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BS: The latest on Kendall (updated 2011)

15 Jan 10 - 05:21 PM (#2813052)
Subject: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

This is going on email, Mudcat and Facebook.

Kendall had his latest bout with surgery today, ostensibly to remove a further cancer from his vocal cord. Unfortunately, once they got in there, his surgeon found that the vocal cords were totally shot, with cancer spreading and radiation having done the rest of the damage. As a result there is too much damage to be able to do anything via the mouth.

Dr Zeitels now tells us that he will need to do a partial laryngectomy, taking away the infected skin on Kendall's throat, which Dr Z. thinks is connected to the vocal cord problem, and then to take away and replace his larynx, using donated aorta for that job.

The surgery will require the talents of Dr Z., a cardiac surgeon and a plastic surgeon. We are being allowed to wait until after the Grammys, at the end of the month, but it must be done then.

Kendall will be in hospital for at least two weeks afterward and then there will be work needed to tweak the new materiel to give some voice, over a period of time. How long this will take and what it will entail we don't know right now – we're both rather shellshocked.

15 Jan 10 - 05:28 PM (#2813058)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,999

Terrible news, Jacqui. Why wait on the Grammy. No way to get it started now?

15 Jan 10 - 05:29 PM (#2813060)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Huge hugs and love from here. Just holding you through the shock.

15 Jan 10 - 05:44 PM (#2813077)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: VirginiaTam

Aww crumbs.

I am thinking the same thing. I know the Grammy Awards is a once in a life time thing (for some), but...

aarrghhh..... shut up tam

I am sure you both have taken the proper advice and precautions.   You both have my good wishes and positive thoughts.

15 Jan 10 - 05:45 PM (#2813078)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Sounds like he's in good hands, jacqui. I'm with 999 on the speed of starting it though, if it's possible to do that.

Love to you both.

15 Jan 10 - 05:49 PM (#2813082)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bobert

Man, this sucks...

You tell that doctor that if he don't get the job done right this time that I'm gonna bring some of my holler buddies up there and we'll do a job on him!!! Sho nuff will...

No more messin' around, ya'll hear???

I loves the Capt'n like he was my older brother an' I don't like nobody messin' up...

Meanwhile, prayers and more prayers... I'm gonna wear the Big Guy out...


15 Jan 10 - 05:51 PM (#2813084)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Kendall, I'm gonna hold both of you really close ...... cause we all need a hug ....

I'm on my way to dinner with the Bishop tonite and well, maybe I can power boost those blessings.

Love ya both

Careful Jacqui or SINSULL will diagnose you in shock and you'll be in the recovery ward too....hmmm now how would your decor be done... Deep rose with accents in cream...... with a fine matching wine in cut glass???

15 Jan 10 - 05:51 PM (#2813086)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Andy Jackson

Thoughts and good wishes to you both.

15 Jan 10 - 05:51 PM (#2813087)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Jeri

I don't believe (?) this type of cancer grows that fast, and we're only talking a couple weeks here.

He's in the right place and has the right doctor. Aside from that, everything sucks. This whole turn of the wheel, starting about when the leaves fell, sucks.

Kendall knows how we feel about him--all of us who are his friends. BOTH of you know how much you are loved by friends, not to mention your family. There is hope, if Dr Z is talking about re-building. Another place to start. Love you guys.

15 Jan 10 - 05:53 PM (#2813089)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49

Dr. Zeitels is obviously out there on the cutting pun intended there. That's a pretty new technique and a lot of sites never mention it.

Yeah....Its bad news but,not to sound like Pollyanna, the fact that he can remove all the cancer and give some possibility of voice is at the least encouraging.   A partial also means there will be no permanent stoma and gives you a shot at something a whole helluva' lot better than a complete one.

Now go kick a wall, buy a ball bat and beat the hell outta' a guardrail somewhere and whatever else. This sucks.........

No words beyond that.........just fuck........


15 Jan 10 - 05:57 PM (#2813095)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: bfdk

So sorry to hear your news, hang in there and a big hug from Denmark!


15 Jan 10 - 06:03 PM (#2813102)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Jacqui and Kendall, you have been so incredibly patient, and have gone through so much together, but I remember when this first started, Kendall complaining about a sore throat, a few strings pulled, getting in to see the right doctors. And Jacqui came along in the midst of all of this. There's something magical about you two, and I think you still have a few miracles to go before this cancer drama is finished and that cancer is defeated.

Of course you'll be timing this surgery however it feels good for you. Everyone wants it over as soon as possible with the best outcome possible, so if the Grammy's are part of that best outcome formula, more power to them.


15 Jan 10 - 06:05 PM (#2813105)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bill D

'Tain't fair... but 'fair' ain't a given.

If that Grammy works out, Kendall deserves to be there to awe the audience.

Jeri has it right, he knows how we feel and that we are pulling for him.

15 Jan 10 - 06:06 PM (#2813106)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rasener

So sorry to hear this Kendall and Jacqui

15 Jan 10 - 06:15 PM (#2813114)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: frogprince

This must get so it feels like the old Jewish shtick about being the chosen of God, but wishing that God would choose someone else for a while. I can only say that you'll still be in our hearts here.

15 Jan 10 - 06:17 PM (#2813116)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Jennifer (Knitpick)

Oh darlings! Hang in there! What a harrowing time we seem to be having in 2010!

Much, much love to you both -- and many hugs to Kendall!

love jennifer (and bob from his hospital bed.)

15 Jan 10 - 06:21 PM (#2813119)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ClaireBear

Oh, my dears.

So sorry for the latest tribulations.

I'm sure we'll all keep on keeping on doing whatever we can think of to send healing energy in Kendall's direction -- and psychic healing in yours, Jacqui.

And you two, enjoy those Grammy awards.

But I have to tell you, I'm sure looking forward to posting to the "Kendall's better" party thread, when it happens!


15 Jan 10 - 06:21 PM (#2813121)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

{{{{{{LOVE & HUGS}}}}}

words fail me at the moment...

15 Jan 10 - 06:22 PM (#2813122)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie

The other night I dreamt about a musical gathering in a large house (?) and Jacqui and Kendall and lots of others were there. KT was there too and she sang first. And then Kendall sang- we were all agog over how strong his voice was- not all the way back to before all this began but definitely stronger than it's been the last while. Kenall didn't have much to say, just grinned and grinned.

I'll hold on that to that thought.

15 Jan 10 - 06:35 PM (#2813136)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

Damn. Well, I hope this can at least stop the cancer, and maybe even make some things better. But, damn.

I would have totally understood if you'd gone for the surgery right away, but I'm glad I'll get to see you right before hand, and spend some time with you and Jacqui and your daughters.

You know we love you.


15 Jan 10 - 06:44 PM (#2813144)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Nothing to say, Captain. I love you both dearly.

15 Jan 10 - 07:08 PM (#2813166)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: John MacKenzie

I am shell shocked too.

Sorry, I am lost for words

15 Jan 10 - 07:30 PM (#2813185)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: DougR

Sad news indeed.


15 Jan 10 - 07:34 PM (#2813190)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Mrrzy

No words...

15 Jan 10 - 07:46 PM (#2813202)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

I'm reminded of the story of Job in the Bible. Hell, he had itmade compared to ths shit.

I'm reminded of Job in the Bible, Maybe there is something this reincarnation thing.

15 Jan 10 - 07:50 PM (#2813206)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

An abstract from Kendall's doctor:


Optimizing voice after endoscopic partial laryngectomy.

Zeitels SM.

Department of Otology and Laryngology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, 243 Charles Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA.

Phonosurgical management of early and midsized glottic cancer has evolved considerably during the past decade. There has been a partial migration from transcervical to transoral partial laryngectomy to diminish perioperative morbidity (ie, tracheotomy) and to facilitate subsequent voice restoration. After an endoscopic partial laryngectomy heals, a medialization of the glottal neocord should be done. An endolaryngeal injection or transcervical medialization is used to reconstruct the glottal valve and the associated aerodynamic competency, which ultimately enhance voice quality. These reconstructive techniques will improve the voice outcome subsequent to almost any endoscopic vertical partial laryngectomy; however,a near-normal conversational level voice can be achieved inpatients in whom there is one remaining normal vocal fold. These favorable results are based on the fact that after effective glottal closure is achieved through the reconstruction, the primary oscillator is the layered microstructure of noncancerous glottal tissue.


Sorry for the medical language. If I read that right, it means that Kendall's prognosis could be very positive, though maybe not "near normal conversational." I have seen throat cancer yield much worse results than this. I also glean that Kendall's surgeon is a real specialist in this area.

Of course, I have no idea what I'm talking about. Is there a doctor in the house?


15 Jan 10 - 07:58 PM (#2813214)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Gawdamnit, skipper, make sure you come out of there BETTER than when you went in. Right? RIGHT. Awright.

All the love in the world to both of youse,


15 Jan 10 - 08:27 PM (#2813234)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ref

Best wishes and thoughts!

15 Jan 10 - 08:31 PM (#2813236)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Donuel

A new voice. With Heart! Wow. This is amazing and possibly historic.
I am reminded of a singer who had a car accident and after much damage, hr began to sing again but this time with a voice much deeper.
His name was Bing Crosby.

15 Jan 10 - 08:41 PM (#2813248)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Mark Ross


You take care of yourself. When you're feeling better, after you have won, I'll call with some more jokes.

Mark Ross

15 Jan 10 - 08:59 PM (#2813259)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Lonesome EJ

My love and all strength to both of you.

15 Jan 10 - 09:08 PM (#2813268)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

He's got the best doctor in the world for this, I suspect. I heard Julie Andrews speak about him and what he is doing to restore her singing voice.

Much love and strength as well as lots of hugs.


15 Jan 10 - 09:13 PM (#2813270)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bat Goddess


But Dr. Zeitels is THE BEST -- and the main thing is for the cancer to get gone and he WILL do that. And all the rest of the treatment will be the absolute latest in technology with the most skilled to apply it.

Lots of love, lots of hugs, lots of still very positive thoughts.


15 Jan 10 - 09:17 PM (#2813274)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: EBarnacle

No matter what you said last year, you are expected at Old Songs. Be there or be square.

15 Jan 10 - 09:29 PM (#2813281)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

Now, Mark, there's no need to make threats like that! We want Kendall to get better!


15 Jan 10 - 09:34 PM (#2813283)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Keeping watch here. Love to you both.


15 Jan 10 - 10:02 PM (#2813305)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

After all of this, if Kendall tells you his heart is in his throat, well, it very nearly will be.

(Sorry, had to throw in a little dark humor, even though aorta know better.)

15 Jan 10 - 10:12 PM (#2813308)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

Please no more humor in that vein.


15 Jan 10 - 10:35 PM (#2813325)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Maryrrf

Oh dear, we were all hoping it would be more positive, but there is still a good chance that things will turn out allright. Healing vibes being sent from Virginia.

16 Jan 10 - 01:13 AM (#2813385)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: KT

Strength, courage, and lots of love to you, my friends.

16 Jan 10 - 01:16 AM (#2813386)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Nancy King

This is surely NOT what any of us wanted to hear, but it's the way it is, so we -- and you -- will deal with it. At this point, there's not much more to say than that I love you both and wish you the best possible outcome. Sounds like you may miss the annual February gathering, so I'll have to send along virtual hugs instead of the real ones I'd prefer to deliver.


16 Jan 10 - 01:19 AM (#2813387)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: KT

I like your dream, Ebbie! And, knowing you as well as I do, I consider it a hopeful message!

16 Jan 10 - 01:27 AM (#2813389)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: mousethief

Holding you both in the light.


16 Jan 10 - 01:40 AM (#2813393)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: CapriUni

Damn! I'm starting to wish for a reboot on 2010... But I'm no time tech.

{{{HUGS}}} in the meantime.

Love and luck (The good kind), and all of that.

16 Jan 10 - 01:47 AM (#2813395)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: open mike

we're rootin' for ya, Cap'n!
full speed ahead....hope all goes well.

16 Jan 10 - 02:00 AM (#2813399)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: karen k

Thinking of both of you. This has gone on for so long but hopefully things will be moving in the right direction now. Let me know if I can do anything. Enjoy the grammys. It's probably a good thing if you go. Not going may make you resentful which may affect your attitude and in turn affect you recovery. Do what you think is best for you. Much love to you both.

16 Jan 10 - 02:28 AM (#2813403)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

Have love, as always, but no words.

16 Jan 10 - 02:39 AM (#2813407)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Backwoodsman

Bad news, but good thoughts and wishes from The Backwoods.

16 Jan 10 - 03:01 AM (#2813412)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Severn

More of "All the best" for one of the best who has the courage and brave heart of a true fighter. One day soon we'll be listening to a CD of stories about all this invoking heartwarming laughter,as always.

Hang in there, Cap'n! You've got a helluva crew here pullin' for you.

16 Jan 10 - 03:22 AM (#2813416)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: SussexCarole

All our love, so sorry to hear this news. We're thinking of you both

Carole & Andrew xxx

16 Jan 10 - 05:34 AM (#2813450)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: mouldy

Positive, positive thoughts for both of you!

