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BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010

09 Feb 10 - 11:42 PM (#2834758)
Subject: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: ragdall

The Great Backyard Bird Count 2010 is almost upon us. Next Count: February 12-15, 2010.

If ya got 'em, count 'em! Great fun for anyone stuck in the snow with nothing else to do, too.
For more information, click the link above or check out
It appears to be limited to North America. Does anyone know if there are counts in other parts of the world as well?

10 Feb 10 - 07:53 AM (#2834791)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Beer

I'm ready to go.
Beer (adrien)

10 Feb 10 - 07:58 AM (#2834803)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: GUEST,LTS on the sofa

We had ours the weekend before last in the UK... results on the RSPB website once they're collated. It gives a snapshot of how many are in your garden at a given time, rather than a more rounded, overall picture of how many species visit... for instance, I know there are two robin families withing flapping distance - they visit my garden for food, but none of them appeared during the hour I was watching... so they don't appear on my list. That might give a false reading, implying there are robins in this area.

Still, it's all valuable information, not least the manufacturers of bird feeders and seed providers.


10 Feb 10 - 08:06 AM (#2834811)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: maeve

If we can go home to count, we will/


10 Feb 10 - 09:52 AM (#2834920)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010

Every year a bird makes its nest in my holly bush and drives the cats crazy. They can watch it from the living room window. And they can see the nest but not get to it - too many thorns. Plus every cat in the neighborhood visits to take a turn at trying to get to the nest. Lots of frustration and marking of territory going on.
It is a sleek gray and black bird. Very pretty and very friendly. She greets me every morning as I go to my car.

10 Feb 10 - 09:56 AM (#2834924)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: maeve

Sounds like a Catbird- or possibly a Mockingbird, Sins.


10 Feb 10 - 10:03 AM (#2834934)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Beer

I would go with Catbird. I have a pair as well and they are a treat..

10 Feb 10 - 10:43 AM (#2834988)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Janie

Thanks for the reminder! Maybe one of us could also post the link to the 2010 birding thread? I'll try to do so this afternoon, if no one beats me to it.


10 Feb 10 - 10:49 AM (#2834998)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: maeve

As requested, Janie. 2010 Birdwatching thread

10 Feb 10 - 10:51 AM (#2835002)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010

I looked at some pictures on line and I believe it is a catbird. I love to watch her torment the kitties. Clever girl.

10 Feb 10 - 10:56 AM (#2835009)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: ragdall

2010 Birdwatching thread for those who like to read from the top down, chronologically.

10 Feb 10 - 02:06 PM (#2835212)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: bubblyrat

Yes,there are indeed Counts in other parts of the world . In Transylvania ,for example (and Monte Cristo,of course )....

11 Feb 10 - 11:41 AM (#2836219)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Janie


11 Feb 10 - 01:16 PM (#2836303)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Stilly River Sage

I have a few out there poking around in the snow under the feeders. Mostly doves and tiny little tits or something.


11 Feb 10 - 01:30 PM (#2836318)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Stilly River Sage

Oh! They are here, in the snow! So many pretty little finches, various colors, some chickadees, and two pyrrhuloxia!

12 Feb 10 - 05:52 PM (#2837578)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: ragdall

I got up early today to count but there was no sign anywhere of my usual birds. :(   They all hid on the day of the Christmas count too. Maybe someone living nearby has been enticing them to their feeders for the count days?

13 Feb 10 - 04:08 PM (#2838412)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Janie

Know just what you mean, ragdall.

Cold weather= many more birds and many more species of birds at my feeders.

It warmed up today.

15 Feb 10 - 02:15 AM (#2839528)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: ragdall

It got warm here, too, Janie.
Yesterday was better. Ten species. Today all I saw was a flock of about 50 Bohemian Waxwings. I have my fingers crossed for tomorrow,   the forecast is -7ÂșC in the morning.

15 Feb 10 - 07:50 AM (#2839731)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Bobert

We don't have a great nuber of species but we have a great number of actual birds... Sometimes there are as many as 40-50 around the feeder at a time... What we are seein' is that tho we generally have one pair of cardinals we now have 6 or 7 pairs...


Yellow bellies

That's the list of speciaes at the feeders...

Not in the feeders but around are crows (of course) piliated woodpeckers and one big hawk who lives here year round...


15 Feb 10 - 10:01 AM (#2839859)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Janie

Yesterday was better. Although the day was relatively mild, Saturday night the temps were in the upper teens so the birds were eager to refuel.

16 Feb 10 - 09:25 AM (#2840831)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: ragdall

Lists submitted this morning. My best day was Saturday. Ten species but few of each except Bohemian Waxwings. Today I counted 193 Bohemian Waxwings at one time, and at that, I may have missed a few,

Northern Flicker        2
American Crow        1
Black-capped Chickadee        1
Red-breasted Nuthatch        1
European Starling        1
Bohemian Waxwing        60
Song Sparrow        1
Dark-eyed Junco        2
House Finch        2
House Sparrow        2


16 Feb 10 - 09:52 AM (#2840842)
Subject: RE: BS: Great Backyard Bird Count 2010
From: Janie

Sunday was my best day. 25 species.

House Finch-3
Eastern Bluebird-4
Northern Mockingbird-1
American Robin-4
European Starling-5
Pine Warbler-1
Yellow-Rumped Warbler-2
Dark-eyed Junco-5
Tufted Titmouse-5
Chipping Sparrow-5
White-Throated Sparrow-3
Song Sparrow-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
Downy Woodpecker-1
American Crow-4
Turkey Vulture-1
Sharp-shinned Hawk-1
Red-Tailed Hawk-1
Carolina Wren-3
Carolina Chickadee-5
Black-capped Chickadee-2
Morning Dove-3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-1