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BS: Personal messages from fraudulent membership

02 Feb 11 - 07:57 AM (#3087143)
Subject: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Jack the Sailor

Did anyone else get this PM? If it is a joke it is pretty funny. If it isn't, then why is this person telling me I can't post whatever I want on my own social network site? Why does he seem to think that we want the Mudcat to control our pictures?

Dear member

It has been brought to my attention by Joe Offer that due to security flaws on some social networking sites that thousands of private photographs and contact details can be viewed by almost anyone on-line with ease.

We do understand that it's down to these social networking sites decision to make more of their users' information public right across the web -- without asking them for permission first.

Please keep in mind, there is a certain responsibly for members of this forum to promote folk music in a positive sense, and maintaining some concept of decorum to prescribed limits of appropriate social behaviour within set situations.
It is unfortunate, that we have been made aware of photographs of Mudcat members, inebriated and in compromising positions on drunken nights out on the town to personal photographs of yourselves .

In some cases there's even a GPS (Global Positioning System) tracker function pinpointing the exact location of the user. We have found that by simply typing keywords such as "Mudcat", "Mudcat Cafe" or "Mudcat folk" into Google's search box, it brings up an interactive directory of members of this forum.

We have deliberately decided not to disclose the identities of all members we found, but as ever, the internet is not just as discrete. Below, are a few examples of what we found yesterday evening.








Social networks are a great modern tool but like everything else they have bad elements too. A number of the photographs we looked at have been harvested from photos posted by our forum members, along with a lot of pictures taken by individuals at various Mudcat gatherings throughout the country.

You have the right to ask Flickr, Picasa, Eons,Facebook, bebo, LiveJournal or Myspace to remove any photographs of yourself that may appear on such pages. The photos in question are not posted at the Mudcat Cafe, and the Flickr/Myspace/Livejournal/bebo/Twitter and Facebook pages are NOT under our control.

All the best to you.

-Roger Gall, Forum (Elf) Moderator, The Mudcat Café.-

    From Joe Offer: Oh, gee. I was thinking just last night about how quiet and pleasant it has been at Mudcat the last few weeks. Our little troll has been doing the usual dirty work on Facebook and other social networking sites, but I think our troll got bored because Mudcatters have become very good at ignoring all that garbage.

    "Roger C. Gall" is not OUR Roger "Shambles" Gall. It's a fraudulent membership, taken out within the last few days, no doubt by our little Facebook / BNP / Flickr / IRA / Wikipedia friend. His/her aim is to get Mudcatters in a tizzy. Please, please, please - don't cooperate with this person by responding to him/her or by giving public notice to this person's antics. If you wish to discuss such matters, discuss it privately - and let me or Max know about it privately, too.

    I suppose people could complain that Mudcat should "do something about this," but please note that this person has also done his/her dirty deeds on Facebook, Flickr, Bebo, and a long list of other commercial "Social Networking" sites that spend bundles of money on security. The best we can do is ask you to pay no heed to this person, and let us know about him/her privately. In turn, we will do what we can....privately and quietly, not giving the attention or showing the hysteria that this person craves. Oh, and please don't feed the troll by becoming outraged at the reference to Dave Bryant. Dave had an exquisite sense of humor, and there's a good chance he'd make an elaborate joke of that outrage.
    So, as usual, "don't pay no nevermind" to our little troll. Thanks.

    Oh, and thanks to Jeri for closing the thread while I was still sleeping. I changed the thread title because I thought it wasn't fair to Roger to leave it in his name.
    -Joe Offer-

02 Feb 11 - 08:08 AM (#3087157)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Bobert

Yeah, I got it...

Heck, I can't recall doing anything that if it were photographed I'd have to say "opps" or "so sorry" so heck with it...

I mean, if someone is out there doing photoshop stuff with me and farm animals then maybe I'd get worked up but really, I don't give a rats ass about piccures... I mean, let's get real here... Most of us are performers and lots of folks take piccure sof people performing... Who cares???

And BTW, I don't believe that anyone has invented a camera that not only takes yer piccure but also can detect yer blood alcohol level and print it down in the corner... And even if they have, who cares, part B...


02 Feb 11 - 08:22 AM (#3087170)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: artbrooks

Got it - never heard of him. Perhaps Joe will let us know how a spammer has access to the PM function.

