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BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob

25 Jan 11 - 02:06 PM (#3082226)
Subject: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

I know I haven't been around much. Been quite out of sorts.

Just found out today that my remaining daughter's (Hilary, age 25) autoimmune liver disease has flared big time. She has kidney stones and enlarged spleen as well.

She has just moved to northern Virginia, started new job this past summer. She is quite worried about keeping the job (wage and sales commission) with her current health issues as well as making medical co-payments and paying rent which is quite dear in Northern Va.

Does anyone know if there are charities or government benefits to help with this?

I am terrified beyond words after losing her older sister to another autoimmune related illness and it makes it worse being stuck in the UK.

Please add my Hilary to your good thoughts, prayer rounds.

25 Jan 11 - 02:23 PM (#3082234)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Lox

Sorry to hear it Virginia,

I'm sorry I can't offer any meaningful help, but I would like to wish you the best of luck, and her a speedy recovery.

25 Jan 11 - 02:28 PM (#3082238)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: eddie1

My thoughts are with both of you


25 Jan 11 - 02:42 PM (#3082249)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: maeve

Tamara, there is an assistance information service at the state level. have your daughter dial 211 to reach someone who should be able to direct her to appropriate help. Here's a link to the webpage: On the left side of the linked page is a lighthouse logo. "For information on services for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities,click on the Easy Access logo." They may offer help too in the present situation. I don't know.
Also, near the bottom of the linked page is a link to state Social Services, where she may be able to get some help.

I'm far from Virginia. I hope some of this at least gives a starting point.

Thinking of you both,


25 Jan 11 - 02:52 PM (#3082255)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Morticia

thinking of you both Tam

25 Jan 11 - 03:05 PM (#3082262)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Ebbie

Tam, I was looking for encouraging words to give you but frankly, I'm almost speechless. Maeve's links look good however, and I would add that wherever she goes and whatever bit of help she gets, have her ask for another office or agency that may be able to help, complete with contact person.


Elva B (Ebbie)

Maybe I should add that I was diagnosed with lupus back in the 70s- and I am fine.

25 Jan 11 - 03:07 PM (#3082263)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: fat B****rd

Dear Tamara
I am thinking of you and yours with best possibole thoughts.
Kind regards from Charlie in Dunfermline.

25 Jan 11 - 03:15 PM (#3082267)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Keith A of Hertford

You have my prayers Tam.
Warm thoughts too.

25 Jan 11 - 03:15 PM (#3082268)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,mauvepink

So sorry to hear this

I know neither of you but as someone whose daughter is often unwell I know the fear and pain you feel. It's quite unthinkable. I truly hope she gets help and better soon

Good luck to you both. Best wishes sent in my thoughts...


25 Jan 11 - 03:19 PM (#3082270)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

T&Ps from me too.

25 Jan 11 - 03:54 PM (#3082292)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,mg

Is she a UK citizen, and could she move back if it became necessary? mg

25 Jan 11 - 04:01 PM (#3082298)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: kendall

If she becomes disabled she might qualify for Social Security SSI.

25 Jan 11 - 04:30 PM (#3082319)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: melodeonboy

I'm sorry to hear that, Tam.

I hope to see you soon at some event or other in Kent. Chin up, love!

25 Jan 11 - 04:47 PM (#3082327)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Slag

You got it VT. I hope all goes well with your daughter.

25 Jan 11 - 04:48 PM (#3082328)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

I, too, hope your daughter soon finds the help she needs.

25 Jan 11 - 06:16 PM (#3082387)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Anne Lister

Sending love from here, too - wish it could be something more practical.

25 Jan 11 - 06:28 PM (#3082395)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Me too. Thinking of you Tam, and wishing I didn't feel so helpless and useless. Keep us posted on how she gets along. Love you you -

25 Jan 11 - 06:29 PM (#3082396)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Love TO you. On wings -

25 Jan 11 - 06:38 PM (#3082400)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Janie

Sending my very best to you and to Hilary, VT.

Sending pm.

25 Jan 11 - 07:01 PM (#3082414)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Beer

Wishing you the very best in these tough times.

25 Jan 11 - 07:41 PM (#3082441)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: wysiwyg


Remember this is not last time starting again. It's a whole new day, every day.


25 Jan 11 - 07:41 PM (#3082442)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: jacqui.c

Good thoughts coming from Maine for both of you.

25 Jan 11 - 09:12 PM (#3082488)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Sandra in Sydney

best wishes & hugs from australia

25 Jan 11 - 09:41 PM (#3082494)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: LilyFestre

(((((((((((Love & Prayers for you and Hilary)))))))))))


25 Jan 11 - 09:45 PM (#3082495)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: LilyFestre


   I think Hilary might find some help from a hospital social worker or her doctor/specialist. They might have an insight as to where she can find help specific to her needs.



25 Jan 11 - 10:29 PM (#3082502)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,,gargoyle

Purchase an immediate one-way air-fare to the UK.

Return her to her momma

She is your daughter.

That should be enough.



