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BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley

04 Mar 11 - 03:43 AM (#3106671)
Subject: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

Dominic Carman admits that they "got a kicking".

Results of the Barnsley by-election:

Dan Jarvis (Lab) 14,724 (60.80%, +13.53%)
Jane Collins (Ukip) 2,953 (12.19%, +7.53%)
James Hockney (C) 1,999 (8.25%, -9.01%)
Enis Dalton (BNP) 1,463 (6.04%, -2.90%)
Tony Devoy (Ind) 1,266 (5.23%, +3.58%)
Dominic Carman (LibDem) 1,012 (4.18%, -13.10%)
Kevin Riddiough (Eng Dem) 544 (2.25%)
Howling Laud Hope (Loony) 198 (0.82%)
Michael Val Davies (Ind) 60 (0.25%)


Sorry, I shouldn't laugh….but…..

04 Mar 11 - 03:50 AM (#3106675)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Serve the bastards right.

04 Mar 11 - 04:09 AM (#3106684)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Rog Peek

That Richard, was exactly my reaction.

When Mr. Carman said "The electorate in Barnsley have given us a kicking, but we can take it." "Just as well you can." thought I
"'Cause I'd say there are likely to be a few more kickings in that direction in the future".


04 Mar 11 - 04:28 AM (#3106693)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Shimrod

You stupid morons!!

So the previous Labour candidate represented a morally bankrupt party, and was a proven crook to boot, and STILL the idiotic sheep in Barnsley voted Labour! Wake up, you fools, Labour is NO LONGER a progressive, Socialist party but a bunch of hypocritical, doctrinaire autocrats - didn't the 13 years of Labour government teach you ANYTHING?

And which parties did the cretins in Barnsley put before the LibDems?

A bunch of nationalistic xenophobes and the f**king Tories, that's who!

I despair - this country deserves everything it gets!

04 Mar 11 - 04:50 AM (#3106702)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

Oh, didums, Shimrod!


04 Mar 11 - 04:51 AM (#3106704)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Shimrod

"I despair - this country deserves everything it gets!"

And what it will get, if Labour succeeds in its mission to destroy the LibDems, is a full-blown Tory government and more Tory governments for another generation. But that's what Labour wants, isn't it? - because Labour can only really cope with opposition - they certainly can't cope with government - as they proved over 13 years!

04 Mar 11 - 05:03 AM (#3106708)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Geoff the Duck

Nick Clegg destroyed the Lib Dems when he climbed into bed with Cameron. He had the chance to change British Politics by standing as a balancing force for unified opinions but instead grabbed the opportunity for personal power. If he had stood with the rest of the country, I for one would have voted for a proportional representation system that kept decision making matched to the will of the people. As it is, he has made sure that almost all decisions will be dictated by the people who have the money. I will do all I can to make sure Liberals never get ANY power again.

04 Mar 11 - 05:04 AM (#3106709)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Jon

I'm not sure what to think. I was glad to finally see the back of the last lot who went under the name of Labour and had hopes for the LibDems who seem to have sold out...

I'm not sure who I'd vote for now.

04 Mar 11 - 05:32 AM (#3106722)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: David C. Carter

What Richard Bridge said.

04 Mar 11 - 05:51 AM (#3106727)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Ralphie

It really is a bit of a bugger, Who does one vote for now? Full on Tory? Tory Lite? or Tory wishy-washy?
(or the lunatic fringe...BNP/UKIP)
At least the "Loony" party admit who they are! Honest prospective politicians! Might as well vote for them.

04 Mar 11 - 06:01 AM (#3106728)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Shimrod

"Oh, didums, Shimrod!"

A very mature 'argument', 'leveller' - and typical of the contemporary, morally bankrupt Labour party.

And shouldn't that be "la, la, la, la etc." with eyes tight shut and fingers in ears:

"I've always voted Labour and I always will even if they start murdering babies ... Oh look, they are murdering babies! Shut eyes, finger in ears and la, la, la, la, la etc., etc."

I repeat, you stupid moron!