Andrea x

16 Jan 10 - 05:38 AM (#2813454)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Thoughts and prayers.

16 Jan 10 - 06:47 AM (#2813481)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Morticia

I'll be honest and say I have a few selfish and weak tears going on here with this news but I'll try to learn from the courage and patience you have both shown over this last few years. Wish like hell I was there though. My love to you both xxxx

16 Jan 10 - 07:21 AM (#2813504)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Cats

Thinking of you both.

16 Jan 10 - 10:24 AM (#2813579)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Charmion

Fingers crossed in Ottawa, too.

I love Kendall's voice, whatever it sounds like or doesn't.

16 Jan 10 - 10:29 AM (#2813585)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Selfish tears here too. More selfish - I would rather have Captain Morse without his voice than not at all. He could lose his leather coat and hat, his guitar, his beautiful blue eyes and he would still be dearly loved.

Notice I didn't mention the banjo...

Come home, Kendall and Jacqui.Time to get pretty for the GRAMMYs and then gird up for another battle.

16 Jan 10 - 10:33 AM (#2813590)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: KathWestra

Dear hearts, Adding my voice to the chorus of heartfelt wishes already expressed on this thread. So many on both sides of the Atlantic love and care for you both. I'm one of them. Holding you in my heart and wishing you strength, courage, freedom from fear--and, of course, a successful surgery and complete recovery. Take care of your dear selves. Much love, Kathy

16 Jan 10 - 11:42 AM (#2813639)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Had a hard time reading this thread in early morn. Had no words except the generic, albeit heartfelt, "T&Ps".

Having had time to re-read it and after some more thought... what Spaw said... just... fuck.

16 Jan 10 - 11:47 AM (#2813642)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie

(A quick aside here: Last night I dreamt that I was making pun after pun and I laughed thinking about Severn and Art Thieme. Those around me had no idea of what I was laughing about.)

Have a good and happy day, Kendall and Jacqui.

16 Jan 10 - 12:18 PM (#2813673)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Sandy Mc Lean

Wishing you all the best Kendall! You have already faced more than a fair share for anyone so I am sorry that treatment must continue!

16 Jan 10 - 01:01 PM (#2813706)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Thanks all. It's good to have such friends.

We're back home now and feeling a bit more positive about what is to come.

I have two weeks to go into full organising mode.

I will be working on an entertainment kit for Kendall - a good set of noise reduction headphones and, most likely a basic Ipod stocked with the music he enjoys, his Walkman for tapes and a selection of books. We will have to check if they can supply a laptop or if he can have his in the hospital. whatever we can do to make the stay more tolerable will be worth it in the long run.

I will be staying with his daughter in Derry NH, probably taking Seamus with me, so will need my own survival pack of books and craftwork etc.

His daughters will be involved in the planning, so I don't have to go it alone. We will get through all of this and, with luck and a good surgeon, there could be more voice in the future.

16 Jan 10 - 01:41 PM (#2813730)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Thanks for that, jac.

16 Jan 10 - 01:45 PM (#2813732)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: olddude

In my thoughts, prayers and heart


16 Jan 10 - 02:17 PM (#2813764)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Kendall

When I went to bed Friday night I thought what if I don't wake up? Would I really give a shit? It kept me awake all night thinking, what could be worse than a singer losing his voice; then it dawned on me; losing his whole voice box and talking through a sound amplifier. Felt pretty sorry for myself for a while, then Jacqui and I talked it over and she reminded me that I have been saying all along that I would do almost anything to get my voice back, and this is the only shot I have available. In addition, I am involved with the best in the business; if he's good enough for Julie Andrews he's good enough for me.

So, as soon as they schedule the butchery I'm off to Bean Town and two weeks of misery in a friggin' hospital.

Job didn't give up and he was older than I am. Besides, I'm a Taurus and we are stubborn.

16 Jan 10 - 02:34 PM (#2813787)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: alanabit

And you won't change a bit. Thinking of you from over here.

16 Jan 10 - 02:50 PM (#2813804)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie

Being a Taurus will stand you in good stead, Kendall. :)

16 Jan 10 - 02:54 PM (#2813808)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Buddy... old fighters may get tired, but old fighters like you don't give up... hurrah! You are an inspiration to me. And to others no doubt. Thanks... just thanks.

16 Jan 10 - 03:01 PM (#2813813)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Dani

Yeah, them Tauri, when they lower their heads... run for the hills!!

Thinking of you this morning.


16 Jan 10 - 03:06 PM (#2813816)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Donuel

AAA+ to Stilly for her heart felt puns.   actually lol

16 Jan 10 - 03:46 PM (#2813841)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Yeah, we all aorta know better!**bg** Good one, SRS! I liked your first response, too, Donuel..heart in his throat, indeed.

Kendalldarlin' is good to hear you standing up and taking charge. Glad you stayed awake and figured out that it is worth being here. Very thankful you have Jacqui and your daughters to help out. Thanks to you both for updating us.

Oh, and as a mother of a male Taurus and the daughter of one, I can attest to their stubbornness...must be part of why I love you, too!


16 Jan 10 - 04:14 PM (#2813857)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Nothing wrong with your reading, Don!

I had kat edit out one letter--it had to be perfect (perfectly awful, that is) for our Kendall!


16 Jan 10 - 04:15 PM (#2813859)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Hard to keep a horny old bull down, eh?

16 Jan 10 - 05:12 PM (#2813888)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Deckman

Thinking of you ... bob

16 Jan 10 - 05:17 PM (#2813893)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Attaboy, Skipper. And just to put the correct perspective, a doc good enough for Julie Andrews is probably way TOO good for you, but hell widdit, use him anyway.


16 Jan 10 - 05:46 PM (#2813918)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Zany Mouse

Oh Kendall and Jacqui, I don't know what to say as it's all been said already.

Needless to say we are rooting for you here.

Love, positive thoughts and blessings
Mick and Rhiannon

16 Jan 10 - 06:04 PM (#2813926)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Actually, we Taurus types are not stubborn. We just have firm opinions.

Dani, are you referring to that old adage, "Fuck with the bull, get the horn"?

16 Jan 10 - 06:17 PM (#2813933)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Zany Mouse

Both ex husbands were Taurians - trust me - they are EXTREMELY stubborn!


16 Jan 10 - 06:19 PM (#2813934)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Dani

Oh, I know what a Taurus is like when it gets that look... and you've got it.

Sometimes it just takes a while to get to that head-lowered, straight-ahead point, huh? 'point'! get it?


16 Jan 10 - 06:25 PM (#2813935)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Better on point than at the tail end.

16 Jan 10 - 06:32 PM (#2813941)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bert

Keep on keeping on man. We're pulling for ya.

16 Jan 10 - 06:45 PM (#2813949)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall


Kendall - you stay in the kitchen.


16 Jan 10 - 06:46 PM (#2813951)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Who am I kidding? Jacqui has nothing to worry about. Kendall is just feeling himself again.

16 Jan 10 - 06:55 PM (#2813958)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Zany Mouse

Not TOO much I hope - or he will get SORE BITS! lol


16 Jan 10 - 06:59 PM (#2813962)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

That's OK. Jacqui will slop on some honey and vitamin E with a touch of cayenne. He'll be fine.

16 Jan 10 - 07:14 PM (#2813974)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: KT forgot to add an evil laugh to that last post.

16 Jan 10 - 07:40 PM (#2813986)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c


Chili - not cayenne!

16 Jan 10 - 08:06 PM (#2813998)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Dani

(walking away, before I REALLY step in it)


16 Jan 10 - 08:07 PM (#2813999)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Jeri

A place down here sells Habanero powder. Want some? (An eye wash made with it stings a bit, but it really clears my eyes up (not to mention my sinuses).

You still feeling yourself Kendall? How's YOUR vision?

16 Jan 10 - 08:23 PM (#2814002)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ClaireBear

How did you get brave enough to use a habanero eyewash, the first time? Jeri, I have a whole new level of respect for you! (You were already right up there, too.)

My husband and my son are both typical Taurii; what's a quadruple Virgo to do? (Answer: Choice of two strategies: hide, or learn to vault as they did in ancient Greece -- by seizing the bull by the horns.)

Hugs all 'round. And sending a round of drinks to the cellar from the tavern, through the convenient wormhole I've had installed.

16 Jan 10 - 08:41 PM (#2814009)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Jeri

Two reasons why I could stand it:
It was diluted (and strained, obviously), and I tried a teeny bit first.
Korea. I learned to love hot foods. I also did some research on it. Basically, the 'hot' is just sensed and, while it increases blood flow because your body thinks it's being burnt, there's no actual damage. I gather that if it seriously fools your body, you can end up with blisters. I'm not sure how that works.

Sorry for the thread creep. Back to Kendall and his proclivities.

16 Jan 10 - 10:20 PM (#2814032)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49

And speaking of Thread Creeps, I thought I'd drop by and see if Kendall is still feeling himself.

Actually Kendall has an ulterior motive.....not that he doesn't enjoy the act but he also saw a Doc down in Boston who said he could transplant the hair from the Captain's hands to his head and cure Kendall's baldness. Then all he'll have to deal with is the accompanying blindness...............


16 Jan 10 - 10:46 PM (#2814038)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Looks like Spaw and the Skipper are both very much feeling themselves from opposite ends of the country...


16 Jan 10 - 11:10 PM (#2814043)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Hey Dani.... here are a few memories to hold close in the cellar....

One and a Two and ...
I'll join you in the cellar now....

                   Is the tavern still delivering ????

16 Jan 10 - 11:48 PM (#2814046)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ClaireBear

Sure, Tink, what can I get you? I was just filling up a cask of single malt for Seamus to wear home, but there's plenty of room in his saddlebags for a few bottles too. I'm sure he won't mind, will ya fella? Seamus? Seamus? Aw shucks he fell asleep and he's sprawled, head in the tavern, ass in the cellar. Sigh. Well, we can just jump over him I guess. What'll it be?

17 Jan 10 - 12:31 AM (#2814051)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: EBarnacle

Dan, Just remember that Mad Magazine was subtitled "Humor in a Jugular Vein."

Kendall, In your honor I told Cutler Harbor at the chantey sing tonight.

17 Jan 10 - 12:44 AM (#2814053)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Hey Claire, I'm really missing this.. can you get a bottle across?

17 Jan 10 - 06:04 AM (#2814106)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Sandra in Sydney

more love & hugs winging their way from across this pond


17 Jan 10 - 07:38 AM (#2814145)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Spaw, you wouldn't believe the number of women I've met who like bald men.

I wondered who would be the first to comment on me feeling myself...should have known it would be Dani and Jeri.

17 Jan 10 - 08:50 AM (#2814176)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

I love Kendall's bald head - it's a great place to plant kisses as I go past the back of his chair.

17 Jan 10 - 11:07 AM (#2814244)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Dani

Haul Seamus' butt down the stairs, and send me down a straw.


17 Jan 10 - 12:02 PM (#2814276)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: My guru always said

Got back & read this. Sending positive thoughts to you both & also to Dr Z who must keep fit & well over the next few weeks!!!!
Love & Hugs,
Hil xx

17 Jan 10 - 04:28 PM (#2814452)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,sing4peace

sending thoughts and prayers and light and love to you both...

Joyce K.

17 Jan 10 - 05:39 PM (#2814496)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

Only just saw this thread - big hugs to both of you!


17 Jan 10 - 06:44 PM (#2814550)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: vectis

Everything crossed for him Jacqui. Hope it goes well.

18 Jan 10 - 10:15 AM (#2814912)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

As Mary pointed out, we'd rather have you with no voice than not have you at all. You are much more to your family than just a singer.

I love you, Dad

18 Jan 10 - 10:23 AM (#2814919)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Ok, if I go down I'll be swinging!
The true measure of a life is not how much we love, but how much we ARE loved.In that area I'm as rich as Croesus. Becca just proved it.

18 Jan 10 - 10:26 AM (#2814924)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Go easy on Seamus' butt. Poor guy is having trouble with his hips.
Come here, Sunshine. They just don't appreciate an old dog.
Not you, Kendall! Seamus...

Hop on the couch, love, and I'll get you a biscuit and a blankie.

To Becca's point:
Besides Kendall, you have always said more with your eyes than your voice.

18 Jan 10 - 12:34 PM (#2815001)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Elaine

Dad, you've been my inspiration forever and I've watched you address this beast time and time again. You have handled it with grace, dignity and a healthy dose of anger....that's the Dad I love!
We're right here for you and Jacqui.... you'll never have to face this alone.
Elaine & Steve

18 Jan 10 - 12:38 PM (#2815007)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

NOw that I've wiped a solitary tear after reading Becca's post

I must mention that Kendall says more with a lifted eye than most men with extreme pontification.....

18 Jan 10 - 01:23 PM (#2815040)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Was ever a man so blessed?

18 Jan 10 - 02:49 PM (#2815119)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Seems not... sniff...

18 Jan 10 - 03:52 PM (#2815191)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

It takes a pow'ful woman to reduce the Auld Saylore to tears. Good job, Beckky and Elaine.


