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Lyr ADD: God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)

31 Jul 10 - 10:52 AM (#2955698)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You
From: Uncle Phil

31 Jul 10 - 12:22 PM (#2955747)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You
From: Tannywheeler

Wow!! Thanks, Uncle Phil. Tw

31 Jul 10 - 12:51 PM (#2955762)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You
From: frogprince

And that's one "living legend that I don't think of as "over-rated"!

31 Jul 10 - 01:08 PM (#2955773)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You
From: topical tom

What a magnificent man and message! Here's to wind and solar power!

31 Jul 10 - 02:17 PM (#2955807)
Subject: ADD:God's Counting on Me (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Joe Offer

This site has the lyrics (not the "wrong turns" and "eternity" verses) and a different video of the song....with a great story about Lorre Wyatt. I take it that Lorre Wyatt is the primary songwriter, but that Pete had a hand in it.

(Lorre Wyatt)

When we look and we can see things are not what they should be
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
When we look and we see things are not what they should be
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

It's time to turn things around, trickle up not trickle down
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
It's time to turn things around, trickle up not trickle down
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

And when "drill, baby, drill" leads to "spill, baby, spill"
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
And when "drill, baby, drill" leads to "spill, baby, spill"
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

Many wrong turns we have made; change the course, don't be afraid
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Many wrong turns we've made; change the course, don't be afraid
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

Don't give up don't give in, workin' together we all can win
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Don't give up don't give in, workin' together we all can win
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

There's big problems to be solved, let's get everyone involved
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
There's big problems to be solved, let's get everyone involved
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

What we do now, you and me, will affect eternity
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
What we do now, you and me, will affect eternity
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

When we sing with younger folks, we can never give up hope
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
When we sing with younger folks, we can never give up hope
God's counting on me, God's counting on you
Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

Don't give up don't give in, there's a better world to win

God's Counting on Me, God's Counting on You

31 Jul 10 - 02:30 PM (#2955814)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You
From: GUEST,Big Ballad Singer

There are people who work as hard.

There are people who have written as well.

There are people who have had wider appeal.

But there has been no one in my life and in the lives of millions of others who has combined artistry, social responsibility, musical skill and dedication to cause and country better than Pete Seeger.

Some people take paragraphs to say what Pete said in a few simple, rhyming sentences.

God bless you and yours, Pete... thanks for this wonderful song and your example to us all.

31 Jul 10 - 04:57 PM (#2955863)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: catspaw49

I have always admired Pete. He is always out there on the front lines and standing up for what he believes is right. A person can do no more than that. He deserves the Nobel Prize that he'll never get and a place at the top of the legends in folk music that he has long had.

But, uh.........hmmmmm...........oy..............well, I gotta' say it.............

This song blows whales. As I'm agnostic and lacking any proof source for the existence or non-existence of "god," this thing makes me want to gag. I'm all for folks feeling better through their religion but the idea and sentiment expressed as it is here is............well, whatever it is it bites.........Has Pete ever been quite so openly religiously bent before? I don't recall it if he has.

If god is counting on me have him send me a note to that effect. I would prefer a sign where he boils oil company executives in a huge vat of their own that might be the beginnings of a proof source.


31 Jul 10 - 06:04 PM (#2955904)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Joe Offer

I was wondering if some would react to the song that way, Spaw. I kinda like the theology behind it - the idea of a non-interventionist God, a God that depends on people to do good. But I can see your point as well.
Remember it's Lorre Wyatt who wrote the song, not Pete.


31 Jul 10 - 06:39 PM (#2955918)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: catspaw49

Yeah.....I probably should have just shut up but that song sounds more like Rod Parsley than Pete Seeger. And I always thought the "Non-Interventionist God" was a cop-out to try to sell religion and belief to people like me, but I see your point here as well.

I think I could go for the interventionist god myself as it would lead to some possible proof......Fine Interventionist God Song


31 Jul 10 - 06:58 PM (#2955925)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Bobert

The song is truely vintage Pete Seeger... always hopefull... always spiritual... Nicest man I think I have ever met...

And yeah, a Nobel Peace Prize... Almost too little for such a humanistic man...


01 Aug 10 - 09:29 AM (#2956104)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

You don't have to believe in a God to know a good song. This is a good song.

I have another version of it posted on my website -

01 Aug 10 - 09:46 AM (#2956108)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: autoharpbob

A good song - as evidenced by the fact that even though nobody in the audience had heard it before, they were all singing along with the chorus by the second time through - in harmony!

