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BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK

15 Nov 10 - 05:19 AM (#3032465)
Subject: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Arthur_itus

From the Guardian Newspaper

In 1991, the author Michael Frayn wrote a book, A Landing on the Sun, about a British prime minister who tasked his advisers with looking into happiness and what the government could do to promote it. The prize proved elusive, the adviser went mad and died.

Despite the fable, politicians aren't so gloomy about the prospect of knowing what makes us happy – but substitute "happy" with the compound noun "wellbeing". So much so that David Cameron is trying to get the concept up and running even in the midst of public service cuts and soaring living costs.

He is sticking to a policy commitment he made before the economic crash when growth figures were still rosy. He said: "It's time we admitted that there's more to life than money and it's time we focused not just on GDP but on GWB – general wellbeing."

Speaking at the Google Zeitgeist Europe conference, he added: "Wellbeing can't be measured by money or traded in markets. It's about the beauty of our surroundings, the quality of our culture and, above all, the strength of our relationships. Improving our society's sense of wellbeing is, I believe, the central political challenge of our times."


He he Lets be happy.

Got no job, got no home, got no money, but hey am I happy. Waking up in my cardboard box under a bridge, listening to the ducks quacking happily, the lovely fresh air. By jove missus am I happy. :-)

15 Nov 10 - 05:21 AM (#3032467)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Arthur_itus

By the way, that's not me, but it could be.

15 Nov 10 - 05:24 AM (#3032471)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richard Bridge

Cameron is already mad and we wish he would die.

15 Nov 10 - 05:25 AM (#3032473)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richard Bridge

PS - it's just a remake of "God save the squire and his relations , and keep us all in our proper stations".

15 Nov 10 - 05:29 AM (#3032478)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,crowsister

"Waking up in my cardboard box under a bridge, listening to the ducks quacking happily, the lovely fresh air. By jove missus am I happy. :-)"

Well of course there's quite a lot to say in favour of a more minimal lifestyle in which people are 'closer to nature'. I know a number of people who do it in their own way - on boats, in vans or in Tipis and so-on. The major obstacles they face in being happy with their minimal non-consumerist lifestyles are the police who move them on, councils who tell them they can't live in that caravan or tent. No, not there. You're breaking the law. Cardboard box under a bridge? Move along, move along.

15 Nov 10 - 05:33 AM (#3032482)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

We're very happy here in The West Country, as we have water bills TWICE the price of the rest of the country..and now, to make us even happier, the Government and the Water Industry are looking at moves where they can actually cut water supplies OFF from people's houses, if they don't pay their bills, or...reduce their supply to a trickle.

This is because so many people in 'their' words *won't* pay their water bills...Indeed South West Water (spit!) had to take over 8,000 people to court last year..


In my words many people down here CANNOT AFFORD to pay their water bills..

Indeed, if Nanny wasn't living with me, thus enabling me to claim their Water Sure scheme, I'd be paying over £1,000 a year, purely for water...As it is, EVEN ON the Water Sure scheme I'm still paying exactly the same amount as my friend does, in a house twice the size of mine, in a rich area of the country, not far outside London, where jobs pay a great deal more and are easier to find..

Boy, we're so HAPPY down here we're dancin' in the streets! :0)

15 Nov 10 - 05:39 AM (#3032488)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Arthur_itus

You know you pay for all the water used by the tourists that come to your lovely area each year.

In return you get all the spin off from the money the tourists spend there.

Be happy.

15 Nov 10 - 05:55 AM (#3032497)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,crowsister

Are there any natives left in the SW? I thought everything had been bought up by the tourists!

15 Nov 10 - 06:12 AM (#3032504)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: akenaton

In my job, I meet many different people, I spend time in their houses, I listen to their complaints.

They open their hearts to me, because they trust me to keep them warm and dry.
The most unhappy are of course the underclass, addicted ,depressed worthless...they do not have a life, they have a penance.

In general terms, the happiest people are those with a job giving them just enough to get by and be comfortable.

The ultra rich are also happy but in a different way...I dont think they really appreciate how very lucky they are, most are arrogant and selfish, looking down on those competing in the rat race.

Those in between are like rats in a cage, their life a continual struggle to climb the ladder and a blind terror of slipping down even one rung, sustained by wine, valium and adrenaline.

And the reason for all the angst? A few tons of printed paper....comic cuts which we think represents something real.

Sometimes I despair at our greed and stupidity.

15 Nov 10 - 06:38 AM (#3032518)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lox

Cameron nicked that policy straight out of the constitution of Bhutan, and his policies bear NO RESEMBLANCE.

             Domain of the Dragon King.

Bhutan has a benevolent king who sees his job as being to ensure the happiness of his people.

It was he and his government who coined the phrase "Gross National Happiness" and who have advocated this approach to policy at the UN.

