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BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)

02 Nov 10 - 01:35 AM (#3021345)
Subject: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Sandra in Sydney

Naturally, you can give your Santa your wish list another way, but this is the traditional, long established, debated & codified Folk Music way of hinting!

As always, pressies either handcrafted or around 20 dollars/pounds etc. depending on name of local currency.

Best kinds of pressies at this late date would be flattish so cost less to post.

As Stilly put it - Well considered tokens of our mutual friendship go a long way, and they don't need to be expensive.

UScatters see Stilly's hint on flat post bags -
The Post Office has priority flat rate boxes that are for domestic and international use. The small flat rate box and the two medium sized boxes (one is flatter than the other) can be packed pretty tightly with goodies and they go fairly quickly. I've been shipping eBay sales in them for the last couple of years and it usually takes a week or so, rarely longer, to get there. You can get those boxes free at the post office, you don't have to order them in batches of 25 (and that order takes a couple of weeks to arrive anyway).

Ozcatters can get similar from OzPost, I assume UK & other posts would have something similar.


2009 hints - for those whose lists haven't changed - just copy them into this thread!

1. What is your age range?

2. Gender?

3. Do you have a favorite color?

4. Favorite authors/type of book?

5. What books have you really been wanting?

6. What type of music do you like?

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)

9. What is your t-shirt size?

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?

11. What are some of your other hobbies?

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.


02 Nov 10 - 01:38 AM (#3021347)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Sandra in Sydney

& here's my list - almost unchanged from last year.

1. What is your age range?   

    58, almost 59

2. Gender?               


3. Do you have a favorite color?               

    2 of 'em - red & purple, + black (a non-colour)

4. Favorite authors/type of book?      

    Library books - my shelves are overloaded (see next question)

5. What books have you really been wanting?   

    None, really, I tend to buy what I want & then try to find a space for them.

6. What type of music do you like?

    Accompanied & unaccompanied singing - especially traditional stuff, sea songs & singer-songwriters who write songs that seem like they were written back in the olden days.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?   

    more Mucatter CDs (but I do have a lot already)

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)      

    None, I don't have a TV & I never watch movies

9. What is your t-shirt size?      

    don't wear 'em

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?   

    too much! Mainly small dust collecting stuff like - Sheeps; Penguins; Reindeers; Boxes & tins, decorative & plain, old & new - plastic, wooden, etc; Antique & vintage needlework tools, needlework books, & examples of old needlework; Japanese stuff - papers, materials, paper dolls, dolls, small ornaments; Tiny chrissy decorations that can go on or surround my two 6" trees; Old plastic chrissy decorations from Hong Kong & Japan; Other small stuff I see & have to buy ...

11. What are some of your other hobbies?

    Crafty stuff including making cards & small quilted panels & other small stuff from Japanese paper & fabrics; Making felt toys & christmas decorations; Knitting scarves & simple stuff using my gi-normous stash of wool & other yarns; Social history & local history; Taking photos of my local area & other historical & scenic places, including pics of trees & flowers.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?

    I really have too much, which I don't wear, but if one of the famous Mudcatter jewellers was offering ...   
    I wear both gold & silver.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like   

    Stuff about your area

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.      

    I don't eat chocolate or other sweet stuff, nor do I drink coffee or alcohol. I very occasionally drink herbal tea, but my mini-packets of assorted teas usually go out of date before I use them up!

02 Nov 10 - 06:25 AM (#3021438)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: JennieG

Thanks for starting the ball rolling, Sandra.....I may as well chip in too!
1. What is your age range?
I'll admit to being on the shady side of 50
2. Gender?
3. Do you have a favorite color?
Lurve green, any shade.....and yellow......just about any colour really, but I'm not much of a pink girl
4. Favorite authors/type of book?
Social history/mystery/murder stories/textile arts esp quilting
5. What books have you really been wanting?
I'm a great library user and get much of what I read there
6. What type of music do you like?
Just about anything except heavy metal, have a great fondness for early music
7. What CDs have you really been wanting?
Anything by a Catter
8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)
Oh my....hard to answer.....but Oz is region 4
9. What is your t-shirt size?
Medium to large I suppose, but depends on the style
10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?
Wombats (Aussie animal) - alas, not real ones
11. What are some of your other hobbies?
Sewing/quilting/knitting/crocheting/reading/making music
12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?
13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like
Anything local from my Santa's area would be interesting - I'm an armchair traveller so pictorial calendars are always interesting. And I am very fond of dark chocolate.
14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
None that I know of.
Thank you Santa - I will enjoy whatever you are able to send!


02 Nov 10 - 07:34 AM (#3021479)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: greg stephens

1. What is your age range?
I bought the first two Bob Dylan LPs when they came out
2. Gender?
I like blues guitar and tenor banjoes and steam trains and pints of bitter

3. Do you have a favorite color?
I dont really like mauve

4. Favorite authors/type of book?
Books with plenty of facts in, which may or may not be dressed up as fiction. I particularly like leaflets/books about obscure local bits of industrial or cultural history. I like Patrick O'Brian, but dont bother sending me one, I've got them all.

5. What books have you really been wanting?
Nothing specific, see previouis.

6. What type of music do you like?
Early jazz, trad folk(any culture), minimalist composers, barbershop, early obscure blues, early famous blues, Bach, Beach Boys.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?
Anything hyper local. Or 1920's string bands.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)

9. What is your t-shirt size?
Average I would guess

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?
Traditional tunes. I would be interested in collecting money, but haven't had much success.

11. What are some of your other hobbies?
For a few days each year, I make jams/curds etc. Other than that nothing, unles you count cooking as a hobby

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?
Me and jewellery are total strangers.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like
I am not mad keen on songs written by schoolteachers about the old days on the canals(or indeed anywhere else). I just love anything that tells me about where or how my SS lives. I appreciate there could be a logical contradiction here, if my SS is a schoolteacher who writes songs about the old days on the canals in his/her locality.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
It would be foolish to send me any jars of walnuts or beetroot preserved in any way. It would also be unfair to send me any priceless Havana cigars, as I succesfully gave up smoking a few years ago. (I have by no means given up drinking, or eating small sweet delicacies).
Please ignore all this, and surprise me.

02 Nov 10 - 07:56 AM (#3021490)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: jacqui.c

1. What is your age range? 63

2. Gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Indigo, Violet, Black, Red, Autumn colours.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? I have too many books now!

5. What books have you really been wanting? See above

6. What type of music do you like? Most - not Rap or Jazz

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? None right now

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)None right now

9. What is your t-shirt size? X-Large

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Yarn, earrings

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Crochet (not knitting!)

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Has to be silver (allergies)

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like - anything local or peculiar to my Santa.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. No sugar, chocolate or carbs and I'm allergic to most metals.

