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BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

11 Feb 10 - 09:34 AM (#2836061)
Subject: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

When I was a girl, Fat Tuesday was celebrated with a huge pancake and sausage breakfast - a last Hurrah before the season of Lent began. A cake decorated with colored sugar and a plastic baby baked inside was traditional. If you got the baby you had to bring the cake next year. I see Spaghetti Dinners being offered here in Maine - strange to me.

Anybody have a similar feast?

With the Saints winning the Super Bowl, I imagine New Orleans' Mardi Gras will be spectacular this year. A lot to celebrate as the city comes back to life.

11 Feb 10 - 10:47 AM (#2836148)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: GUEST,Mr Red

Don't forget to sing "The Wild Shrover"

I'll get my coat.......

11 Feb 10 - 11:19 AM (#2836192)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: gnu

Pancakes were mandatory!

Good one Red.

11 Feb 10 - 12:05 PM (#2836234)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: frogprince

We really haven't had any tradition except picking up a couple of "punchkeys" (paczkis) from one or another local source. I hope that plastic baby in the cake was oven-proof plastic!

11 Feb 10 - 12:47 PM (#2836274)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

im going to be there this year for mardi gras 8-)


11 Feb 10 - 01:12 PM (#2836298)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

Cllr - you know you have to expose yourself if you want the float people to throw plastic beads to you, right?

I have never been to Mardi Gras. Let us know your impressions.

11 Feb 10 - 02:04 PM (#2836351)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: open mike

In Swedish tradition there is a treat made from a cardamom bun
filled with marzipan (almond paste) with whipped cream on top
and sometimes eaten in a bowl with warm milk poured over.

Isn't there a british tradition of pancake day?

the "fat" in fat tuesday represents eating foods high in fat

the search feature is not functioning at this time or i might
link to previous discussions...

ok google finds these:
mardi gras, fat tuesday, lent--

shrove tuesday, mardi gras, pancake day

or as jenny said "I've given up giving up...."

11 Feb 10 - 05:43 PM (#2836582)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Tinker

2009 Shrove Tuesday Celebration

There are both photos and video of last year's celebration at St. Luke's.   The variety of pancake games seems to grow each year. Playing with your food seems to know no age limit.


11 Feb 10 - 06:27 PM (#2836625)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

Laurel - thanks for the recipe. I think I'll stick to hot cross buns.
Tink - those kids are not shy about filling their plates. Good grief! LOL

11 Feb 10 - 08:58 PM (#2836730)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: wysiwyg

Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Summer, with the menz doing all the cooking and cleanup. Primary goal: fellowship, the fun f working toether, menz taking ove the wimminz kitchen and aprons. Secondary: $$ to cover costs.

This year I hope to find sugar-free syrup.

Had a funny thing last year-- a visiting couple had brought their own syrup-- they'd been to many such events, they said, and didn't trust that the syrup we had on hand would be "real." But we ONLY use the real stuff-- it's MADE HERE so we know how to get it cheapish.

They tasted ours on a spopon and prnounced it excellent. Now we were laiughing about their worries byut acknlweding that it's only sensible to carry your own if you have great syrup already on hand; "We're not really paying for the food with our ticket-- the tickets're just a chance to get together and meet some new people," they said, "so we don't mind paying for the ticket AND our own syrup."

We ate... we visited.... Their almost-full bottle was still sitting on the table when another coupla peeps came in who did not know it was theirs-- they assumed it had been set out by us, so in mid-visit-chat they picked it up, passed it back and forth-- and drained it DRY onto their 'cakes while the bottle's "owners" jaws dropped. Their manners precluded saying anything, but these were two total strangers they had not meant to "cover." And that syrup had cost them a LOT.

As the chatting went on I excused myself rather royally (to be sure they could not forestall my next move.) I grinned, picked up their bottle, said, "I guess this needs a refill, but all the volunteers are tied up. I'll be right back." I made off with it to the kitchen and refilled it from our gallon.

As I got back to the table, I grinned a silent "ssssh" and said cheerily to the lady/owner, "Ready for some more syrup?" She said she could take a drop, doused the fresh pancake a volunteer had brought, and then set the bottle CLOSE beside her plate.

