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BS: Why are there so many idle people here?

23 Jan 11 - 01:09 PM (#3080756)
Subject: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Nick

Every time I visit mudcat now it tells me how many idle people there are here.

Come on people!

Get a life and do something!

Go for a run or something!

Get a job!

And it seems to be growing...

23 Jan 11 - 01:16 PM (#3080761)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Eliza

How do you know they aren't doing those things as well as being Mudcatters Nick? And what about those of us who are retired and/or not well enough to go out? I don't think many of us are online 24/7. You sound like my Gym mistress! ("Come ON girls, move those LEGS!")

23 Jan 11 - 01:23 PM (#3080769)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Arthur_itus

Well said Eliza.

23 Jan 11 - 01:26 PM (#3080771)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,kendall

You call communicating with friends all over the world being idle?
I hate running, thats why I learned to fight.

23 Jan 11 - 01:26 PM (#3080772)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Charmion

Hello, Nick, you normative thing, you:

I am a 56-year-old civil servant with asthma who doesn't have nearly enough time to play her mandolin during the rest of the week.

In Ottawa, Ontario, it is currently (a) Sunday and (b) -22 degrees Celsius (8 degrees below zero Fahrenheit) outside.

On the whole, I rather think I belong indoors today, don't you?

23 Jan 11 - 01:31 PM (#3080780)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Eliza

Good gracious Charmion! Minus 22C ! And I've been moaning about minus 10C here in Norfolk UK! Is it even possible to go outside with that degree of frost? I should think one would get frostbite after a few minutes! I'd stay under your downie with a nice hot cup of tea and keep warm. I visited London, Ontario in 1967, but (thankfully) it was summer.

23 Jan 11 - 01:58 PM (#3080805)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

People. I never will understnd how anyone can scoff at something others are doing that they are doing themselves.   

My brother once worked at a mental institution. When he came home, he reported that one inmate spent all day wordlessly peering into one corner after another.

Another inmate followed him around all day, loudly railing at the uselessness of what the first man was doing.

23 Jan 11 - 02:00 PM (#3080807)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Bill D

Idle? When I read or post here, my mind is busy! ;>) I can have more interesting & varied interaction with people and their opinions here (partly because I can pick & choose which ones) than in most 'live' processes.

I DO 'get out' and 'have a life', but as Charmion notes, it is cold out...and gas is expensive.

23 Jan 11 - 02:07 PM (#3080814)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Bill D

...responding to Ebbie's post...

I have a cartoon of a guy staring at a TV screen disdainfully, and remarking.."To think! People are watching this!"

23 Jan 11 - 02:15 PM (#3080820)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Micca

I have spent the entire afternoon, (London England,cloudy and damp 8degC) indoors with a slightly iffy knee, reading, phoning and talking to friends,surfing on here and reading (both on line and in paper) and drinking Good coffee, and I see it as an afternoon well and productively spent. I will not let these nay sayers that think everyone should be "busy" disturb the even and pleasurable tenor iof my Sunday which would be perfect if Classic FM didnt insist on playing Bach!! ( I switched to a Random mixture of Folk (including a few Mudcatters) and Mozart with just a touch of Mahler on my CD player)

23 Jan 11 - 02:18 PM (#3080823)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnu

What Bill D said. At the moment, I am watching the NFL On Fox pregame show, teleconferencing with two old buddies while they watch the pregame, chatting in another internut venue, trying to get warmed up after scraping the driveway and changing the oil in my generator, and telling you to sod off.

23 Jan 11 - 02:21 PM (#3080826)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: BTNG

Name: Nick

Career: windup merchant

Favourite hobby: winding people up

What Nick would like most: a life

memo to Nick: get over yourself sunshine


Eliza, imagine if you will -34 celsius and that was without the windchill factor, and yes some of us had to go to work... This was in Regina Saskatchewan this past week

23 Jan 11 - 02:21 PM (#3080827)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnu

Oh... since you obviously have nothing better to do, why don't you pop over and scrape the rest of the ice off my driveway as it's NFL semi-finals today.

23 Jan 11 - 02:24 PM (#3080831)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Eliza

Good Grief BTNG!!! I just can't imagine cold like that! I must stop whingeing about this winter here in UK being a bad one. You must all have very hairy legs!