His position is that Gross National Product does nothing to measure the prosperity of nation/state, but if anything, trying to reach GNP targets and GDP targets is the root cause of many problems globally as a result of its social, environmental and spiritual consequences on peoples lives.

The proof of the pudding is of course in the eating ...

... what do the people of Bhutan have to say about their king? ...

... They Love him!


15 Nov 10 - 06:46 AM (#3032524)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lox


         Best Quote from the link above: ...

         "Bhutan is a country where pigs do fly"

         In reference to the fact that Marijuana grows wild, but it is used only to feed pigs.

         People could smoke it if they wanted ... but they don't.


15 Nov 10 - 07:07 AM (#3032531)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Patsy

Apparently the trip to Mars is being planned, the snag being it is only a one way trip. For research purposes shouldn't Cameron sign up, for the good of the nation of course.

15 Nov 10 - 07:16 AM (#3032535)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lox


       Of course, as with Uncle Dave, we should perhaps not crack open the Bollinger just yet,
       as things may not be quite as rosy as they seem.

       Gross National Happiness for some ... ethnic cleansing for others ...


15 Nov 10 - 08:03 AM (#3032571)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie

60Million people in the UK. Most wonder what the fuss is all about.

Apologies for smiling, but most days that's what I do. Ok, dealing in health and social care, you get a bit despondent at times. Oh, and like everybody else, I am sure I reckon I could run the country better than they do. But hey, we all delude ourselves.

Don't forget, when you are looking for a scapegoat for your own black dog, just remember, (if you are in The Uk, or any Western nation,) you DID win the lottery, in case you haven't noticed.

Oh, and I don't want Cameron to die. Unlike Predictable Dick, I embrace the opinions of others. Steamin' Willie will tell them they are absurd, (the real me has far too high empathy levels I have been told. I know, i blinked too, but there you go.)

Wow, no problem with Arthur itus starting this thread, because I too wonder if Cameron has fully grasped the issues we are looking to him to deliver on, but when I was on strike, I enjoyed taking my dog for a walk. When the bailiffs followed after we got back to work, I noted how nice a pint was when my brother took me out for the night. I even smiled rather than got angry when the S*n ran a story moaning that miners aren't having to pay their debts and none had been taken to court. this was a couple of weeks after I had moved into the rented home after mine was repossessed.

But you know something? I picked myself up, I didn't become a pessimist and I didn't look for scapegoats for my predicament.

Oh, and in case you forgot, days are reasonably happy for the vast majority of The UK. Things haven't altered one jot since either 2008 banking crisis or the election the other month.

Not one jot...

And the weird beards reckon there will be a revolution eh? Starting with middle class kids complaining about student loans. I reckon they have a point, but the government is still there, and will be till the next election. then the real people, the people who count, the vast majority, will judge them on their successes and failures.

Meanwhile, in a clapped out caravan with a dilapidated old Volvo parked next to it, Trotsky looks at the newspaper, ignoring the stock market prices and "Association" football news, to see if the Prime Minister has snuffed it yet.

I don't agree with Cameron on many things, in fact very few... But I agree that whinging and being despondent is self inflicted pain. Lighten up, comb your beard, get some socks that match the leather straps at least! and go and get a pint. then... try ruddy smiling.

15 Nov 10 - 08:05 AM (#3032574)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

You are all heartless cynics. David Cameron is a nice young man.

Its like Mrs Thatcher used to say - you are indulging in the politics of envy.

You're just saying all these awful things because he was nicely brought up and has good manners.

15 Nov 10 - 08:24 AM (#3032590)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Patsy


15 Nov 10 - 08:43 AM (#3032613)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Dave Hanson

Billy Connolly once said ' they say money can't by you happiness, don't believe it, it's fucking great '

In times of national crisis and recession, it's always the very rich telling the very poor that they will have to tighten their belts and make sacrifices in the national interest.

Cameron is a twat.

Dave H

15 Nov 10 - 09:18 AM (#3032638)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

You know you pay for all the water used by the tourists that come to your lovely area each year.

In return you get all the spin off from the money the tourists spend there.

Be happy."<<<

I'm presuming you're being sarcastic there?   If not, why do other folks who live in areas of outstanding natural beauty, tourist spots etc, pay 50% less for their water than we do?

We were told the high prices were due to the '20 year Clean Up Plan'...that finished this year, but guess what? They can't put the prices down, because NOW they have to pay back the *loans* they took out to achieve that plan! ?????WTF?????   The public have NO way of knowing if this is true or not. What the hell have they done with all the money they took from us these past 20 YEARS???????

We should ALL pay EXACTLY the same amount for our water, no matter where we live. Without it we die. It is different from any other form of 'natural product', and no section of the country should be held to ransom in the way the people of the West Country have for two decades and more...We have the lowest paid jobs down here, the highest house prices, the fewest jobs....Go figure where we are on the Happiness Scale...

>>>"Oh, and in case you forgot, days are reasonably happy for the vast majority of The UK. Things haven't altered one jot since either 2008 banking crisis or the election the other month.

