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BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???

08 Nov 10 - 08:22 PM (#3027183)
Subject: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Well, not too sure why I have received a couple PMs about lotta folks, all of sudden, turning threads into God or spirituality threads???

I have noticed that, with the exception of a few nudie threads, there is less other stuff goin' on in BS other then theology... Why folks think I have any control over it is a head scratcher???

I mean, me and God is tight an' all that but, geeze...


08 Nov 10 - 08:27 PM (#3027189)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,leeneia

Do you actually mean to imply that the thread on what to do with the crumbs left over from the broken cookies failed to make a deep impression on you, Bobert?

08 Nov 10 - 08:32 PM (#3027194)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Ahhhhhhh, well yeah... I mean, I had a potato this past year that looked like Mickey Mouse but never had no Jesus or Budda crumbs... Had a Betty Boop crumb tho... And once had alphabet soup tell me to "eat me"... Well, kinda... It was more like "eratz meb" but it could have been "eat me"...


08 Nov 10 - 08:34 PM (#3027195)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Video killed the radio star.
Video killed the radio star.

08 Nov 10 - 08:37 PM (#3027197)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

There have been a few new threads recently, but few takers.

Abuse seems to be the new fad?

08 Nov 10 - 08:39 PM (#3027199)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Hey, here I am... Abuse me... I mean, if that what it takes to snatch BS back from the abyss...

08 Nov 10 - 08:48 PM (#3027203)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bill D

Well, there are 'eternal questions'!! God is one of 'em. So is UFOs, and that is running right now.

... I'll bet a few conspiracy theory threads pop up soon.

08 Nov 10 - 08:49 PM (#3027206)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Bobert. It is far from clear to me why you may have got picked on but while there may be happiness at loads of bitter rows over say repub vs dem, a thread on God delusion may attract 1000+ posts without objection. Some things will rapidly cause objection... I'll leave the rest to you.

08 Nov 10 - 08:51 PM (#3027209)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Hey, here I am... Abuse me...
Well, actually, I prefer self abuse...but, that's another matter.

Something that puzzles me from the past.

Whatever happened to the lady friend of Pvines, who used to keep calling over to your house at odd hours (from my recall). I never got the final story on that odd situation...that I suspect resolved itself somehow.

08 Nov 10 - 08:53 PM (#3027210)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Well Bobert, I was going to suggest that you start your own God free threads. But you have started a God thread.

Whose side are you on?

Dylan said ya gotta serve somebody.

08 Nov 10 - 09:01 PM (#3027216)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Dylan mumbled alot....and was hard to understand at that stage of his carreer, even if he understood himself.

He may have just have easily meant "ya gotta sieve somebody"

08 Nov 10 - 09:02 PM (#3027217)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Well, before I get to Dylan, Ed-Tee would have to bring up, ahhhhhh, "that woman".... Well, "Randy" finally figured out that the P-Vine ain't got no DC in the ac/dc equation and just kinda quit comin' 'round... Then about a month ago there was an email from "Randy" to the P-Vine entitled "Hi"... I told the P-Vine about it and she said to delete it so I did, with pleasure I might add...

Dylan??? I love the guy but he is a wierdo...

God ain't a wierdo... Okay, sometimes He is...

As fir servin' someone??? Can I bring anyone anything???


08 Nov 10 - 09:04 PM (#3027220)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Rapparee

Bobert, if you want abuse you'll have to do it yourself. You might tell yourself you're lower'n a snake's belly in a wagon rut, that you're the kinda person who'd never think twice about takin' the rags offen a widder and her kids after you'd took their house away in a snowstorm, that you like road apple pie with ice cream, and that you vote Republican jist to spite FDR even though he's been dead for 65 years.

But I ain't gonna help ya with it. You want abuse you do it yer own self. Remember that ol' sayin': There ain't no abuse like self abuse.

08 Nov 10 - 09:05 PM (#3027222)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Man, that's why I am a bluesman... Can't even get no abuse...

08 Nov 10 - 09:20 PM (#3027228)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Nice to hear that Randys lickerish, wanton and ruttish intentions were identified and doused with water.

08 Nov 10 - 09:22 PM (#3027231)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Rapparee

Woke up this mornin'
Couldn't git no abuse
Yeah I woke up this mornin'
Couldn't even git no self abuse
Yeah I got them self abuse blues, baby,
Yeah I got 'em bad.

Well if I could abuse myself
I'd do it night an' day
Yeah, if I could abuse myself
I'd do it all the night an' day
Yeah I got them self abuse blues, baby,
Yeah I got 'em bad.

08 Nov 10 - 09:23 PM (#3027232)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Is God Out to Kill Off BS???"

I doubt it - the God Bothers seem to thrive on it.... :-P

08 Nov 10 - 09:31 PM (#3027238)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Or other brothers? I'd feel sure that if you were to analyise MC threads, little objection is raised to nasty political rows, Little objection would be raised to a series of slaming God threads.

Work it out.

08 Nov 10 - 09:39 PM (#3027241)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

You copywrite that, Rap???

God Brothers, f-troupe??? Now there's an interesting concept??? Hmmmmmm??? Could go along way toward humans gettin' along... I mean, one God Brother fir us and another fir the, ahhhhyhhh, godless badguys... But what woould godless badguys want with a God Brother??? Hmmmm??? Is this a trick question???

(Ahhhhh,, Boberdz, F-troupe said "God bother"....)


(Yeah, it's "god bother", you moron...)

Hmmmmmm??? So it is...

What was that 'sposed to mean anyway, f-troupe??? That a trick question???



08 Nov 10 - 09:42 PM (#3027243)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Rapparee

Caedite eos.

Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

08 Nov 10 - 09:43 PM (#3027244)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

What the hell is going here??? Ol' hillbilly go an' have some fun an' we got the Mud-iban out collectin' stones fir the stonin'....

..."everybody must get stoned"....

Just don't go usin' no 2nd ammednment remedies, por favor...


08 Nov 10 - 09:51 PM (#3027251)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Slag

Well I never...!

08 Nov 10 - 09:52 PM (#3027252)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Sheet fire!!!

A danged Wes Ginny Pig-Latin pop quiz??? And I ain't cracked a book in the last week....


08 Nov 10 - 10:37 PM (#3027269)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

You really want abuse, Bobert?

How much ya willin' to pay? I can come down there next week if the price is right.

- Chongo

08 Nov 10 - 10:49 PM (#3027276)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Sheet fire, Chongz... Ya'd think that after the danged bill I had to pay fir you wreckin' havoc on my campaign headquarters that you'd owe me a little free abuse... I mean, me and Skivz had to dig deep to pay for yer little tantrum...

Hey, okay, I'll let you shoot my ol' Winchester shotgun... Kicks like am mule and shoots straight as a blind one...

But pay???

Nah... Okay, I'll get my Couzin Rufus to get me a box of bananas and a few Moon Pies...


08 Nov 10 - 10:53 PM (#3027279)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Little Hawk

BillD - "... I'll bet a few conspiracy theory threads pop up soon."

If they don't, Bill, that in itself will be proof positive of a conspiracy! ;-)

09 Nov 10 - 05:50 AM (#3027421)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

Well Rap, if you keep doin' that there song, an' you do the actions to go with it, soon you'll be dead.
It'll be classed as suicide too.
Yup, they'll say that, that there Rap, died by his own hand.

09 Nov 10 - 06:07 AM (#3027434)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: WalkaboutsVerse

From BS to Bible! - Mathew 22:21: They said to Him, "Caesar's." Then He said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's; and to God what is God's."

09 Nov 10 - 06:11 AM (#3027436)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,kendall

No comment

09 Nov 10 - 06:13 AM (#3027437)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

"Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"
Even the bible seems to be dumbed down these days!

09 Nov 10 - 06:19 AM (#3027442)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: catspaw49

Yeah, but Caesar bought a round for everyone before he fucked them over whereas God was found out to be tin peddler from Omaha and didn't know how to do any of the tricks he was given credit for and simply fucked over his mindless minions without even a beer.


09 Nov 10 - 06:20 AM (#3027445)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Make that Bloody Caesar, please, no salt on the rim.

09 Nov 10 - 07:26 AM (#3027486)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: JohnInKansas

If there's a problem with the religiousity that keeps cropping up it would seem to be the ridiculous limitation to those half dozen gods that a few people seem to know about.

In fairness, we should have a thread per day for each of the significant dieties that have been, and deserved to be, worshipped just as much as the paltry few who get mentioned here.

Or maybe one thread with a "god of the day" entry that we could all debate on.

We could start out with:

A-Kahiwahiwa (Polynesian)
A-shih (India)
Aa (Mesopotamia)
Aa Sekhemu and Aaapef (Egypt)
Aaetes (Greek)

and go right through the intervening 9,990 or so listed in the Dictionary of Dieties to

Zvezda Vechernyaya (Slavic)
Zvoruna (Lithuania)
Zyed (Persia)
Zywie (Polish)

Surely they all deserve equal discussion, being all equally revered and worshipped by some of us or by our ancestors (or their enemies).


09 Nov 10 - 08:05 AM (#3027499)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

Now, you just know tht one group is going to claim that they out-revere their God compared to everyone else!

09 Nov 10 - 08:58 AM (#3027533)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the earth in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from the mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt, he farts.
--Al Tennyson
Westminster Abbey London,

From, National Lampoon,
Letters section,January 1974 (Animals) issue

09 Nov 10 - 09:46 AM (#3027563)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: gnu

Ed T... "Dylan mumbled alot.... sieve..."


09 Nov 10 - 11:50 AM (#3027650)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Little Hawk

Sometimes Dylan mumbles. Sometimes his diction is flawless. Just wait for the right time and you're all set.

I also recommend reading his book. No mumbling there.

09 Nov 10 - 12:57 PM (#3027688)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

I read Dylan's book put out a couple of years ago. Is there a recent one?

09 Nov 10 - 01:09 PM (#3027696)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Little Hawk

No, I was referring to the one from a couple of years ago.

09 Nov 10 - 01:46 PM (#3027711)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Joe Offer

There was another thread, yesterday or the day before, complaining about "God botherers" at Mudcat. It was deleted (by a non-religious moderator, with my approval), because it got nasty right from the start. Looking at todays's Forum Menu, I see a "God Delusion" started August 25 by someone who definitely did not intend to promote religion. Then there is the "Atheist Delusion" thread, started Nov 6 by somebody who was attempting to defend believers, but I don't get the impression the thread originator was trying to proselytize. Then the's the "Sex and Morality" thread, started Nov 6 - this thread brings up the topic of religion in the very first post, although the thread was started by somebody who professes to be atheist.

So, I certainly don't see many religion threads being started by religious people. Maybe it's time to give the topic a rest. We religious people are feeling a little beleaguered and don't really feel we can be treated fairly in a forum such as this.


09 Nov 10 - 02:07 PM (#3027727)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Donuel

There were moments of illumination in the God delusion thread.

RAPAIRE, What if Regents College graduated a new class of internet modertors? First lawyers, then moderators... the take over would be complete.

09 Nov 10 - 02:10 PM (#3027732)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: beardedbruce

"We religious people are feeling a little beleaguered and don't really feel we can be treated fairly in a forum such as this."

Welcome to the club.

Better convert and stick to the approved Mudcat Party Line.

09 Nov 10 - 02:37 PM (#3027763)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Rapparee

Already being One of the Illuminati....

09 Nov 10 - 03:00 PM (#3027781)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Hmm. Atheists have felt beleaguered since the year dot.

09 Nov 10 - 03:15 PM (#3027796)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: gnu

"We religious people are feeling a little beleaguered and don't really feel we can be treated fairly in a forum such as this."

I would suppose so. I agree with Bobert and with you, Joe.

Of course, I just ignore most of it. It's unfortunate that you do not have that luxury, Joe.

09 Nov 10 - 03:31 PM (#3027809)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

So you can't attack another member, or God.
Maybe God is already a member?
I would have thought that any gods would be of the Groucho Marx persuasion regarding membership of Mudcat
They wouldn't want to be a member of any club that wanted them to join. [Roughly speaking]
Sorry you believers, but I don't see why your gods should be immune from criticism, while all others have to take what they get.
As a fully paid-up athiest, I could be nasty about other folks beliefs, but I'm not, as I respect your right to believe in anything you like.
I also believe in the oft stated Mudcat basic tenet, free speech.

09 Nov 10 - 03:50 PM (#3027824)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Has anyone else noticed a Taos Hum phenomenon in many of the GOD/No God threads, or is it just me?.

09 Nov 10 - 03:52 PM (#3027827)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

No John, at least not IMO. You are free to state your beliefs.

Where I find a problem is that if a thread was started say

"Anyone who believes in God is a fool" would probably go without the religious starting threads to complain about its existance.

"Anyone who does not believe in God is a fool" would likely bring up complaints of people trying to convert others.

It's the way things seem to work...

09 Nov 10 - 04:19 PM (#3027854)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: akenaton

"Maybe it's time to give the topic a rest. We religious people are feeling a little beleaguered and don't really feel we can be treated fairly in a forum such as this."

Well Joe I think I very strongly agree with Bearded Bruce, he puts it rather well........"Welcome to the club"

To be in the minority here, or to espouse ideas which dont particularly fit in with centre left "liberal" ideology, can leave folks feeling rather "beleaguered"

BB is centre right politically, but I give him respect for sticking to his beliefs, in spite of sometimes vitreolic opposition.
I'm sure BB would not want political discussion abandoned because he has an uneven battle to fight.

For myself, I'm constantly being abused because of my stance on the promotion of homosexual practice as safe and yourself remarked that "I was probably a bigot".
However, when ever the subject arises I will continue to make my case, for only by open discussion can these issues be fully understood.

"Liberalism" demands that any issue which opposes "liberal orthodoxy" shall not be openly discussed, and a whole litany of expressions have been manufactured to demonise any who try to illuminate these issues.

Folks have discussed religion from the beginning of is one of lifes great mysteries.....Thats entertainment!!

09 Nov 10 - 04:32 PM (#3027867)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Rapparee

Anyone who does or does not believe in God may or may not be a fool.

09 Nov 10 - 04:37 PM (#3027870)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

I probably could not disagree with you further on homosexuality, akenton (I view it as a sin) but your feeling of not having a level playing field in terms of debate here is one I do understand.

