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BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?

12 Dec 10 - 02:40 PM (#3051922)
Subject: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Richard Bridge

OK, to be balanced here I quite like old big-ears, and if you look back to the old pictures of his thoroughbred mare you will remember why a lot of the aristocracy were hunting her...

Anyway, I have a nasty suspicious mind and I remember that two previous occasions when big-ears rose in public estimation because of his coolness under (possible) fire were when his little boat was rocked by a spearfisherman and that occasion in Oz when a twerp with a pistol got onto stage with him.

Now COULD the present furore about someone poking Camilla in the ribs with a stick through their Rolls-Royce's window be a put-up job to get the public to love Camilla more? My BS-ometer went off about this when it was suggested that the reason the car window was open was possibly mechanical failure...

12 Dec 10 - 02:46 PM (#3051928)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Rapparee

Why doesn't Betty make Harry or Billy king and be done with it?

12 Dec 10 - 02:47 PM (#3051929)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Rapparee

By the way, my BSometer went off when they were driven through a riot zone in the first place.

12 Dec 10 - 02:52 PM (#3051934)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Funny enough, Prince Charles was just talking recently about Catweazle and the need for good Personal Hygiene and the odd haircut.

12 Dec 10 - 03:04 PM (#3051940)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Arthur_itus

LOL You do make me laugh. You must be the most cynical bugger on the planet :-)

12 Dec 10 - 03:06 PM (#3051941)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Ed T

I suspect it was really their doubles. Charles and Camilla were likely home in the sack, or watching TV and eating pork rinds.

12 Dec 10 - 04:31 PM (#3051995)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Richard Bridge

Good God! The "Get a haircut" brigade live (if that's what you can call it). You give yourself away Richie every time you open your mouth.

12 Dec 10 - 05:24 PM (#3052027)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Rapparee

Or...could it have been a conspiracy by Those In High Places to see if Chucky could be bumped off by the mob? That would solve several problems. Stranger things have happened in England!

12 Dec 10 - 05:29 PM (#3052033)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Dave MacKenzie

"Chairlie Wan he got beheidit,
Chairlie Twa he was succeedit,
Chairlie Three'll no be needit-
Lucky wee Prince Chairlie"

12 Dec 10 - 07:13 PM (#3052100)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: McGrath of Harlow

If you're going to have a king, Charles is about right - "Old King Cole was a jolly old soul..."

12 Dec 10 - 07:29 PM (#3052109)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Dave MacKenzie

But what will he call himself - there are still a few odd Jacobites around who count the Young Pretenter as Charles III.

12 Dec 10 - 07:38 PM (#3052115)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: bubblyrat

Betty is not really in any position to make Masters Harry or Billy our lawful King.

12 Dec 10 - 08:46 PM (#3052146)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Its very strange. A normal person wouldn't drive through a riot. Its not to be recommended really, is it?

12 Dec 10 - 09:44 PM (#3052158)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: EBarnacle

To some degree, I suspect that there was a certain degree of "I am the beloved Prince of Wales; no one will harm ME!"

12 Dec 10 - 09:58 PM (#3052167)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Smokey.

They probably weren't warned because no-one was informed in advance of the route they were taking. I think I'd have closed the window, though.

12 Dec 10 - 11:45 PM (#3052198)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: josepp

Not being British I had always thought that Charles had no real power anyway. Just a figurehead. If so, why would it matter if he got killed?

13 Dec 10 - 02:12 AM (#3052251)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Little Hawk

It would matter to him, I expect....

13 Dec 10 - 02:46 AM (#3052260)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Jim Carroll

Was interested to read that the head of the Metropolitan Police has offered his resignation to the royal family over the incident - though he has said that he doesn't expect them to take up the offer - all a bit of a game of charades to keep the peasants happy really!
Jim Carroll

13 Dec 10 - 03:50 AM (#3052270)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: acegardener

Poor old Wingnut, he only wanted to do a bit of rubbernecking to see what all the fuss was about.

13 Dec 10 - 04:14 AM (#3052280)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Dave Hanson

Winding the window down ? that Camilla, a few sandwiches short of a picnic in my opinion.

