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BS: I have to change my name - but to what?

12 Dec 10 - 04:44 AM (#3051590)
Subject: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

I have found myself in a unique and unanticipated situation.
I have to change my name ONLY if I want to get a passport.
I want and need a passport.

By a curious chain of events I am only able to get a birth certificate to my birth name, but my name was changed when I was adopted at age 3. Part of the chain of events include a fire that destroyed records.

After phone calls and letters to obtain a birth certificate my check and request form was returned with the suggestion that I would have to do a name change to get a birth certificate. My birth name is hideous and I'm not that fond of what I have now. My name now is already a different spelling than my children's names.

So If I have to change my name to obtain a passport, I may as well choose a name that will serve me best.

I have been looking at the credits at the end of movies more closely.
I have entertained last names of great peace makers.
Names like George W Carlin have come to mind.

I have heard certain names are far more receptive to others and may even be the cause for successful interactions.

Yeah I even looked into porn names but are the most unlikely.

At any rate some names are better than others so if you know any post them.

12 Dec 10 - 05:45 AM (#3051615)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Sandra in Sydney

names in the earlier part of the alphabet?

Google search on 'choosing a new surname' there are even websites offering advice!

12 Dec 10 - 06:02 AM (#3051622)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: John MacKenzie

Homer Peanuts

12 Dec 10 - 06:52 AM (#3051642)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: open mike

hmmm-several of the sites which came up in a search were discussing
new names that might be shared with other family members..esp. spouse..
is there a Mrs. Donuel and how does she feel about this?

are there any other members of either family that you might choose?

good luck...will you be keeping your mudcat handle?

how about an anagram?
same letters, different order..

12 Dec 10 - 08:30 AM (#3051692)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Georgiansilver

So you apply for the passport using the name on your birth certificate but you carry on calling yourself whatever you want... or is it not that simple???

12 Dec 10 - 09:21 AM (#3051721)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Having a passport in one name and credit cards and other ID in another might look a bit suspicious to airport security personnel. Unless you're prepared for the eventuality that, at some time, in some country, you may have to do a lot of explaining to some guy with a bushy mustache while his cousin guards the door with an AK-47 in one hand and the leash of a Doberman in the other, get the same name on everything.

12 Dec 10 - 09:26 AM (#3051723)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Jim Dixon

I don't understand the logic of requiring you to change your name, but having it not matter what you change it to. Why wouldn't your current name work as well as any name you might choose? Are you sure you didn't misunderstand the requirement?

12 Dec 10 - 11:05 AM (#3051781)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Naemanson

Here is your chance to be truly creative. where does your personality lead you? Odin Allfather? Lilbo Peep? Dirk Gently? Bill Shakespeare? Vince Vango? Ein Stein? Tar Sands? May Den Ant?

It's a little like getting a tattoo. You're gonna have it for a long time so use some judgment and a little humor.

Some to avoid: Moe Hammetsucks; Donwith Islam; Godiz Dead.

12 Dec 10 - 02:05 PM (#3051901)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,Neil D

Hugo Z. Hackenbush

12 Dec 10 - 02:05 PM (#3051902)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Gurney

Why not Donuel (What your kid's surname is)? Long term, maybe best for their benefit.

I changed my name by deed poll at 21, and that fact still comes up occasionally, for official reasons like passports, 48 years later.
Governments have LONG memories.

12 Dec 10 - 02:23 PM (#3051917)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ebbie

I too wonder whether there is misunderstanding as to the requirement.

12 Dec 10 - 02:53 PM (#3051935)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Richard Bridge

King George Three

12 Dec 10 - 03:17 PM (#3051946)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: katlaughing

You could choose something which points to your craft/talent/profession/hobbies i.e. Don Mesmer, Don Artist, Don a'Cello (of course the first name could be changed, too, though for the latter it wouldn't really work without "Don.")

I have used an old family name as a pseudonym for writing a few things.

