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BS: Memory loss.

20 Dec 10 - 06:25 PM (#3058113)
Subject: BS: Memory loss.
From: gnu

PMO! I was just out for a walk and tried to sing a song I learned on my father's knee. Sang it hundreds of times but not for months. Got to the the second line of the fifth verse and

Anything one can do besides turning back time? I put in an order a while back when my short term memory seemed suspect but I think someone forgot about it. Well, I think I did... I'll check my notes.

20 Dec 10 - 06:28 PM (#3058118)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Bill D

It all involves being sure you don't....

ummm....what was the question?

20 Dec 10 - 06:30 PM (#3058119)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Bobert

Here's my thoughts (ha) on it, gn-ze... Smoke pot!!! That will give you an excuse to not remember stuff... Works fir me...


20 Dec 10 - 07:07 PM (#3058133)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: gnu

Been years and years. Dunno where I would even get any. It's illegal here I think.

20 Dec 10 - 07:38 PM (#3058155)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: ClaireBear

It's not the memories that go, it's the paths to them. Eventually your brain can find a new route to the info. So...don't give up. Try to frame the query to your brain in a new context (like, instead of "how does the fifth verse to that song start?" think "How does the last line to the fifth verse go?") and your brain may go right to the information.

20 Dec 10 - 07:49 PM (#3058168)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Bobert

Ya'll see that "60 Minutes" piece last night about these folks who remember everything from every day of their lives going back to when they were young, like 11 years old??? I mean, you pick a date and they tell you what happened that day???

Sheet fire... Man, I'd hate that... My head is full 'nuff with remembering 50 or so songs and the P-Vine's birthday...

(What's yer anniversary, Boberdz???)

Bite me, Anon...


20 Dec 10 - 09:29 PM (#3058200)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Ed T

Could it be an acid flashback, 1970?

20 Dec 10 - 09:35 PM (#3058202)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Beer

Gnu!! it's been legal for years now.

20 Dec 10 - 10:32 PM (#3058228)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Ebbie

Oh dear.

I've always had a good memory. Never realized I could lose it.

A month or so ago, I re-filled a phone card - put $70 on it - a card I've had for years. Mind you, I haven't had the card itself for years but I did know all the pertinent numbers.

A few weeks ago I went to use it - and I could not remember the access number! I still remember my PIN and I remember two of the access numbers, just not the third one =- or is it the first one?

So I bought a cell phone; needed one anyway. But unless my memory kicks back in, that $70 is ong.

20 Dec 10 - 10:46 PM (#3058235)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Gurney

My long-term memory isn't a problem, but learning new songs? That is difficult. Even remembering the songs I was planning to learn. Or the tune. Or if I can remember the tune, I can't remember the words.
My sister believes that everyone has a memory 'box' and when it's full, everything slides off the top. Could be.

Ong, Ebbie? I know a Cambodian woman called Ong. She'd cost more than $70.

21 Dec 10 - 12:45 AM (#3058274)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Janie

When it pops into your head, Ebbie, write it down quick!

Every now and again, I completely blank on my ATM pin number.

I don't even try to remember or keep track of most of my on-line passwords. I go straight for "forgot your password" to get an e-mail that allows me to reset it everytime.

21 Dec 10 - 02:48 AM (#3058304)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Ebbie

What a timesaver, Janie! :) Actually I have a file that has my password/URL combos- (I live by myself and am not in the least worried about someone accessing it.) - so that is not a problem.

But sometimes I do the right thing and forget that I did it. A couple of weeks ago my 'boss', the absentee owner of this apartment house I manage gave me an address to mail some bills to her. A few days later I wanted to mail her another batch and I thought to myself, How dumb that I didn't save it the other day!

So I called her number and left a message- and then of course happened across the important numbers pertaining to this place. I opened the document and there, sure enough, was the address she had given me.

Is it going to get worse? In my defense I have to say that I'm being inundated with tons of new information/new people/new problems and it is possible that I stimply am not 'in the moment' enough.

21 Dec 10 - 05:45 AM (#3058363)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Van

Damn .....what was it I meant to say?

21 Dec 10 - 07:50 AM (#3058443)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

There are things that we have forgotten and things that we have forgotten that we have forgotten. There are things that we have forgotten that didn't know them to forget and there are things that we forgot to forget.

21 Dec 10 - 07:59 AM (#3058453)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Georgiansilver

As we age... there are two definitive things that happen to us.... the first is the inevitable memory loss and the second is..... the second is...... ermmmmmmm awwww heck!

21 Dec 10 - 11:18 AM (#3058578)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Bill D

I use a program to keep passwords...(of course I would! ☺)... you need ONE password. Of course, you DO need to remember to put them in it.

