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Experiences meeting 'catters ?

31 Jul 10 - 04:41 AM (#2955577)
Subject: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?

I have often seen threads here looking for meetings with Mudcatters from various parts of the world. That got me to wondering, Has anyone who met a 'catter via a request on MudCat ever regretted, for any reason, meeting that person ?

31 Jul 10 - 05:19 AM (#2955586)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Georgiansilver

If I had I would not report it on here!!!!!!!

31 Jul 10 - 05:20 AM (#2955589)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Fred McCormick


31 Jul 10 - 05:22 AM (#2955590)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: greg stephens

No (that I know of)

31 Jul 10 - 05:24 AM (#2955594)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: John MacKenzie


31 Jul 10 - 05:34 AM (#2955596)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: treewind

If that ever happened, would they post to Mudcat about it with details?

Sorry, but I can't see a thread on this subject being very constructive, or as grandmother put it: "If you can't find anything nice to say, don't say anything"

31 Jul 10 - 05:42 AM (#2955598)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: GUEST,Suibhne Astray

I can count 25 or so people I've met via Mudcat and in each case the experience has been positive, constructive and life-affirming - at least it has for me. I have had the occasional ''re nothing like your on-line persona...' but I don't come here for social chit-chat, rather to expound polemically on weighty concerns of mutual concern which is something I tend not to do in real life, not much anyway, prefering to eat, drink and be merry - and talk about stuff that really matters (such recent developments on EastEnders, the delights of The Trafford Centre, AVP, and the new Sherlock Holmes) than the finer points of the Green Man, the Folk Process and the 1954 Definition. On Mudcat these things matter (at least they used to!) but in real life they don't amount to a hill of beans. People are the most important thing; in Folk it's the Folk that make it real which is one of the benefits of Mudcat.

31 Jul 10 - 05:56 AM (#2955601)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Allan C.

The Mudcat is made up of people. As they say: people are people. It is just as illogical to imagine that all Mudcatters are fabulous as it is to imagine that they are all bad. Therefore it makes sense to consider that they may cover the entire range in varying percentages. I think it may still be safe to say that Bill Sables and I have probably met more Mudcatters than anyone else. I am sure he will agree that most of them were quite pleasant encounters. Many turned out to be exactly as they appeared to be online. Some were even nicer. But in light of what was said above, it would be unrealistic to say that none of them were, at least at times, disagreeable. But to answer your question I would have to say, no. I am not sorry in the least to have met any 'Catter. By doing so I have learned much more about them, some good; some bad. I learned enough to get a sense of who I would like to hang out with and who to avoid. This is really no different than the way in which most people process acquaintances.

31 Jul 10 - 06:39 AM (#2955607)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Jim Carroll

No - but I know a man who has
Jim Carroll

31 Jul 10 - 07:16 AM (#2955617)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: kendall

If you have nothing good to say about a person, come, sit by me.

31 Jul 10 - 07:18 AM (#2955619)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: McGrath of Harlow

This thread is a bit like a ticking bomb...

31 Jul 10 - 09:54 AM (#2955676)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: The Sandman


31 Jul 10 - 10:20 AM (#2955683)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Bobert

Nope... Love all ones I've met... Some more than others, mind you...


31 Jul 10 - 10:36 AM (#2955687)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Bat Goddess

I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting every Mudcatter whom I've met in the "real world" (but that "real world" is a folk music world, so we've already got interests in common). And there are a lot I'd still like to meet. Some have made more of an impression and become more a part of my life than others, some I'd like to meet in person more often rather than communicating almost solely online (on this forum and Facebook, as well as in email, etc.). A substantial number of these I'd not have connected with except via Mudcat.

Truly wish a lot of the people I've met lived closer so we could get together more often for good music, good food, good drink and, maybe most importantly, good conversation.


31 Jul 10 - 10:47 AM (#2955693)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Bill D

The question is sort of like asking if there was ever a member of your own family you had problems with.

But the answer is: Meeting someone is how you decide whether you would want to go out of your way to meet them again. Most of *my* meetings ....maybe 150?... have been positive.

