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Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavik

27 Feb 11 - 07:22 AM (#3103482)
Subject: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

well now since midnight we have had over 300 earthquakes near our Capital , her is a map , sorry I seem not to learn how to do the blue clický :O) its always a failer.

so I hope its not gonna be more strong ones , the last one was little over 4 on richter scale , but its more on the map where you see
the green stars , well there is only 2 to 4 km down to magma so
it could end up with a eruption with we cross our fingers now .

all the best Skarpi

27 Feb 11 - 07:24 AM (#3103484)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: maeve

Skarpi's earthquake link

Take good care, friend Skarpi!


27 Feb 11 - 07:27 AM (#3103488)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

thanks Maeve :O) , its on the news now , and they say we could have more of 4 on richter or stronger ..and also they are monitoring the magma ,,

so I hope this will not happen , but mother earth is alive and well .
this is on the American/europe plate ...

all the best Skarpi

27 Feb 11 - 08:07 AM (#3103506)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: treewind

so I hope this will not happen , but mother earth is alive and well.

What a beautifully philosophical view of your situation.
I do hope you come to no harm.

27 Feb 11 - 08:17 AM (#3103510)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: TheSnail

Spooky. Talking to Chris Foster and Bára Grímsdóttir about Icelandic volcanoes and earthquakes last night. Some of Bára's stories were terrifying.

They are on their way to Abergavenny at the moment. I wonder if they know.

27 Feb 11 - 08:58 AM (#3103529)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: GUEST,willa

Hope that you and yours are safe, Skarpi.

27 Feb 11 - 10:30 AM (#3103570)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Maryrrf

Skarpi I hope that you and Gunna and the family are safe! What a scary situation. Sending good thoughts to you!

27 Feb 11 - 10:38 AM (#3103577)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

Well , when I was nine I had to go away from Vestmann Island 1973 , I lost everything , house and all things I had . the fault opened 500 mtr from my home and the eruption started , so I know what it is to loose everything . THeSnail , Bára lived in Vestmann Island just like me .

I learned to respect mother earth , she does kick you know treat her well folks , you ´ll never know where she kick up next time .

Mary yes we are okei , there is mabe 40 km to the spot where this is happening so its not far way but far enough to know that we are gonna be ok .

all the best Skarpi

27 Feb 11 - 10:47 AM (#3103581)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: katlaughing

The "Ol' Ball of Clay" as my father called Mother Earth, does have a way of kicking up, as you've said Skarpi. May she not kick too much in your direction and may all whom you know and love be safe, including yourself.


27 Feb 11 - 12:09 PM (#3103633)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: bfdk

Stay safe, Skarpi!

27 Feb 11 - 12:23 PM (#3103643)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Megan L

Dammit lad will ye stoap flechtin me like that I finally got word today on the last of our relatives in and around Christchurch now you start it feels like the auld bisim is daen a marathon relay race roon the face o the baa.

Hope you aand yours keep safe

awra best

27 Feb 11 - 12:45 PM (#3103650)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: catspaw49

Geeziz Skarpi old friend........Volcanos AND Earthquakes? I know its your homeland and all but the "land" part of that seems to be getting a bit tenuous! Maybe you oughta' retire to Jamaica and play music on the beach.............

Just kidding of course. All my best thoughts coming for the safety of you and your family.


27 Feb 11 - 01:08 PM (#3103677)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Sorcha

Man this

27 Feb 11 - 01:19 PM (#3103686)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

well another strong one hit us 50 min ago ..4,2 on R , like someone hit the house from down below :O) . its not over is it ....

its gonna be a long sleepless night ,

all the best SKarpi

27 Feb 11 - 01:22 PM (#3103691)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

Sorcha , those are man made yes , but are far away from where they are now and I just gonna tell you they are not man made ...

not this one on 2km down to magma ....

