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Answer to: What kind of music do you like?

15 Sep 10 - 04:24 AM (#2987038)
Subject: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: GUEST,Ed

I sometimes, as do most people I expect, get asked what sort of music I like.

This question floors me. I like a great variety of music, but I think that saying 'I have eclectic tastes' might comes over as pretentious, so I keep my mouth shut.

At best I say that I like 'melodic music' which is about as meaningless as possible.

Wondering how others answer this question?

15 Sep 10 - 06:35 AM (#2987077)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Johnny J

Whatever you do, don't say "folk music"....

They might think they know what it is but their view could be very different from your own....


15 Sep 10 - 07:01 AM (#2987084)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: GUEST,kendall

Depends on my mood. It runs the gamut from Toccata and Fugue to Sunday morning coming down.

15 Sep 10 - 07:54 AM (#2987120)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Desi C

I have a very wide taste too Folk, Country, Trad Irish, some Jazz, Classical. I'm a lyrics person so I have to be able to hear the words clearly. Love Clancy Bros, Dubliners, Jphnny McEvoy Johnny Cash, carter Family, Dylan, Paxton, Cyril Tawney, June Tabor. Ewan McColl. Trouble is every time you make a list like thas you can think of dozens more right after!

15 Sep 10 - 08:45 AM (#2987153)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: GUEST,Magoo

But don't answer "all kinds of music" or you may give the wrong impression.
"All kinds" is the standard answer given to this question by people who like rock music and don't know there's anything else.

15 Sep 10 - 09:22 AM (#2987177)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: GUEST,Ed

"All kinds" is the standard answer given to this question by people who like rock music and don't know there's anything else.

You have clearly missed the point of the original question. Try scrolling up and READING it

15 Sep 10 - 09:37 AM (#2987188)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Suffet


If it's a casual question from someone looking for a quick answer, I usually say "I like traditional folk music" and leave it at that. If the person wants to know a little more I might say, "I like traditional folk music -- really old songs like the kind lumberjacks or sailors used to sing, blues, old-time country music, and stuff like that." If it's really a serious conversation, then I will go into considerable detail.

--- Steve

15 Sep 10 - 09:49 AM (#2987197)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

It's easier for me to say what kind of music I don't appreciate (and there are even exceptions in those categories.) I usually make a quick run through of types of music: Jazz, folk, gospel, rhythm & Blues, blkues, soul, chamber music and classical music in the broader sense, rock and roll, rock, folk-rock, some country, rockabilly, popular music of the thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties, African and South American music, and reggae. The value of rattling off a list is not to show I have a broad range of interests. People who don't will most likely crinkle their noses at much of the music and mutter "Eeeew, you like that garbage"

My attitude is "Different strokes for different folks."

I don't appreciate much of disco, or polkas, and while I appreciate some opera, I am too ignorant of the form to truly enjoy it.

15 Sep 10 - 11:38 AM (#2987260)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

""All kinds" is the standard answer given to this question by people who like rock music and don't know there's anything else."

How very, very true!!

15 Sep 10 - 11:42 AM (#2987262)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

""All kinds" is the standard answer given to this question by people who like rock music and don't know there's anything else."

How very, very untrue. Most people I know (Even include folksingers) like a wide variety of music. They don't like rock and roll, so they denigrate anyone who does. I don't denegrate anyone who likes music I don't enjoy, like disco or mass choir gospel music. I may not appreciate it, but that doesn't make it not any good. It speaks to them. And good for them.

15 Sep 10 - 11:46 AM (#2987265)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Stringsinger

I have a standard response for the request to play my favorite song. I tell them, "the one I'm singing now is my favorite".

As a musician, I find it important to study all kinds of music, whether I can play/sing them or not. Today's "World Music" is vital and some of it brilliant. Jazz is undergoing a transformation with the influence of Coltrane but some of the younger performers such as Esperanza Spalding. I think (though many don't agree with me) that Philip Glass is an important proponent of classical music and opera. His music is cinematic. Pop music has been corporatized so that much of it is so tailored to the market that it becomes redundant. There are probably "underground" bands that don't get heard on media that are interesting. We are so lucky today that many formerly scarce recordings of folk music are now accessible and available. Many field recordings offer interest as well as early interpreters. The UK revival thing is exciting. It parallels what happened in the late Fifties here in the US but quickly became co-opted by rock. Some of that was unique and interesting such as The Byrds, Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell and Dylan. African-American music reached a pinnacle of pop with Stax Records and Motown. Pop country has gone downhill considerably since the high level of Lefty Frissel and Hank Williams.

Folk music has influenced much of all styles of music in definable ways such as a return to "minimalism" and lyric content rather than the vapid "moon and June" rhymes. I think it will continue to do so.

15 Sep 10 - 12:17 PM (#2987305)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I like your post, Stringsinger. The encouraging news is that there is an enormous amount of music still being created in this country that you'll probably never hear unless you go looking for it. It's the non-corporate music of America that is still singing. I've become more aware of it because I have some young friends in the alternate country and alternate folk and rock circles. I don't like all of it, obviously, but there is still fresh, exciting music be created in garages and on front porches. Most of it owes something to folk, but it is not limited to folk.

15 Sep 10 - 12:33 PM (#2987316)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

"Heartfelt music with balls and integrity"

15 Sep 10 - 12:43 PM (#2987325)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I usually tell 'em that the genre label is irrelevant, it's the quality and craftsmanship of the music that matters. I'll listen to anything that's done well.