01 Aug 10 - 03:38 PM (#2956270)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Uncle Phil

Thanks for the second video. It is a fine song. And may we all be out there and still getting it done when we are 91.
- Phil

09 Aug 10 - 03:02 PM (#2961322)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: GUEST,Steven Rodman

The official lyrics to "God's Counting on Me, God's Counting on You" by Lorre and Pete Seeger are posted on Lorre's website:

13 Aug 10 - 03:48 AM (#2964153)
Subject: Lyr Add: 'God's Countin' on Me'--Pete Seeger
From: GUEST,Charles Kratz

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from a friend with a link to Pete Seeger performing a new song, "God's Countin' on Me, God's Countin' on You," that he wrote with Lorre Wyatt.
The song, inspired by the Gulf oil spill and the current economic crisis, seems to me to be a fine political folk anthem of the kind you can make up verses on the fly to fit the situation. Pete performed it in the key of F, but I transposed it into D for my vocal range and for the fiddlers and mando players in my jams. Here it is:

By Lorre Wyatt and Pete Seeger

When we look and we can see

Things that should not be
God's countin' on me
God's countin' on you (Repeat verse)

D                  G    D      A7
Hopin' we'll all pull through
                      D F#7   Bm
Hopin' we'll all pull through
                      G    D      A7   
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you

It's time to turn things around
Trickle up not trickle down

Don't give up, don't give in,
There's a better world to win

And when drill, baby, drill
Turns to spill, baby, spill

There's big problems to be solved,
Let's get everyone involved

When we sing with younger folks
We can never give up hope

Additional verses from YouTube version:

Many wrong turns we have made
Change the course, don't be afraid]]

What we do now, you and me
Will affect eternity

And here are a couple of verses I've added:

When the banks have all the bucks
And the people are out of luck

When they give us endless war
We've gotta show them all the door


13 Aug 10 - 03:59 AM (#2964161)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: 'God's Countin' on Me'--Pete Seeger
From: GUEST,Charles Kratz

Damned if I know how I lost my cookie this time--no change of or reinstalling of system. But happy to see that the 'cat is set up to handle chord placement over lines.


13 Aug 10 - 09:05 AM (#2964276)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: GUEST,Charles Kratz

When I taught this song yesterday to the folks at the Brain Injury center where I volunteer, I pointed out that the chorus is a continuation of the refrain of the verse: God's countin' on me, God's countin' on you, hopin' we'll all come through...

For me, God is the earth, of whose substance we all are made, and I sang the chorus part of the time as "She's hopin' we'll all come through..." I'm sorry if that offends you, Pat.

I think it's a wonderful, very singable song, one which can rally a crowd--maybe a "We Shall Overcome" for our time and our situation. It's obvious we need that kind of inspiration--folks just don't seem to get how desperate our situation is.


13 Aug 10 - 09:12 AM (#2964281)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: GUEST,Charles Kratz

Oh, and by the way, "eternity" is involved here, relatively speaking. Not an eternity of flitting around heaven with our harps, but a continuation of human society on earth.


13 Aug 10 - 10:33 PM (#2964835)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: GUEST,spookhandy

ABOUT THIS "GOD" THING THAT SOME PEOPLE ARE COMMENTING ABOUT. Pete has a simple philosphy about God - if I am correct. (I hope you will leave room in your thinking that I might actually be wrong about this, but here is my understanding from what I know of him.)

Pete's belief is that "God" - whatever that is - doesn't want us to simply pray or even pray at all for "him" or 'her" or "it" to do anything for us. Instead, "God" - whatever that is - gave us the brains and the wherewithall to solve our own problems. (I happen to feel similarly.) So, in this song, "God's counting on me. God's counting on you" means precisely the opposite of what commenters who took issue with the word "God" thought he meant. Knowing Pete and listening to this song, it means this to me:

Don't sit back and pray for "God" to take our troubles away. If you pray at all, do as President Obama suggested. Pray that we find the courage in ourselves to face the challenges we need to face. Because in the end it's really up to me and you. Instead of us counting on "God" for the problem TO BE SOLVED, consider the possibility that God's counting on me and you to GET INVOLVED!!!

How's that? That's my take.

- Spook Handy :->

13 Aug 10 - 10:58 PM (#2964852)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: catspaw49

Already suggested in that way by Joe and that's fine....."Non-Interventionist God" ......... I don't buy that any more than I buy the "Interventionist God" or the "No God at All".................a proof source would help.

I understand the song but wonder what is wrong with simply saying we need to count on each other and on ourselves? I'm sure you are right about Pete Seeger but I expect that line from a Parsley or Swaggart or someone like that rather than Seeger.

It may be a great song but as I sad, it turns me off even if I know how it is meant. I never claimed to have good taste(;<))


14 Aug 10 - 12:41 AM (#2964872)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Joe Offer

I get leery about "proofs" for the existence of God, or for stuff in the Bible. When it comes to "proving" stuff like that, what becomes important is proving that you know the truth and somebody else doesn't. Seems to me that it works better to have more of what I'd call an intuitive knowledge of God. I experience God in my life, and that's good for me. Other people don't experience God and they get along just fine, and that's good for them. They and I may experience the same things - but we experience them differently. Vive la difference!


14 Aug 10 - 03:11 PM (#2965195)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Ebbie

The World's counting on me, the world's counting on you...

