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BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back

05 Nov 10 - 02:54 PM (#3024474)
Subject: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

I see a little stupidity and hypocrisy here on MSNBC's part. Stupidity at calling him a journalist. Hypocrisy at letting him shill for democrats but not to have him donate.

Jon Stewart is right, compared to Fox MSNBC isn't even double A ball.

Olbermann suspended for undeclared donations to Dems

05 Nov 10 - 03:46 PM (#3024532)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jim Dixon

I don't see how giving money creates a conflict of interest.

Receiving money (i.e. bribes) would definitely create a conflict of interest.

Giving money shows that he prefers one party over the other--but we knew that already, didn't we?

05 Nov 10 - 03:48 PM (#3024534)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: MarkS

Why should Olbermann not have the same opportunity to contribute money as do we all? If I contribute money to "x" I do not risk my job or ability to post on Mudcat!

05 Nov 10 - 03:49 PM (#3024535)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: gnu

But he is employed by a media company that requires it's emploees to divulge such info. He broke the rules of the peeps that pay him. They have that right. He has the right not to be stupid.

And, FWIW, he ain't stupid... well...

05 Nov 10 - 03:58 PM (#3024542)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,999

Many news sources have made it an offence that could cost a person his or her job. Period. Not all, but many. Olbermann was working for an organization that made what he did a firing issue. He`s fired. That`s that.

05 Nov 10 - 04:01 PM (#3024544)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: MarkS

Man, MSNBC must be some opressive place to work if their policy is to limit to whom an employee may contribute their own personal property ($$$).
Not to put too fine a point on it, just when did God pass on his title to them?

05 Nov 10 - 04:01 PM (#3024545)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

He is not fired, yet. He is "suspended."

Is it about to be ratings season?

I think it must be.....

05 Nov 10 - 04:02 PM (#3024547)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

The highest of all deities in the USA. Contract law!

05 Nov 10 - 04:04 PM (#3024549)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Greg F.

Wheras FOX doesn't care HOW much cash their shitslingers donate to looney right-wing causes.

05 Nov 10 - 04:06 PM (#3024550)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

FOX "News" doesn't call them "journalists" does it?

05 Nov 10 - 04:09 PM (#3024552)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Greg F.

I'm not sure - but "ShitSlingers" seems appropriate to me.

05 Nov 10 - 04:13 PM (#3024554)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: MarkS

OK Fox doesn't care. Thats the point. They shouldn't care!
It makes no matter if the recipient of the contribution is right, center, left, or from the moon, it is none of their damn business and MSNBC is seriously in the wrong here.

05 Nov 10 - 04:18 PM (#3024557)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Couldn't have happened to a better sportscaster.

I watched about a half hour of MSNBC on election night. It was nearly comical watching Chris Matthews become almost apoplectic at the gains the combined Republicans and Tea Party were making, expecially in the House and Governors' races. His face was so red, I thought maybe he tippled a bit that night, or suffers from rosacea.

05 Nov 10 - 04:31 PM (#3024564)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

I am not confident in MSNBC's ability to hire journalist. One would think that they should at least be able to count sentences in their own reports.

The announcement came in a one-sentence statement from msnbc TV President Phil Griffin: "I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay."

05 Nov 10 - 04:38 PM (#3024567)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Mrrzy

Oh, for crying out loud, why didn't he disclose it? Hardly a deep dark muddy secret...

05 Nov 10 - 04:44 PM (#3024573)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

I'm a bit confused about USA TV stuff here. On the one hand we see masses of *on-air* politically partisan hysterics and weeping from that nutso geezer on Fox ..then someone who make *off-air* private donations gets fired.


05 Nov 10 - 04:52 PM (#3024578)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Would it have helped his case if he c..c..cried?

Saw this programme about the Tea Party the other night, I felt like I was intruding on a p.. p.. private m.. m.. moment.

Cynical much? Nawwwww..

05 Nov 10 - 04:55 PM (#3024581)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

suspended, not fired.

