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Tech: MS Word to jpeg?-Noteworthy Composer

20 Jan 10 - 05:40 AM (#2816575)
Subject: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Les in Chorlton

I have music created in Noteworthy Composer2. I can copy it into MS Word and do a number of things to it but if I send it as an attachement to an e-mail the notation comes out as rubbish.

I would like to save it as a jpeg or similar so that I can attach and send.

Any ideas?

L in C

20 Jan 10 - 05:43 AM (#2816577)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Hamish

Print screen? And paste into a document?

20 Jan 10 - 05:45 AM (#2816578)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Artful Codger

If that doesn't work, print and scan.

20 Jan 10 - 05:48 AM (#2816582)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Sugwash

If you can, convert it to an Acrobat pdf file. That will allow you to preview the file before sending it as an attachment and, so long as it's successfully converted to pdf, it will arrive in legible form.

20 Jan 10 - 05:54 AM (#2816588)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Can you make a .PDF of it? I have never used Noteworthy, but with Sibelius and Word (and JPGs), if you have (or can transfer it onto via a memory-stick) a Mac: Select and click on the Print command in the File menu, click to the "PDF" button in the lower left-hand corner, and select Save As PDF.

That would enable you to email them, and they're easily printable by the recipient. It's what I do when sending my music files.

20 Jan 10 - 05:55 AM (#2816589)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Aaaaauuuuggghhh, pipped at the post. Or rather, the cross-post -

20 Jan 10 - 05:57 AM (#2816590)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Les in Chorlton

Thanks for so amny quick responses. I can scan when my scanner works but I cannot find away of converting to pdfs or jpegs

L in C

20 Jan 10 - 06:06 AM (#2816599)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Any Mac (at least the relatively recent ones) will do it. If you're "borrowing" the use of someone else's computer, I imagine they will need to already have Noteworthy installed before the transfer idea will work. But, rather than requiring a memory-stick, you could just email them the Noteworthy file and they could email you back the finished PDF; so I think it could be done long-distance.

Do you know any Apple owners who have Noteworthy?

20 Jan 10 - 06:09 AM (#2816601)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Les in Chorlton

Thanks that's worth a try - I do have friends with Apple but my Noteworthy may be PC specific


L in C

20 Jan 10 - 06:14 AM (#2816603)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Re JPGs, if you scan it, you should then be able to save that image as a JPG. It depends what programme you use, but on my PC I just have the bog-standard MS photo-edit application and it offers you a number of Save As options, including .jpg, .gif, .tiff, .png, and a whole rake of others. I would probably choose .jpg (or .gif, though these are hungrier on the memory). You can email them that way, though I find PDFs easier to print out.

20 Jan 10 - 06:16 AM (#2816605)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Wolfhound person

In my limited experience of friends' use of Noteworthy, it is notorious for this - I have seen reviews describing it as the worst of all possible options.

Certainly I have had to reset music completely to get round it.

Some owners seem to be able to convert to pdf, and others can't - whether this is a noteworthy version issue, or an owner competence issue, I wouldn't like to say.

Word to jpg is a Ghostview capability, I think.


20 Jan 10 - 06:26 AM (#2816609)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

I can only judge by Sibelius, which is what I use on both PCs and Macs, but: though the programme itself has to be designed to run on one platform or the other, often you'll find that the files they produce are compatible and can be handled by either machine, even bounced back and forth between them - as long as each one has the ability to read the file, which any computer that has Noteworthy installed would do. So I have a feeling that the files themselves may be interchangeable.

The best thing to do is to try emailing one to a Maccie friend and find out. I'd be glad to check it for you myself but I don't have Noteworthy. There have been a number of Noteworthy threads, so if you can find an old one to resurrect, you could try asking there. (Though I'm having zilch luck with Mudsearch at the moment.)

20 Jan 10 - 06:28 AM (#2816611)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bernard

Download CutePDF - it works as if it's a printer, but gives you a PDF file instead. It's a freebie...

I often use it to 'save' a copy of a webpage when 'save as' doesn't work!

20 Jan 10 - 06:29 AM (#2816612)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

I posted before seeing Wolfhound's message. I was replying to

> I do have friends with Apple but my Noteworthy may be PC specific

20 Jan 10 - 09:25 AM (#2816621)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Simon G

PDF is always better than jpeg for documents and it is so simple to create, just take Bernard's advice and you can create PDF from any application. The PDF will look and print with a s good a quality as the orginal application document.

Converting to JPEG just means you shipping files which mostly contain a rather scruffy description of the white space between the coloured in bits that are important to you.


20 Jan 10 - 09:50 AM (#2816648)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: JohnInKansas

L in C -
Your simplest procedure would be to print scores directly from Noteworthy, and then scan the printed pages and Save As GIF or JPG.

If you want multiple pages collected in a single file, you can "Insert Picture" to put each .gif or .jpg image into a Word document. Once you've saved the individual page image files (.gif or .jpg) use "Insert|Picture|From File to "paste" each picture into the document. The commands are on the top toolbar in earlier Word, but if you're using Word 2007 just use the quick key Alt-I, P, F to insert the pictures (unless you just enjoy wandering through the splattered 680 menu choices on the toolbar and drilling down to something useful).

