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Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

22 Jan 10 - 02:19 PM (#2818713)
Subject: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

4:15 PM Mudcat Time on Sunday January 24.

A group of us thought it would be a good idea for all of us to pool our (sorry Joe and Bill) psychic energy and aim it in the direction of the multitude here who need it.
So, if you care to participate, find a quiet spot, meditate, sing a song, recite a poem, levitate, whatever appeals to you.
If someone has a proscribed method for this feel free to suggest but I suspect it will be a bit like herding cats.
How about we each open with "For Sisters in Mudcat..." and go from there?

22 Jan 10 - 02:20 PM (#2818714)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

I swear to you, Joe, I hit BS.
    It's OK, Sweetie. I fixed it for you. -Joe-

22 Jan 10 - 02:26 PM (#2818720)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: DebC

Wow, Mary. This is so powerful. I am getting emotional and teary just reading this and I am being utterly serious.

There are a number of folks here at Mudcat who are in need of our good thoughts and I, personally know others outside of Mudcat who are going through difficult times.

Thanks, Mary. I'll be doing a quiet meditation at 4:15 tomorrow.


22 Jan 10 - 02:40 PM (#2818730)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

Sunday, Deb. But you can do one tomorroe too.

22 Jan 10 - 03:02 PM (#2818750)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: G-Force

I think you're giving women a bad name here!

22 Jan 10 - 04:03 PM (#2818809)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session


22 Jan 10 - 04:18 PM (#2818823)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Janie

Great idea Sins. I'll be tuning in wid da restaya.

22 Jan 10 - 04:24 PM (#2818831)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

yeah! I like.

I will try to be awake at 9:15 GMT on Sunday to add to the thought pool.

22 Jan 10 - 04:49 PM (#2818853)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: katlaughing

I'm in with what I can muster.

22 Jan 10 - 05:21 PM (#2818869)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: catspaw49

Kinda' sexist of y'all but since you're meditating on "joints" then I guess I can understand...........

Seriously, I was thinking about a thread asking how we could change some of "luck" around here and get some mojo working.   Way too much bad to such a small good..........If y'all can meditate up some good vibes in this joint, I'll take back the joint joke.

Didja' ever notice how many ways you can use "joint?"


22 Jan 10 - 06:06 PM (#2818911)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Tinker

Just remember loves, that perhaps we all need to remember to recieve as well as give.....

22 Jan 10 - 06:24 PM (#2818931)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: CapriUni

Amen, Tinker.

As Immanual Kant said: "Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end. "

(Emphesis is mine)

22 Jan 10 - 07:11 PM (#2818979)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

How about "Now get out of our joint" Spaw?

It's a hormonal thing, Spaw. You guys will just get in the way.

Actually, it should be pretty obvious that you don't have to register to participate. And you are always welcome, Pat. Always.

Good point, Tink. Share the good mojo.

22 Jan 10 - 08:40 PM (#2819021)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Genie

You androgen-Americans (or Brits or Scots, etc.) are welcome to meditate. Just don't send any of those machismo vibes, OK?

Sin, that's 1:45 PM Pacific Time Sunday.   I'm often not home by then, but I've got it on my calendar. Great idea.

22 Jan 10 - 08:44 PM (#2819026)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Tinker

Share the good mojo ..... but don't forget to fill up your own tank on the way....

Not that I've ever forgotten that myself....

This one seems very right and meet so to do.

23 Jan 10 - 06:40 AM (#2819250)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Morticia

I'm in

23 Jan 10 - 07:20 AM (#2819274)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam


Should we have a list here on this thread of people (and perhaps specific needs) to meditate toward?
If this is a moderated thread then maybe it could be also be perma thread to be revived as and when needs arise?

It could go like once a month Mudcat meditative meet-up for people who have posted need.

Too much?

23 Jan 10 - 07:34 AM (#2819287)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Another lost post from yesterday, but I'm definitely in!

23 Jan 10 - 08:27 AM (#2819317)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: jacqui.c

Add me to the list.

23 Jan 10 - 08:29 AM (#2819320)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: LilyFestre

I'm in too.

23 Jan 10 - 08:43 AM (#2819331)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Wolfhound person

I'm in, that's 9.15pm after a weekend with a small grandson - I may be awake!


23 Jan 10 - 12:28 PM (#2819603)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

Menstruation is not a negative, gargoyle. It is makes us disticntly female. So feel free to join us.

The list is long - Curmudgeon, Kendall, Lily, Liz, Maeve, kat and more than a few who choose not to share. Many Mudcat children in need of a boost. Many families in need of support. And of course all of Haiti.

Miss Tam - I agree. Let's see how tomorrow goes. I suggested this. I am not "running" it. We'll see where it goes.


