder if the whole dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks thing wasn't an act that backfired, rather than what's under the mask. This is a genius move and either shows she's smarter than she lets on, or has very very good handlers. Of course her constituents don't want her to be too smart, because smart people make them feel intimidated. Hence the act. They don't read (other than Danielle Steele novels) so they don't want their candidates to read, so Palin pretended she didn't read. I'm really rethinking her in the light of this announcement. And what comes up is far, far scarier than she appeared in the 2008 race (objects in Fox are scarier than they appear).

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

11 Jan 10 - 11:32 PM (#2809679)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Mousethief! You're frightening me.

11 Jan 10 - 11:40 PM (#2809684)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Amos

Scary possibility, Alex. BW, I am very glad you're back around these parts!


11 Jan 10 - 11:40 PM (#2809685)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Lighter

What a dingbat. I hope Fox teams her up with the Huck. They deserve each other.

Mad magazine shows her in costume as "Blunder Woman in 'Escape from Alaska!'" Zipping into the ionosphere she boasts, "The only way not to Fail is to Quit!"

The same journalists who got Harry Reid in hot water report that staffers had to brief Gov. P. on why there are two Koreas. Apparently when her soldier son went to Iraq while she was on the hustings, she had no idea who the enemy was supposed to be.

A fairer and fuller presentation than I can give:

11 Jan 10 - 11:43 PM (#2809688)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

Thanks Amos, me too! :)

12 Jan 10 - 12:10 AM (#2809703)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: wysiwyg

Hey Teef!


I'm just glad to know what to which padded cell she'll now be confined. And I am sure this will suit her aspirations more than the actual work it takes to be president.

Since we already avoid Fox Noise, this will work out great, for us!


12 Jan 10 - 12:56 AM (#2809716)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

Hey Wizzy!

We avoid all television news by not having cable, dish, antenna, or reception. Essentially no TV except to watch DVDs. Suits us great!


12 Jan 10 - 08:23 AM (#2809893)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Delusional meets delusional... Sounds like a perfect match to me...

12 Jan 10 - 08:25 AM (#2809897)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Except when the last of the big newspapers finally collapse, Fox will be driving the agenda for news in America. It won't be any less truthful; it will just be coming from the other side.

12 Jan 10 - 09:05 AM (#2809935)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

excerpt from Person Magazine:

A new TV season promises much to crumudgeon about. The seachange in programing is earth shaking and will be bigger than moving Leno back to Late nite.

A new TV show will feature an 'aproslitute' extrordinaire.
The all new FOX sparkling mega blockbuster that goes beyond fair and balanced with no spin or left wing biased commufascist propoganda.l than Pravda, Wall St. Journal or The New York Post. "It is not about mealy moutherate right wing propoganda" says Reverend Dobson.
However there are signs of progressive policies at the studio with the opening of the new day care center for young abstinence mothers.

The show promises to increase your blood circulation, if not your blood preassure, by daring to examine and discuss facts created just for this show. Other shows will fade out of sight like Oprah and The View compared to the all NEW TEA TIME WITH SARAH PALIN.
The anticipation is already at fever pitch especially since her first guest will be God. If all goes well he might become a holy Co-Host. I suspect that there will be a rotating co host to keep things new and fresh.

While it is not clear if the show will be weekly, daily or hourly, it will become a challenge for the producers and editors at FOX to mamage such a huge production. There is talk that Brian Seacrest might produce Tea Time which some think is a more upbeat choice than Roger Ailes.

Finding sponsors is no problem so far like it is at Glen Beck's show but in a surprising move both Lipton and Earl Grey have declined to advertise on the Sarah Palin show, but Weapon Manufacturers are clamoring to climb aboard. IT may be the first time we even get to see small arms companies advertising side by side with Boneva, Cialis and Budweiser.

Person Magazine is a sole subsidery of Donuel Enterprises.

12 Jan 10 - 09:13 AM (#2809939)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

Wanted: editor and spell checker for PErson Magazine. Fact checkers need not apply.

12 Jan 10 - 09:26 AM (#2809948)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: McGrath of Harlow

At some time there's going to be a viable Presidential candidate whose power base is as a showbiz celebrity, and who is even less fit to do the job than Dubya was (if that is possible).

12 Jan 10 - 10:05 AM (#2809983)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Lighter

We had one already, Ronald Reagan, and GWB made him look good (comparatively speaking, of course).

Jesse Ventura is the pro wrestler who was elected Governor of Minnesota. Now that his term's up he's got an "actuality" TV series (edited a little like Stone's "JFK") that blows the lid off such topics as why the government may have seen that special paint was used inside a WTC building to make the collapse more certain, how the Pentagon may have generated the 2004 tsunami, and how Manchurian Candidates, zombified here and abroad, may walk among us.

The former Governor intones, "I've seen confidential information! Classified documents! Top-secret files! And now...I'm ready to TALK!"

Through his hat, of course.

12 Jan 10 - 10:06 AM (#2809985)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

I welcome her move to Fox noise. Even the fox audience has some intelligent viewers and her lack of knowledge will be apparent even to them.
The more you stir a turn the more it stinks.

Did anyone watch 60 minutes? Steve Schmitz stated that she knows nothing! Hell, she don't even SUSPECT nothing'!

12 Jan 10 - 10:25 AM (#2810004)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I agree with Lighter about Ronald Reagan, but I like Jesse Ventura. If he'd been a candidate of a major party--no matter which one--he'd probably still be in politics.

12 Jan 10 - 10:41 AM (#2810019)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Michael

So Sarah Palin fox off?


12 Jan 10 - 11:23 AM (#2810057)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

This is not a bad thing for the Democrats. It both makes Palin more likely to get the Republican nomination and less likely to increase her base of support among "moderate Republicans" and "Independents".

On the other hand, the best thing Fox could do would be to give her a sports show that once in a while covers politics. That would maximize her exposure and minimize her opportunities to screw up. Thank your lucky stars that Fox does not have the Superbowl this year.


Wouldn't a debate between Olbermann and Palin about sports be a fun diversion?

12 Jan 10 - 11:25 AM (#2810062)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

It would have to be in mime. Olbermann is even more clueless than Palin.

12 Jan 10 - 11:39 AM (#2810075)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

I make a prediction: It will not be long before Fox Figures become disenchanted with the lovely Sarah. That will be because she will almost immediately attempt a takeover from established talking heads.

Further: Fox "news" itself will not be alarmed; they will welcome the controversies that will keep Fox in the forefront.

12 Jan 10 - 11:46 AM (#2810081)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I think you're right, Ebbie. On both counts.

12 Jan 10 - 12:20 PM (#2810113)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bill D

I have said for months..(right here in the Mudcat threads).. that Sarah is just being coy about running for office. She has what she wants...fame, of the sort that brings in endless money! Being governor was HARD... being silly & controversial is EASY... and the suckers keep paying her.


and Riggo: "Olbermann is even more clueless than Palin.

Not as clueless as anyone who would make such a comparison. You just don't like Olbermann's attitude and politics. He is one of the brighter lights out there.

12 Jan 10 - 12:36 PM (#2810125)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

He reads the party line on the air. Even Ronald Reagan could do that.

12 Jan 10 - 12:38 PM (#2810127)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Greg F.

Even the Fox audience has some intelligent viewers...

Documentation, please.

12 Jan 10 - 12:43 PM (#2810130)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bill D

"He reads the party line on the air."

Sure...he is obvious about his politics and principles. That doesn't make him 'clueless'.

SARAH had to be told that there was a difference between North Korea & South Korea. THAT's clueless~!

12 Jan 10 - 12:44 PM (#2810132)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

Olbermann, party line, which party? Do you even watch Olbermann?

12 Jan 10 - 01:15 PM (#2810156)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

Republicans opt for the mega Hollywood star politician or even a B movie star yet they are the ones to cry foul when hollywood types throw in their two cents.