02 Feb 11 - 08:28 AM (#3087179)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I got the PM, but it was blank. They forgot to paste in the content.

It's likely our old BNP friends with too much time on their hands.

The delete button handles that kind of crap just fine.

Don t.

02 Feb 11 - 08:35 AM (#3087186)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: gnu


02 Feb 11 - 08:38 AM (#3087188)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: bobad

It's just someone jerking around. The name, though is familiar, wasn't that Shambles' real name?

02 Feb 11 - 08:49 AM (#3087194)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: GUEST,John MacKenzie

Still is.

02 Feb 11 - 08:54 AM (#3087198)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Jack the Sailor

I am aware of the delete button. Like I said, it it was a joke, it was pretty funny.

02 Feb 11 - 09:02 AM (#3087202)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Yep, me too. But there are no photos of me anyhere on my Facebook page except my avatar one which I don't care who sees. I also got a special email account just for FB, so that if it noises that around cyberspace it won't compromise my personal ones. No phone numbers on there either. Not enough to worry about all the FB privacy hassles, sounds like we've now got a mud troll to contend with too.

I tried pasting in that Facebook link - the generic "home" one from the look of it (my name wasn't on it anywhere), and it just took me to my perfectly innocent home page, which contained nothing startling.

JOEEEEEEE... since your name is mentioned in that message - do you know anything about this?

And: Is there anyone reading this thread who did NOT get that PM? Interesting to know if some of us are being targetted, though I never had any falling out with him so he has no reason for any special grudge against me personally... unless he hates harp players...

02 Feb 11 - 09:07 AM (#3087203)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: The Sandman

it is the Shambles real name

02 Feb 11 - 09:15 AM (#3087205)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Jack the Sailor

it is the Shambles real name

that is illuminating.

02 Feb 11 - 09:24 AM (#3087213)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Beer

Got it.
Those above me on this thread. Have you all posted pictures somewhere on the Mudcat? I have through Picasa and wondered if it is just targeting members who post pictures. I'm careful in what I post so i really don't give a hoot as well.

02 Feb 11 - 09:24 AM (#3087215)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: My guru always said

I didn't get it! Hmm, I feel a little left out...

02 Feb 11 - 09:32 AM (#3087225)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Micca

Don, you might find that the "title "is a single full stop .

02 Feb 11 - 09:47 AM (#3087229)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: olddude

Yup I got it

02 Feb 11 - 09:51 AM (#3087233)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Rapparee

I got it, but the message was "This membership is inactive." I PMed Joe, but he might already be on it.

02 Feb 11 - 10:06 AM (#3087239)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Rapparee

I don't really CARE what is posted, 'cause I ain't put up nothin' to be ashamed of. Except for that series of pictures a guy took when I was at Woodstock I, maybe, in the mud, with Ebbie, and a llama, and somebody with long hair, and three FBI agents, and Timothy Leary, and Pope Paul VI, and LBJ, and some cat, and a giant squid, and John Lennon, and Richard Nixon, and Bobert, and (I think) Kilm Il-Sung. But I'm not at all sure of it.

02 Feb 11 - 10:09 AM (#3087242)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Rapparee

Oh boy! I just got The Message! I'm one of the In Crowd now!

(Except for Facebook I don't know what those things are.)

02 Feb 11 - 10:14 AM (#3087244)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: The Sandman

its probably someone imitating shambles

02 Feb 11 - 10:34 AM (#3087257)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Backwoodsman

Yep, I got a PM - but no message, just a poppy-uppy-thingy that said that 'this account is now inactive'.

02 Feb 11 - 11:00 AM (#3087279)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: jacqui.c

I got it - knew it was Shambles real name and, to be quite honest, it looks like some of his nonsense.

02 Feb 11 - 11:00 AM (#3087280)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Richard Bridge

It's kind of a shame that stupidity is not a terminal illness.

02 Feb 11 - 11:14 AM (#3087288)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Greg F.

Classic example of stupidity is posting personal information to FarceBook & other similar narcissistic & exhibitionist sites.

02 Feb 11 - 11:18 AM (#3087292)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Ebbie

"Except for that series of pictures a guy took when I was at Woodstock I, maybe, in the mud, with Ebbie, and a llama, and somebody with long hair, and three FBI agents, and Timothy Leary, and Pope Paul VI, and LBJ, and some cat, and a giant squid, and John Lennon, and Richard Nixon, and Bobert, and (I think) Kilm Il-Sung. But I'm not at all sure of it."

