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Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?

19 Nov 10 - 02:23 PM (#3036126)
Subject: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: beardedbruce

'60s folk icon Joan Baez hurt in fall from treehouse


Published: Friday, November 19, 2010 at 7:54 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, November 19, 2010 at 7:54 a.m.

WOODSIDE — 1960s songbird Joan Baez is "resting comfortably" at an undisclosed location after falling 20 feet to the ground from a treehouse — a treehouse she purposely had built without walls because she wanted to sleep among real birds at her Woodside, Calif., home.

The 69-year-old Baez was climbing down from the platform Wednesday when she plunged to the ground. The San Jose Mercury News reports Baez suffered minor injuries and was treated and released from Stanford Hospital.

Nancy Lutzow runs Baez's production company and tells the Mercury News that Baez was resting Thursday at a secure location.

Baez is known for such songs as "Blowin in the Wind," ''Forever Young," ''Diamonds & Rust" and "Sweet Sir Gallahad," and once had a relationship with rocker Bob Dylan.

19 Nov 10 - 02:31 PM (#3036130)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: pdq

At one time, she had a redwood walkway through the huge oak trees on her property. She and guests could take a nature tour through the middle of the tree. I saw the plans on the wall of the architect who bilt the structure, not lucky enough to see it in person.

19 Nov 10 - 02:34 PM (#3036131)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: John MacKenzie

"Rocker Bob Dylan" ????????????

19 Nov 10 - 03:08 PM (#3036156)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: gnu

"... a treehouse she purposely had built without walls because she wanted to sleep among real birds..."

Ya know, sometimes yer children, friends, should say, "Ya know, Joan, dear Joan, ya know I love ya and I don't mean to rain on yer parade, but... a treehouse without at least railings is just kinda, well, ya know?"

19 Nov 10 - 03:38 PM (#3036181)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Little Hawk

Damn! I hope she recovers quickly from this. She's practically like family to me (although she wouldn't know that).

19 Nov 10 - 03:49 PM (#3036190)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: gnu

I know what yer sayin LH. Damn good and lucky thing she is "ok" at present. 20' is beyond deadly. That is serious luck.

19 Nov 10 - 03:54 PM (#3036193)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Herga Kitty

She's doing pretty well if she fell 20 feet and only suffered minor injuries?

There but for fortune....


19 Nov 10 - 05:36 PM (#3036275)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Mrrzy

Dig her being in a treehouse at all!

19 Nov 10 - 05:38 PM (#3036279)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: bobad

Did someone say that Joan Baez is out of her tree?

19 Nov 10 - 05:39 PM (#3036282)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: kendall

I was in love with her from the early 60's but she broke my heart. I asked her to contribute a song for the Utah Phillips memorial cd, Singing Through the Hard Times, but she didn't even reply to my letter.

19 Nov 10 - 05:50 PM (#3036292)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: gnu

Well, Kendall, she obviously needs to visit het optometrist. Perhaps that is why she didn't respond to your letter.

And, NO, I am not making "fun of her". I am making a joke.

19 Nov 10 - 06:53 PM (#3036338)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: John MacKenzie

You wouldn't want her, now she's a fallen woman Cap'n

19 Nov 10 - 07:06 PM (#3036340)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Little Hawk

Ha! I was in love with her too. Me and a few hundred thousand others...or was that a few million?

19 Nov 10 - 07:21 PM (#3036343)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Jeri

The fact that a 69 year old woman sleeps in a tree house, fell from it 20 feet to the ground and only "suffered minor injuries" impresses the hell out if me. Not overly nuts about a lot of her music, overly nuts over some. I heard Diamonds & Rust for years before I realized it didn't rhyme.

I'm still imagining what Charles Addams would have drawn, although, aside from minor environmental factors peculiar to New England, I'd love to sleep in a tree house.

19 Nov 10 - 07:40 PM (#3036356)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Little Hawk

Diamonds and Rust doesn't have to rhyme. It's a masterpiece.

I know one songwriter here who almost never rhymes anything in her songs, and they're very good, so rhyming is one way of going at song lyrics, but is certainly not obligatory.

I think it's wonderful that she sleeps in a tree house 20 feet above the ground! ;-D She's a grand character and a truly beautiful and courageous woman.