Shirley Temple, Sonny Bono, Ronnie, Arnold,
Alan Autry (Mayor of Fresno, California)
Raj Bhakta (Republican) (unsuccessful candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, Pennsylvania)
Sonny Bono (Republican) (U.S. Representative, 44th District of California)
Shirley Temple Black (Republican) (U.S. diplomat; Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia, Chief of Protocol of the United States)
Clint Eastwood (Republican, but describes himself as Libertarian) (Mayor of Carmel, California)
Al Franken (Democrat) (U.S. Senator, Minnesota)
Helen Gahagan (Democrat) (U.S. Representative, 14th District of California)
John Gavin (Republican) (U.S. diplomat; Ambassador to Mexico)
Fred Grandy (Republican) (U.S. Representative, Iowa)
Ben Jones (Democrat) (U.S. Congressman, 4th District of Georgia)
Sheila Kuehl (Democrat) (California State Senator)
Nancy Kulp (Democrat) (unsuccessful nominee for U.S. House of Representatives, Pennsylvania)
Robert Montgomery (Republican)
George Murphy (Republican) (U.S. Senator, California)
Stephen Peace (Democrat) (California State Senator)
Ronald Reagan (Republican) (Governor of California, President of the United States)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (Republican) (Governor of California)
Jerry Springer (Democrat) (Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio)
Fred Thompson (Republican) (U.S. Senator, Tennessee and unsuccessful presidential nominee))
Jesse Ventura (formerly Reform; currently Independence Party of Minnesota) (Governor of Minnesota)
Ralph Waite (Democrat) (unsuccessful nominee for U.S. House of Representatives)
Frank Britton Wenzel (Mayor of Malverne, New York)
and he's good enough, he's proud enough...Al Franken. DEMOCRAT?

Goodbye California. They are headed to not merely a magor fault line but a full scale default.
Once California was crippled by Enron by giving Enron 5 billions for trumped up phoney energy costs...its fate was sealed. IT will fail.
How can it be saved?
Arnold will take a bold action to save California from bankruptcy.
He can either sell shares to multinational corporations whose boards will act as the goverment. PErhaps Goldman Sachs, AIG or Bank of America could buy it.
He could sell California to China.

12 Jan 10 - 01:30 PM (#2810175)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Amos

He could try, but the Chinese would correctly see it as comparable to buying a very large box of rabid weasels in heat.


12 Jan 10 - 02:07 PM (#2810208)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

Chongo says this is a brilliant move by Sarah....and frankly, I think he's a bit envious. He's been trying for months to get a regular spot on Fox News himself to represent the Primate viewpoint.

"The specist bastards turned me down every time!", he rages. Chongo hates Fox now. He says he is going to shut them down if it's the last thing he ever does (after he becomes president).

12 Jan 10 - 02:10 PM (#2810213)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

I think Chongo is better suited to MSNBC, He could replace Mika on Morning Joe.

12 Jan 10 - 02:12 PM (#2810215)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Amos

Fox' broadcasting style is more up his alley, though.


12 Jan 10 - 02:43 PM (#2810238)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bill D

I was down in my shop, thinking about Rig's comment that "he reads the party line on the air".
Now, I do disagree that it is that simple....I have heard him question 'party' lines numerous times, but I was thinking how recent it is that we even HAVE any liberalish commentators on the TV.
Just a few years ago, all I saw was Rush, Joe Scarborough, and the various shills on Fox. Someone even tried to use Al Franken as a 'funny' liberal pundit for several months, and it simply didn't sell. Franken can be either a comedian or a politician (it is not relevant whether you think he is good at either one), but he couldn't do both at the same time.

   Suddenly, there was MSNBC allowing well-done commentary to air and not only showing the liberal side of things, but poking holes in off-the-wall conservative BS to boot!
Then they found Rachel, and she (and an amazing staff!) began making the liberal alternative views clear, compelling...and sometimes, even funny! I still look into Fox now & then, because you can't debate your opponents wisely unless you are clear on just what they have said. MSNBC, sadly, doesn't do news much on the weekends, but maybe it's just as well...I'd never get any shop work done.

12 Jan 10 - 03:11 PM (#2810271)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

I agree that Rachel is the Liberal viewpoint on MSNBC.

Keith is poking at Obama about half as much as he poked as Bush, but he remains a critic of the government in power.

I suspect that there will never be part organ for the Democrats in the way that Fox is a party organ for the Republicans.

12 Jan 10 - 03:20 PM (#2810279)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: GUEST,Q as guest

12 Jan 10 - 03:27 PM (#2810284)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: GUEST,Q as guest

Fox News is part of News Corporation, a company with over 150 subsidiaries, the second largest media conglomerate and the world's largest entertainment conglomerate.
It is very profitable- don't knock it, buy its stock (NY Exchange).
It is the future!

It started out as an Australian outfit, hence its upside-down policies.

12 Jan 10 - 05:32 PM (#2810378)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ed T

Give her a month....and she will have the name changed to Vixen News.

12 Jan 10 - 05:42 PM (#2810389)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Stilly River Sage

Good one, Ed! :)

12 Jan 10 - 05:50 PM (#2810394)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: gnu

I've said it many times... I think she is a fox!

12 Jan 10 - 06:36 PM (#2810428)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Lox


I was watching the British satirical politics quiz "Have I Got News for You" the other night (it might have been a re-run) when it was joked:

"Sarah Palin should get a job on Fox, she'd be perfect - go on sarah, cash in while the goings good"

As is often the case, good satire is often outdone by reality.

12 Jan 10 - 06:48 PM (#2810438)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

She'll do well there. One needs to have a lot of cash in order to run for office in America anyway.

12 Jan 10 - 06:50 PM (#2810444)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: artbrooks

Clearly a match made in ...heaven.

12 Jan 10 - 07:56 PM (#2810502)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

Oh for the days when people such as Walter Cronkite and Gabriel Heater gave us the news in 15 minutes. It was news, not opinions or any crap that is spewed out to increase ratings. I get enough entertainment, or what passes for it, on most of the 98 channels.

12 Jan 10 - 09:05 PM (#2810533)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Still, when there were only three networks, they all seemed to agree on what to talk about. Some of the most important events might not have gotten covered at all.

12 Jan 10 - 10:47 PM (#2810581)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bill D

Now, the competition for viewers and 24/7 coverage... and more importantly, technological access to images and information that used to be hard to find, has made politicians subject to such intense scrutiny that NO ONE escapes being examined 17 ways from Sunday over petty stuff.... and it is getting harder to separate 'petty stuff' from important issues.

12 Jan 10 - 10:59 PM (#2810589)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Oh, she is profound. She will be a great hit.

On Bill O'Reilly tonight:

""There is an obvious disconnect between President Obama and the White House, what they are doing to our economy and what they are doing in terms of not allowing Americans to feel as safe as we had felt," she said."

12 Jan 10 - 11:16 PM (#2810595)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

That will be the headline tomorrow morning--"How Did Obama Become Disconnected From His House?" It will sell papers and a thousand news anylists will become instantly employed in the process of trying to figure it out.

12 Jan 10 - 11:17 PM (#2810596)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: GUEST,999

That woman will single-handedly destroy what's left of the English language (post Bush). Death, where is thy sting!

12 Jan 10 - 11:31 PM (#2810601)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jeri

I think he's 'gone folk'.

13 Jan 10 - 12:48 AM (#2810638)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

I haven't listened to the interview yet - don't have the stomach for it - but here is the quote that got me: "...what they (the Obama administration, I guess) are doing in terms of not allowing Americans to feel as safe as we had felt,"

What is she thinking? Putting it into her words, I imagine she is thinking something like this: Under President George Bush we always felt so safe, knowing there was a good Christian man at the helm, a good family man, a devoted husband, a man who was content to turn the wheel over to God. Everybody was comfortable with George Bush. The 9/11 attacks? Oh, that was unfortunate. We should probably have seen that the threat under President Clinton was gathering steam and was bound to explode soon. You betcha.