12 Dec 10 - 03:19 PM (#3051949)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: mg

I would consult with someone official and do the least change that you can with some sort of paper trail to prove your identity. Perhaps your birth name with your present name in there as well, such as Donuel Smith Jones or something. I would not go for cutesy when dealing with immigration, anti-terrorist etc. mg

12 Dec 10 - 03:37 PM (#3051958)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?

When you were adopted your parents were issued a new birth certificate with your new name. Get a copy and you will be fine.

12 Dec 10 - 04:22 PM (#3051989)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: katlaughing

Sometimes not, Sins. That was supposed to happen when my Rog adopted all three of my kids, but the lawyer never got it done and we lived out of state, so their bcs are still in original birth names. They all have to show the adoption court papers in order to do anything legal such as marry, get a passport, etc.

12 Dec 10 - 04:39 PM (#3052003)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: I don't know

I was adopted by my step-father when I was three & he married mum but the judge had not signed the papers so when I got married 33 years ago there was a problem as my birth certificate was also lost when the records office in London had a fire & mum never had a copy. At that time the register put my original surname followed by "now known as", to overcome the problem for the marriage certificate.
This was not considered a legal document when I went for my passport but they accepted a letter from my doctor as proof. Maybe this could help you.

12 Dec 10 - 05:33 PM (#3052040)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Bob the Postman

I believe the name "Robert Zimmerman" is no longer in use by its original owner.

12 Dec 10 - 07:13 PM (#3052101)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Jack Campin

Looks like "Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi" will be available shortly too, and "Ariel Sharon" not long after.

Why not have both?

12 Dec 10 - 08:02 PM (#3052127)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ed T

Since, I understand it has been abandoned.

13 Dec 10 - 01:54 AM (#3052248)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

Sinsull that was exactly what I have tried to do. I even had the original and amenended certificates before we moved but only the birth name can be sent immediately which does me no good..

'I don't know' You had the same predicament! My beauracracy is just as bollocked. To keep my current name still requires a large expense and a name change because of their lost documents and stupid rules.

btw a legal name change goes on all your credit cards,license etc.

Mrs. Donuel was too feminist to play the change your maiden name game in the first place.


Making up bad names is easy for me but a name that makes people smile or feel good is tough.

bad names:

Buzz Kill

Knight Mare

Daryl Lict

Homer Lesbum

Nigel Featherbottom

Leonardo D'Jersey

Kaan Vick

Mahubaratta Desideratta Jones

Raoul Over

Bill Shitner

John Latrine

On the brighter side...

Groucho Mark

Roger Over

Donald Shindler

Rory Success

Martin Ghandi

Saulad Gold

Don Goodfather

Howie U. Good

Aliz Duegood

Michael Angelo

Here are my 6 favs.

Glen S Cool
George W Carlin
Don F Kennedy
Woody A Nelson
Don A Cello
Euell B Free

Perhaps I will have a poll on a social networking site to determine the most positively viewed name.

13 Dec 10 - 02:57 AM (#3052262)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: open mike

My daughter was born at home, but out of county and we failed to file for a birth certificate. She was able to get a passport, and driver's license, but the only document we have been able to get from the county where she was born is a statement that says they do not have record of her being born there.

god luck with your name ("handle") and let us know what you decide on!

13 Dec 10 - 06:26 AM (#3052330)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Allan C.

After a sojourn to the beach I found a sand covered capo in my pocket. I have often since thought the name, Sandy Capo, would be very nice. But then, I've also thought that Franklin W. Pierce was pretty cool.

13 Dec 10 - 08:31 AM (#3052403)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

GWB's mother is related to Franklin Pierce.

When it comes to realtions I have a distant relation to John Staurt Mills.

13 Dec 10 - 10:57 AM (#3052489)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: maple_leaf_boy

Woody A Nelson sounds like a good name. "Woodsmith" being the formal

The poll on a social networking site is a good idea. Somebody did that
recently, to name the child their expecting.

13 Dec 10 - 11:23 AM (#3052497)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: katlaughing

Don A Cello

***One of mine made the short list*****BG**

13 Dec 10 - 12:47 PM (#3052562)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Mooh

Mooh is taken, so don't use it. Don't use Spaw either, it might be hard to live down.

