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Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

01 Feb 10 - 10:55 PM (#2827814)
Subject: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: JedMarum

I know many of my music friends know my friend Michael William Harrison and Michael is a long-time, part-time Mudcatter.

Michael is also one of the North Texas area's favorite and finest folk singers and a good friend to the music community at large.

Michael is battling throat cancer and friends of Michael have begun an effort to help him. Performing is his only means of support - so whatever lies in store for him later, he has lost his income for some time.

I know his Mudcat friends will want to know how he's doing and keep him in their thoughts and prayers. I know some of his Mudcat friends have direct personal advice they may wish to offer, as well.

I have a long term wish, hope, prayer, that his music will return him, strong and healthy - but first I wish him good health and the financial peace to get through this next phase of his life.

This Link will take you to web site that has been set-up for Michael by his friends and you can find links there to Michael's Face Book page, as well. I hope you will take a look and consider helping out in any way you can.

01 Feb 10 - 11:27 PM (#2827835)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Janie

Michael, I enjoy your thoughtful and informative posts here on Mudcat. Sending light and positive energy.

Thanks for posting this and letting us know, Jed.

I don't think of throat cancer as being all that common, though perhaps it is. It sure seems like it has become all too frequent in this community of late.

02 Feb 10 - 06:53 AM (#2828009)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: MikeL2


I am so sorry to hear about Michael's misfortune.

I send him my best wishes and all the positive enegy I have to help in his coming fight.

I have suffered from the same problem some 12 years or so ago.

I am pleased to report that after a lot of treatment and rest I am now fit and well and have been recently declared "clean " of the dreaded big C.

After some time recuperating my voice has returned.....I can now sing but do not have the range that I had previously. It is improving still and though I haven't started performing in public again this is because I don't want to - it was not my living any more when I contact the illness.

Another positive thought is that even since my recovery even better treatments are available to aid even better recovery.

So I am crossing everything that I can for Michael and hope that we can hear him back in good voice soon.

Best Regards


02 Feb 10 - 01:12 PM (#2828276)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: kendall

Is there any way you can get to see Dr. Zeitels at Mass. General hospital? He is the best there is in that field, and I know that because a number of other Doctors have told me so.

It's amazing what they can do these days. Cancer used to be an automatic death sentence but now it can be no more than an inconvenience.

Mudcatters, circle the wagons for Michael!

02 Feb 10 - 01:15 PM (#2828282)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: kendall

Jed,would contributions be in order? Our health care system may be the best in the world, IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE, but it is also the most expensive.

02 Feb 10 - 01:20 PM (#2828286)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Amos

This is a rough time for Michael; he's had his first chemo and says it all went well. Michael has a long history of contributions to the music forum here.

Here are clips of Michael for your enjoyment.

If you can help, there is a donation button on this page.

Come back hale, and winning, Michael!!


02 Feb 10 - 01:35 PM (#2828301)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Tinker

Blessings and light to one whose with has bright light to others ....

Like Janie said there's a pattern here .... or just maybe we get to share the pain because we share the laughter so well...

Keep posting ....

02 Feb 10 - 02:10 PM (#2828322)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: JedMarum

Contributions are most certainly be in order, as your situation allows. If you click the link I posted above (and again here) there is info and a means for doing so. In addition to the medical expenses and the worries, Michael has lost his income. Any help we can give will be meaningful.

But in truth, you can help yourself and Michael by purchasing his CDs. He is a fine performer and CDs show it. I am certain Mudcatters will enjoy his music very much.

Thanks to y'all for posting. I am sure we can provide real benefit to Michael as we "circle the MC wagns," as Kendall says above.

02 Feb 10 - 02:17 PM (#2828327)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Stilly River Sage

Sorry I missed this! I'll trace it and keep any eye out for anything that might be of assistance.


02 Feb 10 - 02:23 PM (#2828329)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: wysiwyg

Is this MWH the Wings' fan? How can his hockey pals here help?


02 Feb 10 - 02:26 PM (#2828331)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: JedMarum

YES - Michael is the WINGS fan.

If you'd look at the link above, there's more info about what's going on nad how you can help - but as I said above, simply purchasing a CD pr two will go a long way to help - and I am certain you'll love the music.

02 Feb 10 - 02:28 PM (#2828334)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: JedMarum

Michael's used a few Mudcat names over the year, I believe - Texas Guest among others. And I think, like me he is more frequent reader then he is a poster - but I know many of us here know him and know of him - so a look at the link will fill in some of the blanks.