09 Nov 10 - 04:40 PM (#3027872)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Rapaire, good words. I think the truth is we are all fools in some way. We try to make the best we can but can fail to see that our own logic, etc. can fail us... but that is the last thing any of us would want to admit to.

09 Nov 10 - 04:43 PM (#3027875)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

And yes you can for example be a believer who has reasoned and thinks and admit to failed logic at times and have both existing side by side.That is IMO human nature...

09 Nov 10 - 05:02 PM (#3027892)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

"You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and
the dog will give you a look that says, "You're right! I
never would've thought of that!". Dave Barry

09 Nov 10 - 06:21 PM (#3027956)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Joe Offer

I'm not inclined to suppress anything.
I was just trying to point out the irony. It appears that the threads complaining about religion threads, have for the most part been started by non-religious people.

It also appears that for the most part, those threads discussing religion have also been started by non-religious people. We do get a few religious loonies here now and then - but for the most part, the religious people here take a quiet, gentle, non-aggressive view of faith. They don't try to proselytize, and they don't try to beat people on the head with their religion. They may speak up in religious discussions, but they rarely start religion threads.

For the most part, the people who speak loudest in the religion threads are doctrinaire atheists, people who are just as doctrinaire about their non-beliefs as the born-again Christians are about their beliefs.

So, I find that ironic. Could it be that you atheists don't understand irony?

And no, Beardedbruce, you and I are not in the same club. You are certainly not gentle or non-aggressive in the expression of your political views. True discussion implies that the participants should be open to the opinions of others. That being the case, it seems that true discussion is becoming a rarity here at Mudcat. Much of the time, the BS section is merely the tedious spectacle of doctrinaire people screaming at each other. Civil-discussion is well-nigh impossible in the BS section. That's why I stay mostly in the song threads.


09 Nov 10 - 06:26 PM (#3027960)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

I thought that was Americans, not atheists Joe

I'll get me coat :) ☺☻☺☻

09 Nov 10 - 06:29 PM (#3027963)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Joe Offer

I'm changing the terms, John. I think it's "doctrinaire people" who can't understand irony. We Americans understand it quite well, despite the Mudcat Conventional Wisdom that dictates otherwise.


09 Nov 10 - 06:34 PM (#3027967)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

For the record, I started this thread and I am also a Follower of Christ and know my way around the Bible but I also am a believer in a "loving" God who sometimes has a hard day at the office but also a God with a sense of humor... Voltaire said, "God is a comedian playin' to an audience afraid to laugh"... My Faith allows me to understand what Voltaire said and it allows me not to fear God and it allows me to start threads like this one...

BTW, this thread was in response to a PM I received about folks not feelin' comfy with the "pushing" of God on them in several threads... Of course, folks don't have to open those threads but I did notice that there have been alot of "God" threads of late so I figured that the only way I could address the "pushing" issue was to use a little humor... That's all this threads was intended to be... Not an assault on anyone's Faith...

Now back to the fun...


09 Nov 10 - 06:52 PM (#3027973)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

For the most part, the people who speak loudest in the religion threads are doctrinaire atheists, people who are just as doctrinaire about their non-beliefs as the born-again Christians are about their beliefs

What could possibly be "doctrinaire" about atheists? We have no dogma, no doctrine, no ancient texts (and what modern ones we have are hardly going to get on school curriculums). We don't even have non-beliefs. That's a wholly faith-based definition of us, on faith-based grounds. Characterising us as equal-but-opposites with born-again Christians is, I'm afraid, just a standard and fairly tired Christian jibe. You could apply that to any group that has strong convictions, from train-spotters to bird-watchers, but you wouldn't, because no matter how wacky you thought they were you would want to avoid that pejorative. The problem Christians have with atheism is that they find themselves confronted with a terrible, cold logic that insists on rationality and insists on evidence. The discomfort comes routinely through on any thread that involves head-to-heads between us. Have a look at the numbers of personal attacks by atheists vs. those by non-atheists. You might be in for an inconvenient surprise.

09 Nov 10 - 06:58 PM (#3027976)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Nick

Hi Steve and thanks for your kindness to me for no reason - that's a religious or humanitarian thing depending how you look at it

09 Nov 10 - 07:03 PM (#3027977)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

De nada! :-)

09 Nov 10 - 07:04 PM (#3027979)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Rapparee

Hector believes in Zeus. Billy believes in the tenets of Christianity ("...and bow/To our authority/Boom the canons/Of Christianity" -- Phil Ochs). Teri is a Hindu and kinda admires Vishnu. Pat is an atheist. Omar is Islamic. Maureen is a Jew.

Me? I just think, "I'm glad you all believe in something, whatever it is. Just don't talk religion or politics -- it's not nice in polite society."

09 Nov 10 - 07:05 PM (#3027980)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

With you entirely there Joe

09 Nov 10 - 07:06 PM (#3027982)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jeri

I don't post much in BS at all, at least not on any consistent basis. There are some obsessed wackos here, and if I liked arguing SSDD sort of shit with nuts, I'd be back on Usenet. There are threads here that are several thousand posts long, and nothing much is different in the last 50 posts than in the first 50. If one person has posted most of the messages, they have a problem.

If the thread's a re-hashed version of an earlier thread and they said the same stuff in the earlier one, they have a problem.

If they seem to think they're there to enlighten the poor stupid people, they've got a problem.

If they've started more than one thread about ANY subject in a week, they've got a problem. (Think religion, a political event or conspiracy theories.)

Mainly, their problem is that I, and possibly others, get the hell away from the threads as fast as possible and may try very hard to avoid them in person.

I much prefer discussion to debate, but I don't mind taking an opposing view to someone. Some people seem to think every discussion has to be a debate, and some people are just trolls stirring up trouble intentionally.

I avoid them. For some reason, people can seem like nice folks who are just a little different from me in person, but come off like ugly, hate-filled horrible monsters in print. Some of it sticks, though, and eventually, I avoid them. We used to be pretty good at discussing things, and even blow-ups were eventually resolved and people apologized or just decided not to become personal enemies. Those days ended when somebody put up notice on the psycho jerk-off network that Mudcat was a good place to fight. Bobert's feeling about religious thread proliferation isn't much different from my feelings about political thread proliferation, conspiracy theory thread proliferation, or "aren't these people/isn't this thing just terrible" thread proliferation.

I miss the fun, and I miss being able to sort of trust people not to go ballistic. Speaking of which, I think this takes care of my rant for the month/ week/ day/ last 15 minutes. I think different things get on different people's nerves, and at some point, we have to just let them go or BE the crazies-- just like the ones who piss us off.

09 Nov 10 - 07:08 PM (#3027983)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Joe Offer

Atheist "dogma", Steve, is that there is no God and that religion is evil. Of course, the dogmatic atheists reserve the right to specify the definition of both God and religion as entities that could not possibly make logical sense.

Not ALL atheists are like this, Steve - but the most vocal ones seem to be that way, every bit as doctrinaire as the most obnoxious born-again Christian.

Maybe I'm missing something by staying clear of BS threads, but I don't see the "pushing" of God very often in threads. Where does it occur?


09 Nov 10 - 07:16 PM (#3027991)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Nick

theisms are usually the same aren't they?

Even if they have an 'a' in front

All based on certainty - like flat earth (still unproved) and the universe going round the earth (still unproved) an the world living on the back of a tortoise (proved - email me if you're interested)

And for all you who go - but he means a turtle


09 Nov 10 - 07:18 PM (#3027992)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: akenaton

I don't think people have any problem identifying with Christ's philosophy...we could all be Christians in that sense.

We Atheists simply cant except the magic, the rising from the dead, heaven and hell, the afterlife,etc.

In Christ's time, I suppose these props were a neccessary requirement if one wanted to attract a much the same way as todays politicians tell us that their "ism" can organise the world, feed the hungry, put an end to war etc.

I think its all smoke and mirrors, but I have known folks who really need spiritual help at times of great pain and stress.
Sometimes life in the raw is just too much to bear on ones own.

09 Nov 10 - 07:20 PM (#3027996)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

>>Atheist "dogma", Steve, is that there is no God and that religion is evil. Of course, the dogmatic atheists reserve the right to specify the definition of both God and religion as entities that could not possibly make logical sense.<<<

And also that Atheism has a monopoly on reason and thought.

09 Nov 10 - 07:21 PM (#3028000)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Nick


As an observation God appears more in posts (as a throwaway given however fleeting) from the Americas than in Europe

Perhaps comes from being a new country

09 Nov 10 - 07:25 PM (#3028005)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Ah, Joe I'm mot sure I am with you there. I think a born again Christian could be for real. But the idea you can batter another person into whatever you believe in in terms of faith is, I think a mistaken one. You can only present what you believe in,

09 Nov 10 - 07:34 PM (#3028013)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jeri

I agree with Jon. I don't think belief is a matter of will, or it shouldn't be. If you can MAKE yourself believe, there's something quite wrong. That may be the thing that I really don't like about the usual arguments: people's minds don't change because of what anyone says. People who continue to argue either just don't get it or just want to beat somebody up.

09 Nov 10 - 07:36 PM (#3028016)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Nick

Best discussion I ever had in my life was with the fundamentalist reborn christian who argued without anger

He was unique amongst people I have ever met with certainty in that he could talk without his belief getting in the way.

The joy of that was that he put all mine into question

And all without anger

09 Nov 10 - 07:39 PM (#3028017)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Nick

Odd browser thing which moves stuff around

>>He was unique amongst people I have ever met in that he could talk with certainty without his belief getting in the way.

The joy of that was that he put all mine into question

And all without anger

09 Nov 10 - 07:57 PM (#3028021)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Atheist "dogma", Steve, is that there is no God and that religion is evil. Of course, the dogmatic atheists reserve the right to specify the definition of both God and religion as entities that could not possibly make logical sense.

Well, you may not like the threads, but you won't find too many references from atheists who that there is no God (if they do that I disagree with 'em personally) and you will certainly not find any unqualified references to "religion being evil." We don't define God (I mean, how could we?) but we point to the illogicality of his supposed existence on the grounds that he breaks all the laws of physics, that he must be far more complex than all the complexities he's supposed to explain, and that there is no evidence for him. Much of the argument revolves around atheists setting the evidence bar uncomfortably high for believers, but it really is no higher than for any other supposed phenomenon. As for religion not making logical sense, nothing could be further from the truth. It makes a good deal of logical sense to those who have used it to control millions of people down the ages. Religion makes perfect sense to millions of people on an individual level but in my view you would have a much harder case to make for organised religion making moral sense in very many of its facets. Track record and all that.

09 Nov 10 - 07:59 PM (#3028023)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

who assert that there is no God

09 Nov 10 - 08:04 PM (#3028027)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Ah again Jeri, I think we only come to part agreement.

If someone is to say there is no God, I may even feel obliged to say "You are wrong" I might even feel a desire to give reasons why I think that way.   But make your own mind up for you is something I could not and should not do..

09 Nov 10 - 08:09 PM (#3028030)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

RE this alleged plethora of religion threads. There are currently 54 BS threads up on my screen. Of these, three are religion threads (including this one). Four if you count that tedious sex 'n' morals one, which I don't. So what's the grouse?

09 Nov 10 - 08:13 PM (#3028031)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

"And also that Atheism has a monopoly on reason and thought."

Never been said, never been implied. Another typical Jackism.

09 Nov 10 - 08:13 PM (#3028032)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

...and this one wasn't supposed to be a religious thread but a light hearted one???

Go figure???


09 Nov 10 - 08:16 PM (#3028034)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Rapparee

I don't let religion get in the way of what I believe.


09 Nov 10 - 08:16 PM (#3028035)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

That's threads for you. Every bloody thread I've ever started in my life has been taken in unexpected directions (including strangulation at birth). Just shrug.

09 Nov 10 - 08:19 PM (#3028038)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Yeah, Steve... I've seen a few highjacked ones myself... Usually threads are highjacked by people who are uncomfy with the topic at hand so they just change the subject...


09 Nov 10 - 08:30 PM (#3028041)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jeri

Jon, I think there's a subtle (or maybe not so subtle) difference between arguing and standing up for your own opinion. Somehow, I can't imagine you pushing someone, making them out to be stupid and insisting they're wrong and you're right. People do that here, and I've never seen you do that.

09 Nov 10 - 08:44 PM (#3028051)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

OK, understood Jeri.

Can't pretend that I've not got things wrong or have never felt the desire to batter a person into mental submission. I am far from faultless.

OTOH I may have been given/learned some things are exercises in futility.

With respect,


09 Nov 10 - 08:45 PM (#3028052)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bill D

All this is why I, as a non-religious person, try not to argue against the idea of God, or to condemn religion. I see all the arguments that can be made, and I have referred to some of them at various times, almost always in response TO direct claims which assert religious positions. I have my concerns with religion, but all I am really concerned with is obvious proselytizing.

Now, Joe and several others have made the point that a number of threads have been started which take religion to task in various ways, and that this seems unbalanced when we discourage threads started to promote religious beliefs or to note some religious action...such as a declaration by the Pope. I'm afraid I have to agree with this in some cases.
It is one thing when we see stupid and evil stuff done in the world with some basic religious 'principle' used as a justification.....but it is quite another to have gratuitous threads started ...or co-opted... just to make sure the anti-religious points are made.

I can explain and defend the urge to 'be on guard' when so much overt pressure is ongoing by religious interests politics and education in particular... and *I* will be ready to resist that whenever I see it. I just see a bit too much zeal by some to 'get ahead of the wave' and find ways to resist when there was no obvious attack.

   It is always hard to draw a clear line about where fair & reasonable discussion leaves off and simple bickering begins...but it is sure easy to tell soon AFTER the line is crossed.

   I find this a strange position for myself ...a former Methodist turned Unitarian turned skeptic... to be asking OTHER non-religious folks to 'ease off a bit' unless directly provoked...(and I don't doubt occasional provocation will arise

I knew a woman once who was VERY bright and thoughtful...and usually right in her analysis of things... but who really had little idea of how to BE right. She grabbed to topic by the throat and shook it until her friends, even those who agree with her, were embarrassed by her dogged determination to insist on her 'rightness'.

Just my lame attempt to cool things down a wee mite....

09 Nov 10 - 09:40 PM (#3028060)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Aye Bill, while I will disagree over the One point. Your position is usually clear to me.