There aren't too many Adolph Hitlers in the phone book, and what fun that would be at parties. O'VanMcSquigglepussbergson is too long.

But seriously, choose names you like, have family importance, cultural links, don't generally offend, aren't cutsy, and aren't the devil for people to spell. Hyphens confuse folks too, though what the hell, we live in a hyphenated world. Initials that spell something rude aren't a great idea either. Don't make up something new that everyone will forever ask you about.

Michael Crocker suits me 'cause it is me, but I could live with George Johnston, Andrew Bruce, or Bruce Thompson just fine.

Peace, Mooh.

13 Dec 10 - 12:48 PM (#3052564)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Uncle_DaveO

Lotsa fun here, but beware! The ones that are funniest are likely to make trouble with straight-faced officials down the road; they'll decide the name is a fake, and then you have an argument to make.

For many, many years (probably too late now) I've sworn that I was going to change my last name to something imaginative like Smith or Jones or Brown. The reason is plain when I sign off as . . .

Dave Oesterreich

P.S. If I were forced to change it now, I'd adopt "Austria", a simpleminded transliteration from German.

13 Dec 10 - 12:50 PM (#3052565)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Mooh

I used to joke that if I ever had a son, I would name him Maurice Ronald...Moron for short. You can have that if you like, I won't be having any more children.

You can thank me later.

Peace, Mooh.

13 Dec 10 - 12:58 PM (#3052578)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,leeneia

Donuel, why don't you just go to your local courthouse and find out how to 'change' your name from your birth name to your present name? That way, school records, property ownership, and your children's birth certificates will not be affected.

13 Dec 10 - 01:55 PM (#3052618)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: katlaughing

I don't think he likes it overmuch, leeneia:

...I'm not that fond of what I have now.

13 Dec 10 - 02:36 PM (#3052662)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ebbie

Oesterreich? I quite like Eastern Kingdom.

13 Dec 10 - 03:31 PM (#3052688)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Little Hawk

I think "Dick Awl" is a name that most people would find pretty easy to remember... ;-)

13 Dec 10 - 06:03 PM (#3052775)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ed T

Norville McRedenbacher

13 Dec 10 - 06:08 PM (#3052782)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Little Hawk

Tom Aynepoisoning

13 Dec 10 - 06:15 PM (#3052790)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ed T

Ivan Skavinsky Skavar Jr.

13 Dec 10 - 06:20 PM (#3052794)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: katlaughing

Houdini Watts

Don A Peachy (if you liked Don Amechi:-)

Hol E Moses

(just being silly, now:-)

13 Dec 10 - 06:36 PM (#3052811)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Dave MacKenzie

Josh MacIntyre (Jesus son of the Carpenter)

13 Dec 10 - 09:39 PM (#3052942)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Try Oliver Klozov.

Play with the'll like it!


14 Dec 10 - 08:12 AM (#3053197)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

Warren Peace? (It's easier to remember than Tolstoy)

14 Dec 10 - 11:08 AM (#3053329)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

Warren Peace is a damn good name but it does seem contrived.
Some product names are famous for being awkward like Smuckers or Fuddrucker.

Some names might inspire sympathy like Charile Brown. The suggestion of class or wealth rules out Don F Kennedy despite its honorable democratic history.
Then there are seasonal favorites. Rudolf Rupert Rumpledickskin. King Midas, Jack Frost, Ebbie Scrooge. Names that imply criminality like Mr. Madoff did surprisingly well. He may as well been named Rob Fortune.
Max Prophet or Saul E Gold might do well on Wall St. Hey that would make quite a investment firm, Gold Fortune & Prophet .

I have found that most people here seem to have names that can be found in the bible. The Car Guys on npr are a valuable source of clever names.

14 Dec 10 - 11:27 AM (#3053343)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: The Sandman

miles miles is a good name.