Dave H

13 Dec 10 - 04:20 AM (#3052282)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: MGM·Lion

Just to remind McGrath that Old King Cole was, in most versions anyhow, a *merry* old soul

Otherwise not to get involved yet again with all of you stalwarts of the Lefty-Wanker-Brigade, thanks.

♥❤♥ Luvyaz-all-justa-same ❤♥❤


13 Dec 10 - 08:08 AM (#3052387)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

'They probably weren't warned because no-one was informed in advance of the route they were taking'

unlikely...surely they'd have the best security, public money can buy.

13 Dec 10 - 08:16 AM (#3052393)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Charley Noble

Maybe next time they'll take the tube.

And maybe the crowd was searching for the "wren." It's early but don't the holiday festivities seem to get earlier every year?

Charley Noble

13 Dec 10 - 08:24 AM (#3052398)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: bubblyrat

Actually, Old King Cole was a bugger for his hole; well, in the Nautical version,anyway.

13 Dec 10 - 08:46 AM (#3052409)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Stu

"Betty is not really in any position to make Masters Harry or Billy our lawful King."

Poor old Harry's dad isn't in line to the throne anyway. As for old King Cole - heard the one about Charles and the footman?

13 Dec 10 - 11:38 AM (#3052507)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Richard Bridge

Damn - it isn't often that one can agree with Ratty and Suggie in the same breath!

13 Dec 10 - 01:56 PM (#3052619)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: MGM·Lion

Purely as matter of fact, what is this Sug sez about Harry's dad not being in line for throne? He is only the Prince of Wales and Heir Apparent. What you on about, pray!


13 Dec 10 - 02:00 PM (#3052625)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Ebbie

DNA doesn't lie; people do, however. That is the dilemma for the rubbernecking crowd: Do they believe the official version that his DNA was checked and found royal or do they believe the royal crowd would lie about it in any case?

Americans are more sensible. :)

13 Dec 10 - 02:06 PM (#3052631)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Richard Bridge

Suggie is asserting that Harry is the son of one of the Martyr Diana's stray shags, one Hewitt. Which, purely from his physical appearance, and the admitted sexual liaison is very plausible

13 Dec 10 - 02:32 PM (#3052660)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Ebbie

The son also strongly resembles his uncle, his mother's brother, right?

13 Dec 10 - 03:24 PM (#3052684)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Stu

A bit of his DNA will be royal. The other bit will be ginger.

13 Dec 10 - 03:37 PM (#3052691)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Little Hawk

Why does anyone even care? And what difference could it possibly make? A child is a child in its own unique right, and there's no way of predicting what strengths and weaknesses of character will develop in that child, no matter who the father was.

One thing for sure, we know exactly who the mother was, and that's why I think they had it right in the few ancient societies where family line and family name were brought down through the mothers, not the fathers. That's the sensible way to do it, because the identity of the mother is never in doubt. The father could be just about anyone, after all!

13 Dec 10 - 03:49 PM (#3052697)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: gnu

I'll volunteer.

13 Dec 10 - 03:55 PM (#3052698)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Jim Carroll

The Allied Irish Bank has been one of the biggest culprits in bringing the Irish economy to its knees - it has received many billions in bail-out assistance from the taxpayers.
The Irish government have just announced that they are legally unable to prevent the bank from paying its directors obscene amounts in Christmas bonuses for a job well done.
Its a pity there are no royal figureheads of state here, nor too many lamp-posts to string them up on.
Come on Mike - you're better than that - but I suppose it easier to apply insulting labels (as the rabid right and their apologists have always done) rather than address the issues.
Jim Carroll

13 Dec 10 - 04:13 PM (#3052707)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: gnu

So rise up and hang the bastards.

13 Dec 10 - 04:14 PM (#3052708)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Little Hawk

Ordinary people who fought for decent civil rights for the common folk have always been labelled in such a negative fashion. They have been called "anarchists", "criminals", "subversives", "revolutionaries", and other such hysterical labels for centuries by the ruling social elite for attempting to gain such things as...