But that ain't the half of it. He openly campaigns for Democrats on his show but was suspended to prevent the "appearance of conflict of interest."

It seems to me that all he did was give the appearance of having the courage of his convictions.

05 Nov 10 - 04:56 PM (#3024582)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

Saw this programme about the Tea Party the other night, I felt like I was intruding on a p.. p.. private m.. m.. moment.


05 Nov 10 - 05:01 PM (#3024585)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)


Quite possibly Jack.
There was a fat little middle-aged schoolboy blubbing anyway (we get those in the UK too).
But the thing that struck me was the amount of *other* people blubbing over the same "my beautiful country" guff!

Presumably Beck is an example for hysterical boo-hoo blubbers everywhere!

05 Nov 10 - 05:02 PM (#3024586)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Bobert

This ain't about FOX...

What it's about is Keith Olbermann... If he fully understood that it was against company policy and as long as others weren't doin' it and the company pretending not to see then, yeah, Keith deserves being suspended...

Firing offense??? Don't think so...

Bad policy on MSNBC's part??? Yeah...


05 Nov 10 - 05:04 PM (#3024587)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

He'll be back....

Its about the ratings.

05 Nov 10 - 05:12 PM (#3024589)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: katlaughing

While I don't agree with their policies, in fact it's rather hypocritical to have him on as an op/ed liberal and to say he cannot make contributions, still it is company policy, one many news media have and I understand their take on it. My Rog was born and bred by a journalist and, being in media all of his professional life, refuses to ever discuss politics outside of our home. He has to maintain a journalistic integrity as far as he is concerned.

There is a fairly good explanation of it and what other companies do HERE at Bloomberg.

I hope he will be back.

05 Nov 10 - 05:14 PM (#3024590)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

Oh I see, so it's OK for a presenter to display extreme political opinions so long as they're being paid to do so in public by a massive media corporation, but it's not OK for them to support a political cause they personally believe in, privately!
Got it!

05 Nov 10 - 05:20 PM (#3024594)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,999

I got into some stuff on the net to do with political donations and being a journalist. One site I looked at said the NYT doesn't care, as long as the reporter's reporting is not biased.

I hear what you're saying, Mark.

And you two guys, thanks for the correction. Suspended, not fired as yet.

05 Nov 10 - 05:25 PM (#3024601)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

Too bad he didn't incorporate himself...the Supreme Court would have to protect him, like they do the CEOs of big corporations who donate millions with no oversight...

It's too damn bad he got himself in trouble for such relatively minuscule amounts. He should have known better...

We shall see....

05 Nov 10 - 05:36 PM (#3024606)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

Actually he did incorporate. He pays taxes as an S-Corp. He said so on a piece about the Bush Tax cuts.

05 Nov 10 - 05:54 PM (#3024617)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D


"Sean Hannity, a conservative radio talk show host with a popular hour on Fox News Channel each weeknight, donated $2,400 to the congressional campaign of New York Republican John Gomez in May. In August, he donated $5,000 to Michelepac, or Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere, according to the Federal Election Commission. The PAC is associated with Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Fox's Bill Shine, senior vice president of programming, told the Twin Cities Pioneer Press after the Bachmann donation that "it's always good to remember that he's not a journalist; he's a conservative TV host. If he wants to donate to a candidate, he certainly can."

*wry smile*...I guess it depends on who you work for...Keith should have thought it out, but all he 'violated' was MSNBC's own rules which try to maintain certain reasonable guidelines. They suspended David Schuster a couple of years ago for insensitive remarks...

Fox seems to delight in having their commentators not bother to even pretend...

05 Nov 10 - 05:55 PM (#3024620)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

...and.. "Fox's parent company, News Corp., gave $1 million this summer to the Republican Governor's Association, which helps elect GOP gubernatorial candidates nationally. Fox host Neil Cavuto paid $1,000 in 2002 for a ticket to a dinner benefiting the Republican senatorial and congressional campaign committees."