19 Nov 10 - 07:43 PM (#3036358)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: kendall

I once fell off a 30 foot ladder.
I was only on the second rung.

19 Nov 10 - 07:53 PM (#3036364)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Bobert

Danged!!! I always thought that Joan was a tad strange... But to sleep in an open tree house without any walls???

(But she fell climbin' down the ladder, Boberdz...)

Doesn't matter... Get some walls, Joan, and an elevator...

Sheesh!!! Is this the kinda stuff folks of our generation are gonna have to start reading about???


19 Nov 10 - 08:20 PM (#3036377)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

maybe Joan Baez should get together with Keith Richard
and start up a living legends celebrity tree-falling stunt team.. ???

19 Nov 10 - 08:48 PM (#3036383)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Bobert

I like it, punkster...

19 Nov 10 - 09:23 PM (#3036406)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: catspaw49

The way I read it, the "ladder" was more some rope type affair more suited to transferring to a Landing Craft.   I don't care that she sleeps with birds flying by and shitting on her while she sleeps but using a rope laddder can be tough for a fit 20 year old and completely nuts for an aging folkie at almost 70.

I too love Joan but this was a bit of the dimbulb thing to do.


19 Nov 10 - 09:40 PM (#3036413)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Don Firth

Party after her concert at the new Seattle Center Opera House (capacity 3,100 people, filled) during the World's Fair in 1962. Had a chance to talk with her quite a bit.

Ran into her (almost literally) on the stairs at the 1964 Berkeley Folk Festival. Darned if she didn't remember me, and we stood there and chatted for awhile.


Don't feel too left out, Kendall. When Joan started her School of Non-Violence, a friend of mine thought he'd do her a favor and wrote "The Joan Baez School of Non-Violence Fight Song."

Never did hear back from her. . . .

Don Firth

19 Nov 10 - 09:47 PM (#3036417)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Sheesh!!! Is this the kinda stuff folks of our generation are gonna have to start reading about???"

Guess so...Your posts are pretty much in the same category....

.....AND.....if you fell out of your tree, you'd probably land on that stuff the P-Vine has been tryin' to get you to pick up, before mowin' the lawn!

Ok, Back in your tree....


19 Nov 10 - 10:08 PM (#3036427)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Dan sans cookie

Kendall, I'm pretty sure she never got that letter. Blame her management, or the folks who handle her correspondence, but I seriously wouldn't blame her.

Here's hoping she's better soon.


19 Nov 10 - 11:03 PM (#3036446)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Beer

I agree GUEST,Dan sans cookie. Very difficult to get to the person when you are dealing with artist of Joan's caliber.

Fell of the wagon a few times.....
Speedy recovery to her.

19 Nov 10 - 11:34 PM (#3036457)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: Charley Noble

Not a good thing to do at any age.

Now if she really had wings...

Charley Noble

20 Nov 10 - 12:46 AM (#3036467)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: frogprince

That couldn't have been Joan Baez; Joan Baez has long dark hair!

Sure glad we didn't lost the lady. Is there actually any clear indication that the treehouse doesn't have at least something by way of railings?

The newspaper article sounds suspiciously like something written up by someone who did two minutes of research to find out who she is.

20 Nov 10 - 12:47 AM (#3036468)
Subject: RE: BS: Joan Baez falls
From: frogprince

And "didn't lost the lady" sounds like I need to go to bed.

20 Nov 10 - 05:15 AM (#3036529)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Actually, her girlfriend kicked her out of bed, for snoring to loud, and the wrong key.


20 Nov 10 - 05:21 AM (#3036532)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: John MacKenzie

Maybe change Diamonds and Rust to, Diving and Dust?

20 Nov 10 - 06:18 AM (#3036572)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: John MacKenzie

BTW, what river is Joan Baez Falls, on?

20 Nov 10 - 09:04 AM (#3036644)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: catspaw49

Joan Baez that is me
And most nights I sleep in a tree
Come morn, the birdies shit on me
And I go down take a pee
It was just past a quarter past five
And I was hungry and feeling alive
Went to the ladder and started down fast
But I fucked up and fell on my ass......

The night......old Joanie fell to the ground
All the birds were singin'
The night......old Joanie fell to the ground
Bells in her head were ringin'


Feel free to continue. I'm bored...........


