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BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you

30 Apr 10 - 11:36 PM (#2897790)
Subject: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

No thread about eugenics on this forum? In case you don't know what eugenics is, my computer dictionary defines it as, "The study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating)." That's what slaveowners did, wasn't it? Good thing the practice died out.

But wait. What did Hitler say in Mein Kampf? "There is today one state, Hitler wrote, in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States. I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."

Good thing eugenics died out with the Nazis, huh?

But wait. What did Bill Gates say a while back? "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

Bill and Melinda Gates. What nice people. What charitable people, doing all that vaccine work in Africa. They're going to neuter and kill the people of Africa with vaccines for their own good. How thoughtful.

Hitler borrowed his ideas for the Holocaust from Britain and America. The ideas live on. This Gates story is just a drop in the bucket on this subject. What's sad is that liberals have been conditioned to think a planet-wide kill off would be a GOOD thing, while they say they want a better life for little Juan and Maria.

30 Apr 10 - 11:41 PM (#2897792)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

Yes, I can see how you're the living proof that Chongo Chimp buttfucked a buffalo............


30 Apr 10 - 11:43 PM (#2897793)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Sorcha

Spaw, I think you mistoook him for Buck Fuffalo! It's a common error. Don't feel badly.

30 Apr 10 - 11:46 PM (#2897797)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

Thanks Sorch for setting me right.


30 Apr 10 - 11:50 PM (#2897799)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: GUEST,number 6

spaw and sorcha .... good one guys !!!

I needed a good laugh.


01 May 10 - 12:07 AM (#2897803)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Joe Offer

One could wonder what planet this ichMael comes from....

01 May 10 - 12:08 AM (#2897804)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Sorcha

OK, Ick, I'll really address your 'issue'. Yes, it was rather common in the 50's to neuter all 'deficient' humans in the US. It came under a LOT of fire, and I don't think it is done anymore.

My mother worked in a residential hospital for 'chronically disabled' persons (read pretty much just dump them off and hope they die) Among the 'walking wounded' pregancy was a major headache for the staff. You can't watch them all time, so they just aborted ALL the babies and neutered all the residents.

Quite often the grandparents of the aborted baby didn't care a lot.

Let us HOPE that things have changed and for the better since then.

I think you really may have lit a fire under Spaw this time. I hope so.

Maybe I should have just cleared this instead of submitting...sorry.

01 May 10 - 12:12 AM (#2897808)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: LadyJean

If people know that their children aren't likely to die in infancy, they are more likely to voluntarily limit the size of their families, for any number of reasons, most of them good. That's what the Gateses are trying to do. I like the idea of a couple having 2 children they plan on sending to college, better than the idea of a couple having 12 children in the hopes that 5 of those children will live long enough to become day laborers, don't you?

01 May 10 - 12:28 AM (#2897812)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Sorcha

Yes Jean...and the current television shows about HUGE families (Gosslelin, Dugger, et al) make me ILL.

It also bugs the CRAP out of me that religions will tell people how many children to have...or NOT have. Now, please, do NOT let this turn into a (name your religion) bashing thread.

I love our children very much (we had 2) but if I knew then what I know now, I might not have had any. No, not the raising of them but the whole Zero Population growth thing.

I also don't think that govermental control as in China is the answer.

Let me just go on record here as saying I am not really in favour of ANY genetic manipulation. I know, plants and food plants...but WHO draws the line and WHERE?

01 May 10 - 12:28 AM (#2897813)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

Michael from Texas:

Dream on, Macduff. Your bogiemen will not stop appearing and conspiring and running their nefarious schemes until you get back on your meds or change your life. Find a peaceable little farm in New England and forget Texas. You and Texas are a BAD influence on each other, pal.


01 May 10 - 12:30 AM (#2897815)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Sorcha

ich is from TEXAS? NO wonder.....LOL. Ta for that Amos.

01 May 10 - 12:33 AM (#2897820)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief


01 May 10 - 01:26 AM (#2897849)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

We don't NEED ichMael's hysterical conspiracy theories - we are eugenicising our gene pool already in a downward direction and doing long term harm to our species - recent discoveries have found that genes get switched off occasionally and randomly (and transmitted to subsequent generations!) thru many processes including IVF and things like insecticides!

"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent"

Twisty twisty, icky icky, - 'If people know that their children aren't likely to die in infancy, they are more likely to voluntarily limit the size of their families, for any number of reasons, most of them good'

01 May 10 - 01:31 AM (#2897855)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

Twisty twisty, icky icky...

The full quote was

"First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." (author's emphasis).

By deleting those two words you deliberately distorted the context - people are wide awake to your malicious manipulations, troll.

01 May 10 - 01:38 AM (#2897860)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

So look son, just save us all a lot of time and go away now and write another one of your anti-Mudcat web pages, to be read by those who care the way you do.

01 May 10 - 02:12 AM (#2897871)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: katlaughing


01 May 10 - 06:26 AM (#2897916)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: McGrath of Harlow

Linguistic query: "Twisty twisty, icky icky"? Never come across that one before.

It's true enough that the Nazis didn't invent ideas like mass sterilisation of "the unfit", which had already been put into practice most especially in some American states. It's estimated that about 60,000 American were sterilised over the years, until in the wake of Nazism this kind of "Social Darwinism" ceased to be seen by some people as "progressive" or "enlightened. Here's a thought provoking extract from a book about all that.

It's as well to guard against those kind of ideas sneaking back into fashion.

01 May 10 - 06:40 AM (#2897922)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Bobert

Okay, folks, let's take a look at this one from a different angle... Sterlization od the stupid might nit be a bad idea... Hmmmmmmm??? Where to start??? Let's see??? Okay, I got one... How abhout the folks here who can't follow the topic of a thread but nit-pick details that have nothing to do with the topic??? Yeah, sign them up... And how about people who think that getting up at 4 in the morning, driving hundreds on miles andplunking down half their weekly paychecks to sit with like humans watch cars being driven in a circle??? Yep, throw them in, too... Maybe you could just set up sterilization trailers outside of Charlotte International Speedway and include the procedure in the ticket price... Heck, these folks wouldn't know the difference... And how about folks who egt in the streets screaming how much they hate the government and then when Auntie gets cancer and can't afford treatment are beating down ther government's door for help... "Yeah, we got some help fir yqa, Ralph... Step this way"....

I mean, the list is almost endless of stupid people who probably shouldn't be making more stupid people...


01 May 10 - 07:00 AM (#2897932)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: McGrath of Harlow

Joking about the Holocaust and the things that contributed to it isn't too good an idea.

01 May 10 - 07:03 AM (#2897933)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

I wonder what the effect is on who is born and who is not when you take a bunch of young black men and put them in prison for 20 or 30 years.

01 May 10 - 08:47 AM (#2897974)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

Cinnamon Buns


20 unbaked frozen dinner rolls
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup instant vanilla pudding mix
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
3/4 cup raisins
1/3 cup butter, melted

Lightly grease a 10 inch Bundt cake pan. Place frozen rolls into pan and sprinkle with brown sugar, pudding mix, ground cinnamon and raisins. Pour melted butter over rolls. Cover with a clean, damp cloth and leave overnight at room temperature.
In the morning, preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake rolls for 25 minutes, until golden brown. Turn rolls out onto a serving plate and serve warm.

The Long Way

1. Prepare the yeast dough. Once the dough has risen once, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Flatten the dough with the palms of your hands and gently stretch and/or roll it into a rectangle.

Cinnamon Rolls II

2. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough out into a larger rectangle, approximately 12 inches wide by 20 inches long. The dough might be sticky, so flour the work surface and the rolling pin, checking to be sure the dough isn't stuck to the work surface and adding more flour as necessary.

3. Spread the softened butter over the surface of the dough, leaving a 1-inch strip along the long edge of the rectangle furthest away from you completely dry. (Other recipes call for egg wash instead of butter; if you're using egg wash, brush the entire surface.)

4. Generously sprinkle cinnamon-sugar over the butter, spreading the mixture evenly across the whole sheet of dough. Other spices, such as nutmeg and cardamom, also work well. Adding a pinch of ground cloves to the cinnamon-sugar mixture enhances the cinnamon flavor. Leave the 1-inch border free of sugar.

5. Add any other fillings desired--raisins, nuts, shredded coconut, orange zest--taking care to distribute them evenly.

6. Start at the left-hand corner of the edge closest to you. Working from left to right, tug the lip of the dough up and over the filling, keeping it tight. Roll up the dough, tightening the log as you go.

7. When you reach the far edge of the dough, moisten the bare edge with egg wash or water and pinch to seal the seam.

8. Use a serrated knife, pastry cutter, or length of unwaxed dental floss to cut the dough into even-sized pieces. You might want to discard the very ends of the roll since they often contain little filling.

9. Place the cut rolls on a greased or parchment-lined pan or cookie sheet. (For sticky buns, prepare the pan with the cinnamon smear and chopped pecans before arranging the rolls.) For pull-apart rolls, use a baking pan and arrange the rolls about an inch apart. To make individual rolls, space them two to three inches apart on a cookie sheet. Cover the rolls with a damp cloth and let them rise until they nearly double in size, about 45 minutes to an hour. The rolls can also be covered with plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator. The next morning, let the rolls rise at room temperature until doubled, then bake as directed. (The dough can also be frozen for two weeks to one month. Thaw, still wrapped, at room temperature. Proof and bake as directed.)

10. When the rolls have doubled in size, bake them in the preheated 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) oven. Cinnamon rolls are generally baked at a lower temperature than other breads--if the rolls are close together, the tops will begin to brown before the edges and centers are done. If the rolls begin browning too soon, cover pan with foil.

11. After approximately 30 minutes, test for doneness. Use a paring knife or fork to pull up the center-most roll; if the dough is still sticky and raw-looking, return the pan to the oven for about ten more minutes. The rolls should be golden to dark brown on top, and fully baked in the center of the coil.

12. Cool the pan on a rack about 10 to 15 minutes before glazing. You can use a confectioners' sugar-and-milk glaze, or cream cheese icing thinned with enough milk to reach spreading consistency.

01 May 10 - 09:39 AM (#2897985)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Bobert

Here's the little plastic cup, Amos... You know the rest of the drill...


01 May 10 - 10:29 AM (#2897995)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

It's my way of feeding the troll, Bobert.


01 May 10 - 11:12 AM (#2898016)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

And the troll is?

01 May 10 - 11:20 AM (#2898024)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: GUEST,999

"What's sad is that liberals have been conditioned to think a planet-wide kill off would be a GOOD thing, while they say they want a better life for little Juan and Maria."

ichMael: I`m a liberal and you are fulla beans--or what beans turn into.

As to eugenics being off the books--please note that Alberta had it on the books until 1972. My date may be wrong but not by much.

01 May 10 - 12:35 PM (#2898054)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos


Your view of liberals is lamebrained stereotyping. There is no "they" there, amigo. Jes' you and me and little Juan here...

01 May 10 - 12:48 PM (#2898065)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Jack Campin

Eugenics is still alive and well in Europe:

Forced sterilization of Gypsy women in the Czech Republic, 2006

01 May 10 - 12:57 PM (#2898070)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Stringsinger

Eugenics has historically become politicized. My point is that who determines superiority or inferiority in the human species?

There is no credible evidence that has been presented that eugenics is making a comeback on a mass scale. There are some wing-nuts out there who support it but they are usually laughed at and should be.

I get it that ichMael confuses vaccinations with something akin to poison. Without vaccinations there would be mass deaths by disease. Medical science is not the enemy.

As for the impugning of "liberals" (obviously ichMael uses that as a dirty word), this weakens his argument considerably. The little "Juan and Maria" comment smacks of
racism and xenophobia.