05 Nov 10 - 06:01 PM (#3024622)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

Olbermann's comment to Politico:

"Olbermann said he made the donations on October 28 -- just days before the November 2 election in which Republicans seized control of the House of Representatives and narrowed the Democratic majority in the Senate."

"I did not privately or publicly encourage anyone else to donate to these campaigns, nor to any others in this election or any previous ones, nor have I previously donated to any political campaign at any level," Olbermann said in his statement to Politico."

05 Nov 10 - 06:05 PM (#3024625)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Bobert

Emulating FOX is not exactly a good goal... Might of fact, FOX should loose their FCC license to use the public airwaves as a means of spreading Republican propaganda...


05 Nov 10 - 06:07 PM (#3024626)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

So... it is up to MSNBC to decide whether a suspension is enough. This is hardly a crime...and certainly not an attempt to subvert the electoral process. If Fox can do it an an institution, maybe MSNBC can figure out how to make this an object lesson, rather than tossing out an important voice of reason.
   I KNOW they are struggling with it right now, as I type, because there are no comments by hosts online now. I hope they will just keep it as a suspension while they sort out a reasonable course.

05 Nov 10 - 06:09 PM (#3024628)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

The Fox that uses the public airways doesn't do that much more than any network.

Fox "News" is on cable and not subject to the FCC.

I really do not think Olbermann should be called a, or treated as a journalist. That's just dumb.

05 Nov 10 - 06:11 PM (#3024629)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

I think they are looking for free publicity and an outcry, one way or the other on the other fake news outlets.

05 Nov 10 - 06:26 PM (#3024643)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: McGrath of Harlow

Do these people allow their employees to vote?

05 Nov 10 - 06:35 PM (#3024652)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

OMIGOD! Keith Olbermann likes Democrats!

05 Nov 10 - 06:36 PM (#3024654)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

Do these people allow their employees to vote?

Yes, but only because it is a constitutional right.

05 Nov 10 - 06:42 PM (#3024661)
Subject: RE: BS: Olbermann suspended
From: McGrath of Harlow

But wouldn't making a political donation count as a kind of freedom of speech?

05 Nov 10 - 07:08 PM (#3024690)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D IS freedom of speech, but they tried to keep a semblance of direct support for specific candidates off of programs, and Keith had one of them on his program recently, as well as sending a contribution.

He used poor judgment....

I'm waiting for rabid conservatives to try to use 'poor judgment' as a way to try to get rid of one of their biggest thorns in their sides.

05 Nov 10 - 07:17 PM (#3024699)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Perhaps, his reporting wasn't as unbiased as it was ballyhooed to be...which would be consistent with what I've said about him, and MSNBC, for quite some time....and been chewed out for it..but only on here. Most people already know that, and it IS pretty common knowledge. aybe that's why their ratings are 'in the tank'...because people know that, already...and aren't trying to wade through understanding something, while wading through their political bias to get to it.
Happy Wading, Here in The Mud Puddle....(Get's a little murky, sometimes).


05 Nov 10 - 07:17 PM (#3024701)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

But wouldn't making a political donation count as a kind of freedom of speech?

Only for corporations with the current Supreme Court.


05 Nov 10 - 07:23 PM (#3024707)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: McGrath of Harlow

But reading that it appears that the man isn't being penalised for anything he said on the box, or elsewhere, but for making an undisclosed donation.

From what I've seen of American news bulletins, the ratio of comment telling people what to think about news to actual news seems remarkably high.

05 Nov 10 - 07:25 PM (#3024711)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jack, You'd think so. I hear it was a 'contractual' thing....which then brings up two polarized issues about him, if it was. Either way, its a ding in his credibility. I thought he was great, during the Monica Lewinsky mess....I wonder if the parent company switched sides, or strategy?


05 Nov 10 - 07:28 PM (#3024715)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: katlaughing

Unless they are on the editorial pages, journalists are supposed to maintain an unbiased, apolitical stance so as to report without prejudice. Of course, that is the optimum and hardly ever happens any more because "news" has become so much about personalities.

