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BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....

01 Feb 10 - 04:05 AM (#2827023)
Subject: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Lizzie Cornish 1 this....

Beautiful, huh?

01 Feb 10 - 05:13 AM (#2827052)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: CarolC

If English folk dancing was like that, it wouldn't be English folk dancing. It would be modern dance. I imagine modern dance has it's charms, but I'll take pretty much any kind of folk dancing over modern dance any day, myself.

01 Feb 10 - 05:21 AM (#2827055)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Dave MacKenzie

Was that dancing?

01 Feb 10 - 05:22 AM (#2827056)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Emma B

A video of young women enjoying the tradition of English folk dancing when British dance choreographer Sue Way spent a volunteer assignment with UK children's charity The Esther Benjamins Trust ( in 2007 and decided to introduce the children who are in the Trust's care to a different tradition -- English and Breton folk dance.


PACT - Programme Against Child Trafficking

PACT's focus is on the rescue and rehabilitation of Nepali children and young women who have been trafficked across the border to work in bonded labour in Indian circuses. Many of these children - primarily girls - were sold by their impoverished families for as little as £15 to trafficking agents who visited their villages. The girls were then sold to the circuses of India, where they are forced to work 18-hour days. Nearly all of the girls endure physical abuse; many are also sexually assaulted and raped.

After their rescue, any children who can be reunited with their families return home. Unfortunately, the majority would be immediately sold again (often into prostitution), or after anything up to 15 years in the circus have no family to return to. The Esther Benjamins Trust provides compassionate residential care to these children and young women, with a keen emphasis on psychological support, education, vocational training and employment creation to ensure their rehabilitation provides them with the opportunity to enjoy happy adult lives.

01 Feb 10 - 05:40 AM (#2827063)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Dave the Gnome

I am very glad it isn't because I find English folk dance FAR better! Particularly Morris of all styles, but also including well executed social dance, Clog Step and solo Morris jigs.

Remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


01 Feb 10 - 05:47 AM (#2827066)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: CarolC

She's a very good dancer, though. She appears to also have classical training. It's the choreography I'm not too fond of.

01 Feb 10 - 05:55 AM (#2827073)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

It's the sensuality within it.

er...s'not the same with clogs on...


01 Feb 10 - 06:08 AM (#2827080)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Thanks for PACT & The Esther Benjamins Trust Emma B. The video you posted there made me cry!

01 Feb 10 - 06:31 AM (#2827091)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....

Beauty is indEed in the eye of the beholder. Give me a nice bit of clog over that cheesefest (complete with dodgy 80s Kenny G sax accompaniment) any day.

Folk dance doesn't have to be like anything else. It's fine as it is. If you don't like folk dance, don't watch it. Simples.

01 Feb 10 - 06:34 AM (#2827093)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: greg stephens

I am delighted that English folk dancing is English folk dancing, and that Patrick Swayze does Patrick Swayze. Hopefully, never the twain shall meet.

01 Feb 10 - 07:01 AM (#2827103)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Dave the Gnome

s'not the same with clogs on...

Like I said before. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:-)

01 Feb 10 - 07:03 AM (#2827107)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: VirginiaTam

The twain can never meet because Swayze is now dead. Glad to see his wife was at least dancing in sensible shoes though.

My mom and sister did ball room dancing. I never could get into it, though I cheered them on.

If I were not so crippled and a lifelong clutz, I would love to learn any English and Scottish traditional dance. I remember being entranced by the dancing in Brigadoon and that was just a Hollywood echo of the real stuff. My daughters and I went berserk over the River Dance stuff when it first came out and that is only a shade of traditional dance.

Thanks from me also for the video link, Emma. Made me teary too.

01 Feb 10 - 07:42 AM (#2827129)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Emma B

and you can do it anywhere :)

01 Feb 10 - 07:44 AM (#2827130)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Folkiedave

Thanks for the video link Emma. Excellent.

And then there is this.......

01 Feb 10 - 08:00 AM (#2827144)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Folkiedave

Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Emma B - PM
Date: 01 Feb 10 - 07:42 AM

I cannot see for the life of me why this is funny. But in case anyone has missed it, do take a look.

01 Feb 10 - 08:50 AM (#2827181)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Folkiedave

Always been fond of a bit of Western Dance too.

See this web site for help.