18 Jan 10 - 04:21 PM (#2815220)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

A... "Saylore"! Good one!

18 Jan 10 - 07:58 PM (#2815419)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Even Old Ironsides has weak spots.

18 Jan 10 - 08:15 PM (#2815428)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49

So did Samson but you obviously don't share that one...........

Seriously Kendall.......Most of us would honored to have such said of us Kendall and I'm happy for you to have such a fine pair of wonderful daughters......Yeah....You're blessed alright(:<))

Damn.....I hate to leave a post sounding so maudlin and schmaltzy............hmmmmmmmmm.........................Well, I know from reading that Jesus Christ was blessed too. Of course I also think he had hair so............


18 Jan 10 - 08:15 PM (#2815429)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: artbrooks

I had a boss once that used one of those hand-held voder things...he was still able to chew me out pretty good! That was close to 15 years ago, and I expect that technology has advanced more than a bit since then. I expect to see you back in perfect form at the Getaway in October.

18 Jan 10 - 09:13 PM (#2815458)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Charley Noble



Charley Noble

18 Jan 10 - 09:21 PM (#2815467)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Sandra in Sydney

aw, shucks, all this lovey-dovey stuff!

hugs & kisses from me, too


18 Jan 10 - 09:37 PM (#2815472)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

For me, Kendall, it is still all about the leather jacket;>)

18 Jan 10 - 09:46 PM (#2815479)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Seamus Kennedy

Hey Kendall! Long time no sea.
What's happening in your world?

Anything strange or startling?
We gotta catch up.


18 Jan 10 - 11:04 PM (#2815516)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Shanghaiceltic

My thought are with you both, hope things have a better outcome

19 Jan 10 - 07:09 AM (#2815718)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Not much Seamus, same old crap only more of it.

There's no news...oh, by the way,your dog died...

This is an old Vaudeville routine that Marshall Dodge and I used to do. It is very funny.

19 Jan 10 - 07:11 AM (#2815720)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Actually, I have three daughters who think I hung the moon. I don't have the heart to tell them the truth.

19 Jan 10 - 07:37 AM (#2815736)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Kendall- Your loving daughters, wife, and friends know you didn't hang the moon. You surely give it a lovely shine, though.

I'll be down for a visit this week.


19 Jan 10 - 09:00 AM (#2815807)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

I thought it was a cat out on the roof.

19 Jan 10 - 09:11 AM (#2815812)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Old Blue is dead?! What happened?

19 Jan 10 - 11:21 AM (#2815934)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Old Blue died in the barn fire....

19 Jan 10 - 11:26 AM (#2815937)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

When the fire cooled off he went and ate some burned horse flesh and that's what killed the dog...

19 Jan 10 - 11:30 AM (#2815939)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: olddude

You didn't hang the moon Captain, but you made it sound a lot better !!

19 Jan 10 - 12:12 PM (#2815981)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

I wish you lot would ease up a bit on the fan mail. I have to LIVE with the old devil and he's getting all blown up with all these compliments!:0)

19 Jan 10 - 12:15 PM (#2815984)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Fire? What fire? How'd that happen?

19 Jan 10 - 12:17 PM (#2815988)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

Kendall - I hope sometime you get to hear Ken Langsbury relate the Cotswold version of Old Blue!

All best wishes


19 Jan 10 - 01:29 PM (#2816047)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

The barn caught fire from the house.

19 Jan 10 - 05:01 PM (#2816244)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Kendall hung a moon?

Cheeky bugger!

19 Jan 10 - 05:23 PM (#2816262)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bert

...he's getting all blown up...

He deserves to be all blown up. HEE! HEE!

19 Jan 10 - 05:33 PM (#2816267)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Joybell

Sending thoughts from me and True-Love too.

19 Jan 10 - 08:43 PM (#2816394)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: artbrooks

Kendall mooned who? Jacqui, make him behave!

19 Jan 10 - 08:51 PM (#2816400)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Bert, I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. Have you seen the balance on your credit card in the Tavern?

Last I saw Kendall he was in the Recovery Ward. Lord, I hope he doesn't moon Nurse Ratched. She'll shave his beard and his ahem nether regions ahem faster than you can say French bikini wax.

Jacqui's too pissed to help him.

This is a job for SUPER SEAMUS!

Bed now, I think.

19 Jan 10 - 09:14 PM (#2816411)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Dani

Kendall, if they bring out the bikini wax, you'll know they have you in the wrong room. Unless.... wait, where again are they getting those parts from for the reconstruction?!!?


19 Jan 10 - 10:04 PM (#2816441)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Becca72 sans cookie

someone point me in the direction of the door, please?

19 Jan 10 - 10:20 PM (#2816448)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: LilyFestre

Still thinking of you both.

Much love,


19 Jan 10 - 10:32 PM (#2816458)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

Dadgum, another post lost in cyberspace.

All you raunchy old dames mind your manners! Poor Becca dun lost her cookie reading those last few posts about her dear ol' Da!

19 Jan 10 - 11:01 PM (#2816466)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Kitty, there's a short segment of it HERE...pretty funny!

Long version by a Nat M. Mills HERE.

19 Jan 10 - 11:25 PM (#2816471)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

From the house? What do you mean, "from the house?"

20 Jan 10 - 01:25 AM (#2816510)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Seamus Kennedy

SINS - which Super Seamus are you referring to? Human? Canine?

20 Jan 10 - 09:25 AM (#2816622)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

LOL...thanks, Janie

20 Jan 10 - 09:51 AM (#2816650)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Better than losing your lunch.

20 Jan 10 - 09:57 AM (#2816660)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

There is only one SUPER SEAMUS, Seamus. He is yellow and has bad breath.

heh heh
Let's see where this goes.

20 Jan 10 - 09:59 AM (#2816663)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Look, I don't think it's nice to start dragging personalities and personal hygiene into this discussion.

20 Jan 10 - 10:00 AM (#2816664)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Lox

How is Kendall by the way?

20 Jan 10 - 11:28 AM (#2816737)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Rap... the house caught fire from the candles beside the coffin.

20 Jan 10 - 11:39 AM (#2816745)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Lox - Kendall is good today. He's been clearing the snow from the drive and trying to mend the trunk handle of his antique car.

We saw his local ENT yesterday and discussed what will be happening. He was able to give us some more info on a couple of things that had been bothering Kendall about the whole thing.

I think that we both have a more positive feeling about all this right now.

20 Jan 10 - 12:00 PM (#2816763)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Thanks, jac... encouraging.

20 Jan 10 - 12:15 PM (#2816776)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

WHAT coffin?

20 Jan 10 - 12:32 PM (#2816790)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

Kat - thanks for the links, wonderful! That's Ken Langsbury (ex-Songwainers) with Roger Grimes in the YouTube clip.


20 Jan 10 - 12:45 PM (#2816796)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Rap.... the old girl took a fright and passed in a snap when she was told about the tractor accident.

20 Jan 10 - 01:18 PM (#2816827)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I told my dentist that my teeth were turning yellow, what can I do? he said "Buy a brown tie." (Rodney Dangerfield)

20 Jan 10 - 02:06 PM (#2816857)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Tractor accident? My new John Deere????

20 Jan 10 - 02:21 PM (#2816871)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Fortunato


I'm watching (quietly for the most part) what's going on with you. I'm hoping all the time that you will get fully recovered.

please be well


20 Jan 10 - 02:40 PM (#2816891)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I've got a lot going for me...eyesight, hearing, knees...

Seriously, I am tougher than a sack of hammers, I heal very quickly and I have the very best in his field to do his thing. I will recover and I will speak again. The singing voice is gone; that can't be helped, but I can still play guitar, sorta, for Jacqui, and I still have that leather coat. So, it could be worse.
Thanks for your concern, Chance.

20 Jan 10 - 02:44 PM (#2816893)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Ah, Kendall. That's inspiring! Thank you.

20 Jan 10 - 02:45 PM (#2816894)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Rap... stay on point, man...

The hired hand flipped the tractor trying to get the old fellah to the pickup truck as fast as he could so he could get the old fellah to the hospital.

20 Jan 10 - 10:43 PM (#2817274)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: KT

THAT'S what I'm talking about!       YES!!! (Kendall's last post, that is!)

21 Jan 10 - 02:38 PM (#2817818)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

I'll be inflicting my presence on Kendall and Jacqui tomorrow morning, poor bairns. I'm looking forward to seeing them both.


21 Jan 10 - 02:45 PM (#2817823)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Tougher than a sack of hammers...I like that. Enjoy your visit, Maeve.

21 Jan 10 - 02:46 PM (#2817824)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

You can help Kendall work on the old car.

21 Jan 10 - 02:49 PM (#2817832)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Becca has said she learned a lot from Kendall when helping him work on fixing stuff like that.

21 Jan 10 - 02:51 PM (#2817834)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

You are suggesting language lessons, gnu?


21 Jan 10 - 02:51 PM (#2817835)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49

21 Jan 10 - 02:52 PM (#2817839)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Maybe for Spaw.

21 Jan 10 - 02:53 PM (#2817840)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

I think he dropped his words when my post jostled him. Sorry, 'Spaw.


21 Jan 10 - 03:22 PM (#2817872)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Why was the hired hand taking the old fellah to the hospital?

21 Jan 10 - 03:29 PM (#2817880)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

The hired hand found the old fellah clutching his chest and lying dead still next to the all the cattle and sheep that had died of the rabies infection.

21 Jan 10 - 03:39 PM (#2817890)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

maeve, enjoy your visit!

21 Jan 10 - 04:24 PM (#2817955)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Rabies infection?

21 Jan 10 - 04:37 PM (#2817966)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

The rabies come from the coons what was at the corn patch. Fact is, if Old Blue had a been a better coon hound, he might still be alive today. Shoulda got that there beagle from Max instead. Blue Tick Hound me arse... more like a thick hound. Damn dog.

I miss Old Blue... sniff.

21 Jan 10 - 04:56 PM (#2817981)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Had an old dog and his name was Blue
Had an old dog and his name was Blue
Had an old dog and his name was Blue
Betcha five dollars he's a good dog too.

Blue chased a possum up a hollow limb
Blue chased a possum up a hollow limb
Blue chased a possum up a hollow limb
Blue growled, the possum whined at him.

When old Blue died he died so hard
Shook the ground in my back yard.
When I get to heaven first thing I'll do
Is grab my horn and wind for Blue.

21 Jan 10 - 06:22 PM (#2818064)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Blue, oh Blue! You good dog, you!

21 Jan 10 - 07:29 PM (#2818128)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Shoot Old Blue!

Oops... different joke.

I LOVE dog jokes.

More than you can shake a stick at.

21 Jan 10 - 10:55 PM (#2818185)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

I'spose you'all have read the Voice of Bugle Ann by MacKinley Kantor? I don't like hunting, but that remains one of my very favouritests (sic) books of all time. Old Blue, huh...Bugle Ann'd run rings around that boy.

How ya doing, Kendall?

21 Jan 10 - 11:00 PM (#2818188)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Kendall - love you - take care......Tom is going to take care of all the boring legal stuff as I understand it.......

22 Jan 10 - 03:44 AM (#2818260)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Keith A of Hertford

Mary and I are thinking of you both, and wishing and hoping for a better outcome.

22 Jan 10 - 08:01 AM (#2818388)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Lamenting the past is pointless. To worry about the future is pointless; neither can be changed. All that stuff can do is ruin the present. This is all we really have, the present.

22 Jan 10 - 08:09 AM (#2818395)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Wise words, Captain. Sometimes, when bad news comes, I stop and force myself to remember that I am the same person I was five minutes before the news came. My life is the same. I have a roof over my head, friends, the cats, - it is all still there in the now.

22 Jan 10 - 08:24 AM (#2818404)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

Be careful about going into the garage. If you repeat what you hear in there you'll get banned. Happened to me, I tell ya.

22 Jan 10 - 08:59 AM (#2818434)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Thanks, Becca. I'll appreciate the artistry whilst maintaining a degree of decorum.


22 Jan 10 - 09:01 AM (#2818436)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Does Kendall still have that 1957 Snap-On tools calendar in there? You know, the one with with the redhead?

22 Jan 10 - 09:47 AM (#2818471)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I would never tolerate such a display of disrespect for women. I do have a big picture, but it's of my new generator.

22 Jan 10 - 10:47 AM (#2818538)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c


22 Jan 10 - 11:51 AM (#2818604)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Ah Jacqui.... is there a tale to tell with that laugh?

22 Jan 10 - 12:40 PM (#2818639)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

The instructions for care and feeding of a $1200.00 generator is more important than looking at paper boobs.

22 Jan 10 - 02:01 PM (#2818696)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

What happened to the blow up doll?**BG**

22 Jan 10 - 02:14 PM (#2818708)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall


No Mary NO! Don't say it!