It used to be the Fourth Estate which stood for the independence of the media. I see on wiki that it is sometimes called Fourth Branch suggesting it is not independent of the government.

It would be really stupid of MSNBC if they do not keep Keith...his ratings are consistently high and has a lot of viewers.

If anyone cares to comment to MSNBC, I see there is a Save Keith Olbermann started on facebook.

05 Nov 10 - 07:30 PM (#3024717)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

And there appears GfS...right on schedule.

Olbermann never suggested he was 'unbiased', no one *I* know claimed otherwise...he was clearly left-leaning, just as Sean Hannity and Glen Beck are very far RIGHT. What he and the others on MSNBC claimed was that they always tried to get the facts the point of correcting and apologizing for mistakes. Do you see any of Fox's lock-step mouthpieces do that?

05 Nov 10 - 07:35 PM (#3024722)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: katlaughing

Monopolies are alive and what part COMCAST may have played in this whole fiasco. They are buying up NBC, all of it, which includes MSNBC, USA, etc. etc., my Rog says. The link leads to an article about the money behind ComCast, etc.

05 Nov 10 - 07:40 PM (#3024726)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Little Hawk

I've never watched MSNBC. Never watched Fox either. The only reason I've ever watched CNN is because my 82-year-old mother, whom I am taking care of at present, is addicted to it. She watches it pretty well all day every day...that's like my idea of being in hell!

Beats watching soap operas, though, I suppose. Well....maybe! ;-D

05 Nov 10 - 07:44 PM (#3024732)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

oh, mercy.....Comcast about to own NBC? Will it simply become standard that enough $$$$$$$ will decide everything...instead of just the current MOST things?

here's more on it all from

05 Nov 10 - 07:53 PM (#3024742)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: McGrath of Harlow

Unless they are on the editorial pages, journalists are supposed to maintain an unbiased, apolitical stance so as to report without prejudice. Of course, that is the optimum and hardly ever happens any more

That is certainly my impression from what I've seen of American TV. So far that way of doing it has been held at bay with our news programmes here, most of the time anyway. But Rupert Murdoch is working at changing that and he's got friends in government. Or perhaps the word should be clients.

05 Nov 10 - 07:54 PM (#3024744)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Little Hawk

"Clients" is the word, all right. They want tenure. Murdock helps provide it.

05 Nov 10 - 09:21 PM (#3024812)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Charley Noble

I for one will miss Olbermann and hope that his suspension is only temporary.

It's true that he violated his contract by not asking for permission in advance for making a political donation. But I'll not be surprised if he's re-instated soon.

Charley Noble

05 Nov 10 - 10:09 PM (#3024839)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

I just watched a list of blatant, direct fundraising examples by Fox and by Fox regulars Hannity, Palin, Huckabee, and others...often in the multi-thousands, and always soliciting OTHERS to send $$$$$.
Olbermann gave 2400 to 3 candidates at the last minute...without asking prior permission.

Can YOU say double-standard like some here?

05 Nov 10 - 10:29 PM (#3024844)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

We watched a few minutes of Keith's show today, Some young corporate looking suit was at the desk. Had all the passion and delivery of one of those Honda robots.

He promised to talk about the suspension at the end of the show. We skipped to the end of the show.

I don't think Olbermann is coming back.

I'm starting to think there is some sort of money based Coup against non-right wing voices.

The Juan Williams thing, The Supreme Court decision, Google/Verison, The Stewart Rally, Stewart sucking up to Fox News, Comcast buying NBC, now this.

Am I paranoid or is someone out to buy my last vestige of freedom?

05 Nov 10 - 10:31 PM (#3024846)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bobert

Well, yeah, there is, Bill...

That's why almost all of the Congressfolk who have been caught in a motel doin' stuff that the preacherman said not to do are Repubs...

Ya' see, we have one set of rules fir Repubs and quite another for Dems... Vitters is still out there having a ball (pun intended) yet let a Dem sneeze and it's all over rightie blogs and FOX???