Not one jot..."<<<<

Wanna bet? How EASY it is to sit there on your high, successful chair twittering complete gobbledeegook!

Last week my ex-husband was finally made redundant, after nearly 3 months with NO wage whatsoever. He and others were called down to Plymouth thinking it was a regular meeting, then told their jobs were finished there and then.

Try telling that to the people who worked for Stokes, the greengrocers, who found themselves out of jobs the next day after it had been announced on the News...or the building firm Roc, who are laying off 200 folks down here in the South West after going into liquidation...

Try telling that to the old lady of 83 stood at my bus-stop this morning, whose 53 year old son is due to lose his job in March. He ferries disabled folk around the county. There are 8 drivers at present, being cut to THREE in March. She was talking about Soup Kitchens and people not being able to feed their children....and I think she's right...

Try telling that to the place in Exeter that used to hand out food parcels, who've had to stop, due to the HUGE rise in demand!

Try telling that to the women who worked for the retail company I used to work for, who had their branch closed overnight, when the lease finally ran out, no notice given to them whatsoever, other than on the day it happened....They'll close the one in torquay soon too, I've no doubt....

You are not living in the REAL world, SW, but in SAFE Ivory Tower, from which you now view the world with forgotten thoughts...

Yes, as a miner you decided to pack your bags and start a new life, but today you'd not be able to do that so easily...there are NO loans being given out, there are no jobs in your next town, or the one after that, or the one after that, worthy of leaving home for....

Jobs with no contracts, no protection, no loyalty, minimum wages, maximum hours you're expected to simply 'be there' just in case The Corporate Bastards should want you, because of course, in their eyes you have no right to a LIFE, not even to another job...just merely their very own pet human resource to hire or fire as they want, depending on the amount of profit they've made that week...

Try telling it to folks who are actually SENT home when it goes quiet, just so The Bastards don't have to even pay them an extra hour or so!!!

Geezus, Mary and Joseph would be turning in their graves at what is going on out there! and all the while the cost of living is going up and up and UP. TWENTY% VAT next year...?????????????   

We are heading for a Depression that merely tickles the one from the 1930s! I saw it coming so long ago...

And you know what, SW, the rich folks just sit back, smiling, getting richer and richer, not giving a shit about the folks who've made them that fortune...

May they meet Marie Antoinette Times very brought to their knees and learn humility, compassion and empathy...

If not, this world is only going to a very bad place.................

But hey, don't worry, BE HAPPY, as the song goes, eh?...

15 Nov 10 - 10:05 AM (#3032665)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie


60 million people, (I repeat in case anybody missed it.)

Redundancies happen all the time. Stop putting your experience and heresay down to being an effect of the election.

Before the election, earlier this year, the commission I do some work for made 130m people redundant. A few redundancies are still on the books. Incidentally, I said that I do not want to be doing the job of a paid person, so I may be leaving myself yet.

Oh, getting richer? No, I am a net loser in the banks fiasco. Property is down in value, some of the tenants in my properties are building up uncomfortable arrears, my personal tax bill is higher due to government decisions to .. oh.. tax the rich.

but you know what? I don't give a shit. We are, as Uncle Dave says, in this together.

So forgive me when I laugh as people get all paranoid and claim just because I don't agree with their doom mongering, that I therefore am doing alright out of the political situation.

I'm not. but unlike some, I accept that we ALL have to tighten belts to get the country out of the mess it is in. We pay more in interest nationally than what is needed to fund the welfare bill.

Happy days? The Fonz would give his right arm to have the UK's safety net and opportunities to get on. Except even when a Minister tries to give people dignity back and end the cycle of welfare lifestyle, ruddy do gooders get hold of the wrong end of the stick and start waffling about forced labour camps. ZZZZZZZ It's just a pity that some of the roles will be in place of real jobs, ie the object of the exercise.

Oh, most "rich" people may or may not give a shit about others. You and I have no idea..

Marie Antoinette times? Sorry, the vast majority of the country are happy with their lot. revolutionary armchair bods can be ignored, marginalised and, what was the third thing I said in another thread? oh, yes, pointed at whilst laughing.

Sunday Monday, Happy Days, Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days....   I feel a song coming on. reckon I might sing it at my next club booking.

15 Nov 10 - 10:15 AM (#3032672)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Arthur_itus

I was being sarcastic. :-)

Oh Happy Days

15 Nov 10 - 10:51 AM (#3032703)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lizzie Cornish 1


60 million people, (I repeat in case anybody missed it.)

Redundancies happen all the time. Stop putting your experience and heresay down to being an effect of the election.

Before the election, earlier this year, the commission I do some work for made 130m people redundant. A few redundancies are still on the books. Incidentally, I said that I do not want to be doing the job of a paid person, so I may be leaving myself yet." <<<<<<<<

HOW you ever got to be in a position of power, I've no idea, if indeed you are, because of course, we get quite a few strange bods on here winding folks up.