22 Jan 10 - 02:53 PM (#2818737)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Tinker - no, but it's just that I love Kendall's practical turn of mind.

22 Jan 10 - 02:53 PM (#2818738)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

She tried to imitate Spaw and I haven't seen her since.

22 Jan 10 - 03:17 PM (#2818760)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Paper boobies.
Paper boobies.
Oh how sweet those boobies looked to me!


Connie Francis woulda been proud. But you make a good point, Skipper, although one not likely to be appreciated by the under-thirty set...


22 Jan 10 - 03:52 PM (#2818797)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

A... hahahahahaaaa.

Or is it just my filty mind?

23 Jan 10 - 08:27 AM (#2819318)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Dani

"I'm gonna buy a paper doll that I can call my own
A doll that other fellows cannot steal
And then those flirty, flirty guys
With their flirty, flirty eyes
Will have to flirt with dollies that are real
When I come home at night she will be waiting
She'll be the truest doll in all this world
I'd rather have a paper doll to call my own
Than have a fickle-minded real, live girl"


23 Jan 10 - 09:37 AM (#2819369)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Leadfingers

Alternative Lyric !

I want a little pot that I can call my own
A pot the other fellows cannot use
It'll have roses round the top
It'll hold a blooming lot
It'll need to after an evening on the booze
When I come home at night it would be waiting
Beneath the bed or on the chest of drawers
And when I've filled it up right to the top
I'come and have a little splash in yours

23 Jan 10 - 09:37 AM (#2819370)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Leadfingers


23 Jan 10 - 10:28 AM (#2819434)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I don't get no respect.

23 Jan 10 - 06:04 PM (#2819872)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Midchuck

Being loved is more important than being respected.

If you disagree, don't ever get a cat.


23 Jan 10 - 06:56 PM (#2819905)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

I'm gonna buy a generator I can call my own,
To turn out power others cannot tap,
And on those icy icy nights
When the others have no lights
I'll be sittin' watching television pap!
When I get home it will be waiting
I'll fire it up with just a single pop!
Oh, I'I'm gonna have a gennie I can call my own,
For when Maine Electric shudders to a stop.

23 Jan 10 - 07:24 PM (#2819926)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

See what I mean?


that was priceless!

23 Jan 10 - 08:08 PM (#2819960)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Leadfingers

Brill Amos !!!

Almost as good as the verse I stole YEARS ago !

24 Jan 10 - 01:20 PM (#2820409)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

(Sung to Gentle Annie)

Your buttons are very neat, generator,
And I'm sure your amperage breaker won't be tripped,
But I'll put stablizer in your gas tank,
To ensure your voltage regulator takes no dip.

24 Jan 10 - 02:45 PM (#2820475)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Charley Noble

When it comes to back-up generators,
You just can't beat propane!

All around my brain!

Charley Noble

24 Jan 10 - 10:21 PM (#2820860)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

We've just had one of the best days.

Coffee with an old, dear friend this morning, time spent with Tom Coward (Mr Trubrit) making out wills and power of attorney.

We got home to a phone call from Gordon Bok, asking if he could come over and play us a tune. We thought about it and decided, since we weren't doing anything else, that we could spare the time. :0)

Shortly after Gordon got here two of Kendall's daughters, Debra and Rebecca, turned up, unexpectedly. Gordon played us his tune on his new Apollonio guitar and then played and sang a few other songs for us.

Now, how many people can say that they've had a Gordon Bok mini concert in their own sitting rooms?

Kendall's girls also gave him the DVD of Clash Of The Titans, which we have just finished watching this evening.

Oh, and I've just found out that my range has increased to where I can just get away with singing Danny Boy.

24 Jan 10 - 10:34 PM (#2820866)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Good wife, you are embarrassing me.

24 Jan 10 - 10:36 PM (#2820869)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

That's nice Jacqui, but why would you want to?

Sounds like a wonderful day!

24 Jan 10 - 10:45 PM (#2820873)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Rap - I like the song and it has always been one that I never thought I could sing because the range was beyond me. It's just nice to know that practice has paid off.

24 Jan 10 - 10:51 PM (#2820876)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Becca72 lost her cookies

Tell em about the shirt! :-)

25 Jan 10 - 08:00 AM (#2820905)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

What shirt???????

25 Jan 10 - 08:18 AM (#2820925)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: My guru always said

So glad to hear about your day jacqui, been thinking about you two a lot and sending positive thoughts, love & hugs.

What shirt??

25 Jan 10 - 10:00 AM (#2820997)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

What are we not being told about "the shirt" ?

Inquiring minds .......

                            are impatiently nosey ....

25 Jan 10 - 11:57 AM (#2821113)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Oh yes - the shirt.

Deb gave Kendall a black tee shirt with the legend 'Heavy Mental Music' emblazoned across the front and a diamonte skull and crossbones motif, just to finish the effect.

I've told Kendall that this will go very well with his dark blue suit - not worn since 1987, but which fits him very well - that he will be wearing for the Grammys.

I'll make sure to get photos.

25 Jan 10 - 12:52 PM (#2821159)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Definition of folk music, Heavy Mental.

25 Jan 10 - 12:57 PM (#2821163)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: olddude

please make sure you email me a ton of photos for the captains website I will add a photo page to it for you


25 Jan 10 - 02:00 PM (#2821215)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Here's a couple of photos to be going on with.

We're waiting for a photographer from the Portland Press Herald to come around and take some good ones for the paper - maybe they will let us have copies.

25 Jan 10 - 03:05 PM (#2821266)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ClaireBear

What, you mean he's not going to wear The Jacket?

(Love the shirt. Kendall looks downright dangerous in it.)

25 Jan 10 - 04:29 PM (#2821340)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

tee hee hee hee hee hee

25 Jan 10 - 04:57 PM (#2821369)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

The last picture taken by the Portland Press Herald is a gem. I have it pinned up over my desk at work. WHOO WHOO!

25 Jan 10 - 06:01 PM (#2821417)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

The last picture taken by the Portland Press Herald is a gem.

Wasn't that of a car wreck or something?

25 Jan 10 - 06:24 PM (#2821436)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bat Goddess

Not many people can handle the range of "Danny Boy", Jacqui -- congratulations!

Why can't I download a copy of any of your photos from Flickr?

I'd really like a copy of Kendall in "The Shirt"! It's a GREAT shirt! (And on a great guy -- you're a lucky lady, Jacqui!)

Thinking a lot about both of you these days.


25 Jan 10 - 06:27 PM (#2821439)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Linn - I'll email you a copy - I never have been able to work out how to download from flickr.

25 Jan 10 - 07:38 PM (#2821492)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I don't give a lot of thought to attire but I think I want to wear the black tee shirt and the leather jacket.

25 Jan 10 - 07:47 PM (#2821497)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

I HOPE you do, Kendall! LOVE the shirt and the guy in it.

26 Jan 10 - 08:53 AM (#2821610)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Don't forget the dark, wraparound shades. Gotta look dangerous, man.

26 Jan 10 - 09:08 AM (#2821617)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

Too bad there isn't enough time to grow a ponytail...

26 Jan 10 - 11:47 AM (#2821749)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I draw the line at pony tails. Too may of them are attached to Horse's asses.

26 Jan 10 - 12:18 PM (#2821772)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: olddude

I say, grab the mike, and do some rappin .. captain !!!
but no break dancin ok

26 Jan 10 - 01:50 PM (#2821842)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I'm thinking of just announcing that I'm the new poster boy for the tobacco companies.

26 Jan 10 - 07:29 PM (#2822166)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

We're trying to persuade him to do the moonwalk to Old Shep while we're there.

26 Jan 10 - 08:02 PM (#2822188)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

You know, he DOES look something like Michael Jackson....

26 Jan 10 - 08:34 PM (#2822200)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Michael Jackson is DEAD!Thanks a lot.

27 Jan 10 - 08:57 AM (#2822487)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

We just got word that Mass. General can't take me until February 16th. It takes some effort to line up three different pros for this little tea party.

27 Jan 10 - 08:57 AM (#2822488)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Oh, yeah, I forgot that little thing. I don't think he's going to moonwalk anytime soon then, huh?

27 Jan 10 - 09:03 AM (#2822493)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Kendall - that is only three weeks away. Barely time to get back from the Grammys, unpack, launder and re-pack.

How about holding up an x-ray of your vocal cords and thank Phillip Morris as part of your speech?

28 Jan 10 - 09:16 AM (#2823451)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Sapper stuck at Helmsdale

Bloody hell Kendall, you're certainly drawing more than your share of short straws. Hang in there lad, and give it your best.

28 Jan 10 - 10:29 AM (#2823505)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

Actually, I think Kendall may be dreading the Grammys far more than any surgery. And waiting until the 16th - well, that could be downright good news!

So let me get this straight - Geeta's wearing a FABULOUS gown, I'm wearing a tux with a bolo tie made out of guitar strings, Jacqui's wearing thrift store chic and Kendall's wearing an ol' tee-shirt. we'll make an interesting set.


28 Jan 10 - 10:32 AM (#2823508)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

We DEFINITELY need photos!

28 Jan 10 - 10:50 AM (#2823526)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

Don't forget the noses....


28 Jan 10 - 11:30 AM (#2823574)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I'd rather not go than wear a tux.

28 Jan 10 - 11:34 AM (#2823579)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: olddude

Come on Captain, buck up their buddie, you are getting a grammy ... wear the Tux and smile so we have some pics for the website. Besides Jacqui will like it ...and all the fans ...

Lots of pics folks, I want to make capt a photo gallery on his site

28 Jan 10 - 11:37 AM (#2823585)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

I've never bothered with the Grammys before, but I'll be glued to my seat this year! All of the best, and have a great time!


28 Jan 10 - 11:41 AM (#2823591)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Wear the black leather jacket and the hat, Captain. I want to see Willy Nelson sigh with envy.

28 Jan 10 - 12:02 PM (#2823617)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Me, too, Sins. Isn't it de rigueur for folkies and others to eschew the dictates of Hollywood fashion, anyway? *smile*

28 Jan 10 - 01:22 PM (#2823696)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ClaireBear

I vote with SINS and Kat: Leather and hat, Kendall!

Dan, Jacqui's thrift store chic is "Claire's-thrift-store-karma" thrift store chic (I am very good at divining treasure from thrift shops), which means she will be looking fabulous. No worries.

I love the guitar-string bolo idea! And I sure hope I'll catch a glimpse of that fabulous gown Geeta will be wearing.

You will all look perfectly and appropriately attired.

One question: Will you be attending the main event, so that your red-carpet moment may be televised (at least in the background while they're focusing on Lady Ga-Ga), even though the award presentation won't be?


28 Jan 10 - 03:30 PM (#2823803)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

I think he ought to wear a speedo, bow tie, and clamming boots.

28 Jan 10 - 03:33 PM (#2823808)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

and sing "I Just Don't Look Good Naked Anymore"?

28 Jan 10 - 03:50 PM (#2823824)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bobert

Real glad to read that the Capt'n has discovered some good music to listen to... Personally, I've always liked Metallica and AC/DC but there were a few 90's bands, Cinderella, Junk Yard and Tangier to name a few, that were purdy danged good, too... Maybe the guys at the local geetar shop would be willin' to take that Taylor in on trade fir somethin' with some horsepower...


28 Jan 10 - 03:53 PM (#2823829)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

Rap, that's about enough of that.

28 Jan 10 - 05:09 PM (#2823903)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Bobert, I've always thought Josie and the Pussycats were the best there was.

29 Jan 10 - 12:57 AM (#2824216)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Photos, photos and more photos.....

I don't suppose there's leather pants to match that jacket?

Okay Jacqui..... I'll wait in the cellar .. good thing the wifi reaches there.....

29 Jan 10 - 01:52 AM (#2824227)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

I have this mental image of Dani and I either watching you guys and gals on-line, or viewing pictures, and saying to each other, "Well, wontcha lookie there. Them four clean up right nice!"

(I'll get me coat....)

29 Jan 10 - 06:17 AM (#2824335)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: freda underhill

He's going to look damn fine, whatever he wears! and Jacqui will surpass him!

can't wait for the pix!

29 Jan 10 - 08:43 AM (#2824453)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bat Goddess

I'm thinking of just announcing that I'm the new poster boy for the tobacco companies.

You and Tom...

Thinking about you lots.


29 Jan 10 - 09:34 PM (#2825138)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Justa Picker

Sorry just found this thread (as I'm not around here much these days) but Kendall know that I'm pulling for you, and send my prayers and positive energies for a good outcome. All the best!!

29 Jan 10 - 10:10 PM (#2825160)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Guy Wolff

I am glad that I stopped in and found this thread .. This is the best of what makes mudcat so wonderful .. I am so glad to have read the great bits of optomisum in adversity and true friendships here. Good luck in the work ahead of you Kendall and thanks for the inspiration above in the lines here . My best to all here .Guy

30 Jan 10 - 10:16 AM (#2825448)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

And thank you too. Mudcat is a great place, innit?

30 Jan 10 - 10:53 AM (#2825480)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Jacqui called from LA this morning. 12 hours getting there. I would not have fared well.