While the newer guests weren't looking she popped it into her purse and grinned a "sssh" back to me. Now we were in a conspiracy to make the other guests welcome, but not let them eat up somebody else's syrup and not under any circumstances let them know they had done a booboo.

When the newcomers looked for more syrup, why, we just didn't know WHERE it had gone, but we DID find a pitcher-full (the one we HAD set out, now un-used), from which they could take all they wanted (and they did).

These syrup-guzzlers left never knowing they'd "transgressed," and the first couple left knowing that WE had set out better syrup than the primo stuff they'd brought!

All in a day's work, and maybe ya had to have been there to see how funny it was, but manners is a delicate thing in these parts; there were at least 5 cultures present in the whole incident, each one with its own "code" of manners, and there are some pretty sharp old ladies here whose praise over the incident meant a lot to me, a fairly "recent arrival." They thought it was hilarious--


11 Feb 10 - 10:14 PM (#2836756)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: KT

Tink - thanks for sharing the photos and videos. We always celebrate Mardi Gras with the elders, but the addition of games would be really fun. I think I'll experiment with making pancakes out of playdough....

What are some of the new games you have planned for this year?

11 Feb 10 - 10:49 PM (#2836763)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Ebbie

I didn't grow up with the Fat Tuesday tradition but one of the nicest evenings I have had in that respect was when the band came up to the house and while the rest of the group played in the next room the lead fiddler and I in the kitchen cooked pancakes and sausages for us all. I added my own hot applesauce to the feast.

I LOVE working while listening to live music.

14 Feb 10 - 06:19 AM (#2838759)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: open mike

you're making me hungry!

for the past several years, one of the activities i like to go to in Elko during th ecowboy poetry and usic gathering is a pancake breakfast held at the local feed store. they usually have bags of pancake mix for sale from a grain mill that are pkg.'ed in colorful gingham - print fabric. I missed those this year as they had not stocked them.

here is the place the pancake mix is from

i have fond memories of my mom making waffles for supper and putting gravy over them with "chipped beef" in them...this was before i was a vegetarian.

14 Feb 10 - 08:40 AM (#2838839)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: wysiwyg

Re: Mardi Gras....

I heard from our old friend PoppaGator a few days ago; gosh it was great to be back in contact!


14 Feb 10 - 09:33 AM (#2838883)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Jeri

Yeah, PoppaGator hasn't posted here since Thursday.

I find that passive aggression is always a lot more fun than direct confrontation. You're still every bit as pissed off as you would be with the direct route, but some people may not notice, and it sure makes things a lot more peaceful on the surface. Plus, you can tell stories about it (I love thinking stuff like that up). OTOH, once the syrup was gone, direct confrontation was pointless, so you only had to deal with the aftermath.

I saw curmudgeon in the store yesterday and reminded him about pancakes. It's not really part of my tradition, but any excuse for butter and maple syrup... I also have to find some appropriate clothing for work.

14 Feb 10 - 09:51 AM (#2838904)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Jeri

Oh yeah: I saw the thread title a while back and wondered why nobody had ever... well, maybe they did.
haiku, haiku
mardi gras is here
tomorrow we'll be sober
today, we will drink
Can't rhyme and be haiku, right?

14 Feb 10 - 10:04 AM (#2838914)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Charmion

We are pancake people, too. Lent means plain food and no booze -- actually, a good opportunity to take off the 10 pounds that has accumulated over the winter -- so a last blast of carbo sweets is the thing.

14 Feb 10 - 11:44 AM (#2838988)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: wysiwyg

Jeri, I didn't quite "get" your post.

I hain't seen PG around here (maybe I missed him) for much longer.

The syrup incident did not involve any aggression at all, if you were referring to that?



14 Feb 10 - 03:51 PM (#2839201)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Jeri

PoppaGator's posts

As for the syrup, I don't know what you were thinking. I was talking about my own feelings/personality and what sort of place I'd be if I didn't just interrupt them while they were in the process of draining the bottle. Trust me, I'm really good at passive-aggressive. (I'm in recovery, now.)

(Post has been repaired so you can read it. Whoopee.)