Tonight, Obamma says his momma's share, is not right, so right

25 Jan 11 - 11:31 PM (#3082511)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Stilly River Sage

Garg has a point - if she were in the UK, would the help be any more dependable, or possible to find?

Take care, you're in our thoughts, VT.


26 Jan 11 - 02:54 AM (#3082532)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: mouldy

((((((VT and Hilary))))))

I can offer very little else, I'm afraid.


26 Jan 11 - 02:55 AM (#3082533)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Thank you all for the good thoughts and helpful pms.

It is impossible to bring her to UK. Unless I could support her completely including private health care. I cannot. The European Union rules do not extend to citizens of the US.

She has a network of close friends and her darling boyfriend are helping er with driving her to appointments (she has no car). She has a fair few more appointments to attend.

She has asked her father for help with either rent or insurance co pay. He has said they will cross that bridge when she comes to needing it, which means I will send her some money this week. If it comes to it, I will move back to US to take care of her.

I have to go to work now (thank god for it keeps my mind occupied). Will return this evening with hopefully better news.

I love you all.... Thank you again... keep goo thoughts going as I am afraid she will balk at the treatments for one reason or another. Pray for her strength to face these problems down.

26 Jan 11 - 07:47 AM (#3082636)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: My guru always said

So sorry to hear about Hilary's problems VT, positive thoughts & hugs to you & yours!

26 Jan 11 - 11:17 AM (#3082726)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: topical tom

I cannot offer other than my good wishes and prayers for Hilary and you. May all end well for you both.

26 Jan 11 - 11:26 AM (#3082730)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: wysiwyg

...He has said they will cross that bridge when she comes to needing it, which means I will send her some money this week....

Sweetie, try not to make that bridge any longer yourself before he has to cross it, OK?

(We are in that same "who helps?" boat ourselves with one of our adult kids)

26 Jan 11 - 03:03 PM (#3082863)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

The father will do everything in his power to not give a single penny to her.... I know him.

I have messaged her with the advice I received here.

I have made myself sick with worry, reading up what happens when one goes into liver failure.

Autoimmune liver disease prognosis varies greatly from case to case so there is some hope in that bit of information.

She is home on very strong pain medication, after appointment with gastro specialist today. MRI and more blood work have been scheduled.

She is thankful for thoughts and prayers as am I.

26 Jan 11 - 04:15 PM (#3082915)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Waddon Pete

More good thoughts coming in from East Anglia. Be strong!

Best as ever,


26 Jan 11 - 06:06 PM (#3082981)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Herga Kitty

Tam - FWIW, all best wishes and virtual hugs to you and Hilary


26 Jan 11 - 07:35 PM (#3083036)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Maryrrf

I'm very sorry to hear this Tamara. I'm in Virginia and as far as I know there isn't much to help people with medical problems and no (or not enough) insurance - unlike Massachusetts, for example, which does have a program. This organization might be of some help. Having had some (thankfully minor) medical issues recently, and now seeing the co-pays and portions the insurance didn't cover flooding in - it's discouraging.

26 Jan 11 - 08:48 PM (#3083079)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Stilly River Sage

If she is 25 then her father might (if he has health insurance) include her in a family plan. That's one of the benefits of the health care reforms. I think it would go through her 26th year.


26 Jan 11 - 10:18 PM (#3083107)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: artbrooks

I make absolutely no claims to be an expert, but there is a program that is already effective under the health care reform program for people with pre-existing conditions who cannot get health insurance. Try going on from here; if that doesn't work, start here and follow the bouncing links.

Good luck to her.

27 Jan 11 - 10:25 AM (#3083344)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Dharmabum

Best wishes for you & your daughter.
I can relate to what you're going through.
We've been dealing with my daughters medical issues for some time now.
I'm lucky in that she's nearby.
I hope everything works out for you both.


28 Jan 11 - 10:20 AM (#3084062)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Stilly River Sage

I think between a family plan and pre-existing condition legislation, she should be able to get help. Each state has latitude in the types of high risk pool they might run also - there may be something available in the existing system that will let her in.

State of Virginia Family Health Home Page.


28 Jan 11 - 01:26 PM (#3084164)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

I have pmd Hil the links with your good wishes.

Haven't heard from her since Wednesday night. She is on heavy pain killer and was supposed to return to work today.

She has MRI and bloods tomorrow. Gastro specialist has discharged her back to primary care doctor who she will see next Friday. Is it normal for specialist to discharge back to primary care?

Thanks for all good wishes.

28 Jan 11 - 04:12 PM (#3084271)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Stilly River Sage

Someone needs to coordinate the diagnostic work. I had some additional tests after the cancer surgery, based upon an observation the oncologist made. But he pointed out that the kidney he called attention to was out of his field (gynecology) so it was best if my GP coordinated the tests, and that's what he did, meeting with me to discuss results. Everything was fine, but it was good that the specialist said "there's something you might want to take a look at, on general principles."


29 Jan 11 - 08:22 AM (#3084613)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Work scheduled her to work today, even though she explained she has appointment for more tests. Hil's employers are pressing her for details of her sickness. Virginia is an employment at will state, which means they can lay her off at any time for any reason. She is shaking in her shoes now, that she will lose her job.