02 Nov 10 - 07:58 AM (#3021492)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Leadfingers

1. What is your age range? FAR too close to Three Score and Ten

2. Gender? Whats left of me is a Bloke

3. Do you have a favorite color?   No

4. Favorite authors/type of book?   Used to collect Sci Fi now no favourite

5. What books have you really been wanting? None I can think of

6. What type of music do you like?   Fok , Blues , Early Jazz , Music Hall

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Anything I can steal good songs from !

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) None Ta

9. What is your t-shirt size? Medium (40) but I rarely wear T shirts

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? I TRY to collect Money

11. What are some of your other hobbies? With Guitars , banjos and Mandolins I dont have time for hobbies ! LOL

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? The ONLY stuff I
would classify as 'Jewelry' is Scarf Rings and Cuff links !

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. NO Allergies - Eat anything , love childrn but could'nt eat
a whole one

02 Nov 10 - 09:03 AM (#3021524)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Bat Goddess

Some of these are the same as previous years.

I really like getting things from my Secret Santa's geographical abode -- your music or that of your friends, local travel brochures, maps, rocks or shells, food -- even crumpled local newspapers used as packing material. (I have in my possession Divine's obituary in Spanish that was in a crumpled newspaper protecting something I had mail ordered. )

1. what is your age range?
61 to 61 (unless you're counting by decade -- then I'm six). I'm not old; I'm retro!

2. gender?
Goddess, fer-pete's-sake

3. Do you have a favorite color?
Blue, green, blue green, purple, bluish purple, magenta. I avoid orange except in things I eat (and the occasional accent flower.)

4. favorite authors/type of book?
Uh, I need books like cats need wings, but books on your vicinity's early gravestones or gravestone carvers (or stonework, from standing stones to cathedrals and walls) would be a welcome addition to the library.

5. what books have you really been wanting?
Alas, probably out of your price range, as well as mine.

6. what type of music do you like?
Everything from Louis Killen to Louis Prima. Prefer getting something by you, your friends or someone you think I should hear.

7. what cds have you really been wanting?
See number 6.

8. What movies have you been wanting?
Uh, Curmudgeon and I probably have the largest private collection in New Hampshire, USA, but we don't have a copy of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" or "What the Bleep?" or Michael Moore's "Sicko" or "Capitalism: A Love Story" -- not that we've had any time to watch anything lately.

9. what is your t-shirt size?
H for homungus (I like 'em roomy). I'm goddess-shaped, but shrinking … so XL still snug, but 1 or 2X seems to work as well as 3X at least. I don't have (alas) a Mudcat T-shirt or sweatshirt.

10. do you collect anything? if so, what?
Maps, hippocampuses, rubber squid, rubberstamps and printing paraphernalia, skulls and interesting bones, rocks, shells, green men, mermaids...I think I collect collections.

11. what are some of your other hobbies?
Gravestone rubbing and research on gravestone carvers, learning how to cut slate, gardening, making bead jewelry, rubberstamp art, needlepoint...avoiding housework.

12. do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?
Silver -- but I need jewelry, too, like cats need wings.

13. please include anything else you feel is important that would help your secret santa know what you would like.
I'm a sucker for fancy scented bath stuff, but I'm still stuck with showers and can only seldom indulge in my preferred R&R water therapy.

Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
I'm allergic to penicillin & a lot of antibiotics, blue mussels and carnations, not that I think this will really help my SS (aw, no penicillin chewies!). And I really don't care for the color orange unless it's edible or a flower up against a blue or purple backdrop.


02 Nov 10 - 09:15 AM (#3021532)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints

1. What is your age range? 63

2. Gender? Still female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Deep forest green

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Non-fiction/history/classics

5. What books have you really been wanting? A Planet Called Treason

6. What type of music do you like? DOH?

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Kendall Morse's next

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)

9. What is your t-shirt size? 3X

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Crap - choice crap - it accumulates around me

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Poker

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like I don't particularly like chocolate but cannot resist fruit gums - Churchill's especially.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.

02 Nov 10 - 09:16 AM (#3021533)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints

Dear Santie - if you could manage world peace I would really appreciate it.

02 Nov 10 - 09:23 AM (#3021538)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: RangerSteve

I'm 61yo, male.
I collect old postcards, especially the large letter "Greetings From" type.
I also collect fund-raiser cookbooks, the kind put out by schools, fire depts, churches, etc. Also regional cookbooks.
I'm also interested in books about wherever my S.S. lives (history, tourist info), and cheap souvenirs from wherever my S.S. lives.
I like traditional music of any kind, in case you're a musician with a CD.
Mudcatter crafts.
And, finally, ocarinas in interesting or unusual shapes.

02 Nov 10 - 09:29 AM (#3021543)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Becca72

1. What is your age range? 38

2. Gender? F

3. Do you have a favorite color? Black, purple, all shades of green but especially sage; gem tones are good.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Stephen King, James Patterson, Robert B. Parker, Jonathan Kellerman, Anne Rice, John Sandford.

5. What books have you really been wanting? None. I am overwhelmed with books as it is.

6. What type of music do you like? Rock, Hard Rock, Classical

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Anything by my Santa would be great. I also recently saw "Jukebox the Ghost" and would love their CD

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) As with books, I am already at max capacity for movies.

9. What is your t-shirt size? 3XL

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Too much. Black cats (I have 2 live ones), moose, lighthouses, frogs, ice hockey memorabilia (Washington or Montreal).

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Reading, travel, movies...that's about all I have time for.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Real Silver.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. Anything from your area would be great. I do have 3 beautiful cats, so toys for them are good, too

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I have a lot of allergies and sensitivities, so please no scented products. If sending t-shirts or the like, natural fibers, please (no wool). Jewelry needs to be silver or white gold (which may exceed the spending limit!).

02 Nov 10 - 12:05 PM (#3021666)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Dan Schatz

1. What is your age range? 38

2. Gender? male

3. Do you have a favorite color? maroon, forest green

4. Favorite authors/type of book? good fantasy, sci-fi, folklore

5. What books have you really been wanting?

6. What type of music do you like? folk!

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? anything by my Santa or good music local to my Santa

8. What movies have you been wanting? Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, but I don't think it's out in Region 1....

9. What is your t-shirt size? S

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? instruments! GRIN

11. What are some of your other hobbies? enjoying nature, parenting (not a hobby, but there it is)

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Not really

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. As above, I'd like whatever is local or meaningful to my Santa.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
No allergies, but not a big fan of Coconut.



02 Nov 10 - 01:10 PM (#3021739)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Barb'ry

Mine are the same as last year, except I'm a year older and no wiser...
1. What is your age range? 51

2. Gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Indigo, Blue, Black, Red.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Science fiction/fantasy, crime

5. What books have you really been wanting? Buy most of what I want, when I want it (impulsive and broke...)

6. What type of music do you like? Folk - English and Irish trad mainly.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? None that I can think of

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)None

9. What is your t-shirt size? XXL

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? silver, salt glaze pottery, wool, stones, nautical things

11. What are some of your other hobbies? sailing, weaving, making stuff

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like - I'm easily pleased. I like antiques and old things and things from your area, stuff from the beach (not the used syringes etc!)