Thanks again to all.

02 Feb 10 - 02:30 PM (#2828337)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: gnu


02 Feb 10 - 02:35 PM (#2828342)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Bobert

Well, Micael, I'm gonna forgive 7ya' for being a Wings fan... Go Caps!!!

But seriously, here's hopin' that you can get up to see Kendall's doctor who everyone here says is the best... And like the Capt'n said, "Ain't no death sentence these days' and, yes, these guys can do wonders...

Hang in there an' know that I'm sendin' a bunch of good positive "harrison" energy all the way from Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains...

Bobert (harrison)

02 Feb 10 - 03:20 PM (#2828391)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Will Fly

Michael - I hope the chemo and any other treatment you have does you positive good, and that you win the battle. I read somewhere that, these days, in places like the US and Europe, the success rate in curing the disease is overall actually quite high - 85%+ and rising. Go with that figure in mind!

02 Feb 10 - 03:32 PM (#2828410)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: katlaughing

Oh, "Texas Guest" I've connected the two. Thanks Jed.

Michael, we have a lot of folks who have made it through this before. Try to keep your thoughts and words as positive as possible. Watch funny old movies, cartoons, anything which will make you laugh or smile.

Now that the Mudcat Mojo has been activated, you will feel all of those good thoughts, concern, love and hugs coming your way.

I give thanks for your complete and timely healing. This is or something better for the highest good of all concerned.


02 Feb 10 - 04:37 PM (#2828466)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Jeri

Michael, if the 'throat' includes vocal cords, do check out Dr Zeitels. I know too many people who have or have had this. Looks like you have loads of friends and fans though. I hope for a successful treatment that isn't too difficult.

02 Feb 10 - 05:53 PM (#2828522)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Phil Cooper

Thanks for posting this, Jed. Not in a position to help financially at this point, but can send positive thoughts and white light.

02 Feb 10 - 07:00 PM (#2828592)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Wesley S

Wow thanks for the update. I didn't know he was feeling poorly. Let's hope for the best. There are very few Michael Harrisons in the world and OUR Michael Harrison is one of the best.

02 Feb 10 - 07:04 PM (#2828594)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: PoppaGator

I had cancer on my right tonsil in 2004. The tumor was about the size of an egg. Long story short, I'm completely cancer-free now, and certainly hope the same for Michael.

I was told before starting treatment that "head-and-neck cancers" ~ which I would assume includes the throat ~ nowadays have the highest full-recovery rate of all types of cancers, but that the treatment is among the most debilitating and painful, because of all the various systems of the human body that can be found in the head and neck.

I spent a couple of months pretty whacked out on painkillers. At one point, I couldn't swallow anything, not even my own spit, and had to have a feeding tube installed in my stomach, which became my sole source of nutrition for a couple of months. It was a pretty rough time, but it WORKED.

My treatment regimen included both radiation (5 days a week for 7 weeks) and chemo (once a week for those same 7 weeks). The idea was to shrink the tumor to the point where surgical removal would be possible. The radiation and chemo worked so well that the surgery was unnecessary and never happened; the tumor was completely gone.

I'm left with zero thyroid function, about 50% saliva production, the loss of some facial hair, and a mouthful of broken-off teeth. All of that damage can be attributed the radiation I underwent. Michael is apparently getting chemo but not radiation, which should leave him with much less permanent damage. Of course, we all hope that he DOES experience "permanent damage" to all the cancer cells!

God bless and best of luck.

02 Feb 10 - 07:16 PM (#2828601)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

I was just directed to this by Jed. I too would say Dr. Z. Michael has started his chemo. He joins Kendall and Tom on the list for prayers for full recovery.

03 Feb 10 - 09:29 AM (#2828736)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

Michael, here's hoping for a complete recovery. All best wishes to you and Kelly.
- Phil

Michael's CDs can now be purchased through the Friends website.

03 Feb 10 - 10:37 AM (#2828815)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Bat Goddess

After years of not hearing much about mouth and throat cancers, right now there are five in our circle alone undergoing treatment (including Tom/Curmudgeon and Kendall). Six, now, with Michael.

White light, prayers and healing thoughts focussed in his direction.

Yes, check out Dr. Steven Zeitels at The Voice Center, Mass General Hospital, Boston, MA.

