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BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?

02 Nov 10 - 12:19 AM (#3021332)
Subject: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

I was just reading an interview with Dweezil Zappa in this month's 'Guitarist' magazine.

He says he was intending to be a marine biologist when he was a kid, but someone took him to see Jaws the movie, and after that he didn't dare go in the sea.

My own father used to swim every day in the sea, but he always refused point blank to see the film, or read the book - because he said it would terrify to go in the sea afterwards - and thus spoil his pleasure.

I wonder if anyone else was so deeply affected.

02 Nov 10 - 12:36 AM (#3021338)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Gurney

I stopped taking my shark rod out with me. That fish was three times as long as my boat. I didn't fancy annoying one, and we do get Great Whites here.

Mind you, being anchored in the middle of a pod of feeding Orca (just once) made me a little tense. I reeled in my tackle and sat low in the boat. They are small for a whale, but impressively big from a 15' boat.
And predators.

Feeding on Stingray, if anyone is interested. Stingray get to as big as a double bed.

02 Nov 10 - 08:08 AM (#3021498)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,Patsy

'Jaws' changed everyones life in a kind of way, it changed the kind of films that a whole family could watch and children could even see the gory bits so in that aspect it was a first. Unfortunately the rest of the disaster movies like Orca the Killer Whale and Grizzly that followed didn't quite come up to scratch. It didn't change me going into the water though I was more afraid of coming into contact with jellyfish rather than a shark but it did make me want to know more information about sharks like the 'Great White' and I think the real thing looks more terrifying.

02 Nov 10 - 08:56 AM (#3021520)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Becca72

You have no IDEA how much 'Jaws' changed my life!
I saw it with my father when it was re-released in approximately 1980 (I was 3 or 4 when it originally appeared in theaters). That night I was sent to bed up the dark creepy stairs, past the dark creepy (haunted) bedroom of my sister, and into the bathroom where I stayed for about 2 hours in terror that the shark was waiting for me in the hall (Again, I was 8). My father came up to use the bathroom at some point and realized I was still in there. We had a nice long talk about how Great Whites can't live in shag carpeting and then he walked me to my room.
I also thought the shark was waiting for me in the deep end of the pool during swimming lessons.
Then again, I was afraid of a LOT as a child...

02 Nov 10 - 08:57 AM (#3021522)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Jaws was a great film, I went to see "Frozen" recently, it will do for skiing what Jaws did for swimming. I still think "The Exorcist" was the best film of that era. Talking about Jaws, I just got a new set of false teeth last Friday and they are cutting the mouth of me. Sorry for the thread drift.

02 Nov 10 - 09:19 AM (#3021535)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Reading Becca's post reminds of my nephew David when he was a kid.

One night he couldn't go to sleep, he told his Dad that he was frightened of three lions under his bed.

"Oh a big boy like David won't let himself be frightened of a few lions..."

"No it wasn't just the lions, it was when the shark came in the window..."

02 Nov 10 - 09:35 AM (#3021549)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Becca72

LOL, Alan.

It's funny, but I grew to love scary movies and 'Jaws' is now a favorite. However, I STILL will not go into the deep end of the pool!

02 Nov 10 - 09:51 AM (#3021563)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: John MacKenzie

I never saw it, so it didn't change my life.
I don't ever go to see films that involve gory scenes as part of the 'entertainment'
I find real life is scary enough for me.

02 Nov 10 - 10:06 AM (#3021568)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: olddude

Well I did like Saturday Night Live's take with the "Land Sharks"
I laughed and laughed.   It was a great movie "we are going to need a bigger boat"   Loved that line

02 Nov 10 - 10:43 AM (#3021596)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Rapparee

Nah, didn't bother. I read the book. Interesting, but not life-changing. But what it DID do was stop me from drinking water. All sorts of gory stuff in water. Now I only drink single-malt or small-batch bourbon, straight and neat. You can't be too careful.

02 Nov 10 - 10:47 AM (#3021602)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: MGM·Lion

Hope you don't drive home afterwards, Rap ··· none of my biz I know, but...