30 Jan 10 - 11:05 AM (#2825492)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Take one of them cruise ships 'round the Horn. Even LA would good after that.

30 Jan 10 - 01:04 PM (#2825631)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

No one in his right mind would sail around the horn.

30 Jan 10 - 02:30 PM (#2825713)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

More like 16 hours in total - he would have been a complete wreck. We're downtown, which is very citified and that would not have sat well. We had a fair walk this morning to pick up tickets, all on concrete, which would have killed his back and hips.

Mind you, he wouldn't have had so much of a hangover as he has this morning!

30 Jan 10 - 02:32 PM (#2825715)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

On vaht do you base dis hyposesis?

30 Jan 10 - 02:53 PM (#2825725)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

He wouldn't have paid hotel prices to drink that much single malt!

30 Jan 10 - 02:59 PM (#2825726)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Big Mick

Bring it home, Cap'n, jacqui, and Dan! I am playing tomorrow in Muskegon, MI during this ceremony, but the folks are going to have a laptop going.

All the best,


30 Jan 10 - 03:08 PM (#2825736)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Jac... they got liquor stores in Calleeforneeah, no?

30 Jan 10 - 03:14 PM (#2825744)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Haven't found one yet gnu - at least not where we are - glad I brought my own supplies from Maine.

30 Jan 10 - 03:19 PM (#2825749)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

They are often called "Deli"s out here, Jacqui!!


30 Jan 10 - 03:21 PM (#2825753)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Big Mick

I lived out there a number of years.........yes, they have liquor stores!! I have slept on the floor of a number of them!


30 Jan 10 - 03:45 PM (#2825772)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

W haven't been out exploring much and there was very little on the route between the hotel and the Staples centre apart from a very small food court, which didn't look promising.

30 Jan 10 - 06:14 PM (#2825906)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Fortunato

they sell a limited supply of liquor at Ralph's and other groceries, also. I doubt they'll have single malt, you might have to settle for Cutty Sark or some other low class blended Scotch.

So if the old man's home alone, how'll he get enough to eat?

delivery pizza?

30 Jan 10 - 06:25 PM (#2825911)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Well, he's with Seamus I guess.

30 Jan 10 - 06:44 PM (#2825922)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Nope, even my dog deserted me.
As for food, I couldn't even keep a cup of coffee down today.

30 Jan 10 - 07:35 PM (#2825960)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Big Mick

Am I too understand that you didn't go??? I know I am scarce around here these days due to an overwhelming load of personal responsibilities, but if I had realized you were chickening out of going, I would have set sail for Maine and dragged your wrinkled old arse to the airport? You work your whole life for a moment like this and..... mutter, grumble, sputter, piss, moan...........

30 Jan 10 - 07:42 PM (#2825968)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Dang Kendall ..... my dear one is flying out in the morning to parts west too..... and here I am too far south ti keep you company,,,,,

We're gonna have to cyber stalk this event and watch the others shine....

30 Jan 10 - 08:52 PM (#2826024)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Mick my friend, I have not worked all my life for this. Never even thought about a Grammy. It was a fluke and Dan and Jacqui did 95% of the work so I think they should get the credit.

I do appreciate your thoughts. (Except that part about the wrinkled old arse)

30 Jan 10 - 09:04 PM (#2826036)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

The Wrinkled Old Arse... now, there is a Grammy winning song in that.

30 Jan 10 - 09:20 PM (#2826046)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Big Mick

OK..... enough of the friggin' false modesty, Cap'n. While it is true that the legwork was done by Dan and jacqui, without your rolodex and your reputation, most of those folks would never have ended up on this thing. I know this because I was one of the first that was called by you folks after the day you decided to do it. That is only important in that I pretty well know how this went because I was there early. The thing got nominated because very talented, and well known, artists got involved along with us ordinary folks. That happened initially (and mainly) because of your ability to pick a phone and call. That is to say, it happened because you are so well respected among these stellar performers.   

Ain't buyin' in, Skippah. You should be there.

All the best,


30 Jan 10 - 10:36 PM (#2826077)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Mick, let's go get him. He's only got a .38...and...well, maybe not. We'd have to deal with Jacqui and I gave up backing into buzzsaws for Lent.

31 Jan 10 - 12:46 AM (#2826115)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

We were happy to visit with Kendall for a short time tonight, Rap and Mick. He made the trip to Sinsull's house where we were gathering for Deb Cowan's house concert, though he wasn't feeling well enough to stay for the music. I can tell you there is no chicken in the Kendall; nor beef stew, strawberries, cheesecake, wine, or whine...lots of quality though. He's elegant, that one.

Kendall, sir: I went ahead and sang the new one I tried out on you and Jacqui the other day. Nobody fainted so I guess it wasn't too bad.



31 Jan 10 - 11:48 AM (#2826437)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Mick, it is not false modesty. Truth to tell, I am a very modest man, and I have much to be modest about.

31 Jan 10 - 04:52 PM (#2826684)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

he wouldn't have had so much of a hangover as he has this morning!, don't be so sure about that! Remember, he did spend Friday evening with GB his very self!

I'm selfishly glad that Kendall stuck close to home this weekend, so I could have such a nice visit with him!

But our thoughts were with you, Jacqui, and with Dan, Bruce and everyone involved. I wore your shawl all weekend out of solidarity!

01 Feb 10 - 09:21 AM (#2827199)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Still wish the mic had shorted out and lit up Pink for a grand finale. Sort of like fireworks at the 1812 Overture.

Kendall did look a little piqued on Saturday. Like two bad boys waiting for Mom to go off to the grocery store...heh heh

01 Feb 10 - 10:02 AM (#2827216)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

When the cat's away...

02 Feb 10 - 07:08 AM (#2828019)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

But the cat came back...You home yet, Jacqui?

02 Feb 10 - 01:22 PM (#2828289)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Yes, and she's resting.

02 Feb 10 - 01:25 PM (#2828290)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

That's good. Thank you, Kendall.


02 Feb 10 - 03:28 PM (#2828405)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Well, all that partying and things does take its toll, I imagine. I hope she got to see the La Brea Tarpits when she was in LA -- they're about the only things worthwhile there.

02 Feb 10 - 03:31 PM (#2828409)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Rap - no time for anything other than the Grammys. However, I will probably be visiting in the summer when my daughter and her family are here and we go off walkabout west for part of their stay.

Are those the tar pits that featured in the Tommy Lee Jones film? I reckon that they will be of interest to a nine year old!

02 Feb 10 - 04:12 PM (#2828451)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

They get a mention in the Bugs Bunny cartoon where he golfs against this crotchety, contankerous, contrary Scot. Can't recall the Scot's name in the cartoon... MacKenzie maybe?

02 Feb 10 - 04:14 PM (#2828456)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

LEt me know when you're coming, Jacqui. I'll run up to see you, and if you want some real coastal beauty, take a junket down to San Diego and we'll put you all up if you want.


03 Feb 10 - 10:06 AM (#2828778)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Volcano starts with the tar pits bubbling.

03 Feb 10 - 12:21 PM (#2828912)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Kendall

Now my Doctor says I have "atypical cells" in my urine. Just what I need, more to be concerned about.

03 Feb 10 - 12:54 PM (#2828954)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Kendall, you've never been "typical".

03 Feb 10 - 01:18 PM (#2828979)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Especially when he takes the piss.


03 Feb 10 - 01:31 PM (#2828990)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Seamus Kennedy

Well, just be glad you don't sing through your willie...
best wishes, Kendall.

03 Feb 10 - 01:33 PM (#2828993)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Seamus Kennedy

Although I think I'd pay good money to see/hear that.
A little 'Handel's Water Music', perhaps?

03 Feb 10 - 01:39 PM (#2828997)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Not good news, Captain, but not horrible either. Cystitis, a simple bladder infection, can cause the diagnosis of atypical cells. It can't be ignored. What's the next step?
Keep in mind - you just had a physical and you passed with flying colors.
I don't understand how you can look so good and have so much wrong...SINS, Head Groupie.

03 Feb 10 - 01:43 PM (#2829001)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Big Mick

It comes from holding all that bile in. I keep tryin' to tellya, skippah, that you need to let it out, speak your mind. Keep it inside of you causes this.

Mick, who ranks in the top tier of groupies.

03 Feb 10 - 01:48 PM (#2829006)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Hmmm...there's no burning sensation when you mictruate, is there? I mean, Jacqui's out of town, you're on the other coast....

03 Feb 10 - 01:53 PM (#2829012)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall

If that was the case, the cellar would be too good for me!

03 Feb 10 - 02:03 PM (#2829023)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Donuel

Good as place as any to note my opinion of Beyonce and the grammy sweep; While I think she is a good Vegas nite club act, giving every grammy in the world to this lady is a waste of good brass. She dances , if you think stripper moves is dancing, and carries tunes that are harmonious - my ass. It was a wonderful moment at the inauguration ball when she sang 'At Last', but so was Bette Midler when she sang Long long road to Carson on his last show. Being realistic I suppose those highly invested in music sales feel that Beyonce will get them more bang for their grammy advertising buck...but 6 of em is over the top for some tunes that were really slop.

03 Feb 10 - 02:07 PM (#2829026)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

If that was the case, the cellar would be too good for me!

Yep. more likely to be 6' of prime backyard!

Don - I agree with you about Beyonce. She left me totally cold.

03 Feb 10 - 02:47 PM (#2829073)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

more likely to be 6' of prime backyard!.... NO! You`d have to hide the body until the frost is out of the ground.

03 Feb 10 - 05:12 PM (#2829215)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie

Not necessarily, gnu. In Alaska- in New Brunswick too? - when a body simply can't wait until Spring breakup, they stand the body on end and pound it in. ;)

03 Feb 10 - 05:17 PM (#2829221)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Donuel


03 Feb 10 - 05:20 PM (#2829224)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Yee Alaskians is some tough! Alaskiers?

03 Feb 10 - 05:26 PM (#2829232)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie


03 Feb 10 - 07:18 PM (#2829362)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

You`d have to hide the body until the frost is out of the ground.

We've got our own bit of forest out back - I'd just hide him in the brush and bury what's left of him when the ground softened up.

03 Feb 10 - 07:24 PM (#2829372)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Excuse me...but as Head Groupie I feel it is my duty to point out that the Csptain has done nothingn a pile drive into the frozen ground.
Rap, however, is in serious doodoo for suggesting such a thing. SO - lower the testosterone levels and go back to your respective corners or I'll whack you all this side of your head with a 2x4. That goes for you too Jacqui.
One would think you were planning his demise. Got that green card have we?
(Inside joke)

03 Feb 10 - 07:32 PM (#2829385)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Calm down you auld bat.

We are talking hypothetically here, based on Kendall picking up some nasty disease in my absence. He was the one who said that the cellar would be too good for him.........

03 Feb 10 - 07:35 PM (#2829390)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

"I'd just hide him in the brush and bury what's left of him when the ground softened up."

Ah, not a good plan at at all. Too many variables. Ya wanna be especially nice to him until spring. And hope he doesn't get suspicious. After all, he is an old salt and could slip YOU in the salt water if you need tending to.

You could end up being buried in the bay.

03 Feb 10 - 07:43 PM (#2829398)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

And it would indeed be an Old Bay seasoning.

03 Feb 10 - 07:50 PM (#2829406)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Hi there, Kendall. How are you managing over there? Let me know if the Quasimodal Chorus needs to swoop in and carry you off to Camden.


03 Feb 10 - 08:04 PM (#2829419)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

Gee whiz, Kendall!

03 Feb 10 - 08:11 PM (#2829424)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Kendall

Now look here, I have never had any kind of STD, and I don't want them again either.

03 Feb 10 - 08:21 PM (#2829431)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Okay I'm giggling cause if Big Mick is in "the top tier of groupies."

Never mind.... I'll take my leather coat stroking self to the cellar with all the other groupies who are somewhere in the underranking....

03 Feb 10 - 11:46 PM (#2829535)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie

"Oh me, oh my..." Great harmonies, gnu.

04 Feb 10 - 11:23 AM (#2829894)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Thought the same thing, Tink. He obviously doesn't know that Kendall insists on being on top.

And who are you calling an auld bat, you old bat?

So, what did the doctor say beyond that you pee funny? A plan? Another test?
Shall I gather the groupies for a ritual pee in the golden goblet? We can conduct our own tests if Jacqui goes out of town again...

04 Feb 10 - 11:56 AM (#2829914)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

I'm glad I'm not a groupie.


04 Feb 10 - 12:31 PM (#2829934)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Or a gropie.

04 Feb 10 - 12:33 PM (#2829936)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

I'm glad I'm not a grouper.

04 Feb 10 - 12:41 PM (#2829950)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Or a griper

04 Feb 10 - 12:46 PM (#2829956)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I just talked to my Doctor's assistant and she said this is not serious and no need to worry. It should be checked but it could be even be after the surgery in Mass.