Friends have just bailed on taking her to MRI and blood tests to be done today, so she has to walk and take bus, feeling as bad as she does. I wish I was there.

29 Jan 11 - 11:56 AM (#3084722)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

Ahhh, VT. That's a shame. I hope the situation gets better quickly.

29 Jan 11 - 02:14 PM (#3084796)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob

Maine is also an employed at will state. But companies can and do look after their own. Maybe your daughter needs to sit down with the Human Resources head, explain the problem, and let them help her work out a solution. They may even be able to help her doctors coordinate tests so she loses a minimum of work time.
Just a thought.
I wish you both well.

29 Jan 11 - 02:18 PM (#3084799)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

Good advice SINS.

29 Jan 11 - 02:30 PM (#3084803)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: fat B****rd

Still thinking of you, VT. Best regards as usual.

29 Jan 11 - 05:31 PM (#3084889)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

thanx Mary... I did tell her that she should take some info and advice from Doc about capability while being treated. And then talk to HR.

Thanks for continued good thoughts.

29 Jan 11 - 05:37 PM (#3084892)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Stilly River Sage

Keeping her illness secret from her employers might mean they end up thinking she's absent for less than worth-while reasons. I suppose if they are pressing her, she should talk to them, but she should document everything they say and she says. She shouldn't be thrown under the bus just because she's ill, especially if some flexibility can help both the worker and the employer keep a good worker.


29 Jan 11 - 06:00 PM (#3084901)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

I think that she can say to her boss that she prefers to wait on the results of the tests and has appointment to talk to doc about them this Friday. I believe that is a reasonable answer to give to boss.   Then as soon as possible make appointment with HR to discuss as SINS advised.

29 Jan 11 - 06:49 PM (#3084923)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Richard Bridge

VT - check with a specialist in EU law. Surely my virtue of your marriage you are an EU citizen and she is your daughter. If by virtue of her illness she is dependent on you there are treaty rights. Not my field, but I know a man who might know (and you have even played music with him)

29 Jan 11 - 08:28 PM (#3084979)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Bobert

Have your daughter contact a social worker @ MCV (Medical College of Virginia) in Richmond... I know they are a first rate hospital and a teaching hospital and your daughter might get treated there for free, or sliding scale...

BTW, MCV might be found under VCU-MCV...


30 Jan 11 - 06:12 PM (#3085519)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Ebbie


01 Feb 11 - 03:46 AM (#3086430)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Thanks all.

Bobert - She is in northern VA with no car. MCV is a bit of a trek. But if she gets so ill that she cannot work, I will move to my Mom's in town near Richmond and take Hil with me. There is room and family with cars to help.

Richard - Even if we could get her here on technicality, I can't support her financially. I don't think she would submit to a move that far away from friends and boyfriend.

Latests news - not much. She is very tired. Finding even taking a shower utterly exhausting. And I am very worried.

Hoping her appointment this Friday the primary care doc will start prescribing what is needed to make her better and feel better.

She is so worried about losing her job.

01 Feb 11 - 09:21 AM (#3086581)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: billybob

Oh Tam, so sorry to hear this. As you know my daughter has Crohns desease, and even when she is well we worry about her. Wish we could help but you are both in our prayers and thoughts.I know she is worried about her job but her health must come first,as must yours!!Keep strong ,hope good news comes to you both on Friday xx

02 Feb 11 - 07:55 AM (#3087141)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,Patsy

VT - I think it would be best if your daughter approached her HR to let them know exactly what the situation is rather than hide it.   It is easy to say when worrying about jobs but it is best to get it out in the open from the start. It would be better for both of you. Best wishes to you both and hope Friday brings good news. Take care.

02 Feb 11 - 05:41 PM (#3087537)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Right Patsy... She has shared her ER test results with employers who are all apparently behind her. She thinks it is because of how conscientious she is about work. She pushes herself to go in when she feels dreadful and they know it.

The MRI results are back and have been forwarded to primary care doc who can't read them. So Hil has to wait to find out if she still has appointment on 16 Feb with gastro specialist, because she understood that he discharged her back to primary care after arranging MRI and blood tests.

She is confused and too tired to deal with it. I am hoping her friends or boyfriend will step in to help her push for complete diagnosis and start of treatment.

03 Feb 11 - 01:29 AM (#3087708)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

Nightmare! Primary doc can't read them? Huh? Hope gastro doc (I call mine GastroGuy) can help. I also hope her boyfriend or another friend can help.

03 Feb 11 - 04:32 AM (#3087754)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: My guru always said

Sending positive thoughts!

03 Feb 11 - 08:32 PM (#3088263)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Ron Davies

I know a woman who has an auto-immune disease.    Seems to be genetically related.   Her problem has to do with the back, not internal organs.   At any rate, she has tried two drugs to combat it:

Humira:   administered by shot.    Had no positive effect.   But lots of negative ones.   Specifically, since she already also has asthma, she developed pneumonia--double pneumonia in fact.    An unavoidable side effect of these drugs is to lower your resistance to anything going around.