(See Science Daily
and Voice Center   
and here's the article from Boston Magazine -- Voicebox Hero )

03 Feb 10 - 11:08 AM (#2828858)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Mr Happy


Keep yer chin up & get well soon!

03 Feb 10 - 12:14 PM (#2828904)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Sam I Am

I'm one of Michael's friends who has really enjoyed his music at some of our "singalongs" in the past (I'll have to overlook the fact that he's a Red Wing's fan). I just wanted to say that several of his friends have put a lot of work into developing his website so that people can donate and buy his CDs, and I hope everyone will seriously consider making even a small donation on that website. With all the friends that Michael has, the small donations will really add up. I know that Michael and the people that have spent the time to set this up will really appreciate it.

03 Feb 10 - 12:48 PM (#2828948)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Big Mick

Boy, my current circumstance is keeping me away from much computer time. Between my parents, my daughter, and performing I only get in here on a sporadic basis. So I am appreciative that this has been brought to my attention. Having Jed as a close personal friend, and a fellow Beef Brother, I know what a good man he is. He will do much to help Michael through this time.

Michael...... wtf? ...... You and I form the north - south axis in Red Wings and Notre Dame fandom, bro. Lay offa this aul load of shite, willya?

Seriously, sir, I have you straight in my prayers, and I will start hawking your CD's at my gigs. I am a fan, and will spread the word in whatever way I can. But, you need to sink into the treatment and get soon, y'hear? I am looking forward to the day that I can make it to Texas and do some singing with you, Jed, and some Texas friends. So get busy, OK Buddy?

Go Wings...... and go Michael Harrison,

All the best,


03 Feb 10 - 04:44 PM (#2829173)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Barbara

Michael, take care and get well! That's an order.

03 Feb 10 - 06:20 PM (#2829293)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: DougR

Michael: Good thoughts and prayers are sent your way from a University of North Texas grad (class of '52). Kendall is an excellent source for treatment of your problem and I hope you are able to avail yourself of the best medical treatment available.

Let us know of your progress from time to time.



03 Feb 10 - 07:03 PM (#2829338)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: gnu

Bat Goddess... 11 at my last count here at The Café. But, there are those that don't wanna talk about it.

03 Feb 10 - 08:07 PM (#2829421)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Kendall

I don't know from Pay Pal, just give me an address where I can send for his CD.

04 Feb 10 - 09:01 AM (#2829800)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Jed Marum - sans cookie

I'm working on getting a mailing address posted, Kendall. Thanks.

Thanks to all for your kins thoughts and comments. I don't know if Michael's been in to MC to see this thread yet, but I spoke with him yesterday - and he sounds well. He sounds in good spirits too. He's been told his prognosis is good and they mapped out his therapy for the next few months with hopes they can avoid surgery. The disease has not yet affected his larynx, and may not.

As GUEST,Sam I Am says above, donations and/or CD purchases through the website listed above is most appreciated and your thoughts and prayers even more so.

Thanks again y'all.

04 Feb 10 - 11:57 AM (#2829915)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: mkebenn

as in most things, good spirits are the best treatment, and I send mine. Mike

04 Feb 10 - 12:03 PM (#2829920)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mike L2


<" Bat Goddess... 11 at my last count here at The Café. But, there are those that don't wanna talk about it. ">

I am one who has written here that I have suffered from throat cancer.
I don't mind talking about the positive side as long as it helps other unfortunate people.

I live in the UK and I contacted throat cancer of the larnyx some 15 years ago.

I had gone to the doctors with another problem and mentioned that I was finding that I was getting hoarse late in the day. At the time I was working as a lecturer in IT.

So I was lucky that they found it early.

My consultant advised my treatment to be at first laser surgery. I had 5 or 6 ops at about monthly intervals. They gave me monthy monitor appointments and for about six months declared everything was OK.

But then one day I was told that the tumour had re-grown and that surgery now was not an option and I was recommended to have radiation at The Christie Hospital in Manchester.

I had daily treatment as an outpatient - my choice as we live about 30-45 minutes from the hospital - I had to have 36 treaments and had to go every day including Saturday and Sunday and Easter which fell during my treatment.

As healthcare is a current topic both in the UK and the US I will tell you that I received all my treatment on The National Health even though I had private health care insurance!!!! That was at my consultants recommendation.

I have nothing but praise for the treatment I received. 36 days and I was never kept waiting for even one appointment. I had direct contact at all times by phone to a doctor and on occasions I did have to phone with questions. I was always answered immediately and satisfactorily..