04 Mar 11 - 06:11 AM (#3106734)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Jon

I for one would have voted for a proportional representation system that kept decision making matched to the will of the people. As it is, he has made sure that almost all decisions will be dictated by the people who have the money. I will do all I can to make sure Liberals never get ANY power again.

I think that's a mistake, Geoff. I'm far from happy with the LibDems and can understand your feelings but I still think proportional representation although what's on offer is only part way there) would be an improvement.

04 Mar 11 - 06:29 AM (#3106742)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Shimrod

"I will do all I can to make sure Liberals never get ANY power again.

Why aren't you working to make sure the Tories never get ANY power again, G the D?

04 Mar 11 - 06:47 AM (#3106746)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Dave Hanson

Shimrod, you lost the battle when you sank to using personal insults, face facts , the Lib/Dems lost it when Clegg sold his soul to the tories for a few minutes in power.

Dave H

04 Mar 11 - 06:53 AM (#3106752)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"I repeat, you stupid moron! "

A very mature 'argument' Shimrod - the words "pot", "kettle" and "black" spring to mind. As usual, personal abuse takes precedence in your bizarre form of logic. Actually, I have never voted Labour in my life - just pleased that the electorate of Barnsley have demonstrated the disgust with the LibDems that so many people feel and relegated them from number two at the last election to the shadowlands with the rest of the unelectables.

04 Mar 11 - 07:01 AM (#3106757)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"Shimrod, you lost the battle when you sank to using personal insults"

I have to confess, Dave, that I find it extremely amusing to witness someone in such a state of advanced apoplexy that they can't construct a coherent statement ;)

04 Mar 11 - 07:09 AM (#3106759)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Shimrod

"the Lib/Dems lost it when Clegg sold his soul to the tories for a few minutes in power."

And Labour 'lost it' when they wasted 13 years in power! Give me one good reason why I should vote Labour?

And I experience no qualms whatsoever about insulting Labour and Labour supporters. That's all they deserve! 13 years they had to build a truly progressive democracy - and look at the mess they made!

Does the list need repeating?

- A greater social divide that even under the Torys.

- Massive house price inflation such that young people can no longer afford a house.

- A massive assault on our civil liberties.

- Failure to regulate the banks and Big Business.

- Everything enveloped in a grossly over-complicated and pointless 'box ticking' bureaucracy.

- A complete disregard for the environment - which suffered badly as a result.

- The scandal of MP's expenses which Labour allowed to happen under its nose.

- An illegal war in Iraq which led to thousands of innocent lives being lost.

Need I go on?

My dear old Dad, who was a sheet-metal worker, not a teacher, university lecturer or social worker living in a big , expensive house, like many Labour supporters round here, always believed that Labour was a bunch of hypocritical shits. And to think I used to argue with him - how right he was!

04 Mar 11 - 07:48 AM (#3106775)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

What can you expect from people with a funny accent?

04 Mar 11 - 09:36 AM (#3106833)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

As Leveller (who seems to have a couple of keys sticking on his keyboard) well knows, mid term by-elections really are of little consequence, particularly with such a low turn out.

04 Mar 11 - 09:44 AM (#3106838)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

While most politicians continue to be maggots, the New Labour party (real Labour has clause 4) is the lesser of two weevils...

04 Mar 11 - 09:48 AM (#3106842)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I have some sympathy with you there, Richard ... whatever happened to 'real' Labour?

04 Mar 11 - 09:50 AM (#3106845)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Bob Marshall-Andrews retired.

04 Mar 11 - 09:52 AM (#3106847)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Stu

Micheal Foot died.

04 Mar 11 - 10:37 AM (#3106876)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley


I agree with the view that by-elections are not a good indicator for General Election forecasts.

However by what-ever standards, the Barnsley result does indicate that Clegg and his party are going to have a tough time convincing their own party members to vote for them in the future.

Barnsley obviously is a very strong labour area and will probably never be anything else.

It will be interesting to see what happens in a lesser Labour dominated area for a more clear indication.

What odds Clegg for the high jump soon ???