Methotrexate:   much, much better.    Up to now (several months), no side effects.   Also it's a pill, not a shot--easier to administer.

If you'd like to PM me, Virginia, I can give you more details.   But of course, as I said, her problem has to do with her back, so it may not be germane.


03 Feb 11 - 10:24 PM (#3088296)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

"The MRI results are back and have been forwarded to primary care doc who can't read them."

Grrrrrrrrrr... is all I can say... how frustrating!

03 Feb 11 - 10:32 PM (#3088299)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Ebbie

"not able to read" the MRI.

Not unusual at all, of course. Think of the standard, every-day Xray. An MD may "read" it but the actual, formal analysis is done by the radiologist.

04 Feb 11 - 12:29 AM (#3088356)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

I was assuming that what the primary physician got was the analysis of the MRI. When I get a mammogram, the doctor gets an analysis of that, not the actual images.

04 Feb 11 - 12:33 AM (#3088357)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: mg

Read up on coconut oil and immune diseases..good for Crohn's disease. up on leaky gut syndrome and its relation to gluten..I would recommend she get off gluten and see if things improve.

I would also recommend going to a good naturopath..sometimes they can do wonders with chronic types of diseases. mg

04 Feb 11 - 01:53 PM (#3088714)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Thanks Ron

I have autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis and am on methotrexate... note very effective for me because when I am in flare I am in flare. All it does is make me nauseated, causes my hair to fall out and get sores that won't heal on lower legs.

Anyway. They treat autoimmune hepatitis (which is what we suspect Hil has) with high daily dose of prednisone eventually weaning down. Side effects not very nice for a young woman, which are weight gain and facial hair growth.

Just wish they would get her sorted out and started on some treatment.

Thanks all. Keep the thoughts going. She still very rough, though she has been going to work.

04 Feb 11 - 02:33 PM (#3088740)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

prednisone... I am still suffering from the reaction side effects (rash and itch) of that stuff from late December... 2009. My sympathies.

04 Feb 11 - 02:42 PM (#3088750)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Ebbie

I too was on prednisone - from February through October that year. Heavy dosage, the doc said, meant to send me into remission. Which it - or something else - did. That was back in 1976. I have a few residual effects but nothing major.

04 Feb 11 - 09:20 PM (#3088949)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Ron Davies

Virginia--Is humira an option? Is it worth exploring?

05 Feb 11 - 04:14 AM (#3089039)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

getting frantic... she has not posted to her facebook nor messaged nor called me about yesterday's appointment. but the boyfriend is with her this weekend after what he said was too many days away from her.

praying the news from doc was not too terrible, yesterday.

re the humira... she should do whatever the docs say, especially since her insurance only covers what the docs prescribe.

05 Feb 11 - 04:14 PM (#3089388)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Primary care has referred her back to gastro. Appt this Monday. PCP also intimated she might be admitted to hospital by gastro, but did not say why. Only be prepared to stay.

She has extra insurance (her Dad got for her), which will cover 8 or more days out from work and lots of hospital stuff, ER, tests, pays her cash if she has surgery.

He is working all that out for her.

More prayers and thoughts please....

Yes I am begging. I can't help it. Hoping for best while fearing the worst.

05 Feb 11 - 04:30 PM (#3089403)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: My guru always said

Still sending positive thoughts to You and Hilary!

05 Feb 11 - 04:33 PM (#3089405)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

Me too. Try to keep the faith as best you can.

05 Feb 11 - 05:03 PM (#3089426)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: maeve

Morning, noon, and night, Tam.


06 Feb 11 - 12:38 AM (#3089597)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

I am keeping you and your daughter in the Light. I wish everyone in the US could get the quality of care Ronald Reagan got when he had Alzheimer's and Gabrielle Giffords is getting now.

06 Feb 11 - 08:26 AM (#3089709)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Herga Kitty

Thinking of you both....


06 Feb 11 - 11:49 AM (#3089846)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Maryrrf

Wishing the best for you and your daughter Tamara. One of the downsides (and there are many) of the American health care system is that you aren't just worried about getting well, you're worried about the bills. But she's getting plenty of Mudcat mojo, and that works!

07 Feb 11 - 03:03 PM (#3090611)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam


I hate being stuck here not knowing what is happening.

07 Feb 11 - 03:35 PM (#3090644)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: fat B****rd

I wish I could say something clever or reassuring VT, but please know that I, and many many others here, are thinking of you and yours and sending our best possible thoughts.
With all best regards as always.

07 Feb 11 - 08:52 PM (#3090823)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Janie

All good thoughts to you and Hils....

07 Feb 11 - 11:20 PM (#3090897)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: wysiwyg

Yup, here too.


08 Feb 11 - 02:38 AM (#3090932)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Not admitted to hospital. Given Vicodin for pain, a note to get off work and plan to have needle liver biopsy and endoscopy arranged per the way her insurance will cover it, which was not admission to hospital at which the specialist works.

