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BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.

19 Mar 10 - 05:12 AM (#2867465)
Subject: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: Tig

Please send Mouldy and all her family BIG HUGS. It's 3 years since the dreadful mining accident which killed Ian and they are missing him a lot (where does time go?)

These can be shared with anyone else who is 'thinking' for the same sort of reason. Zen hugs - the hug I would give you if I was there and I could, but I'm not so I can't - are wonderful things and should be spread around as much as possible.


19 Mar 10 - 06:08 AM (#2867485)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: VirginiaTam


you are in my thoughts..


19 Mar 10 - 06:45 AM (#2867502)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: penicillium chrysogenum

Thank you Tig, time flies indeed. We all miss him dreadfully, family and friends, but I bet he is smiling down on us all, urging us to make the most of every minute we have. There's probably not a day that goes by where I don't think of him for some reason, and I think he would be pleased to see how Freya is developing into a typical Robertson! ( bloody minded, gregarious and with a passion for testing the boundaries!).

So here's to remembering a fine man, who definately left his mark on this world

nenna x x
( newie on mudcat! - mum raves about it so thought I would join!)

19 Mar 10 - 07:17 AM (#2867514)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: Catherine Jayne

Thinking about you all. I can't believe it's been 3 years.

Hugs to you all

Khatt x

19 Mar 10 - 07:21 AM (#2867518)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: mouldy

So, then, dear daughter...the "cryptic" name is in tribute to me, is it?

Thanks for the thoughts and hugs. They are much appreciated.
It's funny that this year I feel his loss more than previously. Last year I was in NZ, and the year before Nenna (who, for those who are wondering, is Eleanor; stripey_camel is Ruth) and I went on a damn-it-all-let's-go-shopping expedition to Meadowhell. This year I am at home all day.....but I'm going to a ceilidh tonight! I should not be on my own to brood!

Just dropped in to post up. Going back out to attack the garden again now, while we still have some fine weather.


19 Mar 10 - 09:11 AM (#2867594)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: GUEST,Banjo-flower

if the ceilidh is the one at the Vikings we 'll see you there,


19 Mar 10 - 09:26 AM (#2867600)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: Ebbie

Welcome to the Cat, nenna and {{{{{{{hugs all around}}}}}}}

19 Mar 10 - 09:46 AM (#2867607)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: gnu

3 years! T&Ps.

19 Mar 10 - 10:08 AM (#2867620)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: Joe Offer

My wild ride across the Yorkshire wilderness with Ian was one of the high points of my visit to England, along with a wonderful visit with Mouldy and the daughters. Thanks again to all of you for that, and may Ian always rest warmly in your memories.


19 Mar 10 - 10:52 AM (#2867643)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: katlaughing

Welcome to the Mudcat, nenna, and thanks for joining. Your mom has been an inspiration to me and is absolutely amazing. I know it's been really difficult for all of you. You are all amazing, imo. I am sure Ian would be so proud and pleased.

Andrea, maybe it seems sadder this year because you are getting closer to being done with the house and moving to a new one? And, you've got a grandbaby there with you whom you can't share with Ian except through your heart, plus the other grandbaby in NZ? As a grandma I know it would make me sad if Rog weren't here to share Morgan.

(((((((HUGS FOR ALL)))))))


19 Mar 10 - 11:54 AM (#2867678)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: Sandra in Sydney

sending hugs to you all


19 Mar 10 - 12:59 PM (#2867722)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: mouldy

No, I'm not at the Viking, Gerry - I'll be just down the road at Airmyn, with the Jellybeans. Haven't seen Chris and Geraldine in ages!

I know I said I was staying in, but I went to town and ordered carpets for next week. I had to get out of the village. Trouble was that my thoughts were all over the place and I had to brake a bit sharpish at one point, due to that. Soon pulled me into shape, though!

I think that you may be right, Kat, although it's the first anniversary where I have had opportunity to brood..... I do, however, take my godmother's approach: I grieve, but I don't mourn. It does feel like a bit of me has been ripped out at the moment.

However, I know I'll be back to "normal" tomorrow, when I have lots going on.


19 Mar 10 - 01:03 PM (#2867726)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: catspaw49

Andrea, you're gonna' have to forgive me here because I rarely say anything so sappy as this but I can't think of how else to say it........

The way you handled (and are still handling) Ian's death has been a lesson for all of us and even inspirational. I know that sounds really sacharrine and a bit goofy but I don't know how else to say it. I'm sure its been more than just a little tough but everything you've done has celebrated his life in some beautiful ways.

I am sure there are times when you are lower than low but you have created an atmosphere of wonderful memories that is remarkable. The two of you raised a great family and I am, simply put, very fortunate to know you.

I dunno' if this place has ever helped you, but you have helped all of us.


19 Mar 10 - 02:03 PM (#2867751)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: GUEST,Banjo-flower

Big hug then


19 Mar 10 - 02:06 PM (#2867755)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: Les from Hull

More hugs from Maggie and me.

19 Mar 10 - 06:37 PM (#2867859)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: JennieG

And from me too.


19 Mar 10 - 07:07 PM (#2867873)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: jacqui.c

Hugs from Maine, Andrea and family.

20 Mar 10 - 06:10 AM (#2868025)
Subject: RE: BS: Hugs for Mouldy, Stripy Giraffe et al.
From: mouldy

Thanks everybody.

Today is another day, and it's "on with the motley"! It's raining, and I have a busy weekend looking after Freya, while our newest 'catter goes on the razz round Leeds tonight.

I'm going to have to Google her name up, because she says I've not figured it all out yet (damned pharmacist!). To think we supported her to go get educated enough to confuse us!

Thanks for the thoughts, Spaw. Yes, this community has been a great help. I have the thread from 3 years ago all printed off, and in an album with all the letters I received. I am, luckily, the pragmatic sort who gets on with life - in my situation you have limited choices: sink or swim. Somebody recently told me I go through life with a coat hanger in my mouth which hides the hurt inside. It's true, but most of the time it's a bittersweet sorrow. Making plans for the future keeps me motivated, even if it may take forever to implement them.