13 Jan 10 - 01:02 AM (#2810648)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

You mean you DON'T feel less safe with George Bush no longer in command??????


13 Jan 10 - 02:23 AM (#2810671)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Oh, dear, dear Dubya.

13 Jan 10 - 07:12 AM (#2810784)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

With god at the helm, the executives can leave the bridge. No need to worry.

13 Jan 10 - 09:00 AM (#2810850)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: John MacKenzie

Wear the Fox hat?

13 Jan 10 - 09:34 AM (#2810876)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

Alaska? The Italians call it, "Upper U.S"

13 Jan 10 - 11:31 AM (#2810977)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Ha, I say. In Alaska we refer to the rest of you collectively as 'down south' or as 'the lower 48'. Note that 48 is not even half of 100%.


13 Jan 10 - 11:56 AM (#2810999)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

I like the Italian description of Alaska..."Upper U.S."

13 Jan 10 - 01:03 PM (#2811054)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

Sorry, I'll just get me hat....

13 Jan 10 - 01:20 PM (#2811070)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Kendall, does that make Hawaii "Sideways U.S."? :)

13 Jan 10 - 01:29 PM (#2811077)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

Florida: drooping US?

13 Jan 10 - 01:42 PM (#2811087)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Smedley

Surely she really needs to be the central character in a sitcom - Everybody Loves Sarah ?? A new version of the Golden Girls with Barbara Bush as the oldest dame ?

13 Jan 10 - 04:12 PM (#2811195)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Nancy Reagan is available!

13 Jan 10 - 04:13 PM (#2811198)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Wesley S

Florida isn't drooping. It's flaccid.

13 Jan 10 - 04:54 PM (#2811227)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Lighter

One reason for her popularity is her intonation. She sounds as though she could be a great kindergarten teacher or a host on the Home Shopping Network.

13 Jan 10 - 05:14 PM (#2811246)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

I think she is popular because she is a characature... Of what I'm not sure... I think that differs from one group to another...

Personally, I like her because she is a dead ringer for my high school girlfriend so it all comes down to the way she looks... I suspect that has alot to do with why alot of men like her... I donno??? Might of fact, I think that is a good way to expose her (no, not that way, dang it...) to the women who support her... Just let women know that men like her for her looks and the women will drop her like a bad habit...

Speakin' of bad habits... I think it is great that she isgoing with Fox... Maybe Fox will have to register as a PAC??? I'm serious... If I were a high up Dem operative I'd be pushing for the Dems to be demandin' that FOX have to to just that...


13 Jan 10 - 05:35 PM (#2811272)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

Don't give them any ideas Bobert. They probably have enough tax deductions as it is.

Besides, we want her on Fox, preaching to the choir.

13 Jan 10 - 08:05 PM (#2811392)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

I saw Sarah Plain on FOX for an hour tonight being interviewed by a tearful Glen Beck. I heard many complaints of being picked on and a call to God but I didn't hear much about the plight of the Hatian people.

13 Jan 10 - 09:32 PM (#2811441)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Today it occurred to me that a stint at Fox News is so perfect for our Sarah I now believe that she has an advisor. I doubt very much that she is making these decisions on her own. Wonder who it is?

I still believe that the honeymoon phase will be a short one.

13 Jan 10 - 09:37 PM (#2811443)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: DougR

TIA: Can't wait to hear from Me? Ok. Ho Hum.


13 Jan 10 - 09:41 PM (#2811449)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

I think you're absolutely right, Ebbie, and I'm guessing that the secret advisor is Chongo. He's a pretty sharp cookie despite his rough language, and I think it was on his advice that Sarah went for the job at Fox. I think it was also on his advice that she titled her bestselling book "Going Rogue". That title just resounds with the brilliance of the "Chongo touch".

He won't admit to any of it, of course. He's playing his cards really close to his chest on this one, because his friend, Renata Carson, hates Sarah Palin with a passion and has told Chongo to stay away from her.

Donuel - What was Glenn Beck weeping about this time? Is he upset that none of the major networks gave much election coverage to the APP last year?

13 Jan 10 - 09:44 PM (#2811451)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News

Right up to par. Thanks Doug!

13 Jan 10 - 09:52 PM (#2811457)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: GUEST,999

Well, it'll keep her off the streets.

13 Jan 10 - 10:00 PM (#2811462)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

There's no indication she was selling it on the streets anyway.

13 Jan 10 - 10:07 PM (#2811467)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

If she was. Chongo would never have considered her as a potential running mate.

Nor would he have helped her out with the job at Fox.

13 Jan 10 - 10:09 PM (#2811471)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

lol Yep. That Chongo is quite a fella.

13 Jan 10 - 11:41 PM (#2811503)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

"I saw Sarah Plain on FOX for an hour tonight being interviewed by a tearful Glen Beck."

Sad. Eventually FOX won't need anything in the real world to report on at all. They can all interview one another in an indefinite round robin. Some of the other news networks do the same thing. News reporters are not news, people -- they report the news.

Reminds me of that line from "Show Biz Kids" by Steely Dan: "Show business kids making movies of themselves, you know they don't give a **** about anybody else."


14 Jan 10 - 03:20 AM (#2811573)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: JohnInKansas

So what did Leno really mean tonight with his:

"She finally found a job she's not underqualified for."



14 Jan 10 - 08:27 AM (#2811696)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Good point, mousetheif...

That is exactly what is happening here and the not-so-funny part about it is the fact that FOX has become an "un"reality show... Not-so-funnier yet is that the folks who are addicted to it couldn't care less if the stuff that FOX puts out is the truth or not???

What we have is a sub-culture of people who are not the informed electorate that Jeffereson said was needed if democracy was to work but people who are so pissed off over their own problems that they are ready and willing to believe anything, truth be damned... I believe that the term pathological enters in here somewhere...

Me thinks that everyone should be avble to vote but that only those who can answer 8-out-of-ten *factual* questions have their votes counted... Hey, they don't have to be hard questions... You know, like, ahhhhh... Is NASCAR one of the three branches of governemnt??? Yes____ No_____... I mean, we don't want to hurt anyone's head too bad here...


14 Jan 10 - 11:48 AM (#2811844)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: JohnInKansas

So help me out, Bobert,'cause I want to be able to vote next time around.

Is NASCAR one of the three branches of government?

I'm pretty sure Dick Cheney and the NFL are the other two, but of course I don't have cable so I only get local (Kansas) news reports on stupidtele vision.


14 Jan 10 - 02:23 PM (#2811932)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

Try as you will to understand the schtick of Glen Beck neo tea cons and aproslitutes like Plain and Ingram but in the end its all canned outrage.

We all know what it takes a cartoonist to be hated by muslims, draw a picture of Mohammed. I found out what cartoon it took to actually get attacked by conservatives. It was a cartoon of Rush Limbaugh. I kid you not.

14 Jan 10 - 02:41 PM (#2811946)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Be prepared! The Democratic programs will be dead in the water following the congressional elections.

Start packing! In 2012, maximum leader Palin will decree exile of left side of the coin supporters to the outer Aleutian Islands in an effort to increase the population and crab production of this barely habitable outpost of American sovereignty.

(Learning to hallucinate like Donuel and Bobert...)

14 Jan 10 - 03:48 PM (#2811996)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Can crabs be trained to eat liberals?

14 Jan 10 - 04:00 PM (#2812008)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Alaskan Crabs eat omnivorously, but mostly beware their claws (unless cooked).

14 Jan 10 - 04:39 PM (#2812047)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: gnu

Yo Alex.

Steely Dan... one of my favs!

14 Jan 10 - 05:04 PM (#2812065)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: GUEST,999

Well, she's almost as smart as Pat Robertson.