20 Nov 10 - 09:30 AM (#3036655)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: John MacKenzie

Hey look yonder, tell me who is that you see
Sleep walking to the hole in the floor
Looks like Handsome Joanie, with bird poop on her head
Falling to the forest floor.
Yes, falling on that forest floor.

20 Nov 10 - 09:53 AM (#3036668)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: VirginiaTam

Totally dig that she lives in a tree house.

And my Mom was still climbing trees (to cut branches) in her 60s.

20 Nov 10 - 10:22 AM (#3036682)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,leeneia

You hear of people who grew old without growing up, but usually it's just a joke.

Not in this case, apparently.

20 Nov 10 - 01:25 PM (#3036823)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Little Hawk

I'm always hoping I'll encounter someone like that, because they'll still be alive inside, not just walking around and going through the outward motions like the rest of the "grownups".

Ever read Leo Buscaglia? Ever dance in the leaves just for fun? Ever sleep in a treehouse? If you can't envision still doing such things, too bad for you.

20 Nov 10 - 01:44 PM (#3036836)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: catspaw49

I'd prefer a good, healthy shit and a decent bed.   Now THAT I can envision............


20 Nov 10 - 01:54 PM (#3036847)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: pdq

I watched an entire Leo Buscaglia lecture once on a PBS television station.

That guy was out of his tree too.

Leo was probably a vacuum cleaner salesman in a previous incarnation.

20 Nov 10 - 02:14 PM (#3036859)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: John MacKenzie

Fact is stranger than suction!

20 Nov 10 - 02:34 PM (#3036867)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Seth from Olympia

When I went over to my friend Carl's house and he dropped the needle on this weird record he had, and "Silver Dagger " came out, that's when the sixties started as far as I'm concerned..Thanks Joan. get better soon

20 Nov 10 - 05:41 PM (#3036990)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Little Hawk

Leo Buscaglia was the first to admit to being "crazy", pdq, and with a great big smile of joy on his face. Such people are far more fun to be around than those who pat themselves on the back for supposedly not being crazy.

In truth, we're all crazy in some respect or another. But some of us find our own unique ways of being crazy that actually arise directly from our own selfhood, whereas as the vast majority of people simply adopt conventional ways of being crazy..."monkey see, monkey do"...which means they follow the crowd. They grow a manicured lawn and attend it with fanatical care. They kill their squirrels for eating the "birdseed". They wear uncomfortable clothing because it's "in style". They take drugs that fuck them up with side effects, because their doctor told them to. They go to war because their country told them to. They obey orders. They burn people up with flamethrowers and torture prisoners. They execute "subversives". They round up Jews, socialists, or Gypsies and send them to the prison camps. They drop atomic bombs on people. "They kill without pain, like a dog on a chain."

And those are the people who say someone like Leo Buscaglia is crazy, because he only talks about love.

21 Nov 10 - 01:10 AM (#3037178)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Little Hawk: "In truth, we're all crazy in some respect or another. But some of us find our own unique ways of being crazy that actually arise directly from our own selfhood, whereas as the vast majority of people simply adopt conventional ways of being crazy..."monkey see, monkey do"...which means they follow the crowd."

You're right, again......I just ordered a diving board for our tree house!...

...someday, maybe a pool, too.


21 Nov 10 - 02:47 PM (#3037487)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Mrrzy

So, how is she, does anybody have an update?

21 Nov 10 - 03:06 PM (#3037505)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,bankley

I hope that she has a good recovery .. she's a wonderful person

21 Nov 10 - 04:06 PM (#3037558)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Don Firth

Umm. . . .

Not to put too fine a point on it, but some folks seem to be seeing humor in what could have been a very serious accident.

About four weeks ago, my wife was walking a few blocks to a nearby branch library to pick up a book she had on reserve, when—and she isn't too sure exactly what happened, whether she slipped in wet leaves or tripped over a bit of rough sidewalk—she suddenly found herself uncomfortably horizontal.

Fortunately, a woman happened to be driving by at the time, saw her fall, and stopped to see if she was all right. Barbara got up painfully and realized that she wasn't going to be walking anywhere very far. The woman offered to drive her where she wanted to go. Barbara thought for a moment, then said, "Maybe I'd better go to the Swedish Hospital emergency room." Which is where the kind woman took her.