09 Nov 10 - 10:34 PM (#3028068)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Desert Dancer

oooooooooooohhhhh noooooooooooooo!

You had to bring up a serious point, didn't you Joe. Now the same 5 people will compulsively and earnestly post here! And it was going so well.

10 Nov 10 - 01:01 AM (#3028112)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Joe Offer

I hate to break it to you, Steve, but I've never thought of you as a "doctrinaire" atheist.

This is more what I mean:
    We Atheists simply cant except the magic, the rising from the dead, heaven and hell, the afterlife,etc.

This came from a poster who has shown himself to be a literalist, time and time again. I can't argue with him because he and I speak a different language.

Other "doctrinaire" atheists here claim I did harm to my children by raising them Catholic (not that my children are Catholic now, so I guess the "brainwashing" wasn't all that effective)

I suppose you could use the word "myth" to label the "Christ Story," the "Buddha Story," the "Mohammed Story," and the "Chosen People Story." "Myth" is probably a good word for it, although many people then describe these stories as merely myths, and that misses the point. These founding myths are inherent parts of the life and story of the community. They are deep, rich, and sacred. They're not really something to argue about or to defend, and I think that religious people who find themselves driven to "defend" their myths, are going in the wrong direction. Far better to defend the values and the quest for justice that those beliefs should lead them to.

So, no, I don't want to argue about my belief in the Christ story, and I don't want to defend it. It's part of who I am, a very rich and sacred part of who I am. It is the tradition that has been an integral part of my life since I was born. I'll share the story with you if you have the time and want to listen, but not on an Internet forum. It's a story of goodness, and I wish people could respect it even if they have no desire to accept or believe it.

And yes, I am well aware of the many problems of religious communities. The scandals that have plagued my Catholic Church are appalling to me, and I do not support or condone them in any way (but there have been many people here that have screamed their condemnation of my putative support for child molestation and abuse - why in the world would I support such things?). Churches are most often founded on lofty ideals, and not every member adheres to those ideals. One could compare a church to Mudcat. At the beginning, we were very small and idealistic. We have our squabbles, but they didn't last long. We had deep, rich discussions and found ourselves able to share ourselves with a wide variety of people who accepted us. But as time went on and we got bigger, elements of cynicism crept in, along with some really nasty animosity; and some scary shit like the BNP and IRA nastiness. I don't suppose we'll ever be as cozy and idealistic and harmonious as we once were, but there's still a lot in Mudcat to believe in. Same thing goes with religion: it's not for everyone, and it's not all good; but there's a lot of good there and a lot to believe in.

My religion is part of who I am. I don't want to explain it or defend it. Take a look at me. If I make a contribution to society and I'm generally a pretty good person, isn't that what's important?

So, that's my latest treatise on religious tolerance. I suppose it won't be my last. And I suppose I must admit that as somebody pointed out above, I do have a hard time tolerating fundamentalists - chiefly because they lack the ability to tolerate anybody else.


10 Nov 10 - 04:12 AM (#3028138)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

"We Atheists simply cant except the magic, the rising from the dead, heaven and hell, the afterlife,etc.

I think that what is wrong with this statement, is the use of the word 'we', when the writer means 'I'
I pretty much agree with it, but my atheism is as personal to me, as other people's religion is. I have no intention of dissing other people's beliefs.
I have no problem with anybody's PERSONAL beliefs, it's when they start waving them in your face, and asking you to accept them. For no better reason than that's what they think, and they are obviously right, ergo you are obviously wrong!

10 Nov 10 - 04:20 AM (#3028144)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: akenaton

This "literalist" has defended the right of people to practice their religion countless times, I have also defended you personally when you were under pressure from the "anti God squad"
I was expressing my personal opinion. If you are comfortable with the points that I cannot accept, that's fine.

I was surprised and disappointed that you consider me a bigot but let it go are also quite wrong on the literalist label, I do believe in spirituality.

10 Nov 10 - 04:29 AM (#3028146)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

I reckon it was God who sent you the PMs, Bobert!

I also reckon that reading the BS section is the FIRST thing God does of a morning, because it gives Him the strength to carry on, knowing there are still folks out there with a rollicking great sense of humour!

I have absolute faith, but no religion whatsoever, but I appreciate that many find great comfort and friendship from religion and the various groups of people within their religion.

Where religion upsets me is when I hear that gay people are sinful..but heyho, that's just my opinion, because I know gay people who are the least judgemental people I know..and it kinda hurts them to hear that an all-encompassing God doesn't encompass them.

Way past time to get over that one, for sure! But again, that's my opinion to which I'm entitled.

And now, back to my God and your God, whomsoever He, She, or It, might be......

10 Nov 10 - 05:33 AM (#3028170)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: akenaton

Sorry, my last post was to Joe, not John;   and you are quite right John, I should not have used "we" in the context of my post.

10 Nov 10 - 07:31 AM (#3028212)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

As God as my witness, Lizzie-C, that it was *not* God who sent me the PMs... Unless He has cracked the Mudcode and can send PM in other folks names... Actually, I don't think that God is that sneaky...


10 Nov 10 - 07:52 AM (#3028223)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

"Don't let assholes rent space in your head."

Not sure who said it.

10 Nov 10 - 08:07 AM (#3028233)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Not too sure how that fits this thread, Ed-tee, but I like the quote... Reminds me of the Tea Party folk... Maybe we need to get some buttons for them that reads "No Vacancy" 'cause they got all them rooms rented out... Might of fact, they even have assholes standin' in the halls...


10 Nov 10 - 08:13 AM (#3028237)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

I suppose you could use the word "myth" to label the "Christ Story," the "Buddha Story," the "Mohammed Story," and the "Chosen People Story." "Myth" is probably a good word for it, although many people then describe these stories as merely myths, and that misses the point. These founding myths are inherent parts of the life and story of the community. They are deep, rich, and sacred. They're not really something to argue about or to defend, and I think that religious people who find themselves driven to "defend" their myths, are going in the wrong direction. Far better to defend the values and the quest for justice that those beliefs should lead them to.

I agree with all this. But the structure of organised religion, the hymns, the prayers, the rituals, the icons, the "instruction," do not go anywhere near far enough to propagate your message that, though we can can derive values and the quest for justice as you say, mere stories they are and they should not be taken literally. Further, there are plenty of alternative stories told in places we chanced not to have been born in. Further still, the values can be found and the quest pursued in spite of these stories, without them at all. That's what I'm saying. What we need is religious education, not to be told that any given faith is the one, true path. Or that any faith need be the one, true path. I think I'm saying that we should be truthful and neutral with our children. I wouldn't object to organised religion one tenth as much if this were to happen.

10 Nov 10 - 08:20 AM (#3028241)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

it's when they start waving them in your face, and asking you to accept them

I think that is a hard one for Christians, John when the bible says something like "You must shout it from the roof tops".

My personal take is that it is often misunderstood. I think it does mean state what I personaly believe when discussions go that way. I think it does mean make someone who is unaware of the story of Christ aware of it

but I don't think it means miraculously convert another person's mind. From the POV that he does exist (which I am not asking you to accept here - I'm just giving an opinion from one angle), that particular business can only be between you and God.

10 Nov 10 - 08:25 AM (#3028243)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

At age 4, success is not peeing in your pants

At age 16, success is "gettin' a little"

At age 25, success is graduation and a wedding

At age 35, success is about career and family

At age 55, success is about graduations and weddings

At age 65, success is "gettin' a little"

At age 90, success is not peeing in your pants

10 Nov 10 - 08:35 AM (#3028251)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

The Bible also say "shake the dust from your robes"...

10 Nov 10 - 08:39 AM (#3028253)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor


10 Nov 10 - 08:56 AM (#3028263)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Bobert, I guess you mean this?

If the people in the town will not welcome you, go outside the town and shake their dust off of your feet.

10 Nov 10 - 09:30 AM (#3028279)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Kinda beyond just being welcomed, Jon... On my way out right now but the references are clear in the Bible... Easy N.T. verse to find...


10 Nov 10 - 09:50 AM (#3028290)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

And now, time for a song lyric break:

"Broken hearts and dirty windows,
Make life difficult to see.
That's why last night and this morning,
Always look the same to me.
And, I hate reading old love letters,
For, they always bring me tears.
I can't forget the way they robbed me,
Of my sweetheart's souvenirs".

Souvenirs, John Prine

10 Nov 10 - 10:12 AM (#3028299)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

If I can be forgiven this question but some of Bobert's comments lead me to ask. Which one do you use Bobert? I'm not a great reader myself have denied the whole thing, etc. but find when I can, NIV suits me best. I don't understand a lot, have on bad days called any bible a book of lies... but I like the language used in that one.

10 Nov 10 - 10:53 AM (#3028319)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

Well I'm sure you won't take the word of an old atheist, but to me the King James Bible is the one. It still uses words like thee and thou, lo, behold, etc.
I hate the way they have dumbed down the bible by replacing rich evocative words, with everyday banal words.
They say that people nowadays don't understand the meaning of the old words.
My answer to that is quite simple, educate people properly, then they will understand them.
It's like school examinations, if not enough people pass, make the questions easier.
Teaching kids to pass examinations, isn't the same as educating them.

10 Nov 10 - 11:13 AM (#3028334)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Actually John, I am with you on this point. The NIV strikes a balance IMO.

10 Nov 10 - 11:19 AM (#3028340)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

I enjoy the poetry of the King James, But then I was taught the meaning of those words in Sunday School when I was 5. I think that language would have been harder to learn at 18.

10 Nov 10 - 11:50 AM (#3028364)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

So like me, Jack, you ran away then came back to ideas?

I have personally bounced back and forth been a devout atheist, etc. but the belief something far greater than us is something I personally can not escape.

10 Nov 10 - 12:11 PM (#3028385)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Just tell yourself that you are of that far greater thing and not watched and judged by it. It would be less of a thing if you weren't part of it. It needs you more than you need it.

10 Nov 10 - 12:13 PM (#3028388)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Yes something like that Jon, I have described it a couple of times already in these recent threads.

10 Nov 10 - 12:16 PM (#3028390)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

I used to be far more ardent and doctrinaire than even Shaw is on these threads, then I developed some humility. I don't in any way have a fundamentalist view of Christianity. I don't think it is the only way. I think it is the right way, for me.

10 Nov 10 - 12:45 PM (#3028407)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Your humility didn't prevent you from analysing my mental health and recommending counselling, Jack. Perhaps you're not a real sailor after all.

10 Nov 10 - 12:50 PM (#3028409)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"Actually, I don't think that God is that sneaky..."

Well, I've heard tell that He's knocked around with a little devil for quite some time now, sooooooooooo.......... ;0)

Hey, maybe God even produced this video...

So, when did you 'decide' to be straight?

....just to get some thinking in a different way, when they are asked questions from a different angle...

Who knows, huh?    :0)

10 Nov 10 - 12:52 PM (#3028411)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

I don't think it works that way, Steve. IF it is for real, you grab onto something that will not let go of you.

You might wander in you mind, you might be pushed in all sorts of direction. (eg. imagine my state when just coming out of hospital. someone decideds to hack my innocent folk web site, when I decide to get out of that as I can not combine that with not drinking, dad worried about hernia op goes into irrational fits. When I then took solace in music, I had a £300 amp blow up in my face".

Interpretations may vary but it is the way life goes... ~Everything you don't need when you are trying to recover happens and can be and is again witnessed.

In my case, I get angry with God and then start thinking no... but believing something exists remains with me.

10 Nov 10 - 12:57 PM (#3028412)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Whatever stirs yer loins.

10 Nov 10 - 12:59 PM (#3028415)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Perhaps I am not a Sailor,
Perhaps it a reference to a song
Perhaps after all is said and done, this is a music forum on the Internet.

Perhaps I am saying that I would have benefited when I was as nuts as you.

10 Nov 10 - 01:07 PM (#3028420)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Whatever stirs yer loins.

Yep, I could take easier routes. For me to believe there was no God if I could would be one of them...

10 Nov 10 - 01:19 PM (#3028430)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Actually, on reflection if directed at me, Steve and I am open to believing it was''t I I could find your rationality hilariously insulting with whatever stirs your loins. I my humour would get me through that is...

10 Nov 10 - 01:41 PM (#3028451)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Shaw is just trying to stir the "Goddies"

10 Nov 10 - 01:56 PM (#3028465)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

You may be right there Jack. I did know the atheist Jeri for a long while on ICQ. I have also once had the believing Joe Offer as a "boss". I think I have had pleasant disagreements with Bill D but I do not get where Steve is.

10 Nov 10 - 01:59 PM (#3028468)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Whatever stirs your loins was meant in an entirely friendly way, accepting the validity of what you said. Just to be clear. Is this one of those transatlantic thangs??

10 Nov 10 - 02:03 PM (#3028473)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Where is God?


10 Nov 10 - 02:04 PM (#3028475)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Oh, fer gawd's sake, lighten up!!!

This is like the BBC board ALL over again!

"Oh, I is 'insulted'...I is going to leave the board....I cannot cope!"

That attitude caused UNTOLD damage on the BBC and's over here on Mudcat, because the BBC board has closed down...mainly because no-one ever used it as it became so over-modded to prevent some folks from getting upset that nobody dared to say a thing any longer!

Where's my 'steam coming out of my ears!' smiley??!!!!

10 Nov 10 - 02:06 PM (#3028479)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Sorry, I can't address who my post is to, not allowed to or I get sent to you know where again..but it wasn't to Ed, or Steve..or....or....Aaaargh!

10 Nov 10 - 02:07 PM (#3028484)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jack the Seasick Sailor: "Well Bobert, I was going to suggest that you start your own God free threads. But you have started a God thread.
Whose side are you on?"

Yeah, Bobert, and on several threads you posted that you are a Christian. It sounds odd to me, that you're 'put out' with spiritual threads. I haven't posted, one way or another, that I am or am not of any specific 'faith'..though I do have knowledge of several.

I am not an 'atheist', but both you and I have posted on their threads.
So, I'm wondering, now, being as it is quite apparent to most of America, that our body politic is so screwed up, that people's minds are 'turning to God'!......problem is, they have a problem figuring where to look...wouldn't you say?


10 Nov 10 - 02:10 PM (#3028489)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

"it is quite apparent to most of America"

Would that be both North and South America, including Canada Mexico and the Carribean?