- women's right to vote
- poor people's right to vote
- landless people's right to vote
- the right to form unions
- an end to child labour
- pensions for the elderly
- a 40 hour work week
- unemployment insurance
- medicare
- a representative government, instead of rule by absolute monarchies and dictators
- trial by a jury of one's peers instead of condemnation, torture, and execution by religious kangaroo courts and nobles and robber barons

It's always a tiny group of about 1% of the population that rules society from the top, has most of the money, and makes the laws...and that hasn't changed. In fact, it's gotten much worse in the last 30 years since the end of the 70s. The rich have been getting a lot richer while the rest get poorer.

So if standing up and resisting the accursed Oligarchs who are at the top of the present feeding chain in society be again called "revolution" by the puppet controlled media of those be it! They deserve to face a damned revolution, and let it come soon.

My comments are not directed personally at Charles and Camilla, by the way. I hold no personal rancour against them. My comments are directed at the bankers and corporate CEOs who run this society and determine its political and social agenda. Charles and Camilla just happened to land in the middle of it all by virtue of being born in the families they were born in, and that isn't their fault.

13 Dec 10 - 05:20 PM (#3052749)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Richard Bridge

I have not run to earth a comment half heard on the news to day but I gather that the gap between rich and poor in England is widening again.

13 Dec 10 - 08:32 PM (#3052889)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""I have not run to earth a comment half heard on the news to day but I gather that the gap between rich and poor in England is widening again.""

No surprise at all, since it has been widening over the last thirteen years.

It is hardly likely to have suddenly reversed in the first seven months of a government trying to deal with £170 billion of inherited debt incurred during that thirteen years.

Don T.

14 Dec 10 - 02:33 AM (#3053042)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Jim Carroll

"My comments are not directed personally at Charles and Camilla,"
Mine neither; as far as I'm concerned they are part of an overpriveleged group of inbreds there to symbolise what the system we live under stands for - nothing to do with their individual characters - "just doin' my job ma-am".
I have little doubt that there is a royal wedding in the offing to make us all feel good about ourselves and brighten up our humdrum lives in these gloomy times.
Jim Carroll

14 Dec 10 - 04:06 AM (#3053074)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Dave MacKenzie

"the last thirteen years."

The last analysis I read made it thirty nine years starting with the Heath government's relexation of controls on the banks, coupled with restrictions on the unions so that they were less able to keep their members' wages from falling behind inflation.

14 Dec 10 - 06:45 AM (#3053146)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: GUEST,Doc John

Jack Ford in 'When the Boat Comes In' quotes from the Good Book: 'To him that has shall be given but from him that has not shall be taken away'. Was Jesus commenting on the contemporary social conditions or predicting the future?

14 Dec 10 - 07:58 AM (#3053187)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: fat B****rd

Like most of the above I cannot condone violence BUT to be in any night time environment in any part of the UK is likely to result in an assault. This time it happened to royal celebrities.
The tabloids would have given as much ink to anybody from X factor or any of the usual 'names'.
I like living in Dunfermline but will not go out at night on foot. C and C have just had a taste of real life.

14 Dec 10 - 08:08 AM (#3053194)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Fred McCormick

"C and C have just had a taste of real life."

Yeahh. Much as I detest royalty, I too am glad that the incident didn't get any worse. That's not least because if those security guards had shot anyone, there really would have been a full scale riot, quite possibly with many more lives being lost.

But isn't it astounding that this one comparatively minor incident managed to dominate the reporting of the entire protest?

14 Dec 10 - 03:09 PM (#3053514)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Ebbie

"I like living in Dunfermline but will not go out at night on foot."

?Whut? Is this what our world has descended to?

14 Dec 10 - 03:18 PM (#3053522)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: fat B****rd

Yes. Apart from old age paranoia the pavements are treacherous.

14 Dec 10 - 06:01 PM (#3053604)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Wesley S

I think that one of these days y'all are going to find out that Charles was actually born in Kenya and his Hawaiian birth certificate was faked.

14 Dec 10 - 06:21 PM (#3053611)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Little Hawk

We should get Chongo's extended family to check on that.

14 Dec 10 - 07:33 PM (#3053656)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Dave MacKenzie

I live in the UK and frequently go out at night and haven't been assaulted for at least 32 years.

14 Dec 10 - 07:42 PM (#3053662)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Bobert

Well, word on the street is that Camilla wasn't one bit scared... Just pissed off... I'm thinkin' to myself, "What's that about???"... Then it came to me... Duhhhhhhhh???... She didn't like the color of paint the crowd threw on her Rolls...