They took a bunch of X-rays and didn't find anything broken, but she could barely move and a dandy bruise was starting to develop on her left hip. In addition to bruises and pulled muscles, after a bit, she became aware that she'd also thrown her lower back out. That can be quite painful and can last awhile!

I was off in my electric wheelchair, so Barbara phoned Nancy, a friend who was just getting off work, and she came to the hospital, picked Barbara up, and brought her home. I was home by then. Barbara could barely moved. Nancy deposited her on the bed, then dashed home and came back with a walker (Zimmer frame to our British confreres) that her mother used to use before she went into a nursing home.

This happened at least a month ago, and Barbara is just now getting to where she can walk around our apartment—slowly, and taking handholds on the furniture.

We were going to have a bunch of friends over for a big Thanksgiving dinner this Thursday, but we've had to cancel that. In the meantime, some friends have offered to come over and bring us Thanksgiving dinner and spend some time with us. And we have some good friends and neighbors who are running errands and shopping for us (which I would do myself, but this is a hilly neighborhood and getting around it in a wheelchair is pretty damned strenuous on a pair of shoulders that are already shot!). God bless good friends and neighbors!

Barbara's on the mend, but it's taking it's own (not so) sweet time about it. And it's been a pretty painful process. She figures it will be a few weeks yet before she will be able to move normally again. The back still catches, but we have an excellent chiropractor who routinely gathers the stray vertebrae from our weird spines and lines them up in the proper order again whenever they go astray. And he makes house calls!!

So—the whole point of this screed is that after seeing what a simple topple on a city sidewalk can do to a person, taking a twenty foot fall out of a tree can be more than just a LITTLE serious!

The reports say that Joan suffered "minor injuries." But that is undoubtedly how such a report would characterize what Barbara's been going through.

NOT FUN, believe me! Joan has my sincere sympathy!

Don Firth

22 Nov 10 - 01:00 AM (#3037753)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Little Hawk

Thanks for posting that, Don. She has my sincere sympathy too.

22 Nov 10 - 02:00 AM (#3037760)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: open mike

I have a neighbor who is such a nature lover that she sleeps outside on her porch all year round...when it is raining and snowing she just uses a tarp for a bed spread!

here are some other articles about Joan Baez
in this article from sn josemercury, the famous songs mentioned seem to be bob dylan songs mostly..
her home is in "Woodiest?" i thought it was woodside...
ha! dis-embarking??!!

22 Nov 10 - 03:30 AM (#3037781)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Steve Hunt

The way that John MacKenzie wrote: "Rocker Bob Dylan???????????? " suggests that he's unaware that Dylan's been making rock records for the last 44 years!

22 Nov 10 - 04:13 AM (#3037794)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: John MacKenzie

Hardly the label he started out under Steve, and still to my mind, and possibly to many others, he is a folk singer/songwriter.
BTW, I see Joan Baez rose, into the musical ranks.
We need a manual, on how to escape from the BS section.

22 Nov 10 - 04:15 AM (#3037796)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: breezy

Bout time she bought a house.

She'ld be certified over here

22 Nov 10 - 06:34 AM (#3037853)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Mr Red

Beyond Deadly?

What about singing Amazing Grace in the middle of Sareavo? OK with a flack jacket and TV camera pointing at her but hell - the womman is nothing if not brave.

22 Nov 10 - 06:50 AM (#3037872)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Rob Naylor on sister's machine

Spaw: The way I read it, the "ladder" was more some rope type affair more suited to transferring to a Landing Craft.   I don't care that she sleeps with birds flying by and shitting on her while she sleeps but using a rope laddder can be tough for a fit 20 year old and completely nuts for an aging folkie at almost 70.

I too love Joan but this was a bit of the dimbulb thing to do.

Nah, I's actually GREAT that a 69 year old is climbing rope ladders and sleeping on platforms in trees.

I have a friend who climbed the Matterhorn unguided at 74, still runs marathons at 80 and only last year, at 79, gave up 100km endurance races. The only reason he did that was that his head torch bust on the night leg of one race and he fell over a wire fence, dislocating his shoulder. After walking back to the last check-point (4 miles) he was hacked off that ther stewards wouldn't simply pull his shoulder back in and let him finish the race,but insisted on him going to hospital, so decided to hang up his 100km race boots!