27 Feb 11 - 01:47 PM (#3103714)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Little Robyn

Oh dear Skarpi!
I think the world is splitting in two!
Hold tight, it could be a rough ride.
Robyn in NZ

27 Feb 11 - 02:03 PM (#3103728)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: gnu


27 Feb 11 - 04:42 PM (#3103819)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: ChanteyLass

I hope you are all right, and I hope that the quakes and aftershocks end soon without doing more injury and damage.

27 Feb 11 - 05:31 PM (#3103851)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Sandra in Sydney

earthquakes to the right of us, earthquakes to the (extreme) north of us.

best wishes to you & your family & friends, Skarpi


27 Feb 11 - 05:58 PM (#3103872)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Sorcha

If you say so, Skarpi, it may be otherwise. Whatever, I'm outta here. You deal with yout denial all you want.

27 Feb 11 - 05:59 PM (#3103873)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík

Stay safe, Skarpi. Must be a bit unsettling to have your house moving around like that. And give Spaw's suggestion of that Jamaica beach a thought, although they have hurricanes.
Be well my friend

27 Feb 11 - 06:19 PM (#3103881)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

hahahaha Sorcha , there is no way we can made earthquake in 4 or more on richter , the man made earthquakes are made there the power plant is on Hellisheiði , where this is going on there is no power plant , and Sorcha I am not in denial ....:O)so we even make the magma come up as Sorcha ?? no there is only 2 km down to the magma Sorcha , and there
is a change that the magma will come up this time Sorcha ...and its not made by man and either is Eyjafjalla jölull or VAtnajökull the there is crowing fast and there are more earthquakes ..
So Sorcha don´t tell me what is man made or not I watch this every day I live only few km from a volcano ...and there a lot of faults near by home .

all the best Skarpi

27 Feb 11 - 07:05 PM (#3103896)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík

A GOOGLE search brings up several reports about the recent spate of quakes including the man made ones created by pumping cold water into the ground. All reports clearly state that although geologists were able to track the man made quakes, they were not large enough to be felt in homes around the area.
Sorch is an expert on denial, Skarpi. You are not. Listen to those who are concerned about your well being and stay observant and safe.
Katla is just about due to make herself known I believe.
Iceland's beauty depends upon Mother Nature's occasional hissyfits.

27 Feb 11 - 08:59 PM (#3103954)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Rapparee

And I'm currently at a hotel at the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone, in the middle of the Yellowstone Supervolcano Caldera. Like Skarpi, we who live in this area live with volcanoes and earthquakes every can't worry about it because if she blows there's not much you're going to be able to do about it. When, not if, Yellowstone blows it's going to kill agriculture worldwide for a generation and probably cover 1/3 of the US with ash. Of course, it all depends on the magnitude of the blow-off.

Skarpi, keep your get-away kit handy and you know, this is all Iceland needs on top of the economic mess.

You sure you don't want to come live here?

27 Feb 11 - 10:28 PM (#3103975)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Gurney

Skarpi, on the TV there was a guy in Christchurch who calms his kids in the aftershocks of this nasty lot they are enduring. He tells them it is just the earth farting. The kids are delighted and run around shouting "The Earth if farting, the Earth is farting..."

28 Feb 11 - 12:38 AM (#3104004)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: open mike

rumble rumble....hope you stay safe, Skarpi. and that no fire or lava
is shaken out of the ground!

I remember a time i saw an eruption of a volcano and an earthquake, too in the Caribbean...Montserrat Island...this was also acompanied by tidal you would not be immune from such phenominon in the Caribbean.

28 Feb 11 - 01:16 AM (#3104011)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Ebbie

If Iceland is at all like Hawaii, Mother Earth is birthing more land. Tell her that you don't need more babies right now.

Stay safe, my friend.

28 Feb 11 - 04:15 AM (#3104053)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: mouldy

Hang in there, mate. Hope it calms down soon. Hope Reykjavik stays in one piece too!

Is Katla making any rumblings at the moment?


