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BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?

12 Jun 10 - 06:00 PM (#2926422)
Subject: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Upright Citizens Brigade

Video on You Tube

12 Jun 10 - 06:30 PM (#2926432)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Joe Offer

One could also ask what would happen if the YouTube link above had been posted in one of the several BP threads already extant.
But since that didn't happen, here's another BP YouTube link.


12 Jun 10 - 07:01 PM (#2926446)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Sorry, Joe.

12 Jun 10 - 07:08 PM (#2926448)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Trying to keep a sense of humor...
laughing to keep from crying.

oil political cartoons

12 Jun 10 - 07:11 PM (#2926450)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Joe Offer

I dunno. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems a waste to start a thread for just one link. The BP thread could have been added to a previous BP discussion - or it could be used to encourage people to post other BP links.

We get a lot of these one-link thread initiations, usually with no discussion - just a link and nothing more. Same with all the "cute" links we get to start a thread. There's only so much you can say about a single puppy video - why not have one thread that's a little more inclusive, that will allow people to add new cute puppy video links when they're discovered? It makes the difference between a throwaway thread and a thread that lasts for a while.
Grumble, grumble.

12 Jun 10 - 07:12 PM (#2926451)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Lukovich cartoon

"Wastin' away again in Petroleumville,
Hoping for my addiction to halt,
Some people claim that there's an oil rig to blame,
And I know it's my own damn fault."

12 Jun 10 - 07:13 PM (#2926452)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice


12 Jun 10 - 07:16 PM (#2926453)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Joe Offer

Here's a really great fart video.....

But I really like you, Alice.


12 Jun 10 - 07:17 PM (#2926454)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

I guess there is more than one point of view on it, Joe, and I know as a moderator your time in herding threads is involved.

I thought about which existing thread... and realized most people would not even see this video if I put it in the other thread, and if this dark humor to deal with a disaster is something they would try to search for, they would not easily find it later without its own thread title. Some threads are short but still get a lot of views, even if people don't comment. I see your point, but I think short threads do have a reason.

12 Jun 10 - 07:25 PM (#2926456)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

And this may not be a very short thread, because here is another....

oil prices

12 Jun 10 - 08:16 PM (#2926475)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

A pictured of a oiled dog (BP oil) found on a beach, deoiled and adopted out to an kind elderly lady (lucky dog, you may think):

12 Jun 10 - 08:19 PM (#2926479)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

A BP dispersant testing lab (don't worry, the dig survived):

12 Jun 10 - 08:22 PM (#2926482)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

You don't believe the dog survived the dispersant test. Here he is, at A BP news conference, with a duck, that also survived the BP dispersant test:

12 Jun 10 - 08:39 PM (#2926491)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Relative to pricing of goods in the 1930s (or you pick a date more than 50 years ago) gasoline prices are at roughly the same level now.
What the hell are people complaining about?

European prices are almost double, Canadian prices are 30% or so higher.
Automobiles are at least twice as economical to run.

Yet Americans holler.

Gasoline prices

12 Jun 10 - 08:42 PM (#2926493)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

PHOTO The Governator to the rescue!

12 Jun 10 - 08:47 PM (#2926497)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

PHOTO "I'm a little teapot, short and stout..."

12 Jun 10 - 08:56 PM (#2926502)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Celebrities help clear bathers from the oiled beach exclusion zone:

12 Jun 10 - 09:08 PM (#2926509)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: gnu

Can I get a job application?

12 Jun 10 - 09:22 PM (#2926515)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

What would Edward R. Murrow say?

12 Jun 10 - 09:36 PM (#2926518)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Hand me a wrench..... there, I fixed it.

12 Jun 10 - 09:56 PM (#2926525)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Sorry, BP, no pot of gold for you:

12 Jun 10 - 10:01 PM (#2926529)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Locals express frustration with BP, as barrels of oil reach the wetlands"

12 Jun 10 - 10:04 PM (#2926531)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Bert

Joe, why don't we just ban links to videos?

They take so long to load that I rarely look at them and they die so quickly that we finish up with a load of useless links to nowhere.