04 Mar 11 - 10:58 AM (#3106888)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

I dislike the title of this thread, leveller old mate. No one got kicked. They lost a mid term by election.

I don't like Nick Clegg and suspect he is related to captain Clegg in a Hammer Horror film. Secretly he is in charge of a gang of pirates.

having said that, no violence was involved in Barsley - famous for its cops and the warmth of Yorkshire hostility, extended to all outsiders.

04 Mar 11 - 11:06 AM (#3106893)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

That should read - famous for its chops

As in

I went down, to the shop
Got meself a Barnsley chop

04 Mar 11 - 11:12 AM (#3106894)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: mauvepink

Mr Clegg's (in my opinion) myopic courtship with power will have cost the LibDems dearly. May 5th is not too long off and I think his colleagues will have a hard time convincing past voter's and supporters that they can still be trusted. That said, the uk voting public have often been shown to have rather fickle memories and, on the whole, are quite a forgiving bunch of people. I'm not sure that will be the case this time around and people may want to punish Mr Clegg and his party for having seemingly betrayed their trust for a few seats of power.

I have always voted Liberal since I had the right to vote. Sadly I now feel I am left with nowhere to put my cross (though I believe it is important that I use it)

Proportional Representation I thought would have been a good thing for UK politics. It seems much fairer but then we have seen that fairness is not a word that easily stays on the tongues of many. I think there should be an empty box on the voting paper where you can show you do not wish to support any party. That would be far different than just looking at the large number of people who never turn up to vote. People need to get their belief back in the Politicians but I think that would only come with trust. Where has truth and trust gone?

This is not to say that I think all politicians are bad people. I know there are some really good ones but their voice, if allowed to have one, seems to be drowned out these days by larger mutterings.

I feared for the future before the last general election. That fear remains as I see what effects some of the decisions being made are having on my friends, my neighbours, my colleagues, my clients and myself. Things did have to change and much needed to be done but still I see the most vulnerable being the ones taking the burden whilst the rich get richer (albeit at a slower pace) and those in power sleep well in their beds at night, warm and well fed.

Just a few thoughts


04 Mar 11 - 11:37 AM (#3106911)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"I dislike the title of this thread, leveller old mate. No one got kicked."

Not my words, Alan, the words of the defeated Lib Dem candidate.

04 Mar 11 - 11:44 AM (#3106919)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"mid term by-elections really are of little consequence"

Mid term? And you pretend to be an accountant, Bozo. If you work it out on your fingers you'll realise that it's actually the beginning of their term. God only knows what state the country will be in by the end.

04 Mar 11 - 12:53 PM (#3106954)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,BGig Norman Voice

The Labour party was born out of hate, and continues to thrive on hate.
They are truly the party of pettiness, and jealousy. They are bad losers, in the same way as they were bad winners: for 13 years!

04 Mar 11 - 01:15 PM (#3106961)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Silas

"The Labour party was born out of hate, and continues to thrive on hate"

Looks like someone needs a history lesson.

04 Mar 11 - 01:24 PM (#3106963)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

So tell, me; was it love of the bosses then?

04 Mar 11 - 01:45 PM (#3106968)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Silas

Well, I could furnish you with the facts, but I seriously doubt that you would have the wit to understand them

04 Mar 11 - 02:19 PM (#3106985)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

Why don't you start with James Keir Hardy and go from there.
It would be interesting to know your slant.
We might learn something

04 Mar 11 - 02:26 PM (#3106991)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

Sorry Hardie, brain in neutral again :)

04 Mar 11 - 02:42 PM (#3107002)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Get back to us when you find first gear.

04 Mar 11 - 02:49 PM (#3107008)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

Cheap shot

04 Mar 11 - 03:48 PM (#3107058)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Yeh bullseye though!

The National health Service keep my wife alive and i got my degree from the Open University.

Neither institution would have occurred to a tory to create, as long as he had a hole in his arse.

You don't like the Labour party , leave it at that. You don't have to abuse it - saying that its founded on hate.

The Labour Party has many faults. Those of us who vote for it are aware of that. I imagine tories and lib dems feel the same about their parties.