14 Jan 10 - 08:05 PM (#2812200)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

Was that Fagan? Sounded (and looked) more like Michael MacDonald.

14 Jan 10 - 08:59 PM (#2812246)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Actually Sarah's move changes remarkably little.   On balance it's probably is a net positive for her--and therefore a net negative for sanity in government.

As Jack points out, moderates may be turned off. But there are already precious few of us left--and I'd expect most have already found Sarah not what we had in mind in a president.

The Fox job is however a plus for her since you can bet any job on Fox can't possibly be that demanding, especially in time. Unless they forbid her from doing so--unlikely, I'd guess--she'll be free to roam the country making speeches on behalf of fellow reactionaries--of which there are a distressing number under the GOP banner.   Then in 2011-2012 she can collect on those debts.

Main problem the rest of us face is that the political scene remains virtually unchanged. If the economy remains stagnant--the Fed predicts 7% unemployment--still--in 2012-- this is not good for anybody in office. Obviously it's far too early to tell anything about 2012. But people either vote on the basis of a hot war or they vote on pocketbook issues. No reason to think 2012 will be different.   And if the economic issue proves a negative for President Obama, the question becomes: which Republican will be picked?.

And there the news is dire:   the signs point to Sarah.   We may not think much of her--but, believe it or not, Mudcat is not her target audience.

As I've noted elsewhere, the primary system is set up to reward passion.   It worked like a charm for Obama. But it's a two-edged sword. On the Republican side the true believers' top issues are 1) anti-abortion and 2) gun rights. Anybody doubt that, as the only one to "walk the walk", she has the anti-abortion vote locked up tight?    And as the pin-up girl for the NRA, she has a strong position there too.

Intelligence of the candidates does not decide elections. More and more, it's obvious that Sarah considers herself the female Reagan. And if President Obama faces anything similar to 1980, it will be all over.

The only saving grace in all of this is that, thank God, it's a long way to 2012. A lot can happen.

14 Jan 10 - 09:05 PM (#2812251)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

"the primary system is set up to reward passion"

Absolutely. And funding too. The one with the most passion AND the right amount of funding wins.

14 Jan 10 - 09:09 PM (#2812255)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Passion is the root--it brings funding and everything else the candidate needs.

14 Jan 10 - 09:14 PM (#2812262)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

As I've also noted elsewhere, what killed Hillary's chances more than anything else was that she was perceived as being on the wrong side of the #1 passion-generating issue of the 2008 election--the Iraq war.

Irony is: she probably wasn't. And she could have easily established herself on the right side. But she had to admit she was wrong to support starting the war--and she refused to do that.

14 Jan 10 - 09:19 PM (#2812266)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

Yes, I agree...that was THE error for Hillary Clinton. Most politicians, it seems, would rather face decapitation than admit they made a mistake in a major policy decision.

14 Jan 10 - 09:37 PM (#2812279)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

"The one with the most passion AND the right amount of funding wins."

          I think funding might trump passion, it depends on the target audience. When George Soros bankrolled, he was on the road to buying a president.

14 Jan 10 - 09:39 PM (#2812281)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

The other possibility for Hillary is that she was too clever by half. Knowing the success of Bill's triangulation strategy, she tried doing it even before she got into office. Bad mistake.

Right from the start she envisioned running in the general election--when you have to run to the center usually.

However, you do have to get your party's nomination first.   So you have to get the true believers in passion-generating issues on your side.   She turned off the anti-war people bigtime. Obama welcomed them. And after 8 years of GWB, huge numbers were ready for "change".

Then McCain self-destructed by proving clueless at the height of the financial crisis. And that, more than anything else, made the difference for Obama.

14 Jan 10 - 09:41 PM (#2812284)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Rig--you don't read very carefully ever, do you?   Passion brings funding. If Soros had not had passionate belief in Obama, how much do you think he would have contributed?

14 Jan 10 - 09:46 PM (#2812289)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

And nobody "buys" a president. Nobody intelligent even thinks they can.   A rich person may think they have a degree of control. And finds out it ain't necessarily so.

If you think anybody has "bought" a president--ever-- let's have specifics.

You're great at stupid cynical remarks--one of the best.   Evidence?--a bit shy on that.

14 Jan 10 - 09:52 PM (#2812295)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

So it seems, Rig, that your bitterness at Obama's election remains. Poor boy. Any explanation will do for you--except that he won it fair and square--and the others lost it, not due to any conspiracy, or anybody pulling strings, but due to their own mistakes.

14 Jan 10 - 09:53 PM (#2812296)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Evidence--Soros in not capable of passion, Ron. If he was directed by passion he wouldn't control billions of dollars--David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel tell the president every move to make. It's a setup that works very well for George Soros.

14 Jan 10 - 10:04 PM (#2812304)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Typical hogwash from you--see, I didn't say "drivel"--- Rig.   If somebody has money, he may well want to support causes he believes in. If you don't think Soros believes in many of the same causes as Obama, then, as usual, you need to do more reading.   Have you ever read anything by Soros at all?

Not that insight would ever penetrate your bitter cynicism.

As I said, too bad you're still whining about the election and still desperately searching for any explanation for Obama's victory except the truth--that he won it fair and square--and the others lost it due to their mistakes.

14 Jan 10 - 11:10 PM (#2812327)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I'm not whining, Ron. I just thought it was important to state the obvious so eventually you might come to understand it. So far, I think Obama has done a good job, given the situation he was facing to start out with.

                  RE: People with money. Sometimes it might pay even a casual observer to look into how he/she came to have money in the first place.

14 Jan 10 - 11:26 PM (#2812332)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Didn't Soros support Hillary Clinton originally?

15 Jan 10 - 07:02 AM (#2812501)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Possibly, maybe he just found a candidate he liked better.

15 Jan 10 - 07:08 AM (#2812504)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

As usual, Rig, you're all wet.   As was said in another context, your ignorance is like rotting mackerel by moonlight:   it shines and stinks.

As Ebbie has pointed out, Hillary and Soros were close long before Obama entered the picture in a big way.   There are even books decrying this:   try Horowitz:    Shadow Party:   How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party.

And as to Soros' causes, and the degree to which a rich man has control of politics:   Soros 11 November 2003:   Washington Post:   getting GWB out of office is the "central focus of my life".   He gave over $23 million to groups dedicated to beating GWB.   We see how successful he was.

He has pumped huge amounts of money into causes he believes in. Time magazine cited 2 in 2007:   $100 million toward "infrastructure for regional Russian universities,and $50 million to the Millennium Promise to eradicate extreme poverty in Africa".

Too bad you're still bitter about the 2008 election. It must be terrible to be you:   afraid of all sorts of imaginary conspiracies involving Mexicans, Catholics, etc. and now afraid of rich people too.   And of course you remain blissfully free of any real knowledge of any of your imaginary adversaries--by the simple act of refusing to do research on anything.

15 Jan 10 - 07:34 AM (#2812514)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Hey, ya'll... If ya'll wanta squabble about Hillary start a Hillary thread...

...'cause this thread is about Miss Sarah...

Sheeesh... Right LH???


15 Jan 10 - 07:45 AM (#2812523)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Also:   "Maybe he just found another candidate he liked better."

For once you have stumbled across a fact.    Now if you only read what you yourself have written, you may start to understand.    Yes, he found he liked Obama better.   Why?   Partly because he realized Hillary was a sinking ship.   The point is, a rich person can seek to influence the outcome of an election--but only by picking a candidate who already has much to offer to the electorate in general. And far from "buying" a president, the rich person has to guess which candidate would be the strongest, and support that person--and be willing to change if he or she guesses wrong.

In that respect it's actually very close to making up a harmony to a song you've never heard before--you make an educated guess as to where the song is going--but be ready to change immediately if you guess wrong.

