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BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!

26 Mar 10 - 07:35 AM (#2872315)
Subject: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: GUEST,padgett

I am surprised that no one has posted on this to date

I feel that taxes continue to be an assault on folk music and communities

Pubs are closing at an alarming rate impinging on club venues and attendances

Fuel rates are ridiculously high, excuse no oil refineries now!

Taxes are changing our way of life ~ we are under seige!!


26 Mar 10 - 07:43 AM (#2872327)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Dave the Gnome

Cider drinkers are revolting!

The Wurzels are tipped for No 1 apparantly!



26 Mar 10 - 07:50 AM (#2872333)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Rasener

>>Cider drinkers are revolting<<

How dare you say that about my wife DeG :-)

26 Mar 10 - 08:59 AM (#2872374)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Bonzo3legs

Well, vote this mess of a government out then. Hopefully the Tories will raise the Inheritance Tax Threshold to £1m.

The stamp duty holiday for first time house buyers is wide open to abuse - a useless measure.

26 Mar 10 - 10:18 AM (#2872428)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Bonzo3legs

And what he didn't mention - National Insurance increases from previous budgets for instance!

26 Mar 10 - 12:20 PM (#2872547)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Gervase

Well, vote this mess of a government out then. Hopefully the Tories will raise the Inheritance Tax Threshold to £1m.
Tthat's the best policy the Tories have got? There must be, ooh, millions of people in the UK who are terrified that their kids will be taxed 40 per cent of unearned income when they are left over a quarter of a million!
At my local DSS office the talk is of little else, and at the JobCentre there's a fevered atmosphere of anticipation, with the champagne already on ice for when the Old Etonians get in.

26 Mar 10 - 12:25 PM (#2872552)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Bonzo3legs

You obviously object to inherited money?

26 Mar 10 - 01:45 PM (#2872609)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Gervase

And you clearly object to protecting children from paedophiles and tiger sharks. The inference is just as cock-eyed.
I've got no problem with inherited money, but I see nothing wrong with the exchequer taking dibs on it as well. Look upon it as pruning - it helps give the new growth a bit of hardiness and stops it becoming to soft.

26 Mar 10 - 05:50 PM (#2872828)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Bonzo3legs

And you clearly object to protecting children from paedophiles and tiger sharks


26 Mar 10 - 06:37 PM (#2872863)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Hopefully the Tories will raise the Inheritance Tax Threshold to £1m.

Who is going to be helped by that who needs to be helped? What a ridiculous priority.

26 Mar 10 - 08:19 PM (#2872925)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Gervase

And you clearly object to protecting children from paedophiles and tiger sharks


Oh dear.
Read my lips...
The inference is just as cock-eyed.
I do sometimes wonder if universal suffrage was wholly a good idea.

27 Mar 10 - 04:42 AM (#2873060)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: r.padgett

Thread drift maybe

This was started as a serious thread

A threat to Communities, through greed of Govt, breweries, transportation of virtually all food by road at disgustingly high tax level on fuel!

Folk music is at risk of the demise of its traditional perfromance places, not just ppubs

Little reward to keep pace with inflation for those on fixed incomes

Fixed incomes = retired ppl relying on th fundamental purpose of high street banks to pay interest on peoples savings

The only safe way to save appears to be via ISA at least the limit on these has been increased ~ savings accounts are dead in the water!!

Shares are not for mere mortals, we dont live long enough for the cycle of fluctuations to regain value!! Nor does it seem a place for pension provision such as for final salary schemes

We must learn from these collapses of stock exchange

and by we I mean the useless greedy banks

The ability to invest like banks by building societies was a fundamental error brought in during Margaret Thatchers Govt misled by her greedy bankers

Houses are still up to 50% overvalued, the last budget totally ignored the negative equity trap in favour of initiatives to get ppl back paying their mortgages and staying put (thankfully) but the underlying problem will not go away!

But then we should not wish to be buying and selling houses at a profit anyway ~ this is the mind set brought about by estate agents, solicitors and greedy bankers who profit from this ~ our greed this!!

It will take many years for the values to regain the inflated values in my view ~ the 2 to 2.5 X salary value plus a deposit should be written in, or some other fixed value to mortages

Mortages were at risk of being passed on to other family members on death

Wake up!!


27 Mar 10 - 04:56 AM (#2873070)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: GUEST, Richard Bridge on the other browser

I don't really think that the budget should primarily be judged on its effect on folk(ish) music and pubs.

Further, if transport costs were the prime mover of pub closures there could never have been many pubs in the first place. The pubs arose when most people had no convenenient way of travelling long distances, and beer deliveries beyond the range of a horse and cart were ou of the question.   The loss of pubs is due (again) largely to the bitch Thatcher whose Hayeck-driven economics produced the dismantling of the pub tied house system (which did have faults that needed addressing, but not the way she did it) and its replacement by the rapacious corrupt and venal pubcos.

House prices in the long term must rise faster than earnings - the planet is becoming more densely populated.

The only reasonably safe way of saving is government savings.

Death duties and progressive (and universal, watch out Lord Ashcroft) taxation are the only ways to provide the structures that the civilised states provide (transport, health, governance, security, power) and teh so-called "polluter pays" principle has again no place in a society where risk is managed by insurance-like principles of risk-spreading.

27 Mar 10 - 07:44 AM (#2873139)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: Bonzo3legs

Hopefully the Tories will raise the Inheritance Tax Threshold to £1m.

Who is going to be helped by that who needs to be helped? What a ridiculous priority.

Hopefully it would be paid for by increased duty on booze and tobacco. I would pay more of course on my Argentine wine!

27 Mar 10 - 01:13 PM (#2873337)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: r.padgett

Richard some good points, although there are one or two leaps that I did not say (pr mean)

It is the cumulative increases on alcohol and fuel tax when no others seem to have been thought of that affects retired ppl on fixed income (like me)as well as everyone in the UK

Pubs are suffering from high costs imposed by alcohol taxes and pub owners wringing out profits from landlords who have no clientel ~ can't afford it in many cases, affecting Communities and pubs

believe it or not Richard, folk pubs have and continue to close. Public Transport isnt good enough ~ no late trains and buses, but folkies are ingenious and find ways around this problem!


27 Mar 10 - 03:33 PM (#2873444)
Subject: RE: BS: UK budget, alcohol, fuel!!
From: GUEST, RBotob

Oh yes, folk pubs are going, and many other pubs too - but the position is complex and while Nosmo King and the breathbag and beer price rises do not help I thinkt her eins more in play. The bloody Licensing Act is a definite villain.

I am well aware that pubic transport goes (slowly and expensively) from where you aren't to where you don't want to be only at times you don't want to go.