10 Nov 10 - 02:11 PM (#3028490)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

He's behind the sofa, Gfs, Ed showed me...   ;0)

10 Nov 10 - 02:12 PM (#3028492)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

Anyone know of a caribbean God?

10 Nov 10 - 02:16 PM (#3028498)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

OK Steve, apologies from me in that case.

10 Nov 10 - 02:20 PM (#3028502)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Again GfS, you claim sanity but make no sense. Why don't you try to calm down and try to ask a straight question in English?

10 Nov 10 - 02:20 PM (#3028503)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

"I do not get where Steve is."

Where I am on all this isn't complicated and you can find out from my posts. I'll waste my time and save you looking (as if...). I'm an avowed atheist. I am so because I've reasoned that the chances of the existence of a supernatural being (for whom there is no evidence, who has to break all the laws of physics before he can exist, and who must be far bigger and more complex than the complexities he's supposed to be there to explain) are minimal. Note the lack of certainty. I abhor certainty, whether it comes from believers or atheists, and people who demand "proof" one way or the other simply don't get it as far as I'm concerned. I have no fight with anyone who keeps their religious beliefs private but I do take issue with organised religions pretending to people, especially children, that they have the truth. My own brand of atheism is not made stronger because of "bad things done in the name of religion," which tend to be exaggerated anyway. I believe that the world and the whole universe, in all their beauty and complexity, can be explained by the laws of physics, and that we will continue to close in on those things yet unexplained. I think that the sheer beautiful ordinariness of everything is the greatest thing of all, and I hate to see attempts to nobble that with the notion that it's so wonderful that only something totally inexplicable in itself can explain it. To me, that's the ultimate illogicality. It's like deliberately looking for by far the most unlikely answer to a question there can possibly be and declaring it to be the correct one in the face of all opposition. So there you go. I told you I was simple.

10 Nov 10 - 02:24 PM (#3028508)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity



10 Nov 10 - 02:25 PM (#3028509)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Wrong on that one Lizzie. I am not sure why the board finaly closed but much of what what you say is BS.   You were a person over there that if someone said they had difficulty with say italics or smiley (not sure I would di that here) migh delight in

I am Lizzie and no one is going to tell me how to be part of a group trying to get on...

10 Nov 10 - 02:29 PM (#3028513)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

My own brand of atheism is not made stronger because of "bad things done in the name of religion,

Have we believing in something got things horribly wrong and has that turned people off. I think yes and YES.

10 Nov 10 - 02:30 PM (#3028514)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jack the Sailor: "Shaw is just trying to stir the "Goddies""

Steve Shaw: "Whatever stirs your loins was meant in an entirely friendly way,...."

Jack, I have to say, you're pretty insightful, for a sailor....It seems that you say, "Shaw is just trying to stir the "Goddies"" and Steve is relating to other people's loins!!

Too bad Steve hasn't made the connection!


10 Nov 10 - 02:41 PM (#3028527)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Sorry, Jon, I didn't get that.

10 Nov 10 - 02:47 PM (#3028532)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1


10 Nov 10 - 02:53 PM (#3028537)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Sorry Steve. all I meant was that I do not believe in holy wars, I do not believe in child abuse as as happened but I do believe getting things wrong so badly and possibly evilly can turn people off - and with justification;.

10 Nov 10 - 03:03 PM (#3028552)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

That's true, Jon, and I know I rattle on about such things, but what I was trying to say was that I'm not an atheist because of stuff like that, neither does it reinforce my atheism. In the same way I got fed up of that bloke on the other thread trying to tell us what a terrible thing atheism is because Stalin was one, Hitler might have been one, etc. etc. None of these things are arguments for or against the existence of God as far as I'm concerned. Another example - I'm in favour of the unfettered right to have an abortion, but the fact that a few horrid people picket clinics and harass women does nothing to strengthen my view. I got to it an entirely different way.

10 Nov 10 - 03:09 PM (#3028561)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

To further that in a tere but through the grqce of God go I, I have also been jailed. I'd never had ses with anyone at that time but at maybe 30 I was locked up for 30 hrs and was axxused (turnwd out somw chamber maid aged 18 wanted attention from parents and she got youth detention for it)

You may well disagree but I think this is the way things can go if in a battle with Satan.

10 Nov 10 - 03:12 PM (#3028563)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor


I won't invoke Satan. But is your keyboard possessed?

10 Nov 10 - 03:13 PM (#3028567)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

Dunno about God killing off BS, but he's making a good fist of killing off those other two threads, which look like dropping off the bottom some time soon... :-)

10 Nov 10 - 03:17 PM (#3028574)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

What you then may find is although you want to mention it as part of your own experiences in life, there is of course "no smoke without fire"...

10 Nov 10 - 03:20 PM (#3028578)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Or were could keep them in the air with useless back and forths like a beach ball at a concert.

10 Nov 10 - 03:27 PM (#3028586)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Think it was then Jack... says me jokingly...

Personal view though will not see a God without the enemy of man also existing.

To ask me how a creator may have created the evil one or to explain the Garden of Eden are beyond me though.

On occasion, daft and illogical as it sounds, I do see a Garden of Eden though - you know, when you have had a beautiful crop of fruit (this year some pretty good salads as well as beaustiful apple juice)

I suppose its more a case of thinking what could have been in the world.

10 Nov 10 - 03:44 PM (#3028614)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

You know Jon, In principle I have no problem talking about such things, but not in threads with titles like these.

If you want to start a thread with a title like "No Drama Religion" and set some reasonable rules for discussion, I'll be there.

10 Nov 10 - 04:52 PM (#3028667)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Questions for me...

What Bible's do I read??? My main Bible is a Phillips edition which is a tad easier than my other one which is a King James with quotes of Jesus in red letters... It, however is packed away with most of our other books since we had to pack alot of stuff away to make our house more marketable...

Why did I start this thread??? The Devil made me do it... Awww, jus' funnin'...

My Faith: Goes back a long way to when I was 6 years old an' in a polio ward... My mom, the good Christian woman she was (and is), read the Bible to me at the hospital and taught me to pray... She told me that God would heal me while Jesus became my "super hero"... So when I recovered it was only natural to carry those beliefs with me... But no, I don't wear my Faith on my sleeve and like I have said before I'm a firm believer in a loving God ...


10 Nov 10 - 05:28 PM (#3028708)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Steve Shaw

If you want to start a thread with a title like "No Drama Religion" and set some reasonable rules for discussion, I'll be there.

Let's hear your rules then, Jacko! Will they, I wonder, include not questioning the mental health of people with whom you happen to disagree?

11 Nov 10 - 04:52 AM (#3029099)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Problem is, that a whole lot of people adopt 'atheism' because what they see in religion is a lot of bullshit!.....on that count, God agrees with you!.
People, for a long time have confused 'Religion' with a spiritual awareness and relationship with God, the Giver of Life, and of whom ALL things are made.
It's that sense of a 'righteousness' that 'Religious' folks put on, that alienates so many other people. That sense of 'righteousness' is actually borne out of FEAR, so they cling to their concepts of 'God', sorta like having 'fire insurance'!
I think, that the way you know who 'is really' and who 'is really not', is by the LOVE they have, for one another...and an OBEDIENCE to LOVE, and a link to where Life comes from. The rest is just as silly as dogmatic politics!!!


11 Nov 10 - 07:12 AM (#3029177)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Interesting GfS. From a very personal POV, I as a failed Christian am not Catholic. Baptist, Evangelical Born Again, Church of England, etc.

I just believe when I can Christ is a reality and that God is a reality. I want to find a way that lasts but I think those of us who seek do seek the same God.

The belief that God is there is genuine but the belief that for example the answer lies in catholic or high church rituals is not.

11 Nov 10 - 11:40 AM (#3029396)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Cool, Jon. I'm glad, and thankful you understood that!

You might think of it this way....
Religion, is/was man's way of reaching God.........Jesus Christ was/is God's way of reaching man!!

Hope you can take that with you.



11 Nov 10 - 12:04 PM (#3029425)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bill D

"Jesus Christ was/is God's way of reaching man..

Makes me wonder who Mohammed & Buddha were.....and several others.

11 Nov 10 - 01:42 PM (#3029541)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bill, Do you really wonder that?..or are you just trying to minimize, for the sake on appearing astute?

Siddhartha, (Buddha), said to his chief disciple, Ananda, sitting under the tree, before he died "Don't make a religion out of the things I've taught you. I am but a Buddha(teacher), but there are many Buddhas. These is another Buddha, yet to come, a supremely enightened Buddha, who has the keys of life and death, hear you HIM."

Siddhartha lived about 500 B.C., (about the same time as Isaiah, (the prophet). Do you think that, just maybe, they were seeing the same thing?????

You learn something new every day!


11 Nov 10 - 02:07 PM (#3029574)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's""

I knew a Catholic priest once who had a novel take on that. He started wearing some really snazzy clothes, and driving around in a Humber Supersnipe.

I asked him once if the poverty/chastity/obedience thing had been relaxed, with respect to poverty.

He said he was taking large amounts in the the collection plates at Mass, and when I queried whether that money wasn't supposed to be for doing God's work, he replied "I take the collected money into the middle of the church after Mass. I throw it up in the air, and after God takes what he wants, I collect the remainder when it lands on the floor".

Don T.

11 Nov 10 - 02:08 PM (#3029579)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Of course, he may have been kidding, or I might have made it up.


11 Nov 10 - 02:17 PM (#3029591)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

"Humber Supersnipe"

That has to be made up!!


11 Nov 10 - 03:30 PM (#3029662)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: akenaton

I owned one very tatty version long ago.

11 Nov 10 - 03:39 PM (#3029676)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Oh My!!

11 Nov 10 - 03:39 PM (#3029677)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

I stand to be corrected, but:

While he was/is worshipped by Christians, Jesus never claimed to be God, but the son and servant of God (not sure what that involved). Jesus indicated thet God (and the route to God) could be revealed to humans through him (though he did state that he and God are one).

Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet (Prophet Issa), and is respected only as such, and that Muhammed (Prophet Mohd) was the last prophet sent by the Allah (God) to show the way.

11 Nov 10 - 03:50 PM (#3029686)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

The Islamic version makes more sense to me.
The Christian, Holy Trinity, of Father Son and Holy Ghost, is, to say the least, a bit confusing.
As for the Roman Catholics dragging in the Virgin Mary!
Well that just adds to the confusion.
At least there is only one Allah.

11 Nov 10 - 03:52 PM (#3029691)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

There are things there Ed that I do not understand. The father, the son and the holy spirit is something I can accept but to put it all together and work out the relationship is beyond me.

11 Nov 10 - 04:03 PM (#3029696)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

I think ED, Jesus often refers to himself as the son of man. As you seem to be reading thinking and following links, here is one

11 Nov 10 - 04:03 PM (#3029698)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

"There are things there Ed that I do not understand".

I can understand it, as I read it.

But, some of it is hard to rationalize, looking from what we know from a human perspective, anyway. That's most likely where doubt has its source.

To me, it's kind of like driving in a snow storm. If you focus too much on the falling snow flakes, instead of the way forward, you get confused...(and, possibly snow blind). I choose not to focus on the detils in that way.

But, I'm not saying that this is the way for anyone else.

11 Nov 10 - 04:24 PM (#3029705)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

But, some of it is hard to rationalize, looking from what we know from a human perspective, anyway

I could not agree with you more on that point. We can try to reason but (if something exists) to rationalize it all from a human perspective is impossible.

We often try to put things in human terms, eg. I rationalize my cat's thoughts that way but does a cat really think in human language? If I can't understand a cat (although I may love the animal and know he ask for food, to be let out to the toilet etc.) in that way, how much harder would it be with a deity?

11 Nov 10 - 04:31 PM (#3029708)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

No matter how hard it is, I don't think a deity needs to be let out to the toilet.

11 Nov 10 - 04:37 PM (#3029713)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Nor me Jack. I'm just while I can observe different natures in cats (eg Snot Cat can has snotty moods and know many of cat's ways) whether I can reason in the way a cat can? I don't think I can so could I reason in the way a God can?

11 Nov 10 - 06:09 PM (#3029784)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Stringsinger

You could conclude that if god (if it existed) were out to kill off BS, that would be suicide.

11 Nov 10 - 06:09 PM (#3029785)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,pete from seven stars link

jon.i have read you a few times describing yourself as a failed christian.i hope i quote you correctly.
the fact is ,if you thought yourself otherwise you would be disqualified as a was the he who said"God be merciful to me,a sinner"who went home justified.the pharisee who rehearsed his goodness to God was condemned.luke 18 9-14.paul described himself as "chief of sinners".1 timothy 1 15
this is the primary meaning of the word "grace"in the NT;UNDESERVED favour.
ps i probably won,t be on this thread too much-just wanted to encourage.

11 Nov 10 - 06:15 PM (#3029791)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

I'm startin' to think Christianity plays havoc with your keyboard? Yikes!

I think Faith's much more fun than Religion, none of the sinning stuff, or worrying which way is up, or if you're in the doghouse or the godhouse...

You just *believe*, and that's that......

No guilt
No rules
No regulations
No sin
No penance
No confessing

Just peace and happiness...

I think God has Faith...


11 Nov 10 - 06:16 PM (#3029794)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

>>You could conclude that if god (if it existed) were out to kill off BS, that would be suicide. <<

That makes no sense. Not even as a joke.

11 Nov 10 - 06:23 PM (#3029799)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

WHO 'disqualifies' folks? I'm intrigued.

I was disqualified from the netball team once...had to take the badge off my cardigan and everything! It wasn't my fault, it was just that I'm left handed, so when I threw the ball er..straight, it kinda ended up crooked and in the hands of the opposing team, who, I have to say, LOVED me! ;0)

Maybe that's what religion's like, if you get it wrong...You have to take your badge off then stand in the corner and think about getting yourself a Naughty Step to sit on ad infinitum...?

I merely gave up netball completely and found BASKETBALL! And THAT was much more fun because...we played with the BOYS! :0)

That's what disqualified Christians should do, go and find a much more accepting (and fun) religion...or better still, a simple Inside Faith that tickles your smile...and warms your heart..

11 Nov 10 - 06:40 PM (#3029820)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Stringsinger

Bobert, theology is on a lot of minds these days because it is a source of great conflict and contention. There are other issues to discuss but theology manages to be part of them.
That's why there are long threads about them.