31 Jul 10 - 10:50 AM (#2955696)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: frogprince

I've met a handful now, and so far the plain answer is no. And I also don't see any worthwhile point to this thread. Say that I had met someone and we didn't really get along; I could say "yes" to the question, and cast just that little shadow over the the idea of getting together with others in person. But the problem might have been my fault, rather than the other persons, and if I tried to spell out details, I might not be at all fair in what I said. The chance of your learning anything worthwhile from a "no" answer here is negligible.

31 Jul 10 - 11:05 AM (#2955707)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Amos

Nope. Wish I could meet more and more often.


31 Jul 10 - 11:15 AM (#2955710)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: John MacKenzie

Pass me your coffee cup Amos :)

31 Jul 10 - 11:37 AM (#2955720)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: ClaireBear

Emphatically no ... but I've had several near misses where I ended up being sorry I didn't meet a Catter.

31 Jul 10 - 12:10 PM (#2955741)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: frogprince

I meant to say that the chance of your learning anything worthwhile from a "yes" answer is negligible.

31 Jul 10 - 12:13 PM (#2955743)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Cool Beans

No. It's been delightful.

31 Jul 10 - 12:15 PM (#2955744)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: artbrooks


31 Jul 10 - 12:32 PM (#2955751)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Jim Carroll

2 out of 22 so fr - confirms my theory that people are good - mostly
Jim Carroll

31 Jul 10 - 12:46 PM (#2955759)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: gnu

Ahhhh... isn't this a BSer type thread?

31 Jul 10 - 02:01 PM (#2955800)
Subject: RE: ever sorry you met a 'catter ?
From: Joe Offer

Oh, I suppose the thread does belong on the non-music side, although we usually have threads about Mudcat gatherings in the music section. Threads like this make me nervous, so I'm going to change the title to remove the invitation to denigration.
I'd much rather talk about the wonderful experiences I've had meeting Mudcatters. I met Martin Ryan in Ireland, lots of Mudcatters all over England, and even more on the east and west coasts of the U.S., and Harpgirl and Troll in Florida. I haven't met any in the central part of the U.S., probably because I spend my Midwest time visiting family and old friends.

Almost all of my Mudcat encounters have been wonderful....and the others have been "learning experiences."


31 Jul 10 - 02:16 PM (#2955806)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: gnu

Joe Offer... ""learning experiences.""


31 Jul 10 - 02:31 PM (#2955815)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Jack the Sailor

I've met a lot of Catters and they have all been wonderful in person.

It may be that we blow off all our antisocial steam on the website, ;-)

31 Jul 10 - 02:55 PM (#2955822)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: gnu

jTs... bet I know who your favourite 'catter is. >;-)

31 Jul 10 - 03:08 PM (#2955826)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Guy Wolff

I have used Mudcat to find people to play music with and to go looking at Banjos with and to help me find sessions around places I don't know .. I have so many thank you notes to write to all my Mudcat friends . A spare bed , a tune at an airport between flights .. Like anything else this place is what you make of it .. How dose the saying go : Peace to men of good will .. Good will is sometimes a job but always has its benefits ..Making peace is an activity . All the best to all here ..

31 Jul 10 - 03:24 PM (#2955832)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: John MacKenzie

Well Joe your arbitrary change of title renders my post, and several others redundant.
But then I suppose we should be grateful you didn't close the thread. Mind you there's still time for that to happen!

31 Jul 10 - 03:57 PM (#2955841)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Joe Offer

Hmmmm. I don't know exactly how one would define "arbitrary," I guess. I think that "arbitrary" in this case means anything the poster disagrees with. I thought I had good, precedented reason. We don't allow personal attacks, and the thread title was an open invitation to personal attacks - and I'm grateful that people did not respond to the invitation. The original title remains in the the earlier messages.
And yeah, if this thread turns to a string of personal attacks, I will close it. That's my job, arbitrary or not. So get the bee out of your bonnet.

31 Jul 10 - 04:15 PM (#2955846)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Jack the Sailor

Joe is very very nice in person. Not as nice as CarolC, but then? Who is?

31 Jul 10 - 06:07 PM (#2955906)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: John MacKenzie

Then again, there are some I'd love to meet; for various reasons!