14 Dec 10 - 11:40 AM (#3053355)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: maeve

Donuel, I knew a publisher named Warren Pease- his real name. You can do better!

14 Dec 10 - 11:55 AM (#3053367)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Bill D

When I was about 14, I made up a name for some silly game I was playing with a friend....I haven't used it for..oh, about 50 you may have:

Jootminsky Swigminor Warfle

14 Dec 10 - 11:55 AM (#3053368)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

I just thought of some other monied names
Johnny Cash
Johney Paycheck
'Check' Atkins

Donny Cash is a soulful name thanks to Johnny. In fact its better than Woody Nelson since Willie Nelson has associations to pot and IRS problems, not to mention 'could have' 'should have' songs.

14 Dec 10 - 12:02 PM (#3053380)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

btw almost any name is better than Blagg (birth name) or Hack.
While I don't know what a blagg is, it does sound like a bad taste.
Everyone knows what a hack is.

14 Dec 10 - 12:46 PM (#3053408)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Smokey.

Morgoth Tranklement

14 Dec 10 - 01:09 PM (#3053425)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ebbie

If your grasp of reality isn't stronger than 'Ebbie Scrooge', I fear your ultimate choice of name will come to haunt you.

14 Dec 10 - 01:11 PM (#3053427)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Little Hawk

Lewellyn Cuddlesworth

14 Dec 10 - 01:21 PM (#3053437)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ed T

I used to work with Stephen Stevens and another guy named Fred Herring.

Fish names could be beneficial? How about Silver Fish?

14 Dec 10 - 01:46 PM (#3053452)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Smokey.

Poppa D. Kettlon
Todd Arpettle
Bert Pottem
Phil Billihiddle
Alex McOblass
Ed Gaskitt
Ivan Ossenkart
Eamonn Uttcase

14 Dec 10 - 02:08 PM (#3053466)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Little Hawk

Ben Doon
Phil McCracken
Dick Brayne
Donald Duck

14 Dec 10 - 02:18 PM (#3053477)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: katlaughing

According to THIS PAGE "Blagg" is an old Anglo-Saxon version of "Black" denoting someone with dark hair or complexion. According to it they were in Kent long before the Norman Conquest and also came to the colonies very early on, as in the 1600s. There's even a family crest and different spellings.

14 Dec 10 - 02:23 PM (#3053484)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Smokey.

Tony Guzzinard
Alan Fresco
Ivanichi Groin
William Oysterbottom
Norman Font
Phil Formin
Harry Stockrat
Caesar Hermanns
Juan Toumenni

01 Jan 11 - 11:41 PM (#3065368)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Naemanson

It's been a couple of weeks. How did this turn out?

02 Jan 11 - 12:06 AM (#3065377)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Oliver Klozoff

02 Jan 11 - 03:39 AM (#3065411)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: open mike

did you go to one of those word scrambling sites like the one where you can find a pirate name for talk like a pirate day?

one mudcater had hese names on another thread...Lager Can, Carnal AGe, Arcane lag and on and on...

point being maybe you cold just rearrange the letters of your name..
i already mentioned this...

but let us know how you are doing with choosing...

a new name in the new year....

02 Jan 11 - 06:44 AM (#3065461)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: DMcG

Mrs. Donuel was too feminist to play the change your maiden name game in the first place.

Have you considered adopting her name?

02 Jan 11 - 06:56 AM (#3065465)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Backwoodsman

Orson Carte.

02 Jan 11 - 07:27 AM (#3065472)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Dave Hanson

From the film ' Hombre ' when Paul Newman is asked what name he's using, ' anything except bastard will do. '

Dave H

02 Jan 11 - 08:24 AM (#3065491)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Bobert

How about Don U. Ell???

02 Jan 11 - 09:02 AM (#3065507)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,Dani


Though you might update to Goldman Sachs.


03 Jan 11 - 08:22 AM (#3066151)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Bonzo3legs

Windsor is good - can be used for both Christian and surname.