23 Jan 10 - 03:32 PM (#2819751)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: maire-aine

Great idea, Mary. Count me in, please.


23 Jan 10 - 03:55 PM (#2819769)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Bat Goddess

Will try -- I'll be working and in a retail environment (though the doctor is not there on Sundays -- so it's mostly pickups, repairs and problems).

Yeah, hormonal thing, Women Power. At least you're not expecting us all to be virgins...


23 Jan 10 - 03:56 PM (#2819772)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Ebbie

I'm in also.

However, I don't see this as a 'female mojo superior' kind of thing. If men want to join their powers to ours, it may do wonders for everyone. They don't have to tell anyone but the collective power is the thing.

23 Jan 10 - 04:02 PM (#2819777)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

Agreed Ebbie. I invited the gentlemen to participate. Don't know whether the post took.

Actually Linn I thought we would sacrifice a virgin if we could find one.

23 Jan 10 - 04:48 PM (#2819830)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Ebbie

lol Diogenes has nothing on us.

23 Jan 10 - 05:44 PM (#2819861)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Amos


Is that kinda what you had in mind?


23 Jan 10 - 07:11 PM (#2819917)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: katlaughing


23 Jan 10 - 11:53 PM (#2820038)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: olddude

threw me and spaw outta the guy thread cause of the beer and burritos so we came here to hang out .... anyone fer a burrito?

24 Jan 10 - 12:26 AM (#2820049)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: katlaughing

I've tried a few times to scan in a meditation I wrote down many years ago. I was going to put it on my blog and invite whomever wanted to to read it. It is what I will use as best I can, tomorrow.

I'm trying to scan it in using the OCR option on my scanner, but can't figure out how to save it so that the text shows up. In the time I've wasted, I could have typed it, so that's what I'll do in the morning.

24 Jan 10 - 03:50 AM (#2820083)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

My Mum was a hands on healer, she worked with animals and people effectively. She maintained that it was a very simple process of letting go of self and mentally attuning upwards to a universal 'Spiritual Light' source and then drawing upon that and becoming a vehicle for higher will (or whatnot!), while she simply focused on the person being worked on. She never worked on more than one person at a time though.

If it's easier to attune to a deity or spiritual figure like Christ or Buddha, or maybe for non-spiritual types simply the natural life-generating energy of the Earth or the Sun, I think it works just the same. My Mother was a lapsed Catholic, and while attuning to generic spiritual Light had a spontaneous experience with a feminine force of divine compassion that she equated with Mary, Mother of God during one healing. It left her quite emotional for the rest of the day.

I think it'll be interesting to join in, just for the experiment in mental alignment with a bunch of others if nothing else!

In both church based healing prayer and in general long distance healing practice, it is usual to write down all the names of those to be focused on on a piece of paper, and then read them out right at the start of the healing/prayer session.

24 Jan 10 - 05:03 AM (#2820104)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: freda underhill

what a kind idea. I'll be meditating from down under.


24 Jan 10 - 06:12 AM (#2820130)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: My guru always said

Just caught up with this, lovely idea Mary!!! I'll set my alarm clock & be there with you all together with candles & a glass of wine...

24 Jan 10 - 06:34 AM (#2820153)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

I like that idea CS.

Write the names down, light a candle and murmur each name just before invoking power and light and to touch and heal.

Any ideas for background music? No! Scratch that. Not for me.

I have a 12 inch brass gong. I will strike once for each name then invoke.

I am getting hyped up and tingly just thinking about doing this now. Something very self affirming in planning the specific actions. I feel more .... well.

I will mentally meet you guys HERE at the proposed time.

24 Jan 10 - 08:12 AM (#2820232)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Sandra in Sydney

Mudcat time is just after 8am Sunday & Sydney time is just after midnight Sunday night/Monday morning - so if I get to bed asap & wake at 8am Sydney time, I can join you.


24 Jan 10 - 08:34 AM (#2820248)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: peregrina

4.15 mudcat time. I will be there.

24 Jan 10 - 08:48 AM (#2820258)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Bobert

Hey!!! Whadda ya'll doin' in here, anyway???


(Yo, Amos... Ya' ever opened a door and found a room full 'o womenz not talkin'??? I know... It is unbelievable... Wonder if Ripley's has gone to print yet??? See if ya' can get them on the phone... They gotta see this...)


24 Jan 10 - 09:11 AM (#2820272)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: jacqui.c

I think that special meditation is in order for Bobert......

24 Jan 10 - 10:01 AM (#2820294)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Bat Goddess

I sincerely hope I'll be alone in the shop at 4:15 -- if not, I'll join as soon as I am able.