31 Jul 10 - 07:18 PM (#2955934)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: gnu

Well, Joe, I agree with John. Seems odd to me to change the title. It makes the thread disjointed. As far as possible personal attacks in future, conjecture has always seemed a waste of time to me.

If I am wrong, edify me. And, I know you have a difficult job and so on and so on. It's a tough one.

On that happy note, I will say I have met a few 'Catters in person and was thrilled to do so. Beer was a standout as we are like minded. The consumate gentleman, well spoken, funny, great guitarist... I will stop before I embarrass him and myself.

Fortunately, I have avoided a few 3D meetings with 'Catters who actively sought meeting up. Thank goodness the bells and whistles were so loud that I simply said no... and even, once, NO! As said above, it is a public forum and, as such, there are bound to be a few... you know.

31 Jul 10 - 08:27 PM (#2955952)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: GUEST,riverboat annie

Every mudcat guy I've met has been sexy, interesting, and good at singing and/or playing.

01 Aug 10 - 01:34 AM (#2955992)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Janie

I can't say I have ever regretted meeting any person, Mudcatter or no'.

Mind you, I have met people that I don't care to meet again;^)

Now, I have had a bit of a topsy turvy experience regarding Mudcatters. I joined Mudcat after having met a big bunch of them at my first Getaway. Some have since become steadfast friends. Most have not, simply because I am a steadfast introvert, a lousy conversationalist, don't talk easily on the telephone, am serious as a heart attack, and as socially awkward in 3-D as I am on Mudcat. Has much more to do with who I am than who anyone else is.

I will say that there are one or two Mudcatters that I met first in 3-D and liked well enough, but later avoided contact or conversation at 3-D encounters because I was so turned off by the personally vitriolic nature of their responses on Mudcat when their views were disagreed with.   Actually, what sealed the deal on my determined efforts to avoid them in 3-D, and for the most part on the forum, was the primitive way they projected their own on-line vitriolic personal attacks onto those who disagreed with them but who expressed that disagreement appropriately.

John, you are such a valued and esteemed member of this community, and with good reason. I wish so much that you were able to keep your personal antipathy toward Joe and the clones private, and were able to express your disagreement with editoral policies in objective terms with greater frequency, and were able to keep your personal antipathy toward Joe and the clones more private, i.e. I wish you were able to do less personal sniping about your issue on the public forum.

Gnu-zer, Good on you! From what you post it appears that you have done a good job screening those of us you might want to meet from those of us you don't. I take it, then, you are among those of us who can assert we have never regretted a 3-D meeting with a Mudcatter?

01 Aug 10 - 01:38 AM (#2955993)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Janie

Geez! I even proof-read the above. does that make me doubly redundant?

01 Aug 10 - 01:56 AM (#2955995)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Fossil

I hadn't met many 'cats until I wasinvolved with the Mudcat EuroGather in Brussels '02. Had a great time, wonderful group of people.

And I met up with *the* definitive 'cat, the man himself, Bill Sables, on his recent visit to NZ (he brought me a couple of T-shirts as well, thanks Bill). And a wonderful afternoon of conversation to boot.

All I can say is - try it, you'll probably like it!

01 Aug 10 - 04:18 AM (#2956014)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Catherine Jayne

Can't say I have ever regretted meeting a mudcatter. I've mostly had good experiences and as Joe said, others have been learning experiences! Some have become good friends and I value their presence and influence in my life.

01 Aug 10 - 04:48 AM (#2956022)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: John MacKenzie

Sorry Janie, but you're wrong, firstly in your inclusion of ALL clones, and I know a few. Secondly, if someone receives criticism in private, then they don't have to tell anybody about it.
Thus giving the impression, that all is hunky dory, when in reality, it may not be so.
This removes your right to disagree with my thoughts, AND gnu's right to agree.
It typifies what to my mind is wrong with many organisations; lack of accountability.
Criticism is inevitable in this life, no matter how hard we try to avoid it.
To paraphrase one of you great Americans, you can't please all of the people all of the time

01 Aug 10 - 05:18 AM (#2956033)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Amergin

I have met several mudcatters in my short time....and all have been good time I will never forget is Amos and Mousethief singing doowop together.....