"This crap rides high, up in the sky
Deep in the heart of Texas.........."

01 May 10 - 01:36 PM (#2898111)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: McGrath of Harlow

Labels such as liberal or conservatives etc are completely irrelevant in this context - there is an attitude of mind which is open to the eugenicist agenda which can crop up in just about every part of the political spectrum, far left, far right and dead centre. Can and does.

Just because we may agree with some people or some group on most things, it's wise to be aware that there may be important matters on which we do not agree. It's never a good idea to buy a package of policies unexamined.

01 May 10 - 02:51 PM (#2898140)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

If one wanted to reduce the population by great numbers, the easiest way would be to simply stop vaccinations. Lots of folks would die off soon enough. . . .

Don Firth

P. S. Why is anybody paying any attention to this fruitcake, anyway?

01 May 10 - 02:53 PM (#2898141)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

It's his youth, Don--one always hopes he will grow up and learn to think some. No luck so far, tho'.


01 May 10 - 03:07 PM (#2898145)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: McGrath of Harlow

The vaccination stuff the OP posted is as nutty as it goes, as is the targetting of "liberals" as such - but the survival and revival of the eugenic agenda is not something that should be dismissed. Especially in panicky hard economic times when "efficiency savings" could potentially be used in ways that damage the life chances of the weakest among us.

01 May 10 - 06:27 PM (#2898243)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Cursory look... Catspaw starts by yakking about bestiality and it goes downhill from there.

Sigh. Okay, I'll put together a page on eugenics next week. You folks oughta know this stuff already.

Too much to go into now, but just today...

...The exact makeup of the dispersants is kept secret under competitive trade laws, but a worker safety sheet for one product, called Corexit, says it includes 2-butoxyethanol, a compound associated with headaches, vomiting and REPRODUCTIVE PROBLEMS at high doses...

That's British Petroleum doing what it can to sterilize the Caribbean. And that's just one of a hundred such stories I could turn up on the wires today, if I cared to. I have some pages about this scattered around, but I'll make one with pictures, just for mudcat.

01 May 10 - 06:48 PM (#2898260)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

"That's British Petroleum doing what it can to sterilize the Caribbean."

Nope it's just British Petroleum doing what it can to make as much money as it can, as fast as it can, before what it does gets outlawed.

"Sigh. Okay, I'll put together a page on eugenics next week. You folks oughta know this stuff already."

So why come here, start threads and annoy us in the first place then - you KNOW you can't teach a pig to sing, so just do up your web page in the first place mate.

01 May 10 - 07:01 PM (#2898268)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

Or don't. Your smug, ill-informed condescension is without foundation, Michael, and your obsession with your own rightness will lead you to a fruitless life.


01 May 10 - 07:02 PM (#2898269)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

ALL pharmaceuticals are toxic if you take large enough amounts. Which is why the prescription, or the instructions on the bottle or package warn one not to take more that the specified dose.

Hell's bells, ANYTHING can be toxic in large enough doses. You can't live for more than a few days without water. But if you drink enough water at one time, it will wash all the nutrients and electrolytes out of your body and your nervous system will begin to malfunction. You will die if the electrolytes are not soon replaced. This is the whole purpose of such sport drinks as Gatorade:   to replace the electrolytes an athlete (or anyone else) loses when he or she sweats like a pig during strenuous activity.

Oxygen. Absolutely essential if we are to live for more that a few minutes! But if you spend more than a few minutes in a 100% oxygen atmosphere are the normal atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi., you will die of oxygen poisoning.

There is an ongoing investigation about a possible connection between certain vaccines and the incidence of childhood autism, but as yet, there is no real evidence of a causal connection. But in general, this wheeze about vaccines being poisonous has been around since the time of Jenner. Yet many dreaded diseased that used to obliterate people by the tens or hundreds of thousands have all but been wiped out since the advent of vaccines.

Rationality and science march on. Stupidity and superstition also seem to march relentlessly on, and it's a perpetual race to see which will win.

Don Firth

01 May 10 - 07:08 PM (#2898276)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Paul Burke

Oh. A vaccine nut.

Get polio.

01 May 10 - 07:16 PM (#2898283)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Yeah, I did! Back in the 1930s. That was before Salk.

Can't say's I recommend it.

Don Firth

01 May 10 - 07:18 PM (#2898285)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael


Love it when I hit a nerve. Gotta go, but look up Baxter Inc. and the genocide they attempted in Eastern Europe... Hell, I'll look it up for you...

That was last winter, when the talking heads were telling you to get your flu shots.

And money has nothing to do with nothing. Money as motive. No. Money is NOT the motive when it comes to eugenics. Money is just a tool in the hands of the insane, inbred families that run the world. Like the Windsor family (formerly known as the Saxe Coberg-Gothas, had to change the name because they're NAZIS).

More later...

01 May 10 - 07:29 PM (#2898289)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Love it when I hit a nerve."

Proves the only reason you come here - certainly not for the music.

"look up Baxter Inc. and the genocide they attempted in Eastern Europe"

Only proves how screwed up your head and how high your level of clinical paranoia is.

"Rationality and science march on. Stupidity and superstition also seem to march relentlessly on, and it's a perpetual race to see which will win."

Thanks, Don. You forgot psychosis. :-)

01 May 10 - 08:10 PM (#2898308)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

What you call "hitting a nerve" Michael is actually just your own stupidity and bias stirring up irritation among people who are more interested in being thinkers than histrionic paranoids.


01 May 10 - 08:22 PM (#2898321)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

"More later... "

Why just not let us Google the delusional paronia for ourselves?

01 May 10 - 09:13 PM (#2898330)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

IckyMicky dude....Feel free to start a thousand websites.   Seriously dickless, ain't nary a soul here that gives even a tiny shit. Lemmee know when you do an autobiographical site about how you pulled yourself up from a mattress stain to a pathetic, broke-dick, shit-for-brains...................


01 May 10 - 09:32 PM (#2898335)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

What works for dog and cat control should work on itchy member.

01 May 10 - 10:04 PM (#2898342)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: olddude

Paranoid schizophrenia   seek help please

01 May 10 - 10:44 PM (#2898355)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: LilyFestre

I read the thread title as Eunics--evidence all around you.



02 May 10 - 02:08 AM (#2898420)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: GUEST,Uncle Rumpo

I have permanent hyper high blood pressure
and internal bleeding in my head
I guess my time is limited..

so why is my remaining short life span wasted having to cope with all you other peoples
retarded hate fueled theories on how the world was, is and should be..

I'm f@cked off with the lot of you stupid c@nts


02 May 10 - 02:42 AM (#2898429)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

I dunno, Rumpo, why do you choose to do things you don't want to do? Seriously if you don't like reading and posting here, just don't. Just say no, as Nancy Reagan said to Alzheimer's.

02 May 10 - 06:08 PM (#2898761)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

"I read the thread title as Eunics--evidence all around you."

          Yeah, you'd only have to look at the Democratic party too...

02 May 10 - 09:41 PM (#2898888)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Sorry to hear about your blood pressure, Rumpy, but I might suggest that if you can't stand heat, don't sit on the barbeque.

Don Firth

02 May 10 - 10:01 PM (#2898898)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ed T

Too much myth-information

02 May 10 - 10:06 PM (#2898901)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ed T

Eugenic breeding helped the wolf evolve into the Taco Bell dog; just think what Mike could do for the human race.

02 May 10 - 10:23 PM (#2898910)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Always good to get an outsider's opinion.

02 May 10 - 10:33 PM (#2898916)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Okay, back to the beginning on this one. Bill Gates said, "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

Pay attention. He's talking about OVERPOPULATION and what he wants to do about it. He wants to lower it by 10 or 15 percent. How does he propose to do that? With vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services.

Reproductive health services are abortions.

And as we've seen with the recently-passed Obamacare bill, "health care" is the rationing of life-saving medical care.

And vaccines...did you do your homework and read about Baxter trying to murder all of Europe?

Bill Gates just ADMITTED he's a genocidalist. He couldn't have made it more plain.

02 May 10 - 10:56 PM (#2898932)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Rowan

Of course, if you are not full of US-biassed versions of hoe words are used, you might see the UNFPA material accessible from a URL visible at the same link;

A full sexual and reproductive health package includes:

Family planning/birth spacing services
Antenatal care, skilled attendance at delivery, and postnatal care
Management of obstetric and neonatal complications and emergencies
Prevention of abortion and management of complications resulting from unsafe abortion
Prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS
Early diagnosis and treatment for breast and cervical cancer
Promotion, education and support for exclusive breast feeding
Prevention and appropriate treatment of sub-fertility and infertility
Active discouragement of harmful practices such as female genital cutting
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health
Prevention and management of gender-based violence

Most of those who are properly informed in this field understand that, when women are able to exert effective control over their reproductive abilities, birthrates decrease. Which is, I suspect, what Gates was implying.

Cheers, Rowan

03 May 10 - 02:12 AM (#2898985)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

In poorer countries that have no systems to take care of the elderly, the children have to take care of their parents when they reach old age. To assure themselves that they will have someone to take care of them, and because of the high rate of infant and childhood mortality—due to easily preventable diseases—couples have many children in order to make sure that there will be someone to care for them.

With a double-edged program, such as vaccinations to prevent childhood mortality AND good sexual and reproductive health programs (including birth control and post-natal care), couples would not feel the need to have large broods of children (an heir and a spare, and another spare, and just in case, another spare, and another, and. . . .). And women could exert some control over their own bodies and decide when enough is enough.

Thereby reducing the explosive birth rate in poorer countries.

Michael, you simply don't understand—or with your mind-set, don't want to understand—what Bill and Melinda Gates, and others, are talking about. The idea that the purpose of the vaccines is to either kill people off or to sterilize them is another example of the befuddled nightmares that conspiracy-theory paranoiacs (of the kind you are showing every symptom of being) are so fond of embracing.

Don Firth

03 May 10 - 06:12 AM (#2899032)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: McGrath of Harlow

One thing that makes that kind of distortion more plausible is that there is that there is a history of that kind of thing happening - policies aimed at getting rid of "inferior" people which have been disguised as ways of helping them.

The result is that when that kind of accusation gets raised in the context of things happening today, it can sound plausible enough, even if it may not in fact be true.

03 May 10 - 12:10 PM (#2899184)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

There's a certain amount of Darwinism that takes place as a result of unintentional consequences. Like Mothers-Against-Drunk-Drivers, for instance. They've moved to save the people who might have been killed by drunk drivers, but guitar players who used to do gigs in bars are now compelled to stay home and drink themselves to death.

03 May 10 - 12:30 PM (#2899193)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you

My son attended a special ed school. A parent there shared with me that social workers had recommended sterilation for her daughter who is severely retarded. The girl is everyone's friend and a perfect target for anyone wanting easy sex. She would be incapable of handling pregnancy nevermind a child.
The goal is to protect the girl from herself.
Her mother, by the way, decided against it for a variety of reasons.
Now she hopes that a pregnancy doesn't happen.

03 May 10 - 12:46 PM (#2899199)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

Evolution is often misdefined as the law of the jungle, red in tooth and claw. That is only part of the overall picture. This crude mechanistic view of Darwinism is (IMHO) misinformed. THere are lots of excellent aspects to good survival that focus on ideals, justice, aesthetics and ethics which support the species' broad survival without the tooth and claw aspect of single-organism survival.

Anyway, Michael is a nutball, to put it gently.


03 May 10 - 01:27 PM (#2899219)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

But he must have evolved from something!

03 May 10 - 01:36 PM (#2899221)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Gervase

Since when have they been installing PCs in lunatic asylums?