The after treatment and care was of the same standard.

At first the radiation was not a problem. I drove to my treatments - accompanied by my wife - at first I was able to drive home after receiving it. About halway through I felt more happy with not having to drive.

I had sore throat for most of the time and eventually I was unable to swallow normal food. I was advised to try to eat normal food but to blitz it in a food processor. I didn't mind this because at that time the taste of food to me was not important. Towards the end of my treatment I was prescribed free by the hospital cartons of a yoghurt-like consistency. Each pot contained something like a 1000 calories !!!!

At the end of the treatment I was soon able to start eating normally again. And have been almost uninconvenienced ever since. My voice though was rough at first but over time it has improved and now I am able to sing but have to change the way I sang before because I don't have the range that I had previously.

Someone here ( I think ) said that throat cancer is not well known and there are few sufferers compared with other cancers. This may be true but but only last night the BBC showed a report to say that throat cancer is increasing and warning that ALCOHOL was the main culprit !!!

When I was diagnosed there was no mention of alcohol but only of cigarettes. I was a non-smoker ( never had even one !!). They blamed mine on being a musician and singing in smoky clubs, pubs and other establishments.

In fact I questioned alcohol and was advised to drink "sensibly" if I wished to after I returned to health.

I hope this helps others and at the moment Tom, Kendal and now Michael.

My thoughts are with you all and I raise my glass ( sensibly) in wishing you all well.



04 Feb 10 - 05:30 PM (#2830185)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Ferrara

Thanks Jed for making us aware of this. I hope Michael can read, or have someone print for him, all these very encouraging stories from people who've been there. And Michael I hope you will end up with another great success story.

Is anyone down there arranging a benefit concert for Michael? When I was waiting for a heart transplant, people did that for us. Besides the major financial help, the feeling of being supported that it gives is a priceless gift.

Rita F

04 Feb 10 - 10:45 PM (#2830444)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Seamus Kennedy

Any chance of a Mudcat Auction with the proceeds going to Michael's medical expenses?

I'll submit some books and CDs.

08 Feb 10 - 04:04 PM (#2833274)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: JedMarum

Great idea Seamus. I'll look into it right away.

Thanks again y'all. Since the income issue will be an important hurdle for Michael for at least the next year, I'll keep this subject refreshed from time to time. We have a couple of other things in the works - but more on that as the time comes.

Thanks again to all

08 Feb 10 - 04:12 PM (#2833289)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: gnu

Thanks for the good news Jed.

08 Feb 10 - 04:14 PM (#2833291)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: katlaughing

Jed agreed with me to try this out in the BS section for more exposure. Hope it helps.


08 Feb 10 - 08:23 PM (#2833520)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: wysiwyg

The Mudcat Auction's down at the moment, so I don't know-- are there any copies of MWH's CDs in there yet? If not, and if anyone can help me get track details of the childrens' CD, I'll put up one set on Auction here.

So-- does anyone know if the Auction downage is just temporary?


09 Feb 10 - 09:08 AM (#2833944)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Beer

My RED WING buddy. I wondered why you hadn't answered my p.m. So sorry I missed this thread and do hope for your speedy recovery.
Fight hard Texas Guest and like the WINGS you'll make the playoffs. Then it will be all up hill after that.

09 Feb 10 - 09:35 AM (#2833992)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: wysiwyg

Hi all, to save time I'll post this right here for Jed and others.

I got the OK from Friends of MWH to Auction off a set of Mike's CDs here at Mudcat, as a way of increasing "traffic" on this thread and the F/MWH site.

The Auction is down at the moment and if it's not back up in a day or two I am going to run the Auction in the NHL thread, because that is how I know MWH and because the hockey fans who post there should richly enjoy (and hopefully pay to play in) a postfest over various ways of helping our bud-- by cheering his team on for the rest of the season, just till his sore throat clears up that is. (I'll post the link here when it's running, and of course the Auction will include a link back to this thread's OP as well.)

MaryAnne at F/MWH was kind enough to share liner notes on the kid's CD:


At the Urchin Street children's stage during the 2005 North Texas Irish Festival it became known that I was planning to embark on a recording project for children. Someone in the audience yelled out that Linda King was going to do the same thing and suggested that we record one together – there was much applause following that suggestion and a seed was sewn. Linda and I met at a local Dallas eatery a few months later to "discuss" the idea and walked away with
a plan in hand. We have known each other and crossed paths for years - I as a solo folkie and Linda as the leader of the band Amberhawke; however, we had never sung or recorded together and that was about to change.

