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Information about James Taylor

02 Aug 99 - 06:30 PM (#101710)
Subject: Information about James Taylor
From: knock knee'd one

Can anyone help with a website or an address of a fan club as I tried and couldn't find one. I don't think there is one in Ricks basement.

02 Aug 99 - 08:37 PM (#101747)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

Certainly --- happy to help. Lots of these folks aren't aware that James Taylor has been doing a lot of charitable works and may be found now in residence at a facility he established late last year, The James Taylor Residential Clinic for the Catatonically Bland. The website is at http://www.boringashell.duh/. Hope this is helpful...... and I understand why Rick doesn't have this info. He does however have a time-share suite at the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed which recently went on the net at http://www.crazedfucker.zap/.


03 Aug 99 - 01:58 AM (#101806)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

Ignore Catspaw. He belongs to J.T.A. a 12 step support group for those who obsessed on "Fire and Rain" while still too young to handle it's powerful imagery. Try click here
Rick (who likes a few JT songs)

03 Aug 99 - 02:03 AM (#101808)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

Damn, what did I do wrong?try again

03 Aug 99 - 02:54 AM (#101822)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: nielen

This might help you for futher searching. Good luck

03 Aug 99 - 12:07 PM (#101913)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

Now Rick, I've previously admitted (no mean feat) that I do like some of JT's stuff..........However...Have you looked at the pictures from the fan club "Tailgate Tour?" I rest my case....................Uh, wait a minute...........omygawd.....I just looked at that group shot from your DC Concert............uh,geez, ..... well, uh.............hmmm, how to phrase this??......Why don't you all........uh, hold on...............GREAT KEYRICED, I JUST LOOKED AT THE WHOLE MUDCAT ALBUM AND...............calm down Spaw, it'll be OK.....just a sec............Getting older brings some scary revelations...whooo.......I'll go ahead and punch up the Taylor Rehab for the Catatonically Bland website @ www.boringashell.duh and see if we can get a group rate discount.

Spaw ... aging badly

03 Aug 99 - 12:47 PM (#101930)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Peter T.

"sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground" perhaps, 'paw?
yours, Peter T.

03 Aug 99 - 12:58 PM (#101936)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

Oh gawd no, NOT SYMBOLISM!!!! It's a sixties flashback!!!! Where's my headband???


03 Aug 99 - 01:05 PM (#101940)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Peter T.

Holding up your truss.
yours, Peter T.

03 Aug 99 - 01:11 PM (#101943)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

Oh yeah...Great...Thanks.........(sniff,sniff)Hmmm, needs a wash....maybe not....Smells kinda' the same as it did back then.


03 Aug 99 - 01:14 PM (#101945)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Peter T.

Catspaw's Rag/ time Band?
yours, Peter T.

03 Aug 99 - 01:29 PM (#101950)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

VERY GOOD...........But I think that was the 4" wide chunk of leather with half a dozen brass buckles and deco rivets supporting a cheap Timex and and immobilising my left wrist........Took about an hour to put on......Now where did that get to??? Oh, I got it...part of the truss too.


03 Aug 99 - 07:07 PM (#102053)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

Knock-Knee'd one, here I go out on a limb for you, and you disappear. Come back! They'll eat me alive. For the moment I guess I'll be "Gone to Carolina in My Mind"!

03 Aug 99 - 07:52 PM (#102059)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: knock knee'd one

Here I was just trying to do a friend a favour and what happens. As it is she has missed the chance of seeing him again. Thanks oh great one for defending me from the mystical catspaw49 but he doesn't always need claws does he? I can always get him a scratching post.

03 Aug 99 - 10:08 PM (#102102)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

Claws??? What claws??? Max put a clause in my membership that I had to be de-clawed and act rationally; he called it a sanity clause, but I don't pay any attention to it 'cause I KNOW there ain't no Santy Claus. (Thank you Chico Marx)


03 Aug 99 - 10:31 PM (#102108)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

Thank you Knock-knee'd. Have you seen Catspaw's picture? He looks too young to have seen all those Marx bros. pictures.
Paw, was it the Marx's who did "the party of the first part and the party of the second part...etc"? Was it the same flick?
An enquiring mind

03 Aug 99 - 10:47 PM (#102116)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

Yep....same scene where Chico said there "ain't no Sanity Claus." It's "A Night at the Opera" and also starred Kitty Carlyle, later of "To Tell The Truth"....She was really a very bright, witty, and warm person...married to the great Moss Hart.........I'd have loved to sit in on their dinner conversation! And BTW, am I the only one who enjoyed Harpo's playing, but REALLY LOVED to watch and listen to Chico play piano? Relating to another thread, we always think of Groucho as a comedian, but he was a pretty fair guitarist.