23 Jan 11 - 02:28 PM (#3080834)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: BTNG

Long underwear for the men and flannel nightgowns and bed socks for the women are considered to be sexy lingerie at this time of the year! :-P

23 Jan 11 - 02:32 PM (#3080836)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnu

Not all, Eliza... the ptarmigan have downy legs.

BTNG... welcome to The Mudcat Café. At least, welcome from the POV of becoming a member.

23 Jan 11 - 02:32 PM (#3080838)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

"Long underwear for the men and flannel nightgowns and bed socks for the women" BTNG

Great visual. lol

23 Jan 11 - 02:35 PM (#3080839)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Eliza

But that's exactly what I wear here in UK !!

23 Jan 11 - 02:37 PM (#3080841)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: BTNG

gnu, thanks, I've been a member for sometime, unfortunately (and NICK pay attention here!) work and other committments do tend to get in the way of regular posting. I'm enjoying the time I can get, to read the threads and postings that catch my eye.

(which stands, of course, as many know, for Bollocks To Nick Griffin) :-D

23 Jan 11 - 02:39 PM (#3080843)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: BTNG

But that's exactly what I wear here in UK !!

I think you and the family would be right at home in Saskatchewan!!

23 Jan 11 - 02:40 PM (#3080844)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Janie

Folks, I think Nick is playing off of the new "visiters to Mudcat" counter at the top of the page. Usually shows a hundred or more "idle" with 20 or so reading and maybe 4 to 7 writing.

23 Jan 11 - 02:43 PM (#3080847)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Dorothy Parshall

How wonderful! I just love hearing about what people are doing! And we certainly are doing - connecting, learning about each other.... Such a pleasant and often thought-provoking way to spend one's time. One only has to choose threads carefully and bug out of ones that bug us.

I am reminded of an IBM employee of many years ago who, I was told, simply walked the hallways eating ice cream bars or such like. IDLE??? Not at all. He was paid big bucks - to think. A job he, apparently, did very well.

Some of these threads are challenging to my little grey cells. Some amuse me. Some trigger my thoughts about what I need, or want, to get doing.

So does FB and I will soon clear out of here to write a letter to the editor. Since it is only 5 F in Montreal and only 52 in our house. I am wrapped up and have computer on my lap, keeping warm. Now I am going to get hat and gloves to keep a bit warmer.

23 Jan 11 - 02:44 PM (#3080849)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnu

BTNG... oops... sorry... I only went by the fact that you had less than 50 posts, not by the date you joined. My bad.

23 Jan 11 - 02:46 PM (#3080851)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: BTNG

50!! blimey, I didn't think I had that many!! I really need to ...never mind! ;-)

23 Jan 11 - 03:00 PM (#3080862)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Desert Dancer

Has anyone considered that Nick was referring to the new stats box that shows up sometimes at the top of the page, showing how many users are reading/writing/idle? That it might have been an attempt at humor?

23 Jan 11 - 03:16 PM (#3080871)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: JohnInKansas

Usually shows a hundred or more "idle" ...

The ones it shows as idle are those who popped in but were interrupted and had to go "do something else," and left the machine waiting until all the other stuff gets done.

What that means is that there are far too many people allowing other trivial and non-essential distractions to interfere with their attention to mudcat.


23 Jan 11 - 03:26 PM (#3080877)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Janie

Hear Hear!

23 Jan 11 - 03:27 PM (#3080878)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

Hmmmm What am I missing? My page doesn't show anything like that. Is it in the drop-down list?

23 Jan 11 - 04:12 PM (#3080908)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: BTNG

my view of the page was showing it earlier on, now it's not...odd... showing the number of people in Mudcat, that is !

23 Jan 11 - 04:54 PM (#3080939)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

Where are yoiu finding the time from your busy life to watch, Nick?

23 Jan 11 - 04:57 PM (#3080947)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Janie

Refresh it a couple of times, Ebbie. It rotates with "random links"

23 Jan 11 - 05:00 PM (#3080952)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: kendall

Do you know that a recent study showed that flannel night gowns are the second biggest cause of divorce?