This recording project is not Michael "with" Linda; nor, is it Linda "with" Michael. This is a collection of songs for "kids of all ages," conceived of, put together, arranged, changed and rearranged by the two of us working together with a high level of respect for each other and a love for the music, the songs and the children. Some of the ideas to do things or not do things were Linda's and some were mine; but, the best idea to come out of the whole project was the one we shared without discussion – to have children singing on the CD too.

As it turned out, most of the kids came from St. John's Episcopal School of Dallas and ranged in age from three years to fourteen. They did not comprise a music class, though, some are members of different music classes; and, they did not spend weeks, even days working on the material. Linda and I got the children together on a vacation day morning, spent two hours going over the songs with the kids and had Travis Ener and his mobile recording studio record the children singing to a track of Linda and I – that was it. We went in at 10:00am and we were done by 3:00pm. And guess what happened? The children took some pretty good songs, threw in their hearts and souls and simply turned the songs into magical pieces. Give it a listen and see if you don't want to tap your toes and sing along – even a little bit.

So exactly who is Linda King? And who is Michael William Harrison? Well, read on and discover…

Linda King is a founding member of Amberhawke, a Dallas-based Celtic group that has been performing at pubs, Ren-Faires and Celtic Festivals across the state of Texas for the past fifteen years or so. A professional musician since the age of ten when she began singing folk music for women's and church groups; Linda, the alto of Amberhawke, plays guitar and piano, crafts the vocal arrangements, writes original songs, and keeps the rest of the group in line. She has studied and sung a variety of musical styles including classical, pop and gospel and composes in a variety of genres.

Linda is also a founding member of the much sought after Victorian Christmas ensemble - Under the Mistletoe. A polished solo performer she has sung at festivals from Texas to California to Ohio and back. On children's stages, performing under the name of Lady Amber, Linda has used her unique blend of storytelling and song to introduce
young audiences to Celtic history in schools, festivals, museums and libraries. Linda's prior recordings include a solo CD, a Christmas album and several recordings at the helm of Amberhawke.

Michael William Harrison is now in his sixth year as a folksinger of American, Irish and Scottish folksongs. Michael cut his music teeth in Detroit some time back as a singing drummer working with folk music icon, Michael Smith ("The Dutchman"). The mid-seventy's demise of many of the folk music rooms left him in search of a new direction and in 1977 he headed for Texas.

In 1998, after several years in and out of country-rock bands Michael decided to follow his heart and return to folk music – as a solo performer. "It was about this time that I saw Riverdance," he said, "and was simply moved. As a kid growing up in Detroit, individual heritage was not something we carried around; but, it was understood in my family that we were Irish and English and I now know that my great-grandmother came from Dunmore in County Galway. Riverdance brought my Irish spirit rushing to the surface and I wanted to embrace that heritage. Since I was just starting out as a solo folksinger, singing Irish folksongs was a logical avenue, besides – I can't dance a lick."

Michael can be found performing at pubs, festivals, coffeehouses and house concerts from Dallas/Ft. Worth across Texas and the U.S. A few years back Michael co-produced "Into The West: Celts In Texas," - a musical look at the trail connecting Celtic folksongs to Texas; and, he was also chosen to perform on a special Kerrville Folk Festival radio documentary series presented by Austin's NPR affiliate KUT. Michael performs songs that frequently come with stories and tales dealing with the history of the song, or – history itself. Michael Harrison has opened the evening for such well known Celtic bands as Brother, Seven Nations and Scotland's own – Battlefield Band.

Tom Knapp of Rambles Magazine wrote, "Michael William Harrison is the sort of authentic folk artist who keeps the genre alive and kicking. This is the core of folk music, just a singer and his music. If we don't keep musicians like Michael William Harrison sitting on their stools and strumming their guitars, all the big band projects around won't keep folk music alive."

Note: by the way, we finished "For Kids Of All Ages" just in time to debut it at the 2006 North Texas Irish Festival. We also got real lucky when several of the "kids" were able to be on stage with us to perform the songs live.