03 May 10 - 03:40 PM (#2899292)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ed T

Just how many politicians, present and future, would exist with Eugenics? OK, I know that's a benefit...But, how just how well would Michael measure up, under a human eugenics approach to reproduction?

03 May 10 - 05:35 PM (#2899363)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

There's a certain amount of Darwinism that takes place as a result of unintentional consequences. Like Mothers-Against-Drunk-Drivers, for instance. They've moved to save the people who might have been killed by drunk drivers, but guitar players who used to do gigs in bars are now compelled to stay home and drink themselves to death.

And this is bad... why?

03 May 10 - 07:05 PM (#2899415)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Bill D

3 days I've been gone, and others have said most of what *I* would have said to our resident paranoid fearmonger....I'll just add my comment of his thread title:

"Eugenics -- evidence all around you"

'Evidence' has a bit tighter definition than THAT sort of linguistic Gerrymandering!

03 May 10 - 07:18 PM (#2899419)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

"And this is bad... why?"

             The people driving the cars that weren't hit by drunk drivers might have been genetically defective.

03 May 10 - 08:41 PM (#2899471)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Then THEY have to do something to kill themselves. That's kinda how that evolution stuff works. Otherwise it's just random noise and not evolution at all.

03 May 10 - 10:10 PM (#2899515)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

Doesn't there have to be a preditor? I mean like a school marm or a trombone player from the Salvation Army, or something?

03 May 10 - 10:33 PM (#2899522)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

No -- it could just be that people with a certain gene wander off cliffs.

And the predator has to actually select the prey in such a way as to kill off the members of the prey species with certain hertiable traits (for instance the gazelles with "slow" genes get et and thus the herd as a whole has fewer "slow" genes and so the % of the herd without them continues to grow until that gene is gone). If a predator just preys randomly, and there is no trait that the prey share, then nothing is selected for or against.

03 May 10 - 11:05 PM (#2899543)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

My evening's work. Amazing quotes. Hundreds, thousands of them. This is just a supplementary page and I could add to it for weeks. This'll take a while. I'm glad to see my "superiors" have spent the day making 'tard jokes. Gliberals.

I'd forgotten about National Security Study Memorandum 200. Kissinger's genocide plan. Look at what Clowes has to say about it at the bottom of that page.

03 May 10 - 11:16 PM (#2899546)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

You know, Michael, if you omit enough data and take enough things out of their context, you can make the sanest group in the world look like a band of gibbering banderlogs. Of course, you have to distort the information like mad in order to do that, but this seems quite within your capacity to do.


03 May 10 - 11:36 PM (#2899558)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Obama's DeathCare is bringing back the sterilization clinics. He doubled funding for abortion murder.

"Progressives" have a long history of "looking after" their inferiors by murdering them.

It's not too late to change your ways, Amos.

04 May 10 - 01:13 AM (#2899587)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

You're looking up the wrong end of the horse, Michael. You have things totally bass-ackward.

Don Firth

04 May 10 - 01:14 AM (#2899589)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Sawzaw

Jesse did say he wanted to cut Barry's nuts off so there must be something to it.

04 May 10 - 06:38 AM (#2899680)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ed T

"There is NO DENYING the natural world would be a better place without people – ALL people! Not a selective bunch. Get it straight." Rebecca Calisi, student of Eric Pianka

Some odd quotes here:

04 May 10 - 09:37 AM (#2899755)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""But he must have evolved from something!""

You reckon?

I'd have said devolved, or more accurately regressed.

Homo Sapiens with nowt left but the sap!

Don T.

04 May 10 - 08:19 PM (#2900202)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Donuel

I should tell you a story about a Jewish American man who served in WW 11 and adopted a Lebensborn boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.
It is a story that proves that nurture rules all.

04 May 10 - 10:26 PM (#2900256)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Updated, it at least has the shape of the final piece. I'll make adjustments. A page with my thesis at the top, a numbered outline, then articles referring back to the outline. Plus a page of quotes. Both pages will be added to as time permits.

I found that "eugenics" didn't adequately cover what I was describing, so I expanded the scope to encompass the various ways in which the ruling elite keep our numbers down.

And I don't think I'm looking at the wrong end of the issue, Don Firth. Maybe I am, but I don't think so. I think most on this forum are older, and I expect there's experience here going back to WW2 and back into the eugenics programs of the 30's, so that's a personal perspective I don't have. But the thing is, the people who run the world take advantage of our compassion in order to make us self-regulate. None of us wants someone else to live a life of misery, so we're receptive to ideas on how to alleviate that misery. And if we abort/kill/sterilize, well that's just one less life the Windsor/Dupont/Rockefellers have to take in an expensive war. They use our good intentions against us, and they do it for their own gain.

04 May 10 - 10:49 PM (#2900266)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

Only those who volunteer their energies, Michael.


04 May 10 - 11:47 PM (#2900285)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

"And I don't think I'm looking at the wrong end of the issue..."

Actually you are. Ever since you were at the Circus and that elephant sat on you......well, you've been fucked up. But I can be tolerant. I know it must be hard to have any viewpoint at all with your head so deep up an elephant's ass.


05 May 10 - 12:04 AM (#2900298)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Speaking of asses, it's been a pleasure handing yours to you on a platter. Look at the articles on that page. Evidence of eugenics is indeed all around. And I've just begun. That page can be added to the rest of my life. And I might not have pursued it without your abuse catspaw. Thanks.

05 May 10 - 12:17 AM (#2900301)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Michael, I was born the year before Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president. I am old enough to remember World War II. And, I might add, despite my age, my mind is quite clear and my memory is very tenacious, thank you.

I have heard this nonsense about how the Rockefellers, the DuPonts, and a number of others were (are)—although the cast of villains has changed over the years—going to take over the world and enslave us all.

Seven decades have passed and it hasn't happened.

I am reminded of the many times I've heard that the End of the World will occur on such-and-such a date. The date comes and passes, and lo! the world is still hear. It doesn't stop the same people, totally unembarrassed by the fact that they still exist in mortal from, from shrugging their shoulders and setting another date a bit further forward. Then again. And again. And yet again.

Don Firth

05 May 10 - 12:21 AM (#2900302)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

Oh that's okay. I didn't bother to look at it but there are hundreds of thousands of stupid ass pages clogging the web. Yours are just a few more from yet another nutjob striving to be somebody.....although you also can claim the time spent buried up that elephant's ass toward a Guiness record..........


05 May 10 - 12:22 AM (#2900303)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: LadyJean

Some years ago, I went to a women's clinic. I was absolutely certain I wasn't pregnant. I kind of wished I was, since pregnancy clears up mostly by itself in 9 months.

I was bleeding in mid cycle.

Any woman will tell you what that means, and that it can be a symptom of something very very nasty.

In my case it wasn't. At no time at said clinic did we discuss birth control or abortion, because I wasn't there for either service. They don't perform abortions on women who aren't pregnant.

05 May 10 - 09:02 PM (#2900977)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

One of the stories I linked to on my page, LadyJean, is about the tetanus shots the World Health Organization used in third world countries until pretty recently. The vaccination programs targeted women of child-bearing age, even though that group had no higher incidence of tetanus than other groups. One of the things found in the shots was hCG. From the article:

...when hCG is introduced into the body coupled with a tetanus toxoid carrier, antibodies will be formed not only against tetanus but also against hCG. In this case the body fails to recognize hCG as a friend and will produce anti-hCG antibodies. The antibodies will attack subsequent pregnancies by killing the hCG which naturally sustains a pregnancy; when a woman has sufficient anti-hCG antibodies in her system, she is rendered incapable of maintaining a pregnancy.

So, the women were going in for tetanus shots, and then for the next ten years or so, their pregnancies would spontaneously abort. The World "Health" Organization did that.

05 May 10 - 09:04 PM (#2900980)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

How They are Exterminating Us

Updated with some stuff, mostly about Baxter/Bayer (a couple of murdering pharmaceutical companies), the murderous Rockefellers and such.

05 May 10 - 10:24 PM (#2901016)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Michael, if "they" are trying to exterminate us and trying to keep "us" from breeding, it does not appear they are having much success: Six (6) billion people versus - what? maybe 300?

Don't you think they might have come up with a more efficient method? Maybe birth control in our drinking water, say? It must be very frustrating seeing the "common" people keep breeding.


05 May 10 - 10:45 PM (#2901024)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

It's getting pretty deep.

Where is Winston Rothschild, III when you need him?

Time to send in
The Truck!!
Don Firth

06 May 10 - 12:17 AM (#2901048)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Oh, they're having successes, Ebbie. You're not screaming about the murder of 50 million + babies since Roe v. Wade, so they're doing something right. And they've convinced people that 2 child families are the "sustainable" rate, when any moron would know that early death HAS to factor into things. So if ALL people got married and had 2 kids per couple, the population of a society would still decline. So they've succeeded in overcoming common sense. They have you cutting your own throat and laughing about it.

06 May 10 - 01:05 AM (#2901061)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Who, anywhere, has said that 2 is a sustainable birthrate? All the figures I have ever read were two point something, to factor in early deaths (among other things).

If anybody ever said 2.0 was sustainable, they were wrong.

06 May 10 - 01:57 PM (#2901406)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Donuel

Eugenics is just a form of inbreeding that was first and formost in Royalty and today to a lesser extent between ultra rich families.

Eugenics is extinct and passe'.

The new programs that go far beyond eugenics will involve gene therapies and deliberate gamete genome selection. Yet try as you may you will still end up with an individual that may not present the traits that you force to be expressed.

Not to put to fine a point on it... everything Spaw said.

10 May 10 - 08:31 PM (#2904161)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

There. I think I've spent enough time on that. More than a dozen articles. Read 'em and weep. In the last article Obama kills 330 million in 2009 with the ethanol program. What a guy.

10 May 10 - 08:44 PM (#2904167)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

It gives me great pleasure to say that I never read anything suggested to me by a total asshole and thus have never gone to any of your websites! Like I said before Limpdick, you're just another nutjob trying to be a "someone."   Take it on the arches Icky!


10 May 10 - 08:48 PM (#2904170)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

IchMael, I don't know how others feel but in my opinion you are a tool. I frankly do not believe that your mind is capable of analysis. You are being used by others to fulfill their own agendas. Good luck and goodbye.

10 May 10 - 08:59 PM (#2904174)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Left you a little clicky on the home page, Spaw. I wouldn't have developed The Mudcat Pages if not for you. Go look at your Mo Dees clicky.

10 May 10 - 09:23 PM (#2904178)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

Sorry dickwad....Anything you had to say about Mo Dees would be a joke. Why not clog the web with a dozen or three more loads of crap? Real folks will get a laugh or a cry over it and know you're a broke-dick Bubba with the IQ of a fig newton.


10 May 10 - 09:50 PM (#2904187)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

You know, I'm waiting (with a touch of glee in my black little heart) for someone, maybe even a whole bunch of people, to get together and sue this sucker's butt off for all the libelous stuff he's putting on the web. There's a tubful of it, and he just keeps piling it higher and deeper.

Defamation of character--of many people--who would have both the legal right, and quite possibly the incentive to nail Michael for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in damages. And I don't think they'll take a credit card.

You really ought to take a look at it, Spaw. It's a real study in sheer hate. Amazing!

And you can't hide, Michael. The IP number of your computer (sort of like "caller ID") is available to anyone who wants to trace you. In fact, any computer-savvy teen-aged can do it easily.

Lot's of people who think they're putting stuff on the web anonymously don't know that!

Don Firth

P. S. Or if the folks you're bad-mouthing are really as evil as you claim, what's to stop them from coming for you and—to put it euphemistically—"persuading" you to put a sock in it?