Smug & Bastard are two words I'm particularly fond of at the moment, SW.

"Oh, getting richer? No, I am a net loser in the banks fiasco. Property is down in value, some of the tenants in my properties are building up uncomfortable arrears.."

Oh dearie, dearie, poor you. So you're one of the Smug Bastards who believes in buying up housing stock to rent out at VAST amounts, to line your own feathery nest, without a thought for the folks who give almost all their salary to you, eh?

Well, I'm the daughter of a man who had to rent his home all his life long, save for the end part of his days, when he came to live with me...Several times the private landlord, who bought up the private housing estate where I grew up, tried to get my Dad out, by highering his rent, but in those days, thank God, tenants were far more they failed.

Of course, it didn't stop Dad becoming sick with worry about things, but hey, no need for you to ever consider the emotional state of your tenants, or their lives...

You just keep raking the money in and keep your defunct conscience clear.

>>"my personal tax bill is higher due to government decisions to .. oh.. tax the rich."<<<

Oh dearie, dearie, DEARIE me! How my heart doth bleed for you....Never mind, you can always get your accountant to make it all re-appear at a later date in some tax fiddle or other, so don't despair too much...

>>"but you know what? I don't give a shit."<<

No comment...

>>>"We are, as Uncle Dave says, in this together."

No, the rich are a bit miffed. The poor are bloody shite scared out of their wits...There is a difference...and perhaps it would do you good to experience the latter once again...

>>>"So forgive me when I laugh as people get all paranoid and claim just because I don't agree with their doom mongering, that I therefore am doing alright out of the political situation."<<<<<

I don't forgive you. Your talking out of your well trousered arse, and you've totally forgotten your roots, the folks you grew up with, who you were and where you've come from.

Your 'tree' has grown from your roots, blossomed and bloomed, financially, but from a spiritual point of view, your leaves have become diseased and filled with a poison that sadly, will stunt your growth in the future...

But never mind, all the poor saplings you've planted in your houses will continue to struggle to give your the very best of their wages each week, just to keep a very expensive and highly overpriced roof over their poor sodding little heads...

Viva La Revolucion!

15 Nov 10 - 11:06 AM (#3032711)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Green Man

This is getting acrimonious.

15 Nov 10 - 11:14 AM (#3032717)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

A real gentlemen like David C would never ever mention in mixed company that his willie was steaming.

The mere reference to a steaming willie brings all sorts of uncouth images to mind. I'm quite sure Mrs Thatcher would have dismissed you comments out of hand, until your zip was done up.

A sobriquet like your own is tantamount to approval of all sorts of licentious behaviour, loose living and immorality.

Very frankly, there is a time and place for everything. Put it away!
We're not all Wayne Rooneys.

15 Nov 10 - 11:17 AM (#3032719)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: akenaton

I think Willie's takin' the piss.
is this the same hartless brute who was preaching to me about minority rights?.....Hmmm well I suppose its possible, depending on how one looks at it!

15 Nov 10 - 11:31 AM (#3032734)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Arthur_itus

Is it World Cup Steamin Willie

I am surprised you didn't write that Al

15 Nov 10 - 12:52 PM (#3032791)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

The results of a poll conducted by accountant firm KPMG and pollsters Ipsos Mori show a majority of people support the spending cuts announced in the Comprehensive Spending Review.

Some 41% of people think the coalition made the right decisions on where to make cuts, while 38% do not. One in five (21%) people say they do not know.

The findings are not a bad result for the government. The poll also revealed public support for specific measures announced in the CSR.
61% supported reducing welfare spending and 60% backed increasing the state pension age.

However, 62% of the public opposed reducing spending on policing. Opinion was split on cutting the public sector workforce, with 45% of people in support and 47% against.

As we live in a democracy it is customary to accept the majority. Is anyone aware of any contradictory poll carried out on the general public ?

15 Nov 10 - 01:01 PM (#3032799)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: McGrath of Harlow

It seems pretty clear that too much inequality makes for an unhappy society, I don't anticipate David Cameron and company facing up to that truth - but if they could w'd all be a lot happier.

15 Nov 10 - 02:15 PM (#3032842)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: McGrath of Harlow

Democracy does not mean accepting a majority view when we think it is wrong. It is about the way we set about trying to change that majority view.

Of course the main thing that is likely to stop people approving of government policies is likely to be their seeing those policies actually put into effect, and learning what they actually involve, when you get past the headlines.

15 Nov 10 - 02:54 PM (#3032868)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: MikeL2

< Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richie Black - PM
Date: 15 Nov 10 - 12:52 PM>
< "The results of a poll a majority of people support the spending cuts announced in the Comprehensive Spending Review.">

Polls can be made to provide a slanted view - depends where and how poll was conducted.