Here is the write-up we did for the NTIF program about our children's shows on the Urchin Street stage:

   At NTIF on the Urchin Street stages, come see Michael and Linda with songs for all ages.
   There are songs about things we can see and can touch, like ponies and bats and fishmongers and such.
   We'll sing other songs that you can sing too, about dragons and bears, and a couple of saints, yes – two!
   There's a song of a garden and a crow in a tree, wise words from mom and a ship on the sea.
   So come all ye children it's Urchin Street time – let's sing and be merry, let's dance and let's rhyme.

Thanks for your time,
Linda King, Michael William Harrison – and "The Kids"



09 Feb 10 - 10:26 AM (#2834070)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: jacqui.c

Right now I'm making a shawl to be auctioned for Michael. I'll talk to Joe about how to set up a thread for the purpose, and to see if we can get a picture of the finished article onto a thread.

Kendall and I both have an idea of what Michael and his family are going through right now, having been walking down that road for so many years ourselves.

09 Feb 10 - 05:18 PM (#2834496)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST, Mary Anne and

Hooray to see so much love and support for Michael! Many thanks to Jed for spreading the word and to those of you who've gone to the Web site and made a donation or bought a CD--and to those of you who've got your own projects for helping Michael. Awesome.
Someone asked if there's a way to mail Michael a check. I hesitated to post a mailing address online, but if you'll e-mail me through the Web site (, I'll be happy to send you an address.
And, for those of you who're in the north Texas area, I have "breaking news." The North Texas Irish Festival folks are behind Michael, too, and they're donating space for us to sell Michael's CDs and take donations at the festival. If you're in the area, please stop by and say hello (and buy a CD or make a contribution!). :-)
Mary Anne

10 Feb 10 - 10:08 AM (#2834938)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

If there is a silent auction or table to sell donated items at the Spring fund raiser, keep us in the loop. Lots of crafts people here as well as musicians.

10 Feb 10 - 11:23 AM (#2835025)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Wow, that's good to hear SINS. I don't know how big a table NTIF is giving us, but if anyone wants to donate something or has an idea for a fundraiser that we (Friends of MWH) can help with, please e-mail me through the Web site and we'll talk!!
Mary Anne

10 Feb 10 - 02:48 PM (#2835277)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Michael has been in the hospital since Monday evening. He was simply unable to eat or drink, got really dehydrated, and was nearly delirious when Kelly got home from work on Monday. They were giving him fluids and nutrition through an IV, and he's MUCH better. She expects that they will keep him at least until Friday.
He's at Baylor Grapevine Hospital (in Grapevine, TX), room 551. Kelly said he might be up for visitors "in a very limited way." I take that to mean that he's still tiring out pretty easily…
She hasn't been to work since Monday, so news of the money that's been raised so far was especially welcome.
She had tears in her voice when she asked me (several times) to be sure to tell you all how much she and Michael appreciate your encouraging words and generous donations.
This is going to be a MONTHS-long process for Michael and Kelly, so without hammering at you too much, let me just ask you to "give early and give often" if you can... and of course hold them in your hearts. ( )
Mary Anne/Frends of MWH

11 Feb 10 - 10:15 AM (#2836098)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

uh... "Friends of MWH" not Frends. Yeah, I'm an editor IRL, and I just couldn't let that misspelling go without correcting it.

11 Feb 10 - 10:19 AM (#2836104)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

Clever ruse to refresh the thread.

12 Feb 10 - 08:00 AM (#2836984)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

jacqui is finishing up a shawl to auction off for Michael. Watch this thread for the announcement since the Auction is not working. She wiill start a new thread for bids. Bid high and bid often.

12 Feb 10 - 12:50 PM (#2837268)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Great news, SINS, about the shawl! Here in north Texas we could all use one, today. We had a record-shattering 12 inches of snow here yesterday!

MICHAEL UPDATE -- I just spoke with Kelly. Michael is still in the hospital (Baylor Grapevine), and they'll likely keep him there until maybe mid-week next week. He's MUCH improved, but he's still not able to hold down much food or drink (and Kelly thinks there's some difficulty swallowing going on, along with the nausea from the chemo). Anyway, he's where he need to be and being well taken care of. And he's starting to crack jokes... always a good thing. :-)

REQUEST FROM KELLY -- When I asked Kelly what they needed (money's a given, we had moved past that to more like "what can *I* do for you") she hesitated, then asked if I would just put out feelers to see if anyone has a recliner they were about to donate... If you're in the DFW metroplex and have a recliner you could part with, contact me through Michael's web page and we can probably figure out a way to pick up and deliver.