03 Aug 99 - 11:01 PM (#102121)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

God bless you Paw (in an agnostic sort of way) Yes the Marx Bros. were very solid musicians. I loved Harpo's playing and asked a harpist (concert) once whether he was really skilled. She sort of turned up her nose and said "well, for a comedian." I've learned since then that I know quite enough about music to asess someone's ability on an instrument that I don't play, AND I don't have built in prejudices one way or the other. He played the shit out of the harp, Chico had a great left hand (to go with all his tricks) and once on his TV show, Groucho strummed a D'Angelico for about twenty seconds, and he knew his 9ths, major 7ths, and minor 7ths. Yep Those boys could flat out play!
Peter Sellers was an excellent drummer, guitarist, pianist and banjoist. Sorry for the somewhat non-sequiter, but I was on a roll.

04 Aug 99 - 12:26 AM (#102145)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Lonesome EJ

Funny about JT, in 1972 when he was young and had that first album he was a kind of heart-throb for all the girls. I was wondering if any of the ladies still find him attractive, now that he looks like somebody's eccentric uncle? His voice still sounds pretty much the same. C'mon girls, tell de troof, you still think he a demolition derby? Churnin' urn o' burnin funk?

04 Aug 99 - 08:21 AM (#102193)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Michael Miland

Rick, did you notice that (if you're talking about the scene where Groucho is playing the guitar in the canoe) he starts off playing a very nice looking archtop and when he throws it into the water it has magically turned ino a flat-top. I guess even then they knew better than to throw away D'angelicos.


04 Aug 99 - 08:43 AM (#102202)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

Yeah Mike. I've mentioned that a couple of times this year, here at the "cat". It's an L-5 in the canoe, and a Stella (or Tonk Bros.) when it gets to the water. Why not start a thread about your very unusual new 12 string? Quite a few of us will find it interesting.

04 Aug 99 - 10:06 AM (#102230)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: bseed(charleskratz)

And this started out as a serious thread about James Taylor. If I were a certain recently departed one, I'd be bitchin' like

about all this thread creep but as grand poobah of thread creep, I am totally delighted. Mandatory music content: I had a bitch of a time tuning my banjo last night (I had my wire cutters, but I was watching a movie and listening via earphones--and chewing gum). --seed (you can have no idea how hard it is listening via chewing gum)

04 Aug 99 - 10:13 AM (#102234)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Peter T.

You want thread creep? Get Rick to tell you everything he remembers about Elke Sommer. Even guitar obsessives will be appalled.
yours, Peter T.

04 Aug 99 - 10:51 AM (#102252)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: John Hindsill

'Spaw - It is still possible to have a dinner conversation with Kitty Carlisle Hart, if she will accept your invitation; no such luck, of course, with Mr. H. Some weekends I watch What's My Line, To Tell the Truth, etc. just to recall how witty many of those folks truly were...KCH, Bennett Cerf, Henry Morgan et. al.


04 Aug 99 - 10:54 AM (#102253)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

Great thought John....I know exactly what you mean!


04 Aug 99 - 11:09 AM (#102258)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

AND Seed!

You're using the wrong gum. You need to use the bubble gum sold in the long stringy whips.....better for sound transmission and would probably be somewhat better than whatever my local phone company uses.


04 Aug 99 - 11:44 AM (#102266)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

Oh wow guys, I can picture it now. We're sitting at the round table, with Kauffman, Parker, Benchley, Marx (Harpo), Perleman, Taylor, T.. T..TAYLOR!! How'd he get into this thread?

05 Aug 99 - 07:51 AM (#102486)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Michael Miland

If you can't say anything nice about anybody, come over here and sit by me.

Dorothy Parker

05 Aug 99 - 09:17 AM (#102511)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Rick Fielding

"You think it's EASY to play when you're stoned"?
Charlie Parker

05 Aug 99 - 09:33 AM (#102517)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: catspaw49

"A man's gotta' do what he thinks is right."

Fess Parker (as Davy Crockett) thus breeding an entire generation of 60's radicals


05 Aug 99 - 10:28 AM (#102534)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Art Thieme

Isn't revisionist history a wonderful aspect of this mod culture???? You spend your life striving to build something (like a body of work) and here come the guys makin' all sorts of $$$$$$$$ by writing books about how you let down everyone by daring to write something sentimental--what was in your heart. Hemingway was passe for a generation recently and now he's on the rise again. Thomas Wolfe, (not Tom Wolf) was one of the greatest writers who ever put pencil to paper to describe the romance and beauty of America. Now he's "OUT" with the critics---folks who weren't there and can't seem to understand the correctness of the macho men of that other era. It wasn't wrong. It was just different.

For me, it's sad to watch.

But what goes around, comes around. History repeats, it just costs twice as much every time around. Must be why I save my old volumes to read again and again.


05 Aug 99 - 10:37 AM (#102539)
Subject: RE: Information about James Taylor
From: Peter T.

And when the styles come around again, the ties are slightly different, or there are cuffs, or something, so the old crap still sits in your closet.
Same with James Taylor's hair. yours, Peter T.