It is not restricted to internet passwords... I have a safe combination, several registration codes for software...just in case something happens to corrupt the program... and odd numbers I might need.

as to the password to open the password program, it is not something that makes 'sense', but just a keyboard typing 'qwertyuiop' backwards..or all the vowels twice.

...and yes...about a year ago, *I* blanked out on my PIN # for my bank that I'd used for 7-8 years! Some other # got in the way and I panicked and it took me 2 days to sort it out, so now PIN# is in the program also.


But... I still remember the first 4 license tag #s for my parents cars when we moved to Kansas in 1947...and MY first tag when I learned to drive!...and our phone # from New Orleans in 1946... and all the books of the Old Testament in order.
Those old memories got 'preferred spots' in the brain cells, and new what threads on Mudcat I have recently posted to...have to cling by their fingernails to the edges of crowded ledges. (Thank goodness for "messages since last visit"!)

21 Dec 10 - 11:25 AM (#3058584)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: gnu

Hmmmm... I just felt something brushing my throat just under the collar of my t-shirt and it was the label. Had it on backwards. I wouldn't mind if I had put in on upon rising but it was mid morn when I changed to go out.

21 Dec 10 - 11:31 AM (#3058592)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Midchuck

I know the lyrics of a lot of really terrible 50's rock songs perfectly. Never lose them.

The song I learned last week and try to perform - forget it. Like I do.

One advantage of computer memory over human memory is that with the former you can delete stuff you no longer need, to free up space.


21 Dec 10 - 11:47 AM (#3058605)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Ebbie

I am not alone!

21 Dec 10 - 01:00 PM (#3058657)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Mrs. Sunset Coast & I took a Senior memory course at UCLA. We had expected more on the etiology of memory loss, and physical (eg nutritional) ways of combating it.

What we got most were tricks to remember things such as groupings, visual associations, making up small stories, etc. The class started with about 22 folks, of which eight or nine dropped out during the during the third to fifth (and final week).

While the course was fun, Many of us felt that the 'so-called' mnemonics actually made another level of something to remember. The majority students we spoke with after the last class agreed with us that the course was not worth the time or money (negligible) was worth it.

21 Dec 10 - 01:31 PM (#3058686)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Little Robyn

I was doing OK until midyear, when I had two operations which involved two lots of ummmm, sorry....
Anesthetics, that's it!
Now how do you spell anaesthetic? Anasthet...
Simple things that were no problem last year, gone.
I've been told things will improve over time but in the meantime it's really bugging me.

21 Dec 10 - 02:24 PM (#3058734)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: MikeL2

hi bill

I have problems with my Pin Nos too.
We have 3 cards all with different Pins that we both use constantly.

Why is then that I can always remember and quote my 7 digit RAF number that I have never used since 1960 but forget my Pins which I used regualarly??



21 Dec 10 - 03:04 PM (#3058771)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Bill D

Mike...Because you only have ONE RAF # to keep straight? I have a 'social security' card that is 9 #s, and it is always there.

21 Dec 10 - 03:35 PM (#3058807)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: GUEST,leeneia

One good way to improve memory is to get enough sleep.

A friend of mine just told me this story. She has a friend who is an overworked, stressed-out veterinarian and mother. That friend contacted the Mayo Clinic's memory clinic, and the clinic said for her not to get in touch again until she could assure them that she was getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

Apparently, that was the end of the quest. A working woman and mother get 8 hours of sleep? Ha ha is to laugh.

21 Dec 10 - 03:39 PM (#3058811)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Ebbie

Hmmmm. I'm getting less than 6 hours these days. Not sure why. I fall asleep easily but I wake up earlier than normally. Gotta think on that.

21 Dec 10 - 03:43 PM (#3058816)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Little Hawk

Why did I open this thread?....?....?

21 Dec 10 - 03:47 PM (#3058820)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Penny S.

I have lost my passport and driving licence - I put them somewhere safe when I was in a hurry aand couldn't get the keys to the safe box and take them to the box, etc. I spoke out loud the sentence "I have put them in the ...." in order to trap them in other bits of my brain than the safe cache it will insist on hiding safe place information. But it's wiped those as well. I am engaged in a total search of the house.

This should also find the wallet with my library card, the spare bulbs for the tree lights, and possibly the kitchen knife I hid last year....


21 Dec 10 - 05:16 PM (#3058893)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Penny S.

I've found one tree light bulb. Also the wireless plugs so I can turn off all the lights at once with a remote. Plus the stick on hooks for decorations.

I also need to find a set of small pliers...


21 Dec 10 - 05:35 PM (#3058897)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Tangledwood

Actually I have a file that has my password/URL combos- (I live by myself and am not in the least worried about someone accessing it.) - so that is not a problem

I do the same except that it is on a USB stick that is kept well away from the computer.

21 Dec 10 - 05:40 PM (#3058901)
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
From: Ed T

I forget a lot of stuff, just before Christmas...when I shop for, what should I get for....