22 Nov 10 - 10:56 AM (#3037994)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: pdq

radio announcement: folksinger Joan Baez falls out of her tree, lands on head   

follow-up: Stanford doctors say "X-rays of Joan Baez head show nothing"

22 Nov 10 - 11:22 AM (#3038003)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Lonesome EJ

Hey, so Joanie sleeps in a tree? Good for her says me. I like an unconventional girl, even a 69 year old one.
We aren't exactly a conformist generation, are we? Lets continue making the young ones wonder about our sanity, just like the old ones used to.


22 Nov 10 - 12:53 PM (#3038072)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: bobad

"Lets continue making the young ones wonder about our sanity, just like the old ones used to."

Excellent motto for our generation.

22 Nov 10 - 04:53 PM (#3038213)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: catspaw49

Geeziz........I don't care if she sleeps in a tree or stuffs her ass with pine cones and wild hickory nuts left to her by the estate of Ewell Gibbons. The part that gets me is the rope ladder........She shells out big bucks and has an architect design a treehouse......then opts for a rope ladder?   Meets "Dimbulb" qualifications for me.

John Force races a Funny Car at age 61.......fantastic!   He wears a firesuit, helmet, and other gear and is cocooned in a roll cage, etc. Now if he rode it down the track in his underwear, straddling the blower, wearing a cowboy hat, and screaming. "YAAAAHOOOOOO".................that'd be dimbulb too.

If I had her address I'd send her pictures of stairs, maybe a real ladder.........ya' know?

And DON FIRTH>>>>> Don my friend....Truly sorry to hear about Barbara..... a completely different story! Hope she continues recovery and is back in full stride soon.


22 Nov 10 - 05:36 PM (#3038243)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Midchuck

When... he dropped the needle on this weird record he had, and "Silver Dagger " came out, that's when the sixties started as far as I'm concerned.

Yup. Pretty close.


22 Nov 10 - 06:04 PM (#3038262)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Lonesome EJ

Come on, Spaw. It might have been one of Neil Young's hand-woven hemp ladders and had sentimental value or something.

22 Nov 10 - 06:20 PM (#3038278)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Rob Naylor

Spaw: The part that gets me is the rope ladder........She shells out big bucks and has an architect design a treehouse......then opts for a rope ladder?   Meets "Dimbulb" qualifications for me.

I don't understand why? What's wrong with a rope ladder? Simple, easy, you can pull it up after you if you want to be alone and if you learn how to climb one properly it's not difficult to master.

I climb up vertical (and sometimes overhanging) bits of rock using tiny edges for hand and footholds in my mid 50s, and hope to be still doing it in my mid 70s. I guess that's dimbulb too?

22 Nov 10 - 07:37 PM (#3038323)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,mg`

Who knows? I just had a nasty fall on my very slippery porch deck..I had mats out but stepped off one and crashed into a big flower pot. Walking etc. seems OK but there are some possible side effects I will spare careful in this wet and icy weather at least in northern climes. mg

23 Nov 10 - 05:56 AM (#3038532)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: GUEST,Grishka

The news seem to have undergone a typical folk process. I read about a ladder "with ropes" - probably for handrails. It may be a solid wooden staircase, perfect for a romantic (as opposed to a sportswoman or -man). Like every outdoor staircase, in may get slippery. Big deal.

Though I'm not quite Joan's age, I am one of those whose "sanity" has always been questioned. We need not be proud of this, just enjoy the company, in spite of diverse lifestyles and musical tastes.

23 Nov 10 - 01:16 PM (#3038797)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: catspaw49

LOL.........Christ on a crutch.......Sorry I mentioned it! I too have been known to indulge myself in dangerous and wacko sounding (to outsiders) pursuits. That wasn't my point but since I can't seem to make my point let's just skip it and we can all go back to stuffing pine cones up our asses while singing "We Shall Overcome"......................geeziz........gimmee peace............


23 Nov 10 - 01:32 PM (#3038814)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Lonesome EJ

yeah, peace on you, Grease. I know that you've been out of your tree for years.
As for me, no one I think is in my tree. I mean it must be high or low, right?

23 Nov 10 - 01:58 PM (#3038836)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: gnu

Don... sorry to hear about the fall. I hope she is doing okay.

