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BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??

11 May 10 - 05:09 PM (#2904724)
Subject: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Georgiansilver

Please watch this and see what you think.       There is a video on the link page.. please watch and see what you think.....

11 May 10 - 05:15 PM (#2904729)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Uncle_DaveO

Awwwwwwww, c'MONNNN!

That's clearly not Michael Jackson; it's Elvis!

Dave Oesterreich

11 May 10 - 05:54 PM (#2904762)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: mousethief

Nonsense. It's Hitler. Wait, Jim Morrison. No no, Amelia Earhart.

11 May 10 - 05:56 PM (#2904766)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Dracula's twin brother.

11 May 10 - 06:03 PM (#2904770)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Sorcha

Is there no end to the total nonsense on this place? I rather thought it was a music forum years ago. Now it seems to be Care in the Community and Silliness.

Or is it just Silly Season?

11 May 10 - 06:09 PM (#2904772)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Gervase

FFS. Can any fuckwit get onto the internet now?

11 May 10 - 06:14 PM (#2904779)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Ed T

It looks more like Bubbles, than Michael.

11 May 10 - 06:14 PM (#2904780)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: GUEST,999

Michael Jackson was reincarnated as lotsa plastic bags. So, in a way, yes, he's still alive.

11 May 10 - 06:28 PM (#2904789)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Little Hawk

Any day now someone will be saying that King Kong is still alive too. And Jimmy Hoffa. And Judge Crater.

11 May 10 - 06:55 PM (#2904806)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Don Firth

I know Jimmy Hoffa isn't alive. I was cleaning out my desk drawers last week and I found his decomposed body in the bottom drawer.

Don Firth

11 May 10 - 07:13 PM (#2904823)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: mousethief

Sorcha: Is there no end to the total nonsense on this place? I rather thought it was a music forum years ago.

Look at the number of music threads compared to BS threads. Nobody is forcing you to read the BS threads.

11 May 10 - 07:34 PM (#2904844)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: JohnInKansas

"She" of my acquaintance has been reciting an apparently popular opinion the Elvis is - - not alive, but - - UNDEAD.

The story apparently has been propagated by a well known author (with whom I'm not familiar), and the claim is made that a mortuary employee detected a "flicker of life" in the body, and to "save him" this employee (who apparently had specific and special qualifications) turned him into a vampire.

Unfortunately, however, the high drug content in Elvis' blood produced some unexpected results, with the result that calling him Elvis produces extreme agitation. He prefers to be called "Bubba" (It looks more like Bubbles, than Michael - is this a typo?).

In his present state, "Bubba" sings rarely, and only when it suits him; and although he's technically a vampire he accepts only the blood of "cats."

This information is passed only only to assist those who have been looking for an "Elvis" of the wrong form, and possibly to assist those who would like to hunt for the real undead Michael.


11 May 10 - 08:08 PM (#2904862)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: gnu

What? Elvis and Mike have been toe fishing bar clams in Shediac Bay off Grande Digue every low tide and bottling them. They are making a lot more coin than they ever did at tunes... $8 a bottle! Makes the best clam chowder. Elvis says even with cohaugs (bar clams) it's the proper amount of onions that makes a good chowder. But, where woul we be without the cohaugers like Elvis and Mike? Onion soup?

11 May 10 - 08:58 PM (#2904877)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Ed T

Just so elvis and Mike know the diff before they go down on the big dick (is that not the English translation for the Acadian Grande Digue)? You dig soft shelled clams out of the sandy muck in the intertidal area of a coast (often in an estuary, or near where fresh and salt water meet).Do so with your toe, if you have the time and you don't want many.

Now the quahogs (or quahaugs) and bar (or sea) clams don't need to be dug. They are hard shelled, bigger, in deeper water and lie just beneath the sand or salt water muck. Quohaugs are nice, but bar clams are tough. Bar clams are often used in chowders or tenderized and used in fried clam strips.

11 May 10 - 09:23 PM (#2904892)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: gnu

Ed T... cool. Where are you located?

11 May 10 - 09:29 PM (#2904895)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Ed T

Are you after my gold? HFX, NS

11 May 10 - 10:05 PM (#2904902)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Ebbie

Sorch, I don't suppose that the title of this thread gave you a clue that it might not be altogether serious? As Mousethief said...