And as fir yer point about MSNBC telling the truth??? Yeah, they do and I have heard both Keith and Rachael come back and correct themselves over even minor misinformation... That is what "being educated" looks like...

(Oh, how elitist, Boberdz!!!)

Yeah, that's the problem here... No matter how it pisses off the righties here we progressives have bothered to learn economics, geography, history, poli-sci, etc. and so we'd rather have folks runnin' the show that know about that stuff, too... I mean, if that is elitist then count me in...

I know that all you righties here, including the ClintonDem GfinS, would burn up yer computer trying to find the best doctor in the country if you got cancer but when it comes to runnin' the government you don't really give a flyin' fig who the heck does it or waht they really understand about the real world in which we live???

Beam me up, Scotty... The dumb ain't never been prouder of it...


05 Nov 10 - 11:31 PM (#3024864)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Now Bobert, That was another silly post. I'm not a Clinton/Dem, in fact, I'm not even a 'rightie'. It just seems that way to you, because when I correct the lame left talking points, to at least have SOME truth in it, you try to rationalize it, by accusing me of being a 'rightie'....btw..does the left liberal snot noses, do ANYTHING besides call people names, while waiting for their checks from the government???

Good Question!


05 Nov 10 - 11:41 PM (#3024872)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Amergin

Seems to me they are/were just looking for an excuse and so they took the first that appeared.

05 Nov 10 - 11:46 PM (#3024874)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: John on the Sunset Coast

"There's gambling at Rick's Place? I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you." --Casablanca

Hell, I'd be shocked if Olbermann didn't make those contributions. He put his money where his punditry is (was).

"Can YOU say double-standard like some here?

Bill D, I don't think double standard is the apt comparison, here. Each medium has its own rules, regulations, and standards which may or may not be the same as another outlet. This suspension is a double standard only if MSNBC is not internally consistent in meting out the same punishment for similar offenses within their own organization.

06 Nov 10 - 02:27 AM (#3024913)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Genie

I see.
So it's OK for Fox "journalists" to outright pimp and shill for Republican candidates 365 days a year but somehow an MSNBC commentator -- who doesn't claim to be a "fair and balanced," objective news reporter -- is behaving unethically?

Hey, if Olberman or anyone else (e.g., Juan Williams) violates the terms of their contract, it's fair to suspend or maybe even fire them. But let's not pretend Keith's conduct was somehow beyond the limits of ethics or fairness for a political commentator.

06 Nov 10 - 10:06 AM (#3025064)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,999

People who are talking morality to do with this issue are simply discussing morals in a whore house. The employer made its position clear. The employee broke the rule. (At this point the right or wrong of an employer practice of that nature is NOT the point. It may be later if there is a wrongful dismissal suit.)

06 Nov 10 - 10:13 AM (#3025070)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: McGrath of Harlow

At this point the right or wrong of an employer practice of that nature is NOT the point.

Surely the point that this is the point. A ban on an individual employee making a political donation is in itself subversive of the democratic process, as it would if any employer were to attempt to impose it.

This is not in any way analogous to a ban on a broadcaster making political comments on-air, which would be a perfectly proper ban.

06 Nov 10 - 10:16 AM (#3025072)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,999

Nope, in big letters. I happen to agree that the employer shouldn`t have that right, but it was accepted by the employee. And that, sir, IS the issue.

06 Nov 10 - 10:28 AM (#3025080)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

It seems to me to be a clear signal of a change in the editorial direction of MSNBC. The Suits got to Stewart. They didn't get Olbermann. Olbermann is gone.

06 Nov 10 - 10:31 AM (#3025082)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Charley Noble

And evidently Fox News doesn't have such a policy.

Charley Noble

06 Nov 10 - 11:25 AM (#3025129)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Greg F.

Fox "News"[sic] doesn't have ANY policies.

06 Nov 10 - 11:28 AM (#3025133)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,999

Greg: great post. LOL.