23 Nov 10 - 02:07 PM (#3038842)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: gnu

"I climb up vertical (and sometimes overhanging) bits of rock using tiny edges for hand and footholds in my mid 50s, and hope to be still doing it in my mid 70s. I guess that's dimbulb too?"

Wellll, ahhh, check the fine print in your life insurance contract.

23 Nov 10 - 08:38 PM (#3039107)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: catspaw49

LOL @ Gnu........


24 Nov 10 - 12:51 AM (#3039239)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Janie

From Aol, in their scrolling "headlines" box on the front page, in the subtitles of 'other news,' "folk star, age 70, ok after fall."

God, I feel old. Not even worth mentioning her name?

24 Nov 10 - 05:43 AM (#3039337)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Rob Naylor

@gnu: I had to fill in a 5 page questionnaire about my petrophilia when I took out the insurance, so I suspect I'm covered. I hope so, considering the loading they put on my premiums! :-)

24 Nov 10 - 06:13 AM (#3039351)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: catspaw49

Great Scott!!!!!   I had no idea you were one of them preeverts!!!!


24 Nov 10 - 10:55 AM (#3039538)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: frogprince

Lookit that guy climbin' on the f**kin' rock!

24 Nov 10 - 03:51 PM (#3039766)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Don Firth

I get vertigo and my ears pop if I look over the edge of a tall curb.


I don't think so!!

Don Firth

06 Dec 10 - 01:32 AM (#3047236)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez falls
From: Don Firth


Don Firth

22 Apr 11 - 01:24 AM (#3140122)
Subject: Joan Baez fall from treehouse
From: GUEST,Guest - Lin

I remember late last year reading about Joan Baez falling out of her treehouse in her backyard in California. Haven't heard anything new lately or how she is doing. Did she heal from her injuries from this fall? If anyone knows, please post. Right now I am thinking about one of her songs called, "For Sasha." You know how you start thinking about a particular song sometimes and you just can't get it out of your mind. Right now, "For Sasha" is one of those songs.

22 Apr 11 - 07:33 AM (#3140247)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Suegorgeous

Guess she's fine, as she's been posting things on Facebook.

22 Apr 11 - 05:31 PM (#3140621)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?

Joan, the long and the short of it is: birds slep in trees; people sleep in beds and furthermore birds don't generally want people sharing trees with them.

23 Apr 11 - 02:14 PM (#3141195)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: gnu

Who told you that? >;-)

29 Jun 11 - 02:52 AM (#3178108)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Colin Randall

She talked a little about the fall during this concert in Marseille and also later in conversation with one or two fans.

Addressing the audience in French, she patted her lower abdomen and said: "It was a bit of a mess, but is nearly healed." There was a pronounced limp as she came on stage and she did move as if in some discomfort. But it was a terrific concert which was part of a tough intinerary, quite remarkable given her recent experience.

29 Jun 11 - 07:51 PM (#3178732)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Genie

Good job, Spaw!

29 Jun 11 - 07:56 PM (#3178738)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Genie

Colin, it does sound like those "minor injuries" were underestimated in press reports, but it does sound like she's on the mend. I really hope there are no long-lasting residues.

30 Jun 11 - 07:06 PM (#3179354)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Stringsinger

I've known Joan for a long time now, casually, and she is a nice person and deserves to have our sympathy. She's a helluva lot nicer than other folkies I know.

I think she still sounds great and I enjoy her work.

As for casting judgement about sleeping in a tree platform, we all make some
dumb errors in our life. I think she probably had a good reason for being there.

For a while she was a friend of Julia Butterfly.

01 Jul 11 - 12:19 AM (#3179506)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Little Hawk

I see no reason why anyone should criticize another human being for choosing to sleep on a tree platform. The most dangerous thing most people ever do is drive their car. And we virtually all do that, don't we? It's a hell of a lot more dangerous than sleeping in a treehouse.

01 Jul 11 - 03:45 AM (#3179560)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: My guru always said

Gld Joan is healing. Sleeping with the birds sounds wonderful, something I'd love to do. But maybe access could be a little safer! We occasionally sleep out on the lawn where our birds are fed on a hot nightbut our high-side airbed is fairly safe, so far!