14 Aug 10 - 06:55 PM (#2965328)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: catspaw49

There ya' go! Good on ya' Ebbie!


14 Aug 10 - 09:07 PM (#2965388)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: chazkratz

To me it's the same thing: I am (we are) made of the substance of this world and I (we) depend upon this world for my (our) existence--and if I feel a mystic connection between myself and ourselves and this world I won't apologize for it.


14 Aug 10 - 09:13 PM (#2965390)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Ebbie

Frankly, I too prefer 'world'-, because to me it implies a greater responsibility that we bear.

14 Aug 10 - 09:46 PM (#2965410)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: catspaw49

Seed old friend, no one is asking for any apology of any sort. Mystic connections are fine with me as is almost any form of belief (or lack thereof) that makes people feel good including yours, Joe's, Ebbie's, and mine.


04 Sep 10 - 05:12 PM (#2980064)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: wysiwyg

The "theology" of the song is yet another human effort to make sense out of hoomin beans' relationship with God (or any other all-powerful concept more powerful than hoomins is). It reduces "God" to a hoomin-like being who would actually count on us. In other words, it makes God a character on our own level because we cannot really wrap our heads around any other level but out own.

The God I know does not "count on us," but He does expect us to handle the crap we ourselves create out of the gifts we have received.

The song is an effort also to flip folk's thinking away from "why does God allow this" and towards "why do WE allow it," which is a pretty good statement of the "right relationship" between the creator and the created.... an effort to put responsibility (and thus positive power) into the hands of the people who can DO something about the ills they (we) have created.


05 Sep 10 - 12:38 PM (#2980430)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Art Thieme

Paraphrasing John F. Kennedy, who was himself paraphrasing someone else, 'We move forward knowing, that God's work must truly be our own.'

Given that so many good people think God works this way, it becomes truly accurate to say that, for those, God is counting on them to do the right things.

That's how I see this good song.


05 Sep 10 - 03:58 PM (#2980556)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wya
From: Stringsinger

I would have preferred not to have god mentioned in the song. Pete has been lately
into religious references. He exhorts us to read Leviticus in his latest rewrite on
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone". I think this is a dreadful mistake as Leviticus is one
of the worst in the bible for it's authoritarian meanness.

But Pete Seeger could sing the phone book and make it sound good.

06 Sep 10 - 12:10 AM (#2980728)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: EBarnacle

This song is very much still a work in progress. Even though he has recorded it, the words are not yet set in stone.

Pete is very much a deist and has always been.

Let it evolve and don't be afraid to change things to suit your needs and to use the song as a Zipper song, adding other ideas as needed.

06 Sep 10 - 12:20 AM (#2980734)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: EBarnacle

For example, "Earth's counting... or Geah's counting... or the World's counting, etc."

06 Dec 10 - 04:26 PM (#3047684)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)

Is it really important to debate the use of "god" in this song??
I love the use of "god" in this song because it helps inspire people to a spiritual connection with one another and the humanity we share.

Hey Spook - Love your Verse!!!
Yes when Push comes to shove
Maybe the hand we need is Love

Your my boy Spook!!!!!

Matt - formerly of NJ now in Alb NM

10 Aug 11 - 03:59 PM (#3205592)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: bseed(charleskratz)

A couple of notes on the song: One, I have added a verse:

Our mother's got a fever; we must do our best to save her,
She's counting on me, she's counting on you.

and another:

Hey, climate change denier, my dog's IQ is higher;
God's counting on me, she's counting on you

And today I'm going to be leading songs at a JOBS, NOT CUTS rally in Oakland, and I'll bring this song along to teach the crowd, to add to "This Little Light of Mine," "We Shall Not Be Moved," "We shall overcome," and so on...

19 Nov 22 - 10:04 PM (#4158142)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
From: Joe Offer

I've been a religious person all my life, but I've always been careful to not let my religion push anyone away. And I'm still bothered by this song for that reason.

How about this?
    You're counting on me, I'm counting on you.

(Lorre Wyatt)

When we look and we can see things are not what they should be
You're counting on me, I'm counting on you
When we look and we see things are not what they should be
You're counting on me, I'm counting on you

Hopin' we'll all pull through, Hoping we'll all pull through,
Hopin' we'll all pull through
Me and you.

It's time to turn things around, trickle up not trickle down
You're counting on me, I'm counting on you
It's time to turn things around, trickle up not trickle down
You're counting on me, I'm counting on you
Hopin' ...& c.

And when "drill, baby, drill" leads to "spill, baby, spill"

Many wrong turns we have made; change the course, don't be afraid

Don't give up don't give in, workin' together we all can win

There's big problems to be solved, let's get everyone involved
What we do now, you and me, will affect eternity

When we sing with younger folks, we can never give up hope

Don't give up don't give in, there's a better world to win

God's Counting on Me, God's Counting on You