01 Feb 10 - 02:12 PM (#2827414)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Dave the Gnome

If you want to see how real (reel?) lads and lasses dance try Sam Sherry's hornpipe

Or if you prefer a roll in the (Shepherds) Hay with some Ladies from Cardiff try

...and, finaly, one for the Ladies pleasure



01 Feb 10 - 02:14 PM (#2827417)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Dave the Gnome

Whe would we want English Folk Dance to be any different?

01 Feb 10 - 03:52 PM (#2827504)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Because...sometimes, it lacks passion, as in sensual, as in "Phew! It's getting awful warm in here!"..?

.....unless, of course, the Shropshire Bedlams are answering the Maidens Prayers....

Sorry, but not one of your videos has even a drop of sensuality in it...

Keep hunting...

01 Feb 10 - 04:03 PM (#2827512)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: GUEST,PeterC

sometimes, it lacks passion, as in sensual,
Clearly you have never danced Rosa.

01 Feb 10 - 04:05 PM (#2827514)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Yes, I have, can call me Lizzie.. ;0)

01 Feb 10 - 04:05 PM (#2827518)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: John MacKenzie

"I wanna dance like that"

01 Feb 10 - 04:14 PM (#2827525)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

That's lovely, John! I really enjoyed that..

01 Feb 10 - 05:04 PM (#2827574)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: ChrisJBrady

Great dancing by Bill Robinson. However I understand that when they made films with tap dancing in, the sound of the taps was actually (re)recorded by someone dancing on a sound board off-stage.

I'm reminded of that priceless step dancing (flat footin?) that the American lass did at Johnny Collins 'do' on Saturday. Great syncopated rythm to the music, and every beat in time. She didn't falter, and there was a wonderful element of flirtation in her style. Wonderful.

Back to the topic. The way I've seen English 'dancers' perform Playford dancing is somewhat similar to that sharpsichord machine that the Lottery and EFDSS has sponsored. That is unemotional, mechanical, going through the motions. I have danced with wonderful English Country dancers from America and they put into their folk dancing everything that we don't - eye contact, lilt, emotion, evocative body movement, relating to their partner of the moment - in other words they dance. It has been opined that we English only 'Playford plod.'

And similarly comparing the sharpsichord with traditional music. Sure it plays the tune - exactly the same way in strict time, over and over again, never varying. Whereas any traditional musician will play with emotion, with soul, with an individual style and every repeat is subtly (or maybe not so subtly) different.

Give me dancers who can dance any day - like the clip of Swayze and wife - even if they're not dancing folk dance. And give me traditional musicians over any mechanical contraption even if the latter did cost 25,000 GBP.

01 Feb 10 - 05:14 PM (#2827581)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: CarolC

Why does all dance have to be sensual in a sexy kind of way? If you want that kind of sensuality, watch the kinds of dance that have that. But there's no reason why every kind of dance has to appeal to that particular aesthetic. That's what's so great about our ability to have access to so many cultures these day. We can pick and choose what we want to experience and leave the rest alone.

01 Feb 10 - 05:16 PM (#2827583)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: mousethief

No! Everyone must love exactly what I love!


01 Feb 10 - 05:34 PM (#2827598)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Emma B

It may be 'plodding Playford' but it smoulders gently :)

Emma/Knightley Dance at the Crown Inn Ball

01 Feb 10 - 06:12 PM (#2827629)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""I cannot see for the life of me why this is funny. But in case anyone has missed it, do take a look.""

I didn't get any sense that Emma was trying to be funny Dave. She just picked up on the fact that children were dancing one of the basic folk dance formations on a sand bank, surrounded by sea.

Not yer usual dance floor, but nonetheless useable, which I took to be her point.

Don T.

01 Feb 10 - 07:25 PM (#2827678)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Folkiedave

I never realised you had danced with Steve, Emma. Was it fun getting that close?

01 Feb 10 - 07:26 PM (#2827680)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Emma B

LOL - well with those little white gloves it wasn't exactly a Show of Hands :)

01 Feb 10 - 07:33 PM (#2827692)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Folkiedave

Good straight men are hard to find.

02 Feb 10 - 04:06 AM (#2827925)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Dave the Gnome

We now have a passion police? As I keep saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nether Patrick Swaze not how Mrs do anything for me either dancing or otherwise, but I would not dream of saying it is any worse that the dances I like. Just different. I do find it mildly amusing that someone would post to a folk music list to say that folk dance is not as good as whatever the dance in the opening clip is though:-)


02 Feb 10 - 05:32 AM (#2827967)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: theleveller

"I never realised you had danced with Steve, Emma."

