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Sheffield Carols

28 Nov 10 - 02:28 PM (#3042151)
Subject: Sheffield Carols
From: GUEST,Cats without cookies

Thanks to everyone this weekend especially Trish,Stuart and Val the carollers at the top Red Lion in Grenoside and the Royal Hotel, Dungworth for making me so welcome and sharing their wonderful carols. A real treat that I have been promising myself for years and a privilege to be there. Enjoy the carolling season

29 Nov 10 - 05:41 AM (#3042599)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: GUEST,padgett

Is there a full listing of venues and times yet please?
Dave Eyre, Doc Rowe, Dr Russell maybe?


29 Nov 10 - 06:00 AM (#3042605)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Matthew Edwards

Cats, I guess that must have been you in the corner of the Royal yesterday - with Brian from Odcombe in the same corner it made a little Southwestern enclave! Hope you got home safely afterwards.

Ray, there is a list of Local Carol Sings 2010 posted online by Pat Malham and Frazer Jarvis which they regularly revise to keep it up to date.


29 Nov 10 - 06:36 AM (#3042621)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: GUEST,MC Fat (at work)

Two excellent sings at the Royal so far but the quality of the soloists yesterday (28th) was really good.

29 Nov 10 - 06:44 AM (#3042623)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: greg stephens

If you find Sheffield geting a bit too infested with folkies, come to the Penkhull carolling, still done by real people. (Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned this on a folk forum).

29 Nov 10 - 07:39 AM (#3042651)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Fred McCormick

Magnificent sing, and made all the more so by the weather. Freezing cold and bright sunshine. You've seen nothing until you've seen the Pennines in the depths of winter, with a cloudless sky and the sun low on the horizon.

I should add that I go over to Dungworth via the Snake Pass. So I get the full glory and then some.

29 Nov 10 - 09:58 AM (#3042740)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Cats

Yes it was me in the corner singing my little heart out. Have to say, Greg, that 2 of us on a corner wasn't exactly a take over and as I do sing the carols in Padstow each year and was part of the Padstow Carollers who were so warmly welcomed to Sheffield in 2000 and had actually been invited up by other Sheffield Carollers this year, I think I had a good excuse for being there. Have to agree that the soloists yesterday were on top form and the singing was still ringing in my ears when I eventually got back to Cornwall in the early hours of the morning. I do hope it isn't another 10 years before I experience that again.

29 Nov 10 - 11:02 AM (#3042784)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Matthew Edwards

Greg, are there any dates/venues for the Penkhull carol sings? Or can you only reveal that on a forum for 'real people'? :-)

Cats, people like you and Brian from Odcombe, who have kept carols alive in your own villages will always find a welcome at the Royal; the only case I heard of anyone being made unwelcome was a BBC camera crew in 1996 who tried to get the singers to repeat carols for 'second takes', and they were rightly thrown out for interfering! As long as visitors, whether folkies or real people, respect the singers and the carols they will find the Royal a wonderful and friendly place.


29 Nov 10 - 12:39 PM (#3042859)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: GUEST,padgett

Yes nice link thanks


29 Nov 10 - 12:46 PM (#3042863)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: greg stephens

The Mystery Singers in Penkhull sing every Monday night in the Ceram Institute in Queens Rd Penkhull at this time of year. Then, nearer Christmas, we go out round the pubs. But deciding when that happens involves slaughtering a lamb and examining its entrails, which we haven't done yet...

29 Nov 10 - 12:56 PM (#3042869)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: GUEST,Dave Eyre

The camera operator from the BBC two or three years ago had decided on the best place to shoot her film from and was busy setting up her tripod. It was gently pointed out that six people stood there! And then she was trampled in the rush to get in as the door opened.

Great fun.

29 Nov 10 - 01:19 PM (#3042884)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: greg stephens

29 Nov 10 - 04:16 PM (#3043045)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Wyrd Sister

'Twas indeed a great time - we too hope you're back before ten years have passed!

04 Dec 10 - 01:10 PM (#3046302)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Mrs.Duck

Wondering how the roads are around Dungworth?

04 Dec 10 - 02:09 PM (#3046330)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Wyrd Sister

The Royal Traditions email suggested it's clear, and there is a bus route running past. I suspect it's the roads in between that could be dodgy. We'll take the sensible route rather than our usual pretty route.

13 Dec 10 - 05:55 AM (#3052319)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Cats

IT WORKED!!!!!! Padstow carols live in Sheffield via telephone and Sheffield live in Cornwall via the answering machine! I got back from Padstow Carols [wonderful cold, clear, dry but frosty night when each note hung in the air] to find a message on my answering machine of wonderful singing. What a way to round off an evening. Thanks

13 Dec 10 - 01:30 PM (#3052603)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Wyrd Sister

Great - but to be pedantic, it was Castleton in Hope Valley, Derbyshire!
Glad it worked - I wasn't sure of the signal. And I could practically hear the frost in Padstow.
Happy Christmas!

15 Dec 10 - 09:21 AM (#3053976)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Les from Hull

Hoping to get over on Sunday, weather permitting. Anybody fancy the by now traditional apres Carols session at Fagans?

15 Dec 10 - 09:58 AM (#3053988)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Theres a Carol sesh at Hillsboro later on Les but you will probs be back in'ull by then

15 Dec 10 - 02:33 PM (#3054174)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Les from Hull

What time Jim? Would Fagans be OK in t'afternoon?

15 Dec 10 - 06:03 PM (#3054294)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: John J

We would like to make the trip over the Pennines this weekend but the weather's looking far too iffy - it looks like it's going to be treacherous over both Woodhead and the Snake.

Ho hum.


15 Dec 10 - 06:26 PM (#3054319)
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
From: Folkiedave

I live withing sight of Dungworth. I am happy to keep people up-to-date with the weather and state of the roads.

But last year we nearly got snowed in on the final sing - and it was fine when we got there. The good thing is that at the first sign of a lock-in with only real ale chips and pies to survive on - people insist on coming in.