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I'm allergic to alcohol!!! Also Penicillin - but I don't think that's relevant unless you send a pile of mouldy oranges - or is it bread?! Strong fragrances and fur particularly if attached to rabbits or cats!

Thank you!

02 Nov 10 - 01:25 PM (#3021759)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Mine are probably the same as last year, but I'm too lazy to check!
1. What is your age range?

2. Gender?
3. Do you have a favorite color?
"jewel tones": ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst...

4. Favorite authors/type of book?
Pratchett, but between the kids and I we have them all!
Also, books about my SS's locality, history, folklore, cookbooks, etc.

5. What books have you really been wanting?
See #4 re my SS

6. What type of music do you like?
The music my SS makes!
A cappella and choral harmonies.
Traditional dance tunes local to my SS

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?
See #6!

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)
None. Unless they are documentaries about the region/history/folklore of my SS!

9. What is your t-shirt size?

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?
Wool and natural-fiber yarn from the world over
Mugs and teapots
Dog toys!

11. What are some of your other hobbies?
Knitting, gardening, walking in the woods, and now, raising a new puppy!

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?
Gold, of course!

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like

I'm most interested in you, your region/history/folklore/music!

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
~The only chocolate that exists is DARK.
~You probably don't need to bother with tea- Bill Sables corrupted me for all time and the only tea I drink is by Taylor's of Harrogate!
~I don't drink alcohol of any kind, but I love tasty treats from your region!


02 Nov 10 - 01:27 PM (#3021761)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: ClaireBear

Dear Santa,

In these difficult times, I hope all continues to be well with you and your dear family -- and of course those excellent reindeer and always-mischievous elves.

My preference information hasn't changed much since last year, but I would like to make it even plainer than last year that I don't want or expect you to lay out much-needed gelt for bought gifts or items that cost much to ship.

Instead, I would be perfectly happy to have music you've written, chosen, or recorded, a poem you like, a recipe you recommend, a spice you like to use, a craft you've made, a holiday tradition you would like to pass on, or a story you treasure. Or, as below, a rock or a leaf or a twig (see no. 13) from someplace you love, preferably with a bit of background information so I can go there myself -- at least in spirit.

ClaireBear's Secret Santa Hints List

1. What is your age range? 56 - 56

2. Gender? She-bear

3. Do you have a favorite color? Yes.......

.......Oh, which one? It's green (the yellower greens, especially). I am also fond of the redder oranges, wines, and warm browns. Black is good, too... I am not a fan of blue or purple.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? I read extensively. I like fiction -- whether it's serious, or a good mystery, an intriguing sci-fi (preferably not war-oriented), or a peculiar fantasy. My favorite authors have included Hope Mirrlees, Jane Austen, Wendell Berry (poetry), Charles de Lint (but Newford is getting tiresome), Elizabeth George, JRR Tolkien, Tony Hillerman, and Greg Bear. But there are so many others! Antiquated songbooks (of almost any type) and tomes of old poetry from the second-hand shop are an especial favorite. Oh, and cookbooks! Especially odd and/or ethnic ones.

5. What books have you really been wanting? Surprise me! Nothing in particular.

6. What type of music do you like? Again I am fairly broad minded, as long as it's nothing that would be played on a pop radio station. I like English traditional songs and tunes; English and French folk-rock from the '60s; French Canadian, Breton, African and Scandinavian music; cowboy songs; sea chanties; early and baroque period orchestral works; flamenco...get the idea?

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Anything regional that doesn't have a wide distribution, especially if it's good source material or a brilliant rendition. Any sea music. Anything by Malicorne or anyone like them. Also, anything you or any Mudcatters you know have recorded.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) Nothing in particular, other than Rupert (Bear) cartoon episodes. DVDs must be designed for use in the U.S., though, which lets out most of those...

9. What is your t-shirt size? Sorry, I never wear them (but if I did I would be a very short XXL, like any bear). Sweatshirts and strange socks are always in good taste, though.

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Dust, folklore, pebbles, shells, books, CDs, recipes, spices, Arts & Crafts movement oddities, pirate accessories, West Coast tribal art (that is, art of the indigenous tribes of the northwestern U.S. and the west coast of Canada).

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Cooking, drawing, collage, singing, celebrating holidays, costuming, failing to make any progress on decluttering my house and making it aesthetically pleasing.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver, and I have pierced ears (but can't wear posts, so only pendants or hoops).

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like You need not spend money on me. I would be overjoyed to have a pebble, an acorn, a sketch, or a leaf from where you live, together with your explanation of where it came from and why it is special to you. If you are crafty, I would love to have something you made for me, if not too much trouble.

Also, my very bright ten-year-old son, Martin is the light of my life, so if you know of a book we could read together or a game we could play, that would be fine as well. A description of holiday traditions at your house would be really super.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. Were you planning on sending penicillin? I hope not, because I'm allergic to that....and sow thistles, so please don't send me those either.

Yours respectfully,

02 Nov 10 - 03:22 PM (#3021867)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Wolfhound person

1. What is your age range?
Trying to hit the brakes before 60 hits me, very soon

2. Gender?
Female, I'm told.

3. Do you have a favorite color?

4. Favorite authors/type of book?
I'm a T. Pratchett person too, but don't bother....
Local booklets from wherever you are, particularly natural history type things, ....or maps/posters

5. What books have you really been wanting?
Ones I can't afford, so don't bother. Ones with local tunes in would be interesting, though, if they're in the fiddle type range.

6. What type of music do you like?
Traditional tunes - I'm not a singing person particularly. Dance tunes, old tunes....

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?
The one I have yet to make, with my best musical friend. Otherwise, surprise me.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)
I don't have time to watch movies. Even 5 minute U tube clips are a struggle.

9. What is your t-shirt size?

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?
Large dogs (impractical), plants (or pictures of them), shells and pebbles if you're near a seashore / river with interesting geology.

11. What are some of your other hobbies?
Large dogs, gardening, growing veggies, a bit of photography

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?
Gold, but only the real stuff, the cheapie sort brings me up in bumps.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like
Love posters, scenic postcards, guidebooks, nature trails, local wildlife stuff.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
Don't drink alcohol, shouldn't eat chocolate but prefer dark if offered. Love honey and maple syrup: can't eat hard toffee type sweeties. Love macadamia nuts (cost a packet where I am)
Must try not to over-indulge anyway.

It's the fun of getting a personalized parcel that matters to me, not the commercial value of the contents.