12 Jun 10 - 10:05 PM (#2926532)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

BP claims that at times, a solution to stop the spill may come down to using simple technology:

12 Jun 10 - 10:27 PM (#2926538)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Most of the links on this thread are to photos, not videos.
Hey, why not just ban any links? That should fix it.

13 Jun 10 - 01:07 AM (#2926593)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Joe Offer

I wouldn't ban anything. I just wish people would say something about what they're linking to, so I know whether to follow their link or not. I also wish people would consider making threads that invite responses, instead of one-link threads that will most likely die.
If I hadn't grumbled, this thread would be dead by now - and you all would have missed out on that wonderful fart video I linked to above....

13 Jun 10 - 01:22 PM (#2926843)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Ed T chimed in, so no one-post-death for this thread.

I guess for some of us, at times, we like to talk to each other with pictures. Genie, Ed T, Topical Tom... Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and often brings humor into an otherwise humorless day.

The video of the comedy troup Upright Citizens Brigade attracted the attention of the news media yesteray, and it was all over tv and online news regarding the oil leak disaster.

The "What would Edward R. Murrow do" photo I linked points out that these days, some comedians are asking tougher questions than the reporters ask.

13 Jun 10 - 08:56 PM (#2927139)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: robomatic

The Front Fell Off

13 Jun 10 - 09:03 PM (#2927145)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

LOL, robomatic, I'd forgotten about that one!

13 Jun 10 - 09:09 PM (#2927149)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

n 1962 Humble Oil ran this ad in Life Magazine,No added caption needed:

13 Jun 10 - 09:14 PM (#2927152)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Oil spill cartoons:

13 Jun 10 - 09:22 PM (#2927158)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Are you mad enough to not drive your car?

BP spill re-enactment (video)

13 Jun 10 - 09:39 PM (#2927172)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Don Firth

What happens when BP spills coffee?

Run around like a headless chicken and blame it on Starbuck's?

Don Firth

13 Jun 10 - 09:54 PM (#2927181)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Well, Don, in the video, BP blamed Halliburton, because they supplied the unstable styrofoam coffee cups.

14 Jun 10 - 02:53 AM (#2927274)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: mousethief

I think what Mudcat needs today is a thread about how Israel (or maybe Hamas -- doesn't matter) is to blame for the oil spill in the Gulf. How "BP" really stands for "BenGurion Petroleum"(*), and the evil Israelis (or Palestinian leaders) blew the Deepwater Horizon on purpose, to draw attention away (or towards) the blockade of Gaza. Then close the other 15 threads about either the Mavi Marmara or Deepwater Horizon and corral all the palaver about them in one place.

Just a thought.

*I couldn't think of a name for an oil company owned by Hamas that had as its acronym "BP". I will leave this as an exercise for the reader.

14 Jun 10 - 07:33 AM (#2927408)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Rhey plan to put an inverted styrofoam coffee cup over it? That may just work?

14 Jun 10 - 02:37 PM (#2927712)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

The BP Blame Game
... with a nod to Dr. Seuss.

15 Jun 10 - 04:17 AM (#2928112)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

When everybody has finished either kicking, or ridiculing, BP, you might like to consider your oh so funny responses to this question.

With the share value of BP in free fall, and a real chance that the company could go under, who is going to pay for the clear up when you have all stopped laughing?

There is no company large enough to be certain of survival under this kind of mixed barrage of vituperation and ridicule.

It looks, from here, like a singularly stupid response, to continue flogging a horse which is going in the direction you want, at its best speed. When you have finally killed it, you are on foot.

Don T.

15 Jun 10 - 11:42 AM (#2928289)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

The White House says that BP is moving up its timeline for containing the oil by two weeks. They said they'd get it done even if they have to work six hours a day, four days a week.

President Obama had a 30-minute phone call with British Prime Minister David Cameron about the BP oil spill. The conversation is supposed to stay private, but given that it's BP, you can probably expect a few leaks.

15 Jun 10 - 02:18 PM (#2928440)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Don Firth

I don't think anyone is laughing. Not hardly!

Don Firth

15 Jun 10 - 02:49 PM (#2928460)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

BP is just experiencing "karma catch-up".

They are reaping what they sowed.