14 Feb 10 - 07:29 PM (#2839373)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: wysiwyg

Trust me, I'm really good at passive-aggressive.

I've always thought of you as the most level-headed person I know. :~)


14 Feb 10 - 08:23 PM (#2839402)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Jeri

I'm usually on good behavior here, and sulks and door-slamming don't work very well on the internet, where people don't always understand me when I'm NOT trying to obfuscate.

So I'm trying to figure out if I want to buy some frozen pancakes (OK, laugh, but they're pretty good). Oi, I feel like I'm plotting to have an illicit, immoral rendezvous.

14 Feb 10 - 09:19 PM (#2839436)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: wysiwyg

Naw, frizzen pancakes ARE good, and a lot less mess!


14 Feb 10 - 11:22 PM (#2839476)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: open mike

so are freezy waffles...cuz a waffle iron is usually harder to clean that a pan

15 Feb 10 - 10:57 AM (#2839921)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

Tomorrow is the day. I am off in search of a King's Cake. Maybe I'll just stick a tiny nun in an Entenmann's coffee ring and make do.

15 Feb 10 - 11:10 AM (#2839936)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Jeri

Mry, those things are sharp they could seriously hurt somebody. Maybe that's the point.

Nuns don't kill people, people kill people.

I'm still not sure about the pancakes, but I'll be off to the gym shortly and the market shortly after. Who knows...

15 Feb 10 - 04:39 PM (#2840271)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

No luck so I settled for a package of frozen waffles. A little butter; a little syrup. It will have to do.

15 Feb 10 - 04:46 PM (#2840287)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Rumncoke

Eating pancakes with sausage, apple sauce or syrup - sounds weird but I expect - if it is what you are used to then that is the way to do it.

Pancakes are dead simple to make, just your basic batter, cooked in butter though adding a little oil makes them crisper, spreading the batter thinly so the inside is not doughy.

In my family they are splashed with lemon juice and given a sprinkle of sugar, then rolled up and kept hot in a covered dish in the oven - if not covered they can go dry. Once enough have been made they can be served, with more lemon juice and sugar. The pancake maker should keep their share separately otherwise by the time they have their apron off and their hands washed there would be none left.

Anne Croucher

15 Feb 10 - 06:11 PM (#2840391)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Rasener

in the UK its tomorrow

16 Feb 10 - 02:16 PM (#2841105)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Mrs.Duck

We are having some tonight. I have always had just the sugar and lemon but this year we are having some savoury ones with gruyere and ham. Then some more with sugar and lemon!!

16 Feb 10 - 05:20 PM (#2841293)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: gnomad

Mostly just pancakes in England (not sure about Scotland) but there are a few places that have their own take on Shrove Tuesday, such as skipping at Scarborough or Ashbourne Football (pitch approx 3 miles x 2 miles, hundreds play)

I did buckwheat pancakes for a bit of a change, nice.

16 Feb 10 - 06:15 PM (#2841366)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: JohnInKansas

I caught a brief TV bite that indicated that the Liberal team finished, so Olney should be done by now, but



16 Feb 10 - 06:20 PM (#2841374)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: JohnInKansas


Question answered.

Race Resullt.


16 Feb 10 - 07:43 PM (#2841495)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Lox

Nothing illustrates the difference between Brit culture and Latin culture so well as thee way we all celebrate the day before Ash wednesday.

In Brazil, they have a 4 day party "farewell to the flesh" they say (carne val) and they indulge themselves with Gay ... and straight ... abandon. Fabulous costumes, samba bands, food, wine, etc etc

In England, we eat some pancakes ... with Lemon AND sugar!!!!!!

Funnily enough though, I'm glad we do. :-)

16 Feb 10 - 08:14 PM (#2841522)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: gnu

... with Lemon AND sugar!!!!!!

Ewwwww.... can`t you get soe Maple Slurpup from the coloniesÉ

16 Feb 10 - 09:38 PM (#2841567)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Cuilionn

Back home from a church "pancake suppah" in New Gloucester, Maine... we had pancakes with wild Maine blueberries, jugs of real maple syrup, AND a King's Cake sent in from New Orleans, complete with plastic Baby Jeezus and--set in the middle of the cake ring--a tiny collectible porcelain figure of an 1800s-style rice cake vendor with her wares balanced in a basket on top of her head.