23 Jan 11 - 05:01 PM (#3080953)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

It was -10C today where I live. The coldest I ever experienced was
-40 C about thirty years ago and it was in Ottawa, Canada. Winters a good time to stay in the warm indoors, to play with your instrument, catch up with friends, or post on Mudcat.

23 Jan 11 - 05:09 PM (#3080959)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I was involuntarily 'idle-ised' in 2005, at the agr of 57. I tried to get another job but all that was available was working in a call centre. After a few months I thought, "sod this!" and left. I'm now happily idle full-time. Well, actually there are lots of things to fill my time with - but when I get bored with those I can go on to Mudcat for a few minutes - and there's no-one looking over my shoulder who can register disapproval.

23 Jan 11 - 05:14 PM (#3080962)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

"Do you know that a recent study showed that flannel night gowns are the second biggest cause of divorce?" Kendall

Assuming that is a serious stat, Kendall, I would suspect that it is actually the cabin fever aspect of winter that casts the final straw. :)

23 Jan 11 - 05:16 PM (#3080965)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

current visitors to are:
35 reading / 8 writing / 155 idle

Thanks, Janie. I've never seen that feature before.

And my apologies to Nick.

23 Jan 11 - 05:18 PM (#3080968)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Eliza

Shimrod, when I retired some years ago, I soon filled my time. It was an opportunity to do loads of things I'd always wanted to do, and also just to sit and reflect, a luxury after a busy working life. Like you I'm enjoying spending a few minutes on Mudcat to air views, see what other people are thinking and doing, it's great. I should imagine working in a call centre was often dire.

23 Jan 11 - 05:50 PM (#3080990)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Janie

I confess to have truly been quite idle all day. The bills are still in a pile waiting to be paid, therapy notes are not written, taxes have not been worked on, refrigerator has not been purged of leftovers past their time, and the last load of laundry has not made it from the washer to the dryer.

Oh yeh, and I didn't make my bed, either.

23 Jan 11 - 05:50 PM (#3080991)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Rapparee

Geez, you wimps! In 1963 here in Pocatello, Idaho, it was -35F (-37.22C). Tomorrow's high will be around 0C. Wimps.

23 Jan 11 - 05:58 PM (#3080997)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: michaelr

I think "idle" on that counter means "logged in but not currently reading or posting".

23 Jan 11 - 06:29 PM (#3081014)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: maeve

Tonight's temperature will be -18 to -20F (-28 to -29C). Is it idle of us to not go sledding at midnight?


23 Jan 11 - 06:30 PM (#3081015)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnu

Rap... "Tomorrow's high will be around 0C."

Balmy. Lucky you.

23 Jan 11 - 06:35 PM (#3081022)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

My brother in law told me today that in North Carolina, where he lives, this is statistically the most severe winter they have had in 89 years. They even had snow on Christmas Day!

23 Jan 11 - 06:58 PM (#3081037)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Leadfingers

There is a Suburb of Leeds , Yorkshire called Idle - AND it has its own Working Mans Club , which I would LOVE to join , then I could be an Idle Working Man Officially !

23 Jan 11 - 07:07 PM (#3081041)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

In Oregon, there's a town called 'Boring'. Don't move there, Terry. It would not fit you. :)

23 Jan 11 - 07:27 PM (#3081047)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Janie

It's true Ed, why, today, I don't thing the high went above 38 or 40.


23 Jan 11 - 07:28 PM (#3081050)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Little Hawk

If you think the people who post here are idle, you should see my dog...

23 Jan 11 - 07:52 PM (#3081062)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: kendall

Ebbie, the number one cause of divorce is marriage.

23 Jan 11 - 07:54 PM (#3081066)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie


23 Jan 11 - 07:57 PM (#3081069)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Rapparee

Because I'm idle-ized by millions.

23 Jan 11 - 08:11 PM (#3081076)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Joe_F

I'm frightened to think what I'd do with a life if I had one.

23 Jan 11 - 08:21 PM (#3081082)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Many of the idlers are probably folks who've set Mudcat as their homepage. If their computers are always connected to the Internet they're idling at Mudcat, even if the members themselves are nowhere near their computers.

23 Jan 11 - 08:29 PM (#3081090)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Why are there so many idle people here?"

Simple - they're all bloody Folk Musicians! - or wannabe folkies...