Pleasant dreams.

10 May 10 - 10:39 PM (#2904203)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

lol. You folks still think this all merely "Obama bashing." You've called me racist, retarded, hateful...but that's okay. You've been sold the two-party lie, and you think I'm with "the other side." But I'm on YOUR side. The Dem/Rep machine lied about fire in the World Trade Center towers. They work in concert to depopulate. They fund the FBI so it can entrap Americans. On and on. That stuff isn't good for any of us.

And that fear stuff, need to get over that. This isn't East Germany, man, it's America. Grow a pair.

Here's a blurb about Spaw's hero, Morris Dees:

...Morris Dees [founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center] won a judgment for a black woman whose son was killed by Klansmen. She received $51,875 as settlement. Mr. Dees, according to an investigation by the Montgomery Advertiser, pulled in $9 million from fund-raising solicitation letters that featured a particularly gruesome photograph of the grieving mother's son. Mr. Dees, who pays himself an annual salary of $275,000, offered the grieving mother none of the $9 million her son's death made for him.

10 May 10 - 11:12 PM (#2904222)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Donuel

Real Eugenics: is currently pursued by the longevity research and numerous other gene therapy studies that owe a debt to the Human Genome Progect.

Belief Eugenics: is in the minds of hate groups like White Power.


Science has collected enough viable Neanderthal DNA with the aid of interpolation between Chimp and modern human genes that a comparison has now been made. The verdict is that Neanderthal is human with a wider varient than current races and fully capable of bearing the child of a modern human.
Only the modern Caucasian and Asian races today show segments of unique Neanderthal genes in their genome, but Africans have no such Neanderthal genes unless they have interbred with white races.

So it seems the racist notion that Africans are some sort of ape or cave man is turned on its head. Its only white people who have cave man genes in their blood.

This discovery tickles me pink. When it comes to "racial purity" and having no caveman genes in his blood, it is the African and not the "noble and refined" white man. Sure its how you look at it but the mixing with Neanderthal took place about 40,000 years ago with people who were already differentiated from Africans over a 30,000 year span.

When you think about whites and Asiatics/chinese being the only descendants of Neanderthal interbreeding, it explains a lot of shit. the difference between W and Barry.

I once met a man in Lackawana who had a Neanderthal face and stature in the emplyment office of a Steel Plant. If ever there was a throwback he had every feature you would expect of a Neanderthal.

10 May 10 - 11:13 PM (#2904223)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Donuel

Did you hear what I just said?

10 May 10 - 11:27 PM (#2904230)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

Wal, Donuel, ya got the story wrong. As I read the report all modern homo saps have some of the Neanderthal DNA.


10 May 10 - 11:36 PM (#2904235)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Donuel

Amos, The story is not wrong but you need perspective to get it.
At the same time what you say will eventually be true as well.

11 May 10 - 01:37 AM (#2904274)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Thank you, Michael, but I've got a very good, functional pair. And I'm not afraid.

But you have good reason to be.

Don Firth

11 May 10 - 04:47 AM (#2904321)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

"I once met a man ... if ever there was a throwback he had every feature you would expect of a Neanderthal."

The high school science teacher of a friend of mine (Aus) looked exactly like that too.

11 May 10 - 07:39 AM (#2904387)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

In 1986, the center's entire legal staff quit in protest of Dees's refusal to address issues--such as homelessness, voter registration, and affirmative action--that they considered far more pertinent to poor minorities, if far less marketable to affluent benefactors, than fighting the KKK. Another lawyer, Gloria Browne, who resigned a few years later, told reporters that the center's programs were calculated to cash in on "black pain and white guilt."

This is why Spaw's got such a panty-twist. Mo Dee's KKK and the FBI are symbiotic. I'd do a page on Dees, but the one I linked to earlier says it all.

11 May 10 - 10:10 AM (#2904450)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

What this is, Michael, is simple paranoia, patting itself on the back.


11 May 10 - 10:29 AM (#2904456)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Riginslinger

Yeah, I agree, ichMael. Morris Dees is one of the slimiest characters on the American scene today, and has been for a very long time.

11 May 10 - 05:56 PM (#2904765)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Therefore black helicopters and the Trilateral Commission.

11 May 10 - 07:10 PM (#2904816)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

A successful conspiracy theory is one that, to some degree, empowers the believer against what he/she perceives as external forces that he/she can blame for some unpleasant or undesirable facet of their lives.

In addition, conspiracy theories serve to absolve the individual from self-accountability, since the individual is being "oppressed" by some powerful conspiracy. Therefore, his/her efforts at self-advancement will always be futile and, thus, become nothing more than "a waste of time." Therefore, why put out the effort?

The holder of a conspiracy theory will always summarily reject any evidence, no matter how overwhelming, that it is false, because their self-esteem, their feelings of self-worth are inextricably bound up in believing it and convincing others that it is true.

Sadly, it seems that conspiracy theories and their advocates are now deeply engrained in the popular psyche and without prospects for their ultimate refutation.
From an article in a recent issue of Psychology Today.

An excerpt from an article in another issue of the same magazine.
Belief in all-powerful conspiracies is associated with the feelings of alienation and disaffection from the system. Volkan (1985) suggests that, especially during periods of insecurity and discontent, people often feel a need for a tangible enemy on which to externalize their angry feelings. Conspiracy theories may help in this process by providing a tangible enemy to blame for problems which otherwise seem too abstract and impersonal. Conspiracy theories also provide ready answers for unanswered questions and help to resolve contradictions between known "facts" and an individual's belief system.
Don Firth

11 May 10 - 07:54 PM (#2904855)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""IchMael, I don't know how others feel but in my opinion you are a tool.""

My first instinct was to agree Ebbie, but one of the salient features of a tool is that it is useful for something.

Further investigation required, I think, to establish just what that something might be.

1. No evidence of a capacity for rational analysis (believes everything he reads on already discredited conspiracy theory websites).
2. No discernable ability to conduct even the minimum of checks to establish the truth or otherwise of what he reads (swallows the most ridiculous claims hook, line, and sinker).
3. Firmly believes that he is the only unhypnotised human being on earth, and that the rest are all mind controlled dupes (there is one school of thought which suggests that one major indicator of madness is an unshakeable belief in one's own sanity, and everybody else's lunacy).

I suppose that there might be some sort of career for him on Fox News. He should fit right in.

Don T.

11 May 10 - 08:52 PM (#2904874)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you


Just who is slimier?

Morris Dees or "Reverend" Manning?

Answer this, and you reveal all....

11 May 10 - 10:12 PM (#2904905)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Oh, well if conspiracy theories is the topic of conversation now, just go HERE and click on "A Tale of Two Conspiracy Theories" to see my view on that subject. The one you pick as a "conpiracy theory" will tell you how gullible you are. Be sure to click on Spaw's link up by his photo while you're there. He loves his Mo.

Been wondering if I should add High Fructose Corn Syrup to the Eugenics page. America grows LOTS of sugar but is forced to import the stuff, and an import tariff is placed on it. That's why High Fructose Corn Syrup is "cheaper" than sugar. In reality it's more expensive to produce.

But it is put in our foods, in ever increasing amounts, and HFCS screws with the pancreas. It's a nasty type of sugar that our pancreas can't deal with. Our bodies produce insuficient insulin to deal with it. Diabetes is the result. Also, satiety is affected by HFCS. If you eat a lot of sugar you get sick of it and stop. You eat a lot of HFCS, you don't feel sated, and you keep eating. Obesity (with its attendent physical problems) is the result. And then there's the skyrocketing rate of pancreatic cancer.

These things can be tied to the use of HFCS. The program got jump started when Coca Cola introduced its "New Coke." They switched from sugar to HFCS.

Anyway, since HFCS kills us, and sugar could be made cheaper than HFCS by a simple act of congress, what is the motive to switch to HFCS in our foods? Most of you would get as far as the "greedy bastards" stage of reasoning on this topic and stop. But money is not a motive in this. Sugar is cheaper. So why is HFCS placed in our foods if it destroys kidneys, causes blindness, diabetes and so on?

It's a soft-kill weapon.

If you don't check labels for HFCS, you should. Try to reduce it. Nasty stuff.

Oh...sorry, did I interrupt the name-calling? And Dr. Firth was holding forth on his beloved soviet psychiatric system.

12 May 10 - 12:20 AM (#2904954)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

HEY ICK!!! Go check out the "Michael Jackson is still alive" thread. Its a perfect fit for you!


12 May 10 - 01:25 AM (#2904970)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Dr. Firth's prescription for Michael:

You need to push back from the computer and get out more. There's a real world out there. You should make a serious effort to become acquainted with it.

Do you have a girl friend? I didn't think so.

There might be a reason for that. . . .

Dr. Firth

13 May 10 - 01:01 AM (#2905790)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Very mature.

How old are you? About thirteen?

Don Firth

13 May 10 - 01:02 AM (#2905791)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Close, Don. 13 is the new 19.

13 May 10 - 01:03 AM (#2905792)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Paranoid is the new Right Wing.

19 May 10 - 08:59 PM (#2910285)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

In the continuing saga of the genocidal Gates family...

Stopping sperm with ultrasound? -- Among the 78 research projects to receive $100,000 grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation earlier this week as part of the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative, is an effort by researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, to develop a non-invasive, reversible form of birth control for men — using ultrasound. Based on preliminary trials in rats, researchers James Tsuruta and Paul Dayton hope to develop a technique that would render men temporarily infertile for up to six months after one or two ultrasound exposures. ... In early trials, Tsuruta and Dayton at UNC were able to halt rats' sperm production for up to six months after giving the animals two blasts of ultrasound spaced by two days, the New Scientist reports. The researchers believe that ultrasound disrupts sperm production with a combination of heat and shaking, and plan to further explore the mechanism at work with the new funding. ... The project is one of 10 o receive grants toward the goal of creating new technologies for contraception. Other projects geared toward men include...research into the specific chemical compounds in the vagina that guide sperm to egg....

Great technology, that ultrasound. Here's a link to some pieces about how our govts use ULTRAsound. Check out how they lovingly apply the technique to the masses. Oh, yeah, we need this technology in the hands of Bill and Melinda.

How They are Exterminating us (updated)

19 May 10 - 10:41 PM (#2910320)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ed T


19 May 10 - 11:28 PM (#2910337)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Oh yes, how'd it go with the trial of the century?

20 May 10 - 12:32 AM (#2910349)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Alice had a reporter at the "trial" and he has part 1 and part 2 coverage:


20 May 10 - 12:40 AM (#2910350)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Thanks, Alice. After I posted the question I went looking and found the same thing.

20 May 10 - 02:26 AM (#2910371)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Nuttier than a Froot Loop.

20 May 10 - 04:01 PM (#2910784)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

A-HA!!   I knew the Illuminati somehow had to be involved in getting Obama in as President! And the Masons!!

(Or is that Martians?)

Don Firth

20 May 10 - 04:57 PM (#2910818)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Ya see, guys, it is simple. Back when Obama was about to be born- it may have been even before he was conceived - the powers decided that he would someday be President of the United States. You can understand the consternation when the baby insisted on making his appearance ahead of schedule. But no worries- all one has to do is kill an official or two and bribe a couple hundred others to keep their mouths shut for the rest of their lives about the changes that were made.

20 May 10 - 05:07 PM (#2910822)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Ducksoup, Ebbie.

Isn't that pretty much the same way that Manning was ordained a minister and earned his PhD?

Is America a great country or what!??

Don Firth

20 May 10 - 05:23 PM (#2910830)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Yep. We can all get to our deservings.