After suppah, we played games and ate cake in the vestry for as long as we could manage before our collective panic rose about driving home in the midst of a snowstorm. The pastor urged us all to "take some of these beads home, for goodness sake!" (I guess what we do with them there is our business.)


Happy Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday!

17 Feb 10 - 07:34 AM (#2841790)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras

pancakes with sausage

try Staffordshire Oatcakes instead. A little butter and roll the sausage in an oatcake wrap.

Sainsbury's in Warwick sell them, remember that for July.

18 Feb 10 - 06:18 AM (#2842826)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: JohnInKansas

My personal view is that the pancakes most commonly found in the US are only edible with a few sardines on top (beneath the maple syrple).

The sild oil makes the whole glomp slide down smoothly, and the dead fish add a bit of flavor that's remarkably pleasing to the palate.

I will confess that I know of only two 'mercans who ever have subscribed to this practice, and the other guy's deceased the past decade or so; but I'll stick to it as my personal favorite.


19 Feb 10 - 02:29 AM (#2843892)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: open mike

what's king's cake?

08 Mar 11 - 03:19 AM (#3109436)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: open mike

The terms "Mardi Gras" (pronounced /ˈmɑrdiɡrɑː/), "Mardi Gras season", and "Carnival season",in English, refer to events of the Carnival celebrations, beginning on or after Epiphany and ending on the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday" (in ethnic Englis

            On Pancake Day, pancake races are held in villages and towns across the United Kingdom.

            In Finland and Sweden, the day is associated with the almond paste-filled semla pastry. You can find a recipe here: (in Swedish!)

08 Mar 11 - 02:33 PM (#3109806)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: open mike

see also the "folklore" thread which is above the line--
see the link in the "related threads" list

I am wearing my mardi gras beads today...

to celebrate the occasion..

08 Mar 11 - 04:18 PM (#3109889)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: GUEST,Eliza

My lovely next-door neighbour has just called round with her two children bearing pancakes on plates, one with lemon juice for me and one with maple syrup for my husband. Delicious, and so kind!

08 Mar 11 - 11:02 PM (#3110104)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Backwoodsman

Pancakes filled with bananas, caramel & cinnamon ice cream, and maple syrup (golden syrup for Mrs. Fenswoman).

Went down a treat! :0)

09 Mar 11 - 08:29 AM (#3110292)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Monique

In France we generally have doughnuts called "bugnes" (doughnuts), "merveilles" (wonders), "oreillettes" (little ears) or some other names depending on the area. In a town nearby they have special lemon-flavored very thin waffles. Pancakes are rather eaten on Candlemas (Feb. 2nd).

09 Mar 11 - 09:13 AM (#3110314)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: GUEST,leeneia

The lemon-flavored waffles look delicious, Monique. I don't speak French, but I see that they are 'super super bon.' That I can understand.

We celebrated by having a Louisiana dinner. I crafted a main dish of andhouih (sp) sausage and chicken in a tomato sauce. Veg on the side. Followed by cookies made with sorghum - the syrup, not the flour.

The upscale supermarkets have become embarrassed to sell sorghum, that southern specialty, but I know where to get it.

09 Mar 11 - 09:31 AM (#3110326)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Charmion

"The upscale supermarkets have become embarrassed to sell sorghum, that southern specialty ..."

Give 'em a couple more years of foodie fanaticism, and they'll be urgently hunting out sorghum-squeezers powered by mules (I know one in Tennessee) and selling the product at twice the price of the fanciest cane molasses.

You heard it here first.

09 Mar 11 - 10:12 AM (#3110342)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Monique

Leeneia, it's "andouille" which also means "dummy" (see my note #2 to this post about the "andouille" kids'joke).

09 Mar 11 - 12:38 PM (#3110433)
Subject: RE: BS: Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras
From: Becca72

The sign in front of the catholic church down the street from my office was changed yesterday to read "Cover your ashes, the Lord is watching"
I love it when they have a sense of humor.