02 Nov 10 - 10:49 AM (#3021603)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Jack the Sailor

Growing up in a fishing community on the North Atlantic, I was 18 when I saw it, I knew enough about sharks to realize that Godzilla attacking our town was as likely as what happened in that movie. But as a business major, Oliver Stone's "Wall Street" scared me.

02 Nov 10 - 10:54 AM (#3021607)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

Nope. But I didn't see the movie until long after it came out, and I was never much interested in it anyway.

02 Nov 10 - 11:12 AM (#3021622)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Jack the Sailor

Not many sharks in Lake Simcoe eh?

02 Nov 10 - 11:57 AM (#3021657)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

I don't think so...

I figured it was a dumb schlock movie at the time, so I ignored it. In retrospect I'd have to say it was schlock allright....but pretty good schlock of that particular type. I've seen bits and pieces of it here and there, but I don't think I've ever seen the whole movie.

02 Nov 10 - 12:14 PM (#3021681)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Yes! The movie frightened me, but when someone explained that the chances of being attacked by a shark are far less than those of being struck by a car while crossing a street, I decided to spend more time at the beach and less time crossing streets.

02 Nov 10 - 12:22 PM (#3021687)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Desert Dancer

great white hunting seals from Planet Earth. Scarier than the robot shark.

After the shark attack a couple weeks ago near Santa Barbara, I heard an expert on the radio say that you should make sure the visibility in the water is good. They have good eyesight and if they can see you they won't mistake you for a seal. Just keep an eye on them and move away slowly. (HA!) And never go swimming between dusk and dawn.

I prefer freshwater for swimming, myself.

~ Becky in Long Beach

02 Nov 10 - 12:28 PM (#3021696)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Lonesome EJ

In August of 1973, I sailed a Morgan 22 foot sloop from Ft Lauderdale over to the Bahamas. We spent about a month diving and spearfishing in some of the most remote areas of the Bahamas Bank, and when you are spearing fish and dragging a bloody fish bag around with you in the water, you see sharks. I saw two very large sharks, in excess of 10 feet, while skin diving off of Mangrove Key, which is on the edge of the Bank and the smaller fish that collect around these mangrove islands draw in the deep water sharks. One, which I saw directly beneath me about 12-14 ft below me, seemed to only be traversing the channel and had no interest in us. Another I had the great fortune to see moving out of the blue haze of deep water and into the shallows, where he spread his pectoral fins like ailerons to put on the breaks as he glimpsed us. He looked like a bus making a stop. Again, no real interest, and he moved on.

It is difficult to convey the awe inspired by a creature larger than yourself who is in the same body of water and in close proximity to you. It is a humbling experience. I do not believe that these large fish ever perceived us as possible prey, and perhaps because we were in their environment and aware of them. The speare fishing thing changes everything, though. And if we saw large sharks nearby, we would stop spearing and head for the boat. There were several times when smaller animals of 4 feet and less, which we tended to not be as concerned about, would suddenly veer toward you, especially when a freshly skewered fish was twitching on the spear.

One of my friends was head down on a reef, pulling a snapper off of his spear when an aggressive three-footer came at his back. He heard our shouts in time to straighten up and kick his flippers in its face. In retrospect, we talked about what the bite of a small shark could do when you are radio-less and thirty miles from the nearest civilization.

Back to Jaws, the movie came out about three years after our trip, and we tended to scoff at the terror the very idea of a shark has on the mind of those who have no experience with them. But I have to admit that, in the times when I have swam in the deep ocean since, that first plunge, when you transition from our world to theirs, is always taken with some trepidation. The impact of the movie on my daughter when she was about 6 yrs old was to make her use of the toilet and the shower very hurried, since Jaws could could come through the pipes and attack in the worst sort of way.

02 Nov 10 - 12:52 PM (#3021718)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: catspaw49

The movie certainly had a profound effect on Spielberg himself and what he learned form "Jaws" added volumes to his knowlwedge bank as a director and producer. No "Jaws," no "Schindler's List.".........