If the "pictures" display in your Word document, you should be able to email the document to anyone, and they should be able to see it the same as what you see. If the person you're sending to doesn't have Word on their machine, they can download a "Word Reader" from Microsoft that will let them view and print the document, although the reader alone won't allow them to edit the document.

Word can be set to display "Place markers for pictures" in which only an outline of the picture space is displayed.

In Word 2007, the setting to change how pictures are displayed is at COWSPLAT|Word Options (a button at the bottom), on the Advanced Tab, where you may need to uncheck a box that says "show picture placeholders" in the section for "Show Document Content."

My recollection is that it's in Tools|Options in earlier Word versions, but I don't have an earlier version still running to check that.

Note that some printers will only print placeholders for inserted images if you print in a "draft mode," and if you try to print a Word document that contains pictures you may have to change printer settings – in Word and/or in the printer setup to get the printer to show the actual pictures. Most printers will show a blank rectangle for any image that the driver for the printer can't interpret, so it's best to stick to common image file types.

Your scanner should allow you to save the scans of the printed pages in a variety of formats, although with some scanners if you use a "text" setting for the scan, the scan is made in "indexed color" mode, and with most scanners (and most graphics programs) you can only save indexed color images as .gif or .tif.

If you use a "photo" setting for the scan, the scanner should create the scan image in rgb mode, which most scanners should be able to save as a .jpg file. If you can only save as .gif, Word should be able to insert the picture as .gif, but even simple graphics display/editing programs usually can change a .gif to a .jpg file if you change the image mode from "indexed color" to either "grayscale" or to "rgb" before using "Save As".to get a file in a different format like .jpg.

If you have Word 2000 or later, you should be able to "Save As PDF" to get a .pdf file of the Word document, although with versions prior to Word 2007 you may have to go to Microsoft to download the (free) "Save as PDF Filter" and install the filter before you'll find that option in your Word. That filter may not be available for very old Word versions, but you should be able to get it (I think) for any version that still runs (hasn't been crippled by the updates) in WinXP.

Or you can buy a multipurpose printer/fax/scanner like my latest one in which you just slap down a stack of pages and the scanner scans, saves, runs OCR, and saves the result as a multipage PDF on your computer. But it wasn't cheap.


20 Jan 10 - 10:03 AM (#2816668)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Les in Chorlton

Thanks so much for all your help.

i will need a while to digest it.

L in C

20 Jan 10 - 01:06 PM (#2816821)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Nick

PDF995 is also a freebie - PDF995 and easy to install

If you have access to Word 2007 it has the capability to create PDFs built in

There are also plenty of online word to PDF or PDF to Word sites

20 Jan 10 - 02:39 PM (#2816890)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?

Often times with freebies, you get what you pay for. If you expect to need to convert your music from Word to PDFs often, and I suspect you will, you should get a professional-level PDF converter so that the translation is accurate and reliable. I like Solid Converter PDF myself. If you want, you can download the trial for free from Solid Converter PDF to Word.

20 Jan 10 - 02:50 PM (#2816901)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Simon G

I work with PDF most days and I can't see any significant difference between free and paid for PDF converters. As with a lot of software the paid for ones may be exactly the same as the free ones under the hood.

I wonder if GUEST is independent of Solid Converter PDF?

20 Jan 10 - 02:57 PM (#2816910)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Ross Campbell

Mac OSX also has an application called Grab embedded in it. Can't remember how I found it, looked through the self-styled "Help" pages with key-words like "print screen" or "print display" to no avail. "Screen dump" just brought up some references.

Grab allows you to capture any area of the screen, either self-defined (select), window or whole-screen. Can be saved, appears in my "Pictures" folder as a TIFF file, which my printer copes with. I think I've successfully emailed these.

Mac Help quote "To save a screen shot, choose File > Save. Grab saves screen shots as files in TIFF format. You can use the Preview application to view these files and export them to other formats, such as JPEG."


20 Jan 10 - 03:04 PM (#2816918)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I've had two scanners now: a Hewlett-Packard and an Epson - and they've both had an option to save a scanned image as a PDF. This accessed at the 'save image' stage - there's usually a drop-down list with choices including JPG and PDF (etc.).

20 Jan 10 - 03:35 PM (#2816943)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Barry T

I agree with one of the recommendations above. If you can print it, you can PDF it (using either free or commercial software)!

Most of these pdf utilities appear as an additional 'printer' in your print menu dialog. You just select the pdf utility instead of your normal printer.

Inserting an intermediate step of printing and scanning seems to me to be totally unnecessary and may even degrade the image somewhat.

21 Jan 10 - 05:00 AM (#2817365)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Tangledwood

Les, at a guess, the email of the Word doc would be corrupt because the recipient doesn't have the music character fonts installed.