Doc says it is not the liver causing her pain. Endoscopy is to find out what else may be happening. She has constant nausea and pain.

Work has all but threatened to fire her, so she is more stressed and in more pain than ever.

Don't know whether to be relieved that hospital admission was not considered critical at this point or scared that insurance coverage may be impeding proper diagnosis and treatment.

Thank you all for hanging in there with me.

08 Feb 11 - 08:58 AM (#3091086)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob

Try to stay focussed on your daughter, Miss Tam. Her job, the medical bills, etc are only a distraction at this point. Her health and proper care is all that matters. Your health and sanity are critical to her well being.

You both have my prayers.

08 Feb 11 - 12:45 PM (#3091160)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,mg

Ginger can work for form of tea..candied ginger etc. mg

08 Feb 11 - 05:36 PM (#3091357)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

been chatting with Hil all evening... she is so dejected. HR confirmed that she will probably be let go. That means her insurance goes.

The pain in her left abdomen is so bad it makes her dizzy and she can't help moaning and crying. Pain killers (tylenol 3 and vicodin) only works for an hour then she has to wait for 3 or 4 hours before she can take again. Spleen is 18.5 cm which is pretty big considering it is only supposed to be the size of one's fist. She has tiny hands.

They are planning ultrasound on gall bladder on 15th and she sees doc again on 23rd.

08 Feb 11 - 06:09 PM (#3091387)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Herga Kitty

And Andrew Lansley thinks the UK NHS should be contracted out to competitive private enterprise...

So sorry that you and Hil are going through all this - all best wishes and hugs.


08 Feb 11 - 06:11 PM (#3091389)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,mg

Could it possibly be gallstones? Removal of gallbladder? People do well after that, watching diet etc...and pain is gone I believe..I hope it is something that can be fixed. mg

08 Feb 11 - 06:12 PM (#3091390)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,mg

That did not sound right...I hope there is a wonderful

08 Feb 11 - 06:36 PM (#3091413)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Andy Jackson

The nearest I can get to praying is to care. I have read and re-read this thread often and felt so helpless, I haven't even had words to offer. Somehow there is a love between Mudcatters who often haven't even met that transcends everything logical. I read your story full of tears of frustration that in this day and age the great American system is so much worse than ours in caring for its people.
Please let me add my hopes and prayers, such as they are, for your daughter, yourself and also her obviously devoted boyfriend.


08 Feb 11 - 06:43 PM (#3091414)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Andy Jackson

Hi Tam, I have just been reminded that we have in fact met. Up in the song loft at Moira Furnace last year.

08 Feb 11 - 07:41 PM (#3091454)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Janie

Tam, she should be eligible to keep her insurance under COBRA, though it will have to be paid for. Maybe you and her Dad and her boyfriend could all chip in to cover the premium?

08 Feb 11 - 08:16 PM (#3091470)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,mg

If she is let go from her job she should be eligible for social security would hope..and perhaps

08 Feb 11 - 09:59 PM (#3091513)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Janie

Just peeking in to say hi, Spaw and Karen.

08 Feb 11 - 11:10 PM (#3091534)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Janie

Oops. Now I know why that last post didn't show up on the Spaw thread.

Lost track of which door I was peeking through right at that moment.

Get better, Hils, and head on over to the Mudcat Recovery Ward. Sinsull promises you won't have to share a room with Spaw.

10 Feb 11 - 03:09 PM (#3092650)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

From MRI

Spleen: is significantly enlarged measuring 18.5 in AP dimension. Few splenorenal collateral vessels are also noted in the left retroperitoneum

Gallbladder: Sludge is contained within otherwise unremarkable appearing gallblader there is no evidence of intraheptic extraheptic biliary ductal dilation to suggest obstructive cholangiopathy

Pancreas: normal

Liver: There is atrophy of the right heptic lobe with compensatory hypertrophy of the left heptic lobe. There are features of advanced portal hypertension which include dilation of the intraheptic portal veins 1.9cm main portal vien 1.7 cm and splenic vien 1.5 cm there is recanalization of the umbillical vein as well.

She got the appointment to see liver specialist moved to the day after the gallbladder test on 16. They have doubled her dose of pain killers which is really fogging her brain. Chatting to her on facebook takes some thinking on my part. Almost like she is talking sideways in a Yoda esque way.    Well that is how the messages come out.

She exhausted herself making the bed. Can't face taking shower and prettying up for boyfriend. I told her just take the shower and then a nap. You don't have to fix hair and do make up when you are sick.   She said she is so white. As white as her moonstone ring and has to put some makeup on for colour.

She can still only manage a couple of bites of food and then the nausea takes over. Pain is when she sits too long and when she moves even a little. Weird cravings for chocolate and garlic. (No she is not pregnant) and uncontrollable anger and frustration.

Boyfriend on way to spend this evening and tomorrow with her. I am grateful for a young man named Galen. I call him Angel and told him the letters of his name rearranged perfectly.

10 Feb 11 - 03:25 PM (#3092660)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

"... uncontrollable anger and frustration."

I would think so.