02 Jul 11 - 04:34 PM (#3180370)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Colin Randall

These were the relevant comments as posted at my site Salut! Live. They add a little detail (and a useful link to some excellent photos from the concert in Marseille) ...

And those of us who have been wondering for months about the details of
Joan's treehouse accident now know that she fell close to 20 feet -
yikes! No wonder the tweet she sent out at the time said it was a time
for rejoicing, a free-fall from that height could break a back or neck
or crack open a skull....

Posted by: pinkokweer | April 10, 2011 at 10:29 AM

I was in marseille...She told that she fell from her tree-house after a night in it, in the morning...
Now she feels she told me....Sometimes tired but it doesn't hurt her....
The concert was excellent. She finished with here's to you, with a standing ovation ans the public singing with her.
Posted by: Jean-Michel | April 10, 2011 at 10:32 AM

We've waited a long time for any details at all about her fall, thanks to all for passing along her comments. Can you imagine her simple, human EMBARRASSMENT at having fallen while doing something so familiar to her - and which means so much to her?!

Posted by: Martha | April 10, 2011 at 10:33 AM

Did anyone notice that, if you click the second link under the photo in Colin's review, you get to another review, in French - I believe by the photographer. It has the set list ("possibly a bit out of order"), and ALSO a "bonus video"- a piece of a song.

OOH! and a whole gazillion pictures! Link snuck up on me, here it is directly:

02 Jul 11 - 05:00 PM (#3180386)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: catspaw49

Thank you MGAS.......finely we get a reasonable post. The rest of you are now free to sleep in giant Redwoods with hickory sticks up your ass!


02 Jul 11 - 05:20 PM (#3180397)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Little Hawk

You talk like you're quite experienced at doing that, Spaw... ;-)

28 Nov 11 - 10:52 PM (#3265178)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: GUEST,banjopicker

Oh My reading some of your guys post made my night. I know this thread is old but I have to say I have a lot of respect for joan as a singer/activist and for being able to climb up a tree at 70. If you seen the PBS documentary called how sweet the sound. I dont think she had much of a childhood so maybe shes trying to have one now.

29 Nov 11 - 12:19 AM (#3265211)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Little Hawk

I think Joan is wonderful, and if she wants to sleep all night in a treehouse, more power to her. The air is much fresher up there, and it's peaceful. Sounds like a healthy practice to me, and certainly less dangerous than driving a car.

29 Nov 11 - 12:31 AM (#3265212)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Don Firth

Not much of a childhood?

Well, judging from what she said in her autobiography, it sounded pretty normal to me.

Don Firth

29 Nov 11 - 12:54 AM (#3265221)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: GUEST,banjopicker

What I meant is that she said she moved alot when she was a kid and didnt really have time to make friends ect. I didnt say she didnt have a bad child hood just not much time to do child like things when she was a kid

29 Nov 11 - 06:44 AM (#3265332)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Bobert

BTW, she must be over the fall because she just performed 2 weeks ago here in Wingate, NC @ Wingate University...


29 Nov 11 - 02:48 PM (#3265598)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Elmore

Saw her perform with Kris Kristofferson. on Letterman a couple of weeks ago.

29 Nov 11 - 05:11 PM (#3265697)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?

I'm very glad to hear she's OK.

I'm astonished that no one has commented on the writer's crediting her with "Blowing in the Wind". Aaa, what the hell, singer, writer, what's the diff? (As if.)

And I was wondering if anyone else had thought of this line and its context:
"Once I do get to sleep, I shall go on sleeping, whether I roll off or no. And the less said, the sooner I'll drop off, if you take my meaning."

29 Nov 11 - 07:16 PM (#3265766)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: Greg B

One of my buddies was fortunate enough to have her as... his guitar teacher!

You know what?

If she wants to sleep up a tree, and fall out of it and break her neck, that's HER choice. She doesn't owe us anything. And it beats hell out of insomnia.

If she prefers a rope ladder to a staircase, that's her choice, too.

I'd rather die in the gym or on a stair-climb than on my couch. Or on an airplane engine-failure with no suitable emergency-landing field.

Us folks of a certain age realize that there's a lot worse things than dyin'

29 Nov 11 - 08:18 PM (#3265795)
Subject: RE: Joan Baez fall from treehouse-how is she?
From: catspaw49

geeziz.............yet more zealots.................