20 May 10 - 10:38 PM (#2910996)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Well, I expect the jury is still out on that stuff. I just looked for an update HERE but didn't see anything recent. It'll probably fizzle, but he tried. Y'all shouldn't read that Salon crap. That's just gay coverage for Obama. You Democrats are his liberal coverage, and he IS a crack smokin' homosexual, so Salon has to be taken with a bucket of salt.

But back to eugenics:

2, A, i -- Abortion / Overt / Government-funded

Abortion commercials on television in Britain -- May 20, 2010 -- A television advert giving advice on unplanned pregnancy and explaining how to get an abortion will be aired for the first time next week. Channel 4 will show the commercial, paid for by the Marie Stopes organisation, next Monday... The advertisement from the UK's leading provider of sexual health services outside the NHS is part of a campaign aimed at breaking one of society's last taboos. "Research indicates that 42% of adults have no idea where to go - apart from their GP - for specialist advice about an unplanned pregnancy...

(Awful article. Shows a picture of a woman with a swollen abdomen, several months pregnant, and she's holding a glass of wine. Message is to keep on partying--don't let pregnancy slow you down. The article uses the phrase "sexual health" as a euphemism for ripping children limb from limb in the womb. Go HERE for a look at a museum of abortion instruments--chainsaws, headcrushers and so on. Marie Stopes International is a foul organization. It is the birth control trust of the Galton Institute, formerly known as the Eugenics Education Society and the Eugenics Society. Read about the outfit HERE.)

20 May 10 - 11:10 PM (#2911001)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

Sent the computer to the shop for a few days and you're still on about this crap...........

Ickymicky.......Go to a mirror, look at the reflection, say "Broke-dick Jadrool"


20 May 10 - 11:53 PM (#2911011)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

And now for a bit of background on catspaw's hero, Morris Dees. From a "Fact Sheet" about Dees, the "protector" of poor blacks in the American south:

In 1961 when Freedom Riders were beaten by a white mob at a Montgomery bus station, Dees [and Fuller] expressed openly his sympathies and support for what had happened at the bus station. ... When one of the men charged with beating the Freedom Riders came to their office for legal representation, Dees and Fuller took the case. The legal fee was paid by the Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizen's Council. [Fuller, Millard. Love in the Mortar Joints. New Century Press: 1980 and The Progressive, July 1988]...

The SPLC (Dees' organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center) which has crusaded for the rights of blacks for 23 years, is controlled by whites. It has hired only TWO black staff attorneys in its history, both of whom left unhappy. 12 of 13 former Black employees interviewed by the Montgomery Advertiser complained they experienced or observed racial problems during their employment. Several said the SPLC was "more like a plantation."

21 May 10 - 12:09 AM (#2911020)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

Be more emphatic when you look in the mirror......Put some authority in your voice. You'll be better for it.................


21 May 10 - 12:12 AM (#2911022)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Your link, IchM, says: "Sorry the page that you are looking for does not exist." Oops?

As for believing Larry Sinclair, get real. Do you really truly believe that anyone would trust or fall for that guy? To put it kindly: he is not the type who rides around in a limo. If you think he is attractive, dere is somesing rong mit you.

21 May 10 - 12:29 AM (#2911028)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Maybe that'll work. Goes to the UK story. The linkmaker here sometimes refuses to cooperate. I expect lots of papers are carrying the story. The ad airs next week.

21 May 10 - 02:24 PM (#2911418)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos


What do you want to be when you grow up?


21 May 10 - 02:39 PM (#2911430)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Paul Burke

Is this chit still tuntering on?

21 May 10 - 03:12 PM (#2911463)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Spaw - "Go to a mirror, look at the reflection, say "Broke-dick Jadrool"

Hey, Pat, you know I have a lot of respect for you, right? So I figured I'd try that out, just like you advised Ichmael, and see how it works for me. I went into the washroom, looked in the mirror, and said "Broke-dick Jadrool". I said it with real focus and conviction, not letting my mind wander.

Nothing happened. I don't feel any different. What am I doing wrong here?

21 May 10 - 03:20 PM (#2911470)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

That's odd LH.

When I stood in front of the mirror and, focussing hard, said "Broke Dick Jadrool!" a little voice from the mirror said "Oh, Hi Spaw, how ya doin'?"

Don T.

21 May 10 - 03:35 PM (#2911486)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Alice


21 May 10 - 03:55 PM (#2911498)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Ha! Ha! Ha! Geez...good one, Don. ;-D

21 May 10 - 04:20 PM (#2911518)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

It would really gladden my heart if the folks such as Obama, Gates, and others, decided to take people like ichMael and haul the whole bunch of them into court for slander and libel and sue their sorry butts off.

I'm sure that icky-Mickey is unaware that by peddling this kind of maliciousness, he, and others doing the same thing, are just begging to be slapped with such law suits. And he can be sued for damages to the extent that, to pay off the damages, he'd have to hock everything, including his fillings. I'm talking hundreds of thousands of dollars here. Or more.

And he is also probably under the impression that hiding behind a pseudonym on the internet, he is relatively anonymous and can't be found. Not so. In addition to his postings here, he has a number of web pages, all spewing the same kind of venom about a whole lot of people, and such web pages and postings are traceable. Computers connected to the internet all have identification numbers, and although it might take a court order to do so (and in the case of a law suit, this could easily be obtained), tracing the source of such messages would be no more difficult than tracing a telephone call. In fact, easier.

Even without having the facilites to trace, by cross-checking a couple of web pages and comparing URLs, then browsing a few different web sites and comparing such things as layouts, fonts, and general style, I think I have a pretty good idea, not only of who ichMael really is, but where he is as well. Not very difficult.

Yes, there is freedom of speech in this country. But with that freedom goes commensurate responsibility. And if what one says damages someone else's reputation or holds them up to public ridicule and obloquy, they can be sued in court.

And the only defense against a suit for slander and/or libel is for the defendant to prove that what he is saying is true.

And there is no way in hell that ichMael and the others can do that, because there is overwhelming evidence that it isn't!

There are some pretty nasty people out there, but I'm really amazed at the magnitude of sheer malice emanating from creatures like ichMael.

Don Firth

P. S. A propos of nothing in particular, but just for kicks, can you say "swiftboaters?"

21 May 10 - 04:26 PM (#2911527)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

I think that Mr Obama and Bill Gates and other such notables have far more pressing matters to deal with than suing Ichmael. ;-)

Anyway, it would just become a huge media circus which would delight the news media and gossip magazines and make a ton of money for the lawyers. It might even make Ichmael famous, and then he could host a TV talk show or write a book or something. A big waste of time, I'd call it.

21 May 10 - 05:01 PM (#2911551)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

LOL.....So Don, try this: Go to your mirror again and say "40 inch dick" and see what happens.


21 May 10 - 05:25 PM (#2911564)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

I think the mirror would say: Go help Spaw; he is a lonely man. :)

21 May 10 - 05:49 PM (#2911582)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Yeah, Spaw, it's quite a burden, but then. . . .

You're undoubtedly right, Little Hawk. If anything worthwhile is to be accomplished in this world, people like Obama, Gates, et al, have far more important things to do than waste their time dealing with the vermin that attempt to gain some notoriety by trying to buzz around their heads. 'Twas ever thus.

But it would be amusing and gratifying to see ichMael and others of his ilk hauled into court and called to account for their irresponsible and hate-filled accusations.

But in the long run--or the short run, for that matter--he is of no importance.

Don Firth

21 May 10 - 05:54 PM (#2911590)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Oh! Sorry, Spaw. For some reason, I thought you were talking to me.

Don Firth

21 May 10 - 08:11 PM (#2911688)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

40 inches ensures only ONE thing: that you will always be alone. Some people...

21 May 10 - 08:46 PM (#2911712)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Such an appendage might be found on a sperm whale, Ebbie, but certainly not on a human being. I wonder? Has Spaw acquired enough blubber yet to qualify as a fully fledged cetacean?

21 May 10 - 09:26 PM (#2911728)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Thank you, Mr. Firth. Your words like...short-circuited whatever crazy conspiracy theory stuff was going on under my tin foil hat. I've seen the light, and I'm trying to mend my ways. I just spent some time putting together one of my "born again" pages, suggested by something Ebbie said below. Just some NOTES so far, but I thought you might like to see that I'm cleaning up my act. No more outlandish statements from ME, by golly. Thanks again for your inspiring words.

22 May 10 - 02:29 AM (#2911817)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Sinclair, questioned about his alleged homosexual affair with Obama, failed a lie detector test. And you are displaying a bunch of supermarket tabloids like The Globe as your evidence, Michael?

Well, you're choice of authoritative sources for your beliefs is consistent, at least.


A man with a 40 inch penis would not be able to do much with it. It would take so much blood to create an erection that he would faint from lack of blood supply to the brain.

Don Firth

22 May 10 - 04:52 AM (#2911845)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""LOL.....So Don, try this: Go to your mirror again and say "40 inch dick" and see what happens.""

Tried it Spaw!

Same voice said "You're doing it again Spaw. I must have told you a hundred times at least, and still you confuse inches and millimetres".
Don T.

22 May 10 - 05:02 AM (#2911851)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: catspaw49

Hmmmmmm......Just as I suspected Don......That was a test and it shows your mirror is broken!


22 May 10 - 12:51 PM (#2912012)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Poor man! If he was Canadian, he would understand millimeters and other metric units of measurement. Instead, he's been walking around for years with a grossly inflated estimate of his penile dimensions in his head, and that has no doubt led to a number of embarrassing situations.

22 May 10 - 12:57 PM (#2912014)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Spaw, that is....not Obama. ;-D I think Obama probably does understand metric measurements.

22 May 10 - 02:36 PM (#2912061)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

LH, I expect that Spaw, as a mechanic, does understand metric. I think he was questioning Don's ability. Or something. :)

22 May 10 - 02:39 PM (#2912064)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

You may be right...

23 May 10 - 01:31 PM (#2912594)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Mrrzy

I'm still giggling about fledging a whale...

23 May 10 - 01:58 PM (#2912609)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Did you hear about the guy who specialized in circumcising whales? He wrote a book about it. The opening line is,

"Call me Ishmoyel. . . ."

Don Firth

23 May 10 - 11:29 PM (#2912883)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Ebbie said:

As for believing Larry Sinclair, get real. Do you really truly believe that anyone would trust or fall for that guy? To put it kindly: he is not the type who rides around in a limo. If you think he is attractive, dere is somesing rong mit you.

My response:

Homosexuality in the White House

Thanks, Ebbie.

Also, I updated the Eugenics page. The Ethanol stuff. Seems Obama wants to bump the number he kills to over a billion. What a guy. Goin' for the record:

Obama's genocide: Forced Starvation by Destroying Food -- Ethanol fuel requires 6 times the amount of energy to be produced than it actually contains. ... Malnutrition contributes to between 3.5 and 5 million annual deaths of children under 5 years of age. Meanwhile, in 2009, 107 million tons of grain were turned into fuel for American cars. This was enough to feed 330 million people for one year at average world consumption levels.

Obama wants to triple ethanol production -- "Obama noted funding for ethanol projects and research in last year's stimulus law, and also cited his interagency biofuels working group. The administration wants to see ethanol production tripled over the next 12 years..."

23 May 10 - 11:32 PM (#2912884)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Did you hear about the guy who specialized in circumcising whales? He wrote a book about it.

Moby's Dick?

24 May 10 - 12:17 AM (#2912897)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Ichmael needs more empathy than censure, I think. A little voice tells me that he is housebound, has never held a job for longer than three days, dropped out of high school in his sophomore year "because of issues" and does not enjoy a 'normal' life expectancy. His only real pleasure is reading- but it has to be the right kind of reading because he gets bored so easily.