04 Feb 10 - 01:21 PM (#2829984)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

So I'll put the goblet back in mothballs until Jacqui goes touring with her daughter...

04 Feb 10 - 02:04 PM (#2830024)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

If I knew how to respond to this I would.

04 Feb 10 - 02:40 PM (#2830048)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

Everyone mark this date on your calendars.

Kendall, at a loss for words!

04 Feb 10 - 03:16 PM (#2830069)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

I have worked so hard for so long to accomplish that. heh heh

04 Feb 10 - 03:18 PM (#2830073)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Maybe we could get Spaw to award you the THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN SHOWER and the rest of us won't have to *contribute*!

04 Feb 10 - 03:22 PM (#2830076)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Forgot to post THIS which actually has some interesting history of the little pissant.

04 Feb 10 - 03:24 PM (#2830077)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

That award is an insult not an award. HARUMPH!
I had forgotten about the order Of The Golden Shower.
Spaw blew coffee through his nose when I suggested that name.

04 Feb 10 - 03:33 PM (#2830088)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Dang, cyber space ate my perfectly timed response......

Ya know Kendall sometimes taking your own sweet time ---

Never mind .... I'll stop while I'm ahead.

04 Feb 10 - 03:46 PM (#2830098)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

No need to respond, K. Sit back and watch the show.

04 Feb 10 - 03:57 PM (#2830109)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Well, it may have started out as an insult, BUT, if you read the history you will see that the Little Pissant actually helped win battles and save his people, so some good must come of it, though I don't think the Cap't will need help pissing on a burning rope (lit fuse in the history!)

04 Feb 10 - 04:00 PM (#2830115)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

The problem ocurrs when you are pissing and it feels like a burning roap.

04 Feb 10 - 04:01 PM (#2830117)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu


Gee whiz!


04 Feb 10 - 04:12 PM (#2830132)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Kendall, do I understand that they are going to take care of this urinary problem after you have surgery in Mass??   Do you need the whole congregation praying for you? Does the Bishop know that your local priest is getting into faith healing or something? Won't the altar get all bloody and stuff?

04 Feb 10 - 04:59 PM (#2830167)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Alter, he go?

04 Feb 10 - 07:30 PM (#2830306)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

This reminds me of a story. Most unusual.

After God created man and woman and all the other stuff on earth and in heaven, he called Adam and Eve together and said,"I have two things left over for you and you may decide which you want. One is the ability to pee standing up, and ".... Adam interrupted and said, "Thats for me, I want that, I was here first and I demand first choice"!! God said, "Ok, it's yours. Now, Eve, the only thing I have left is multiple orgasms."

What a Doofus.

04 Feb 10 - 10:29 PM (#2830435)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage


04 Feb 10 - 11:16 PM (#2830463)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Patience is a virtue with big rewards.

05 Feb 10 - 08:08 AM (#2830526)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

I don't understand. Could you explain, please?

05 Feb 10 - 10:42 AM (#2830651)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Woman smarter than man.......

05 Feb 10 - 11:38 AM (#2830691)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Ok, good wife, next time the car breaks down, you fix it.

05 Feb 10 - 01:37 PM (#2830793)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Fortunato


I'm starting to worry about you and this bunch.


05 Feb 10 - 01:40 PM (#2830795)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

Next time the car breaks down I'll call triple A.

05 Feb 10 - 01:46 PM (#2830799)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Sure, take the easy way out.
The last time I looked, your membership card expired three years ago.
Chance, I know what you mean. It concerns me at times.

05 Feb 10 - 02:02 PM (#2830815)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: dick greenhaus

Kendall, never forget:
Man is a tool-using animal.
Woman is a man-using animal.

05 Feb 10 - 02:52 PM (#2830866)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

The latest on Kendall... Centrahl Maine Powah contacted the Scahhhbourough Police depahhhment in regahhd to a domestic dispute earlier today. Police arrived at the home you see behind me and talked to the concahhned Powah employee.

Details ahh sketchty, but, from what we have been able to detahmine, the male, recently nohhminated foh a Grammy awahhd, and his pahtnah, also nohminated foh a Grammy, had a disagreement... ovah whaht we have yet to find out.

It seems thaht the male was in the cellah and his pahtnah bahhed the cellah dohha, essentially incahhserating him. The male then tuhhned off the main entrance breakah, theyahby cutting off all heat and light.

Wait... I am told the male is tring to make contahct with the police through a cellah window... let's see if we can heeyah whaht he is saying...

"Open tha dahmn dohha. I'll fix the bleep bleep bleep cahhh."

Mohhh ahht five on WLBZ2 Bangohh on this breaking story. We now retuhhn to regulahh programming.

05 Feb 10 - 02:57 PM (#2830877)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

You can fix my car, Captain, if it ever breaks.

05 Feb 10 - 04:51 PM (#2830971)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c


05 Feb 10 - 04:55 PM (#2830973)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I never knew a Maine accent could be written!

05 Feb 10 - 05:17 PM (#2830988)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Written? You ottah heeayha me in pehhson.

Seriously, I don't do it very well... fact is, I have always gotten in trouble doing accents, even on stage for a laugh... especially in NF. Even when I would say, in defense, "The sincerest form of flattery is imitation.", I nearly got my ass kicked a few times. Only thing that saved me is that, back when I was a vibrant young man, not many would even think of messing with a 280# redhaired Irish descent redneck from the fly infested bog country of Kent County, New Brunswick.

Yeah... sounds stunned, but, if you say it with conviction, it saves yer ass!

In any case, I hope Jac has let you out of the cellah.... no need to have them theyah fellahhhhs around. The police? No... the Powah fellahhh... ya might get charged a service call.

06 Feb 10 - 12:43 PM (#2831468)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,Kendall

I'd have the same trouble trying to talk like a Herring choker with all them "R's" and

06 Feb 10 - 01:50 PM (#2831527)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

People choke herrings? I thought they just hauled 'em up in nets.

"Argh, but that 'un put up a fight, but I managed to hold on and choke 'er. Now back overboard for another 'un."

Kinda like hunting deer by jumping on them and cutting their throat, only wetter, I guess.

06 Feb 10 - 02:42 PM (#2831566)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Hahahahaa... I haven't been called a choker fer years!

Of course, I prefer to choke sardines... Da fish, she is very small.

And, ya can't beat Kippered Snacks with a drop o black rum... or smoked oysters.

07 Feb 10 - 09:32 AM (#2832028)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Black goes with everything.

07 Feb 10 - 12:24 PM (#2832171)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

That was me, cookieless.

07 Feb 10 - 12:44 PM (#2832186)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Last time I was up at my camp, my buddy's lad surprised us with a bottle of rum and a few tins of oysters. He open a tin and I saw that he had bought oysters, in salt water, not smoked... I didn't say a word. He shoved one in his mouth and the look on his face was priceless!

He rose from the table and started for the garbage can... I hollered "Don't spit that in the garbage... it'll stink the place up." He was gagging all the way out the door and to the woods.

Yeah, that was kinda mean of me... we tried to stifle the laughter, but not a hope.

The swearing startede as soon as he spat three or four times and got louder as he approached the camp. He went straight for tin and realized his mistake. F***! He looked at another tin... F***! the last tin... F***! F***! F***! And apologized profusley.

I said. No worries... you can smoke them over the camp fire later.

Yup, he tried... F........

The rum was good.

07 Feb 10 - 03:01 PM (#2832317)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: VirginiaTam

still following this... quietly

Think Kendall must be pretty smart. He picked Jaqui, didn't he?

07 Feb 10 - 03:24 PM (#2832344)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Gnu, you smoke oysters? I've smoke my share in my time, but never oysters. Aren't they kinda hard to light?

07 Feb 10 - 04:00 PM (#2832388)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

V.T, I chased her until she caught me.

08 Feb 10 - 10:46 AM (#2832885)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

I thought it was taupe that went with everything?

08 Feb 10 - 02:49 PM (#2833165)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Cuilionn

But not taupeworms.

08 Feb 10 - 02:51 PM (#2833169)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Even if you sauté them in butter?

08 Feb 10 - 03:39 PM (#2833231)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Speaking of worms did anyone else hear the guy on NPR yesterday, talking about hookworms curing asthma and allergies? It was pretty gross, but interesting, esp. the fact that the only place they can procreate is in a cat's stomach, nowhere else, not even in a human!

You cna listen to the show HERE OR, read a bit of it HERE.

08 Feb 10 - 03:42 PM (#2833235)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Thank you, no, Kendall.

By the way, Cuilionn, what's with the green egg? It's too pretty to break. Feed or a weird chicken? I am enjoying the cruelty free omelets. Thank you again.

08 Feb 10 - 03:43 PM (#2833238)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

And, you can read a personal account by the guy interviewed HERE.

It bizarre to think he gets almost $3,000 per package of hookworms for harvesting from his own shit!*bg*

08 Feb 10 - 06:26 PM (#2833417)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Cuilionn

Mary-- It's a regular egg inside, and I can get you plenty more if you like them, so don't consider it too rare to break and enjoy! As I answered in the other thread, it's from an Araucana hen. Their eggs tend to have a shell colour somewhere in the blue-to-green range.

11 Feb 10 - 04:33 PM (#2836498)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Now back to our regula programming:
Kendall's surgery is next week. Is it time to start a new thread? Your call, Jacqui.
Meantime, Captain, you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Head Kendall Groupie,

11 Feb 10 - 07:29 PM (#2836674)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: jacqui.c

We talked about this earlier. We have decided to start a new thread, probably Tuesday morning, just before we head for the hospital.

We're a bit annoyed right now - we're due down in Boston tomorrow to see Dr Z and were told yesterday that we will have to also go for Kendall to have another CAT scan - the third in a year.

Today we got a phone call - they wanted us there at 8.00am tomorrow form a pre-op exam for the anasthesiologist. We pointed out that, with a two hour journey from Portland, there was no way we were going to be able to do that. Now we have to kick our heels from 1.00pm to 2.00pm, between the CAT scan and the pre-op and hope that they can do that at the given time to allow us to get back to the 2.30 bus, otherwise there will be more heel kicking until the 3.30 bus!

Needless to say, we made our feelings pretty clear - the person we spoke to was unable to say why we hadn't been told about this earlier in the week. We are heading up state when we get back and a delay will make it even later to get there tomorrow evening.

I've got no problem with these tests, but a bit more notice would be nice.

11 Feb 10 - 07:48 PM (#2836687)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

Jacqui - that's a bit understated, and I can understand why you might be very p****d off. Hope it gets better!


11 Feb 10 - 07:52 PM (#2836689)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

The older I get the more I resent having some twit wasting my time.

11 Feb 10 - 08:08 PM (#2836697)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Shucks, Kendall. This past July I walked into the hospital at 5:30 a.m for rotator cuff surgery and the admitting clerk wanted $600. I'm not at my best at that hour, especially since they won't let you eat anything, and my wife's worse -- especially since we had a letter from Blue Cross stating that it was all to be covered.

Let's just say that the admissions clerk was going to learn some new, highly colored language when she decided to let us go without paying the money. I don't know if she was psychic or it was the steam coming out of my ears, but something tipped her off.

Couple weeks later the same thing happened to my doctor when his wife was having a baby. He paid, realizing only later that he should have said, "Gee, I left my checkbook at home and I don't have that much on me. Just lay on the floor right here, dear, and...."

12 Feb 10 - 08:21 AM (#2836997)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bat Goddess

We're dealing with the CAT scan scheduling, too -- Tom's trying to get it scheduled up here rather than in Boston. The Boston schedule on the day before his surgery is unworkable.


12 Feb 10 - 08:27 AM (#2837003)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

I wonder how much one costs. At this rate it might pay for itself in six months.
Counting down to the new thread...

12 Feb 10 - 08:49 AM (#2837021)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

Re: hookworms "the fact that the only place they can procreate is in a cat's stomach, nowhere else, not even in a human!"

Sins, I suggest a partnership; if we pool our "resources" (7 cats between the two of us) we can have enough money to buy a CT scanner in no time...

12 Feb 10 - 09:24 AM (#2837051)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: olddude

Hey Capt,
this will make you laugh. The last CT scan I had on my neck they made me wait over 2 hours. Then they came to get me, told me to undress and put on this hospital gown. Ok, they then said we will be right back. After waiting another 40 minutes, I got dress walked out and went home.

My doc got this letter

Dear Dr. xxxxx
we deeply apologize for your patient Dan, somehow prior to the CT scan we fear we may have inadvertently vaporized him since we only found the gown in a pile on the floor. We will try to take better care of your next patient ...

True story

12 Feb 10 - 09:36 AM (#2837060)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dave the Gnome

May cheer you up a bit Kendall.

Did you hear about the poor bloke who found his dog stiff as a board at the bottom of the garden? He picked it up and rushed it to the vet but the vet just shook his head and said the dog was dead. Wanting to be sure the man asked the vet to double check so the vet went in the back room, came out with a cat in a basket, waved it over the dog and then took the basket back. Confirming that the dog was definitely dead he presented the man with a bill for £100. £5 for his time and £95 for the cat scan...