03 Jan 11 - 09:13 AM (#3066182)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,Grishka

One aspect has to be taken into account whenever you choose a name for anyone or anything: search engines. If, say, you want your hotel to be distinctive, give it a unique name, i.e. a word which does not exist in any language. Artists and business people sometimes (not always) have similar wishes. The other extreme is something like Peter Jones, which makes it much more difficult for employers or authorities to track your footprints in the internet. For some purposes it is best not to be unique, but to be found by those persons who have additional information like your profession or the place where you live.

Test your candidates by googling. If you want your name to be known internationally, make sure that it does not have any negative connotation in other major languages. SAP is an exception.

03 Jan 11 - 12:18 PM (#3066303)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

Kodak is an example of choosing a unique name that stands out.

I have chosen a family name on my father's mother's side.
It makes the most sense for my children.
Still it is hard to let go of such great names as Fart N. Duck and other great names that can be found here.

Meanwhile I will have to trace this thread as a name reference for the next novel American novel.

03 Jan 11 - 03:28 PM (#3066452)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Rusty Dobro

When the folk police were closing in after I was heard singing the words of 'Wild Rover' to the tune of 'Streets of London', I assumed the identity of Dusty Robro for a while - you can have that one now I've finished with it.

03 Jan 11 - 06:38 PM (#3066571)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,M Basa - Ritchie

Please dont use my name I changed it from Ed Case

03 Jan 11 - 08:49 PM (#3066658)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Lox

The mudcatter formerly known as Prince ...

04 Jan 11 - 08:33 AM (#3066925)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Sandra in Sydney

04 Jan 11 - 06:49 PM (#3067333)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Naemanson

In the novel Catch-22 there is a character named Major Major who gets promoted, through the magic of military bureaucracy, directly to major so he is Major Major Major.

Let this be a lesson to anyone choosing a name for any reason. It could cause problems down the line.

04 Jan 11 - 10:42 PM (#3067466)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: EBarnacle

I was going to suggest Donuel Agin. I am glad you have chosen a name you woill be comfortable with.

05 Jan 11 - 02:01 AM (#3067525)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: JohnInKansas

"Blagg (birth name)" ??

Judging by "her" ancestral research, had your ancestors come through Ellis Island around 1900 that might well have appeared as "Black" on the ship manifests and/or the immigration rolls.

You could be Mannin Black (and go by "Mannie" in the evenings).

Of course with about equal likelihood it might have become "Blaugh," but then you'd have to be "E. Ringo."

If any of your ancestors migrated - almost anywhere - you might find something with a "family ring" to it more to your liking in your family tree, but genealogical research can be rather time consuming if you don't already have a fair start on it. You might, though, try searching your existing original and/or current names at a couple of the genealogical web sites to see if their were near relatives of someone with names like yours with better names - if there's a possibility that you might someday want some "descendants of your ancient ancestors" to stumble in on you. Your granpa's sister might have married into a betternamed family.(?)


05 Jan 11 - 03:24 AM (#3067542)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: freda underhill

Donuel, after all that, are you going to let us know what your name is?



05 Jan 11 - 09:48 AM (#3067733)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: GUEST,Patsy

Something really blokie like Bill.

05 Jan 11 - 10:22 AM (#3067744)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

It was my stepfather's name that came through Ellis Island and became changed through a quirk of a Yiddish retort to to a brusque immigration clerk.
When asked what Grandpa's name was the Balkan/Polish/Russian sounding name was incomprehensible to the clerk.
The annoyed clerk barked again what the hell is your name!?
Grandpa replied; Hak mir nit in kop! - which means, Stop bending my ear (Lit.; Stop banging on my head)

The clerk said Hakman...NEXT

05 Jan 11 - 10:32 AM (#3067749)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Donuel

My other gripe is that DOnuel definetly sounds feminine. Yeah I probably had as many fights as that poor guy named Sue.
I had to have my nose surgicly repaired as a result.

05 Jan 11 - 10:39 AM (#3067752)
Subject: RE: BS: I have to change my name - but to what?
From: Ed T

Dirk Diggler, if you are up to it, that is.