06 Nov 10 - 11:33 AM (#3025138)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: McGrath of Harlow

An illegal requirement is still illegal even if an employee has signed up to it.

06 Nov 10 - 11:40 AM (#3025148)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: GUEST,999

Yeah, yeah. I`ll apologize for having an opinion different than yours when it`s shown to be illegal. Until then, we seem disagree.

06 Nov 10 - 11:44 AM (#3025152)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

>>An illegal requirement is still illegal even if an employee has signed up to it. <<

It may be illegal in Harlow. It is tested and standard practice in US media.

06 Nov 10 - 12:25 PM (#3025175)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: MarkS

Uh -oh. Turns out that Olbermann made his contribution to the Democrat Grijalva on October 28, right after Grijalva appeared on his show.

Has all the appearance of a quid-pro-quo, and shows that Olbermann is, lets be kind, foolish about it - but -

It is still none of MSNBC's buisness and Olbermann should not be suspended for making a voluntary contribution.

06 Nov 10 - 12:34 PM (#3025179)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Greg F.

Perhaps Olbermann made these donations in part because he thought the clause in his contract was ridiculous and wanted to bring it to general attention & was willing to risk/endure the suspension in order to do so??

06 Nov 10 - 12:53 PM (#3025194)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

Reports say the contract says that he "should" disclose to the President of NBC, to prevent the "appearance of conflict of interest." If it goes to court I don't see how Keith would not win.

The appearance of conflict of interest horse ran out of the barn the first night Countdown aired and you can't fire someone for not doing something you said they "should" do.

06 Nov 10 - 01:06 PM (#3025201)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Genie

"Unless they are on the editorial pages, journalists are supposed to maintain an unbiased, apolitical stance so as to report without prejudice. Of course, that is the optimum and hardly ever happens any more"

Since when have Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, etc., been calling themselves "journalists?" They are commentators, just as are Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc. Only Keith, Rachel, Ed, etc. don't claim to be "fair and balanced." I think they are - or at least Rachel is - MORE fair and balanced than Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, etc., but they don't claim to be objective, impartial news reporters.

06 Nov 10 - 01:11 PM (#3025205)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Genie

As I said above, the suspension is "fair" if Keith violated the terms of his contract.   It's those TERMS that I find ridiculous.
A political commentator is paid to openly espouse political philosophy and speak - nay, RANT - for and against politicians, legislation, etc. but barred from privately donating to political campaigns? What an absurd policy!!

06 Nov 10 - 02:15 PM (#3025260)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Stringsinger

1. Olbernabb's model was Edward R. Murrow
2. Murrow brought down Joe McCarthy
3. Someone at MSNBC is afraid Keith will bring down the contemporary McCarthyites
    in Congress.
4. Wait until Issa starts his purge.
5. The alcoholic from Wisconsin has been revived.

06 Nov 10 - 02:44 PM (#3025297)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

Well, *I* am just waiting to see. I don't assume that this IS more than just a perfunctory suspension to uphold the rules, and I don't assume that anyone is 'out to get' him. They almost HAD to do something to be consistent with their own 'policy'. We can debate whether the rule made any sense, or was fair, but I assume Keith knew about it.
I DO assume that they have 9,437 emails by now demanding him back...and a dozen or so suggesting they sellout and get rid of ALL those nasty, pinko liberals.
I cannot see them dumping their more popular show over a minor breach of the rules...unless HE is making it an issue behind the scenes. I'd bet that Rachael had talked TO Keith and knows where things stand.

06 Nov 10 - 02:56 PM (#3025308)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

Carol said she say Rachel speak about it on her show. She was tepid in her support at best. I think he is gone. I hope I am wrong.

06 Nov 10 - 05:08 PM (#3025427)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

*shrug*...didn't sound tepid to me. She obviously would not rail too loudly against her own management on the air, or SHE might be gone. She made the point about how others have NO rules.

I have disagreed with MY bosses at times over the years, but while on the payroll, you do it their way.