Sorry for outing you, Ichy.

24 May 10 - 12:31 AM (#2912901)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Don't you like being given credit for one of my pages, Ebbie? No need to lash out. But then, that's what LED to that page, isn't it? Seems you'd be mature enough not to cast aspersions on someones sexuality. You don't know me, yet you did that 1950's-60's pseudo psychological thing of questioning a man's sexuality. Was that the only way you gals could get laid back then? Pretty pathetic.

Anyway, Obama's a nancy boy, same as GW was. Now I guess I'll cobble together something about the Obama Jurgen. Obama's on track to become the king of the mass murderers with his ethanol and his support from the "green" people. You folks call me flaky but you call yourselves "green." lol Little green men. lol.

24 May 10 - 12:35 AM (#2912903)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Do you live downwind from a chemical plant, by any chance?

24 May 10 - 12:46 AM (#2912907)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

I agree that I went out of line, IchM, but I did not say a word about your sexuality.

24 May 10 - 01:06 AM (#2912918)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

But if I had- doesn't it strike you odd that you make all kinds of assumptions about some one else's sexuality? Take a look in the mirror sometime.

24 May 10 - 07:28 PM (#2913504)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Okay. Big secret from Michelle Obama. The reason she does get on Obama's case once in a while is that, although he was not really what could be called a heavy smoker (store-bought tobacco cigarettes, not the Mexican laughing-tobacco kind), she wanted to get him to quite smoking entirely, and thought he had. But, she says, he still sneaks a quick smoke from time to time.

Oh, horrors!!!

Source:   a television interview with Michelle and Barack Obama some time back.


Did you hear about the slightly dippy co-ed who thought Moby Dick was a venereal disease?

Don Firth

24 May 10 - 08:30 PM (#2913545)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Co-ed? Veneral disease? Which decade are you from? :-D

24 May 10 - 08:43 PM (#2913556)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Bill D

Is 'Moby Dick' worse than "Grape Nuts"?

24 May 10 - 09:44 PM (#2913594)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Okay, I updated Homosexuality in the White House with some stuff at the bottom of the page. I hate those sites and pages that whine about problems but offer no solutions, so I decided to get pro-active. Hope you all take a moment to do as the page asks.

24 May 10 - 10:00 PM (#2913602)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Yeah, mouse, I think I heard that one back in high school (late 1940s). I really should update it a bit. . . .


Ya know what, Michael? I don't think anyone can blackmail Obama about anything like that. First of all, it isn't true, second, even if it were true, there's no reason it should affect his ability to be a good president.

AND only terminally stupid homophobes would give a wall-eyed shit.

Don Firth

25 May 10 - 10:32 AM (#2913930)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Ichmael appears to be criticizing Obama and G.W. Bush in much the same manner. Why is no one here upbraiding him for saying bad things about Bush? ;-)

25 May 10 - 03:37 PM (#2914153)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Bush was probably the biggest dork to ever hold national office (well, that can be disputed, I'm sure;   plenty of candidates for "biggest dork"), but there are no indications whatsoever (with the exception of obviously photo-shopped pictures) that Bush was (is) gay.

Michael is just playing with himself again.


Michael, you honk at Ebbie, saying, "Seems you'd be mature enough not to cast aspersions on someones sexuality. . . ."

Then, in the next paragraph, you say, "Anyway, Obama's a nancy boy, same as GW was."

O-o-o-o-okay. . . .

Don Firth

25 May 10 - 03:38 PM (#2914154)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Must hurt like hell to keep stepping on your own tongue like that.

Don Firth

25 May 10 - 10:16 PM (#2914381)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Yes, Little Hawk is right--I make pretty much the same observations about Bush as I do about Obama on the homosexual stuff.

But that may be about to change. It seems that Obama's about to be outed, by the national media. I've started tracking the story on a supplementary page, HERE.

In a way this is kind of a relief. I thought they might whack him for not attacking Iran, but it looks like they're just going to drag him through the muck. Hope so at least. I hope we get to see Rahm's blue dress in court.

25 May 10 - 10:28 PM (#2914385)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos

Jaysus, Ichy--are you aware that ALL you rinformation is slander by unsubstantiated, nebulous associations with absolutely no facts in them? You are so full of hot air and ungrounded conclusions and illogic it is amazing you can even keep your head on your shoulders, I swan.


25 May 10 - 11:27 PM (#2914393)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

CBS news ungrounded? Emanuel, naked, standing in front of a sitting man, poking him in the chest. And shaking his wang at him in the process.

This is going to be so good watching these two go down. So to speak. Hope we don't have to look at video of them literally going down on each other.

Obama and Emanuel are destroying the country. You may not care about that, but they're also destroying the Congressional Black Caucus. Your world revolves around skin color now, right? So where's the outrage?

I haven't even started on the Obama gay stuff. His boy toys...some movie actor he brought into the white house...a list of them. The gay community knows about all this. Sad part is we get Biden after the mud settles.

25 May 10 - 11:37 PM (#2914397)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

What makes you think we get Biden?

26 May 10 - 12:37 AM (#2914403)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Well, if a president is removed from office, for whatever reason, the vice president takes his position. That's obviously what Ichmael means.

Ichmael, you indicate that you were previously concerned that Obama might get "whacked" (by the powers that be) if he didn't attack Iran? Can you elaborate on that some? I'm curious what you might have to say about it.

26 May 10 - 02:51 AM (#2914436)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief


26 May 10 - 05:11 AM (#2914473)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Can you elaborate on that some? I'm curious what you might have to say about it.""

Icky Sicky doesn't have anything to say about anything LH.

He simply re-hashes the hallucinatory babblings he finds on www.loonies-R-us.nut

If he ever had an original thought or comment, it got lost in the pile of steaming BS he dribbles all over multiple internet fora.

It's no use talking sense to him. The foil cap filters it out.

Don T.

26 May 10 - 11:43 AM (#2914661)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: frogprince

When are we (I didn't say you) going to get it through our heads that going around endlessly with someone who has serious mental issues serves no real purpose and contributes to getting the forum cluttered with garbage.

26 May 10 - 12:52 PM (#2914712)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

It's fun, in a cruel sort of way.

26 May 10 - 01:22 PM (#2914733)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos


You are quite right. Thanks for calling it.


26 May 10 - 08:51 PM (#2914998)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

You wouldn't post here if there weren't something in you saying "I want to post here now", would you?

26 May 10 - 09:14 PM (#2915011)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Yes, Biden replaces Obama after the torches and pitchforks wave farewell to Obama on his jet back to Indonesia or wherever the hell he came from.

Let's see...DonT and frogprince...I think I can dust off Argument # 3 for you two filosofers.

And Little Hawk says: Ichmael, you indicate that you were previously concerned that Obama might get "whacked" (by the powers that be) if he didn't attack Iran? Can you elaborate on that some? I'm curious what you might have to say about it.

Always the gentleman. Sure, I'll elaborate.

Iran is 98% Muslim. Obama was educated in Muslim schools. There's a chance that Islam is his religion.

An aside here--did any of you folks see Obama's "swearing in" at the inauguration? The one he "flubbed." He had his hand on Lincoln's Bible and all that...what a show. The news reported later that he was sworn in again, but without the Bible. There is NO WAY a Muslim would swear to the Christian God:

Anyway, the media has given Obama an absolute free pass on everything pertinent (same way they did the annointed G.W. Bush), so we don't know squat about him. For some reason he doesn't want to attack Iran. Maybe because he's Muslim. And this refusal to attack wasn't part of the plan. He was put into office to continue the destruction of America pushed so effectively by the Bush regime, and part of that process is more Treasury-depleting warfare. Iran is next on the list.

Obama's mentor is Z. Brzezinski. He was the one who worked with the Taliban and recruited CIA operatives out of Columbia University when Obama was supposed to have been attending class there. Brzezinski groomed him and helped get him into the white house and now Obama's dragging his feet on Iran.

Brzezinski's goal is to create a crescent of wars in the mid-east. Cut China off from the mid-east oil and also block them from getting natural resources out of Africa. Once that is done, China will have to turn on Russia as the nearest source of raw resources. Brzezinski's said forever that China and Russia need to be pitted against each other in order for America to become dominant.

But thing's aren't going well for Brzezinski. Just a few days ago he whined that people were becoming too politically aware and the global elite's infighting might destroy the opportunity for global dictatorship. Or words to that effect:

Brzezinski is worried because he's getting on in years and he wants his world dictatorship, dammit. He got highly frustrated when Jimmy Carter was in office. Brzezinski was his National Security Advisor, but Carter was hamstrung early on by the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Of course it came out later that the crisis was staged by the Iranians and the CIA (Brzezinski's bane...the hated Yale-based CIA), so he KNOWS that the Bush people are still lurking, waiting for another chance to do another hamstringing. He wants Obama to attack Iran NOW.

But Mr. Bath-house Obama has other things on his mind, plus he's a Muslim, or is he? What a freakin soap opera.

Anyway, I thought that Brzezinski might kill Obama if he didn't do what he was appointed to do, so this bath house thing looks like good news for Mr. O. Maybe they're just going to trash him, rather than kill him.

But I could be wrong. Brzezinski isn't the only player in the game. There's Bill Ayers with his burning desire to start a race war in America, and he's been hobnobbing with the Brown Berets lately. Ayer's BEST chance of starting a race war would be to whack Obama and blame it on the KKK. The compassionate liberals would come clattering out of the woodwork screaming about redneck nation and all that paranoid crap to help round up...well, whoever the enemy of the moment is.

Obama's bright, but he doesn't seem to know how much trouble he's in. Damned if he does attack Iran (damned for eternity), and damned if he doesn't (bullet or bath house exposure).

Or so it seems. Maybe Obama's been dragging his feet because he's been afraid of having the gay thing exposed. Maybe Brzezinski himself is outing Obama so that everyone can get on with the matter at hand--WW3 leading to a global dictatorship.

Who knows? Brzezinski's sure getting pissy, though, and that's not a good sign.

26 May 10 - 09:38 PM (#2915022)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Somebody read that and recap it for me, wouldja?

26 May 10 - 09:44 PM (#2915026)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Sorry, Amos. I gave it a quick glance, but playing in the septic tank is not my thing.

I do know that we have one sick puppy there. Nothing really worth reading.

Don Firth

26 May 10 - 11:10 PM (#2915066)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Sorry, mouse! Reading too fast. I thought that was from Amos.

Actually, though, there's nothing really wrong with ichMael.

Except, of course, for the botched lobotomy. . . .

Don Firth

26 May 10 - 11:12 PM (#2915067)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

I once had a lobe
Or should I say
It once had me?

26 May 10 - 11:19 PM (#2915068)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Hmmmm. raise a whole bunch of interesting possibilities there, Ichmael.

Where do I start? ;-)

Personally, I really don't care whether or not Obama was educated in some Muslim schools in his youth, and I don't care whether or not he is a Muslim either.

But most Americans care intensely, don't they?!!

And I don't care whether or not he's secretly bisexual. (he has produced 2 daughters, so he obviously must be at least partly heterosexual...but perhaps he is also interested in men? If he is....I simply don't care.)

But most Americans care intensely, don't they?!!!

And I don't even care if he wasn't born in the USA. I simply don't give a damn. Hell, it might even help him be a more responsible politician if he'd been born somewhere else, because he'd have a more international perspective, and that would be good.

Bust most American's care intensely about it, don't they?!!! And it's unconstitutional (like a lot of other stuff that gets done all the time in the USA).

I find it funny...and sad...that people attach so much importance to such trivial stuff as whether Obama might be Muslim (I know all kinds of wonderful and reliable people who are Muslim), whether he might've been born in Africa (so what?), whether he might be half-gay, etc.....