Woulda pissed me off, too... I hate white paint... Them borish kids... Could have used somethin' pinkish...


14 Dec 10 - 07:43 PM (#3053663)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Here in Cheshire, we feel a lot safer since Labour were booted out of office !

15 Dec 10 - 04:14 AM (#3053809)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: MGM·Lion

Come on Mike - you're better than that - but I suppose it easier to apply insulting labels (as the rabid right and their apologists have always done) rather than address the issues.
Jim Carroll
Not quite sure what you mean by "better" here, Jim. But if, as appears it might, you mean that everyone who doesn't happen to share your political convictions [even tho you & they might agree, as we know we do, on many other matters] is ipso-facto "bad", then perhaps my locution was not so entirely mal-apropos after all?


15 Dec 10 - 04:20 AM (#3053810)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: fat B****rd

Dave , I'm pleased to hear that.
I've lived in the UK for 63 years and have never been assaulted at all. However, nowadays, I'm not far from an area 'well known to the police'. Sometimes they - the police - are there in daylight!
Generally I love it here.
Excuse thread drift and take care everybody.

15 Dec 10 - 04:41 AM (#3053818)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Dave MacKenzie

"Here in Cheshire, we feel a lot safer since Labour were booted out of office !"

No we don't - wait till the Police personnel cuts really kick in.

15 Dec 10 - 05:01 AM (#3053826)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Stu

"Here in Cheshire, we feel a lot safer since Labour were booted out of office "

Agreed. We certainly don't, and friends working in the public sector are very worried about the state of local services after the tories have butchered with them.

15 Dec 10 - 05:44 AM (#3053844)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Jim Carroll

"Not quite sure what you mean by "better" here,"
I was referring to your scurrying behind abuse in place of discussing ideas Mike.
In resorting to infantile label sticking rather than discussing the subject puts you in the same league as Richie Blackshirt and Bozo No Brain. I'd like to think you capable of rising above that Mike.
Jim Carroll
PS - before you take me up on it - my 'rabid right' comment was a response to your rather unpleasant name calling, and example of how not to win hearts and minds - neither achieve anything.

15 Dec 10 - 06:04 AM (#3053854)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Keith A of Hertford

infantile label sticking rather than discussing the subject puts you in the same league as Richie Blackshirt and Bozo No Brain.

15 Dec 10 - 06:11 AM (#3053858)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: MGM·Lion

Well, OK, Jim; perhaps it was not a very inspired 'label' at that. But my reluctance to engage with the actual matter at issue was contingent on the fact that it was clearly going to turn into one of those 'Oh yes it is :~: Oh no it isn't', 'Yahsucks boo :~: & same 2U with knobs on', 'my dad's a policeman :~: & your ma's a slut' sort of threads which I am quite honestly rather weary of.

Let's talk about techniques of unaccompanied ballad-singing instead, eh?

That's all.

15 Dec 10 - 06:56 AM (#3053875)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Jim Carroll

"et's talk about techniques of unaccompanied ballad-singing instead, eh?"
Fine - though that tends to be a minefield of 'finger-in-ear' and 'folk-police nowadays.
Jim Carroll

15 Dec 10 - 07:04 AM (#3053878)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Jim Carroll

"Richie Blackshirt and Bozo No Brain..... "
Two trolls who apparently have no problem with hiding their extremeist solutions to the world's problems under a bushel, even to the extent of trolling a serious thread out of existance recently.
Mike has something worthwhile to say, even though I don't agree with him - they have not, so why should I deny them their place in the sun.
Jim Carroll

15 Dec 10 - 05:52 PM (#3054278)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Little Hawk

Chongo has just informed me that he has written a letter to Charles and Camilla, offering his services as a fulltime bodyguard so that they won't have any more problems with the unwashed rabble. He expects to be paid suitably, of course, but I understand the Royal Family can still afford to hire good help these days, so it shouldn't be a problem.

15 Dec 10 - 07:44 PM (#3054388)
Subject: RE: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
From: Bobert

Don't let the chimp in yer car... Talk about messing somethin' up, Chongz has a Phd in messing stuff up... Put the monkey in the trunk...