I enjoyed the movie then and now as well as all the jokes that came from it (like Land Shark Dan mentioned) Something very neat happened in the making of Jaws. The movie he started to make was not the movie he did. If you know anything about the making of the movie, you'll remember that "Bruce the Shark" in all its incarnations was a mechanical nightmare that was broken down most of the time. To maintain any kind of shooting schedule (and it was always way behind and way over budget) Spielberg was forced to shoot scenes without the shark. In the long run it meant that Bruce was on camera very little yet the frightening and menacing UNSEEN Bruce was scarier than all hell!!!! Spielberg learned what Hitchcok knew well...........Real terror comes more from imagination and anticipation then it does from the actual actions. What makes "Jaws" so wonderful is what we don't see because when we do see we're primed to freak out! Hence, Dan remembers well the bigger boat line.


02 Nov 10 - 12:55 PM (#3021724)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Mrrzy

I do remember thinking that it was a bad idea to be reading that book while my sweetie was at the beach...

02 Nov 10 - 11:53 PM (#3022226)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Joe Offer

Well, since our closest beach is in Great White Shark country, I guess the movie made me just a little more careful - but the water is too darn cold to stay in for very long, anyhow.

Now what really changed my life was the rattlesnake episode of the 1955-1958 (?) Spin and Marty series on Mickey Mouse Club. God, I hate snakes....


03 Nov 10 - 12:26 AM (#3022230)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

What changed my life was coming across the Classics Illustrated comic of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" in a doctor's office at the tender and impressionable age of 6 or 7. I was so terrified by the slavering fury of the illustrated hound that it messed up my life for years and years afterward, made me afraid of the dark, caused nightmares, and gave me a phobia that was never really cured till I reached my later teen years. It helped defuse the whole thing to read the actual story by Conan Doyle. I read all the Sherlock Holmes stories when I hit about age 16, and I loved them.

Another thing that changed my life for a short time was the shock of seeing "The Exorcist" on the very first day it opened in Toronto, not having had the slightest idea of what the movie was even about! I just walked in with 3 friends. We picked the movie at random. Boy did that film ever scare me. Holy crap! It sort of bothered me for months afterward, and I was really quite angry at the people who had made the film for putting those fears in my head. If I'd had some forewarning of what to expect, it wouldn't have had anything like that degree of impact. I have since learned to at least find out what a movie is about before I buy the ticket.

Viewings of the same film now don't bother me much, although I'd still say it's a tremendously effective horror film, practically without peer.

03 Nov 10 - 12:32 AM (#3022231)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: catspaw49

Ah yes Joe......Spin and Marty..............What a pair.........Marty went on to design Toyotas and Spin had the shit slapped outta' him by General Patton.......................


03 Nov 10 - 12:56 AM (#3022241)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: catspaw49

Actually Joe, I was a big fan myself, mainly because Annette would show up sooner or later and make the whole damn thing worthwhile.


Geeziz.....Ya' know, I'm willing to bet that every prepubescent male in the 50's and early 60's got his first nut jacking off to Annette Funicello. Well, except maybe a few of us who saved ourselves for Hayley Mills. I doubt that old Walt even thought about that or it was ever his intention................hmmmm..................Then again, maybe it telling what that old closet Nazi was thinking.................................

Anyway, Hayley went on to do a few nude scenes in her 20's but Annette through all those early years maintained that same character which was the real person, not the actor. As we all grew up we watched Annette grow up too and as she fed her kids peanut butter we still marveled at her beauty, at those doe eyes, and at that perfect complexion....................

But as the years have passed and disease and time took their toll, Annette Funicello showed us that her real beauty went far beyond skin deep and made it easy for us to fall in love with her all over again for entirely different reasons, better reasons...........


03 Nov 10 - 10:49 AM (#3022512)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

"I'm willing to bet that every prepubescent male in the 50's and early 60's got his first nut jacking off to Annette Funicello."

I didn't, Spaw. ;-) I was barely even aware of Annette Funicello. I was also barely aware of Hayley Mills.