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Theatre of the absurd if you ask me. I wouldn't care about any of this stupid stuff in regards to a Canadian politician either. What I do care about, though, is: what are his actual policies and intentions and how is he carrying them out while in office?

Your comments about Obama and his foot-dragging on launching a war against Iran are very interesting, though. I think you might be right about some of that, and about the forces in America who are thirsting for a war with Iran ASAP. Yes, Obama may be interfering with their plans, and if he is, I think they will find a way to destroy his presidency...any way that's feasible. There are several different ways to do it, some more ruthless than others. The easiest way would be by scandal of some sort.

You said "For some reason he doesn't want to attack Iran."

Well, yeah!!! What sane and responsible person would want to attack Iran? That's the first question I would ask. ;-) I regard Iran as the next most likely victim of a series of imperial wars of outright aggression launched by America and the UK and their proxy, Israel, and yes, those wars are precisely for the purposes you suggested:

"to create a crescent of wars in the mid-east. Cut China off from the mid-east oil and also block them from getting natural resources out of Africa. Once that is done, China will have to turn on Russia as the nearest source of raw resources. Brzezinski's said forever that China and Russia need to be pitted against each other in order for America to become dominant."

Bingo.   That pretty well has to be the main Anglo-American plan in the present Great Game that is being waged in the world. In that game countries like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, the Koreas...they're just minor pieces that get beaten up and gobbled up by the big players while the big players jockey for strategic position. Excuses are found to gobble them.

Obama doesn't need to be a secret Muslim to want to prevent a war with Iran. He just needs to be a reasonably rational, sane, and moral human being to want to prevent that.

But if he is trying to prevent it, he will be in very great danger, in my opinion, because the people who want to pursue that policy will seek the destruction of his presidency.

I think they picked him because:

1. they felt he was quite electable, and would appeal very powerfully to many people's hopes for change.
2. they felt he was controllable once elected.

If he proves not to be so controllable, well, then the shit will hit the fan...and Obama's presidency will suffer accordingly.


No one else here is likely to talk with you seriously, Ichmael, because they're already having WAY too much fun just throwing verbal stones and ridicule at the village heretic. Every village needs one, right? You get to occupy that role here for a bit, and don't think it isn't enjoyed hugely by those who gather daily in response to your presence. You satisfy a powerful emotional need in certain people.

26 May 10 - 11:54 PM (#2915084)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Village heretic? or village idiot?

27 May 10 - 12:05 AM (#2915090)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, I could have said that too, mousethief. Either expression will serve in this case: village heretic or village idiot.

Look, it works this way in the medieval village. Most of the "respectable" citizens are gossipy and competitive by nature, capable of being quite mean given a good excuse, and nothing really makes them (subliminally) happier than the presence of an utterly despised individual in their midst, someone at whom to toss their garbage without experiencing guilt, someone whom even the little children can torture and harass, someone who can hopefully be eventually dragged like Quasimodo into the central square, there to be hectored, laughed at, abused, and picked upon by the most sadistically passive-aggressive people in the community as well as the superficially righteous. It's good clean fun for the decent folks! ;-D A crowd is guaranteed to gather and much spectacle is guaranteed to unfold. Every village needs its idiot, its Quasimodo...a truly symbiotic relationship.

And it can only be better if the village's Quasimodo will not crawl quietly off to lick his wounds, but will return again and again to take on the respectable mob and fight back, as it were, providing them with yet more opportunities to righteously attack him. Anthony Quinn gets to play the part of the idiot if it's made into a movie.

Villages love that sort of thing. It helps compensate for a lot of other frustrating stuff in life that isn't nearly so easy to define or to formulate a satisfying response to.

27 May 10 - 12:09 AM (#2915093)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Smug aren't you?

27 May 10 - 12:17 AM (#2915095)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

For some reason, LH, I suspect you did not listen to Brezinski's speech. The speech, incidentally, was cut to get as close as they can to saying the things they say he said.

He did not.

I think that sometimes you go just about as far off the beam as the various village phenomena.

27 May 10 - 12:35 AM (#2915101)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Problem here with the village idiot analogy is that THIS idiot is putting the village on display. The pages I upload are all linked to an index that mentions No telling how much more traffic this place gets now because of those pages. Haven't checked in a while, but type in 'The Mudcat Pages' on google. I bet it's up pretty high.

And that means a LOT of people will click on the "Spaw" link by the butt-crack smiley and read the truth about Spaw's beloved Morris Dees. I've been looking for a way for YEARS to get word out about the Dees operation, and there it is.

So have your fun, folks, it's just grist for the mill. I expect my Eugenics page will become a standard reference after I've added fifty or so links. Nestle foods drying up breast milk in third world countries, Baxter shipping 72 kilos of live avian flu throughout Europe, Obama murdering 330 million people with his 2009 ethanol program.

Laugh away. I ought to put a "comments" section on The Mudcat Pages so you can see what others have to say, but I don't have the heart.

27 May 10 - 12:41 AM (#2915102)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

I'm observing the usual human behaviour in any small village, and commenting on it, mousethief. No, I'm not smug necessarily, but I'm philosophical about the common foibles of man when he gathers in groups. I've seen this kind of thing happening ever since I was in first grade.

The village idiot may indeed be a genuine idiot. Or he may just be unusual in some way. Or both. Nevertheless, the dynamic that typically ensues confers little glory on any of the participants.

Ebbie - I don't really know all that much about Mr Brezinski and I did not listen to his speech, no...but I do think that there are major imperial plans behind American and British foreign policy, and that among those plans are plans to eventually have a war with Iran and to conquer and occupy Iran. Heck, it's plainly obvious that such plans have been in the works for years now. As always, though, the general public has to be prepared for that somehow so that a modicum of popular support can be raised for it, specially in the USA. There has to be one hell of a lot of scare-mongering done first, lots of false rumours and unanswerable accusations, and possibly a false flag attack or two of some kind...or perhaps the Iranians can be conveniently maneuvered into commiting some rash act which will serve just as well to seal their fate. All those kinds of things have worked in the past to get the public onside for a foreign war, so they will also work in the future.

There's nothing the least bit unusual about any of this. Competing empires have been doing this sort of thing all through history in order to get what they want...and what do they want? They want control of strategic resources and they want military/political/financial supremacy in their chosen spheres of influence, that's what. If they're really megalomaniacal, then they see their sphere of influence as encompassing the entire world (as they know it). The Romans saw it that way. The Greeks did too (for awhile). The Germans under Hitler did. Stalin did. The USA and the UK do also. They will do whatever they want to to achieve those ends.

Obama is merely temporary in that picture, as are ALL presidents of the USA. He's an interesting case, a very bright man, and I wonder to what extent he will cooperate with the imperial agenda, and to what extent he will not.

27 May 10 - 01:08 AM (#2915107)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Thanks for setting us all straight once again, O Great Lama.

Doesn't it get lonely all alone up there on that mountaintop?


27 May 10 - 02:47 AM (#2915127)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: akenaton

You folks need LH more than you need the the Dem Party or Mr Obama.

Do you never look at yourselves in the mirror that he often provides?

Little Hawk gives you the opportunity to develop depth and a degree of understanding of yourselves, yet all you can do is sneer from beneath your stones.
Well said Hawk.....rationality for ever!

27 May 10 - 05:51 AM (#2915178)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""someone at whom to toss their garbage without experiencing guilt,""

Reality check LH.

Who is tossing garbage here?

I think you'll find the biggest pile has Icky sitting on top.

Don T.

27 May 10 - 08:23 AM (#2915242)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you

How did that earth-shattering trial work out?
I thought Obama was supposed to be completelye exposed by now.
Heads of state were going to testify in Harlem.
As suggested, I was holding my breath.
I suppose I can breath now.

27 May 10 - 10:31 AM (#2915311)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""No, I'm not smug necessarily, but I'm philosophical about the common foibles of man when he gathers in groups. I've seen this kind of thing happening ever since I was in first grade.""

So tell us LH, as a self confessed outsider, what do you really think of the human race, and have you any aspirations to come down off that pedestal and join it?

Don T.

27 May 10 - 11:40 AM (#2915347)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Little Hawk

Don, I think that the human race are angels in training, presently a bit confused by the painful limitations of their mortality. They can do far better, and I trust that they shall in time.

We all have an absolutely tremendous potential for goodness and creativity, but we waste most of it mucking around in petty nonsense and fear-driven or appetite-driven behaviours of one sort or another. We waste it on revenge, of all things! Nevertheless I think we are very noble beings in our essential nature. Like I said...angels in training.

27 May 10 - 12:00 PM (#2915363)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Here is what I found post-trial: Guilty on 17 Counts, among them sedition, wire fraud, mail fraud, falsification of records. Manning demands that Columbia University be shut down for its "heinous, grievous crimes". Microsoft is also found guilty, incidentally.

A "Press Conference" video May 21

27 May 10 - 12:02 PM (#2915364)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Boy that sure showed 'em!

27 May 10 - 12:43 PM (#2915379)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Yep. A real show stopper.

27 May 10 - 05:41 PM (#2915565)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Little Hawk, once again you sit up there on your lofty perch and pontificate to all us primitive, savage human beans.

In short, for a reasonably intelligent guy, once again you've put your brain out of gear, uttered "Shazam!!"and transformed yourself into "Pompous Super-Twit!" Then, clad in cape and tights, you dashed in to rescue the poor, downtrodden ichMael from all us savage, slavering Neanderthals.

Give it a rest, will you? (No, of course you won't, because it's your thing!)

You look at what's going on in this thread (and others) and assume that it consists of a bunch of schoolyard bullies, all savagely picking on the dumb, fat kid, and you've leapt in to rescue him, then chastise us all and put all us mean ol' bullies in our places.

What's really going on here is that ichMael is terminally bent out of shape about an "uppity black boy" who had the sheer gall to run for president—and win! And ichMael simply chokes on that.

Like the other "birthers," he can't stand it! So he comes up with every possible scenario his slimy though imaginative mind can think of:    secretly a Muslim. Really born in Kenya—or Indonesia, or on Mars. A flagrant homosexual. Using a false name (called "Barry" when he was younger, when his real first name is "Barack"), which, of course, proves his not what he says he is! A Master Hypnotist who has the entire world in a trance. And on and on and on, ad barfium. All in the cause of trying fan the stench of hatred for the legally and Constitutionally elected President of the United States.

Why? Because he's essentially liberally oriented. And—he is a black man.

Suck it up, ichMael!!

What you are missing here, Little Hawk, is that ichMael is not just posting stuff here on Mudcat, he's all over the internet, posting this same sort of venom. He's promulgating the kind of vicious lies and propaganda that the "birthers," and the more rabid Tea Party goons (a pretty rabid bunch to begin with, especially considering that many of them go armed to public political rallies and events!), and anyone and everyone else who is not happy with Obama, for whatever reason, lap up with glee.

Four American presidents have been assassinated. And there have been multiple assassination attempts against no less than twenty other American presidents. And—
President Barack Obama has been the target of several assassination threats and alleged plots since first becoming a presidential candidate in 2007. Secret Service protection for Obama began after a death threat in 2007, when he was still serving as the junior Senator from Illinois and running for president. Some commentators have suggested the unprecedented number of death threats against Obama are at least partially tied to racist imagery and words used by some of his critics to describe the president. Among the most serious threats were a plot by three men in Denver to shoot Obama during the 2008 Democratic National Convention, and a plot by two men in Tennessee to kill Obama as part of a planned murder spree targeting African Americans later that same year.
In this political climate, there is many a potential John Wilkes Booth (Abraham Lincoln), Charles Guiteau (James A. Garfield), Leon Czolgosz (William McKinley) and Lee Harvey Oswald (John F. Kennedy). And then, of course, there was Sirhan Sirhan, who killed presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.