They deserve ridicule for their ridiculous lack of safety and their inadequate cleanup plans.

BP has one of the worst safety records of the oil companies operating in America.

NYT - For BP, a History of Spills and Safety Lapses

16 Jun 10 - 08:27 PM (#2929479)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

What happens when a BP official makes a blunder?

Monologue jokes for Thursday, June 17, 2010
The chairman of the BP oil company, who is Swedish, said his company "cares about the small people".
… While many people in southern states were upset at the slight, Tom Cruise was thrilled to be mentioned. - Jerry Perisho

16 Jun 10 - 08:47 PM (#2929493)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

I guess BP stands for Big People.

17 Jun 10 - 04:20 PM (#2930064)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

CNN today has an article about the initial video posted on this thread (What happens when BP spills coffee?) and the proliferation of ways people are spoofing BP's attempt at oil containment.

A new logo contest for BP at is posting designs for tee shirts, etc., that the public submits for rebranding BP.

Greenpeace has a similar new logo contest.

Regarding how the coffee spill video went viral...

"(CNN) -- People can't laugh at the spreading oil in the Gulf, the soiled wildlife or the coastal residents whose livelihoods have been devastated.

But they can laugh at BP, the corporation most hold responsible for the mess.

Making a mockery of BP and its unsuccessful efforts to stem the flood of oil has gone viral on the Web. And based on viewership, it appears the public would rather watch parodies of the disaster than BP's official responses to it.

UCB Comedy's video, "BP Spills Coffee," posted June 9, depicts what looks like a group of BP executives meeting in a boardroom. One of them knocks over a cup and spills coffee across the table. An executive reacts by saying, "Don't worry about it -- it's a small spill on a very large table."

After hours of increasingly ridiculous attempts to clean up the disaster, the group ends up abandoning the destroyed room.

As of Thursday morning, the video had been viewed more than 4.7 million times on YouTube."

18 Jun 10 - 03:42 PM (#2930712)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Art Thieme

I do suspect that when BP spills the coffee, we, at least, have GROUNDS for divorce.

At best they pay us 6 billion in alimony.

Art Thieme

18 Jun 10 - 06:21 PM (#2930798)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Genie

[[Joe Offer -Date: 12 Jun 10 - 06:30 PM

One could also ask what would happen if the YouTube link above had been posted in one of the several BP threads already extant.

Well, I, for one, am very glad the links to the BP Spills Coffee video was NOT buried deep in one of the serious ongoing discussions about the oil rig explosion and devastation of the Gulf region.   The point was/is to bring the video to people's attention.

I'm glad some of you have posted it, as I was gonna if you hadn't.


Oh, and, Art, you sure got a latte puns, don't ya?

18 Jun 10 - 06:30 PM (#2930805)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

Thanks Art and Genie, the PERKED me up.

18 Jun 10 - 10:24 PM (#2930884)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: olddude

if they spilled coffee it would look as brown as shit and would be flammable

19 Jun 10 - 05:08 PM (#2931213)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Art Thieme

They could write a symphony about this----or an opera----and call it "La Merde"


19 Jun 10 - 05:15 PM (#2931214)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

or The Golden Cockup

19 Jun 10 - 05:47 PM (#2931224)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Decaffinated coffee is like an oil spill, both are just useless brown water.

WARNING: in case of wellhead rapture, this company will be leaderless'

"BP had a dream, there were clouds in its coffee, clouds in its coffee....."

19 Jun 10 - 05:49 PM (#2931225)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Experts are unsure what the long term impact the oil spilled and dispersants applied will have on the ecosystem and wildlife:

19 Jun 10 - 05:56 PM (#2931227)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

"We are providing a level of protection from the spilled oil for as many of the seabirds as we possibly can"

19 Jun 10 - 06:03 PM (#2931229)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Ed T

Well, the results of workdwide research we now have speaks for itself:

19 Jun 10 - 06:22 PM (#2931235)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Alice

BP Executive Latte

20 Jun 10 - 03:24 PM (#2931577)
Subject: RE: BS: What happens when BP spills coffee?
From: Little Hawk

I always knew coffee was toxic stuff, but that's just riduculous!