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BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK

10 Jun 10 - 02:44 PM (#2924812)
Subject: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Herga Kitty

The scriptwriters killed him off on Tuesday so I thought an Archers addict obit thread might have been started before now...


10 Jun 10 - 03:40 PM (#2924871)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Anne Lister

For a racist, homophobic philanderer he was a very pleasant character, wasn't he? I shall miss his irascibility.

10 Jun 10 - 04:43 PM (#2924931)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Edthefolkie

You can tell how long the character's been going by the name! Ello guvnor spare us a copper for a cup of tea Gawd bless yer did you know I was in a Noel Coward film with John Mills once?

Has Trevor Harrison retired then?

10 Jun 10 - 06:09 PM (#2924999)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Anne Lister

Trevor Harrison plays Eddie Grundy. Alan Devereux played Sid and has been unwell for some time.

11 Jun 10 - 01:27 AM (#2925215)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: RAT-W

Oh, I didn't know he wasn't well. I wondered why they decided to kill Sid off.

11 Jun 10 - 06:35 AM (#2925316)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: GUEST,Keith A o Hertford

Who will be there to comfort Fallon?
Jazzer is not going to like it.

11 Jun 10 - 08:00 AM (#2925357)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Mr Red

It has not been the same since Mrs P was excised from the script .................

11 Jun 10 - 08:57 AM (#2925374)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: theleveller

I can think of a few others I'd like to see killed off, as well. No chance of a socialist revolution in Ambridge, I suppose..."Oh dahhhhling, some awful oiks have drowned Brarrrrrn in the swimming pool. That's really not very nice - one was hoping for a swim later."

11 Jun 10 - 09:06 AM (#2925375)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: theleveller

Just as an aside: why does everyone in Ambridge talk about having supper? WTF is supper, and does it exist outside the mind of the aged maiden aunt who appears to write the Archers' scripts?

11 Jun 10 - 11:23 AM (#2925437)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Anne Lister

I have supper - I'm not an aged maiden aunt. That's unless I'm feeling posh and refer to "dinner". Supper is the meal we eat at around the time the Archers is broadcast in the evening. Daft to call it "tea", which is a beverage.

11 Jun 10 - 11:24 AM (#2925438)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Anne Lister

Actually I suppose I might be considered aged (by the young), and it's true I'm an aunt, but what (or WTF, if you prefer) has that got to do with scriptwriting or the use of the word "supper"?

11 Jun 10 - 11:50 AM (#2925458)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: theleveller

I just have this vision in my head of the Archers' scriptwriter sitting in a Miss Marple cottage tapping away on a vintage typewriter, as the language used is so stilted and affected (especially where it's trying to be "trendy") that I can't imagine anyone who has a grasp of real life actually writing it. I'm a 61-year old grandfather and I don't know anyone who talks like that. I've also written a lot of scripts in my life, for a wide range of media, and find the Archer's scripts really irritating (although, at the same time, strangely compelling).

As to "supper" - not something we have oop north. It's "tea" unless we're having people round for dinner or going out to a restaurant.

I'll think about you enjoying your supper while I'm having my tea :)

11 Jun 10 - 01:16 PM (#2925507)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Emma B

Although my older recipe books refer to light 'pre theatre suppers' ooop here we use the word to refer to the final late late night nibbles before bed

Wiki describes this as
"In parts of the United Kingdom, supper is a term for a snack eaten after the evening meal and before bed, usually consisting of a warm, milky drink and British biscuits or cereal"

However mine is more likely to be a glass of red wine tipple and a more savoury nibble:)

11 Jun 10 - 01:28 PM (#2925522)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Darowyn

Having lived in rural Worcestershire, I find the Archers' dialogue very true to life.
The rich County Types speak in a very pure "received pronunciation" style- sometimes very loudly.
The ordinary folk, brought up in the area, speak with a touch of West Country.
A lot of the incomers have Birmingham or Black Country accents (not the same thing).
And they all use their own vocabulary too, so the same meal, taken between Five and eight p.m. might be "tea", "dinner" or "supper", depending on who you are talking to.
(formerly of Borchester Tech!)

11 Jun 10 - 02:33 PM (#2925604)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: John MacKenzie

Well they're having his funeral in NZ, which is good, 'cos now Betty can attend.

11 Jun 10 - 03:57 PM (#2925682)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Paul Burke

Emma- your supper is likely to be one more glass of red wine and...

11 Jun 10 - 07:09 PM (#2925831)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Herga Kitty

John - Betty died well before Sid did...


11 Jun 10 - 07:23 PM (#2925842)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Paul Burke

What did Sid die of anyway? Found dead in the cellar with a jug of water in his hand? Gored by Lynda Snell? Run over by a comboine 'arvester? The victim of a Grundy get-rich-quick scheme?

11 Jun 10 - 07:58 PM (#2925882)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: John MacKenzie

The actress who played Betty went to live in NZ, which is why she was killed off, Kitty

12 Jun 10 - 05:04 AM (#2926079)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Anne Lister

Paul, none of the above. Heart attack in NZ when out for a run. Although your ideas have a certain appeal.

12 Jun 10 - 02:01 PM (#2926302)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Edthefolkie

As soon as I logged off I realised I meant Alan Devereux, not Trevor "Eddie" Harrison. The fact that I can name both of the actors must mean that I'm not as free of the blooming programme as I thought! I too just got fed up with the stilted dialogue. And I go right back to when the incredibly annoying Tony Archer was called Anthony William Daniel.

Here's to Neil Kinnock who said the Archers should be renamed "The Grundys and Their Persecutors", and to Galton and Simpson who wrote the best Archers episode ever (starring Tony Hancock).

12 Jun 10 - 03:17 PM (#2926343)
Subject: RE: BS: Obit Sid Perks, the Archers UK
From: Emma B

The Bowmans "Rumpty tumpty tumpty tum"... me old darlin' me old beauty LOL