You know why? We didn't have a television in the house until I was 18, so I read books. Hundreds of books. My early prepubescent fantasies and later nocturnal activities therefore revolved around much more interesting females of literature such as Karamanei (the heroine in the Fu Manchu stories), Dejah Thoris (from the John Carter of Mars stories), and, of course, great musical heroines of the day like the young Joan Baez and Buffy Sainte-Marie. Oh, and then there was my 6th grade art teacher, Miss Delavan. ZOWIE!!!

REAL women, Spaw, not silly teeny idols from dumbass TV shows. ;-) Who needs Annette Funicello when you've got exotic grown-up gals from Mars, China, and the stage at Newport?

03 Nov 10 - 11:16 AM (#3022529)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: alanabit

There was a great story told in Dave and Patti Campbell's book of busking anecdotes, which was set about the time of "Jaws".

A US busker/magician was performing at a cinema queue outside "Jaws". He filled a tube with stage blood and threaded it through his jacket sleeve, leading into a fake hand at the end. During his show, he plonked his "hand" on the table and whipped out a meat cleaver with the other, with which he severed the "hand" on the table. By all accounts he had to scarper pretty quickly to avoid getting lynched!

03 Nov 10 - 11:46 AM (#3022560)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Dorothy Parshall

What intrigues me about this thread - prior to the deterioration to male nonsense - is that no one has mentioned the aspect which upset me.

I did NOT want to see this movie. However, I was working at a detention center for girls at the time it came out and was ordered to take two of the girls to see it. I considered this a bad move for all of us but I did it. As we got into the taxi to go back to the center, one of the girls was saying, "Dorothy, calm down....."

The aspect which I found most disturbing was the attitude of the town merchants that it was more important to protect tourism - the almighty dollar - than to protect people by admitting there was a shark.

The shark part was, to me, pure sensationalism to sell the movie.

03 Nov 10 - 12:11 PM (#3022590)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Lonesome EJ

Somehow a movie without the shark that concentrated primarily on a town's reluctance to frighten tourists seems to lack pizazz.

03 Nov 10 - 12:19 PM (#3022602)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Becca72

LOL. Well put, EJ

03 Nov 10 - 12:23 PM (#3022607)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

Well, Dorothy, that's the essential story of our times. It's all about the money. Always. And you're right that that was the really disturbing part of the movie. But without the shark, of course, there'd be no movie...unless Michael Moore made it. Have you seen "Capitalism - A Love Story" or "Food Inc."? Those movies are about the real shark. It devours not just individuals but whole societies. It devours the world.

03 Nov 10 - 12:24 PM (#3022609)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Lonesome EJ

But it doesn't make you leery to wade in knee-deep water.

03 Nov 10 - 12:42 PM (#3022627)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

NO. Read the book...thought it preposterous. Have not seen movie...except for snippets.

03 Nov 10 - 12:57 PM (#3022638)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Bat Goddess

I was living in coastal Maine when the film came out -- spent a lot of time snorkling off the beaches of Wells, Maine.

About the only sharks that there was a likelihood of running in to were dogfish. Sand sharks. All you had to do is bop them in the nose and they'd turn tail. Not that I encountered many.

The scary thing was that, when I'd leave the water, mask on my head and make my finned way across the beach, I'd have a bunch of kids -- and adults -- coming up to me and asking, "What's out there?" They'd never seen a sculpin or a flounder or fairy shrimp or a skate or a column of rockweed swaying in the tide. They'd only recognize a lobster if it were red. Had no idea what the barnacles, limpets, periwinkles, etc. cluttering the rocks were -- or which were edible.

I've always been much more, uh, "hesitant" about entering fresh water lakes, ponds and rivers. Give me salt any day. Geeze, things LURK in fresh water. And you can't see your feet! (Or anything else.) I only do mountain rivers and streams where the water is moving and I can see my feet.


03 Nov 10 - 01:01 PM (#3022639)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Lonesome EJ

"I only do mountain rivers and streams where the water is moving and I can see my feet."

We have lots of those here in Colorado, Linn. Unfortunately, though you can SEE your feet, you won't be able to FEEL them.

03 Nov 10 - 03:37 PM (#3022757)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,leeneia

Catters' stories of their childhood fears remind me of a talk I had with two young friends (age 13 and 11) last year.