04 Mar 11 - 04:00 PM (#3107063)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

Well I hold no candle for any party, but the one sided, bitter, un thought out abuse, that other parties get. From the likes of Richard Bridge, and others, requires a bit of balance.
No party or person is all good or all bad.
Also, the groundwork for the national health service, was laid down, long before the Labour Party nationalised hospitals and services in 1948. There was the Beveridge report in 1942, and a White Paper under the Conservatives in 1944. Neither of the previous reports tackled funding. Not saying it's a bad thing, patently it is a good thing, just badly run, and underfunded.

04 Mar 11 - 04:25 PM (#3107084)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

That's what politics is about - the nuts and bolts of acquiring and exercising power. We make choices.

My aunt loathed Margaret thatcher - everything she did, everything she said. But my aunt served as a tory councillor most of her life, and she did her best for her community.

Have you ever met an American republican who wasn't ashamed to be supporting and voting for Ronald reagan - a man who didn't seem able to put a sentence together without being prompted and scripted.

Look how the democrats were humiliated by Clintons antics in the Oval Office.

For years I used put radio 4 on in the mornings, and my heart would sink as neil Kinnock launched into one of his idiotic tongue twisters on the floor of the House of Commons. It was a really depressing start to every day.

We vote for these parties because, they are the best choices open to us.

04 Mar 11 - 04:43 PM (#3107100)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

To support a party by denigrating another is childish and unconstructive. It is the debate of the playground, and rarely rises above the IQ of a Dodo.
Criticise their policies, and or their actions constructively. If you think they made an ass of something, suggest a better way of doing it. If the party you support makes mistakes, criticise it as harshly as you do their opponents.
To say you hate someone, or what they stand for is childish, and requires no thought.
I have often liked someone, only to later loathe them, and vice versa, but I NEVER use the hate word, it's used too casually today.

04 Mar 11 - 05:41 PM (#3107142)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Little Hawk

I would like to suggest that political parties...ALL of them...are the main problem in democracy, not the solution, and we would be better off if they all ceased to exist and were not even allowed to exist. You can form a national assembly that works just fine in the complete absence of political parties, and one would be far better off doing so. All you need to do is run nothing but independent candidates, NONE of whom are associated with or beholden in any way to ANY political party structure. Run several of them in each riding, vote for the one you respect and believe in the most. Let those elected form a national assembly and vote among themselves to select a prime minister and other key officials from amongst themselves. Let them debate policy and vote. There is no need for these damned political parties which have all sold out to rich elites long ago, and only pretend to represent the general public.

People have to free themselves from being hypnotized into believing that they must have these corrupt political parties in order to have a democracy.

04 Mar 11 - 06:40 PM (#3107174)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: The Fooles Troupe

Amen LH.

04 Mar 11 - 06:46 PM (#3107179)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: s&r

Well said Little Hawk. I've long believed that choosing to be shot in the left knee or the right knee is no choice, and certainly not a sane form of government.


04 Mar 11 - 07:36 PM (#3107197)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Micca

A very wise American, (I think it was Avrell Harriman) once said " The desire to be elected should preclude you from standing"

04 Mar 11 - 08:18 PM (#3107210)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

BNV - you should really learn some history. The primary purpose of the conservative party is, was, and always has been to preserve inherited wealth and power. That merits nothing but abuse because it is itself nothing but abusive. The people deserve the fruits of their labour. The rich get rich on the unrequited labour of the people. Those things are no deniable.

04 Mar 11 - 08:45 PM (#3107218)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Little Hawk

Ah, but the problem is that of late all the major political parties have taken on the same primary purpose which is to preserve entrenched wealth and power. The parties which arose in former times and for some time honestly did represent the aspirations of ordinary working people (and this, I believe, would include Labour in the UK and the New Democratic Party in Canada, for example)........those parties no longer represent the aspirations of ordinary working people, although many of their members still think they do.

They have been taken over from within at the upper levels of power and they now represent the unholy triumvirate of major banks, major corporations, and the most wealthy 5% of the the military-industrial complex that is an arm of major corporations.