02 Nov 10 - 05:20 PM (#3021991)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Anne Lister

1. What is your age range? 50+ (I'm saying no more...)

2. Gender? F (hope that's obvious, at least)

3. Do you have a favorite color? Purple, and rich jewel colours.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Fantasy - love Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint, Ursula K Le Guin, G R R Martin, Terry Pratchett, Guy Gavriel Kay. Or good historical fiction (but that means no Alison Weir or Philippa Gregory, please!)

5. What books have you really been wanting? Good folktale collections from different parts of the world.

6. What type of music do you like? Easiest to say that I'm not a fan of modern jazz.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Nothing I can put in a list ...I won't know until I hear them!

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) Nothing particular - we tend to pick up movies when they turn up with reduced stickers.

9. What is your t-shirt size? Changing downwards, I'm happy to say, but let's go for XL for now.

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Nothing. That's apart from CDs, books and guitars ...

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Theatre, history, Shakespeare.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Real gold, real silver - sorry! Skin allergies!

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like - I love earrings (not too heavy and with real gold posts or studs or hoops). I also love finding out more about my Santa and his/her area. Local crafts would probably be great, especially if Santa is not from round here (because we have a lot of the local stuff already).

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.   Only the skin thing to worry about!

02 Nov 10 - 05:20 PM (#3021992)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Joybell

1. What is your age range? -- Between 0 and 66

2. Gender? -- Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? -- Yellow. Purple. Green.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? -- Non fiction. Wildlife and plant ID. I have Australian ones already and some from USA.

5. What books have you really been wanting? -- See above

6. What type of music do you like? -- My Santa's CD if he/she has one

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? -- See above

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)-- "Baby Doll", "Short Cuts", "Whiskey Galore"

9. What is your t-shirt size? Medium -- :-) Hurray!!

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? --Trying not to.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? -- Jigsaw puzzles. "Sunsout" "Ravensburger". "Springbok". Ones with lots going on.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? -- Silver

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. -- Little bits and pieces from my Santa's habitat. I especially love information about wild places.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. -- None relevant. I need to avoid sulphite.

02 Nov 10 - 05:53 PM (#3022020)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: artbrooks

1. What is your age range?   Herself swats me if I look too closely, but 20-something and beyond. Oh - you meant my own? 60-ish.

2. Gender? Male

3. Do you have a favorite color? Dark green

4. Favorite authors/type of book? I mostly read SF and alternative history, but I generally buy or read them as soon as they come out.

5. What books have you really been wanting? See #4 - if I want it, I have it...and I'm running out of room for any more.

6. What type of music do you like? Uh...folk? Oh yeah - what is folk? Never mind...Celtic. Wait - what is Celtic? Stuff with fiddles, guitars and maybe (dread) a banjo or bodhran.   People singing in languages I don't know. Rhythm - rhythm is good.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? I'm pretty sure that I don't have every CD ever produced by a Mudcatter.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player). Nah.

9. What is your t-shirt size? XL

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Not really.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Painting miniature toy soldiers.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? I only wear silver, but I have all I need.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. I would most like things from you or where you live.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I don't care for white "chocolate" much.

02 Nov 10 - 05:56 PM (#3022025)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: jennbrooks

Well, this is really Art, but here are herself's hints, copied from last time, with a little editing:

1. what is your age range? I'm 61. A young 61. I think. {Personally, I have trouble believing that. 35, maybe.}

2. gender? female

3. Do you have a favorite color?several. Blues, rusts and greens, darker rather than lighter. {Boring colors}

4. favorite authors/ type of book? Mostly I go to the library a lot, but see below. I like mysteries and fantasies. {A lot of mysteries in which the protagonist is a knitter seem to flow through here.}

5. what books have you really been wanting? A local cookbook or songbook or any knitting or beading pamphlet or mag would be enjoyed.

6. what type of music do you like? Most folk, but especially patter songs, humor, stories with a twist.

7. what cds have you really been wanting? None, thank you (unless you have a terrific inspiration or record music yourself). The other mudcatter in this house does a great job of choosing and playing the music here. {Yes, admittedly very true}

8. What movies (vhs is in the price range) have you been wanting? Also none, thank you.

9. what is your t-shirt size? Medium

10. do you collect anything? if so, what? Armadillos!?! Yarn for knitting (Much preferred to armadillos) or a length of cloth for sewing or beads for beading. You should see this collection! I have my own junk room! (Most people have a drawer.)

11. what are some of your other hobbies? Well, I guess I told that one above, huh? Also bike riding and folk and contra dancing.

12. do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver, hands down. Generally I wear pierced earrings, rarely any other jewelry. {{Really hard to buy presents around here!}

13. please include anything else you feel is important that would help your secret santa know what you would like. Something of your craft or from your locale would be delightful.

03 Nov 10 - 09:35 AM (#3022466)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Sarah the flute

1. What is your age range? One year older...and still the wrong side of the half century!...but only just

2. Gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Purple, dark blue, maroon

4. Favorite authors/type of book? I like faction books ie fiction books based on true facts

5. What books have you really been wanting? None really as I have a library if I want a book I buy it for the library! The only exception to this is traditional music and song books with the dots

6. What type of music do you like? Most stuff except opera and country

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Your own CD would be appreciated

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)Anything with Irish Ceili dancing on it ie NOT step dancing or set dancing but social dances would be good

9. What is your t-shirt size? Don't really wear them

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Odd musical wind and reed based instruments

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Mostly music but I also draw cartoons

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver and pewter

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. I love quirky stuff, gadgets and funny toys etc - the weirder the better

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. Allergic to incense sticks - perfumed candles are fine

Thank you Santa .... I am being good!!!

03 Nov 10 - 12:33 PM (#3022620)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints

1. What is your age range?
Almost 50!

2. Gender?

3. Do you have a favorite color?
Purple shades, greens, Orange.

4. Favorite authors/type of book?
not that fussy but prefer non-fiction.

5. What books have you really been wanting?
love books about beading / wire work

6. What type of music do you like?
pretty much anything

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?
again not fussy!

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)dont watch a lot of movies.

9. What is your t-shirt size?
Xtra Large

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?
Beads, beads, beads and a few beads

11. What are some of your other hobbies?
beading, corn dolly making, photography, music, singing,

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like
Im easily pleased and like surprises.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
No allergies..... I prefer milk to plain chocolate.

03 Nov 10 - 12:36 PM (#3022623)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: GUEST,Hawker without cookie.....ooops

AHA! on daughters laptop.....forgot to log in. the guest above is me santa! DOH!

03 Nov 10 - 02:07 PM (#3022672)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: My guru always said

Apologies that this is mostly copied & pasted, no rest for the wicked *sigh*

Female, just over 50, love Purple, Black, Greens & Blues - definitely not red!