I think this is a great idea -- doing this en mass. Piecemeal works, too, of course, and I know we're all thinking & projecting good thoughts and white light constantly, but the focus itself will be just as healing for those of us involved as for the objects of our meditation.


24 Jan 10 - 10:28 AM (#2820316)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Severn

Oh.....meditation! I misunderstood!

I'd thought this was a female BLONDING session to offer aid to the DYE-ING!......

24 Jan 10 - 01:22 PM (#2820412)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

I am ready - my Mudcat meditation shrine

24 Jan 10 - 01:28 PM (#2820419)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: jacqui.c

This was on Facebook from Jennifer Woods, about her husband, Bob Clayton.

Haven't posted in a couple of days, 'cause it's been scary. Bob had an "incident" at work and went back to the hospital Friday, and -- after ANOTHER catherization, and hanging on to him, they've finally decided they think he had a VERY, VERY, mild heart attack on Friday. Things look better today, but they want to keep ...him at least until tomorrow. Prayers and good thoughts appreciated.

Another one to add to the list.

24 Jan 10 - 01:38 PM (#2820426)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: katlaughing

Here's the meditation I used to use and will use, today: CLICK

24 Jan 10 - 01:40 PM (#2820429)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: gnu

VT... cool drum kit!

24 Jan 10 - 01:51 PM (#2820432)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

Wonderful Kat

Bubbles like THIS?

There are people inside.

24 Jan 10 - 02:08 PM (#2820445)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: katlaughing

Your space is beautiful, VTam. Very peaceful looking.

The bubble of light is neat, but the one I *see* is white or golden light. It doesn't really matter, though, it should be whatever you want.

Here is what gave me the idea of the final bit about pouring over the Earth: CLICK. *bg*

24 Jan 10 - 02:33 PM (#2820466)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

What a wonderful space, Miss Tam. I intend to sit quietly (finally - it's been a busy day), relax, focus and send strength and peace.I have a place I go to when I am stressed. I can get there in seconds. Calm, cool, peaceful.

24 Jan 10 - 03:13 PM (#2820487)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: gnu

OOOOOOHHHHMMMMMM. I shall be with you in spirit.

Back to the football game.

24 Jan 10 - 04:16 PM (#2820551)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Tinker

The time is now

24 Jan 10 - 04:49 PM (#2820582)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: katlaughing

*whispers, in case some are still meditating*

I didn't last very long...maybe twenty minutes. I had trouble keeping focused BUT I kept hearing that I should just sit down on my circle of steps and let you all do your thing! Someone was very insistent, actually I think it was more than one someone. I also felt lots of warm, caring, protective hugs. Beautiful friends.

When I went into my sanctum to begin, I was very sleepy and fatigued. Now, I feel more energised and not so tired. Thank you!

24 Jan 10 - 04:59 PM (#2820589)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: maire-aine

I'd never tried anything like this before, but once I settled down to it, it felt quite natural. Spent about 20 minutes reflecting on some favorite song lyrics, then read some prayers/poetry. I hope it helped.

24 Jan 10 - 05:17 PM (#2820609)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I felt warm Mudcat arms around me, and a light shone brighter inside me on this gray day.

24 Jan 10 - 07:16 PM (#2820750)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Severn

Thanks for all the flow of kindness sent through the air.

24 Jan 10 - 07:27 PM (#2820765)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

Not long but I touched the ones I wanted to. And I shared a moment with people I love.

25 Jan 10 - 12:51 PM (#2821158)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Morticia

okay 'fess up, why does my sitting room smell like vanilla now?

25 Jan 10 - 01:29 PM (#2821189)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

No vanilla here but I underwent a thorough "cleansing" shall we say about ten minutes after the meditation.
Next time we have to plan what we're sending better. Or did one of the guys send "You're full of S**T!" Very effective although totally unappreciated.

25 Jan 10 - 01:59 PM (#2821213)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

Each person(s) in my bowl of names was held in thought two times.    The first time through each name murmured, one strike of the gong and wishes for health to body, joy to spirit, peace to heart and calm to mind.

Second time without the gong but with me trying to visualise the person(s) based on seen photos or things known via mudcat and warm golden light enveloping.

Then general good will wish to all on mudcat and some personal friends and family members in need of good thoughts.

I am afraid I was so busy sending, wasn't paying attention to any possible receivings.

Did anyone hear a gong between 4:12 and 4:40 Mudcat time?

23 Apr 10 - 02:10 PM (#2892879)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

On Monday, a friend in Florida is having some very dangerous and serious brain surgery - cancer that has involved her spinal column. Multiple surgeons will remove her face and nerves to uncover the brain, then remove as much of the cancer as possible without damaging her spine. The outlook is not good but stranger things have happened. Keep Wanda and her medical staff in mind on Monday.