Thus you ended up with a Labour government that mysteriously went to war in the Middle East for reasons of US and UK corporate imperialism and utterly betrayed the very people who voted it into office, as well as ignoring the most massive antiwar demonstrations that I think have ever occurred in the UK and western Europe!

That's why I say it's hopeless expecting anything from any of these established political parties. They've all been bought out by the richest 5% of the population and they will not represent the ordinary public when in office.

The only way you can get free of this is by dismantling the existing political parties altogether and starting over entirely with a system that has NO parties. Unfortunately, I don't see how that can be done, because the present ruling system will ensure that it doesn't happen, and they own the broadcast media.

05 Mar 11 - 03:38 AM (#3107292)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

When the party you espouse confuses bettering the lot of their members/supporters, with the destruction of the opposition.
Then I suggest that it has lost it's way, ceased to be constructive, and become destructive instead.

No political parties, and the resultant abolition of the whipping system in parliament, might help us to get more thought out, and less doctrinaire, legislation.

05 Mar 11 - 04:40 AM (#3107309)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Silas

Keep going BNV, I love reading your posts. I'm making a compilation of them to read out at our local comedy club, I hope you don't mind?

05 Mar 11 - 04:44 AM (#3107311)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

"BNV - you should really learn some history. The primary purpose of the conservative party is, was, and always has been to preserve inherited wealth and power. That merits nothing but abuse because it is itself nothing but abusive. The people deserve the fruits of their labour. The rich get rich on the unrequited labour of the people. Those things are no deniable."

Please explain what is your objection to inherited wealth.

05 Mar 11 - 05:10 AM (#3107320)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

Ah yes, the ignorant and prejudiced, often find the truth amusing. It's a defence mechanism, used by those in denial.

05 Mar 11 - 05:58 AM (#3107332)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

I told you the objection, Bozo.

"The people deserve the fruits of their labour. The rich get rich on the unrequited labour of the people."

05 Mar 11 - 06:07 AM (#3107338)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I certainly haven't got rich on what I inherited from my parents.

Presumably you would prefer Inheritance Tax to be at 100%?

05 Mar 11 - 06:19 AM (#3107346)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Lets face it, the bulk of the Labour vote is tribal, the ZANU-PF behaviour. They believe we can borrow our way out of the problem and no evidence to the contrary will change their mindset.

I cannot believe that people still vote for Labour, they almost brought this Country to it's knees. I see the UKIP or BNP did very well.

05 Mar 11 - 06:54 AM (#3107361)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

It's a pity this gentleman isn't arount any more!!

05 Mar 11 - 07:25 AM (#3107372)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

I think he is Bonzo, he has a grey beard these days, still plays the guitar though!

05 Mar 11 - 09:32 AM (#3107423)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,mauvepink

Mephostophiles and Faust spring to mind when I think of Mr Clegg these days. The shame for his party though is that so many of his good angels will now be tarred with his brush. Why are the backbenchers so silent? Can they not still be a voice of reason to bring about change in a metered way? I thought the backbenchers would have been our saviours. I was very wrong about that too :-(

There we have it. A new term. Faustian politics. Sell your soul to highest bidder for power and to hell with consequences... quite literally!


05 Mar 11 - 09:57 AM (#3107433)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"I see the UKIP or BNP did very well."

Sorry to disappoint you but, no they didn't. But when did you ever let the facts stand in the ways of your idiotic statements?

Jane Collins (Ukip) 2,953 (12.19%, +7.53%) Which gain is less than the Cons lost.
Enis Dalton (BNP) 1,463 (6.04%, -2.90%)

I'm afraid your fascist chums are unlikely ever to have an MP - as I pointed out to the insufferable oaf, Godfrey Bloom, recently.

05 Mar 11 - 10:48 AM (#3107461)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: McGrath of Harlow

For all its inadequacy, at least AV would provide a mechanism for shellshocked decent liberals to get rid of the Cleggites, by putting up candidates against them. And the same goes for the rump of Blairites who still infest the Labour Party.