Hang tough. T&Ps from here.

11 Feb 11 - 02:40 PM (#3093392)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: maeve

Thinking of you both, Tam.

11 Feb 11 - 04:41 PM (#3093460)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: wysiwyg

Answers seem to be coming in tho, so hopefully accurate treatment is soon to follow (and that is what I'll pray for) as well as PEACE for all-- yummy, delicious, comfy, cuddly peace.

VT, be thinking about all the love you put into that girl, and remember that she is chock-FULL of it, and how strong love is, and that she has all that strength PLUS Galen's.

And YOU take GOOD care of YOU, too, please.


13 Feb 11 - 10:39 AM (#3094353)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Well the increased pain killer did have her feeling better enough to tackle some house cleaning with the help of the boyfriend on Friday. Bad idea. She is not feeling well now.

She only found out yesterday from the physician's assistant that she should only be taking fluids and soft solids. Why no one told her this before, we don't know.

13 Feb 11 - 11:06 AM (#3094365)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

That is truly aggravating!

13 Feb 11 - 11:36 AM (#3094376)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: jacqui.c

Still sending good thoughts to both of you.

13 Feb 11 - 01:31 PM (#3094450)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: My guru always said

Sending positive thoughts!

14 Feb 11 - 10:21 AM (#3095031)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,Patsy

Still thinking of you both VT, take care.

14 Feb 11 - 01:20 PM (#3095152)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob

She probably needs a companion on those medical appointments, Miss Tam. Often we onlt hear part of what issaid or are distracted by one statement and miss the three following.
Write everything down. Record if allowed.
And screw the housework. Rest is in order.

14 Feb 11 - 02:42 PM (#3095201)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Very luckily for her, a friend JT (last semester RN student) has been driving and accompanying her to appointments, and he is filtering information for her (and me).

Don't know if that is happening with next appointments. He does have classes to attend.

The gall bladder test is radioactive chem injected into vein and look to see if it gets through the gall bladder in the next hour. If nothing shows by the end of 4 hours they are dealing with an obstruction. That test is tomorrow and liver specialist day after to discuss result.

15 Feb 11 - 02:02 PM (#3095826)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

bit of good news though unrelated to current health issues.

Galen asked her to marry him and she said yes. The ring is a sapphire surrounded by diamonds. Like Princess Di's but smaller.

15 Feb 11 - 02:30 PM (#3095850)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: maeve

That is wonderful news, indeed, and very much a health booster!

I'm happy for you all,


15 Feb 11 - 02:59 PM (#3095866)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: fat B****rd

Thank you VT and all the very best to the happy couple. fB

15 Feb 11 - 03:08 PM (#3095873)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

Best wishes to both!

15 Feb 11 - 03:22 PM (#3095883)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

A ring.... ahhhhh... ain't love grand!

15 Feb 11 - 06:20 PM (#3096027)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: saulgoldie

I wish you and her all the best!


15 Feb 11 - 07:29 PM (#3096076)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: catspaw49

Whatever good thoughts I have are yours and hers. Sorry VT.....that really is a bad situation but there is still a ways to go and my best advice has already been given. Focus in on the tests and on the healing.........fuck the rest of it. (Had to phrase that in Spaw fashion)


15 Feb 11 - 10:30 PM (#3096142)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,mg

I hope the young man has insurance and that the marriage takes place I hope all marriages do..why wait when there is true love? mg

16 Feb 11 - 08:54 AM (#3096416)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Maryrrf

Congratulations to your daughter and her fiance - I have to admit that possible insurance coverage was my first thought too. If he works for a company that offers insurance, he might be able to put her on the policy? I hate it that we have to think that way in this country, but getting good insurance is so tied to having a job that offers it. As an individual with a preexisting conditions one's options are very limited. Good luck to the couple.

16 Feb 11 - 11:45 AM (#3096534)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

No such luck on his insurance. He is buying his own which is quite expensive for a single person. Personal reasons and it is necessary. His work (major department store) does not offer health insurance to the plebes.

Her room mate is looking to bail out on the shared apartment because she thinks Hilary is going to lose her job. So much for friends, eh? I can cover Hil's rent for next 2 months if it comes to it. Hopefully by then she will be treated and feeling better and able to get old job back or better a new one nearer to the fiance.

needless to say the worry is taking it's toll on me too. the RA is worse than ever. I used both wrist supports and walking sticks to get to my RA appointment today. Nurse says i have to come off the blood pressure meds as the swelling it is doing to my feet and ankles is making things worse.

Please keep the mudcat mojo working on her (and me).

16 Feb 11 - 11:46 AM (#3096537)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: maeve

We're not going anywhere, Tam. One day at a time.


16 Feb 11 - 02:00 PM (#3096623)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

TY Maeve

She is eating and not getting sick!!!! Yay!

Goes back to work Monday.

Fatigue and brain fog are typical side affects o hepatitis. She is not processing ammonium properly. Prednisone will help but they are startng that until they get a definitive of what is causing the autoimmune prob.

Liver biopsy in March.