06 Nov 10 - 05:13 PM (#3025432)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

I just watched it. She did turn it into an attack on Fox, but she seems to be going withe the pretext that she and Olbermann are journalists.....


06 Nov 10 - 09:41 PM (#3025630)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: katlaughing

Just got this from where I signed the petition:

Within hours, you and 200,000 others signed the petition telling MSNBC to put Keith Olbermann back on the air.

Our petition was covered by The New York Times -- and Rachel Maddow said on her show that MSNBC was feeling the public outrage!

06 Nov 10 - 09:51 PM (#3025632)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bobert

Well, there are definitely two different sets of rules here between FOX and MSNBC which should be the/an issue...

On one side (FOX) anything goes... Heck Sarah Palin gave tens of thousands to folks and she works for FOX...

Seems that the left is being held to a much higher standard than the right???

Yeah, I know all the arguments... NBC has a contract with Keith and blah, blah, blah contract crap...

If NBC really believed, like FOX does, that having folks being able to really mix it up with the politicians then we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we???


07 Nov 10 - 12:43 AM (#3025700)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jack the Sailor

I think the PR problem that MSNBC has is pretending that anyone thinks that Olbermann did NOT have a conflict of interest.

Even a woman I know who had Glenn Beck as a face book friend thinks they were idiots to suspend him for that.

07 Nov 10 - 01:07 PM (#3025970)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jim Dixon

I spoke to a friend of mine who used to be a reporter for the St. Paul Pioneer Press. He specialized in covering the state legislature. He was laid off when the paper was forced to downsize a few years ago.

He said policies like this are common, and they were taken very seriously at the PP. He gave some examples. Two reporters were disciplined (suspended, not fired) because they bought tickets to, and attended, a Bruce Springsteen concert that was a fundraiser for John Kerry. Although they had paid cash for their tickets, and didn't identify themselves, it was thought they "could have been recognized." (Perhaps they were. I didn't catch how their transgression became known.)

My friend, jointly with his wife (who was not a newspaper employee), gave money to a Catholic organization that helped unwed mothers. The ethics committee "thought long and hard about it" before they finally OK'd it. They were concerned it "might be perceived as" an anti-abortion political donation. I should point out that St. Paul is more than half Catholic, and the Pioneer Press' editorial position is generally conservative, so they needn't have been concerned that an anti-abortion position would be unpopular.

I get the impression that my friend, although he no longer works as a reporter, has a deeply ingrained habit of being (or at least trying to appear) nonpartisan. Although I attempted to engage him in a discussion of Olbermann, MSNBC, and Fox News, he did not express an opinion one way or another on whether MSNBC had done the right thing.

07 Nov 10 - 01:27 PM (#3025984)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Stringsinger

Here's where the politics comes in. GE is MSNBC's parent company. They are a defense contractor. Olbermann, a couple of days ago, talked about his displeasure with the foreign policy of Iraq and Afghanistan. That's the 3 trillion pound gorilla in the room.

Notice that no one on main stream media is talking about the "wars". Not even on
Jon Stewart's interview with Obama.

Does that tell you something?

07 Nov 10 - 02:09 PM (#3026011)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Little Hawk

BINGO! I believe you've got it, Stringsinger.

07 Nov 10 - 02:43 PM (#3026037)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Jeri

Having watched "Countdown" and Olberman, I think he was hoping for the suspension, because issues were raised and will be talked about. I'd think they'd find a way to get him back on his show, because I think it's hurting MSNBC more than Olberman.

I don't think he's ever tried to pretend to keep his beliefs out of his show, but I'm pretty sure he's not wrong when pointing out that "fair and balanced" is anything but, and Fox's million dollar donation to the Republican party (link is to a YouTube clip from Countdown) is a far cry from one guy donating a couple grand to a couple candidates.

He might have violated MSNBC's policy, but it seems more like that rule was an opportunity for Olberman to focus attention on the Fox donation.