05 Mar 11 - 11:16 AM (#3107475)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Bonzo, best ignoring this clown the leveller, everyone else does, poor sod never gets anything right lol

05 Mar 11 - 11:43 AM (#3107489)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I agree, just had a superb Spanish Tapas lunch at Gallicia in Croydon. We're off later to see Barbara Dickson OBE at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Thank goodness she didn't lower herself to play in Barnsley!!!!!

05 Mar 11 - 02:41 PM (#3107624)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Smokey.

As I see it, the whole lot of them 'got a kicking'..

Turnout: 24,219 (36.5%) -19.6%

The order in which the losers lost is scarcely relevant when almost two thirds of the voters (and increasing) couldn't be motivated at all.

It's high time we scrapped the idea of 'party' politics, especially at local level.

05 Mar 11 - 02:51 PM (#3107630)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Does Dickie Noir mean "I think he is Bonzo", or "I think he is, Bonzo"?

Ah, the power of fascist literature...

05 Mar 11 - 03:00 PM (#3107635)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: BTNG

"I see the UKIP or BNP did very well."

now that's unfortunate

Bollocks To Nick Griffin

06 Mar 11 - 05:40 AM (#3107966)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

Does Dickie Noir mean "I think he is Bonzo", or "I think he is, Bonzo"?

Reminds me of that Richard Thompson song "I'm nearly in love"!!!!!!!!

06 Mar 11 - 06:38 AM (#3107985)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

See we've got the Bozo and Blackshirt comedy duo back again. LOL!

06 Mar 11 - 06:49 AM (#3107991)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Bonzo, are you into retro tv ? Yesterday I watched Catweasel on Sky, the episode showed Catweasel reading a political comic called the leveller. There was a great picture of two clowns on the cover.

06 Mar 11 - 07:06 AM (#3107995)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

just had a superb Spanish Tapas lunch at Gallicia in Croydon. We're off later to see Barbara Dickson OBE at the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Well, that's all right then. The level of political engagement and intellectual debate has now increased exponentially. Glad to hear the Tapas was Spanish - as opposed to, say, Belgian.

Oh, and by the way, the restaurant's name is Galicia.

06 Mar 11 - 07:52 AM (#3108008)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Silas


Don't you get knocking Belgian tapas...

06 Mar 11 - 08:13 AM (#3108015)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: artbrooks

I had been ignoring this thread, since I assumed that it was about male contraceptives. I'd say politics, especially someone else's, is even worse.

06 Mar 11 - 08:27 AM (#3108019)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

I've been reading it from time to time, out of curiosity only - most political threads eventually turn boringly partisan.

I usually just giggle at the odd bits of pomposity I come across - but if the balloon's big enough, I can't resist the occasional temptation to reach for a pin.

Anyway, Silas - Belgian tapas - there's a thought! Perhaps a bit like those "real" Italian pizzas made by that lovely Dr. Oetker...

06 Mar 11 - 08:34 AM (#3108021)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

"Oh, and by the way, the restaurant's name is Galicia."

Yes, my wife has already told me off for that!!

06 Mar 11 - 08:49 AM (#3108025)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

That's what wives are for, Bonzo! Anyway - was the tapas really superb? None of the tapas places I've been to in this country really match up to the ones I've been to in, say, Barcelona.

06 Mar 11 - 09:29 AM (#3108049)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Here at Spring conference in Cardiff. David Cameron has just made a great speech in which he told us that those leeches that live off benefits are his target. He also addressed immigration and teaching British history in our schools. David has shown us he is a great leader.

Having a wonderful time here folks.

06 Mar 11 - 10:00 AM (#3108068)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Sorry Guest, these type of little guest posts are just not allowed here. Bye bye old boy.

06 Mar 11 - 10:31 AM (#3108089)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

That's what wives are for, Bonzo! Anyway - was the tapas really superb? None of the tapas places I've been to in this country really match up to the ones I've been to in, say, Barcelona.

Yes it was, good helpings and very very Spanish.

06 Mar 11 - 10:38 AM (#3108093)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Hope you both had a wonderful evening.

06 Mar 11 - 12:15 PM (#3108149)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

Afternoon actually, we went to the Barabara Dickson concert in the evening!