Books: Have read all Terry Pratchett's and have a good collection of his Hard-back First Editions (apart from Discworld 1st & 2nd books - but they're nearly into 4 figures now so please don't worry about searching for them!!). Any science fantasy, dragons & wizzzzards, fiction, thrillers (have read almost all of Clive Cussler and Wilbur Smith, Alexander Kent, Barbara Erskine, Carlos Castenada to name a few), crime etc. Second-hand is preferred, dogeared and with broken spines are perfectly acceptable, shows they're recommended!

Musical taste: Traditional Folk, a capella singing, contempory folk, female voice - anything that's good, stuff you've done, anything of Catters, ones with good songs to try!!

Not into movies or DVD's - rarely get time in front of the TV.

Size: still Large - I like chocolate a lot and I've become quite good at ice-cream cocktails recently (still)....

Am accumulating an interesting collection of crafty earrings, pierced & dangly!!! Silver-tone seems to go best with my favourite colours. Seem to have accumulated stones from various places & beaches... Love Cats, Birds, Chocolate (too much), gardening, plants & trees, secret gardens, interesting places, earth powers, intuition & friendship.

Allergies yes, mainly alkaline-forming foods (have never eaten fruit so that's a definite negative). Luckily there aren't many other negatives in my life apart from the food!

Happy to read any packing material too, as long as it isn't technical stuff that is!

Hmm - not much has changed, again!!
Still gotta basic web-page!

03 Nov 10 - 02:14 PM (#3022682)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Severn

Age:Getting near 62

Gender: Male

Colors: Greens and Blues

Books: I probably have too many, but folk song collections, Histories and mysteries using your locale as the setting would be nice.

Music: I have lots of it, but always welcome more. I love most kinds, as long as the stuff's good. Again, your own music or traditional music from your area or some of your favorite folkies or bar bands. Like the books, I'd like to come out of things with a portrait of your local color and your surroundings.

Movies: "The Stunt Man" (w/ O'Toole, Railsback & Hershey), Harry Langdon (Capra directed),Lupino Lane or Charlie Chase silent comedies (I pretty much have all the Chaplain, Keaton and Lloyd I need).

T-shirts: Large

Collections and hobbies: Antique porcelain enamel advertising signs and thermometers.

Jewelry: I don't wear any.

Warnings: I am diabetic, so sugar and alchohol are frowned upon.

04 Nov 10 - 09:58 AM (#3023357)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: jacqui.c

I thought that I had better add a bit to my list to try and make life easier for my Santa.

I do like dangly earrings and, if the hooks aren't silver, can always change them, as I have a supply of silver hooks.

I do like really nice yarn - the cobweb or laceweight variety, but can't always justify to myself spending money on that. When I have some I savour the time that I will get to use it - there's a lot of pleasure in that for me.

04 Nov 10 - 04:51 PM (#3023706)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Cats

1. What is your age range? 57

2. Gender? female

3. Do you have a favorite color? scarlett, black, burgundy, dark green, rust....

4. Favorite authors/type of book? historical fiction, books by local authors, anything quirky

5. What books have you really been wanting? ones that friends think I might like

6. What type of music do you like? folk, blues, baroque

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? those by friends

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)

9. What is your t-shirt size?HUGE

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? christmas tree decorations to hang on my tree

11. What are some of your other hobbies? cats, hens, my garden,

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? silver every time

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. anything natiral or hand made, [except fine wines which ned to be made by a vintner a few years ago], jams, preserves, pickles and chutney. Anything magical

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.

i 'd just love anything chosen for me by santa as i really am a christmas a holic

08 Nov 10 - 07:50 AM (#3026556)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: vectis

I am planning to emigrate asap so I'm trying to clear a lot of stuff out of the house during that time so under the circumstances small, practical, edible, personal or musical gifts would be best for the time being.

1. What is your age range? 58

2. Gender? F

3. Do you have a favorite color? I like strong colours rather than pastel shades.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? No fiction books but stuff about your part of the world or music/songs always welcome.

5. What books have you really been wanting? Songs of sailors and Lumberjacks by Doerflinger (I think thats the correct title and author)

6. What type of music do you like? Folk, blues, UK comedy

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Something by, or local to, Santa would be interesting.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) None but have a VHS and DVD player

9. What is your t-shirt size? Bigger than I used to be, about 40/42" 102/106cm - I like them loose and comfy.

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Dragons without people or crystals.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Cross stitch, geocaching, swimming, travelling.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Any

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. I much prefer bitter and very dark chocolate to milk chocolate and hate white chocolate if you are sending munchies. I love things that are a bit quirky or odd, bit like myself really.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. The house has very limited wall space for hanging things on and I an alergic to cats and probably some other hairy animals.

08 Nov 10 - 10:37 AM (#3026675)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Tinker

What is your age range?

2. Gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Deep Jewel Tones are good, but not yellow or green

4. Favorite authors/type of book? There are several thousand books in the house of all types .... your local folklore might be interesting...

5. What books have you really been wanting? Probably have it ....

6. What type of music do you like? Eclectic folk .... celtic folk, shanties, humorous, justice, Gospel ......

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? George Papavgeris, Cara

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)

9. What is your t-shirt size? Small

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Earrings, odd little instruments, odd shaped rocks and crystals, funky little things...

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Gardening,

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? I wear both

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.

08 Nov 10 - 11:23 AM (#3026732)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm one of many who can attest to the wonderful things Jacqui does with yarn when she savors it! I've used several Mudcat-made shawls for gifts (I think I sent one to Barb'ry several years ago when she was my Santee), and most recently, this summer I gave a beautiful one made by MMario to one of my oldest friends because it has several blues and greens through it and goes with so many things in her wardrobe. I kept a blue one from Jacqui for myself, though. ;)


09 Nov 10 - 08:19 AM (#3027508)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: My guru always said

Calling Santa's:

Don't forget that I have a few limited edition 'Max's Grand UK Escapade' Tshirts available and could post them to your Santee's if you wish. I have:

one XL
one L
one L which has been tried on

There is a photo somewhere in my photopages which can be accessed via my web-pages!

I'm open to negotiation re. price as the initial costs have been covered and Max has had a contribution towards MudCat funds.

09 Nov 10 - 08:31 AM (#3027519)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Tig

1. What is your age range? 59 but growing old disgracefully

2. Gender? As far as I know Female - and always have been

3. Do you have a favorite color? Rich blues, autumn colours, deep purples, black - no wishy washy colours or pinks please

4. Favorite authors/type of book? I love old recipe books and herbals but don't really have favourite authors.

5. What books have you really been wanting? None special at the moment

6. What type of music do you like? I've a fairly eclectic taste in music although I'm not keen on Rap

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? None

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) Errrrm - how do you make them picture things work?