07 Nov 10 - 04:50 PM (#3026109)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

That could be, Jeri....thus I wonder how it was that his name got publicly known on the matter so quickly. Did those 3 candidates call up and report him? Did he leak his own contributions to make that point? Is there someone with nothing to do but monitor contributors lists for 500 congress people?

I doubt those answers will be easy to get.

07 Nov 10 - 10:39 PM (#3026342)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Ebbie

Well! How about that!

"Keith Olbermann's suspension from msnbc television for donating to three Democratic campaigns will end this coming Tuesday, NBC announced Sunday night."

08 Nov 10 - 07:24 AM (#3026539)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bobert

Will be good to have Keith back...

08 Nov 10 - 09:52 AM (#3026619)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: Bill D

Yep...everyone has made their point, and no doubt the NBC rules will be carefully explicated for the future.

08 Nov 10 - 10:23 AM (#3026650)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended
From: katlaughing

Over 300,000 signatures on a Progressive Change Campaign Committee petition were delivered directly to the president of MSNBC. Keith twittered this:

Greetings From Exile! A quick, overwhelmed, stunned THANK YOU for support that feels like a global hug...

08 Nov 10 - 11:36 AM (#3026748)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back
From: Jack the Sailor

>>Is there someone with nothing to do but monitor contributors lists for 500 congress people?<<

It was "politico" wasn't it? Its not the only thing they do, but it is a big part of it.

08 Nov 10 - 11:37 AM (#3026749)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back
From: Jack the Sailor

It will be interesting to see if his tone has changed.

Did the suits get to him?

08 Nov 10 - 12:19 PM (#3026790)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back
From: Jack the Sailor

William Kristol supports Olbermann

Seems odd.

By the way would the people who keep changing the titles of the threads please have the good manners to identify themselves and explain why.

08 Nov 10 - 02:42 PM (#3026915)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back
From: Mrrzy

I bet his first broadcast will be well worth watching!

Bully for them, though, bringing him back.

08 Nov 10 - 04:15 PM (#3027012)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann reinstated
From: Genie

When an employee violates some part of the employer's code of conduct or some aspect of a work contract, it's not automatic or inevitable that s/he will be suspended or fired. Sometimes the only consequence is a reprimand. Often it's a fine or short-term suspension.
Even if Olberman's having donated a relatively small $ amount (in the context of national politics and well-paid public figures) to some political candidates violated his MSNBC contract, I'd say any suspension beyond a day or two is overkill.

Anyway, Olberman fans quickly circulated a petition online and got over 300,000 signatures in just a day or two, and MSNBC promptly reinstated Keith.   That makes sense, both in terms of the ethics of Olberman's actions and in terms of ratings.

And, oh, Mark S, MarkS, Olbermann donating to Grijalva's campaign right after Grijalva appeared on his show doesn't suggest a quid-pro-quo to me.   If your interview with a candidate convinces you to back that candidate, where's the quid pro quo?
And do you think political candidates have to be given any incentive to appear on radio or TV -- especially in a non-hostile venue -- other than just the chance to get the air time itself?

08 Nov 10 - 04:25 PM (#3027021)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's Back
From: GUEST,Songbob

Keith is back! And just in time for 'sweeps week,' too. Who woulda thunk it?


08 Nov 10 - 05:40 PM (#3027089)
Subject: RE: BS: MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann suspended-He's
From: Stringsinger

Keith Olbermann is not a shill for Dems. This is an unwarranted attack. He has been critical of the Democratic Party before and probably will be again. He has a strong point-of-view which many wishy-washy people today find uncomfortable. He is entitled to it and for the most part, I personally agree with it. He is a strong personality, which makes many who tend to want everyone to play nice, fuss about this. Edward R. Murrow had a strong personality which was responsible for bringing down the alcoholic senator from Wisconsin,
Joseph McCarthy. Murrow wasn't exactly popular at that time either.

Right now, the real shill for the Dems might possibly be our president unless he stops playing "nice" with the very Party that wants to bring him down.

I am thankful that Keith is outspoken and I think Jon Stewart is wrong, here.

Good night and good luck!