Go out and get a proper job!!!


23 Jan 11 - 08:33 PM (#3081094)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

Do Mudcat Mods. actually see us, and know when we are idle.
It's soooo scary!!!
I may consider throwing my pets "snuggie" over my 'puter monitor when I go to the waahroom. Now I know why Joe Offer has not been post'in much lately. Too busy watch'in. :)

23 Jan 11 - 08:42 PM (#3081101)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

Know where a guy can get one of these?

23 Jan 11 - 09:04 PM (#3081110)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Rapparee


23 Jan 11 - 09:23 PM (#3081115)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: ragdall

We who live in areas that have real winters have clothing which keeps us toasty warm on cold days. Animal skins are very effective for keeping in body heat. Covering all exposed skin is a must on very cold days, too, especially when the wind is blowing.

I suspect that we also have internal body thermostats that run more efficiently than those of people in warmer climates. I can't stand much heat. After a lengthy cold spell, it warmed up here today to just above freezing. When we went for a Sunday drive to enjoy the sunshine, I passed a young man who was walking along the side of the highway wearing jeans, sports shoes and a t-shirt.


23 Jan 11 - 09:23 PM (#3081116)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: mousethief

It's terribly embarrassing when you try to tell a joke and discover it just isn't funny. Be nice to Nick.

23 Jan 11 - 10:33 PM (#3081150)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: J-boy

I think the posts after Nick's are funnier than the joke that (almost)nobody got. Sorry Nick, but thanks for starting an amusing thread.

24 Jan 11 - 02:27 AM (#3081206)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: MGM·Lion

I have been much exercised by this new statistic display.

I suppose there might just be a way to know that I am writing this post at this moment ~ maybe. But how do they purport to tell whether I am reading, or just gazing into space with the site logged on in front of me but failing to hold my attention? Or just off elsewhere leaving the site logged on? And which of these is defined as 'idle', or has the word in Mudcatese some other, more esoteric, connotation?

Or is it all some sort of bluff? Or yet another 'joke' on somebody's part that I fail to get?

Or what?

Clarification, please.


24 Jan 11 - 05:47 AM (#3081258)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: The Fooles Troupe

I have 4 'watchers' blocked here, so I'm invisible to the stats collection process ... :-)

24 Jan 11 - 06:10 AM (#3081268)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Eliza

ragdall, I think you have a point there. I have a body thermostat which functions best in very hot climates. I've zoomed about in West Africa at 40 degrees C, admittedly sweating profusely but happy as a flea. Anything below freezing here in UK and I'm whingeing and whimpering. However as a child, with no central heating at home, I never felt particularly cold. We wore woolly things and knitted jumpers etc. I had thick frost inside my bedroom window each morning. I suspect age has a lot to do with it too!

24 Jan 11 - 06:22 AM (#3081281)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Patsy

What me? No!

While the cat's away (boss) the mouse (me) can play, hey hey.

24 Jan 11 - 06:48 AM (#3081288)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: JennieG

Well now.....if we are idle, or if we are not idle........ain't nobody's business but our own.

While youse over there in The Great White North are moaning and complaining about the cold, spare a thought for those of us in Oz because we are in for some hot heather, tomorrow is forecast to be 38degC and the following day 41deg C - that's about 106deg F for those who think that way. Just think of wilted lettuce leaves, and that will be us.


24 Jan 11 - 06:51 AM (#3081292)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Kendall

Eliza, you had windows? Luxury!

24 Jan 11 - 09:19 AM (#3081366)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

MtheGM, I doubt the system purports to know with 100% certainty what you are doing, but it knows what your Web browser is doing. If there's an instance of a browser being opened to the main forum page, it counts as an idler. If it's opened to a specific thread, not just the main forum page, it counts as a reader. And if there's an open dialog box with unsubmitted content, it counts as a writer.

In either of the above cases, what the individual running the Web browser is actually doing may be somethng else entirely. He may have paused in the middle of writing a message and gone out for a beer. But the system doesn't know that so it counts him as a writer, not a drinker.

24 Jan 11 - 09:54 AM (#3081381)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: MGM·Lion

Many thanks, BWL ~~ a most clear and satisfactory exposition indeed.


