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Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH

16 Apr 10 - 02:46 PM (#2888094)
Subject: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: curmudgeon

Even though there's a grand house concert at Sinsull's and an Adventurous Day in Gloucester, there will be a monthly shanty/forebitter/ballad session at the Press Room on Portsmouth NH, tomorrow from 3:30 to 7:30 PM - Tom

16 Apr 10 - 04:14 PM (#2888158)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH

I just posted to this. Where did it go????
Have fun, Tom. Obviously can't be there.

16 Apr 10 - 11:13 PM (#2888344)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Charley Noble


Judy and I will be coming down as usual.

Gee, it seems to have been a long long time since we've heard our Gloucester friends.

Charley Noble

17 Apr 10 - 02:14 PM (#2888679)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Paul_Schurr_PSG_NY


I'll be there in spirit. Looking forward to June when we can be there in person again.

Tell us how it goes this afternoon.


17 Apr 10 - 11:38 PM (#2888955)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Charley Noble

We just got back after a nice dinner in Portsmouth and a stop at LL Bean's on the long road back to Richmond, Maine. There was a good turnout with about a dozen people leading songs, including a young fellow with some friends at an adjacent table. Let's see there was Tom and Linn, Judy and myself, Marc, Chris, Bruce, Susan, Marty, Justine, and two other folks whose names I can't come up with.

I wasn't taking good notes on what was being sung. I lead:

By the Old Pagoda Anchorage
Laying on the Screw
Storm Along Stormy
Mobile Bay
Pierhead Chorus
West Indies Blues

Bruce did a remarkable job with Doodle Let Me Go.

Maybe I'll think of some more songs in the morning, or someone else will fill in.

There were also some visitors from the MIT sea music sessions chorusing along.

Charley Noble

18 Apr 10 - 09:52 AM (#2889126)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Paul_Schurr_PSG_NY


Thanks for the report. It's tough to miss the sing, especially when it sounds so good.

Missed the dining as well!

I sang Sweet Roseanne just to vicariously join in.

Give my best to Judy.


18 Apr 10 - 06:47 PM (#2889390)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Bat Goddess

Excuse me, Charley, that was "Madame Gashay's" ;-) that Bruce did -- the song he learned from me. That was immediately upon his return to the session after ducking out for an hour or so. When he left, somebody made the usual comment about singing all of Bruce's songs while he was gone and I jumped right in and purposely sang "Farewell to Nova Scotia" right away while he was on his way out the door. (I learned it over 25 years ago from Jay Smith, so never sang it at The Press Room when Jay was around -- it was "his" song; after Jay passed away, Bruce started singing it to keep it in the family, so to speak. He beat me to it, so I don't sing it when Bruce is around.) That was followed by Susan Young singing another song Bruce sings, "Caledonia", and Bill Dunlap sang "Grey Funnel Line", also one of Bruce's. All in good fun, so, of COURSE he had to sing one of "my" songs upon his return!

Gina and Bill Dunlap were at the session from Connecticut and Bill Lehrman and his wife from Boston.

The young fellow with the table full of friends who gave us a song will be back. He's with the military in the area and had heard about the session(s) and likes to sing.

Let's see, what did I sing? (I didn't take notes for a change.)
Plum Island National Anthem
Bay of Biscay
Cannery Shed (requested by Susan, but on my mind, too, because of the closing of the last sardine cannery in the country, located in Maine)
The Man Who Waters the Workers' Beer (again, requested by Susan)
Astoria's Bar (requested by Bruce)

And again, I was going to trot out "Sixteen Tons of Herring Roe" using the words (known locally as "Brucing it), but didn't get around to it.

Good session!


18 Apr 10 - 07:23 PM (#2889411)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Jeri

I intended to go for a while, but I went to the gym, and by the time I got out, I only had a bit over an hour to spend there. THEN I remembered I left something home, and after the round trip, it was far too late. As a result, I ended up at SINSULL's early! Sorry I missed it, sorry you missed MWR.

18 Apr 10 - 09:44 PM (#2889475)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Charley Noble


Gina Dunlap was there and didn't sing?

And who is the fellow who was sitting next to Susan who sings on all the choruses and occasionally leads a song? He certainly seems to enjoy the sessions.

Charley Noble

19 Apr 10 - 07:56 PM (#2890235)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Bat Goddess

Gina Dunlap has an allergic problem that's been keeping her from singing for some time. The fellow next to Susan is Pete Hale's father, but I don't know his name. (Peter's never actually introduced us.) He LOVES the sessions! He's only recently become confident enough to lead a song, but he should definitely do it more often. Good voice!


20 Apr 10 - 10:23 AM (#2890615)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Charley Noble


Thanks for the info. Pete's father certainly does enjoy the sessions.

Charley Noble

20 Apr 10 - 11:13 AM (#2890642)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: GUEST,Peadar (formerly) of Portsmouth

Sorry I missed the shanty sing...and I've now missed my ol' man leading a song twice.

For the record, his name is Don. I am most confident that I DID introduce him at one time, Linn, but it was just a long time ago and well before he became semi-regular.

Come to think of it, he's getting to more shanty sings than me at this point...maybe I'm semi regular. (better eat more bran).



20 Apr 10 - 11:25 AM (#2890651)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Charley Noble



Well, Don now has a treasured copy of the Sea Songs of Cicely Fox Smith.

Charley Noble

20 Apr 10 - 08:46 PM (#2891016)
Subject: RE: Apr. Shanty Session @ The Press Room -NH
From: Bat Goddess

Peter, please excuse me for not remembering your dad's name -- my random access memory is getting more and more random. Next time 'round, I'll buy more memory! (Or my inner librarian is getting slovenly and stacking boxes of miscellaneous information in dusty hallways and under desks.)

He has a very nice voice -- hope he sings more!