Get better and back over here. We need to drink some more spiced rum:-)


12 Feb 10 - 09:41 AM (#2837066)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: MikeL2

hi linn

I hope everything goes well for you both.
As you will remember I too suffered from throat cancer.

I am in the UK and although I had private health insurance I was advised that I didn't need it.

So I went on our much criticised National Heath with much trepidation.

I was not messed about like you and Kendall appear to be.

Things just went like clockwork and everyone was in the right place at the right time to suit us. This went on right through my half a dozen laser surgiry ops and 32 days radio treatment and several years aftercare.

My prayers are with you both.



12 Feb 10 - 06:46 PM (#2837630)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

My son had a CT scan on Saturday morning last weekend. He couldn't sleep during the night and woke his Dad early. He's had this three or four times before, a sharp abdominal pain that we THINK is migraine related. Two emergency room trips in the past to children's hospital took so long that the pain passed. We all agreed, if it happened again, we'd go to the nearer regular hospital.

Okay so far. They put him on morphine for the pain, and did the scan. Surgeon comes in and says he probably has appendicitis. There is a slightly elevated white count, and the appendix is a little large, though it is still in the range of normal (and this is a tall kid). Surgeon wanted to do surgery that afternoon, despite the constipation that probably triggered the migraine pain (as light is a photo trigger for migraine headaches). "Can you do the surgery with his gut full?" The answer was yes, but then as he goes through the list of risks, there is that pesky "risk of damage of other organs or tissues by accidental cut or poke." And he didn't really know if it was appendicitis, "but if this happens again, you can rule out appendicitis." Not good enough reason for the surgery, IMHO.

We declined the appendectomy. He went back to Dad's, took a laxative the doctor recommended, and was fine the next day. We're following up with his regular GP on the migraine problem.


12 Feb 10 - 07:02 PM (#2837647)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Seems like more than one person was full of kaka...


12 Feb 10 - 07:09 PM (#2837654)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Apparently that little "slip" is what caused Rep. Murtha's death. Good call on your son, SRS!

12 Feb 10 - 07:51 PM (#2837696)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

SRS.... got my thoughts and prayers on the go. Keep us informed.

12 Feb 10 - 08:37 PM (#2837731)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bat Goddess

Seems this CAT scan can only take place in Boston, but they changed the time so it's now very workable. This is the day before Tom's Feb. 23rd surgery.

I'll start another Curmudgeon thread about that time.

Kendall and Jacqui, you know we're thinking lots about you two -- sending lots of white light, good thoughts, and all that stuff.

You're in good hands...but Kendall's surgery makes Tom's look like a walk in the park.


12 Feb 10 - 09:05 PM (#2837760)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Main reason I told that story was the accessibility of the CT scan. But I think the fact that we live in a large urban area and visited a busy hospital district is the reason this scan was available on demand.

One has to wonder if any of the legislation that is hanging in the balance now would help distribute access to these kinds of technologies. Some places have a glut while others experience a dearth of services.

Good luck with the upcoming procedures, Kendall and Tom.


13 Feb 10 - 03:55 PM (#2838400)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

One of the reasons our health care is so expensive is duplication. I've had three CT scans this year.

13 Feb 10 - 04:43 PM (#2838452)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Better than waiting a dog's age to get one, Kendall. At 3AM, and so rushed that the scan doesn't turn out well because they don't give the dye time enough to get to where it needs to be.

13 Feb 10 - 04:58 PM (#2838463)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

Having one in every office or hospital in a small geographic area is overkill--if they were spread out more it would make a lot more sense.

14 Feb 10 - 10:30 AM (#2838933)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bat Goddess

Tom had one at Mass Eye and Ear the day before his October surgery, Kendall, and will have another one the day before next week's surgery. I think they want one the day before any procedure. There. Done by them.

Just in case anything has changed.

That's one hospital (Mass General) where I trust completely what they want and what they do.


14 Feb 10 - 03:02 PM (#2839163)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall

I'm told that every CT scan gives you the same radiation as 100 chest X Rays. And some places are very casual about adjusting the damn thing to minimize the dose.

14 Feb 10 - 03:51 PM (#2839203)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Certainly a concern, Kendall. But, if it helps the "cure" of the immediate problem, ya gotta go with it. Go with the flow. Ya gotta trust that the doc is doin his job.

14 Feb 10 - 04:25 PM (#2839228)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall

Right. I'm sure John Murtha agrees.

15 Feb 10 - 05:18 AM (#2839611)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: open mike

just hope you do not have to go all the way to CT to get a CT scan.

best wishes...

15 Feb 10 - 05:46 AM (#2839629)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49

Geez Kendall.............LOL......You'd bitch if you was hung with a new rope!   And what has John Murtha got to do with it?


15 Feb 10 - 07:07 AM (#2839692)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Dont you read anything you didn't write? :-)

Rep. John Murtha went into the hospital for gall bladder surgery and his "Doctor" nicked his intestine and peritonitis killed him. My carotid artery is awful close to where he is going to be cutting.

I'm off to Boston today for the cut and paste. It's a major operation which will cost me much of my voice box. It can take up to 8 hours, and I will need a breathing tube for a week or so. And, there is a 10% chance that I will need that forever.

I won't be able to keep up with e mails or the mudcat but Jacqui will.

15 Feb 10 - 07:32 AM (#2839709)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Fair sails ahead, Kendall. You'll shoot through this latest storm slicker than a maggot through cheese.


15 Feb 10 - 07:34 AM (#2839710)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Nae whinging, ye ken?

maeve, channeling MeganL.

15 Feb 10 - 07:47 AM (#2839726)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Fair winds and a following sea, Captain...

15 Feb 10 - 08:26 AM (#2839762)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Sandra in Sydney

I second the above!


15 Feb 10 - 09:48 AM (#2839848)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

Gotcha in my heart, Kendall (and Jacqui.)

15 Feb 10 - 10:19 AM (#2839881)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Me too, buddy.

15 Feb 10 - 10:31 AM (#2839897)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

No two people should worry about the same thing at the same time. It is a waste of time and energy. I can name a few dozen people worried about you this time around so that means you get to concentrate on healing. Just relax and go to sleep and when you wake up it will be all over. Once you know the outcome, you can deal with it.
Whine away, Sweetie.
One of those few times everyone will listen.

15 Feb 10 - 10:52 AM (#2839911)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49


Yeah Kendall, I read it.......badly........LOL.....But I thought that in the long string of posts that talked about cat scans, YOU were referring to cat scans and not the surgery. I saw your sentence at the end of the post but somehow I still thought you wewre referring to cat scans with the Murtha remark. I humbly apologize. I'm such an asshole.........I just oooze crappola............**sigh**........



15 Feb 10 - 11:06 AM (#2839933)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Jeri

I read a book once that gave evidence that patients who bitched and whined and were generally unsatisfied with everything did a lot better than those who just sucked it up and were nice. I'm not making this up (but I don't remember the book title.)

So keep complaining. The medical people are trained to understand patients and your friends are used to it. Love you, old fart.

15 Feb 10 - 11:17 AM (#2839944)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

If the docs get anywhere NEAR your gall bladder or intestines you might possibly need a bunch of new doctors, maybe perhaps.

15 Feb 10 - 11:23 AM (#2839954)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

The whole bunch of you are going to end up in the CELLAR! if you don't behave. Auntie SINS is in charge (self appointed) while Jacqui is squiring Kendall around Boston. And WE are not amused!

Push for a private room, Captain. Make a total nuisance of yourself if you have to. You don't need some old crank with a TV turned up to wake the dead watching hockey games.

Jacqui is good at sorting that sort of thing out. Go for the liver, Jacqui!

15 Feb 10 - 11:25 AM (#2839955)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie

Things are rarely the way we pre-judge them (Of course, sometimes they are worse:) but very often when we come out on the other side we say, Well, that wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be.

But whine away- as the man said, Worry counts for somep'n.

15 Feb 10 - 11:45 AM (#2839971)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49

"If the docs get anywhere NEAR your gall bladder or intestines you might possibly need a bunch of new doctors, maybe perhaps."

But Rap, you know there are folks who have their heart in their throat so heart surgery might have to be performed through the neck. Now if Kendall goes in there in a bad mood with his head up his ass, then it could happen, maybe perhaps.


15 Feb 10 - 11:48 AM (#2839975)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

A following sea is good, but if it's too high you get "Pooped".

15 Feb 10 - 11:49 AM (#2839976)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

My best to Kendall and his entire brood, including genetic relatives and hangers-on. You know who you are--and the rest of us are extremely glad you're there to offer support and assistance.


15 Feb 10 - 01:05 PM (#2840053)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I doubt that the Grim reaper would take on this crew!

15 Feb 10 - 05:29 PM (#2840347)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: KT

I'm with you, Kendall and Jacqui, in heart and mind....KT

15 Feb 10 - 05:33 PM (#2840352)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: My guru always said

Keeping positive thoughts flowing, love & hugs!
Hil xxx

15 Feb 10 - 06:13 PM (#2840396)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Kendall's head is squarely (squirrelly?) on his shoulders where it belongs.   As the hernia patient said to the surgeon, "Gol dern it, while yer down there don't go messin' with things that don't concern ya."

15 Feb 10 - 06:24 PM (#2840414)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Hollowfox

One good thing about winter, it makes the $#@!-reduction candles a real nice addition to the living room decor...

15 Feb 10 - 07:01 PM (#2840447)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Just took the boy out for his evening constitutional.He sniffed, peed, pooped and did an assortment of doggie things. Now he is resting on the couch thinking of you...and a biscuit.
Good luck tomorrow.

15 Feb 10 - 07:24 PM (#2840467)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Kendall and a biscuit...the things dogs will eat....

15 Feb 10 - 07:46 PM (#2840491)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: catspaw49

Just took the boy out for his evening constitutional.He sniffed, peed, pooped and did an assortment of doggie things. Now he is resting on the couch thinking of you...and a biscuit.
Good luck tomorrow.

Geeziz Sins.....When I first read that post I thought you were talking about Kendall............


15 Feb 10 - 07:54 PM (#2840498)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: olddude

As Red Green would say
"I'm pullin fer ya"

16 Feb 10 - 02:21 AM (#2840623)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ClaireBear

All the best, Kendall. I'm here and thinking of you always.


16 Feb 10 - 02:48 AM (#2840634)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

All the best from me too!


16 Feb 10 - 04:00 AM (#2840658)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: SussexCarole

We're thinking of you Kendall & Jacqui.

Lots of love Carole & Andrw xxxx

16 Feb 10 - 09:56 AM (#2840845)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

This is going to be a long day. Last night was a long sleepless night. But it's Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday so that has to count for something.
Mary Sunshine

16 Feb 10 - 10:04 AM (#2840853)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Nancy King

Lots of positive thoughts coming your way!


16 Feb 10 - 12:22 PM (#2840985)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: vectis

Here's hoping all goes well for you Kendall.

16 Feb 10 - 01:10 PM (#2841033)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Kendall's gonna be's to Jacqui!

16 Feb 10 - 02:23 PM (#2841113)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Charley Noble

Hoping for the best. We'd even settle for better!

Charley Noble and JudyB

16 Feb 10 - 02:24 PM (#2841115)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ranger1

Thinking of you, Cap'n. DO NOT behave yourself, we'd all think you'd been taken over by pod people or something.

16 Feb 10 - 02:26 PM (#2841118)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: VirginiaTam

Yppers... me here too. Had it in me outlook diary to remember Kendall on this day.

So here I am... rememberin and other shit.

16 Feb 10 - 02:36 PM (#2841129)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

I find myself checking this thread and rechecking it for any news. Kendall, you're in all of our hearts today.


16 Feb 10 - 02:47 PM (#2841140)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Me, too, Dan.

Kendalldarlin' and Jacqui, I am giving thanks for the best possible outcome there is and am holding you in my heart and the Light.

Love you,


16 Feb 10 - 03:07 PM (#2841161)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Richard Atkins

Thinking of Kendall and Jacqui at this time

16 Feb 10 - 03:14 PM (#2841168)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Sendin' lots of love and warmth on a snow covered winters day.....

16 Feb 10 - 03:28 PM (#2841185)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

What Dan said. . .

16 Feb 10 - 04:57 PM (#2841270)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

Headed home from work in a minute. Had hoped we would hear something by now but if he is in Recovery, Jacqui has her hands full. And I guess we don't know when the surgery started.
I'll check in from home.

16 Feb 10 - 04:57 PM (#2841271)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: My guru always said

Same here, been watching this thread all day! Holding you both in my heart, candle lit, love & hugs,
Hil xxxx

16 Feb 10 - 05:06 PM (#2841280)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Expecting the best, Skippah. Guess you've spoilt us...


16 Feb 10 - 05:14 PM (#2841286)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Suhgery probably stahhted mid to late mohhn as thaht is when tha slice and dice guys are aht their best, ahftah they do some wahm up suhgery on simple stuff.