16 Feb 11 - 02:12 PM (#3096630)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Herga Kitty

Tam - thanks for the update, and sending virtual hugs to you, Hil and Galen..


16 Feb 11 - 03:57 PM (#3096684)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

"She is eating and not getting sick!!!! Yay!"

Yay here too.

T&Ps for you both.

16 Feb 11 - 05:10 PM (#3096721)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

we've just spent the evening picking out the pattern and fabric for wedding gown (it will be a Galadriel type gown). and found silver circlet with blue stone for head dress. and looked at purple rose / morning glory bouquets.

I hope I can make her dress. i really want to. Put me back to making her medieval garb when she was in the society for creative anachronists.


night mudcat

17 Feb 11 - 06:36 AM (#3097026)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: maeve

It's lovely to "see" your smile, Tam.

17 Feb 11 - 07:26 AM (#3097044)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: billybob

Still thinking of you both, what wonderful news about the engaement! Keep well Tam, look after yourself you are precious!
xx Wendy

17 Feb 11 - 07:53 AM (#3097060)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,Patsy

And another 'Yay!' the plans for the wedding gown and accessories sounds wonderful and a great thing for you to focus on.

Take it steady.

17 Feb 11 - 01:51 PM (#3097321)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Stilly river Sage asked me on facebook to post links to wedding garb ideas here


galadriel gown

beaded lace to be over the

heavy diamond white satin gown.

Lace will only be used on skirt and to make sheer sleeves.

bouquet is to be purple roses and blue morning glories

Better news..

Hillie's face book status

" I feel uber better today.. ready to get back to my life.. and start planning jampa pie's and my wedding"

Jampa is Galen's Buddhist name.

17 Feb 11 - 02:03 PM (#3097327)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Good to read some more positive news, Tam. Love to you all, and remember to look after yourself as well. I hope your job stays safe, tough times out here for many.

Lovely message from your daughter, which must be making you feel better too..

Stay strong.

18 Feb 11 - 07:05 AM (#3097832)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: billybob

Oh my that dress is beautiful!!!!! She will look stunning x

18 Feb 11 - 10:06 AM (#3097940)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: wysiwyg

VT, I'm continuing to follow this thread prayerfully. (Not always posting.)



18 Feb 11 - 05:31 PM (#3098263)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

on Hilary's face book today

"i feel better!!!!" and a little smiling sunshine character.

Mamma feels better too.

18 Feb 11 - 05:42 PM (#3098271)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: maeve

We're glad for you all, Tam!

18 Feb 11 - 10:23 PM (#3098403)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

Wonderful news!

19 Feb 11 - 09:39 AM (#3098497)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Maryrrf

I'm so glad she's feeling better. What a relief that must be for mom - and getting to help plan the wedding - how exciting!

19 Feb 11 - 01:17 PM (#3098608)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: fat B****rd

Great news,VT. Here's to continuing good fortune.

20 Feb 11 - 11:32 AM (#3099104)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

I don't know whether to be angry or relieved or frustrated. Bit of a mix, I think.

Hil had an infection in navel that caused fluid build up in abdomen. Why they didn't catch this and start treating right away, I don't know. Anyway she has been on antibiotics since Wednesday and she feels so much better.

Aggravating thing is when it all kicked off, she thought she had kidney infection and Primary Care doc gave her antibiotic. When the urine and bloods came back they said not kidney infection. Assuming (rightly) kidney stones, Doc took her off antibiotics and made appt for gastro. In the meantime, Hil became so ill with pain she went to ER where they decided, chronic liver disease, enlarged spleen and smattering of tiny kidney stones. Later MRI revealed distended navel (internal) and confirmed the other stuff as well as sludge in gall bladder. The gall bladder scan last Tuesday showed it normal.

So why when she had the MRI a couple of weeks ago, didn't they put her on antibiotics for the infection in her navel? I guess when you are in pain or a mom worrying about your child's health days feel like weeks even months. It is the only time that time slows down.

They are still going to do liver biopsy, which is good. Then hopefully start correct treatment which I expect will be normal treatment for autoimmune liver disease. Steroids in high doses.   BTW... my research found that the distended and infected navel can be a knock on from the other gastro problems. Starts with liver, then kidneys and spleen are involved, etc. and so on.

The best news is she feels so much better. She can eat, coping with much less pain killer, has more energy and can concentrate. Back to work on Monday and out looking at wedding stuff with Galen and his mom today.

I want to be there.

21 Feb 11 - 03:09 AM (#3099544)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

wonder if a Mod could change the title to VaTam's daughter feeling better or good news?

21 Feb 11 - 04:12 AM (#3099566)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Or start a new thread? I would - sort of like a new dawn or a fresh page or something. Especially seeing that there are two bits of good news to celebrate, not just one.

Can't tell you how joyful I am to read your latest update. Yes, well worthy of a new thread methinks, with a recap of the happy news for anyone who might have missed it. (And be sure to re-post those lovely links of the gown & lace.)