In fact a lot of corporate sponsors support both Republicans and Democrats--so they won't be out in the cold no matter which party wins a given election.

And yes, contrary to another cynical view fondly held by some Mudcatters, there is in fact often a difference between the Republican and the Democrat on a given issue.

15 Jan 10 - 07:46 AM (#2812524)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

You're a lot like the mainstream news establishment, Ron, or the Bush Administration's march to war in Iraq. You only choose to research and retain information from sources that support your previously concocted conclusions.
                The problem with people like Soros is, they get to pick and choose which causes and groups get the money. If they'd been paying their fair share of taxes over the years, they'd have less money and more people would be involved in deciding how the money was spent.

                By the way, are you citing the same Horowitz who is constantly trying to destroy Jimmy Carter?

15 Jan 10 - 07:49 AM (#2812526)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Sorry, Bobert.   But when you talk politics--and that is at base what this thread is about--the significance, or lack thereof, of Sarah's move to Fox----it helps to refer to past political events.   Or do you also think Reagan is not germane to this thread?

15 Jan 10 - 07:50 AM (#2812530)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Wrong again, Rig.   I cite quite a few sources. You cite none.

Your credibility is in direct proportion.

15 Jan 10 - 07:53 AM (#2812533)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

David Horowitz.   Time for you to do some research, Rig.

15 Jan 10 - 07:58 AM (#2812546)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Nah, Ron, ol' buddy...

I can see a little drift here and there... Afterall, it is the BS section but sometimes drift can get ya a little too far from the shore...

As for Ronnie??? Barely germane??? More germane to the question "Under whoes administration did Boss Hog turn the tide in his war against the New Deal???" Yeah, Ronnie is the correct answer...

As for Soros??? Yeah, if he and his rich buddies hadn't coralled all the money for themselves I don't think we would be in the mess we are in these days...

BTW... Yeah, I like Ms. Sarah... Not enough to watch FOX but I like her... Kinda woman that you'd like to have a beer with and maybe take out for a little deep sea fishin' (wink, wink...) that is if you were a single kinda guy and weren't subject to sea sickness but...

...the ol' gal is dumber than a box of creek rocks when it comes to runnin' anything... Other than her very pretty mouth, that is...


15 Jan 10 - 08:35 AM (#2812580)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

>> If you think anybody has "bought" a president--ever-- let's have specifics.

Big business, especially big oil, bought Bush-Cheney's election.

If anyone "bought" Obama's election it was thousands of small donors.

15 Jan 10 - 08:52 AM (#2812598)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Yes, Ron, that's right, David Horowitz. Here's the title of an article he published in December of 2006.

Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater, Genocide-Enabler, Liar
By David Horowitz | December 14, 2006

          It's time for you to do a little research, Ron. Learn to look a little further than the headlines.

15 Jan 10 - 09:30 AM (#2812633)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

David Horowitz ain't exactly an objective source... Word on the street is that even his kids and wife hate him and the dog runs when he sees ol' Dave...

But, ya' gotta give David credit... He is an equal-opportunity kinda cranky person...


15 Jan 10 - 11:54 AM (#2812731)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

He forgot "goldfish-abuser, snot-eater, and peanut smuggler". ;-)

15 Jan 10 - 01:33 PM (#2812827)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

I hadn't heard about the peanuts... Danged, that's it fir me... See if I ever say anything nice about the man again 'cept, of course, when he's into his bash the "other guys" mode.... Like I said, he doesn't much care who he's bashing as long as he is bashin' someone...

15 Jan 10 - 01:41 PM (#2812835)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Anyone who doesn't like peanuts is no friend of mine.

Who's whore's wits?

15 Jan 10 - 02:30 PM (#2812893)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: beardedbruce

"If anyone "bought" Obama's election it was thousands of small donors. "

WHo donated LESS than the corporate sponsors.

PLease LOOK at the numbers for donations to Obama. Yes, he got more donations under the limit for accountability than McCann, but he ALSO got a lot more of the large corporatioons and lobbiest's money.

Bought and paid for- just look at his payoffs to the unions.
GM- Unions get the assets, stockholders get the debt.
no taxes on THEIR expensive medical plans
control at the table for "job creation"

15 Jan 10 - 05:51 PM (#2813085)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Should the song be revived?

Palin, Sarah Palin,
Queen of the Wild Frontier.

Buy GM stock. It's on the upswing. Smart investors are making a pile on earlier folks' losses. Such is life!

Ontario Teachers Pension Fund owns a lot of prime NY real estate. The Exxon Pension Fund owns the Exxon hadquarters and much else. So do other pension funds make money for the retirees.

BB, you should have had a job with a proper corporation and paid into the pension fund (yes, the union membership at GM paid their dues, and deservedly bought their employer!).

I am quite happy with my pension, which was set up in similar fashion to many other corporate pension funds.
Of course, I had to have been employed to get it.

15 Jan 10 - 06:12 PM (#2813111)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Like I have said, we have Ronnie Raygun and the Era of Deregulation to blame for folks losing their pensions... This has always been part of "The Plan" by the New Deal Haters (NDHs)... The governemnt can only sustain but so many of them until it cracks and then the US becomes like Haiti before the earthquake... The problem is that Ronnie and thr Deregulaots set in motion the demise of the working class... It was genious on their part... Just make the laws favor management and eventually labor will crumble... We have all had front row seats in the crumbling of the American labor movement...

Worst part about it is that Boss Hog couldn't have done it without the poorest paid worker in the country... Yup, Bubba and Billy Jean and all their neigbors have voted over and over aagainst their own best interests in order to keep Boss Hog fat and happy...

And the beat goes on...

BTW, for those of you who are happy with yer penions now, just wait until the government can no longer afford to insure them... Thatis right around the corner in Boss Hogs plan...



15 Jan 10 - 07:16 PM (#2813175)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Yes, all the stuff Raygun was told to read off his tele-prompter did a lot of damage to the country. Ironically, the people it did the least damage to were those folks who were working for government. He said government employees were the people he liked the least--at least that's what popped up on his tele-prompter--but the people he hurt the most worked for private industry.

15 Jan 10 - 08:46 PM (#2813251)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ron Davies

Rig, you really must have a New Year's resolution to understand nothing. And I think you'll easily be able to carry it out. You're off to a rousing start.

I never claimed Horowitz was objective in the least, just that he had written the book I cited.

Reagan:   It should be obvious to all concerned that if we discuss Sarah's plans, Reagan could not be more germane---his trajectory is exactly the one she has picked out for herself.

And as I noted, if the run-up to 2012 is anything like that to 1980, she may very well be able to do it.

And I'm still waiting for anybody to give me the name of one person who "bought" a president--ever. NB, one person, not "big business" --since Rig alleges, with no evidence whatsoever, that Soros "bought" or tried to "buy" Obama.

Even GWB's record is more complex than that.   And there are quite a few factors in both 2000 and 2004 which gave GWB the presidency twice.   And of course if I start listing them, I am in grave danger of offending somebody who thinks this sacred thread should be reserved for something else--who knows what.

It's also rather discouraging--and sure as hell not worth my time--to discuss with so many people who insist on simple--even simplistic--answers to complex questions.

Not even including Mr. Rig, whose answers are a bit less sensible than those of the wall in front of me.

15 Jan 10 - 09:13 PM (#2813271)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Well, Ron, I guess if you already have the answers there's no sense in trying to read the wall.

16 Jan 10 - 09:03 AM (#2813545)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Yeah, Rigs.... The governemnt employees have made out well... Except that along came privatization and the Air Traffic Controlers strike... This has been Boss Hog's answer to governemnt employees... Either get fired or get fired... You pick...

The odd thing is that according to a recent GAO report it costs the government $55,000 a year more for a Blackwater employee than it would to use an enlisted service person... Hmmmmmm??? Seems that Ronnie didn't think that one thru too well...