<" Some 41% of people think the coalition made the right decisions on where to make cuts, while 38% do not. One in five (21%) people say they do not know.">

This is not surprising. Most people ( including me )accept that the deficit is too high and must be reduced.

<"The poll also revealed public support for specific measures announced in the CSR. 61% supported reducing welfare spending and 60% backed increasing the state pension age.">

Again not surprising - it's in the word HOW that many would disagree.

<"However, 62% of the public opposed reducing spending on policing. Opinion was split on cutting the public sector workforce, with 45% of people in support and 47% against.">

Today Manchester City Police have announced that cuts of 40% YES 40% will have to be made to staffing levels in the next four years. They say that they are ALREADY undermanned and that front line policing is already being affected !!!

<"As we live in a democracy it is customary to accept the majority. Is anyone aware of any contradictory poll carried out on the general public ? ">

As I said above I don't attached too much significance to this poll. I would like to see a more general and wide-spread about a National Referendum....but we know how fond Mr Cameron is of these !!



15 Nov 10 - 07:19 PM (#3033078)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

There is mistaken but current belief that David Cameron is a tosser and that you can tell it by the shape of his ears.

Only 32% of the population thinks this.

As for the much more bandied about perception that as an ex-member of the Bullingdon Club, he should kept in a zoo and would be under qualified to run a whelk stall, less than 27% of the population adhere to this view.

I think I have demonstated therefore that a bit of respect is called for, for this wonderful young man who has our overwhelming support.

Cameron's cool! Golly! Gosh!
Good old Dave! he's really posh!

16 Nov 10 - 05:16 AM (#3033284)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie


Apparently, I have forgotten my roots.

And that is the issue here. People being told they are above themselves, being held back, being told their type vote this, vote that, drink beer, not pretentious wine, don't forget your flat cap and greyhound....

Oscar Wild once said we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars. Too bloody right.

Oh, and there is something somebody wrote above about Thatcher would disapprove of me. Bloody well hope so. A bottle of cheap plonk is in the fridge ready, (two actually, in case she and Scargill die on the same day. They both set out to fuck us over and by and large succeeded.) Not that I am complaining personally, it was the impetus to get out of the pit and plough my own farrow.

So why do people automatically think I support Cameron? After all, I have given my reasons for not supporting their policies in many threads. Interesting how Trotsky & co gloss over that.

It appears some here think I am a Tory because I reckon there have to be cuts? Err... add the labour front bench to that then. We all know Bliar was a Tory, but Steady Ed? My views seem to coincide with many of his, reading some of his speeches.

Akenaton wonders how I can put forward the idea that the country cannot carry on living outside its means and at the same time protect minority rights. I can. I do. Its easy, you just base your judgement on reality rather than Utopian ideas mingled with a chip on each shoulder. Oh, and I don't judge lifestyle either, which is, as far as I recall, the reason I fail to take Akenaton's views seriously.

Funny how you are allowed to push your point with personal sob stories but when you point out that you got off your arse and got on in life, the old knives are out. Methinks some find it hard to stomach that many who put something back into society have done alright for themselves. After all, I was appointed to chair public bodies due to a reputation for success, not because of some warped view of social justice. After all, despite the Harriet Harperson fluff and nonsense, the last Labour government, same as this government, same as the next government, all realise that when you are facing the issues, you need solutions, hence the weird beards are left out with the cat and those who have provided jobs and security for their employees are held in regard.

Anyway, I do have a beard (ish), I do own a greyhound and I do wear a flat cap. So, ignoring the plutocratic car (s) and aga, I can pretend not to have forgotten my roots so people will talk to me eh?

Oh, and owning properties is an excellent idea on so many levels. it is the best investment for your hard earned cash and at the same time helps provide homes for people who either can't or don't purchase their own.

In the 1960s, a load of people bought guitars and were going to change the world with them, mainly by sitting in upstairs room s of pubs with candles on the tables singing about farming in a different area of the country. They are still with us, bless them. Just that they are venting their spleen about social justice on Mudcat as well now. Keep learning the chords people, and one day you can send me to the guillotine for forgetting my roots...


16 Nov 10 - 05:57 AM (#3033307)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

I wonder if he's any relation of the late Boxcar Willie.

16 Nov 10 - 06:19 AM (#3033328)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Dave Hanson

Are you any relation to weelittledrummer.

Dave H

16 Nov 10 - 07:17 AM (#3033360)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Moi.... I knew that noisome weelittledrummer character, but I can't say we were close. He used to bother people with his ludicrous opinions about folk music. He has been assigned to a trappist order.

16 Nov 10 - 07:34 AM (#3033379)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

I doubt it would matter what party was in government, the cuts have to be made. I honestly believe if you give David a chance he will get us out of this mess.

I see an 18-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder over a fire extinguisher thrown at officers during the Millbank riot. Police Federation representatives have called for the person who flung the empty metal fire extinguisher to be charged with attempted murder. Senior officers said it narrowly missed injuring two territorial support group officers, brushing down the back of one and hitting the knees of another. The Met said ten of the 54 people arrested during sprawling outbreaks of disorder were under the age of 18.

