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BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!

09 Jul 10 - 08:06 PM (#2942693)
Subject: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Rapparee

Two guitars are also in the auction.

NEW YORK (AP) -- The smell of horses and hay permeated the marble-floored galleries at Christie's in Manhattan Friday as potential bidders previewed items including the preserved remains of movie cowboy Roy Rogers' famous horse Trigger.

The auction house is selling items from the now-closed Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Museum in Branson, Mo., next Wednesday and Thursday.

Unlike the fine furniture, paintings and jewelry that Christie's is famous for, the centerpiece of this auction is a stuffed and mounted horse rearing on its hind legs. It also will feature another type of horsepower - Rogers' 1964 Bonneville convertible adorned with collectible silver dollars, its door handles and gear shift replaced by silver-plated pistols.

The car is estimated to draw $100,000 to $150,000. Trigger is expected to fetch $100,000 to $200,000.

Other items for sale include: Rogers' and Evans' performance outfits; the preserved remains of Rogers' dog, Bullet; about 60 pairs of cowboy boots; the Rogers family dining table; and the Jeep "Nellybelle" from the Roy Rogers TV show.

09 Jul 10 - 08:16 PM (#2942697)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: catspaw49

Some of my earliest childhood memories are of the Roy Rogers Show........makes me kinda' sad.........If I were rich, I'd have that horse and Bullet too. Shows what a sappyass wimp I am..........


09 Jul 10 - 08:17 PM (#2942699)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: pdq

I really want Nellybelle.

I think she'd get along geat with my Scout.

09 Jul 10 - 08:33 PM (#2942704)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Sandy Mc Lean

I was in Branson last year and took in the museum concert of Dusty (Roy Jr.) and Roy's grandson. They had a band with a great guitar picker but I can't remember his name. I didn't do the museum tour but I spent about 15 minutes chatting with Dusty after the show. I'm sorry to hear that it has closed!

09 Jul 10 - 08:55 PM (#2942711)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: olddude

me too spaw. my mom has a picture of me in my roy rodger's pj's

i was probably 4 yrs old

09 Jul 10 - 09:19 PM (#2942716)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Rapparee

We used to argue about who was better, Gene Autry or Roy Rogers, with my youngest brother voting for Hopalong Cassidy or The Lone Ranger. We all agreed that Annie Oakley was better looking than the others.

10 Jul 10 - 09:06 AM (#2942910)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Bat Goddess

I'd want Nellybelle, too. And, despite my love, I mean, appreciation of taxidermy (my "collection" consists of just one lonely squirrel), we just don't have room for Trigger.

When I was four or five, I absolutely HAD to have a Roy Rogers checked shirt (not the ones sold as RR shirts with his name on it; I demanded authenticity even at that early age) to go with my cowboy hat, boots and gun set.


10 Jul 10 - 01:28 PM (#2943019)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: open mike

why did the museum close...
i hope the items go to a good home.
or maybe another cowboy museum??

happy trails....

10 Jul 10 - 01:53 PM (#2943030)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: gnu

Spaw. Why would you want Trigger? You got Cleigh.

Hmmmm... if you did have Trigger as a mascot, would you... nevermind.

10 Jul 10 - 02:23 PM (#2943058)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Don Firth

The story is told. . . .

Roy and Dale were standing and admiring (with a certain sad nostalgia) the fine job the taxidermist had done with Trigger. Beautiful golden palomino, looking very much as he had looked when he was alive.

After a bit, Dale noticed that Roy was looking at her!

"Don't even think of it!!" she said!

Don Firth

10 Jul 10 - 02:37 PM (#2943071)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: frogprince

Hadn't heard Don Firth's story. What I had heard, several times, was that Roy said that when he died he wanted to be stuffed and set back on Trigger.

10 Jul 10 - 03:14 PM (#2943084)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: kendall

I always thought Gene Autry's horse, Champion was prettier and smarter.Gene was a better singer too.

10 Jul 10 - 03:25 PM (#2943086)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: frogprince

"Champion" was actually more than one horse, I think at least three.

I would have been happy to "stuff" Dale Evans; what young buckaroo wouldn't have been?

10 Jul 10 - 03:40 PM (#2943093)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Arkie

Note from Dusty Rogers:

Thursday, October 08, 2009
Roy Rogers Museum Closing - Announcement
Special Announcement from Roy Rogers Jr.

I have been personally agonizing over how to start this letter. I guess I will start by saying thank you. Thank you for the years of love, support, prayers and loyalty to the Rogers Family. You, the fans, and our Board of Directors, are the ones who have kept our family's museum going for over 42 years. It has been a wonderful ride. After millions of visitors and countless stories of what Roy and Dale have meant to you, the Board of Directors have voted to close our doors of the Museum at the end of 2009. This has not been an easy decision. Many very emotional and financial issues have been addressed by all of us, as you can well imagine.