11 Nov 10 - 06:51 PM (#3029830)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Why are there longer threads dissing god and rowing over politics, Frank?


Pete, yes you describe me correctly. I still believe but I have got much wrong and done much wrong. I am not a picture of perfection in any way --- though at times I have fore example thought my own logic perfect..

11 Nov 10 - 09:54 PM (#3029971)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Sheet fire...

Ya'll's is ruinin' this perfectly stupid thread that I started with the same ol' arguments that were on the threads that caused me to start this one???

This hurtin' my head... I'm gonna go play music...


11 Nov 10 - 10:20 PM (#3029977)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jon: "...The father, the son and the holy spirit is something I can accept but to put it all together and work out the relationship is beyond me...."

Try this one out: Think of a word..any word.....Got one?...ok....
Got it in your mind?? ....


Now think of everything about that one word...but don't tell anyone, what it is...........


Now, tell some one the one word...........

Upon hearing that one word, they now have it their mind, right?

OK, much like the concept of 'the Trinity'.....

The original word(in your head), was just in your head.....

As soon as you SAID the word, it was manifested 'in the flesh' so others could understand it....

Once it was in another head, with all its meanings which would come to mind, it is now ONE word(The original word would be 'the Father'), ..Spoken, (manifested in the flesh, now the 'Son')....and now resides in another head, with its meanings(Holy Spirit)...Same word, three different manifestations...same meaning....all the 'Father' (Original word).

You might come up with your own....but that example seemed to be consistent with Christian teachings.

Seems plausible to me.


11 Nov 10 - 10:23 PM (#3029979)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

OK to lighten up Bobert is a twit and how do we dance to that one?

(and no Bobert I do not really think you a twit - actually think you are a sincere person)

11 Nov 10 - 10:29 PM (#3029983)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

GfS, I just think some things are bigger than our own minds and always will be.

12 Nov 10 - 03:24 AM (#3030084)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

My tummy is most *definitely* bigger than mind!

.....and I'm not even going *near* my chest, other than to say that my chest is the reason I KNOW God has a bloody excellent sense of humour!


Oh what a tangled web we weave when the concept of God we try to conceive...concieve..conceeeeeeve..(where's Bruce, he's good at this grammar stuff!?)

Maybe we should start a new thread Bobz, called 'WHY is religion so SERIOUS?'

12 Nov 10 - 03:25 AM (#3030085)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

'Lizzie, a *pea* is bigger than your mind'...yeah yeah, I hear you Richard...just thought I'd get that in first...and spoil yer fun... ;0)

12 Nov 10 - 07:33 AM (#3030199)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

I'm with you, Lizzie... Like I have mentioned I believe in Voltaire's thought that "God is a comedian playing to an audience afraid to laugh"...

Might of fact, back in my more "conventional" folkie days I wrote a song about this entitled "Jesus Don't Make House Calls Anymore" which purdy much said the same thing...


12 Nov 10 - 11:47 AM (#3030398)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Might of fact, back in my more "conventional" folkie days I wrote a song about this entitled "Jesus Don't Make House Calls Anymore" which purdy much said the same thing..."

Well, if you sold it, and it took off......and it was successful......I guess you'd be a capitalist. OR you can divide up all the proceeds EVENLY(excluding myself), with all the other 'Mudcatters'...well, that is if you really believed in the socialist rhetoric you've been spouting off!

Funny, how people who do little to create wealth, want to be at the receiving end of everybody else's work!!

Maybe you might consider changing your tune.........


12 Nov 10 - 11:51 AM (#3030403)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Define socialism, GfinS???


12 Nov 10 - 12:25 PM (#3030435)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

>>I guess you'd be a capitalist. OR you can divide up all the proceeds EVENLY<<<

or he could take the earnings for him self an pull his own weight in society by paying an equitable tax rate, say 39% for income over $250 K. That would make him a responsible and patriotic American.

12 Nov 10 - 12:43 PM (#3030451)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Bobz.......(sshhhhhhhhhh....don't let the serious ones see this!) ;0)

The very naughty, but very funny, Dave Allen, on religion

12 Nov 10 - 05:18 PM (#3030660)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Funny, how people who do little to create wealth, want to be at the receiving end of everybody else's work!!

I do not see things that way. I think if there is a Christ he was socialist in the sense that he gave and gave to crucifiction. I would not see that with say a red hot republican George Bush. Nor do I see that creating wealth is the answer.

Christ would only have voted for a party called "The Kingdom of Heaven"

Can I put it all together, restore my own health and find a lasting way without personal blunders as well as loads blowiwing up on me when I try? Not to date...

12 Nov 10 - 05:34 PM (#3030671)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

"WHO 'disqualifies' folks? I'm intrigued"

Well, the late Red Fox had an answer for that one.

He said that he once went to a wedding at a nudist colony.

They were playing leap frog (jump over sheep in French, btw), so, he joined in.

Unfortunately, he was disqualified, for not jmping high enough!

RIP, Red. Your humour served us a time when colourful humour was not in vogue.

12 Nov 10 - 05:44 PM (#3030678)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

If there is a God, Ed. He disqualify no one and loves confessed failures. At least I have to cling on to that belief.

12 Nov 10 - 06:21 PM (#3030706)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Loved it, Lizzie-C... See, that's what Voltaire was talkin' about...

13 Nov 10 - 02:58 AM (#3030903)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Define socialism, GfinS???"

Why?..Lookin' for a loop hole?

I guess when it comes to flappin' the money down to all your buds, you straighten up, and start to wiggle, huh?...I guess your idea of 're-distribution of the wealth' means everybody else's wealth!!!

It's always that way!


13 Nov 10 - 03:02 AM (#3030905)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jack the Sailor: "or he could take the earnings for him self an pull his own weight in society by paying an equitable tax rate, say 39% for income over $250 K. That would make him a responsible and patriotic American."

YOU pay or donate 39% your income. Pay up, or shut up!


13 Nov 10 - 03:31 AM (#3030909)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1


Adam & Eve

You may need a spare rib when watching this, because the ones you already have won't be able to keep the giggles in..

Jon, watch this and learn to laugh...
It's OK, you know, there is NO hell, and you ain't going there, so relax, work out that religion has scared you most of your life, learn to find the love within it, not the fear and the hate...and find peace and happiness...But anyone who uses religion to put the shite into you is having you on and ain't worth a penny, so remove them from your life and go down a different path..

13 Nov 10 - 07:42 AM (#3030984)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Wrong again, GfinS... I have no problems paying my fair share of taxes and would gladly give up the Bush cuts to the middle class (me) if it meant a better future for my kids and their kids and if it meant that the US was going to get serious about attacking its crumbling infrastructure and become more competitive with innovations...

So when I talk of "redistribution" of wealth thru taxing the rich it isn't about giving any $$$ to the working class but creating a country where the middle/working class has more opportunities... I mean, lets get real... We have libraries in our county which are being closed down for lack of $$$... So yes to socialism if it means that the rich go bacl to paying the rates they paid in the 90's and there was money for things like high speed rail and education...

Not too sure what economic model you support, GfinS but if it anything like what alot of Tea Party folks want that will result in the selling of everything to the rich and then they rent it back to US, i.e. privitize...

Do you think that air and water and sidewalks should be privitized, GfinS??? If not, where do you draw the line??? Do you8 think that the government should be able to inspect coal mines??? Oil rigs??? High rise building construction???

So, yeah, call me a socialist if that makes you all warm and fuzzy... I just want a country where people have opportunities...


13 Nov 10 - 07:50 AM (#3030990)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

That was a hoot, Lizzie-C...

Actually, one can appreciate stuff like this while also being of Faith... There are parts of the New Testament that are quite difficult and creation being one of them...


13 Nov 10 - 01:45 PM (#3031191)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Jack the Sailor: "or he could take the earnings for him self an pull his own weight in society by paying an equitable tax rate, say 39% for income over $250 K. That would make him a responsible and patriotic American."

YOU pay or donate 39% your income. Pay up, or shut up!<<<

Again, unthinking non-sense form "sanity" I would be happy to pay 39% of income over 250K.

13 Nov 10 - 02:24 PM (#3031210)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Maybe to a government who can account for 770 billion dollars that they foisted on us. Maybe to a non-corrupt government that was efficient..maybe to a government that could operate at least SOMETHING that doesn't result in net losses! Maybe to a government who would stop lying to EVERYBODY. Maybe a government who hasn't lost the Social Security funds, by re-allocating them to God only knows what. Maybe to a government that keeps losing money, then raising taxes to cover their asses!...OR...Maybe to a government who doesn't ship all our jobs overseas, so we wouldn't 'need to re-distribute' what little 'wealth' we have left!...Maybe, our currency wouldn't need to be devalued.
I think You're NUTS!...But ideologues are sorta nutty!..anyway!


13 Nov 10 - 02:59 PM (#3031225)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Our currency needs to be devalued because those tax cuts and deregulation which led to to much idle money in the hands of the wealthy which then led to a housing bubble and crazy investments. Which led to people using the theoretical value of their homes a piggy banks.

Another problem cause by "conservatism" is jobs going overseas due to an artificially high dollar and a tax code that rewards companies for shipping jobs overseas. Not to mention two wars where the bulk of the money was spent overseas and on foreign contractors.

With your unreasonable and ill informed views. I would be concerned about myself if you didn't think me crazy.

13 Nov 10 - 04:03 PM (#3031259)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Ah Lizzie, I do believe there is a heaven and a hell.

I think the first thing that scared me was not a person but an event that happened in a church. I was a non believer at the time and remained one for quite a while after but while supposed to be a logical thinker I found myself in the illogical position of "I am an atheist but God is against me..."

What happened that time was I was interested in the village church clock and went up to wind it with Ted the caretaker. The weights came crashing down and missed me by inches and crashed through a floor I think hitting the font. It was a frightening experience.

Subsequent events, my best attempts at reasoning and at reading the bible and some believe God was for real after all got me where I am.

You can argue against all of my reasoning and beliefs but to suggest I was scared by some hell fire and damnation preacher would be false.

13 Nov 10 - 05:14 PM (#3031308)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Probably best to be wary of ancient church clocks. That's all.

13 Nov 10 - 05:19 PM (#3031311)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: John MacKenzie

Tempus Fugit

13 Nov 10 - 05:31 PM (#3031320)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Sorcha

Jon, I'm still here, brother. I can't help with a crisis of Faith, but my email is if you want to use it.

Love you Jon!

13 Nov 10 - 05:33 PM (#3031323)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

The clock had only just been serviced and checked for safety, Lizzie.

What happened to describe it further is I was winding the handle which was almost like an old car starting handle. I complain the thing was getting tight, Ted says something like you young ones,,, he gives a pull and a wire gets ripped from a wall, causing the weights to fall.

Wariness, yes. Interpretation - fair enough have your own but did it form part of my own "God's against me" at that time is a yes.

13 Nov 10 - 05:36 PM (#3031325)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

I know we have different beliefs sorcha but would like to meet you again one day when I am feeling better. Felt we got on well on your trip to the UK.

13 Nov 10 - 05:44 PM (#3031336)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

And Sorcha and I

It is not about love/lust or desires of the flesh. It is purely of a happy moment.

13 Nov 10 - 05:44 PM (#3031337)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Sorcha

So did I Jon, I LOVED my time at your home, and your mum too, you know. PLEASE get better again!

13 Nov 10 - 05:47 PM (#3031339)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Sorcha

JON! You DID have to post that didn't you? ROF!
For those of you who don't know, we were in hysterics over a game of pool, and the B***H we played against!!!!

Don't forget how to laff, Jon.

13 Nov 10 - 05:53 PM (#3031345)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Last try seemed to go but yes, Soecha is right. It was a laughter we both got into over a game of pool and our opponent in the game.

13 Nov 10 - 06:01 PM (#3031349)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Sorcha

It had to be one of the funniest things I've ever, Jon, just DON'T give up!!!!!

13 Nov 10 - 07:47 PM (#3031426)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Isn't this joint great???

13 Nov 10 - 07:56 PM (#3031436)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

So when I point out that Boss Hog has rigged the rules that allows him all kinds of tax loopholes that promote out-sourcing I'm some kinda wacko socialist according to GfinS but when she purdy much say the same thing then that is supposed to be sanity???

The first thing we need to do is get the money outta polictics... 100% government funded campaigns... No money from any other source... That will fix alot right there... Next, we need to create equal access to media for all the candidates...

You do those two things and the rest will take care of itself...

The American people aren't complete morons and if they are given correct information most will make somewhat correct choices...

(But that is socialism, Boberdz...)

Bull feathers... It's common sense...


13 Nov 10 - 11:04 PM (#3031531)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jack the Sailor Attack; "Our currency needs to be devalued because those tax cuts ..." (What??? cuts???)..."and deregulation which led to to much idle money in the hands of the wealthy.."(Which Obama gave to them..after passing TWO bogus spending shovel ready, but with no shovel))... "which then led to a housing bubble"...(you mean Glass Steagal, under Clinton?)and crazy investments." investing away the social security and 401K money??...Well Who did that??!!??

This has got to be some liberal spin out of control..and now you're dizzy!

The currency is being devalued because the Fed is printing fiat money, based on no collateral, just exactly like they did with the housing bubble(selling bundles of unsecured loan/mortgages...on credit!).

I don't know where the hell you get your 'news' or who explains what to you, or if you just drink too damn much...but you apparently have NO understanding of your fellow sailor, 'Jack Shit'!

Sorry...try again, after you sober up, and get an education!

Bobert: "Isn't this joint great???"

Ahh, That explains it!!!!
...Which explains why,       From: Bobert
                            Date: 13 Nov 10 - 07:56 PM ...

(his next post) is completely scrambled, illogical, stoned blather!

Who 'figures' this stuff out for you guys???? Saint Bernard, who lives in the alley, between the two dumpsters????



14 Nov 10 - 08:12 AM (#3031729)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

They call it "projecting", GfinS, when you look in the mirror an' all you see is a stoned out insane person and so ya' gotta go to Mudburg and say that the ol' hillbilly's post is "completely scrambled, illogical blather"...

Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself...

So can we assume that you are perfectly content allowing unlimited secret money finance elections???