24 Jan 11 - 10:05 AM (#3081390)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,leeneia


In another thread, somebody brought a song called 'Wild Flower of the Laune' to my attention. I listened to it and liked it.

I tiled the YouTube video of it with my music composition program. I created a MIDI of the song, then changed the key from C to D and printed it. Next I'll work out the chords and add it to my collection of sentimental waltzes.

If anybody's interested in the MIDI, I can send it to Joe for posting. (Make your request on the other thread.)

24 Jan 11 - 10:22 AM (#3081404)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

"Why are there so many idle people here?"

Why? I'll tell ya why! It is becoz of "American Idle". That is why. That stoopid show has, like, dirven most people's branes to mush, eh?

I am way talenteed than most of them flipheads. If I was to go on I would win bigtime!

- Shane

24 Jan 11 - 10:32 AM (#3081415)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnomad

Everybody gotta be somewhere (even idle peoples) and this is a good somewhere to be.

24 Jan 11 - 12:54 PM (#3081508)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Eliza

I know Kendall, I know... You used to dream about windows.

24 Jan 11 - 01:13 PM (#3081520)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Shimrod

Guest 'Eliza' wrote:

"Shimrod, when I retired some years ago, I soon filled my time. It was an opportunity to do loads of things I'd always wanted to do ..."

Exactly, Eliza! I am now fulfilling my dreams - but at my own pace with quite a bit of 'dossing about' if I feel like it!

24 Jan 11 - 01:51 PM (#3081538)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Noreen

What this thread shows is that Nick is one of the most observant Mudcatters, and that he expects other Mudcatters to be as observant as he is. This is obviously not so :D

Never mind Nick, I thought your post was funny- I had noticed it too :)

24 Jan 11 - 02:10 PM (#3081547)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Little Robyn

At the moment I'm one of 42 people reading. Ooops, no, I must have joined the other 4 writers cos I'm writing this.
Well, I'm about to join the idlers because it's time to go to work.
Bye for now, see you after work,

24 Jan 11 - 02:12 PM (#3081549)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: MGM·Lion

I am not sure I welcome the description "idle" when I am busily scrolling down the list of threads, quite an onerous activity requiring considerable concentration ...


24 Jan 11 - 03:40 PM (#3081604)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Bobert

Heck, I'm self employed... That means I work off and on all day and night long and stop in from time to time...

Let's see what I've done since my last post???

Met with my attorney's paralegal on tax matter
Met with real estate agent
Picked up supplies from Walmart (yuck)
Checked on a rental property
Washed the car to get road salt off
Went to the post office
Worked on taxes for an hour
Oh, and got in a 15 minute nap

Wish I did have some idle time...

Gotta go...


24 Jan 11 - 03:52 PM (#3081614)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

I submit the information is totally of the useless catagory.

Except, maybe, to a statistician. One of those folks could potentially use the information to launch a sociological research project, paid for by a government agency, university, or political interest group somewhere.

25 Jan 11 - 06:23 AM (#3081972)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,Patsy, working too

Multi-tasking I am, working and scrolling all at the same time.

25 Jan 11 - 01:35 PM (#3082206)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Nick


Back to being miserable and serious again...



I realise my sense of humour is not everyone else's. And I also realise that I can definitely go a little over the top. But sometimes people react more in keeping with the intention. A recent story might illustrate...

I went into a local pub in rather a poor humour a week ago and had a bit of a contretemps with a rather pissed and over exuberant Irish chap that I know who's mouth sometimes accelerates faster than his brain can cope with. I took great offence to a comment he made when I walked in and I reacted - after due warning - by picking up the coal scuttle and tipping a piece of coal (ever so delicately) into his pint of lager (as a side note it very swiftly foams up and then takes on the appearance of a pint of guinness - it's also high in minerals so probably terribly good for you...)

I then bought him another pint and we parted ok-ish a while later. I have subsequently apologised and have had some interesting reactions from people who know both of us - bizarrely mostly positive. Rows are now resolved when tempers fray by threatening people with the coal scuttle which defuses things.

I popped back in for a pint last night and before getting my beer was presented with a very beuatiful box about 3" sq with a little bow on it with (of course) a piece of coal inside.

And when I saw said Irishman a little later we had a good laugh about things and got on with life.