06 Mar 11 - 02:11 PM (#3108257)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,mauvepink

I had been ignoring this thread, since I assumed that it was about male contraceptives. I'd say politics, especially someone else's, is even worse.

They do have female condems (sic) too ya know? lol

I wish they could invent a condom that protected us from political diseases. At least with a condom, male or female, there could be an intimation of some pleasure yet to come. With a ConDem no such thing is iminent unless you happen to be rich :-(


06 Mar 11 - 02:19 PM (#3108261)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: McGrath of Harlow

There are some decent Conservatives to be found. They must find the likes of Mr Black pretty trying.

06 Mar 11 - 02:45 PM (#3108273)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

Interesting that Blackie Blackshirt seems to spend his time watching old children's programmes and Bozo just wants to talk about what he had for lunch (which, in reality, was most probably a Pot Noodle in his Croyden bedsit). Ah well, little things please little minds. What a pair of sad sacks. Go away a play quietly now and let the adults have a proper discussion.

06 Mar 11 - 03:11 PM (#3108302)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Spring conference? is it spring already. Where I am it still feels like bloody winter.

06 Mar 11 - 03:19 PM (#3108312)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Oh dear, some people think only their political opinions count. Labour had their shot and screwed the country. The current government is doing a sterling job sorting out Labours mess. Please accept it and by the way, watch your blood pressure.

06 Mar 11 - 04:01 PM (#3108343)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Actually Richie, there are some bloody good blokes who are conservative MPs. Basically its the ones with your sort of triumphalist, shameless and generally full of shit attitude that will lead them into the wilderness.

06 Mar 11 - 04:07 PM (#3108345)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

I've had a fair bit of political contact over the years and can't say I've ever come across a decent conservative MP. Alexander Stockton was not too bad, but he was a peer. Some of the conservative peers who opposed the Licensing Act were not too bad either.

06 Mar 11 - 06:34 PM (#3108458)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: BTNG

This Richie Black really strikes me as a troublemaker, deliberately egging people on and then standing back and laughing his fool head off. He really needs to be ignored.

I have no particular political axe to grind either to the right or to the left. I voted, yes. How did I vote? Well that's the joy of the secret ballot isn't it?

Have a lovely week all...ahhh two more years and I can retire, thank God!


07 Mar 11 - 03:23 AM (#3108699)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"This Richie Black really strikes me as a troublemaker, deliberately egging people on and then standing back and laughing his fool head off. He really needs to be ignored."

Aw, don't be a spoilsport. It's such good fun baiting Blackshirt and Bozo and watching them blowing and blustering and trying to come up with excuses and smokescreens to hide the fact that their beloved political parties were not only defeated but wiped off the political map. You could actually feel sorry for them......if is wasn't so hilarious :0

"can't say I've ever come across a decent conservative MP"

I've had quite a bit of contact with our local MP, David Davies, and, to be fair, he has always had the courtesy to give detailed replies and, on one occasion, sort out a difficult situation for me. Yes, I know that's what MPs are supposed to do but quite a lot just can't be arsed. Our local UKIP MEP, Godfrey Bloom, on the other hand, is an arrogant buffoon who doesn't give a toss about the people he represents.

07 Mar 11 - 03:54 AM (#3108713)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

My dear man, "My beloved party" is actually in government, and our party leader is currently running the country. One really should try to keep up to date with current affairs.

07 Mar 11 - 04:31 AM (#3108727)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley

'"My beloved party" is actually in government, and our party leader is currently running the country'

Yes indeed Cameron of Lochiel is there with the rats in Downng street. However unlike Mrs T, he cannot win outright an election with 38% of the vote.

So keep pissing people off. And soon people will remember just what it is they hated about conservatives. last time poor John Major had to start cleaning up the shit, all her and Tebbits stupid rhetoric caused.

07 Mar 11 - 04:35 AM (#3108732)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

He is still the PM !