01 Aug 10 - 08:27 AM (#2956088)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: olddude

I never met anything made with Jello that I liked
and I never met a cup of coffee and a donut that I didn't like

and I hope Little Hawk gets to meet Winona Ryder someday

01 Aug 10 - 08:39 AM (#2956091)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Bobert

Well, one thing I'll add is that at my first Getaway there was a gardening workshop... That's where I met Janie, who BTW ain't the social klutz she says she is, and like all gardeners that meant we were gonna be friends, which we are... Somethin' about gardeners... Hard to explian to folks who don't see the pleasure of gettin' yer hands in the dirt and watchin' stuff grow...

Maybe we need another gardeners workshop??? I got a backlog of azaleas that need new mommies and/or daddies... lol...


01 Aug 10 - 09:59 AM (#2956112)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Georgiansilver

Oldude.. I reckon you nailed it... LH has met Winona.... hence his non-appearance here.. I guess he's too busy!!!!

01 Aug 10 - 07:43 PM (#2956383)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Joe_F

I have never knowingly met a Mudcatter in the flesh. That seems odd, in that the Boston area has a concentration of folkie types, and I have met a fair number of them. More often than not, I mention the existence of the Mudcat, and it is news to them.

Perhaps there are no Boston Mudcatters, or perhaps they have nothing in common with me, or perhaps, by my well-advertised weirdness, I have driven them away in advance.

02 Aug 10 - 12:57 AM (#2956495)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: open mike

I have found the mud cats I have met to be gracious, generous and friendly. I am glad this thread took a turn for the positive, so
we could describe the positive experiences of meeting fellow mudcats,
and not dwell on the negative. Many of the "Cats" I have met have gone out of their way to welcome me, to offer hospitality, to share food, lodging , music and friendship!! I am so glad to have these folks for friends! No regrets! Thank you Max and all for the opportunity to get together here in this unique community!!

02 Aug 10 - 02:05 AM (#2956498)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Valmai Goodyear

I've not met one I didn't like, and there are many I would like to meet.

There are also some I would actively avoid: those who relieve themselves of cruel and vitriolic abuse, and those who come across as narcissistic (not, I hasten to add, people gently drawing attention to their musical activities).

Valmai (Lewes)

02 Aug 10 - 06:52 AM (#2956576)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Jack Campin

What I draw the line at: people who conceal their identity.

I can relate to people with any shade of opinion but I cannot deal with that level of paranoic mistrust.

On this thread that means "gnu", who has said he or she will never reveal who they are. Given that, I can't imagine how it's ever managed to meet anybody else here in real life, but if it comes across me in a public place, just go away, please. You can assume that if you do introduce yourself, I will tell everybody I know how to identify you. I will not be complicit in that kind of secretiveness.

02 Aug 10 - 07:01 AM (#2956583)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Jack Blandiver

With regard of all humanity, 'catters especially, in the face of some of the emerging sentiments above...

Rudyard Kipling - A Pilgrim's Way

I do not look for holy saints to guide me on my way,
Or male and female devilkins to lead my feet astray.
If these are added, I rejoice - if not, I shall not mind,
So long as I have leave and choice to meet my fellow-kind.
For as we come and as we go (and deadly-soon go we!)
The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me!

Thus I will honour pious men whose virtue shines so bright
(Though none are more amazed than I when I by chance do right),
And I will pity foolish men for woe their sins have bred
(Though ninety-nine per cent. of mine I brought on my own head).
And, Amorite or Eremite, or General Averagee,
The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me!

And when they bore me overmuch, I will not shake mine ears,
Recalling many thousand such whom I have bored to tears.
And when they labour to impress, I will not doubt nor scoff;
Since I myself have done no less and sometimes pulled it off.
Yea, as we are and we are not, and we pretend to be,
The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me!

And when they work me random wrong, as oftentimes hath been,
I will not cherish hate too long (my hands are none too clean).
And when they do me random good I will not feign surprise.
No more than those whom I have cheered with wayside charities.
But, as we give and as we take - whate'er our takings be -
The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me!

But when I meet with frantic folk who sinfully declare
There is no pardon for their sin, the same I will not spare
Till I have proved that Heaven and Hell which in our hearts we have
Show nothing irredeemable on either side of the grave.
For as we live and as we die - if utter Death there be -
The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me!