Mary Anne

12 Feb 10 - 12:54 PM (#2837270)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

Mary Anne,
If you don't get any responses, there is an online group called Register in local towns and request a recliner. You'll get one.

12 Feb 10 - 01:48 PM (#2837335)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

That's great info, Mary.

16 Feb 10 - 09:00 AM (#2840814)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Uncle Phil

Thanks for the updates, Mary Anne. Please keep them coming. Michelle and I continue to send our thoughts and prayers. Mudcatters, remember that CDs can be purchased and donations can be, well, donated at
- Phil

17 Feb 10 - 08:54 AM (#2841852)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

Jacqui has had her hands full at Mass General so no news on the shawl. Meantime - any update on the fundraiser concert?

17 Feb 10 - 04:21 PM (#2842286)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

We've collected OVER $1,000 for Michael so far!! Wooooo-Hooooooo! Believe what you want about the world going to heck in a handbasket... People are generous and kind and ready to put out a hand to help their fellows. (Gettin' a little teary-eyed...)

Jed Marum is working on the fundraiser concerts--and he's been on the road. It looks now like there will be several fund-raiser events at local pubs (Trinity Hall in Dallas for one, maybe Lochrann's in north Dallas) where some musicians will donate their time and we'll pass the tip jar often!!

Also a friend of Michael's who has several recordings of Michael from over the years has received Michael's permission to put those into a new compilation... so watch for A NEW CD on the Web page or at the North Texas Irish Festival (he hopes to have it ready by then...).

I am going to give Kelly a call this afternoon to check on them. I'll keep y'all posted.

Remember: Every little bit adds up. It's awesome what folks can do, one $20 gift at a time!

Mary Anne

17 Feb 10 - 04:37 PM (#2842305)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: wysiwyg

Mary Anne and I have been in touch regarding the CD auction, and we're agreed it should wait till the shawl auction is done.


17 Feb 10 - 09:21 PM (#2842547)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Thanks to Jed for notifying us, and to Mary Anne and everyone who's posting updates.   I am hoping I get a chance to hear Michael do "The Wreck" once again in many months when he's healed, and hope it's on the new album in progress!

Do go to the link and buy a CD, guys, it's quick and helpful. I just ordered one of his solo album and the "For Kids of All Ages" one.   

I can testify the "Kids" disc is a lot of fun if you want to have some happy music playing around your house. Sent it to relatives, called up a week later and they were singing and dancing to it all Christmas week.

17 Feb 10 - 10:58 PM (#2842605)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Michael's home from the hospital. I don't know any more; just got a text message from Kelly. But, HOORAY!! He's still got lots of chemo and radiation ahead of him, but at least he's not stuck in a hospital bed.

Thanks for the "testimonial" Patty. Both CDs are GREAT fun... and remember, folks, Christmas is only some 300+ days away. :-)


17 Feb 10 - 11:03 PM (#2842608)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,999

Wishing the best for you, Michael.

17 Feb 10 - 11:22 PM (#2842618)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: katlaughing

It's good to hear he is home. Thanks so much for keeping us updated.

Thanksgivings and positive thoughts still being sent from Colorado.


18 Feb 10 - 05:31 PM (#2843581)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: wysiwyg

MaryAnne, I received word today of another auction planned. Sequentially as we've discussed. (I imagine it will be announced here when it's ready to go.)


18 Feb 10 - 09:15 PM (#2843782)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

Oh, hey! Another auction sounds FABULOUS! You guys rock. We can't do the medical work necessary to "fix" his cancer, but if we can pay a bill or two for him along the way, I'd say we're making a difference.

18 Feb 10 - 10:57 PM (#2843832)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Beer

Guest Mary Anne.
I want to get in touch with someone close. It looks as if you are one of these persons but you come in as a guest so I can't write you a personal note. Can you suggest someone?
Beer (adrien)

18 Feb 10 - 11:28 PM (#2843851)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: wysiwyg

You can email her via the FoMWH website. Follow the link in opening post to that site, and there's an email link there.


19 Feb 10 - 08:39 AM (#2844082)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Hi Adrien,
Yes, as WYSIWYG says, go to the MWH site:
and click on the e-mail link. That will end up in my in-box. :-)
Mary Anne

19 Feb 10 - 09:14 AM (#2844106)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Beer

Will be in touch.
Thank you Susan and Mary Anne

20 Feb 10 - 09:59 AM (#2844997)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Heard from Kelly yesterday. Michael's been having a rough time of it; they spent most of yesterday at the emergency department. But... he's back home, again. Keep them in your thoughts.