We had been watching the Mr. Bean movie where the little boy is alone on the trains of France and can't get back with his father. During the break, I told the girls that if they are ever travelling and get separated from the family, they should look for a person in uniform with a badge from the railroad or airline they are travellng with. Then they should tell the person "Would you please help me? I'm lost."

The girls regarded me with eyes like saucers. This was news to them! To them, the idea of being lost was terrifying and THEY HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!

Their mother listened and cried "Yes!"

At that moment I realized that we think our kids are sophisticated, but we are much better at scaring them than at helping them cope.

03 Nov 10 - 07:34 PM (#3022979)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Jack the Sailor

The aspect which I found most disturbing was the attitude of the town merchants that it was more important to protect tourism - the almighty dollar - than to protect people by admitting there was a shark. <<

I thought that that was the only nod to realism in the movie. The rest was fantasy.

But they were proactive. They did send that crew to catch the shark. Didn't they?

On the other hand after reading what Little Hawk said about the "real" sharks. I imagined Alan Greenspan with an oxygen tank in his mouth and a sheriff shooting at the tank. Felt good...

03 Nov 10 - 09:35 PM (#3023067)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

Right on, Jack. ;-)

03 Nov 10 - 10:24 PM (#3023099)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Ed T

I expect that the major impact of the movie was a general fear of the species and lack of concern when they were overfished around the world.

Only in recent years has some of that public misconception been turned around, mostly by documentaries, animal rights groups, Discovery Channel and scientists who have the real story on the plight and value of the many members of this worldwide shark family. Hopefully, it is not too late for the species that is overfished just about everywhere.

04 Nov 10 - 12:39 AM (#3023126)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,seth from Olympia

The joke I heard from my Japanese friend was that I it got American kids scared and Japanese kids       hungry.

04 Nov 10 - 01:15 AM (#3023132)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Joe Offer

Ya know, the shark in Jaws didn't really do it to me. Besides the Spin & Marty rattlesnake, I was really scared by the moray eel in The Deep (another Benchley novel made into a movie)....and Jacqueline Bisset made it all worthwhile.
Oh, and the alien in Alien convinced me I'd never travel in outer space, even if I could have Sigourney Weaver to protect me.


04 Nov 10 - 04:17 AM (#3023168)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Slag

No, "Jaws" the movie didn't do it for me. But a Great White more or less ended my surfing days. I was 15 and surfing Linda Mar beach in Pacifica CA. It was a rare sunny day as oppposed to the usual cold and drizzle and the beach was crowded with-out-of towners. Surf was about four foot max which isn't greatand it was so crowded, a friend suggested that we go rock climbing out on Pedro Point. This was a forbidden act with a $45 fine if you got caught, big money in 1964 but hey! we were young and dumb.

About half way out on the big rocks (which is another harrowing story in itself) we saw a Coast Guard helicopter coming and thought that someone may have turned us in. We were ducking and hiding as it circled bout a couple of times. It broke from our location and continued to quarter the near coastline for a couple of hours. A few times it swung back our way but we didn't seem to be his quarry.

After we finally got back to the beach we learned that a young lad from Burlinggame, just over the hill from Pacifica, had been pulled off his surfboard in the exact location we had been surfing about an hour after we had left. He was never found, just a bloody T-shirt.

We had all been "bumped" a time or two by unknown critters under the waves but never bitten or attacked. It was usually a seal or a two foot sand shark which never bit but this incident made me stop and think, long and hard. I surfed a few more times but gave it up and finally sold my board. That's not how I want to go.

04 Nov 10 - 04:22 AM (#3023169)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,Patsy

I remember at the time we were all going around doing the 'Jaws' theme Da da, da da, dadadadada........... think it got into the charts. In fact there were lots of memorable film scores way back and it somehow made the film more exciting to go and see. I don't recall anything memorable recently perhaps movies should go back to that and the film industry might get a few more bums on seats.

04 Nov 10 - 04:34 AM (#3023174)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Slag

PS. As per Joe's comment about how cold the waters are off the Northern California coast, we all wore wetsuits when we surfed. 55 degree F water will take you down pretty quick without them, colder in the winter and some of the best surf is in the winter.