(But, Boderdz... Privatization wasn't Ronnie's idea at all... It was Boss Hog's...)

Yeah, yer right...


16 Jan 10 - 09:23 AM (#2813559)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Greg F.

Well, Ron, I guess if you already have the answers...

The Omniscient and All-Powerful Simple Seeker After Truth always has all the answers.

Get used to it.

16 Jan 10 - 09:48 AM (#2813566)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I don't know how I could have momentarily forgotten that, Greg

               You're right about the Blackwater Employees, Bobert. But I don't think it was because Reagan didn't think it through; I don't think he was capable of thinking. I suspect it didn't pop up on his tele-prompter, so he couldn't read it to the public.

16 Jan 10 - 03:05 PM (#2813815)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

Blackwater has black mailed the CIA. Thats right the CEO of Blackwater told them that if they try to prosecute him or his men they will spill the beans on all the CIA stuff they know about.

Blackwater seems to be using Al Qada and Taliban techniques against US agencies.

Blackwater acknowledges this but they call it Grey mail. Sounds less sinister don't you think?

Why does the CIA tolerate this? Cuz they like having the thin yet artificial line between them and war crimes. Its called deniability.

16 Jan 10 - 04:32 PM (#2813868)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: gnu

Sorry... I said I would not get into these types of threads... and I am sorry to proffer this...

I WONDER if the reason such a premium is paid for mercenaries has anything to do with the fact that an enlisted man might not pull the trigger? After all, mercenaries have NO concience.

16 Jan 10 - 08:33 PM (#2814006)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I suspect the mercenary can pull the trigger with less concern about war crimes.

17 Jan 10 - 12:32 PM (#2814303)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Mercenary has been degraded in its use.
Remember the Hessian mercenaries with the British forces in the Revolutionary War? They comprised one-fourth of British Forces. Some 5000 did not return and became part of the German-American settlers in the Colonies.

Many pre-9th C. armies contained large numbers of mercenaries.

17 Jan 10 - 12:38 PM (#2814306)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Pre-19th C armies, that is

17 Jan 10 - 09:32 PM (#2814660)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

And now there's this:

          Sarah Palin earns USD 100k for mag cover

    New York, Jan 16 : Sarah Palin's decision to quit her political role seems to be now making big financial sense.

    According to sources, Palin and her daughter, Bristol, earned an eye-popping 100,000 dollars for their new In Touch Weekly cover, reports the New York Post.

    By working for just eight hours' at her own home, Palin earned nearly as much as her 125,000-dollars-a-year salary as Alaska governor.

    Palin reportedly gets 100,000 dollars per public-speaking engagement, while she has a multiyear deal as a Fox News Channel analyst.

17 Jan 10 - 10:26 PM (#2814675)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

If money is all that matters to her, Palin has it made.

Oh yeah, she's a politician.

18 Jan 10 - 07:51 AM (#2814837)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Well, Rigs, it costs a bunch of money to run for president...

18 Jan 10 - 09:55 AM (#2814900)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

That's right, it does, and with the Reagan-Bush-BushII tax cuts, she can keep most of it so she'll be in pretty good shape in 2012. Good thing she dumped that stupid govenor's job.

18 Jan 10 - 02:14 PM (#2815084)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

Sarah Palin has achieved the American Dream. Fame, notoriety, job offers, wealth....

And she's still young enough to enjoy it too.

18 Jan 10 - 06:21 PM (#2815331)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

So why would she want to screw all of that up by running for public office?

18 Jan 10 - 06:34 PM (#2815346)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

Well...I sure wouldn't if I was in her position. ;-)

18 Jan 10 - 08:56 PM (#2815450)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Me neither!

18 Jan 10 - 09:40 PM (#2815476)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

The lure of power. Doesn't lure me. Then again rich and obscure, I could go for.


19 Jan 10 - 05:04 AM (#2815643)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Smedley

Interesting review here of Palin's 'autobiography':

Sorry if this has been posted before.

19 Jan 10 - 08:44 AM (#2815790)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

The writer states: (Palin doubtless also feels that she's on solid factual ground with Going Rogue, but it has been dismissed by senior McCain staffers as "total fiction".)

    It's beginning to look like senior McCain staffers were so intent on attacking Palin they forgot they were supposed to be working for McCain.
    McCain himself proved to be a questionable judge of character: first with the people who spent all his money so he had to start from ground zero with fund raising, to the staffers who happily sandbagged Sarah Palin, to Palin herself.
    Putting Palin in play, like he did, was a lot like "the break" at the start of a game of pool, who knows where the balls will end up?

19 Jan 10 - 12:50 PM (#2816012)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

Heh heh heh.........

19 Jan 10 - 12:57 PM (#2816016)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Smedley

Isn't that a demandingly long sentence for Sarah ?

19 Jan 10 - 01:00 PM (#2816018)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

No, she can handle cue cards. Apparently she has learned to read a bit since the election.

19 Jan 10 - 03:55 PM (#2816190)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

She seems a lot like Martha Coakley!

19 Jan 10 - 07:37 PM (#2816364)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall

This is what complacency gets you, this was supposed to be a slam dunk for the dems. ok, they asked for it.

20 Jan 10 - 06:06 AM (#2816598)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: kendall


20 Jan 10 - 04:09 PM (#2816973)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I wonder how much the underwear bomber had to do with it?

20 Jan 10 - 06:33 PM (#2817114)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

17% still favor Palin as President !!!

I really shouldn't pull a Republican false comparison BUT
17% of the population is borderline psychotic while only 1% of that group are fundamentally true psychotics.

20 Jan 10 - 09:31 PM (#2817232)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

It's a good thing for Scott Brown that she stayed away from Massachusetts.

21 Jan 10 - 07:45 PM (#2818140)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Last night she was being interviewed by O'Reilly. She's much better with a sympathetic interviewer.

21 Jan 10 - 10:13 PM (#2818175)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

Who isn't? Any hitter can hit soft pitches.


22 Jan 10 - 10:21 AM (#2818516)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Now she says she's going to campaign for John McCain for the senate. I was hoping Chris Simcox would take him out in the primary and we could get something real in the way of immigration reform.

23 Jan 10 - 09:41 AM (#2819374)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I wonder how she will do, facing the tea-bag crowd in Arizona?

23 Jan 10 - 10:04 AM (#2819400)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

Note that Palin's FOX news week of appearnces kept her away from Massacusetts.

SHe is easily manipulated, for a price, and will continue to be lured away from doing further damage to select republicandidates.

24 Jan 10 - 07:36 AM (#2820201)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

I don't think there are many folks out there who would deny that she's in it for the money.

          On the other hand, a string of frivolous law suits in Alaska almost drove her and her husband into bankruptcy. Just another example of how much advantage a wealthy candidate has in the
American system.

24 Jan 10 - 12:45 PM (#2820390)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Rig, the actual cost to her of those 'frivolous' lawsuits has been greatly inflated by Palin.

24 Jan 10 - 03:50 PM (#2820527)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Richard Bridge


24 Jan 10 - 03:56 PM (#2820531)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

Good thing that Mr and Mrs Clinton were never hounded by any lawsuits right after they got in office.

By any I mean 32.

24 Jan 10 - 07:08 PM (#2820738)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Not all of them were frivolous, by any means, Richard. In her book and previously, Palin stated that she was found not guilty of illegally interfering in the Troopergate (How tired I am of the 'gate' designation!) but the fact is that she was found guilty of violating ethics rules.

24 Jan 10 - 07:12 PM (#2820745)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

Chongo has been accused of violating ethics rules on hundreds of occasions, and it hasn't stopped him. Why should it stop Sarah Palin?

24 Jan 10 - 09:06 PM (#2820830)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

Because he is smarter?

24 Jan 10 - 09:18 PM (#2820837)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

Good point!

I'll have to rethink that whole concept.