20 Feb 10 - 01:27 PM (#2845180)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: gnu

Continued Ts&Ps.

20 Feb 10 - 02:54 PM (#2845252)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,999


If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, count me in.

22 Feb 10 - 04:29 PM (#2846996)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Michael Harrison

Wow - I am so moved by all the attention this disease has sent my way.
I cannot but thank everyone with my whole heart who has gone to bat for me since this treatment program started - I just don't really know what to say except, "Thank You, so very, very much."

I cannot thank you all individually for your prayers and comments of hope and promise for fear that my strength will wane into gibberish and nonsense, which, according to some, would be normal, but please
know that I appreciate each and every MC'er out there. Let us all pray for those of our community who are suffering, in hopes that they will overcome their affliction and rise again.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Love from Texas,...............................Michael Harrison

22 Feb 10 - 04:31 PM (#2846998)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: maeve

What a pleasure to see your post, Michael. You have many folks pulling for you.


22 Feb 10 - 04:39 PM (#2847006)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer

Thank you, Michael. It is good to know you are strong enough to post.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,

22 Feb 10 - 05:19 PM (#2847049)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Beer

I have something to send you and yes it does concern "our" beloved Wings. P.M. me your address

22 Feb 10 - 05:43 PM (#2847067)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: gnu

Hope you saw the game, Mike... the USA is on a roll at the Limpics. Take care lad. Keep the faith.

23 Feb 10 - 02:14 AM (#2847324)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Stilly River Sage

Did you sort out getting a recliner? I've seen a couple on Craig's List this week. (I saw one last week at the curb, but didn't think anyone would appreciate that one, considering the state it was in. . . )


25 Feb 10 - 10:28 AM (#2849809)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Just thought I'd pop in and let you know that Michael is doing much better... Just keep him in your thoughts!
And, watch for "Friends of MWH" at the North Texas Irish Festival next weekend (March 6 and 7) near the Cashel stage.
Mary Anne

02 Mar 10 - 10:04 AM (#2854084)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

I visited with Michael some over the weekend and he's looking good. But I think that today he goes in for the next round of chemo, so keep him in your thoughts.

02 Mar 10 - 06:59 PM (#2854549)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Michael Harrison

Thanks Mary Anne, but the doctors decided to give me another week of rest and moved the next chemo day to Monday, the 8th. I am very happy to let folks know that the nodes in my neck and the other affected areas were shrunken greatly by the first dose of chemo - and that, is very good news. Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts and remember all the Catter's and their friends who are in need of prayers. Cheers,........................Harrison

16 Mar 10 - 12:31 AM (#2864977)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Beer

BIG BIG BIG WIN tonight Michael.
2/1 for the Wings over Calgary.
Hope things are getting in tune for you as well.

16 Mar 10 - 01:42 PM (#2865394)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,pattyClink

Michael, I've been really enjoying listening to your 'First Time' CD.   Absolutely love the original song "One More Ride", and how suitable for all those of us who are not on our first fresh outing. Anybody looking for a new and hopeful song in the vein of Mary Ellen Carter need to give a listen.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program of work, chores, and family illnesses....

16 Mar 10 - 02:23 PM (#2865422)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: gnu

Keep the faith, lad.

19 Mar 10 - 09:13 AM (#2867596)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: GUEST,Mary Anne

Patty, "One More Ride" is great, isn't it? It's one of my favorites on that CD.

Would it be wrong to take this chance to remind you all that you can buy this great CD (First Time 'round)-- or make a donation -- at the Web site we set up to help Michael out once we found out about his cancer? :-)

I really think any 'folkie' would love that CD.

From what I've heard, the 2nd round of chemo was pretty rough, too. But the man is hangin' in. So, continue to keep him and Kelly in your thoughts.

10 Aug 10 - 10:18 PM (#2962538)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Beer

Anyone have news on my "Red Wing" buddy?

12 Aug 10 - 09:29 PM (#2964057)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: gnu


12 Aug 10 - 09:59 PM (#2964067)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: maeve

Once again, here's Michael's webpage for nearly current information and a link to his Facebook page.

13 Aug 10 - 12:06 PM (#2964377)
Subject: RE: Michael Harrison - Singer and Cancer
From: Beer

But of course. Thank you Maeve