9. What is your t-shirt size? XL - to my shame. Love 'picture' and black ones.

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Dragons, crystals, old jewellery to 'recycle'

11. What are some of your other hobbies? I do aromatherapy for people. I'm now making some jewellery - especially fun earrings using semiprecious chips and old beads. However I also love getting earrings of any kind

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver any day

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. I am a witch so interesting pebbles, bits of wood or 'pagan'/green man things are great. I'm also interested in medieval and early social history.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I am diabetic so sweet stuff isn't really a good idea(even though I'm not good!)

I like surprises so anything you feel I would like would be brilliant.

Hope Mrs Claus and the Elves are behaving and that all the Girlies in the stable are ready for the run. (They must all be female cos the males have lost their antlers by Christmas)

Lots of love and hugs
Tig xxx

16 Nov 10 - 10:12 PM (#3034015)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Hollowfox

1. What is your age range? 61
2. Gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? I tend toward blues and greens.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? folklore and folktales for nonfiction, fantasy for fiction

5. What books have you really been wanting? I'm a librarian, so I get to see pretty much all the new ones. Folktale collections delight my heart, as do used books. I'm currently on a jag for Turkish and Japanese tales, and anything by an author named Post Wheeler. He was in the United States diplomatic corps in the first part of the 20th century, and he apparently collected tales as a hobby. He had the knack to make anything readable. Oh yes, any books by Arthur Waley (Secret History of the Mongols, Monkey, and others). He translated many fine obscure oriental classics.

6. What type of music do you like? What have you got by local folks? Usually I go for traditional Anglo-American and ballads, but novelty songs, music hall, storytelling, etc. are appreciated. 7. What CDs have you really been wanting? See above. If my Secret Santa is Canadian, I'd love to have anything by Penny Lang.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) I can do either VC or DVD, but of course any DVDs must be Area 1 (I think that's what they call it; North America viewing area) Well, you asked. I'm looking for a Japanese animation classic called Arcadia of My Youth. I think it's only on VC. If my SS is in Canada, I've been trying to get the Arrogant Worms concert DVD for some time. If you know of any tapes of storytellers or folk performers of any sort, I probably don't have it and would love it.

9. What is your t-shirt size? XL

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? I don't collect things so much as accumulate them. Currently, small things (figurines, inexpensive prints). Animals, fantastical or real, folk and storytelling themes. Nothing cutsey, please, unless it's deliberately funny. For example, I have a couple of prints of dragons in feline activities - sleeping in the laundry, standing by someone's ankles when they open a can of food, etc. But the art is good and the critters don't look goofy.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? embroidery and counted cross stitch

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? silver

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. Edibles (sweet or savory) and potables are a wonderful default. Something for the spice cabinet is always good, but I don't really go for the overly hot stuff; I don't enjoy biting something that bites me back too hard. I've always loved any Christmas ornaments that have come in my Mudcat present. Used, recycled, found, etc. is as good or better than new.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I'm an omnivore.

15 Nov 12 - 10:29 AM (#3436903)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints


15 Nov 12 - 11:51 AM (#3436932)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Bat Goddess

If this refreshed thread is going to do for this year's (2012) hints, then I need to make a few changes. Some of these are the same as previous years, but things evolve and situations change...

I really like getting things from my Secret Santa's geographical abode -- your music or that of your friends, local travel brochures, maps, rocks or shells, food -- even crumpled local newspapers used as packing material. (I have in my possession Divine's obituary in Spanish that was in a crumpled newspaper protecting something I had mail ordered. )

1. what is your age range?
63 to 63 (unless you're counting by decade -- then I'm six). I'm not old; I'm retro!

2. gender?
Goddess, fer-pete's-sake

3. Do you have a favorite color?
Blue, green, blue green, purple, bluish purple, magenta. I avoid orange except in things I eat (and the occasional accent flower.)

4. favorite authors/type of book?
Uh, I need books like cats need wings, but brochures or books on your vicinity's early gravestones or gravestone carvers (or stonework, from standing stones to cathedrals and walls) would be a welcome addition to the library.

5. what books have you really been wanting?
Any of Jeff Faux's books, or a used copy of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" (cuz I've got the second book and don't want to read it until I read the first).

6. what type of music do you like?
Everything from Louis Killen to Louis Prima. Prefer getting something by you, your friends or someone you think I should hear.

7. what cds have you really been wanting?
See number 6.

8. What movies have you been wanting?
Uh, Curmudgeon and I probably have the largest private collection in New Hampshire, USA. Old (or current) TV shows -- Boris Karloff's "Thriller" (c. 1961), Jack Lord in "Stoney Burke", "The Big Bang Theory"...PBS stuff.

9. what is your t-shirt size?
H for homungus (I like 'em roomy). I'm goddess-shaped, 3X is best. I don't yet have (alas) a Mudcat T-shirt or sweatshirt.

10. do you collect anything? if so, what?
Rubber (or other non-edible) squid, maps, hippocampuses, rubberstamps and printing paraphernalia, skulls and interesting bones, rocks, shells, green men, mermaids...I think I collect collections.

11. what are some of your other hobbies?
Gravestone rubbing and research on gravestone carvers, learning how to cut slate, gardening, making bead jewelry, rubberstamp art, needlepoint...avoiding housework.

12. do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?
Silver -- but I need jewelry like cats need wings. (Cats already have wings; they keep them neatly folded when not in use.)

13. please include anything else you feel is important that would help your secret santa know what you would like.
Edible or drinkable treats don't take up any space, plus I can share them with Curmudgeon.

Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
I'm allergic to penicillin & a lot of antibiotics, blue mussels and carnations, not that I think this will really help my SS (aw, no penicillin chewies!). And I really don't care for the color orange unless it's edible or a flower up against a blue or purple backdrop.


15 Nov 12 - 03:55 PM (#3437053)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Mine is the same as last year's.
Thanks for refreshing!

15 Nov 12 - 06:30 PM (#3437117)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Rapparee

1. What is your age range?

Old, really old. Somewhere between 66 and 68, but closer to 68.

2. Gender?

XY Chromosones.

3. Do you have a favorite color?

Blue, green, red, puce, beige, off-white, emery, emu -- not really.

4. Favorite authors/type of book?

I'd LOVE Bill Shakespeare's latest novel! Otherwise, well, history or pretty much anything with print on it.

5. What books have you really been wanting?

An autographed First Folio of Bill's plays.

6. What type of music do you like?

Folk, baroque....

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?

Well, I pretty much buy what I want. If, however, there was some cowboy songs (NOT Country & Western!!!) or Aussie songs or Irish know, FOLK songs.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)

I'd really like all of the Harry Potter movies. Really.

9. What is your t-shirt size?

Men's XXL (US)

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?

I like to collect USD 20.00 bills. The more the better.

11. What are some of your other hobbies?

Cowboy action shooting, reading, fencing (but not lately because of #$%@!!! knee and elbow surgeries), outdoors, traveling, that sort of stuff.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?