Looked more like Seth Lakeman to me :)

02 Feb 10 - 06:04 AM (#2827985)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: GUEST,LTS on the sofa

I agree with CarolC - not everything has to come down to sex or sensuality. Sometimes the sexiest dance is the one with the least body contact although I wouldn't put the Volta in that class....

Surely you should be able to dance just for the enjoyment of physical movement and making intricate patterns with other like-minded fellows without sex rearing its ugly head?


02 Feb 10 - 07:02 AM (#2828013)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: manitas_at_work

How about rapper for passion? Described by Elaine Bradtke as "the most intimate thing five people can do without taking their clothes off".

02 Feb 10 - 07:13 AM (#2828022)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Sure sensual and erotic/passionate dance is lovely, same as love poems can be nice and bawdy songs are fun and nude painting can be delightful.. but sexuality is only *one* aspect of a vast array of human experience. It'd be a pretty dull old world if we were only afforded such a restricted single form of emotional expression in any given art form. What of frivolity, grace, joy, sorrow, fury, mischief, mystery etc. etc? all these emotions have their rightful place in any form of creative human expression, including dance. Plus those abused young girls dancing English folk dance that Em posted up, describes perfectly the need we have for specifically *non-sexualised* forms of communual creative physical expression.

02 Feb 10 - 07:49 AM (#2828034)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I'm an American who loves English Folk Dancing. My morris team gets together every week from September-May, to practice the dances, learn new ones, attempt some kind of grace and precision, and have fun. And most of us don't drink! We don't think of morris as particularly lovely, but we all love the camaraderie and the particular types of interesting people who are drawn to it (very unlike the typical American most of you see on screen or in the news!).

Once a week most of us also go contra dancing- an American style of set dancing that's mostly noted for its vigor and the chance to be held in another's arms (after another, after another) with no strings attached. Plus, the music is great.

But, ah, English country dancing* (aka Playford, but that's mostly limited to the very early dances in the Playford collection). Once a month we get to flirt, glide, feel extremely elegant, and enjoy the finest music around. I have danced with wonderful English Country dancers from America and they put into their folk dancing everything that we don't - eye contact, lilt, emotion, evocative body movement, relating to their partner of the moment - in other words they dance. It has been opined that we English only 'Playford plod.'
Dancing *ECD can be sexy, beautiful, elegant, and always a lovely aesthetic experience. The next dance in my village is 3 weeks away- can't wait!

02 Feb 10 - 07:56 AM (#2828040)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Dave the Gnome

In fairness, Lizzie did say the 'sensuality' in it, which I assumed to mean 'of the senses' rather than something specificaly sexual. The two terms do tend to get blurred into each other but I do think you can have a sensual experience without it being sexual. I was quite surprised by the comment Sorry, but not one of your videos has even a drop of sensuality in it... when each and every one appealed to the muliple senses, including sight, sound and, to a certain extent, pride in English tradition. Still, each to their own. Personal taste is a very subjective matter and one which should never be considered in terms of better or worse. Unless it is my personal taste of course when it must be agreed as being of the upmost quality...:-P


02 Feb 10 - 09:30 AM (#2828108)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: GUEST,LTS on the sofa

"the most intimate thing five people can do without taking their clothes off".

She's obviously never been choral singing in an organ loft...


02 Feb 10 - 09:54 AM (#2828126)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: Emma B

There is a place for the very choreographed dance 'exhition' (although I admit, apart from the 'frock', I didn't really like the routine in the first link ) and I have enjoyed skilled performances from the Rambert Dance Company.

What I love about English traditional social dance however is that it is NOT a show with an audience and a stage it's for everyone - irrespective of age or even ability -   join in and there's always someone to ensure you get back to the right place

As for English Folk Dance I love the capers of Cotswold morris, the intricate patterns of NW and the sheer exuberance of border sides like The Witchmen

Personally it would not occur to me to judge these or any other traditional dances from around the world like this wonderful one brought to my attention on Facebook by a friend - not exacrly clogs -against a very different dance form with a distinct sharp separation between the audience and the performance.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts."

02 Feb 10 - 10:36 AM (#2828154)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: GUEST,PaulF

If you don't know the facts, you can always make them up I suppose.


02 Feb 10 - 12:45 PM (#2828260)
Subject: RE: BS: If Only English Folk Dancing was....
From: CarolC

Besides, what could be better than this?