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Sakis Bouzouki history

16 Dec 10 - 06:03 PM (#3055113)
Subject: Sakis Bouzouki history
From: goodlife

any one know the history of the sakis bouzouki makers or any good sites about the bouzouki i have just aquired one that was first bought in 1967 not sure wether it was new then or second hand needs a bit of t&c then it will probably be for sale {her in doors said i don't have any space left for it }

18 Dec 10 - 04:47 AM (#3056222)
Subject: RE: Sakis Bouzouki history
From: goodlife


18 Dec 10 - 02:25 PM (#3056578)
Subject: RE: Sakis Bouzouki history
From: ollaimh

they are a big greek intrument company but although their products are decent for the mass amrket they are not high end instruments. most bouzouki layerts turn up their noses at sakis, however if its all you can afford well go for it.

you might look on the mandolin cafe for bouzouki discussions or on the ning cittern list.

05 Jan 11 - 08:43 PM (#3068154)
Subject: RE: Sakis Bouzouki history
From: GUEST,dubnemo

I have had a great Sakis Bouzouki, with a truss rod. It plays incredible, until it was victim of a flooded basement. The braces snapped as a result of being submerged.

06 Jan 11 - 06:42 PM (#3068851)
Subject: RE: Sakis Bouzouki history
From: framus

I got a great "Irish" (G D A E) bouzouki by Ozark. Maybe not a margue held in the highest esteem, but it has a nice action and sounds fine.It only cost C£150, complete with soft case, elec. tuner and a spare set of strings - oh, and a video of people playing it.
I have an old, innominate Greek job, but I think it was made for the tourist trade and the action is virtually unplayable now - admittedly about 35 years on!

06 Jan 11 - 10:07 PM (#3068984)
Subject: RE: Sakis Bouzouki history
From: ollaimh

some old greek bouzoukis are well built and some not. i have seen decent sakis but a lot of people who play a lot won't play them. i think they are decent but over priced new in north america, however they do come up cheap occasionally.

i would judge by playing and bot jsut on the brand.