Deliver me from every pride - the Middle, High, and Low -
That bars me from a brother's side, whatever pride he show.
And purge me from all heresies of thought and speech and pen
That bid me judge him otherwise than I am judged. Amen!
That I may sing of Crowd or King or road-borne company,
That I may labour in my day, vocation and degree,
To prove the same in deed and name, and hold unshakenly
(Where'er I go, whate'er I know, whoe'er my neighbor be)
This single faith in Life and Death and to Eternity:
The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me!

02 Aug 10 - 07:18 AM (#2956592)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: kendall

People are people and being a catter has nothing to do with anything.
Someone once said, "We are all assholes to someone."

02 Aug 10 - 11:24 AM (#2956721)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: number 6

"It may be that we blow off all our antisocial steam on the website"

I agree with JTS on that one .... the net seems to bring out some characteristics that most people would not exhibit in 3D. From what I can see, most people here on the Mudcat are decent folk.

I have never met any catters in person ... I would never hold back an opportunity to meet anyone here based on what they have posted ... it would be a pleasure to share a coffee, beer, song, story or hell even a debate with any catter if I had the opportunity.

Just because someone doesn't hold the same opinions, doesn't mean people cannot be friends or sociable in 3D.


02 Aug 10 - 11:35 AM (#2956735)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: dick greenhaus

If you're a Mudcatter who'd like to be met by other Mudcatters, wear a Mudcat T-shirt. That's what they're for.

02 Aug 10 - 02:09 PM (#2956819)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: gnu

Or a Mudcat hat... if they are ever available. Gives you the option of seeing a 'Catter you don't wanna meet and doffing it. Not that that would ever happen, of course.

02 Aug 10 - 02:13 PM (#2956820)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Ed T

If it were not for a Mudcat post, letting folks know he was in the local area last summer, I never have met John Weldon. And, it would have been a real loss for me. Clearly a personable, interesting and talented "catter.

02 Aug 10 - 02:22 PM (#2956834)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Amos

Mighty fine poem there, SOP--I have always enjoyed Kipling in fair weather. In winter it gets too cold to Kipple.


02 Aug 10 - 02:52 PM (#2956870)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Charmion

Mudcat has given Edmund and me a whole new network of friends on two continents, people whose existence we would not otherwise been aware of. Everyone has quirks, and some Catters are, indeed, quirkier than others. Some who are particularly quirky in cyberspace are perfectly housebroken in person. All those we have met in person have been polite and generous with their time, and some have been stunningly hospitable. (You know who you are.)

With respect to anonymity and on-line aliases, I think Jack Campin is being a bit unkind to the poor Gnu-zer. The Internet is a wild and woolly place, and some of us have very good reasons for maintaining a bit of top cover while conducting our social lives out here in front of the millions and millions who use Google every day.

Just sayin' ...

02 Aug 10 - 03:04 PM (#2956877)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Jack the Sailor

>> ... I would never hold back an opportunity to meet anyone here based on what they have posted ... it would be a pleasure to share a coffee, beer, song, story or hell even a debate with any catter if I had the opportunity. <<

I agree wholeheartedly with this. The only one I would not want to meet, for fear of what I might do after the way he has verbally abused my wife, has been banned.

In fact some of the people I argue most with here are ones that I like the best in person.

02 Aug 10 - 05:59 PM (#2956977)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?

    Source of message verified as Poppagator -Joe Offer-

The very few opportunities I've had to meet fellow 'catters in real life have all been overwhelmingly positive. My only regrets have been not spending more time with someone, not getting to know 'em better, and (mostly) not getting to play together as much as I would've liked.

Guess I've just been lucky...

02 Aug 10 - 07:07 PM (#2957008)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: gnu

Charmion... I was gonna just gonna ignore Jack Campin's inane post in which it (Yeah, why not? It called me "it".) said... "On this thread that means "gnu", who has said he or she will never reveal who they are. Given that, I can't imagine how it's ever managed to meet anybody else here in real life, but if it comes across me in a public place, just go away, please. You can assume that if you do introduce yourself, I will tell everybody I know how to identify you. I will not be complicit in that kind of secretiveness."