Rarely wear a tie anymore, much less jewelry. There is one piece, called "The Star of India" I believe, that would be much appreciated.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like

The best way is to read "The Mother of All BS Threads" from the beginning. (I know of only one person who has ever done so.)

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.

I'm allergic to most Country and Western Music, Rap and Hip-Hop Music, Reggae, and Head-Banging Rock Music. Believe it or not, I really am hard of hearing (got me hearing aids, even).

15 Nov 12 - 07:21 PM (#3437144)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: artbrooks

Well, my hint list above can carry over - my life is pretty boring and doesn't change much.

I have noticed that at least one person who is participating this year doesn't have a hint in this message (hint, hint).

15 Nov 12 - 10:52 PM (#3437223)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: Rapparee

Come to think of it, the best Christmas gift would be for someone to come to my house, clean it from top to bottom and then catalog all of the books therein. I'll even supply gruel, moldy bread, a pallet on the floor, and a daily jug of water from the source closest to the back door.

16 Nov 12 - 12:47 AM (#3437255)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints
From: artbrooks

You still in Pukeateller? Nah.

16 Nov 12 - 09:18 AM (#3437375)
Subject: RE: BS: 2010 Secret Santa pressie wishlist/hints

1. What is your age range? 65

2. Gender? Still female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Deep forest green, teal.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Non-fiction/history/classics

5. What books have you really been wanting? Paperback horror for a cold winter's night. Hauntings etc.

6. What type of music do you like? DOH?

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Kendall Morse's next

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)If Art Brooks can admit to Harry Potter, I can admit to the Ghosthunters TV series any season.

9. What is your t-shirt size? 3X

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Tins. I love tins.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Poker

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like I don't particularly like chocolate but cannot resist fruit gums - Churchill's especially.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. Please - nothing inflatable including sheep, lobsters, dancing Santas, etc.

16 Nov 12 - 11:45 AM (#3437431)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Stilly River Sage

Changed the thread name so people can find it for this year. And I had to go back a few years to find my list to update:

1. What is your age range? Fifty-something

2. Gender? F

3. Do you have a favorite color? Dark Blues and Greens

4. Favorite authors/type of book? How about a cookbook? Something from your area.

5. What books have you really been wanting? I have so many books I should give them away, not ask for more!

6. What type of music do you like? Eclectic. Classical, folk, blues in particular.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? None in particular. I enjoy the CDs put out by Mudcatters!

8. What movies have you been wanting? I have too many I haven't watched already.

9. What is your t-shirt size? Large, since cotton is likely to shrink.

10. Do you collect anything? If so, what? Not any more on purpose.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Photography, gardening, sewing, I am intent on making jewelry, have lots of beads but not time to string them.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Neither. Colored stones (semi-precious, minerals, etc., such as interesting beads or pendants).

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like Tell me about your area, use local newspaper to wrap or pad your gift, etc.

I'm easy to please. I enjoy the game as much as the gift.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. Alas, I am allergic to chocolate and coconut. Otherwise, consumable items, eaten or used up in some fashion, are great!

Stilly River Sage

16 Nov 12 - 11:48 AM (#3437432)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Becca72

1. What is your age range? (grumble) 40, OK???? I'm freakin' 40! (tough birthday year)

2. Gender? Still female

3. Do you have a favorite color? Purple, Emerald Green, Saphire Blue-gem tones.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Stephen King, Robert B Parker, James Patterson. I love local "haunted" or "oddity" type books, too.

5. What books have you really been wanting? more books. I'm overwhelmed as it is

6. What type of music do you like? Classic Rock. :-)

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Nothing comes to mind - my Santa's stuff would be nice...

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD Player) I would love to have True Blood, any of the 4 seasons. I'm also missing Dexter Seasons 1 and 2 ( I have the others)

9. What is your t-shirt size? 3X

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Anything with black cats

11. What are some of your other hobbies? I'm a big Washington Capitals fan...

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like: I'm pretty easy to please.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I have a lot of fragrance allergies so please, no scented products. I am also allergic to wool and have extremely sensitive skin. So no wool underwear, please.

16 Nov 12 - 12:57 PM (#3437451)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Anne Lister

My list earlier is still valid!

16 Nov 12 - 05:22 PM (#3437561)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Joybell

My list is about the same too. Except that I have the movies I was seeking and enough books. AND I'm 2 years older. *sigh*.
Hurray. I love Secret Santa.
Cheers, Joy

16 Nov 12 - 08:17 PM (#3437625)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Sandra in Sydney

1. What is your age range?   

    60, almost 61

2. Gender?               


3. Do you have a favorite color?               

    2 of 'em - red & purple, + black (a non-colour)

4. Favorite authors/type of book?      

    Library books - my shelves are overloaded (see next question)

5. What books have you really been wanting?   

    None, really, I tend to buy what I want & then try to find a space for them.

6. What type of music do you like?

    Accompanied & unaccompanied singing - especially traditional stuff, sea songs & singer-songwriters who write songs that seem like they were written back in the olden days.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting?   

    more Mucatter CDs (but I do have a lot already)

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)      

    None, I don't have a TV & I never watch movies

9. What is your t-shirt size?      

    don't wear 'em

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what?   

    too much! Mainly small dust collecting stuff like -
Boxes & tins, decorative & plain, old & new - plastic, wooden, etc. Antique & vintage needlework tools, needlework books, & examples of old needlework
Japanese stuff - papers, materials, paper dolls, dolls, small ornaments
Tiny chrissy decorations that can go on or surround my three 6" trees.
Old plastic chrissy decorations from Hong Kong & Japan.
Other small stuff I see & have to buy ...

11. What are some of your other hobbies?

Crafty stuff including making cards & small quilted panels & other small stuff from Japanese paper & fabrics.
Making felt toys & christmas decorations.
Knitting scarves & simple stuff using my gi-normous stash of wool & other yarns.
Social history & local history.
Taking photos of my local area & other historical & scenic places, including pics of trees & flowers.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry?

    I really have too much, most of which I don't wear

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like   

    Stuff about your area

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.      

    I don't eat chocolate or other sweet stuff, nor do I drink coffee or alcohol. I very occasionally drink herbal tea, but my mini-packets of assorted teas usually go out of date before I use them up!

16 Nov 12 - 11:12 PM (#3437664)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: GUEST,Sandra in Sydney's Secret Santa

I am Sandra's Secret San
I will send her lots of bran
Other stuff the help her go
Enjoy your holidays, Sydney Sandra!

17 Nov 12 - 12:48 AM (#3437684)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Stilly River Sage

There is a teaser thread set up now.