Hugs << >>
and jumping up & down from happiness ^^

Bonnie xxxx

23 Feb 11 - 03:02 AM (#3100890)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

from Hil

I feel like back to normal, even. On Sunday she was her silly, quirky self again.

Still breathing relief, here. Hoping she won't ignore medical advice for further tests though. I will ask Galen to wheedle if she tends to balk.

23 Feb 11 - 09:46 AM (#3101137)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,Patsy

It all looks so beautiful and exciting! I am pleased to hear how things are going for you both, good luck with everything.

Best wishes


23 Feb 11 - 09:57 AM (#3101142)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: wysiwyg



23 Feb 11 - 01:52 PM (#3101335)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: My guru always said

So very glad to see all the good news, positive thoughts still coming!

23 Feb 11 - 01:59 PM (#3101346)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Herga Kitty

Tam - I'm so glad to hear the good news!


23 Feb 11 - 02:21 PM (#3101363)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

what this ordeal has done to me in a Mastercard advert

Blood Pressure ---- 147 over 98
Swelling in feet from Blood Pressure meds ---- 3 times normal size
Work missed for emergency doctor appointment ---- 4 hours

Relief that she is feeling so much better ---- priceless

23 Feb 11 - 03:02 PM (#3101391)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Wolfhound person


There's usually quite a lot of silk material on ebay at quite a saving from shops.
Search on "pure silk" - and keep your eyes open, as there's one or two sellers passing off synthetics as silk, but I've also had some good stuff, both from UK and Far East sellers.

Happy shopping

Paws (I made both my daughter and my daughter in law a silk dress)

23 Feb 11 - 07:08 PM (#3101540)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Andy Jackson

What a good news thread this has become. Congrats to the happy couple and here's wishing all of you a swift return to health and normality.

24 Feb 11 - 12:11 AM (#3101679)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

It's wonderful to hear your daughter is feeling better.

27 Feb 11 - 09:43 AM (#3103552)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Not exactly news but more info...

Hilary is still having significant low energy problem. Only some pain in spleen but it increases if she is stressed. Work is stressing her because she is finding it difficult to meet the goals they set for her.

Still no treatment forthcoming, because they don't know if it is autoimmune or fatty liver disease. Doesn't seem to matter that when she was 14, the biopsy said it was autoimmune liver disease.

She has a plan to join the credit union Galen's mom uses and save $300.00 every month for next 2 years to pay for wedding.

27 Feb 11 - 05:00 PM (#3103831)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

I'm still keeping all of you in the Light.

18 Mar 11 - 07:36 AM (#3116351)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Hilary is going in for liver biopsy today. Galen stayed with her last night and is taking her in to hospital today and staying with her after. I love this young man.

18 Mar 11 - 07:47 AM (#3116353)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Thinking of you

18 Mar 11 - 07:58 AM (#3116357)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: GUEST,Patsy

Good wishes to Hilary for her biopsy today VT, hope everything goes well. X

18 Mar 11 - 04:03 PM (#3116621)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: fat B****rd

More best thoughts to you and yours VT.
Charlie fB

18 Mar 11 - 04:39 PM (#3116646)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Thank you all. She is home now and says she is ok. But it is another waiting game for results.

18 Mar 11 - 06:59 PM (#3116712)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: olddude

Still in my heart, in my prayers and in my thoughts Tam

18 Mar 11 - 08:31 PM (#3116739)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Dharmabum

Hoping for good news.


22 Apr 11 - 01:27 PM (#3140442)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: VirginiaTam

Results from liver biopsy paraphrased from her facebook.

"Chronic hepatitis (probably auto immune) and incomplete cirrhosis, which I looked up. Not too bad at least it doesn't cause liver failure. And now to start taking fun litte meds.... azathioprine."

She is feeling much better (physically) since the antibiotic, though still having bouts of the blues which she can not attribute to anything. She just suddenly gets low (sometimes angry) and has to wait for it to pass.

She is saving for both a car and the wedding now and looking into different kind of work. Medical collections is quite the soul destroyer. I suspect this might account for a lot of low (and angry) periods.

Thank you all for keeping her in your thoughts. Want to say, I so appreciate that I am able to vent my anxiety here and feel the love as you drop your good wishes in the thread. This is especially important to me, because I am so far from her and from my own family.

22 Apr 11 - 01:32 PM (#3140443)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: olddude

Love you Tam, in my prayers always

22 Apr 11 - 02:18 PM (#3140476)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: gnu

Good news in the overall VT. Hope it stays that way.

22 Apr 11 - 02:35 PM (#3140487)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

I will be offering prayers at our Easter service here in Mottram St Andrew for your daughter, and for you.

Stay strong, we all hold you in our thoughts.

22 Apr 11 - 02:45 PM (#3140493)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: wysiwyg

Me too


22 Apr 11 - 02:46 PM (#3140496)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: fat B****rd

The best of best wishes to you and yours , Tam

22 Apr 11 - 02:49 PM (#3140501)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Lots of love to you both, Tam. x

22 Apr 11 - 04:25 PM (#3140571)
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
From: ChanteyLass

My thoughts and hope are also with you, your daughter, and those who love you both.