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BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!

24 May 10 - 02:24 PM (#2913276)
Subject: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: *#1 PEASANT*

Old Fiddles Wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last year for Guy Fawkes Bonfire we had a donation of several old unrepairable fiddles.

We experimented and found that they make wondrous exciting long, long burning torches for our procession.

So if you want to send your own fiddle out in style simply send them on to me:

Conrad Bladey
402 nancy Ave.
Linthicum, Md.

They will be greatly appreciated by a few hundred folk.
Here is a link to a photo

Fiddle Torch

Many thanks in advance for your kind assistance.
The only way for a fiddle to go to the other world- in style


24 May 10 - 03:12 PM (#2913310)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: gnu

I suppose, but that pic made me cringe a little.

24 May 10 - 03:29 PM (#2913323)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: Gurney

Why stop with fiddles? How about a meal of bacon and eggs fried up in banjo, over a fire of fiddles and shrill woodwind instruments?

Only joking. Only joking. Can't you take a joke?

24 May 10 - 04:14 PM (#2913350)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: Leadfingers

Thats NOT Funny ! Fried food is bad for you !!

24 May 10 - 05:01 PM (#2913381)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: katlaughing

Sacrilege! There's always someone who could use an old horrible to burn them!

24 May 10 - 05:38 PM (#2913410)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: Dave MacKenzie

In some cases it's euthanasia!

24 May 10 - 05:39 PM (#2913411)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: Ebbie

I agree- that picture - and the very thought - hurts.

24 May 10 - 08:40 PM (#2913552)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: katlaughing

Better they should be laid to rest atop the detritus of a forest whence came their original wood, let to go back to the earth, though I suppose hastening that on with fire could have its arguments. Still, as Ebbie said, it hurts.

25 May 10 - 07:44 AM (#2913858)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: *#1 PEASANT*

Too many chemicals for the forest floor- would never break down they actually take a very long time to burn- believe me these were dead ones. Cast out by the band instrument repair company- they had suffered in their time.

25 May 10 - 04:59 PM (#2914207)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: GUEST,strad

I'm sure what the band instrument repair company is really saying is -"It's not worth OUR while repairing these." Almost all musical instruments can be repaired enough to be playable by e.g. those who want to learn but can't afford an instrument in these mercenary days.

26 May 10 - 04:10 AM (#2914461)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: Gweltas

A very good point, "Guest strad" as it is the rare instrument that is completely beyond repair. I also agree with gnu, Katlaughing and Ebbie that the picture, and the very thought, really made me flinch. Surely there is a better way.....??

26 May 10 - 04:31 AM (#2914466)
Subject: RE: BS: Fiddle Torches- old fiddles wanted!!!
From: GUEST,The Fluter

Anything can be repaired with a little love and kindness, did you ever consider giving them to college or school ? My old woodwork teacher had us bring in all sorts of stuff and showed us the art of restoration.