15 Sep 10 - 01:09 PM (#2987344)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Or over easy? :-)

15 Sep 10 - 01:26 PM (#2987354)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: John P

"Heartfelt music with balls and integrity"

"I usually tell 'em that the genre label is irrelevant, it's the quality and craftsmanship of the music that matters. I'll listen to anything that's done well."

These are versions of my standard response. I sometimes add "except disco".

15 Sep 10 - 01:31 PM (#2987356)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Awwww... no Bee Gees?

15 Sep 10 - 02:20 PM (#2987386)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: VirginiaTam

it's a mood thing....

15 Sep 10 - 02:22 PM (#2987388)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

You got that right, Virginia.

15 Sep 10 - 02:22 PM (#2987389)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: VirginiaTam

I hit submit too soon

I am in the mood for Dreadzone Second Light right now.

15 Sep 10 - 05:45 PM (#2987547)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Joe_F

I usually say: folk, popular up to about 1940, classical.

15 Sep 10 - 05:54 PM (#2987556)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: dick greenhaus

"Good" is a reasonable answer to an unreasonable question.

15 Sep 10 - 06:46 PM (#2987605)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Nick

"If I said that I reckon 'The Birdie Song' is the epitome of cool would that answer your question?"

15 Sep 10 - 08:25 PM (#2987657)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: terrier

What Bee-dubya-ell said about sums it up for me, but I would also add 'live'.

15 Sep 10 - 11:13 PM (#2987722)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: mg

I can not fathom someone not liking polka music...what is not to like? It has been shown to have some good health effects just listening to it. Well, I like melodic music ...stuff that winds around and never really produces a memorable melody is not for me. I also like a strong oompaa rhythm or waltz rhythm or something. I don't like irregular music. Jazz makes me very uncomfortable and want to leave the room. I like lyrics and I think I subconsciously listen to them to figure out if they are "good..self defined" or not but I don't really listen for the gist of the story line...I like ethnic music...Swedish, Ukranian, South African etc. mg

15 Sep 10 - 11:23 PM (#2987726)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: J-boy

The good kind.

16 Sep 10 - 02:16 AM (#2987770)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Hamish

Yep: depends who's asking and the circumstances. A work colleague's going to get a different answer to someone in a folk club. But the general formula goes something like this: "Most stuff. Pop, rock, traditional. A bit of jazz, a bit of world. But what I'm into mostly is folk music." and watch for the eyes glazing over...

16 Sep 10 - 03:33 AM (#2987791)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Rob Naylor

I usually just say something like:

"the *good* music from most genres. I haven't found much that I'd consider good in hip hop or garage, and I dislike almost everything output by the Cowell karaoke circus, even songs that I thought were good when done by other artistes. Apart from that I'm open to most things from classical to the young indie band playing in the local pub last week."

Seems to do the trick :-)

16 Sep 10 - 04:48 AM (#2987808)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Leadfingers

Back in The Bad Old Days when I used to carry a Saxaphone around , I was often asked if I played it- " No , its just for Ballast and stop me being blown away in a gale"
What Music do you play was usually the next question - "Jazz" !

"I dont like Jazz" was agood start to what they DID like , and usually you found that at least one form they liked was , in fact a branch of Jazz .

Same thing applies to ' Folk ' when you consider what a wide range 'Folk' covers .

16 Sep 10 - 09:25 AM (#2987937)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?

Depends who's asking and in what context. As having eclectic tastes I can usually name one or two artists I like in each genre so if the person asking likes a particular genre I quote those artists.
I am amused by the odd looks I get when I say I like folk music.

16 Sep 10 - 09:54 AM (#2987947)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

if i ever need to qualify my taste in 'Folk' music,

I reckon I'd say..

"I don't like twee self-satisfied smug MOR folk,
I much prefere the kind of folk music
I'd expect Ferrets to choose to listen to whilst mating..."

16 Sep 10 - 10:05 AM (#2987954)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: MikeL2


I come from the " like most music when it's done well view.

Sometimes I might answer with " most kinds including early rock & roll".

I too agree with's a mood thing.

Right now I am listening to Swan Lake as we are thinking of booking to see it performed by The Imperial Ice stars. Yes on ICE !! Could be interesting.



16 Sep 10 - 10:53 AM (#2987980)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Mooh

It's easier for me to define what I like by simply excluding what I don't like, it's a shorter list.

I don't like rap and hip-hop. Most everything else is okay by me.

I listen to a lot of pipe organ music (mostly via organlive online radio), and lots of rock, classic rock, blues, folk by any definition, jazz, classical, choral, and various ethnic styles sometimes.

Peace, Mooh.

16 Sep 10 - 11:15 AM (#2987989)
Subject: RE: Answer to: What kind music do you like?
From: Ibbel

I usually answer that I like any music that answers to three requirements: a good singer, a good melody, and lyrics that have something to say, or are funny. That more or less automatically excludes all modern pop songs :) - No, I know, there are some exceptions.

If I come up with names like Tom Lehrer or Tom Paxton most people look rather blank: in my country, The Netherlands, they are virtually unknown.
I could also answer that I like Grieg or Chopin - liking classical music is quite an acceptable answer to the question, and most people do have a picture then...

Cheers, Ingrid