The decision to close the Museum has come after two years of steady decline in visitors to the Museum. A lot of factors have made our decision for us. The economy for one, people are just not traveling as much. Dad's fans are getting older, and concerned about their retirement funds. Everyone is concerned about their future in this present economy. Secondly, with our high fiscal obligations we cannot continue to accumulate debt to keep the doors open.This situation is one I have not wanted to happen. Dad always said- "If the museum starts costing you money, then liquidate everything and move on." Myself and my family have tried to hold together the Museum and collection for over 15 years, so it is very difficult to think that it will all be gone soon.

What will happen to Roy Rogers, Jr and his family? For those of you that have heard I am retiring, nothing could be farther from the truth. My company, Golden Stallion, and its show tribute to Roy and Dale, will continue. I plan on taking the show to another venue in Branson. We are looking for space now. The show will also be available to travel around the country and take the message of Roy and Dale wherever we travel. I feel that this country needs the message that Roy and Dale always put forth, not only in their professional lives, but in their private lives as well.

The Museum's last day of operation will be December 12th. We want everyone to have the opportunity to visit the Museum one last time to see the collection in its entirety. This will be your last chance to see Roy and Dale's collection. Tell your friends and encourage them to come, before we close. This will be your final chance!!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Remember, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans will live forever in our hearts and minds, and will continue to ride across the silver screen through their movies. Every time you think of Roy and Dale, that warm feeling you have always felt, will always return.

Watch our website for further announcements and special dates.

I leave you all with Dad's favorite saying- Good bye, Good luck, and may the good Lord take a likin' to ya! See you in Branson, or on the road.

Love to all of you!
Happy Trails.
Dusty and Family

10 Jul 10 - 04:24 PM (#2943107)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Bobert

Anyone gets heartsick after losing the bid for the horse, PM me... Ol' hillbilly fix you right up... Bring yer own...



10 Jul 10 - 04:53 PM (#2943125)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: gnu

Froggy... I'da mounted her too. Rode until I got bucked off.

10 Jul 10 - 06:02 PM (#2943167)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: frogprince

Gnu, did you ever have a bronco date? that's when you hop on, and then just for fun you call her by the wrong name, and see if you can hang on without getting bucked off.

10 Jul 10 - 10:28 PM (#2943278)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Rapparee

Bobert, you mean that iffen I bring a saddle, bridle, and the rest you'll play horsey for me? Remember, I use locked Spanish rowels on mah spurs and a twisted wire bit.

10 Jul 10 - 11:48 PM (#2943293)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Janie

Happy Trails.

Guess I'm getting older....

11 Jul 10 - 05:02 PM (#2943601)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: GUEST,kendall

This is a crying shame. Is nothing to be done?

11 Jul 10 - 08:32 PM (#2943692)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Charley Noble


I'm only surprised that the Museum didn't have Roy and Dale stuffed as well, and put up for sale.

Charley Noble

11 Jul 10 - 08:42 PM (#2943694)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: Bobert

No, Rap, *we* ain't playin' horsey... An' not too sure that any of these useless horses wants to either but better them then me...

11 Jul 10 - 08:55 PM (#2943701)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!

Seamus Kennedy tells a story of visiting the museum and happening upon a very gracious Dale Evans. Sad to see it go.

11 Jul 10 - 10:26 PM (#2943726)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: GUEST,Janet

I liked Trigger's first role, as Olivia deHavilland's horse in the 1938 film The Adventures of Robin Hood.

12 Jul 10 - 12:27 PM (#2944002)
Subject: RE: BS: Trigger and Bullet Being Sold!!!
From: DonMeixner

Well Kendall, I will agree with you about most things but... There is just no way on heaven or earth that Gene Autry was a better singer than Roy Rogers. And certainly he wasn't anywheres near as good a yodeler as Roy. I'll grant that Gene was pretty good and had a few great songs but he was no Roy Rogers. Gene was certainly a strong Triple A but Roy was Major League all the way.

I remember having a dream nearly 55 years ago where I was sent to live on the Double R Bar. The Whitaker Brothers were there along with Gabby and the Rogers Family. As the years have passed I know that I had a little heavier sigh when I heard the one or the other of The Sons of the Pioneers had passed away. And then Roy and Dale but I bet the good lord took a liking to 'em.

This is a sad thing and I am sorry for the agony that the family is going through. I am surprised that the Smithsonian hasn't grabbed a bit of this gear for the popular culture exhibit or history of broadcasting or American Movie Icons.