That was a private party, Rap, and you promised not to tell.

02 Feb 11 - 11:20 AM (#3087293)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: theleveller

I got a blank message. No idea who Shambles is or this Gall character.

02 Feb 11 - 11:37 AM (#3087306)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Steve Shaw

Well I got it and I've never posted any pictures to Mudcat nor am I, nor have I ever been, a member of any social networking site! Nor have I ever been pissed enough to have had a compromising photo of me taken. It reminded me of one of those bank phishing scams you get purporting to come from a bank you've never belonged to!

02 Feb 11 - 11:47 AM (#3087313)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Amergin

I didn't get one...but I agree with looks just like the sort of paranoid crap Shambles use to post....

02 Feb 11 - 12:01 PM (#3087322)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Noreen

Roger Gall, Elf?

Don't think so...

02 Feb 11 - 12:04 PM (#3087323)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Bonnie Shaljean


I just got a strange Facebook message from a Mudcatter making nasty accusations against another Mudcatter (nobody in this thread, and nobody I know personally). I'm in FB under my own name, and anyone can send a FB message - so I don't know if it's really from this person or not, but it sounds weird and I'm not replying.

My reason for mentioning this here is: If you get Facebook messages "from" anyone connected with Mudcat making allegations against other Catters, I would treat them with suspicion, and not answer.

I have PM's the text of it to Joe. In the meantime you might regard your Facebook messages with caution, in regards to both whoever sent it and also whomever the message says bad things about.

02 Feb 11 - 12:05 PM (#3087325)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Ernest

Got it too. The Poster even adressed me as "Ernie", so apart from cutting and pasting in a standard text he seems to be trying to give the thing a more individual look. Did he become thus "personal" with others too?

Never met "Shambles" (in fact I met relatively few catters compared to some of you) btw.

02 Feb 11 - 12:10 PM (#3087328)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Mrs.Duck

I got it. What is more worrying is that I already had a similar message via e mail a few weeks ago. I forwarded it to Joe.

02 Feb 11 - 12:12 PM (#3087330)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: maeve


02 Feb 11 - 12:25 PM (#3087340)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: gnu

A Brit?

02 Feb 11 - 12:33 PM (#3087343)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: ClaireBear

I'm in the "in" crowd too, God knows why.

I presume Roger C. Gall is NOT actually a Mud-elf, but I think I'd be more comfortable had I confirmation of that.


02 Feb 11 - 12:38 PM (#3087347)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: GUEST,999

Facebook is shit.

02 Feb 11 - 12:41 PM (#3087348)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I got what was either a "." or a picture of a speck of fly shit.

02 Feb 11 - 12:42 PM (#3087349)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: GUEST,999

Rest of my post didn`t appear.

Dealing with their so-called security department is a new adventure in ineptitude and frustration. May their balls rot and then fall off. Bastards.

02 Feb 11 - 12:43 PM (#3087350)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: GUEST,999

I got the same thing BWL.

02 Feb 11 - 12:48 PM (#3087353)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Remember, "Roger C Gall" himself may not have even sent that PM. There are a couple of things that make me wonder about the possibility of hacking, about which I'm not going into further detail. Meanwhile, in the immortal words of Mulder:

Trust No One

02 Feb 11 - 12:53 PM (#3087354)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: GUEST,999

Roger--rightfully or wrongfully--was banned some years back. I fail to see how he had any access to Mudcat.

02 Feb 11 - 12:55 PM (#3087356)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Bonnie Shaljean

And anyone who CAN hack, can possibly even start threads or post messages in members' names.

02 Feb 11 - 01:04 PM (#3087363)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: The Sandman

its very doubtful its REALLY from Shambles.

02 Feb 11 - 01:08 PM (#3087365)
Subject: RE: BS: Roger C Gall
From: Jeri

Roger still posts as a GUEST, and anybody can take out a membership here.

Those who figured out this was a fake and a troll, congratulations. Roger didn't seem to like mods much, and certainly wouldn't pretend to be one.

I don't feel comfortable deleting this thread. If I deleted things that got people's panties in a bunch, half the BS section would be gone. Richard Bridge might have a point, but it may be good for us to see who has reacted and who didn't.

I AM going to close it, as the whole "stolen name in lights" isn't fair to Roger.