14 Nov 10 - 08:44 AM (#3031744)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: olddude

Well we got back to the politics, gosh I someone turns this into a religion thread . My life will be complete

14 Nov 10 - 09:09 AM (#3031765)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"Is God Out to Kill Off BS???"

I think God probably wishes he could kill off all the bullshit that's spoken in His name....

Bullshit like wars, hatred and exclusion.

Yup, I'd imagine God is pretty pissed off with much of the bullshit that's spread around in His name by those who like to say they 'have God on their side'...

The whole point about God, surely, whomsoever your God might be, is that He/She/It doesn't *have* *sides* in the first place.

My God sure as heck doesn't see 'teams' of the right or wrong religions, or of those who aren't gay, or those who are, or those who are atheists, or those who aren't..

He just 'sees'......And everything on the planet is important, no matter which species he's looking at...


14 Nov 10 - 10:24 AM (#3031802)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

>>>The currency is being devalued because the Fed is printing fiat money, based on no collateral, just exactly like they did with the housing bubble(selling bundles of unsecured loan/mortgages...on credit!).<<<

Our currency is being devalued now because of the housing bubble, the bursting of which caused the worst recession since the one that began in 1929. Money is being pumped in to boost demand and, I hope, to make our workers more competitive by devaluing the Dollar against other currencies.

Obama did not cause that bubble. The Republicans did. With their unfunded tax cuts, silly monetary policy and deregulation, including most important the lack of will to enforce the rules. You may believe otherwise. That may be a result of your education, but it is much more likely a result of your insane, unthinking hatred of all things Obama,

14 Nov 10 - 10:54 AM (#3031836)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

To not devalue currency in the face of unemployment and serious trade imbalance would be irresponsible but then again that is the opinion of 99% of the non-flat-earth economists...

But heck with economists when ya' have the Sarah Palins, who know nuthin' about economics, wanting to give international economics a spin around the block...


14 Nov 10 - 11:15 AM (#3031858)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

No. IMO God has a side Lizzie. It is one most including me do not understand and is his kingdom of heaven. We may try to make him political or as I would view Christ nature as almost sort of socialst as he gave not took to the point of death down here but he has his party. And it is not Conservative, Labour, Liberal, Republican or Democrat. His "politics" are his own, I think.

14 Nov 10 - 11:51 AM (#3031890)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Both to Bobert, and Jack, Quit getting hung up into the blame game, whether it's Repugnantcunts or Debitcraps. This is a BIGGER problem then BOTH of them combined!..somehow you don't, or won't or can't grasp this. Its not capitalism versus socialism versus communism....but all of them are rearing their ugly heads into the 'allure' that any one of them is the answer!

As far as 'projecting', as Jack put forth, we borrowed and spent our way into the problem, and now you are proposing more of the same! It's about the same 'logic' as throwing gasoline on the fire, to put it out! Or, to borrow money to gamble with! Get over it! Is that how you run your household finances???? NO!...When bills need to get paid, you tighten up, and any sane person would do...and/or save up, so you can AFFORD it. I'm afraid you've fallen into some slick politician's rap, who has convinced you, (or the party), that life should go on as usual!...just BORROW more..WRONG!..Get used to it! I, during the '08 elections, in a post to Amos, said all this very stuff was going to happen..and it did!...'Crazy' is when you CAN'T identify reality...Seeing it BEFORE it happens, might be 'gifted' or something like that. Too bad that people who hang onto their ideologies only see a limited picture...only what they want, and turn a blind eye to the whole picture. I'm not 'working' around an agenda, and therefore, not handicapped by fracturing in everything that agenda wants to do, and not looking at the 'rest of the picture'. YOU ARE NOT being told the whole story, by either party!
Shit, and I'm NOT on the 'OTHER SIDE'. The whole of the body politic, is broken, due to the corrupt means by partisan bullshit, and the money that is buying off BOTH sides!..Get that through your thick skulls!..and yes, the mega, global corporations are behind a lot of it. WE, as a country, are broken accommodating these people..and it is your political parties who are facilitating them, by lying through their teeth, and conscripting people like you two, to promote their bullshit!!!...on the rest of the gullible common folk!
Now, before you get your shorts in a twist, because I'm not 'patting you on the back' and stroking you, think about what I said, and in your half witted 'rebuttals' provide PROOF, that what I'm telling you is wrong.....or, as an alternative, pray for an epiphany..Lord knows, it will take one!

Most Sincerely,


14 Nov 10 - 11:56 AM (#3031895)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

Calm don't GfS,

Multiple punctuation marks do not make you more intelligent or sane.

14 Nov 10 - 12:08 PM (#3031913)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

GfS, we played games with money that was not there. And used it for consumerism. It was always destined to break.

14 Nov 10 - 12:43 PM (#3031941)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

There are responsible times to borrow, GfinS... Had the US government borrowed in late 20's and pumped it into the economy (WPA, CCC, etc.) then the Great Depression would have been alot shorter and alot less damaging... Some people say that WW II is what ended the Great Depression, however, facts show that the spending that FDR did, though it be borrowed, had already made a huge dent in the Great Depression...

This is the story now, as well... People can say they want jobs but if the private sector has no interest in creating enough jobs, which it has plainly shown to be true, then unless someone is alot smarter than most leading economists the government has to do it...

This has nothin' to do with Repbs or Dems, BTW... This is Economics 101...

Most economists said it would take between $1T and $1.2T in stimulus to get the economy back on track... Obama got $700B, $300B of that being in tax cuts to the middle class... In other words, this was like going to thr doctor and he tells ya that ya' gotta quit smokin' so ya' cut down... That's not what the doctor said at all...

I mean, when one makes these *chiseled-in-stone* pronouncements that this or that is *off-the-table* then what you are doing is tieing your own hands and limiting the options available to you to solve problems..

And in spite of our *one-trick-pony*, GfinS, this doesn't have to be about Dems or Repubs... It's about making intelligent decisions...
Sure, Dick Armey's Tea Party jumped on the "deficit" as their rallying cry but it's common sense that one fights deficits when times are good, not when ya' have to borrow to get by...

So to not borrow to get US out of this recession is fiscally ***irresponsible***... Just basic economics... No Dem... Not Repub... Just the correct thing to do...

So, GfinS, come down off yer thrown... Yer just swinging wildly and Jack and me and yer, quite frankly, soundin' very narrow minded and not well educated...

But I like ya', anyway...


14 Nov 10 - 12:48 PM (#3031949)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

"So, GfinS, come down off yer thrown???"

Do you mean come down and quit throwin'?

14 Nov 10 - 12:59 PM (#3031957)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Stringsinger

This is thread creep but the problems started earlier under Carter, Reagan and Clinton.
There is a systemic problem in US economics today that the wealthy have the power now.

The deficit hawks really want to see money in their pockets at the expense of the taxpayers.
700 billion would raise the deficit (tax relief for the wealthy).

Obama may cave on this issue.

When the hedge fund managers found that they could manipulate the market and cheat
underwater homeowners, and bet against them for their own financial gain, this was the result of canceling "Glass/Steagal".

The idea of a "god" has nothing to do with this unless you accept the evangelical/fundamentalist idea evinced by the head of Goldman Sachs who
maintains he is doing "god's work". Many Tea Partiers see the housing bubble and example of an unpleasant god punishing those who don't subscribe to a phony idea
of "it's their fault if they were cheated" mentality.

Back to the thread. The question asked is the result of confused thinking. Does this god have one or two heads? Which one is representative of the plutocracy now replacing democracy in our country?

14 Nov 10 - 07:37 PM (#3032246)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Well, seems that "sound economic policy" has crept into the spot-light... And it ain't Tea Party/GfinS policies... Just basic Econ 101... My, my, my... What next??? A rational discussion about God... Horrors...


14 Nov 10 - 08:19 PM (#3032272)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Frank, God has 3 heads. The father the son and the Holy Spirit. Don't ask me to work that out or explain though. My best attempts can not work it all out...

14 Nov 10 - 09:33 PM (#3032314)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Janie

Whew! Enough BS in this thread to keep it going a long, long time.

Ask yourself, am I interested in pushing buttons, or am I interested in conveying and contemplating ideas and perspectives? Am I interested in perhaps getting people to seriously consider the merits of my position or philosophy, am I willing to consider the validity of other points of view, and perhaps evening learning from them and maybe changing my own perspective based on new information, or am I interested in competing, scoring points, etc.

Ask yourself, am I in Rational Mind, Emotion Mind,or Wise Mind.

Realize that people, as a rule, tend to react rather than respond. Are you seeking to provoke reaction in the way you express yourself? Do you want to be "on top" or do you want some one to seriously ponder your perspective? Are you willing to contemplate the merits of a different point-of-view, or do you think you really have a corner on the "truth." How open are you to learning from some one with a different perspective?

Are you seeking attention as much as you are seeking to convey a point-of-view? If you find yourself thinking that some of these remarks describe others but not yourself, ask yourself, at least, the following questions:

1. Am I perhaps projecting my own behaviors and at least some of my motives for posting as I do onto others without warrant?

2. Do I recognize in others what I am myself doing, but am not willing to own within myself?

Attention-seeking behaviors might include jumping on some one as a ringleader, knowing that enough others will follow suit and affirm your position, or may consist of passive-aggressively posting in a way (note I did not say with an idea or position) that is a perfect set-up to allow one to proclaim martyrdom.

Egos are awesome. We all need them. Egos also feed off a variety of foods, some healthy, and some not.

For myself, I have found much on Mudcat BS to be food for thought. Thoughts, positions, information that others have posted, etc., have often led me to think outside of my own customary paradigm, to do more research, and have resulted, variously, to more nuanced understandings, greater appreciation of the validity of perspectives different from my own, shifts in my perspectives, and, very occasionally, to a 180 turn.

I ain't one of the "sexy posters" on either the BS or the music threads. Not much entertainment value to this post either. I'm also sure I have sought attention, posted from emotion mind, thought I had a corner on the market labeled truth, etc.

In otherwords, don't misinterpret this post as me representing myself as a paragon of virtue. For those of you whose eyes don't glaze over about a third of the way through, however, please consider that what I am saying may have some merit with respect to this community.

14 Nov 10 - 09:39 PM (#3032318)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Speaqkin' of community, Janie... There are still about 100 plants here that need diggin'... Hint, hint...

Oh, not a big enuff hint??? Our couch opens into the most comfy sleeper couch known to mankind...

But yer absolutely correct... I guess we are all guilty to some extent... Difficult times to these days...


14 Nov 10 - 09:42 PM (#3032320)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

You know I think grown ups, if they are going to ask themselves questions are capable of selecting their own.

One would think that if one was seeking BS, this section of the Mudcat would be the place.

14 Nov 10 - 09:59 PM (#3032328)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

It gets interesting Jannie in ways i can not resolve,

Did you present new arguments to me> YES

Did I feel   you questioned   some things I have asked about YES

Can I make sense of it   l and create my own God No. I just try to.

14 Nov 10 - 11:22 PM (#3032350)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Janie

I ain't callin' anyone out. Just asking questions that I often ask of myself.    Ain't no right or wrong answers, and therefore no guilt, which only gets in the way of owning oneself. just an invitation to be self-aware.

This prob'ly belongs on the Movin' to NC thread, Bobert, but you raised it here, so I'll answer it here. I really wish I could get up to your place in Luray before you dig up anything else. It sounds like ya'll created a real show place between the house and the grounds. I'd really enjoy helping ya'll dig up some of those plants and shrubs, and you know I'd be good at it. Somewhere things got out of sync. At my age I ought to be suffering from "empty nest" syndrome, have most of my private retirement funds laid away, and be struggling to use up enough vacation time so as not to lose some of it the beginning of each year. Instead, I got a teenage son I'm riding herd on, elderly parents 300 miles away in ill health, and employers keep getting shot out from underneath me like horses in a calvary fight, so I have newbie benefits and leave time. Ain't complainin' - I have managed to keep moving and keep getting hired, unlike many in my field. All this means our best prospects is for you to invite me the house warmin' once most of the work is done. (Have a gardening house warming - invite us all to bring a bottle of wine, a shovel and some work gloves. Set the hour early so the transplanting gets done, then we pop corks, have a pig pickin', and alternate stomp blues with Child ballads.

Are you on?)



14 Nov 10 - 11:41 PM (#3032362)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

I don't feel guilty. I take mys BS as it comes ;-)

15 Nov 10 - 06:34 AM (#3032517)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: beardedbruce

"Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself..."

So, Bobert, this applies to others but NOT to you???

15 Nov 10 - 06:47 AM (#3032525)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Come on, bruce... You can do better than to play "I'm rubber , yer glue..." I know you can...


15 Nov 10 - 06:57 AM (#3032526)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: beardedbruce

YOU can do better than accuse others but deny that YOU cand be seen to demonstrate the same type of treatment of those whose opinions YOU dislike.

Just put two guitars into Archie's Barbershop silent auction- You going to make it ( ends 4 Dec)?

15 Nov 10 - 10:35 PM (#3033152)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest From Sanity

Don't it just amuse you to see the parrots just yakking talking points, when they haven't done the math, and don't know what their talking about!!..Shit, I wonder if any of them are capable of an original tune...I mean REALLY original!

It's just so obvious that it is all one sided blather, that is fresh off the 'news' commentaries....and most of it is all bullshit, the first time I heard it.

I'd be interested if any of the Debit-craps are even capable of an original thought!....and it has to make sense! The Republicunts just used jaded logic..but at least they factor in that WE'RE OUT OF MONEY! and credit too.

Actually I'd like to see the tax cuts be extended for at least small businesses....because they hire people who'd rather work, that suck off the government dole!


15 Nov 10 - 10:39 PM (#3033156)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Correction: "...because they hire people who'd rather work, THAN suck off the government dole!"


15 Nov 10 - 10:51 PM (#3033164)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Well, gol danged, GfinS... We agree on something... Yes to tax cuts on small businesses which, BTW. provide *most* of the jobs in the country...

But less than 2% of small business owners make over $250,000 a year so I'd be more than happy to see the other 98% get tax relief... I'd also like to see more lending to small businesses... Right now it's at about "zero"... None of my friends who have small businesses can get loans... I'm a small businessman with an 800 credit score and can't get a loan to finish my hotel renovation and like the rest of them had to lay off my employees...