Neither take me or yourselves too seriously folks it was a BS thread about the new numbers box not an attack on all you slackers who... (whoops... disaster when it was all going so well!)

25 Jan 11 - 01:51 PM (#3082219)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnu

Perhaps my reply was seen as lacking humour as well.

25 Jan 11 - 03:09 PM (#3082265)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ebbie

Well, not having seen the link I did not see the humo(u)r. (Not to self: hold off.)

25 Jan 11 - 04:54 PM (#3082334)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Slag

Calm down Nick, it's the American dream.

25 Jan 11 - 05:14 PM (#3082355)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,999

There are so many idle people here because Bobert started that damned American Idle thread.

25 Jan 11 - 05:16 PM (#3082356)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

Everyone,be clam!


25 Jan 11 - 05:37 PM (#3082369)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: bradfordian

Leadfingers, the disrict of IDLE is a suburb of Bradford. I lived in the suburb next door to it. My late father was a member of the Idle Working Mens Club and my brother currently is a member of it and also the local Conservative Club (Its cheap beer and snooker in that order)

The Idle WMC does have quite an appreciable list of international Members.........for some reason I can't fathom out.


25 Jan 11 - 05:46 PM (#3082372)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: bradfordian

I'm looking for a job with sky high pay
Four day week and a two hour day
Maybe it's because I'm inclined that way
but I never did like being IDLE

Matt McGinn


25 Jan 11 - 06:16 PM (#3082386)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

""I have a two-part question: one, what's he doin'? and, two, should we light him on fire?""
Quote, Meatwad: from "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" (2000)

25 Jan 11 - 07:11 PM (#3082420)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Nick


This was a trial run.

A little 1:87 thread where little effort from me sucks in so much life from you (the writers)

Because (by definition) everyone posting here is not idle.

The next aim is to get the idle not to be idle. Unfortunately I'm not sure it's possible - your act of reading this means you're not idle.

So why are the idle people here?

They are not writing.
They are not reading.

What are they doing and why are they here?

I wonder whether porn sites have idle people - I must check mine and pop the same thing on it and see.

25 Jan 11 - 07:35 PM (#3082434)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: gnu

Beware of popups.

25 Jan 11 - 07:39 PM (#3082438)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

Beware of popups, poppers, poptarts and "pop-a-top again".

25 Jan 11 - 07:45 PM (#3082444)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: frogprince

Nick, you mean you're going to check a porn site and see what pops up?

25 Jan 11 - 09:06 PM (#3082483)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Donuel

Idle is an illusion.

I'm currently a house husband with two school boys and am nursing my wife who is unable to walk due to a fall outside that shattered her knee cap. Surgury is upcoming.


I am also facing forclosure in 55 days over a 3k tax lein and house auction which we have settle each year for the last 5 years but keeps showing up as if someone is purposefully re submiting old business every year. Its as if lawyers have found a way to create work for themselves.


I am truely thankful that I am now able to walk freely since last year at this time it was my turn for getting around on crutches.

My posts are more often whimsical and supportative to individuals that need a lift and reason for hope because I have recieved the same, right here over the last 12 years.

25 Jan 11 - 09:23 PM (#3082491)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ed T

Second Hermit: Hello, are you a hermit by any chance?
Frank the Hermit: Yes that's right. Are you a hermit?
Second Hermit: Yes, I certainly am.
Frank the Hermit: Well I never. What are you getting away from?
Second Hermit: Oh you know, the usual - people, chat, gossip, you know.
Frank the Hermit: Oh I certainly do - it was the same with me. I mean there comes a time when you realize there's no good frittering your life away in idleness and trivial chit-chat.

Monty Python's Flying Circus" Full Frontal Nudity (1969)

26 Jan 11 - 01:28 AM (#3082522)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: J-boy


26 Jan 11 - 11:15 AM (#3082723)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: GUEST,RossCampbell(disenfranchised by upgrading Ma

If you're not

a) reading

b) writing

You will very likely be

c) browsing

(Or preparing to browse, read or write)

(Or recovering from browsing, reading or writing

(Or refreshing to see what's come up since you last paid any attention)

26 Jan 11 - 11:20 AM (#3082728)
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
From: Ross Campbell

Logged in and writing