Are you fuckin brain dead, Jacko? Everybody in this here Café with two clues knows my full name, occupation, address, education, music and so on. Where in fuck did you come up with that bullshit?

Me introduce myself to a crazy fuck like you??? Not likely.

I apologize if your post was made while you were off yer meds or starting new ones and the dosage wasn't right. But, if yer not on meds or don't need any, get an appointment and get yerself checked out. On accounta, you need SOMMAT.

02 Aug 10 - 09:20 PM (#2957081)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Joe Offer

OK, Chill!!!

Thank you very much.

-Joe Offer-

02 Aug 10 - 11:42 PM (#2957132)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: LadyJean

I've known Hollowfox since before there was an internet.

Five years ago, I Azizzi and I met to hear Seumas Kennedy at Mullaney's Harp and Fiddle here in Pittsburgh. Seumas tells the kind of jokes my mother's family told at the dinner table.

Having grown up with that kind of humor, I could smell the punchlines coming.

I'm afraid Azzizi was a bit shocked by some of them, especially the man who found the dead mouse in his stew. But she enjoyed the concert as much as I did.

03 Aug 10 - 09:39 AM (#2957300)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: MikeL2


I have met a few catters but that was because I knew them many years ago before I recently became a catter myself.

There are some others that I knew way back when that I didn't want to contact and still haven't done so. I suppose that makes me pretty average in that I like many people but not everyone.

There are some catters here that I would like to meet sometime and some that I would never want to meet. But that doesn't make them bad....just not what I wish to see in the flesh so to speak.

AS I have been involved in music, and that includes folk, I guess I must have brushed across a fair number of catters but I didn't know that at the time.

As most of the people that I have met in folk have been sociable and friendly had I known that they were catters I probably would have not been too bothered by meeting them " out in the open" so to speak.



03 Aug 10 - 07:01 PM (#2957618)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: ragdall

Any Mudcatter I've met has been more than wonderful to me.
I hope I'll be able to meet a few more before I move on.


03 Aug 10 - 08:02 PM (#2957651)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Wesley S

I guess the first Mudcatter I met - well before there was a Mudcat - was Ironmule - who doesn't post here very often. He's always been like a big brother to me.

Oh yeah - he IS my big brother.....

And he ain't heavy.

04 Aug 10 - 10:12 AM (#2957959)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Mr Happy

Sometimes yes, sometimes no

04 Aug 10 - 01:13 PM (#2958088)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Jack the Sailor

>>Everybody in this here Café with two clues knows my full name, occupation, address, education, music and so on.

I don't know about the two clues part. But I will vouch for the fact that gnu is certainly not hiding his identity.

I perhaps could have avoided this blow up by speaking sooner, But I wondered what, given the treats he had made Jack Campin would do with the information.

For your information, small outbursts not withstanding, Gnu is as good and pure a soul as you will meet on this forum one of the best things you could possibly do on line is to be friends with him. In person is apparently another matter, but I see who he wants to meet in person as totally his call.

04 Aug 10 - 02:49 PM (#2958186)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: PoppaGator

Thanks, Joe, for identifying my post of yesterday. I didn't realize I wasn't logged in...

04 Aug 10 - 06:18 PM (#2958385)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: Pistachio

Happily I know quite a few 'catters' and it's always a pleasure to get to sing with like minded people (Catters or not). Thats all I'm after. Can't be doing with sniping. We get on the computer to get information, help ,advice and a friendly ear.
It's been a joy to me, meeting 'friends I didn't know' and I hope to meet more anywhere and everywhere I go.
Any catters off to Bie Dapp festival in Holland on the last weekend in August? I'd better dig out my badge - but failing that I'm Hazel from 'Hissyfit' and Linda and I will do our best to meet YOU if You'll be there!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Mudcatters ))))))))))))))))))))))))


04 Aug 10 - 08:32 PM (#2958471)
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
From: IvanB

I've probably met 40 or 50 and have never been disappointed. I'm sure there of some of them with whom I'd never become "bosom buddies," but that's no different from those I meet in the world at large. And a couple of those I met, whose online personas would have led me to believe I'd never want to know them, were very pleasant surprises for me.