12 May 10 - 12:18 AM (#2904951)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: catspaw49

Where's IckyMicky?? This is obviously a cover-up conspiracy right up there with the 911 stuff and all his other wacko bullshit!   Sure....Michael Jackson is still alive. Probably selling 911 souveneirs and fake Obama birth certificates.......


12 May 10 - 02:50 AM (#2904986)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Dave Hanson

He's helping Elvis run that Chippy in Cardiff.

Dave H

12 May 10 - 06:03 AM (#2905069)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: gnu

EdT... the tide goes out so far at certain times that quahaugs can be had in about 4 feet of water. Delicious.

12 May 10 - 06:43 AM (#2905095)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Dave MacKenzie

Which Michael Jackson are we talking about? The guy who wrote some great books about beer, the one who defined the Structured Programming methodology, the guy who was my colleague in Putney .......?

12 May 10 - 06:48 AM (#2905100)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: catspaw49

No, this is the one who grabs his nuts, spins around, and molests your kids.


12 May 10 - 08:29 AM (#2905162)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Sorcha

Oh, I was just 'commenting'.

12 May 10 - 01:43 PM (#2905394)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Mrs.Duck

Charmaine Harris, who wrote the books on which the series True Blood is based, had the character of Bubba (aka Elvis) as a vampire with limited brain.

12 May 10 - 01:53 PM (#2905405)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: JohnInKansas

Mrs Duck -

I think Charmaine Harris might be the author mentioned by the "She" in my post about "Bubba."

I shall make note that the two of you may have similar "tendencies," but will allow for disclaimers should you wish to offer any.


12 May 10 - 03:07 PM (#2905466)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Little Hawk

Could this have a connection with Batboy? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if if did.

12 May 10 - 03:09 PM (#2905468)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: gnu

More like Batshit.

12 May 10 - 03:39 PM (#2905500)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Little Hawk

You know, it just occurred to me that if William Shatner were to buy out WalMart, then they could rename the chain ShatMart. Wouldn't that be just perfect? ;-)

13 May 10 - 12:40 AM (#2905783)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: mousethief

Yay Batboy! What a sad day when the Weekly World News folded.

13 May 10 - 05:52 PM (#2906363)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: GUEST,999

Jimmy Hoffa: there`s a riddle in the middle of that.

13 May 10 - 05:58 PM (#2906368)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Jeri


14 May 10 - 07:03 AM (#2906678)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: mmm1a

It's Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series that the vampire Bubba is from.
As far as Michael Jackson or Elvis being still alive... sorry their dead so let them stay dead (not a fan of either one )


14 May 10 - 09:34 AM (#2906756)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Ebbie

So Weekly World News is no longer with us? I didn't know that. (Alaska's Buddy Tabor once wrote a song lamenting the loss of his wife to the Sasquatch and reading about it in the Weekly World News.)

14 May 10 - 10:52 AM (#2906805)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??

What Jackson & Presley on the same tour?

14 May 10 - 03:41 PM (#2907020)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: GUEST,999

Maybe, but likely in different venues.

14 May 10 - 04:24 PM (#2907041)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Georgiansilver

QUESTION:- If they were alive now, what would Elvis and Michael Jackson actually be doing????

14 May 10 - 04:25 PM (#2907043)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Georgiansilver

ANSWER:- Trying to get out of their coffins!!!!!!

14 May 10 - 05:03 PM (#2907065)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: gnu


15 May 10 - 04:41 AM (#2907369)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??

he is dead ---- his condition is described as satisfactory

15 May 10 - 09:41 AM (#2907471)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: goatfell


15 May 10 - 03:08 PM (#2907635)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: frogprince

Just to turn the question around: when did the real Michael Jackson cease to exist?

15 May 10 - 04:26 PM (#2907667)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Don Firth

Probably when he was a toddler, before his musically ambitious family dragooned him into singing and being cute.

Don Firth

16 May 10 - 08:11 AM (#2907947)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Michael Jackson still alive??
From: Fossil

Michael Jackson is not alive. He is spending a year dead for tax reasons. HotBlack Desiato has a lot to answer for.