But that's all on Wall Street... You know, the guys who Bush bailed out but because the Repubs own the media have convinced the dumbasses that vote that Obama did it and consequently that, and the rest of the lies that the Repubs have told thru *their* (liberal) media , we now have some of the dumbest people imaginable coming to run (ruin)
the country...

That's the real deal... This has never been about not getting tyhe message out... It's all been about the complete control of the media by the Repubs...

I know you don't believe that, GfinS, but believing wrong stuff seems to be the *in thing* these days... Hope you like the America that Boss Hog and his Repub minions have planned for you because you sho nuff gonna get it... Which, of course mean you'll have less money 'cause it's going to continue to be redistributed to the rich people...

Square business...


16 Nov 10 - 02:09 AM (#3033213)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobz: "That's the real deal... This has never been about not getting tyhe message out... It's all been about the complete control of the media by the Repubs..."

You mean like MSNBC???

Actually, I'd like to see note just 'small business OWNERS' get a tax break, but small businesses.

So, you think a tax break would give the economy a boost??..

....along with some trimming down of some governmental wasteful spending?
I'd like to see both houses NOT give themselves salary hikes that are out of proportion of the rest of the economy, as well...and I'd like the government to CLEAN up a lot of government programs, that could be run a lot more efficiently. I'd like to see our crooked 'representatives' on EQUAL footing with the people they are supposed to be representing!...and that includes their health care, as well!!!


16 Nov 10 - 07:29 AM (#3033373)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Yeah, I do like MSNBC but I'd give it up in a heartbeat if it meant that NBC, ABC and CBS would spend a little more time in truth-burg and the American people having the right to know (Disclosure Act before Congress now) who is buying up massive advertising...

As for wasteful spending, if you take out all the earmarks (which I favor) you are talking less than 1% of the federal budget... Where else is all this waste we've been hearing about??? Especially seein' as the Repubs have instilled the mindset that cuts to Defense are off limits??? So we get airplanes that the Pentagon says it doesn't even need???


16 Nov 10 - 09:46 PM (#3034006)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Earmarks yes.....and I gather you think there is NO waste in government operations, or spending??

and MSNBC is VERY lightweight, as far as their regular 'news' go. BTW, the cartoon channel has higher ratings, during their prime time 'news' hour. Check it out yourself!


16 Nov 10 - 10:41 PM (#3034030)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

I don't doubt the ratings thing, GfinS... That is my point... We have a severely dumbed down population that, frankly, would rather watch cartoons then learn anything... Thern come election day these same people who have been watching cartoons and seeing an occasional ad on TV (80% Rep, 20% Dem) and so they think they are part of this "informed electorate" that Jefferson talked about so it's off to the polls to do their "informed electorate" thing and, by golly... Look what we get???

Geeze, Louise...

Garbage in = garbage out...

Yes, MSNBC is light weight but at least it has weight... FOX, on the other hand... No weight at all... They just make up stuff... Glen Beck wouldn't pass an American History 101 final... Prolly get around 40-50%... That's a F... Yet he gets on TV and just comes up with the most incredulous stories and guess what, GfinS???

The cartoon watcher believe it all to be true...

That is the scary part of this... Eric Hoffer wrote a book entitled "The True Believer" and perfectly described the cartoon/Beck watchers... They ***believe*** both to be true??? The problem with beliefs is that when people are confronted/introduced to the truth the less educated will pick mythology... This is all a condemnation of our educational system that has failed in teaching people to "think"... This is what Aldous Huxley warned US about in "Brave New World"... An entire subculture of people incapable of the ability to think critically...

I'd like to think we are not at the "Brave New World" level but I look around and wonder if Huxley didn't hit the nail on the head if he were lookin' at a 2010 America???

Compared to other developed nations, we have dropped in every measurable category in education since the 1980s... Our general health has dropped like a stone since the 1980s... Our working class income has been stagnant while the incomes of other developed nations working classes has risen...

There are reasons for this...

I hate to keep on barking on the Repubs but other than the purest Nixon Repub in Bill Clinton, the Repubs have ***governed*** during this dreadfully historic decline... There have been few exceptions but the decline directly coincides with Repub control...

Yeah, it's easy to pull a page outtta the 2000 playbook for the Green Party and try to fit it into our current situation... I mean, I know that song... I worked for Nadar in 2000 and in 2004...

But we no longed have the luxary to sing old songs that may make US feel good but don't stop the dumbing down of our population, which BTW is no accident... All we have to do is look at the folks the the corportists backed who will be the "new bosses"...

All I am saying is let's stop the "Brave New World" experiement here in the US... Let's start telling the truth... The Republican Party has just won (bought) an election because they had unlimited money to run one shitload of very clever ads that were aimed at the Epsilons among US...

But, who cares???

I do...

Yeah, MSNBC may be like news-lite but at least they tell the truth... And when they are called on anything that is inaccurate, they correct it the following night...

"Jack Knife Gypsy
I'm going home to bed
No, this ain't been nice
But we got something said..."



17 Nov 10 - 03:32 AM (#3034107)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobz-Babes: "Yeah, MSNBC may be like news-lite but at least they tell the truth.."

Why??..Because they told you so???? I'd prefer to have something to check it against, wouldn't you?

In case you might have noticed, I've been calling right shots BEFORE they hit the 'mainstream news'...and I have repeatedly posted, that the 'news'(so-called) is more like 'infotainment'.

Fox may not have the 'news' that is ...umm...'pleasant' to hear, but they are not all as bad as the libs make it out to be...and the reverse is true with MSNBC. Where MSNBC falls down is through the 'sin of omission'.

I think it would be helpful, instead of having a bias against Fox, or any of them, would be to watch them OBJECTIVELY. None of them are delivering the Gospel..and some certainly have their corporate interests at stake...including MSNBC. For that reason, I don't rely solely on any of them exclusively.....and the news I get has been highly the history I've shown on here, vouches for that.

Most info that comes in, should be used for your own protection, for the things you plan....not to make you feel re-assured, that your political point of view is 'correct'...correct with who???

I don't like it when the news is slanted to instruct me how to think or feel about a particular subject. Just give me accurate information, and let me do that, thank you.

I prefer to think independently..and thus think clearer. sometimes, I'll shoot you a truth, that you may not like, and think I'm on the 'right'....but that's only because it contradicts the propaganda on the left....and the reverse is true, as well. In that case, I have to check, to make sure ANY news is not slanted, or delivered with a bias, a tone inflection, a bat of the eye, or feigned indignation. Just give me the facts...I can deal with the rest......besides, those of us from 'Sanity-Land' know how it ends...I read the book!...(Wink)


17 Nov 10 - 07:26 AM (#3034221)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

The problem with yer thesis is that you are brarinwashed into thinking those of US on the left aren't operating with the facts... This flies in the face that in reality the more folks know (think education here) the more likely they bare to be "liberal"....

This is why Daddy Bush started bashing educated people 3 decades ago with his *less-that-funny* references to "elitists"... That was nuting but Karl Rovism attack on people strengths... That why we have the highest school drop out rate of any developed nation... That's why scientists don't want to work in the US... That is why we keep hearing about the US suffering from "brain drain"... That's why the rednecks delight in telling you how little education they have...

That's the problem I have with you, GfinS... You play so well into Daddy Bush's game of accepting mythology and attacking the folks who know what they are talking about...

I mean, all ya' gotta do is look at just how far the US has slipped in *quality-of-life* categories in the 30 years the Repubs have been running the show... That is "Exhibit A", "Exhibit B" and down thru "Exhibit X"... In the words of Doctor Phil, "And how's it workin' fir ya'???"

In the words of Waylon Jennings, "We need a change"... Yet when it looks like we may actually get some intelligence in "governing" what we are seein' is the same people who profit while the country fails line up against the "dreaded liberals" like it is the "dreaded liberals" who are responsible for the nation's demise???

Beam me up, Scotty...

GFinS is another one of "them"...


17 Nov 10 - 11:46 AM (#3034405)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert, was that supposed to be an elaborate attempt at smearing me through name calling and insults???

All I said was to check out your 'news' sources, and that none of them, as far as I can see, are telling us everything!

Shit, this namby-pamby name calling from the so called 'liberals'(who really DON'T believe is diversity of thought, or ANYTHING except their own mindset), has risen to absurd levels of self imposed prejudice!

Get over it! What do you do?..Have a repertoire of only one song, because learning more was too damaging to your brain??????

In the news world MSNBC is a joke, with Chris Matthews having 'tingly feelings running up his legs'(his words), at the thought of Obama!..and you expect THAT to be objective reporting?? No wonder you got brain-lock!

All anyone has to do, is watch MSNBC, and they'll know EVERYTHING about what your opinion is going to be the next day!

BOY! IS that fucking stupid!


17 Nov 10 - 11:55 AM (#3034414)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

CORRECTION: Third paragraph should have read, "...DON'T believe IN diversity..." Not, '..DON'T believe is diversity..."

and furthermore, I have 'other' news sources besides anything that the 'mainstream' propagandists.

Someone posted a short while ago a great, but simple post, " The difference between the American and Russian citizens, is the Americans actually believe their propaganda!"

Well said!

Hey, do you want to know what is going to happen next????


17 Nov 10 - 12:48 PM (#3034458)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Stringsinger

"Why are there longer threads dissing god and rowing over politics, Frank?"

Jon, the reason is that many god believers have wreaked havoc in the world underlying wars and intolerance. Rowing over politics is a standard Mudcat BS staple.

17 Nov 10 - 12:55 PM (#3034466)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

It is stupid to blame it on the believers.


Greed and violence are forces mightier than religion in many people.

17 Nov 10 - 01:07 PM (#3034479)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Not sure who were pointing at above GfS but personally I am or was capable of original tunes have one from me

17 Nov 10 - 01:36 PM (#3034500)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Guest Jon: "Not sure who were pointing at above GfS but personally ..."

I was NOT referring to you, Jon, but rather to those people, Bobert in particular, who listen to one 'news' source, and declare themselves 'experts'.

BTW, I like waltzes!..Wrote in 3/4 on several songs, and still do...AND, how did you post your song on here like that?? I got some I could do. Little Hawk is the only one who has heard anything by me. I'd be interested in sharing them with the room, if possible.



17 Nov 10 - 01:49 PM (#3034522)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Gfs, the tune was written in Midi with Cakewalh. I can nnot remember the Linux (I went open source...) I used to convert to mp3/

17 Nov 10 - 02:00 PM (#3034529)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

And on posting I have my own web space; Round here you need to use html

17 Nov 10 - 02:34 PM (#3034547)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

I don't listen to just one news source, GfinS, and that is why I have a level of trust in MSNBC... I also read the Washington Post EVERYDAY without exception, listen to alot of NPR and watch the at least an hour of of TV news EVERYDAY... That makes for an "informed" citizen so I, at the very least, know when someone is trying to run a line of bullshit down my throat...

(But, Boberdz... Those news sources are all them "elitist" leftie sources...)

See what I mean...

Tell ya' what, GfinS... I'd stack my education and knowledge of world events up against yers any day of the week for accuracy in terms of "the truth"!!!

(Horrorts, Boberdz... Now ya' gotta bring "the truth" into this... You are an elitist, aren't you???)

No, not really... I'd just like to see America get over its love affair with emotionalism and mythology as being the centerpieces of *governing*... No wonder the smart people are leaving...


17 Nov 10 - 02:36 PM (#3034549)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Thank you. So, you posted it on your website, then did what to get it on to here?


17 Nov 10 - 02:45 PM (#3034555)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Well Brains, don't you think that listening to another point of view, might widen your scope??
Why be so myopic??..I'll tell you, you just listen to re-enforce some of you bad ideas!..Because you have posted a LOT of stuff on here that is really silly, and contradicts itself, which I have pointed out.
That's like watching 'Bugs Bunny', 'Porky Pig', 'Daffy Duck', 'The Flintstones'....and trying to talk without an accent, about something that isn't trite and stupid!

Those 'news' sources all get their 'press releases' from the same 'hypesters'....but I guess that's alright with you!...and everything is going to be alright...and the 'good guy' wins in the end..all the time!
Good night, Gracie!


17 Nov 10 - 05:19 PM (#3034645)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Listening to another point of view, GfinS is what progressives have had to do for the last 30 years... Ya'll own the microphone and the media, lock, stock and barrel...

Give me a break... That's the only story that is being told unless you dig real deep for the truth...

I mean, a deaf man couldn't help but hear yer side of the story... It's 90% of the conversation...

No, I think ya'll need to listen to our side... We've got solutions to problems that are based on knowledge of the real world...

But you won't because it's easier to spit out the company fight songs since they permeate our entire culture... That is why the US finds itself on this slippery slope toward 3rd world status... 30 years of Boss Hog's getting his way by blasting nuthin' but his ideas down upon the masses 24/7...

No, you have it 100% wrong, GfinS... And all I have to do to prove it is to ask ya' "How's Boss Hog's plan working for US???"

But you can take it to the bank that every progressive knows ya'll's story, book, chapter and verse...


p.s. I still likes you but you is one funny lady...

17 Nov 10 - 06:29 PM (#3034692)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: akenaton

Bobert, no offense intended but why do you reckon GfS is a female.

I have always thought that GfS was a man....simply by his/her writing style.

Mind you, I've been wrong before...I always presumed TIA to be a man, then she informed that he was a she.

Had to apologise for bad language :0(

17 Nov 10 - 06:43 PM (#3034696)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Gut feelin', ake... Not that I'd bet the farm, mind you, but I'm kinda in that 90% sure that GfinS is indeed a woman personage... Maybe it's the "winks"... Winks ain't real masculine...

BTW, I've know along time that TIA was a weoman...

Plus, ol' hillbilly has a Phd in womenz... Got it from the University of Hard Knocks (UHK)... Got the scares to prove it...


17 Nov 10 - 06:59 PM (#3034706)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Ed T

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer?" George Price

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.
Robin Williams

17 Nov 10 - 07:00 PM (#3034708)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

We use a link for that Gfs. There is a Mudcat html thread. I would suggest you look at, I'm not up it now but maybe Joe would give the link.

17 Nov 10 - 07:14 PM (#3034716)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Oh gfs, it is not my way but the "make a blue clicky" would also achieve what you ask.

18 Nov 10 - 12:10 AM (#3034863)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Jack the Sailor

GfS gets upset with me when I use the male pronoun to refer him.