28 Feb 11 - 04:50 AM (#3104067)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

Katla is shaking now and then , at moment this is going over ....
I hope

all the best Skarpi

28 Feb 11 - 04:51 AM (#3104070)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: The Fooles Troupe

The earth is farting ... indeed .... sigh ....

28 Feb 11 - 05:10 AM (#3104082)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: GUEST,John MacKenzie

Skarpi my friend, hope all is calming down a bit. Is your phone number different since you moved? Send me an e-mail with your new address and phone number please.

06 Mar 11 - 05:51 PM (#3108428)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Ann N

How are things? Is everyone OK?

06 Mar 11 - 07:18 PM (#3108489)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík

I was reading on an Iceland site how parrots are very agitated - a common sign of upcoming quakes and eruptions.
Katla has a history of going off about two years after the EIK... volcano.
Counting down.
Stay safe, skarpi.

07 Mar 11 - 07:36 AM (#3108838)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

Eyjafjallajökull , :O) and yes Katla is waking slowly ....but we are all okei here still earthquakes...but all is Okei

07 Mar 11 - 07:36 AM (#3108840)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

and the parrot , they went crazy just before the quake ..

07 Mar 11 - 08:29 AM (#3108866)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Sandra in Sydney

keep an eye on those parrots


07 Mar 11 - 09:22 AM (#3108888)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: skarpi

Thanks all ,
John the number is the same , I send an e mail to you but I got it back ..I try again ...
kv Skarpi

07 Mar 11 - 09:24 AM (#3108889)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík

Earthquakes in Arkansas have been linked to fracking operations, now temporarily closed down. Hawaii is having some spectacular eruptions. Always something...

21 May 11 - 06:28 PM (#3158384)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: maeve

A little more shaking for Iceland:

21 May 11 - 06:30 PM (#3158385)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: gnu

Hope it's okay.

21 May 11 - 07:00 PM (#3158399)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavík
From: Donuel

The state of Maine is shaking and making gun shot like sounds as thousands of mini surface quakes are going off. This is supposedly due to the crust spring back from the 2 miles of ice that pressed down on Maine just 12,000 years ago.

Why a bit more quakes than usual? Why is Mars and even Jupiter and Saturn on a warming trend? Why is the general wierdness factor seemingly going up?

You know how the galaxy is like a spiraled disk? The Solar system rotates around the Milky Way in a tilted orbit that goes slightly above the disk to slightly below every52 million years or so.

Right now we have come from "below" into the region which is level with the most averaged mass in the outer spiral disk.
In other words we are in the thick of it.

Be it ordinary matter or hyperdimensional dark matter or something else the whole solar system is now going through and somehow interacting with more "stuff" than we usually do.

THis might just be enough to loosen tectonic plates or add a bit more gravity to interact with the Earth.

This is purely my own speculation but it seems pure enough to be true.

21 May 11 - 07:08 PM (#3158405)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavik
From: Donuel

In another 100 years or so we will all be on the up side of the Milky Way orbit and things will settle down a bit.


If you are not here 100 years from now you probably just missed the immortality gene therapy and growth hormone regeime that will bring the rest of us back to an average vitality of a 42 year old person.

You will have to be no older than 52 today and live into your 80's to be around to benefit from the future immortality treatments, which only lasts an average of 200 to 300 years to your normal life expectancy. Nothin lasts forever.

21 May 11 - 07:33 PM (#3158415)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavik
From: maeve

The State of Maine is doing just fine; we've got rhythm, that's all.

I'm sure we'll hear from Skarpi at some point.

22 May 11 - 05:06 AM (#3158555)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavik
From: Arthur_itus

And a flight ban for local flights in Iceland. Lets just hope it doesn't get as bad as the last one.

22 May 11 - 05:40 AM (#3158565)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavik
From: maeve

Skarpi has checked in above the salt.

22 May 11 - 10:38 AM (#3158669)
Subject: RE: Earthquakes in Iceland -Reykjavik
From: Bill D

Icelandic volcano flings up ash, shuts airport