BTW Most of the town scenes for "Jaws" was shot in Mendocino City just about due west, 60 miles from where I live now. It is also where "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming", "Overboard" and the Angela Lansbury series "Murder, She Wrote" were filmed. So much for authentic New England setting!

04 Nov 10 - 10:31 AM (#3023373)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,leeneia

Thanks for sharing that story, Slag.

04 Nov 10 - 10:37 AM (#3023377)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,leeneia

On a lighter note, watch this to see what Americans are really
afraid of.

04 Nov 10 - 11:43 AM (#3023430)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,kendall

I can't recall any movie that ever scared me, but I came out of seeing Doctor Zhivago feeling very uneasy.

04 Nov 10 - 12:16 PM (#3023452)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

leeneia - LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! That truly is what most terrifies Americans!

04 Nov 10 - 12:30 PM (#3023467)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Jack the Sailor

Yeah Hawk...

As if Canadians are not immune...

If that happened in a pool in Ontario, a Crown Commission would have to set up to investigate.

04 Nov 10 - 12:40 PM (#3023476)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

I really should have said "North Americans", Jack. North Americans are probably more terrified of their own shit than anyone else on the planet. ;-) I blame it on the cosmetics and cleansers industries. Ever stood in the household cleansers aisle of a supermarket for more than 45 seconds and breathed the air? The fumes emanating off that stuff are deadly....far more dangerous than the smell of shit could ever be.

04 Nov 10 - 07:40 PM (#3023839)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Wesley S

I was talking about Jaws with a friend and was astonished to find out that her father had been a survivor of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. I don't know that it changed my life - but I learned a lot about respect for the men who went into the water that night.


04 Nov 10 - 07:45 PM (#3023845)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

That was one of the most horrible incidents that's ever happened in maritime history.

04 Nov 10 - 08:49 PM (#3023910)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Amergin

I have a very hard time in the water by myself...thanks to this could be fresh water or salt....I think it is because if there are other people with me swimming, then the chance of me getting bit goes down...

04 Nov 10 - 08:54 PM (#3023913)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: olddude

Another line is when the engine is smoking from trying to drag the shark and the captain says ... OK you get your wish .. were heading back in ... and the police chief says "Thank Christ"

04 Nov 10 - 10:52 PM (#3023980)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Ed T

Jaws changed Bill Clintons life:)

05 Nov 10 - 05:45 AM (#3024105)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: MGM·Lion

I am too old [early 40s] to have been scared by Jaws. The Picture Of Dorian Gray was the film that scared me most in childhood. Have seen it several times since and can't think why. As Lady Macbeth remarked, "'Tis the eye of childhood fears a painted devil".


05 Nov 10 - 05:46 AM (#3024107)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: MGM·Lion

I meant of course that I was in early 40s when Jaws came out. I am now late 70s, dammit!


05 Nov 10 - 08:43 AM (#3024210)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: daylia

Yes it did. Saw Jaws at the theatre, came home, dove in the pool for a moonlit swim -- and went into labour shortly thereafter.

My firstborn arrived early the next morning.

Changed my life, indeed    =]

05 Nov 10 - 04:00 PM (#3024543)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: RangerSteve

I may be the only person who didn't see it when it came out, and actually only saw it recently on TV, and not the whole movie, either, Just the last half hour. I read the book, though, but it didn't scare me. I did see a lot of movies back in the 50's and 60's that involved man-eating plants, and as a result, I'm very wary of vines. I just don't trust them.

05 Nov 10 - 04:45 PM (#3024575)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: olddude

Naw I saw it in my 20's when it first came out in the theater ... Still watch it on TV and probably would each time it is on .. Sad we lost the two great actors from that film huh ... I always enjoyed both of them in their career

05 Nov 10 - 05:23 PM (#3024598)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

I've always vowed to be very polite to a Shark, should I meet one.

I'm as scared as hell of big American trucks though, especially when you can see them behind you,in the mirror...

Uh Oh!!!