This type of public protest can lead to death or serious injury. Organisers of such events must take responsibly for the actions of those in attentance.

16 Nov 10 - 08:28 AM (#3033418)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: bubblyrat

I agree absolutely with RB's sentiments.Examples should be made of these cretins,before their thuggish and uncivilised behaviour causes the authorities to cancel and even actively prevent any future protest-marches ; you cannot now hold one near the Houses of Parliament already, so be careful not to throw away ALL of your hard-won priveleges and freedoms, young people of today !!
       In my opinion,anyone throwing a fire -extinguisher into a crowd,from the roof of a tall building, no matter how strongly they may feel about the issues about which they are protesting,should be " sectioned" and locked up indefinitely in Broadmoor.
      The result of these morons trying to injure or even kill people in authority isn't going to PREVENT the formation of a "Police State", it is going to CAUSE it !!!

16 Nov 10 - 09:08 AM (#3033461)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Well murder implies some act of premeditation and malice aforethought, rather than having fun with a fire extinguisher in the heat of a fracas. Sort of jape that David and his mates in the Bullingdon did all the time, wasn't it?

Theres a scene in 'Doctor in the House' that would have all you lot quaking your beds for the future of society.

I think as usual, all that shit is politically motivated. I didn't see anything on the telly that looked much worse than a new years eve punch up. Attempted murder, my arse!

16 Nov 10 - 09:16 AM (#3033472)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"...Oh, and owning properties is an excellent idea on so many levels. it is the best investment for your hard earned cash and at the same time helps provide homes for people who either can't or don't purchase their own...."

It doesn't provide 'homes' at all, just a roof over their heads. The whole BAD point of the new 'pension' and 'second income' is those who own loadsa houses are keeping the housing market artificially HIGH, thus forcing 'ordinary' folks to have no hope of ever getting a mortgage, or that first step on the ladder.

And so..they have to live in houses that will never be theirs, that they can't decorate as they'd love to, that they live in worried sick something will get spilt on the carpets, or damaged in some way...and they end up having to pay the vast majority of their wages on ENORMOUS rents that line the rich pockets of their landlords, who basically...don't give a shit that it is they themselves, the landlords that is, who've created this situation and who are exploiting those who struggle through life in the most appalling way imaginable...

And yes, I know exactly what I'm talking about, being the daughter of a man who struggled all his life long in exactly this position..and having lived next door to a house owned by a property baron millionaire, who had so many houses he rented out that he'd actually lost count...He has them abroad too...and he's bought up, and is still buying up barges and caravans, as he's already sussed that soon no-one will be able to afford houses, or there won't be enough to go he's busy cornering the market in other forms of 'roofs over heads'...The Bastard..

His ex-wife does the same thing...The Bastardess...

You wanna exploit people, SW, then at least have the guts to give it the correct name and go to bed thinking about what the fuck you're doing...

16 Nov 10 - 09:18 AM (#3033475)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Hear, hear, Alan...fully agree with you.

16 Nov 10 - 09:29 AM (#3033484)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,crowsister

"You wanna exploit people, SW, then at least have the guts to give it the correct name"

No LC, you got it all wrong. "Exploiting" people means offering them a means to come together and publicly express their dissatisfaction with the govt. and it's policies of protecting the interests of the very wealthy while undermining the interests of the not-wealthy. Get it?

Or at least I think it went something like that...

16 Nov 10 - 10:00 AM (#3033505)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: I don't know

Having worked in a company that closed just over a year ago due the the AMERICAN owners deciding we were not worth keeping due to the turn down in the british housing market, who would we all like to blame. Yes it is hard & several people have struggled but managed to find jobs, the rest just struggle on with higher bills & little hope of getting another job.
Are we happy? Ask again at the next election. I just hope we don't end up with the conflicts of the Thatcher era. The miners strikes were extremly bad & led to untold problems for the men & their families. If you have not hears the true story of one miners death then listen to Mundy-Turners song Markham Main - we really do not need to return to this situation.
As for me personally I am making the most of my spare time & joined the Health & Wellbeing walks that have sprung up in my area. I have a purpose to go out most days to complete these walks & feel the benifits from them, as for money can it really buy happiness? my brother has a very high powered high paid job but still complains about his financial state only the other day he had a £560 tax bill (pity) but told his mother the more you earn the more you spend because your able to & if he lost his job he would find it a stuggle to mantain his lifestyle!!! Never ind that she is a pensioner on income support who is about to have that cut.
Also just heard that an ex work college has diabities & is on the sick - has problems with his feet & can not always drive- went to sign up for his benifits to be told because he had managed to drive that day he is to lose £60 leaving him with nothing to live on & was told to ask his family for help. Is he happy now?