18 Nov 10 - 01:59 AM (#3034886)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Funny that description, Gfs I am a try my best person but not expert We really wind up in a trying hard , thinking I may be wise...but at the same time failed fool if that makes any sense.

18 Nov 10 - 02:14 AM (#3034888)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert; "..Ya'll own the microphone ..."

Bobert: "..No, I think ya'll need to listen to our side..."

Who is "Ya'll'??

..and the crap about "Our Side"

I'm not picking sides, frankly, I'm quite tired of the 'Right versus Left' bullshit dialogue. I'm tired of the right and the left!..I think they're both full of shit!..and I'm of neither one.

I don't want anything, but the truth, and neither of them have a monopoly on that! fact, BOTH sides get their followers, by twisting the, 'Communism is two steps forward, and three steps back', an old saying. So why don't you call it like it is.

I don't need a fucked up ideology to tell me what to think! Maybe you do...but you haven't impressed me as being too creative, either!

Polly want a cracker?..or a new cause, to exploit?

Ever had an original thought?..try it!


18 Nov 10 - 02:21 AM (#3034889)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jon: "Funny that description, Gfs I am a try my best person but not expert We really wind up in a trying hard , thinking I may be wise...but at the same time failed fool if that makes any sense."

I'm not sure what you meant....but thanks for steering me in the right direction......................I think!

Jack the Sailor: "GfS gets upset with me when I use the male pronoun to refer him."

I guess you had 'restless fingers syndrome' and needed to type something...anything, huh?


18 Nov 10 - 02:31 AM (#3034892)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Gfs IF there is a creature beyond us, Our logic will not work,

Hope that explains my comment above. It will not prove the existence of a God though

18 Nov 10 - 08:58 AM (#3035087)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Oh, so it's "creativity" you are looking for, GFinS???

How about nationalizing wealth??? Creative enough???

How about universal/single payer health care??? Creative enough???

How about free college??? Creative enough???

How about de-politicizing of science??? Creative enough???

How about a National Guaranteed Income??? Creastive enough???

How about 2% of all government (state, local and federal) budgets having to be spent on the arts??? Creative enough???

How about high speed rail connecting/in te4rconnecting out major population centers??? Creative enough???

How about transit options for our elderly so that they can get around after they can no longer drive safely???

Speaking of driving... How about making "live,work, play" the centerpiece for any new development??? Creative enough???

How about a real national energy plan that focuses on conservation and safety over profit??? Creative enough???

How about putting polluters in jail??? Creative enough???

How about returning the airwaves to the public like they were intended??? Creative enough???

I mean, I could go on and on... And most of these things will occur down the road...

The problem is that we aren't living in a period where creativity is rewarded... We are still a very primitive nation that can't even agree on the role of government... We are instead being lead by those who have the most to gain financially and not those who really want a better life for everyone... It narcissism for the wealthy and "Let 'um eat cake" for everyone else...

This ain't got as much to do with Dems v. Repubs as it has to do with a very corrupted system and a misconception that the rich create wealth and, therefore, jobs... That is a fallacy... Its the other way around... The working class creates the wealth but the rich have falsely created a culture that has it backwards because in order to stay rich (and in control) they need to maintain that mythology...

I mean, let's get real here, GfinS...

The US of A is like an artist who has been shot, taken to the hospital bleeding and before he can paint another picture or write another song or book the doc is going to have to deal with the gunshot first... That is reality... We gotta stop the bleeding... Once we do that, then we can talk about creativity... Right now the choices are stark... What's middle class??? $250,000 a year??? A million dollars a year??? What a joke... 95% of the people don't make either but here we are bleeding and we're rearranging deck chairs???

Give me a break...

We are having all the wrong arguments...


18 Nov 10 - 11:18 AM (#3035179)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "The US of A is like an artist who has been shot, taken to the hospital bleeding and before he can paint another picture or write another song or book the doc is going to have to deal with the gunshot first... That is reality... We gotta stop the bleeding... Once we do that, then we can talk about creativity... Right now the choices are stark... What's middle class??? $250,000 a year??? A million dollars a year??? What a joke... 95% of the people don't make either but here we are bleeding and we're rearranging deck chairs???

Give me a break..."

Question: OK,Getting beyond the pointed question about having an original, thought,..did you cut and paste this???...or did you come up with it all by your lonesome?

Now on to the body of the above excerpt,

Question: So, would you cut off the 'artists' head and stuff it in the bullet hole, to stop the bleeding???

Question: Assure us how, after establishing it, with all the power you gave, to get all the 'allowed' goodies, would you, at least consider, what would happen, should the 'other' party, be the one in power??

These might take 'original' thinking to consider all the ramifications, and possibilities.

By the way, just in case you actually authored articulated yourself very well!! Let's talk there.

Hey, Still Warmest Regards, (We bitch a lot!)


18 Nov 10 - 04:41 PM (#3035443)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Well, of course I wrote all that stuff... Heck, any good commie (lol) could do it, too...

Thanks fir the "you articulated yourself very well" followed with "!!"...

But I am a policy wonk... I spend way too much time thinkin' about solving problems and making a different world... Problem (and it is a problem) is that I have a little situation where I can see how things will be down the road and just get impatient... It has happened so many times that I accept it as both a blessing and curse...

Sometimes it gets me into trouble and sometimes it serves me well... Right now I'm enjoying/suffering from a little of both... Long stories that don't need to be out there in cyberspace...

I was talking yesterday with the Page County administrator about a deal that will help the county and when I was done with my presentation he said, "I like yer ideas but you have to keep in mind that the Board of Supervisors are not visionaries like you"... That is frustarting because I know that what I am proposing is not only the best alternative for their little county office building situation but I also know that in 10 years they will have either done it or blown their opportunity???

Terribly frustrating...

As for cutting off the artist's head??? In most situations, no but there are some artists that I might have to think twice... lol... I mean, I like artists in general but some ya' gotta wonder just what the hell they were thinking... I mean, Joan (not a woman) Miro??? Drives me up the wall... Can't stand his work... Mondrian??? Same...

As fir bitchin' alot??? It's part of being an American... We tend to react alot better than proact... Alot easier to look at the replay and ask, "What the hell was the quarterback thinkin' throwing the ball to the wrong team???

Warm regards back...


18 Nov 10 - 11:10 PM (#3035633)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert, Thanks for the reply.
As long as you came to 'a consideration', I want to interject a little something to, and for you......we, who are musicians, have a gift from God, to reach into the 'unseen' and interpret 'that', into sounds, that can communicate a WHOLE lot. When focusing on that very thing, and reaching into the human inner being, all this political stuff is selling you short, of your capabilities. The political stuff is manipulated and not as genuine, as what you have available, to access in higher places. It's there. Do what your heart, always told you, that you could do, in music.

OK, We can return to bitching at each other!!


19 Nov 10 - 07:30 AM (#3035852)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

You would have to bring God back into the discussion, GfinS... I mean, here we were almost getting along nicely and not bitin' or hittin', 'er nuthin' so...

...nah, not in the mood fir bitchin'...

BTW, talked with my buddy who has a recording studio on the other side of the mountain and we're gonna try to get together over the next couple months and procrastinator me gonna record/re-record a couple three "Sidewalk Bob" originals... The reason I brought nit up on this thread is that one of them goes way back to my coffee house folkie days entitled "Jesus Don't Make House Calls Anymore"... Anyway, I have been known on occasion to just pull that song out and play it in any tuning that I happen to be in and it's been a long time since I first recorded it (30 years maybe)...

(That ain't bithcin', Boberdz...)

I'll work on it... Maybe get into the Tea Partiers riggin' the "Dancin' with the Stars" competition in moving Bristol Palin in to the finals... I know, who cares??? LOL...


19 Nov 10 - 08:01 AM (#3035868)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

I'd say fpr sure Gfs. The interesting music (while I confess to loving some hymns) is stuff without words. It may sound daft but you can read your own message into them.

19 Nov 10 - 08:34 AM (#3035895)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Oh and useless info. GFS. my 3/4 waltz in this or the other thread was intended as a wedding dance for friends. It (the tune) never happened but can you picture people at a wedding spin round to it? That was my intention.

19 Nov 10 - 12:01 PM (#3036014)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jon: ".....can you picture people at a wedding spin round to it? That was my intention...."

Accent the '1', and put a slight 'pause'(rest) between the '3' and '1', as in ...123...1.2.3...123...1.2.3...& repeat.. speed it up a tad, and they'll be deliriously spinning! (I love that when it happens!)

Bobert, If you are referring to my ' is a gift from God..' part, well, did you think it was a 'state entitlement benefit'????

Besides,.."RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???"



19 Nov 10 - 12:34 PM (#3036050)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Hey, gotta keep God in the thread to some extent or He/She gonna get pissed off and flood us out...

BTW, my late wife was Checz and I been to a few of them weddings... Nothin' worse than the um-pa gettin' outta hand...


19 Nov 10 - 12:38 PM (#3036054)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobz" gettin' outta hand...'

Well that's what ya' get for playing polkas.
Ever notice how Mexican music is a lot of polkas?..That's from the Germans who settled there. Can't say I'm a fan of much of it!


19 Nov 10 - 03:37 PM (#3036180)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Stringsinger

The gift of musical ability comes from the human brain, not a Big Daddy unless you count the genes in the parents of a gifted musician. Then the Big Daddy becomes a human small daddy and mostly likely the gift comes from the mommy.

Evolution plays an important role in the development of musical talent. Now we get into the murky waters of what is musical talent? This is even more difficult than defining folk music.

19 Nov 10 - 04:38 PM (#3036230)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

I disagree on where music comes from Frank but think I can answer musical talent in part. I think it largely comes down to

1 if looking at self, writing, playing or singing something you feel really satisfied with/

2 If looking at others it is a music you have great admiration of

It is a very personal thing. (and some things like a pop idol commercialised ability are not talent to me but maybe that is just me)

19 Nov 10 - 04:40 PM (#3036233)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Oh and a 3... it's a hearing something you wish you could do yourself but know it is beyond your own ability.

19 Nov 10 - 05:10 PM (#3036252)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Little Hawk

"God" is not out to kill off anything. People are out to kill off things.

19 Nov 10 - 05:23 PM (#3036262)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

It can seem otherwise at times LH but you IMO are right. If I can be excused a biblical POV, Satan is the enemy of man and will twist anything to make God look bad, people to commit atrocities in the name of religion, etc.

19 Nov 10 - 05:39 PM (#3036281)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

Just to qualify that, LH. Peter 5:8

Satan is a lion, roaring, looking for and stalking whom he may devour

19 Nov 10 - 06:07 PM (#3036302)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

Can't disagree with that, LH... Might of fact, word on the street is that God is thinkin' about retirin'... Yup, this last election pissed God off and so He/She workin' on a new plan... Heck, maybe if God retires, Ms. Sarah can step in and do the job???

As for the election??? Mark 14:5...

..."Take heed lest any man deceive you"...


19 Nov 10 - 07:36 PM (#3036354)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Little Hawk

For sure, Jon. But I probably interpret the word "Satan" a little differently, that's all. I interpret the word "Satan" as meaning "the dark side of consciousness" (as it functions in humanity or in any conscious being). In other words, I don't think Satan is an actual being, a fallen Angel who opposes God...I interpret that the word Satan is being used in the Bible as a metaphorical symbol for the dark side of people and creation, whereas "God" is used as a metaphorical symbol for the light side of people and creation.

I interpret them both as symbols of something inside us rather than as being separate beings that are outside of us.

It says in the Bible "seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven which is within". If it's within us, then it is part of us. It's the goodness in us, the positive things in our consciousness and psychology. Satan and Hell are symbols, I think, of the negative things in our consciousness and our psychology.

It is our own negativity which "is a lion, roaring, looking for and stalking whom he may devour". It is that negativity in us which hates, envies, fears, lusts, attacks, damages, and destroys. Look around on this forum. You see that "lion, roaring, looking for and stalking whom he may devour" on every single thread where various people are stalking and viciously or snidely attacking other people over some disagreement or other. That's "Satan": the roaring creature inside us that would's the dark side of each one of us.

In ancient times there were adepts, advanced spiritual students, among the Essenes, the Egyptians, the early Christians, and all those groups. The adepts understood not to take things like "Satan" literally, but to see them as allegorical of the forces in human nature itself. The common people, on the other hand, took such terms literally like fairy tales they believed in, imagining a demon who lived in some hellish region and sought people's souls. I'm saying that that hellish region isn't a place outside of us or in some other dimension or at the center of the Earth. It's the place that we build within our own minds when we indulge in the darkest of emotions and intentions.

Not only is the Kingdom of Heaven within each one of us...the Principality of Hell is there too. It's up to us which one we give our energy to, and we end up spending the majority our time in whichever one we serve the most.

A lot of people LOVE their own negativity. They get addicted to it. It gives them an adrenalin rush. It makes them feel superior and proud or it makes them feel justified in being bitter. As such, they are serving that within themselves which the ancient adepts symbolized with the name "Satan".

If people will not forgive, then they serve it. If they want to hurt or destroy someone, then they serve it. If they are constantly angry, then they're in its power. And it is a hungry lion. It will eventually devour them if they keep on indulging it.

The Bible warns not to "cast your pearls before swine". That's an important one to remember. Swine do not forgive, they yearn to devour you, they like to step on you, they like raining on your parade, and if you are really honest about anything that reveals your own vulnerability, they will swarm all over you and rip you up. Keep that in mind when on this forum. You need a good suit of armour here if you intend to be open about yourself beyond a certain measure.

So, Jon, I would say...employ caution when on the Mudcat. ;-) There are some very nice people here....and then there are the other ones.

19 Nov 10 - 08:07 PM (#3036368)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: Bobert

The Bible also says "there is nothing hidden that one day won't be found and no secret kept that one day won't be common knowledge" (it's in Mathew...)

So, ya' might as well play straight up here in the mudbowl...


19 Nov 10 - 08:08 PM (#3036369)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Jon

I'd still seem them as real beings LH but much of what you sat also fits, LH.

19 Nov 10 - 09:53 PM (#3036419)
Subject: RE: BS: Is God Out to Kill Off BS???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Jon: "Satan is a lion, roaring, looking for and stalking whom he may devour."

The interesting thing about that verse, is the word 'MAY', which denotes permission.
WE are the ones who grant the permission.
Keep your shit together, and don't 'give it away', to the 'dark side'.