3 Down - 3 Across ;0)

05 Nov 10 - 06:41 PM (#3024660)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

RangerSteve - "I may be the only person who didn't see it when it came out..."

You're not. ;-) I didn't either.

05 Nov 10 - 08:30 PM (#3024777)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Dave Hanson

FFS how could a film featuring a plastic shark change anything ?

Dave H

05 Nov 10 - 08:38 PM (#3024783)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: olddude

Well Dave to this very day I have a deep seated fear of Plastic water bottles :-)

05 Nov 10 - 09:57 PM (#3024828)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: catspaw49

Dave, I would suggest that like many books and movies, those who have no problem with suspension of disbelief have found great entertainment and real terror in movies like "Jaws." Others will simply be literal and write such off as nonsense, silly, and/or a waste of time.


05 Nov 10 - 10:01 PM (#3024833)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Jack the Sailor

Plastic with metal and hydraulics!!

06 Nov 10 - 12:16 AM (#3024888)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

There were definitely some very frightening scenes in that movie. I found the first scene with the woman swimming at night really horrifying when I finally did see it, many years after the movie came out.

There was a much less known movie about 2 scuba divers, a married couple, who get lost at sea off Australia when they are inadvertently left behind while diving by their tour boat. I think it was called "Open Water", and it was really harrowing. One did not walk out of the theatre after that one feeling too good at all.

06 Nov 10 - 04:45 AM (#3024952)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Dave Hanson

Well actually I enjoyed the film very much but fail to see how it could change ANYTHING.

Dave H

06 Nov 10 - 05:39 AM (#3024967)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

From Dan: "Well Dave to this very day I have a deep seated fear of Plastic water bottles :-)"

One of the reasons why I *love* Mudcat! LOL
Brilliant, Dan!! x :0)

06 Nov 10 - 06:34 AM (#3024983)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: eddie1

Don't know if I can ever come back to mudcat again! I saw "Jaws" when it first came out and umpteen times on television and remained relatively unmoved. A non-swimmer anyway, I never saw too many great whites around Edinburgh or indeed Reading where I now live.

This morning I read this whole thread and now have a nightmare that if I ever go near water, Richie Black will be waiting with his new set of false teeth to bite my bum!

I might never sit on the loo again!


06 Nov 10 - 09:39 AM (#3025048)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

To my my mind there's a much scarier, and grislier, shark scene in the Leonardo de Caprio film, 'The Beach'. If I remember correctly some western backpacker types set up a community on a remote beach by the Andaman Sea (?). Well, an island off Thailand anyway. One of the group goes swimming, in a beautiful clear lagoon, one day and a shark takes a huge bite out of him. He bleeds so spectacularly that I almost passed out! Also, if I remember correctly, he is far from any medical help, the wound becomes infected and he dies in agony. Altogether much more realistic and horrible than anything in Jaws.

06 Nov 10 - 10:56 AM (#3025101)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

"Beetlejuice" changed my life. It was the first movie I ever saw with Winona Ryder in it. ;-) Everything was different after that.

06 Nov 10 - 11:06 AM (#3025115)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,leeneia

Well, well. All this time I thought Winona Ryder was a country singer. But this video straightened me out.

You ought to enjoy it, LH>

06 Nov 10 - 11:10 AM (#3025119)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,seth from Olympia

As my mum didin't hesitate to tell me ( and anyone else) I didn't handle the rougher scenes in "Bambi" with any particular grace, nor "The Wizard of OZ"...didin't see Jaws until much later

06 Nov 10 - 07:49 PM (#3025573)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Slag

Forbidden Planet when I was 7 or 8! That hatch raising up after the steel stairsteps bent under the weight of the "Monster from the Id" climbed them! I thought I would never sleep again!

07 Nov 10 - 12:37 AM (#3025697)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

Thanks, leeneia! She's got the most wonderful eyes and facial structure.

07 Nov 10 - 01:14 AM (#3025721)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: DougR



07 Nov 10 - 01:41 AM (#3025727)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: MGM·Lion

Bob Hope comedy called The Ghost Breakers [ntbcw the much later Ghostbusters!] gave me a horrible time in 1940 when I was 8!