John Hinkley, Jr. shot and seriously wounded Ronald Reagan and three others, including White House Press Secretary James Brady, leaving him severely brain-damaged.

And, of course, important national figures like the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated by James Earl Ray. Why? Lots of people didn't like that he was speaking out for civil rights and against the Vietnam War.

So—don't try to tell me that the loonies aren't out there. And there is not someone—maybe several someones—out there right now giving serious thought to trying to get himself into the history books by assassinating yet another president?

And the sort of thing that hate-mongers like ichMael is posting here, AND on other web sites and forums all over the internet, is exactly the kind of venom that feeds and encourages these loonies.

So it is the moral duty of any decent person who is aware of this sort of provocative hate-mongering to do whatever he or she can to try to counteract it.

And when you, Little Hawk, put your oar in to defend people like ichMael from those who oppose what he is saying and doing—

What sort of moral position does that put YOU in?

Think about it!

Don Firth

P. S. And what I said to Little Hawk goes for you, too, Ake.

27 May 10 - 08:55 PM (#2915680)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

lol. You make me laugh, Don. I couldn't get through your entire post but I'll slog through it all later.

I don't think I've demonstrated racism here. I don't like Obama, but then I didn't like the Bushes or Clinton either. The problem with the Democrats is that they've been restricted to one talking point...racism. About a year ago if you were against what Obama did, you were racist, and now if you're against the federal govt, then that's code for anti-Obama racism. See how they're exploiting the racism angle and turning you into fanatical pro-govt people? And what's the federal govt done lately? Where the hell's the govt on the Gulf oil spill? (A black man's in charge, so I'm just a racist). Why the hell are we bombing Pakistan now? (Obama's a black man, so I'm just a racist). Why the hell did Obama sign off on ethanol legislation that will lead to the deaths of 330 million humans? (Obama's a black man, so I'm just a racist). How did that happen to you folks? Amazing.

Let's see... Oh, I just updated the White House Homosexuality thing:

The update is merely a rehash of the story that broke a couple of days ago on Wayne Madsen Reports (a subscriber site). Bits and pieces have leaked out, but I think the guy at THIS blog copied and pasted the whole thing. Names of Obama's lovers, times and places.

Read it for yourself. I don't have the will or desire to repeat the details, but I noticed that Madsen didn't mention actor Kal Penn. His name and some others are on other lists I've stumbled across the past couple of days. Obama's a real loverboy. (I said 'boy,' so I must be a racist).

As far as the Manning thing, I made you look. That's about all that one can hope for. It turned out about like I feared it would. No big names on the stand = no media mention. A couple of the better articles I've come across on the thing are below (link maker doesn't work with the second one):

And why do you folks chew on one another so? I poke around on the threads and read (folk music is what first brought me here), and a while back I saw y'all doing a hatchet job on Joni Mitchell because she's ill. Kee-rist. On a folk music site. Then you chew on your own longtime's sure curious.

27 May 10 - 09:06 PM (#2915684)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

lol. Don't tell me to suck it up, Don, not after what I've been reading about Obama's exploits.

And I hope Obama lives to be a hundred, but in his home country of Kenya, or Indonesia, or wherever the hell his CIA-sponsored mama squeezed him out.

27 May 10 - 09:16 PM (#2915689)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

. . . bloody insane. . . .

Don Firth

27 May 10 - 09:36 PM (#2915699)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Stringsinger

The problem with selective breeding is that in the human species, it seldom works because
the wrong genes are identified.

The famous physicist whose genes were intended to be harvested via sperm samples said,
"My kids all turned out to be guitar players. Instead of my sperm, you would have to go to my working class immigrant father to create someone like me."

28 May 10 - 08:56 AM (#2915939)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you

Oh yes. This is going to be huge. Mark it on your calendars folks. You heard it here first. Huge I'm tellin' ya. Huge!

28 May 10 - 10:07 AM (#2915971)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""And I hope Obama lives to be a hundred, but in his home country of Kenya, or Indonesia, or wherever the hell his CIA-sponsored mama squeezed him out.""

But of course you aren't a racist!

Don T.

28 May 10 - 10:07 AM (#2915972)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""And I hope Obama lives to be a hundred, but in his home country of Kenya, or Indonesia, or wherever the hell his CIA-sponsored mama squeezed him out.""

But of course you aren't a racist!

Don T.

28 May 10 - 10:09 AM (#2915973)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Sorry about doing that in stereo folks.

Don't know why that happened.
Don T.

28 May 10 - 10:44 AM (#2915980)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Stringsinger

I think that a combination of environmental control and the proper use of vaccines are
necessary. Unfortunately, today, there are those who claim vaccines cause autism and have other unsubstantiated misgivings about their use.

The use of vaccines in underdeveloped countries may outweigh their omission.
The quality control of medicine is a problem everywhere but the alternative is
anything from the black plague to rampant AIDS.

Medical science is never perfect. But even a little of the right stuff goes a long way to
stem infant mortality and rampant disease.

28 May 10 - 11:39 AM (#2916016)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Amos


It appears to me that ninety-nine percent of what you have been reading about Obama is pure-dee unmitigated horseshit. Unfortunately you don't seem to have the delicate discriminatory skills needed to tell the difference, so you're in the wholesale market for fairytales and codswallop, and are making these things into your way of life. When you grow upo this will all just be amusing to you. But you have to start soon or your face will get stuck in this mindset and you'll be Peter Pan forever...

28 May 10 - 02:32 PM (#2916114)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

I'm afraid that the propellor beanie is going to have to be put on the dangerous toy list. The shaft on ichMael's propellor beanie came loose and it screwed itself into his brain.

That accounts for this and a number of other threads.

Don Firth

23 Jun 10 - 08:45 PM (#2933646)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

In the Indian village of Gaudiyan, well over half of the population have bone deformities, making them physically handicapped. Children are born normally but after they start drinking the fluoridated water, they begin to develop crippling defects in their hands and feet. "Due to the excess fluoride content in drinking water, the calcium intake is not absorbed in the body, causing disabilities and deformities," said Dr Amit Shukla, a neurophysician....

Fluoride is a waste by-product of the fertilizer and aluminum industry and it's also a Part II Poison under the UK Poisons Act 1972.

Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).

USAF Major George R. Jordan testified before Un-American Activity committees of Congress in the 1950's that in his post as U.S.-Soviet liaison officer, the Soviets openly admitted to "Using the fluoride in the water supplies in their concentration camps, to make the prisoners stupid, docile, and subservient."

The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany's Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride's supposed effect on children's teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission.

"How they are Exterminating Us" update.

23 Jun 10 - 10:24 PM (#2933687)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

This spavined old horse staggered around the racetrack back in the 1950s. Same old nonsense and misinformation. In spite of people like ichMael, many communities with soft water began adding flouride to the drinking water. Net effect? Healtier teeth, fewer cavities. None of the effects the paranoids predicted.

ichMael is the best argument I can think of in favor of making birth control retroactive.

Don Firth

23 Jun 10 - 10:28 PM (#2933690)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

Oh my GOD! They're selling dihydrogen oxide at Piggly Wiggly!

23 Jun 10 - 10:35 PM (#2933693)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie


Did you ever read what was written? Did you understand it at all?


24 Jun 10 - 10:54 AM (#2933968)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: frogprince

mousethief, get your facts straight! that's dihydrogenmonoxide. God only knows how many people that stuff has killed!
I had a coworker who would go off on a ranting right wing kneejerk reaction to almost anything, no matter of how little significance. Someone left a satirical printout on the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide in the lunchroom. Our "conservative" buddy swore that whoever left that "commie pinko environmentalist" material there should be fired. I don't know if anyone ever told him that he was making an ass of himself one more time.

24 Jun 10 - 01:30 PM (#2934069)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

True. But how many men's hearts have been dashed into the rocks of despair when they discover the beautiful blonde they've been dating has been the victim of dihydrogendioxide poisoning? I think we need to seriously fight against all the various dihydrogen oxides.

24 Jun 10 - 01:40 PM (#2934082)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: frogprince

Ah. yes: that situation has gotten more complicated these days. Used to be, the lady might be able to keep up the ruse for awhile if she rinsed the carpets when she washed the drapes. Now, it seems like so many of them are going without carpeting, the poor guy might go indefinitely without learning the truth.

24 Jun 10 - 01:41 PM (#2934085)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: mousethief

But from what I understand there's something to be said for the feel of the hard wood floor.

24 Jun 10 - 01:46 PM (#2934091)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

Good job, FP. :)

24 Jun 10 - 02:57 PM (#2934130)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Breathing a pure oxygen atmosphere over a period of time can lead to carbon dioxide poisoning. The red blood cells get so overloaded with oxygen molecules that they can't take up the waste carbon dioxide the body produces and move it to the lungs where it can be exhaled.

If oxygen can be that poisonous, then it only makes sense that it can't be beneficial to breathe it in any quantities at all! So it only makes sense to avoid breathing oxygen!!

Don't say you haven't been warned!!

Don Firth

24 Jun 10 - 04:35 PM (#2934183)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Thanks, Don. From now on, I'll stick to sniffing glue.

24 Jun 10 - 04:45 PM (#2934197)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Wanna be careful, though, I think that's what ichMael has been up to.

Don Firth

09 Aug 10 - 11:55 PM (#2961698)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: ichMael

Is Bill Gates the most evil man in America?

Gates Foundation Contributes to Genocidal Organization -- The National Council of La Raza (La Raza is Spanish for "The Race") is a radical political organization. It supports the supremacy of Hispanics and calls for the killing of all non-hispanics. In 1995 one of the organization's founders, Jose Angel Gutierrez, said, "We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is that if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." In 2002 the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation gave $6,661,364 to La Raza. Gates Sr. was involved in population reduction with Planned Parenthood, but junior is taking a more aggressive approach. He's contributing to organizations that endorse mass murder.

How they are Exterminating Us

10 Aug 10 - 12:38 AM (#2961707)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Ebbie

From Wikipedia:

"The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is a non-profit and non-partisan advocacy group in the United States.[1] It is not to be confused with La Raza Unida. Its stated focus is on reducing poverty and discrimination, and improving opportunities for Hispanics. According to the organization's website, it is "the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States" and "serves all Hispanic subgroups in all regions of the country".[1] NCLR receives funding from philanthropic organizations, such as the Ford Foundation, and corporations such as Citigroup and Wal-Mart. NCLR serves its constituency by means of its Affiliates, nearly 300 community-based organizations. The NCLR is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and maintains eight regional offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Antonio, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The current president is Janet Murguía.[2]"

There, now. Don't you feel better now? I know how important truth and accuracy are to you.

10 Aug 10 - 12:50 AM (#2961713)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: The Fooles Troupe

"many communities with soft water began adding flouride to the drinking water. Net effect? Healthier teeth, fewer cavities. None of the effects the paranoids predicted"

Sorry to be a bore - but many of my teeth were damaged (read MORE cavities) due to too much fluoride "more will be better attitude" - I got it in the drinking water, I got my teeth rinsed with extra stuff very regularly at the dentist, fluoride toothpaste, etc....

10 Aug 10 - 01:11 AM (#2961716)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Donuel

This reminds me of my short story about immortality treatments that only folks like the Gates family could afford, which leads to a form of eugenics.

10 Aug 10 - 02:18 PM (#2962229)
Subject: RE: BS: Eugenics -- evidence all around you
From: Don Firth

Speaking of eugenics, abortion, and such things, ichMael is the best argument I can think of for making birth control retroactive.

Don Firth