23 Apr 10 - 02:13 PM (#2892882)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

I am here Mary.   I have never heard of such a procedure. Sounds absolutely horrible.

23 Apr 10 - 02:23 PM (#2892890)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: jacqui.c

I'll be here. Keep us posted. It's incredible what can be done nowadays.

23 Apr 10 - 02:34 PM (#2892899)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

I am not sure what the nerves and face thing is about. May get clearer info tomorrow.

23 Apr 10 - 03:03 PM (#2892913)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: gnu


23 Apr 10 - 03:46 PM (#2892930)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

Sad - a young woman in her 40s. VP of a major department store. Her father just died of cancer. This sort of thing has to be twice as hard for someone whose life revolves aroung fashion and looks. She has a strong family. They will get her through this if there is to be any getting through.

24 Apr 10 - 12:29 PM (#2893477)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: KT

I've just discovered this thread for the first time. Keeping Wanda in heart and mind all weekend.

24 Apr 10 - 01:44 PM (#2893517)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Tinker

Spending every sunny moment in the garden this weekend. Will send up thoughts of clean and pruned and pretty things waiting for new growth and beginnings to the Lady who watches and waits....

24 Apr 10 - 02:06 PM (#2893531)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Ebbie

Just a thought about an experience I had when I traveled to Alaska just about 22 years ago. I knew that my family and friends were concerned about my coming up here alone, driving from Oregon to Prince Rupert, BC (I had a wonderful time!) and taking the Alaska State ferry to Juneau.

All the time - literally, all the time - I 'saw' a drapery of bright, golden sparklies surrounding me, emanating from above in a pyramidal form. They were silent but everywhere. They lasted until the day I disembarked in Juneau and called 'home'.

24 Apr 10 - 03:50 PM (#2893570)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: KT

Hate to break it to ya, Eb, but they're still there - shining all over you!!

24 Apr 10 - 04:35 PM (#2893591)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: LilyFestre

Many prayers...........


24 Apr 10 - 09:16 PM (#2893748)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Ebbie


24 Apr 10 - 10:41 PM (#2893789)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Janie

Will keep her close in my thoughts.

26 Apr 10 - 06:48 PM (#2894885)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

Wanda went in at 9:30 AM. The surgeons expect to finish at 8:30 PM. I will keep you posted. Meantime her friends and family are grateful for the thoughts and prayers.

26 Apr 10 - 08:58 PM (#2894967)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: maeve

Standing by, Mary.


26 Apr 10 - 11:02 PM (#2895022)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Janie


27 Apr 10 - 08:35 AM (#2895206)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: jacqui.c

Any news?

27 Apr 10 - 09:02 AM (#2895220)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

I won't hear anything until I get home to my computer. Can't access email at work. Kelly will provide an update.
Somehow I feel all is well.

27 Apr 10 - 02:40 PM (#2895410)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

I was wondering on trip home from work today, how things may have gone. will check tomorrow.

27 Apr 10 - 07:18 PM (#2895551)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

A 12 hour surgery. 95% of the cancer removed. Wanda may be deaf in one ear from damaged nerves. Once the swelling has gone down, we will have a better idea of what is next.
The family thanks you all for your prayers and asks you keep her in your thoughts.
Hurdle one crossed.
Thank you all.

27 Apr 10 - 07:54 PM (#2895569)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: maeve

Thank you for the update, Mary. Holding Wanda in prayer.


27 Apr 10 - 11:28 PM (#2895667)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Tinker

Kept a candle lit all day... will keep them all in my prayers.

28 Apr 10 - 03:52 AM (#2895740)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: VirginiaTam

95% removed... that's amazing given it's location. Wanda is still in my thoughts.

28 Apr 10 - 07:51 AM (#2895850)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

From what I can gather, the face removal thing was about exposing and protecting facial nerves. Now we wait - my favorite thing. LOL

29 Apr 10 - 05:29 AM (#2896504)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: maeve


29 Apr 10 - 07:35 AM (#2896567)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: Sandra in Sydney

adding to the good wishes for Wanda & family & friends


29 Apr 10 - 07:35 AM (#2896568)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

still here...

29 Apr 10 - 09:41 AM (#2896647)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

No word. I did not really expect anything new. Wanda is in the ICU and now we wait. Thank you all for your support. It means a lot to the family.

03 May 10 - 08:35 AM (#2899088)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session

Update: On Saturday, Wanda was conscious and carrying on conversations. The doctors are pleased and a bit surprised.
Thank you for your prayers.

03 May 10 - 08:55 AM (#2899098)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: maeve

Good news!


04 May 10 - 02:28 AM (#2899603)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: maeve


04 May 10 - 07:14 AM (#2899685)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Women Joint Meditation Session
From: jacqui.c

Very good news!