07 Nov 10 - 11:13 AM (#3025884)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Little Hawk

"Forbidden Planet" would have been damn scary back when it first came out! I recently saw it for the first time...on Youtube. Pretty good movie for its time...although the silly flirtatious interplay between the male and female characters seems ridiculous from today's social perspective.

08 Nov 10 - 06:03 AM (#3026493)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Allan C.

A few years after seeing the film I went surf fishing from the shore beside a small jetty. When the wind was right I could almost cast to a nook near the tip of the jetty where I felt certain I would get a strike. In order to gain the few feet necessary, I waded into the rolling surf. The sun had already gone down by then and darkness was quickly approaching. I was finally able to make the cast I was wanting; but suddenly realized that I was chest deep in the darkening water. Frightened? Yep! I had visions of sharks lurking just yards away. I quickly reeled in and carefully made my way to shore, being sure to not splash unnecessarily ...

08 Nov 10 - 07:03 AM (#3026524)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,Patsy

I was at the end of my pregnancy and thought I would go to see Jaws hoping that it would start off my labour, I was already a week over but no it didn't work so it didn't change that part of my life and I was still waiting another week later.

But as scarey movies go Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane was the most scariest thing I'd ever seen. Her eyes could be so evil and looked so grotesque in her childish curls and ribbons I thought was pretty disturbing and then such a good twist to the ending of the story with 'sister' Joan Crawford. I will never forget Joan Crawford's budgie served up on a plate, brilliantly evil.

08 Nov 10 - 10:46 AM (#3026686)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: katlaughing

My Rog and I have neither one seen it. We've seen snippets here and there, but we both DO remember the SNL parody and thought it was damn funny.

Another funny thing which came out of it was when my kids were younger, one of them had a long stick with a shark's head on the end with a mechanism which enabled them to open and close its jaws, thus using it to pick up stuff OR "menace" each other. We had a lot of fun with the silly thing.

A friend who grew up on Cape Cod can't believe I never saw it. It was big in her community.:-)

08 Nov 10 - 12:49 PM (#3026808)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Lonesome EJ

Allan, I was in South Carolina a few years ago, and we spent the day playing in the surf off of Myrtle Beach. That evening, after dinner, we went for a stroll on the pier there where a number of people were fishing. One man was gutting his catch and tossing the fish parts into the water, which was slightly illuminated in the light from the pier. There, about twenty feet below and maybe 100 yards from the beach, there was a variety of sharks in various sizes feeding on this stuff, big shapes that emerged from the depth, broke surface to feed, then disappeared.
Gave me a fresh view on my beach activities the next day, for sure.

08 Nov 10 - 08:24 PM (#3027187)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,leeneia

I've never seen it.

I've never been able to distance myself from violence or anger in movies or TV. It's not as bad as it used to be, but I still don't watch it willingly.

My husband loves the silly Tremors movies, and I can't stand to watch even them.

If I had children, I would never let them watch stuff like that.

08 Nov 10 - 10:00 PM (#3027256)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Slag

The scariest part? "That's some bad hat, Harry."

09 Nov 10 - 07:45 AM (#3027490)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: GUEST,Patsy

Since 'Jaws', it seems as soon as there is something new and worthwhile seeing the movie industry seems to be hell-bent on bringing out umpteen sequels whether it is a scary movie or animation or just a good family film. Jurassic Park was another, Shrek and or they re-make it 3D. The trilogy of Star Wars was great because it had to carry through but then they made a prequel. I wish it had just been left alone, the latest thing I hear is that Star Wars is to be in 3D, the fighter aircraft scene is great for the time as it is. In a way, what came after Jaws put me off ever wanting to see sequels ever again or at least going to the cinema to see one.

09 Nov 10 - 08:39 AM (#3027526)
Subject: RE: BS: Did 'Jaws' change your life?
From: Jack the Sailor


Its just business. In a movie like that the most expensive things are brand recognition and creating the system underlying the special effects. Once that is done sequels are cheaper and make more money with less capital.