If your project is on-going, or is important enough to warrant new software, Melody Assistant can export music scores as bmp files. It can import abc and midi files which I assume you can export from Noteworthy?
If your graphic has to be jpg an imaging program can then convert the bmp for you. Long-winded process isn't it. :)

21 Jan 10 - 05:32 AM (#2817389)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Les in Chorlton

I think a number of people have pointed me in the right direction now. Thanks for that. If I can just re-state the issue:

I have music created in Noteworthy Composer2. I can copy it into MS Word and do a number of things to it but if I send it as an attachement to an e-mail the notation comes out as rubbish.

My scanner is currntly without software so I cannot use it. But I feel sure the options given above should get me from Noteworthy to e-mail without leaving the PC.

Thanks again

L in C

21 Jan 10 - 01:30 PM (#2817722)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?

Much sound advice above. All I would add is
a) Never use JPEGs for text or anything similar (such as music notation) if you can possibly avoid it. The JPEG format is designed to compress photographs, not things that are black and white with sharp edges. Use TIFF, GIF or PDF.
b) One other way of creating PDFs is to install OpenOffice, which is free and has a built-in PDF converter, and open the Word document in that.


21 Jan 10 - 02:10 PM (#2817779)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Cheers Richard - what a brilliant suggestion. I even have Open Office, why didn't I think of that!

21 Jan 10 - 02:58 PM (#2817845)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Tootler

I have music created in Noteworthy Composer2. I can copy it into MS Word and do a number of things to it but if I send it as an attachement to an e-mail the notation comes out as rubbish...

...In my limited experience of friends' use of Noteworthy, it is notorious for this - I have seen reviews describing it as the worst of all possible options.

I assume you are using the copy function in print preview which allows you to save a copy of the notation as a metafile which can then be imported into a word processor.

I had a similar problem when I went over to Linux. All the metafiles I had created from nwc in Windows came out as garbage and I couldn't understand it. The staff lines were there but the all the notation symbols were replaced by little square boxes. The solution turned out to be quite simple. The notation is created from a font that is supplied with noteworthy, nwcv15.ttf. If you have noteworthy v2 there is also a font called nwc2stda.ttf. These are needed by the metafile as it uses the font characters to populate the staff. The solution to my problem was to install the fonts in Linux and the problem was resolved both on my main computer and my Acer Aspire One netbook.

When I send others copies of notation I have created in noteworthy to others, I always convert them to pdf. This gets round the problem you described. If you are sending material to people regularly, you could send them the two fonts as well and ask them to install them on their system. They should then be able to read your original documents.

The fonts are true type fonts and will work in Linux as well as Windows as I have already indicated. I don't know about Macs but I would have thought you can install true type fonts in a Mac. Perhaps a Mac user will verify.

I use Open Office for all my notation files. It will import metafiles no problems and I have found that manipulating images is easier than in MS Office and the images tend stay put on the page better. Even so I anchor them "as character".

21 Jan 10 - 03:23 PM (#2817874)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: mrmoe

Word will create a pdf from the print could import the word document into a publishing application like indesign and simply export the page as jpeg

21 Jan 10 - 05:06 PM (#2817994)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Les-
How do you copy the Noteworthy notation and paste it into Microsoft Word? I get it from the Noteworthy 2 "print preview" function, and then paste it into Word or Paint or other programs that will accept images. Then I can save it in whatever format that second program offers.
I can also access a number of options in the "print..." menu of Noteworthy. I have two programs on my computer which function like a printer for making PDF files.
Seems to me Noteworthy 1.75 worked a bit differently, but I was able to get images of notation that I could copy-paste into other documents.


21 Jan 10 - 06:44 PM (#2818088)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?-Noteworthy Composer
From: Tootler


I select "Copy to File" after selecting the copy button in Noteworthy's print preview and then save the image file as an enhanced metafile at a suitable location. I then use "Insert/Picture/From File" and navigate to the location I saved my file to import the image into my WP - Open Office Write in my case. (It might be "Insert/Image..." in MSWord, I can't remember not having used it for some time).

I find inserting images this way tends to create smaller files than copy and paste.

Open Office quite happily imports the enhanced metafiles created by noteworthy and they are scaleable, so it is better to stick with them, if possible rather than convert them to bitmaps (originally gifs) which I did originally.


21 Jan 10 - 06:50 PM (#2818096)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?-Noteworthy Composer
From: JohnInKansas

If it is just a matter of the email recipient not having a font, it is should be possible to just save the font as part of a Word document so that any font used in the document goes with the document.

I don't recall when (what version) introduced this capability; but I think it's been in several recent versions.

In Word 2007, COWSPLAT|Word Options|Save tab, check "save fonts with file."

I don't have an earlier Word version to check where the setting is, but recollection is that it was in "Tools" somewhere.

There is the limitation that only TrueType fonts can be embedded, but this shouldn't be a problem for Noteworthy. There should be the option to omit "common system fonts" and probably an option to embed only the characters used in the document if you need to minimize the file size.


21 Jan 10 - 07:03 PM (#2818109)
Subject: RE: Tech: MS Word to jpeg?-Noteworthy Composer
From: 8_Pints


I think I should be able to help....

Bob vG