Ahnd, if they took a two owah lunch with a few glahsses of Shahdoneh ta com tha nehves, it could be a while yet. I hope nobody hahd lobstah and beeah on accounta tha fahhts in tha oh-ahh might cause fahthah delahy.

I am soooo waiting for good news.

16 Feb 10 - 05:27 PM (#2841303)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Sandra in Sydney

part of the crowd waiting for news


16 Feb 10 - 05:38 PM (#2841319)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

New thread with good news here


26 Jan 11 - 04:23 PM (#3082920)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

We just returned from Boston and my routine exam with Doctor Zeitels. Again no sign of cancer and he is very pleased. Next visit is in April, so they are coming further apart each time.

He also told us that I am probably going to be the subject of an article in the New England Journal of Medicine for the work we are doing.

The big hold up now is funding. This research requires huge amounts of money, and it's a catch 22 situation. He has to offer evidence that what he wants to do will work, and the only way he can do that is to do the research which costs money! It's like if you want to borrow money from a back you must show that you don;t need it.

26 Jan 11 - 04:30 PM (#3082926)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: My guru always said

Wonderful news Kendall!!!

26 Jan 11 - 04:40 PM (#3082933)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Tinker

Great news.....

26 Jan 11 - 04:49 PM (#3082938)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ClaireBear

Another of your adoring female fans shouting a great big "whoopie!" here in California. Goodonya, Kendall.

26 Jan 11 - 05:02 PM (#3082944)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

"Another of your adoring female fans shouting a great big "whoopie!"

Well, I am an adoring male fan that is tickled pink. Does that make me whoop any differently? Not that there's anything wrong with that.


26 Jan 11 - 05:15 PM (#3082950)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: DougR

Right on Kendall!


26 Jan 11 - 05:19 PM (#3082953)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: bbc

Happy news, dear; thanks for sharing it!

best always,


26 Jan 11 - 05:23 PM (#3082956)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: ChanteyLass

That is good news about your health, and I hope the research get funded.

26 Jan 11 - 05:27 PM (#3082959)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: maeve

Thank you, Kendall.


26 Jan 11 - 05:29 PM (#3082960)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: curmudgeon

I had hoped to meet up with you Kendall, when Sonny said your were coming in at 10:30. But as I had to leave at 10:23 to get my 11:00 train, we probably were on opposing elevators.

Good to know we both had good results today. You say you're going back in April; the 13th by any chance?

But perchance, we might meet before then. Be well - Tom

26 Jan 11 - 05:31 PM (#3082964)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Bobert

They gonna put yer picture on the cover of that journal, Capt'n??? If so, I want a copy...

BTW, great to hear that yer cancer-free... That's a good thing...


26 Jan 11 - 05:35 PM (#3082965)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: mouldy

I'd like to add my congratulations from over the pond! May you continue to do so well!


26 Jan 11 - 05:55 PM (#3082976)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Deckman

Es muy Bien! bob(deckman)nelson

26 Jan 11 - 05:56 PM (#3082977)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

Kendall - I'm not sure there's much we adoring female fans can do from England about your catch 22, but let us know if we can!


26 Jan 11 - 06:39 PM (#3083004)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Janie

Good news!    Especially since I failed to notice "2010" through the first 15 or so posts to this thread.

Don't scare me like that!

26 Jan 11 - 07:10 PM (#3083027)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall

First a Grammy nomination, now the NE Journal of Medicine. Is there nothing our Captian can't do

besides mend a broken heart?
Good on you, Captain. If I win the lottery, Dr. Z will have his funding.

26 Jan 11 - 07:11 PM (#3083028)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

No, they have a very staid cover. Kendall will be the center fold-out.

26 Jan 11 - 07:29 PM (#3083034)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

Keep on keepin' on, my friend.


26 Jan 11 - 07:29 PM (#3083035)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Maryrrf

More good news! (Just read the McGrath of Harlow update)

26 Jan 11 - 08:18 PM (#3083063)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

The centerfold? LOL!! Except that it will be a high-res closeup of the inside of his throat--not charming without the rest of him attached!!


26 Jan 11 - 09:12 PM (#3083088)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

Yeah, but it will naked!!!

26 Jan 11 - 09:23 PM (#3083091)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Dan, that was taking forever to load, so had to leave.

26 Jan 11 - 09:53 PM (#3083098)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Sandra in Sydney

adding my cheers & best wishes for funding from across the other pond


26 Jan 11 - 10:15 PM (#3083106)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

It's on my CD/book. It should play directly off the web though....


27 Jan 11 - 12:10 AM (#3083141)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

This would be an interesting discussion for Diane Rehm to set up someday on her WAMU-FM talk show. She has spasmodic dysphonia and went through a lot of trouble to figure out the problem and devise a treatment. I don't think she sees Dr. Z, but Julie Andrews does, and Julie Andrews has been on Diane's program to talk about voice things on several occasions. Wouldn't it be interesting if all of you, Diane, Julie, Kendall, and Dr. Z, could discuss this kind of breakthrough surgery in an intelligent venue that might shake loose a few coins from funders who might hear the program? Maybe you should ask your Dr. Z to speak to Andrews or contact Rehm's program directly.

Just a thought.


27 Jan 11 - 03:21 AM (#3083174)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: KT

Happy dance!

27 Jan 11 - 06:06 AM (#3083221)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

And Tom has good news at the same time! Double "whoopie"!

27 Jan 11 - 06:29 AM (#3083232)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: GUEST,kendall

Excellent idea SRS.

27 Jan 11 - 06:30 AM (#3083233)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: freda underhill

Wonderful news, Kendall, I'm so pleased. what a relief for you and Jacqui.

best wishes,


27 Jan 11 - 06:52 AM (#3083241)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Roger the Skiffler

Kendall duetting with Julie Andrews, now that would fill Carnegie Hall!


27 Jan 11 - 08:57 AM (#3083300)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: MikeL2

hi Kendal

Great news. It is good that they are spacing your reviews longer each time.

That happened to me and finally after attending two six monthly followed by a twoeve monthly review they threw me out !!!

I didn't make it into medical journals tho....!!! lol



27 Jan 11 - 09:35 AM (#3083317)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

It's always interesting when you can connect the dots!

27 Jan 11 - 09:54 AM (#3083323)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

A long time ago my wife was written up in a medical journal. It was either "The Journal of Endocrinology" or "Abnormal Psychology Today."

27 Jan 11 - 10:46 AM (#3083353)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Desert Dancer

Here's the contact page for the Diane Rehm Show. If someone could briefly outline the concept and provide some good links to reports on Dr. Zeitel's work, the idea might fly. Certainly he's had some good coverage before... here are Google search results for a search on "Steven Zeitels voice".

Best wishes,

Becky in Tucson

27 Jan 11 - 11:28 AM (#3083380)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Ebbie

A long time ago my wife was written up in a medical journal. It was either "The Journal of Endocrinology" or "Abnormal Psychology Today."

She's gonna get you for that, Rap.

27 Jan 11 - 11:49 AM (#3083395)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

Duet with Julie Andrews? Hell yes!

The mills are alive with the hounds of Munich...

27 Jan 11 - 12:04 PM (#3083403)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Desert Dancer

How about Roger Daltrey (another Zeitels patient)?

27 Jan 11 - 01:47 PM (#3083450)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

You know, the title of this thread, "The latest on Kendall", makes me think of those tabloids at the grocery check-outs.

"Kendall In Love Nest With Brit Ex-Pat!"
"Kendall On Crash Diet!"
"Kendall: 'I'm Not Pregnant' -- But Docs Say Otherwise!"
"Kendall In Speedo: Exclusive Pics Inside!"
"Jackie O: Kendall's Secret Lover?"

27 Jan 11 - 02:26 PM (#3083487)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Amos

Aliens Taking Over Kendall?
Kendall's Long Lost Sister Appears!
Kendall Signs $3M contract, Studios Go Wild!!

Yeah, I think you're onto something, Rapp.

27 Jan 11 - 02:33 PM (#3083492)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Dan Schatz

"Downeast Shocker: Kendall Morse Never Told a Lie"


27 Jan 11 - 02:35 PM (#3083498)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

"Kendall Morse: Martian Or Space Alien?"

27 Jan 11 - 02:54 PM (#3083512)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

"Jackie O: Kendall's Secret Lover?" ????

Shouldn't that be "Oh Jacqui!....

27 Jan 11 - 06:36 PM (#3083661)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Naemanson

"Downeast Shocker: Kendall Morse Never Told a Lie"

Well, I'm from Downeast and I know for a fact that Kendall never told a lie. He might stretch things a bit but that's not lying. He may tell a whopper of a tale but that's not lying.

The only people who lie habitually are politicians and fishermen.

Kendall used to be a fisherman I think but he reformed and went straight.

27 Jan 11 - 09:17 PM (#3083745)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Stilly River Sage

I think unless a clear topic is concisely articulated, the Rehm folks might not be interested. They address one topic in each hour, and it can be wide reaching, but they do stay on topic. The best person to approach this is probably the doctor himself, unless he has someone who handles his publicity (Not everyone is Dr. Oz -- but acutally, that is another place where you might get a segment in on this kind of cutting-edge research). Have Dr. Z's folks prepare a clear statement of the issue at hand, the research in the offing, and people who have been touched by this. Michael Douglas has been in the news most recently, is this related?

If the doctor first ran the proposal for the discussion past one or two possible big name guests to join him in the segment (so there is scheduling wiggle room, assuring at least one of these patients is in the studio with the doctor), then he could present the proposal and the possible guests to the Diane Rehm show, and see what they say. If Kendall is mentioned as the current study case, that's up to all of you, and up to Rehm's folks if he would be able to speak or someone speak for him, whatever. He might not be part of it at all - too many people in the studio and it gets complicated.

If this adds up to funding for an important procedure that would just happen to benefit our Kendall, then let them be flexible about who is interviewed. The point is, you want people to know about it.


28 Jan 11 - 09:16 AM (#3084008)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Becca72

"How about Roger Daltrey (another Zeitels patient)? "

Desert Dancer - he'd better bring his youngest daugther to that one!!!

28 Jan 11 - 05:35 PM (#3084331)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

"Committee Says Kendall Caused Current World-Wide Recession, Job Losses."

29 Jan 11 - 04:47 AM (#3084539)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: My guru always said

Next check April, eh? That's a long time to keep my fingers crossed!

29 Jan 11 - 10:21 AM (#3084670)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

"Kendall To Senate Committee: 'I Never Sold Secrets To China!'"

29 Jan 11 - 07:29 PM (#3084952)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I never had sex with that Llama either.

29 Jan 11 - 07:42 PM (#3084958)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Rapparee

"Kendall: I never had sex with that llama!"

01 Feb 11 - 03:52 PM (#3086785)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Then who was in the kitchen with Dinah?:-)

Glad to read of your good news, darlin'!


26 Apr 11 - 12:17 PM (#3142729)
Subject: Funding Source for Dr Z?
From: katlaughing

Kendall, check out this Foundation. This couple are "venture philanthropists" and love to give money to innovative science breakthroughs. Their foundation has assets of over 2.1 Billion. The Broads (pronounced Brode) give away 75% of their income. They just gave the L.A. Opera company half a million. I'll bet they'd be interested in Dr. Z.


26 Apr 11 - 01:37 PM (#3142790)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: Herga Kitty

Kat - I was alarmed to see this thread resurrected, because I'm looking forward to seeing Kendall and Jacqui on this side of the pond in a couple of weeks... relieved to see it's about fundraising for Doctor Z though!


26 Apr 11 - 03:11 PM (#3142851)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Oops, sorry about that Kitty!

26 Apr 11 - 04:05 PM (#3142896)
Subject: RE: BS Funding source for Dr Z
From: Herga Kitty

Kat - but I've noticed you tried changing the thread title in your post, but it reverted once it was posted...

Anyway, best of luck for putting funding and Dr Z together!


26 Apr 11 - 05:36 PM (#3142969)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Nope, that's only the individual posting title. Anyone posting may do that before they post. Can't change thread title that way.:-)

26 Apr 11 - 06:44 PM (#3143020)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: curmudgeon

When I saw Dr. Zeitels last week, he was quite confident that the final installment of the needed funding was on its way to Boston - Tom

26 Apr 11 - 07:44 PM (#3143059)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

When I saw him on Wednesday he was still looking for funding.
I sent him that web address, Kat. Thanks.

26 Apr 11 - 11:14 PM (#3143122)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: katlaughing

Kewl, either way, guys. My brother told me about the Broads as he saw them interviewed on 60 minutes (which he never watches, just caught it on the fly.)

I hope it helps.

27 Apr 11 - 07:26 AM (#3143289)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: kendall

I used to watch 60 minutes every Sunday, but it looks like they have dumped Andy Rooney, so I've dumped them.

27 Apr 11 - 01:42 PM (#3143513)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall
From: gnu

Kendall... re Andy

27 Apr 11 - 03:05 PM (#3143575)
Subject: RE: BS: The latest on Kendall (updated 2011)
From: kendall

If it's his choice, ok.