24 Jan 10 - 09:36 PM (#2820841)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

There are internationally accepted exclusions for cultural differences that Chongo and his peers share.

While it would be inappropriate for Ebbie to sling her poo at Riginslinger, it is a normal cultural gesture of respect for Chongo.

25 Jan 10 - 08:41 AM (#2820945)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

"Rig, the actual cost to her of those 'frivolous' lawsuits has been greatly inflated by Palin."

                  Possibly, but there was an article on the web a month or so back about members of Congress who were being investigated for ethics violations. It turned out that a majority of the members under investigation were black. The article went on to say that Jane Harman probably would be placed under investication for leaking classified information to Israel, but do to the wealth of that member the committee passed her over because she would be in a postion to hire such a sophisticated legal team, she would be able to stymie the investication.

                  I think Palin has discovered the rich candidates fare better than poor candidates in the America system.

25 Jan 10 - 11:47 AM (#2821106)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

"Possibly, but there was an article on the web a month or so back about members of Congress who were being investigated for ethics violations. It turned out that a majority of the members under investigation were black." Rig

What's that about?

25 Jan 10 - 12:47 PM (#2821152)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: GUEST,Jayto

I think she is a perfect addition to Faux News. :)

25 Jan 10 - 01:17 PM (#2821175)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

"What's that about?"

          Ebbie - I was just trying to make the point that there are a lot of advantages to being independently wealthy if you want to hold public office in America.
          If you're poor, your political enemies can bog you down in an effort to render you impotent by continually slapping you with frivolous law suits. They couldn't do that to a wealthy candidate because he/she wouldn't have to borrow money to defend themselves. They could, in fact, counter sue and run the heritics to ground. A less well capitalized candidate is less able to do that.

26 Jan 10 - 10:12 AM (#2821673)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

This is going around the internet now:

Subject: Why They Have A Problem With Sara Palin

By Dewie Whetsell, Alaskan Fisherman.

The last 45 of my 66 years I've spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska . I understand Alaska politics but never understood national politics well until this last year. Here's the breaking point: Neither side of the Palin controversy gets it. It's not about persona, style, rhetoric, it's about doing things. Even Palin supporters never mention the things that I'm about to mention here.

1. Democrats forget when Palin was the Darling of the Democrats, because as soon as Palin took the Governor's office away from a fellow Republican and tough SOB, Frank Murkowski, she tore into the Republican's "Corrupt Bastards Club" (CBC) and sent them packing. Many of them are now residing in State housing and wearing orange jump suits The Democrats reacted by skipping around the yard, throwing confetti and singing, "la la la la" (well, you know how they are). Name another governor in this country that has ever done anything similar.

2. Now with the CBC gone, there were fewer Alaskan politicians to protect the huge, giant oil companies here. So she constructed and enacted a new system of splitting the oil profits called "ACES." Exxon (the biggest corporation in the world) protested and Sarah told them, "don't let the door hit you in the stern on your way out." They stayed, and Alaska residents went from being merely wealthy to being filthy rich. Of course, the other huge international oil companies meekly fell in line. Again, give me the name of any other governor in the country that has done anything similar.

3. The other thing she did when she walked into the governor's office is she got the list of State requests for federal funding for projects, known as "pork." She went through the list, took 85% of them and placed them in the "when-hell-freezes-over" stack. She let locals know that if we need something built, we'll pay for it ourselves. Maybe she figured she could use the money she got from selling the previous governor's jet because it was extravagant.

Maybe she could use the money she saved by dismissing the governor's cook (remarking that she could cook for her own family), giving back the State vehicle issued to her, maintaining that she already had a car, and dismissing her State provided security force (never mentioning - I imagine - that she's packing heat herself). I'm still waiting to hear the names of those other governors.

4. Now, even with her much-ridiculed "gosh and golly" mannerism, she also managed to put together a totally new approach to getting a natural gas pipeline built which will be the biggest private construction project in the history of North America. No one else could do it although they tried. If that doesn't impress you, then you're trying too hard to be unimpressed while watching her do things like this while baking up a batch of brownies with her other hand.

5. For 30 years, Exxon held a lease to do exploratory drilling at a place called Point Thompson. They made excuses the entire time why they couldn't start drilling. In truth they were holding it like an investment. No governor for 30 years could make them get started. Then, she told them she was revoking their lease and kicking them out. They protested and threatened court action. She shrugged and reminded them that she knew the way to the court house. Alaska won again.

6. President Obama wants the nation to be on 25% renewable resources for electricity by 2025. Sarah went to the legislature and submitted her plan for Alaska to be at 50% renewables by 2025. We are already at 25%. I can give you more specifics about things done, as opposed to style and persona Everybody wants to be cool, sound cool, look cool. But that's just a cover-up. I'm still waiting to hear from liberals the names of other governors who can match what mine has done in two and a half years. I won't be holding my breath.

By the way, she was content to return to AK after the national election and go to work, but the haters wouldn't let her. Now these adolescent screechers are obviously not scuba divers. And no one ever told them what happens when you continually jab and pester a barracuda. Without warning, it will spin around and tear your face off. Shoulda known better.

You have just read the truth about Sarah Palin that sends the media, along with the democrat party, into a wild uncontrolled frenzy to discredit her. I guess they are only interested in skirt chasers, dishonesty, immoral people, liars, womanizers, murderers, and bitter ex-presidents' wives.

So "You go, Girl." I only wish the men in Washington had your guts, determination, honesty, and morals. I rest my case. Only FOOLS listen to the biased media.

If you've read this far ...............................................

First Lady Michelle Obama's Servant List and Pay Scale

First Lady Requires More Than Twenty Attendants

1. $172,2000- Sher, Susan    (Chief Of Staff)

2. $140,000- Frye, Jocelyn C .    (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)

3. $113,000- Rogers, Desiree G    (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary)

4. $102,000- Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)

5. $100,000- Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

6. $90,000- Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)

8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)

9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)

10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)

11. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)

12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)

13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Dir ector of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)

14. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)

15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)

16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special=2 0Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)

17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)

18. $43,000 - Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)

19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)

21. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)

22. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

    (This is community organizing at it's finest.)

There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense, when even Hillary, only had three; Jackie Kennedy one; Laura Bush one; and prior to Mamie Eisenhower social help came from the President's own pocket.

Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe.


Copyright 2009 Canada FreePress.Com

Yes, I know, The Canadian Free Press has to publish this because the USA media is too scared they might be considered racist. Sorry USA!

26 Jan 10 - 10:28 AM (#2821689)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

Yes Rig, Its going around the Internet. If the writer of that was an Alaskan fisherman, I am a Nigerian Prince.

26 Jan 10 - 10:32 AM (#2821692)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Greg F.

Oh, yeah good old lyingsackof$

With such insightful recent screeds as
"Obama-Drooling Media Create Their Very Own Lame Duck","Keeping awake while Obama sings his Marxist Lullabye", and "Massachusetts Win: Obama Vows Retaliation Against American People".

From Wickipedia:

Canada Free Press and Garth Pritchard apologized in 2005 to David Pugliese and CanWest Global Media Works Publications Inc. for allegedly defaming them in an article written by Pritchard entitled "Bedroom Slipper Journalism". Pritchard had falsely accused Pugliese of not having any hands-on experience, and lacking credibility. In fact, Pugliese has reported from active war/conflict zones as well as peacekeeping operations.

Canada Free Press reports opinion pieces, rather than news. It has falsely listed Timothy F. Ball as "a renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the Univ. of Winnipeg", and indicated he possesses a "Ph.D. in Climatology" from the "University of London, Englend." Neither claim is correct, as the University of Winnipeg has no such department, as Ball was only a sessional lecturer in Geography in Winnipeg, and he obtained a Geography Ph.D. in London.

26 Jan 10 - 10:39 AM (#2821698)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Amos

I think it would be a lovely defense of the lady if only it were straight truth itself. But I doubt things are that simple.