17 Nov 12 - 03:26 PM (#3437903)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Hollowfox

1. What is your age range? 63
2. Gender? Female

3. Do you have a favorite color? I tend toward blues and greens.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? folklore and folktales for nonfiction, fantasy for fiction

5. What books have you really been wanting? I'm a librarian, so I get to see pretty much all the new ones. Folktale collections delight my heart, as do used books. I'm currently on a jag for Turkish and Japanese tales, and anything by an author named Post Wheeler. He was in the United States diplomatic corps in the first part of the 20th century, and he apparently collected tales as a hobby. He had the knack to make anything readable. Oh yes, any books by Arthur Waley (Secret History of the Mongols, Monkey, and others). He translated many fine obscure oriental classics.

6. What type of music do you like? What have you got by local folks? Usually I go for traditional Anglo-American and ballads, but novelty songs, music hall, storytelling, etc. are appreciated. 7. What CDs have you really been wanting? See above. If my Secret Santa is Canadian, I'd love to have anything by Penny Lang.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) I can do either VC or DVD, but of course any DVDs must be Area 1 (I think that's what they call it; North America viewing area) Well, you asked. I'm looking for a Japanese animation classic called Arcadia of My Youth. . If you know of any tapes of storytellers or folk performers of any sort, I probably don't have it and would love it.

9. What is your t-shirt size? XL

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? I don't collect things so much as accumulate them. Currently, small things (figurines, inexpensive prints). Animals, fantastical or real, folk and storytelling themes. Nothing cutsey, please, unless it's deliberately funny. For example, I have a couple of prints of dragons in feline activities - sleeping in the laundry, standing by someone's ankles when they open a can of food, etc. But the art is good and the critters don't look goofy.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? embroidery and counted cross stitch

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? silver

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. Edibles (sweet or savory) and potables are a wonderful default. Something for the spice cabinet is always good, but I don't really go for the overly hot stuff; I don't enjoy biting something that bites me back too hard. I've always loved any Christmas ornaments that have come in my Mudcat present. Used, recycled, found, etc. is as good or better than new.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I'm an omnivore.


17 Nov 12 - 04:19 PM (#3437922)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: My guru always said

My list is pretty much the same, only the age and dress size changes.....

19 Nov 12 - 08:51 AM (#3438589)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Sandra in Sydney

only the age and dress size changes.....

me, too.

19 Nov 12 - 01:40 PM (#3438760)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Becca72

Not sure if this will throw off your Santa's plans, but I have a copy of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo that you are more than welcome to; I couldn't get past the first 40 pages - didn't hold my interest at all.

20 Nov 12 - 11:28 PM (#3439635)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: maeve

Dear Secret Santa,

As you know I am an adult female human being. Colors delight me - colors of flowers, trees, & water, colors like periwinkle blue, turquoise, amber, moss agate, seal grey, evening and morning sky....I like things from your part of the world- a shell, a water-smoothed stone, a bit of music.

Our lives are presently consumed by rebuilding after a disaster that needn't be named, so I have little energy or time for my hobbies of music making, watercolor, weaving, basket making, quilting, gardening, woodcarving, pottery, beadwork, and spinning (always looking for new fibers to spin.)

I sing a bit and make songs and poetry. Gaelic, Passamaquoddy, Shoshone, and Italian languages are of great interest, as are whistles, harp, lap and hammer dulcimer, banjo, fiddle, guitar and drums played well.

Dark chocolate, good tea leaves and laughter are good for what ails us, as are small hand tools, interesting things someone made, photographs, poetry. A realeo, truleo letter is a wondrous thing.

Please send only as much as pleases you. I'll share with my husband, Truelove.

Thank you, Santa.

24 Nov 12 - 01:46 AM (#3441319)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: GUEST,Mr. Stephens ecstatic elf . . .

. . . is checking in to see if there are any updates in the status listed in 2010.

Please advise.

25 Nov 12 - 01:08 PM (#3442035)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: kendall

1. What is your age range?    78

2. Gender? male

3. Do you have a favorite color? depends on what it is on. dark solid colors on clothes, and cars.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? C.S. Forrester, Patrick O'Brien.

5. What books have you really been wanting? Any adventure, especially about the sea.

6. What type of music do you like? Folk, traditional and Irish.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Something by my Santa.

8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player)none

9. What is your t-shirt size? large

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Old pocket watches.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? restoring old cars.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? don't wear jewelry.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I'm allergic to republicans so don't give me one.

04 Dec 12 - 01:44 PM (#3446945)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Barb'ry

oops, forgot about filling this in - mind you, apart from being a year older, nothing else has changed!

04 Dec 12 - 02:13 PM (#3446972)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: ClaireBear

Mine are fairly similar to what's above, except I've now been through a house-fire and a divorce, which makes me a she-phoenix, not a she-bear, and I'm two years older, and so's my son, and at the moment we are both living in a garden shed as we wait for our house to be rebuilt, so there's no room for more stuff. Oh, and I can wear T-shirts now, and my size would now be women's large, not "men's XXL but I never wear 'em" as in years past. And I'm ready to add (good, non-pop) country music back into my music playlist.

Santa, it would be just fine with me if you wanted to put off this whole Christmas thing until sometime in February when I may actually be back in my house. My son and I are officially postponing Christmas until then anyway: we think we'll feel more celebratory when we're back in our own home.

As before, intangible or humble gifts are most appreciated. No need to spend money! Send a pebble, send a leaf, send a story, or a recipe, or a song. I will love it because it came from you.

04 Dec 12 - 06:57 PM (#3447090)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Stilly River Sage

Claire, don't you think that just a little tingle of christmas would be nice? A glimpse of the glitter or a whiff of gingerbread? A cuppa cocoa and some holiday cookies while you watch an favorite old movie?


04 Dec 12 - 07:10 PM (#3447101)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: ClaireBear

SRS, this is the problem: there's virtually no kitchen in the house in whose outbuilding we are staying, which makes cooking proiblematical. There's no television, and the Internet connection is so bad that downloading and watching a movie via the Web can mean hours of annoying "downloading" pauses. There's no room for a celebration in our tiny cabin, and our hosts' house is, well, just not a place we'd take it upon ourselves to decorate for a holiday they don't celebrate.

We plan to be a little bit merry -- we'll cook as nice a meal as we can manage, and we'll decorate a tree in the orchard to feed the local wildlife -- but in general, I'd rather wait and celebrate when we have something to celebrate as well as a congenial place to do it.

There is another reason for the delay too. You can read about that on my Facebook page...don't really want to share with the world.

23 Dec 12 - 07:17 PM (#3456322)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: GUEST,Rapparee's Secret Santa

Raparee, sorry, but your gift will be arriving after Christmas - hopefully before new year's.

-Your Secret Santa

23 Dec 12 - 08:46 PM (#3456352)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa pres wishlist/hint (updated 2012)
From: Rapparee

That's alright, SS. I hope to be home by New Year's.