16 Nov 10 - 03:57 PM (#3033795)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"...Also just heard that an ex work college has diabities & is on the sick - has problems with his feet & can not always drive- went to sign up for his benifits to be told because he had managed to drive that day he is to lose £60 leaving him with nothing to live on & was told to ask his family for help. Is he happy now?"

Yes, I can believe that. There was an old lady at the bus stop the other day who had terrible arthritis. You only had to look at her to see...

When she was called in to be 'judged' she too was having a 'better' day, and so passed the easy tests fairly easily. They stopped her benefits.

The day I met her she'd just finished a full day's work and everything was hurting her. It was cold, wet and rainy and her joints, all over, were causing her much distress.

Her husband was in the same boat. She said somedays he was so tired and in such pain when he got in from work that he just sat down and cried..

The Big Society?????????????


The Camerons and The Cleggs are going to end up being as hated as The Thatchers and The Blairs!

Yes, reign in those who absuing the system, but for God's sake don't abuse those who have no choice BUT to use the system, through no fault of their own....

I can only hope that those who are making these decisions one day end up with arthritis and diabetes....for only then will they come to understand how bloody heartless their decisions were...

16 Nov 10 - 04:59 PM (#3033841)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

"The Camerons and The Cleggs are going to end up being as hated as The Thatchers and The Blairs"

That about covers Labour and the Conservatives for the past 30 years. Do you like anybody ?

So who would you have in government ?

16 Nov 10 - 05:05 PM (#3033849)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Arthur_itus

"Do you like anybody"


I hate Gordon Brown even more.

16 Nov 10 - 07:18 PM (#3033931)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Arthur's the most unbiassed man I know; he hates all politicians equally.

17 Nov 10 - 02:45 AM (#3034087)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Arthur_itus


17 Nov 10 - 04:19 AM (#3034127)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie


This government is full of people who stood so they could shaft people and get richer at the expense of those getting poorer.


By using my money to provide affordable housing to 42 families, I am a bastard.


Make sure I am first against the wall come your glorious revolution, because if I am still around when decent people realise you are as bad with your tinpot revolution, I don't want to be the one crowing "I told you so."

Every Lenin has his Stalin.

There are huge issues around health and well being, social deprivation and huge pockets of uncertainty for many many people. In fact, in some ways, nobody is unaffected. However, whinging and rattling on about stopping every idea a government comes up with helps nobody. In case nobody noticed, the issues are here now, and the government's ideas haven't started happening yet.

So, how the hell is this incompetent government guilty of causing a bad situation when they haven't even started yet? If you argue for the status quo, as I see it, you are arguing to keep the present inequalities, the real pain of many people...

Like I said, such arguments get marginalised come elections and quite so. Even Bliar had to woo the decent normal citizens in order to get power. he could never have done it on failed utopian socialist dogma.

In case you hadn't noticed, every MP, good bad or bloody awful, was elected by getting more votes than the next person. Also, why are people indignant about election promises? No government has stuck to them yet, so what makes this lot stand out as being particularly bad in your eyes? Oh, envy disguised as social justice. Sorry, I forgot.

I voted Labour just out of interest. I have a lot of time for the sitting MP, have won and lost debates with him over healthcare and can deal with him. hence he got my vote. The Tory candidate stuck to the Osborne script and as I have said before on these threads, I do not share his faith in the strength of a private sector led recovery. The private sector relies too much these days on the public sector.

Happy days can be here again, and the upturn in new car sales, brewery conglomerates, retail property, air travel etc means some people are trying to help the economy rather than stifle it. If your own happy days aren't here yet, it doesn't give you the right to moan about those who are getting on with enjoying the recovery. The taxes on their spendings are needed if a government's social program is to do anything at all.

I don't particularly like this Prime Minister, but on this I agree with him that if you talk up a recovery, it stands more chance of happening than if you are morose, dour and glass half empty.

17 Nov 10 - 06:04 AM (#3034179)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Recovery from what and to what...

You insist that everybody hasn't noticed there is a problem. then in the next breath - you insist we need the wise leadership of a party who steal from us at every opportunity.

Sometimes the larceny was blatant, like the National Curriculum nonsense and the fund holding GP's scam.

as for Labour, nuff said really. Its very hard to avoid the conclusion that they lied to us about the weapons of mass destruction and the Iraq war.

Everybody on this page (Ake particularly) has had their head in their hands at my dumb acceptance of Labour's innate superiority - basically due to the fact that my wife is disabled and and you don't get much opportunity to get off your arse and be a full time eighties style entrepeneur when you're a full time carer. and Labour always take better care of the bottom end of society, wherein lies my place.

Reluctantly I am beginning to agree with him. This country will never realise its potential til we extract some of the wealth that sits in the pockets of .01% of the population and spread it around a bit.

17 Nov 10 - 07:01 AM (#3034204)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie

I have always said that in the final analysis, Labour have, by dogma if nothing else, more to offer what you are calling the bottom end of society.