26 Jan 10 - 10:42 AM (#2821702)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

More importantly, though, is he right about Michelle Obama's staff?

26 Jan 10 - 11:04 AM (#2821715)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

Yes Rig,

Its true, the First Lady of The United States has a staff and it takes people to run the White House Social Calendar.

26 Jan 10 - 11:07 AM (#2821716)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

My god. It's a lie from start to finish. Every single one of those numbered items is FALSE. Is that what the next election will sound like? Is noone held accountable?

26 Jan 10 - 11:25 AM (#2821733)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

If it's all lies...and I presume you know, Ebbie, since you are an Alaskan...then I wonder who put it all together and who is paying them to?

26 Jan 10 - 11:29 AM (#2821736)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie


I'm sorely afraid, Little Hawk, that this is the beginning of the onslaught. Every one of those claims is easily irrefutable- and they know it. But they also know that most people won't check.

I went to Whetsel's website. Allegedly he lived in Cordova, a small town on Prince William Sound. But then he goes on to say that he "continues to make music (horn player) in Anchorage."

Well, Anchorage is NOT a small town so he can't be speaking of it. And if he "makes music" in Anchorage, he has a hell of a commute.

26 Jan 10 - 11:42 AM (#2821745)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Greg F.

Every single one of those numbered items is FALSE. Is that what the next election will sound like?

Ask Douggie-Boy.

26 Jan 10 - 12:29 PM (#2821780)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

"Its true, the First Lady of The United States has a staff and it takes people to run the White House Social Calendar."

                I'd be surprised if any previous First Lady had a staff like that, though I don't know if the list is accurate either.

26 Jan 10 - 12:42 PM (#2821792)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Little Hawk

Just tell people what they want to hear...or expect to...and they will believe it.

This principle has long been understood by demagogues and propaganda ministers everywhere.

He who best controls the flow of propaganda WILL control the public consciousness, as long as the system that stands behind the propaganda is able to effectively maintain itself.

For instance, Nazi propaganda easily convinced millions of Germans that Poland was menacing Germany in 1939 and that a German attack on Poland was a justifiable act of self-defence. They continued convincing millions of Germans of various other unrealistic things. This was not because Germans are stupid people. It was because the Nazi government had very good control of the flow of propaganda through the media. The illusions didn't begin to collapse until the war was so clearly lost that the failure and madness of the Nazi system could no longer be hidden from the general public.

Anyone who wishes to believe that Sarah Palin is a political saviour and who hates the Obamas will naturally believe what was said in the Dewie Whetsell email. It's a way of encouraging the enthusiasm of the already converted.

By the other token, those who love Obama and hate Sarah Palin won't believe a word of it...but it isn't being sent out for them! ;-) It's a call to a different constituency.

26 Jan 10 - 12:48 PM (#2821796)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Ebbie

I said 'irrefutable' in the last post; of course, I meant that the claims are easily refutable.

If you check the link, Rig, you will learn that Hillary Clinton had a total of 19 staff, a far cry from the claim of 3..

That is an example of what I mean about 'refutable'- these things are easily looked up.

26 Jan 10 - 01:01 PM (#2821803)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Maybe not - there could be folks on the payroll like a gardener or a housekeeper that some people would say are members of the First Lady's staff, others would not.

26 Jan 10 - 02:08 PM (#2821853)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Greg F.

Try checking Laura Bush's and Nancy Reagan's staffs.

In addition to swhat's presented being easily proveable bullshit, the implication that its out of the ordinary is ALSO bullshit.

26 Jan 10 - 02:12 PM (#2821857)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor


Obviously all of the "Social Secretary" positions are White House positions which much have existed in some form since Washington.

Likewise, If the first lady give talks independent of her husband, as this one does, then she needs scheduling and press help.

Likewise if the first lady is involved in lending her name and expertise to a number of charity and educational initiatives, she needs press assistants and spokespeople. I have seen interviews with former speechwriters for Laura Bush. Such things are not unprecedented.

Also, who in their right mind would compare the record of a governor to the staff of the First Lady? Is this fictitious fisherman suggesting that he replace Michelle with Sarah? Would that mean he would have to trade Bristol for Sasha? And what about Todd?

26 Jan 10 - 02:12 PM (#2821858)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Greg F.

Tho I expect Douggie-Boy to believe it all as gospel truth.

26 Jan 10 - 02:57 PM (#2821900)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Jack - I don't think that's the point of the fisherman's post. I'll have to say I was surprised at the size of the First Lady's staff, but like somebody mentioned up above, I looked up Laura Bush's staff and it was almost as large. I just didn't realize all of those people were on the public payroll. Like you say, they have been for some time.

26 Jan 10 - 02:59 PM (#2821903)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: GUEST,999

"I'll have to say I was surprised at the size of the First Lady's staff"


26 Jan 10 - 03:13 PM (#2821920)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Jack the Sailor

>>>Jack - I don't think that's the point of the fisherman's post.

The "point" is obviously biased muckraking and spreading lies.. To that end CONGRATULATIONS! You have helped spread it!

But in the "post" the comparison is obviously intended.

26 Jan 10 - 03:14 PM (#2821922)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: pdq

I'm sure she pays a lot of attention to presidential poles.

26 Jan 10 - 04:03 PM (#2821962)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Or the president's pole at the very least.

26 Jan 10 - 04:45 PM (#2821997)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Maybe Levi's pole but certainly not Obama's and...


26 Jan 10 - 09:14 PM (#2822220)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

You think she's into Levi's pole?

27 Jan 10 - 05:21 PM (#2822952)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Now she's replacing Obama! billboard,0,5940005.story

27 Jan 10 - 05:25 PM (#2822956)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: gnu

Page not found.

27 Jan 10 - 05:26 PM (#2822959)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Donuel

Can;t wait to hear her response to Obama's State of the Union Address.

27 Jan 10 - 06:52 PM (#2823026)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger,0,5940005.story

27 Jan 10 - 07:47 PM (#2823071)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Bobert

Well, Rigs, I don't know nuthin' about Ms. Sarah and Levi... Might of fact, with all the stories about who was pregnant whos baby was whos back before the campaign there's nuthin' that would surprise me... I mean, Levi did say that Todd always slept in a recliner in the livin' room... Maybe Todd did and maybe Todd didn't, I donno... I do know it's hard to make babies in a recliner chair... But then again we've all seen the piccures of Ms. Sarah jumpin' over the side of a fishin' boat so maybe...

...ahhhhhh, Todd did knock the ol' gal up in the recliner???

But then again, maybe Levi and Ms. Sarah, ahhhhhhh....

I mean, she does seem to be purdy pissed off at the boy bnut then says he's always welcome in their home???

Like I said, I donno one way or another...


27 Jan 10 - 09:13 PM (#2823124)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Oh, that makes more sense. I thought we were talking about the First Lady.

08 Feb 10 - 11:56 AM (#2832975)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Sarah was on Fox News again on Sunday, which gave her an opportunity to explain and redefine all of the nasty things that have been printed in the mainstream media since the Tea Party convention. A candidate like Palin wouldn't have gotten off the ground in the old days with only three networks.

08 Feb 10 - 04:04 PM (#2833275)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Are the people supporting the Tea Party Movement the same folks who supported H. Ross Parrot?

08 Feb 10 - 04:53 PM (#2833332)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Amos



08 Feb 10 - 05:12 PM (#2833350)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

They look like about the same people to me. What makes them different?

08 Feb 10 - 05:33 PM (#2833371)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: mousethief

People who supported Perot understood politics.


09 Feb 10 - 07:28 AM (#2833851)
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin goes to Fox News
From: Riginslinger

Actually, I think these are the same folks, older now and wiser...
             The difference is the Democrats have followed the unknowing (i.e. off into Never-Never Land, making these mature Perot backers seem extreme right wing.