You say that this party steal from us at every opportunity. Which party? We haven't ever had this party before, (apart from during the war, and that included Labour too.) They are no better and no worse than the last Labour government. If you go through life thinking that one party is the saviour of the people and the other out to destroy everybody, you must be getting used to disillusionment.

Just out of interest, I know a hell of a lot about GP fundholding, having been Chair of a Community Health Council during it, and subsequently chairing a Primary Care Trust. The interesting thing is that in the last year of the last Tory government, they piloted what they called total purchasing bodies. When Labour came into power, they picked up the mantle and developed the Tory idea, and called them Primary Care Trusts.

So, choosing a party on their general persuasion is not as easy as it sounds. On a good day, I would say that we have attempt at pragmatic government rather than dogma constrained government. On a bad day, I would say that democracy is supposed to be about choice but what ruddy choice?

I still maintain, and always will, that you only live once and to try and enjoy as much of it as you can. Hence anything to get people out of their black dog situation is alright by me.

Of course, for being optimistic, there are those who dismiss me. Don't give a chuff about them, that's the thing. I don't think this government will ruin everything, chiefly because like most governments, they won't carry out their full agenda. Governments never do.

Happy Wednesday!

17 Nov 10 - 07:46 AM (#3034236)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

"I don't think this government will ruin everything"

Already you have reassured me.

17 Nov 10 - 11:00 AM (#3034377)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie

Good, I am glad I have.

You see, unlike many on this thread, I don't have confidence in the government to deliver all their agenda.

Government only affects the headline stuff. Those running the country will do what they always do, albeit with some of a government's input. T'was ever thus.

If this government was to ruin everything, that means things getting worse. Say that to the hundreds of thousands of pensioners who don't have a "full stamp" who will get full payment without complicated needs assessments. Tell that to those who get fazed by the myriad form filling who will get a simplified system of benefits. Tell that to the vast majority who see the curb on bankers' bonuses and new taxes on bank profits as a government starting to do what all the parties promised.

Like I said, my main concern is the overall strategy cannot be delivered. Not because a few weird beards are paranoid about their intentions, but because the private sector is not in a position to deliver its part of the equation.

They will not ruin everything, because a) some, not all of their policies are welcomed by many, including many organisations claiming to represent the more vulnerable in society, (I know, it hurts some to hear that, but I can only relate what they say..) and b) some of the pieces cannot fall into place for them, no matter how much they wish them to.

So instead of scaremongering about what might happen, perhaps its about some of the grey cells in this and other threads put a bit of thought into the prevailing situation which is, for many people, not nice. The last thing they need is idiots telling them it can only get worse. If it does, it won't be down to the collected wit and predictions of many of the posters here....

I don't agree with how they are going about things either, but at least I reckon they are identifying what needs to be done, even if their solutions are cockeyed.

17 Nov 10 - 12:50 PM (#3034459)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: akenaton

Governments are no longer in control of the situation Willie.
Capitalism is waving goodbye.
We have the choice of setting up a new type of society, or submitting to what will be a form of fascism, where the rich have all the pleasure and the poor have all the pain.
We are retreating into the jungle, but some of us will have tanks, rockets and armour.....but most of us will have only sharp sticks.

17 Nov 10 - 12:57 PM (#3034468)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richard Bridge

Damn, ake, I wish you'd stop saying things I agree with!

17 Nov 10 - 01:06 PM (#3034477)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: akenaton

I suggest confiscating and sharing out all the rockets and tanks before we get to the jungle......Willie's got loads!

18 Nov 10 - 04:08 AM (#3034927)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie

Sorry Akenaton, can you help me with my confusion?

I said that the government are not in control. You pointed out that the government are not in control, in a way to contradict what I just said?

Nobody is allowed my guns and tanks. I have families of illegal immigrants living in the tanks and I am not fussy who I sell my rockets to.

(I might as well say it before any bugger else does.)

I did try... and make a serious point above. Their solutions are based on the premise of the private sector propping things up. I don't think it is strong enough. That doesn't mean I agree with putting a sniper over Parliament Square or rerunning episodes of Citizen Smith with Robert Lindsey showing the way forward. it just means that I reckon they are not in control of the country's destiny in the way they portray.

Doesn't stop me being comfortable though, and if you can't smile at then thought that the bailiff will never visit again, what can you smile at? Even Richard admits he is content (in another thread...)

18 Nov 10 - 06:57 AM (#3035012)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: MikeL2

hui SM

I agree with some of what you say.... but Cameron not only has to talk up the recovery he has to act and prove that he is achieving something.

At the moment ( though I do concede that it is early days yet) all they have done is to blame the previous Government and reneage on some key issues that they wrote into their manifestos.

Clegg is trying to discount anything that they put in their manifesto by saying that "it is different now" !!!!

Of course it is different !!! They have to actually achieve rather than stand in the wings making unachievable promises.