07 Mar 11 - 05:26 AM (#3108771)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Keep sneering away whilst folks are suffering, like Peter Lillie did with unfunny Gilbert and Sullivan impressions at the party conference, and dave's card will be marked - people will get very pissed off, very soon.

07 Mar 11 - 05:36 AM (#3108779)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"My dear man,"


"our party leader is currently running the country"

....and has demonstrated his total inability to do so yet again with the fiasco of sending the SAS to Libya. How much egg can one person manage to plaster onto his face?

07 Mar 11 - 06:07 AM (#3108798)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

As I say, he is the party leader and I support him. As PM I honestly think he will do a good job. Just leave it at that.

07 Mar 11 - 07:18 AM (#3108829)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Well thankyou for sharing your honest thoughts with us Richie. Lets hope you're right and he sets a precedent and does a decent job - after all its in everybody's interest.

Having said that - I think he's a bit dopey. I don't agree with his nasty attitude to prince Andrew. there has always needed to be route into the palace for scoundrels like the Ceacescus and the Ribbentropps and now this Gadaffi bloke. i daresy when the price of oil goes through the ceiling, he will gain some insight into what randy Andy was trying to achieve. No use sending in the famous Five for that sort of gig.

07 Mar 11 - 07:21 AM (#3108830)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

David Cameron has just made a great speech in which he told us that those leeches that live off benefits are his target. He also addressed immigration and teaching British history in our schools. David has shown us he is a great leader.

This had me giggling when I first read it, but it's actually quite an interesting statement.

Here we have a politician at a party conference, surrounded by the party faithful, neatly ticking the boxes which represent the concerns and comfort zones of the party faithful. And this is your definition of what constitutes a "great leader"? I think it demonstrates - regardless of what political side you lean to - an overwhelming naivete on your part.

Great Leaders, if such people really existed, are as rare as hens teeth, certainly in this century. Cameron and Miliband and their ilk don't even come up to the ankles of people like Churchill and Attlee - and they were by no means perfect.

Do get some perspective - my dear man.

07 Mar 11 - 07:55 AM (#3108851)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Patsy

I really must get back to Specsavers at first glance at the subject title I saw Condoms get a kicking in Barnsley!

David has shown us he is a great leader? He has only been there for 5 minutes anyone can make effective speeches that fall on the ears of some of the bigots already in this country, I could do that. Fighting talk now regarding Gadaffi now it seems. Whatever happens he will make sure he gets the credit for it you mark my words he will.

08 Mar 11 - 03:29 AM (#3109442)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Yeh, I know what you mean. Both Dave and Ed seem a bit lightweight. what was it Geoffrey howe said, 'in office, but not really in power'.

Dave seems unsure what to do, and Ed seems unsure on what front to attack. say what you like about wilson, heath and macMillan - they all looked like politicians, and sounded like them.

08 Mar 11 - 03:48 AM (#3109449)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Hmm - a worrying collection of likes!

08 Mar 11 - 04:15 AM (#3109459)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Dave, Ed, Nick.....they're the lo-cal option. the zero calorie men.

08 Mar 11 - 07:54 AM (#3109556)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

What is worrying me far more is the frequent appearance in our back garden of a pregnant fox who is looking for a space to give birth, and had a fight with 3 legged Bonzo this morning. My wife, a Northlands girl, yelled at it and made it run away!

08 Mar 11 - 08:53 AM (#3109584)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

Is it an urban fox? What I mean is - are you in an urban or suburban area with no fields to hand? We get foxes aplenty down here in Sussex - they even trot slowly and boldly down the road - but the road's a cul-de-sac and ends in miles of fields.

08 Mar 11 - 09:34 AM (#3109605)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

There are fields within 400 yards of our house in Surrey, but we are on a fox run. 3 years ago a family of 4 cubs lived under decking in the garden next door.

08 Mar 11 - 10:19 AM (#3109626)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

Ah - so they're locked in to that particular patch!

08 Mar 11 - 11:33 AM (#3109679)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

Possibly, my wife spoke to a friend this morning who lives 5 minutes walk away near a park with a wooded area, and they are inundated with foxes at the moment!!

08 Mar 11 - 11:49 AM (#3109695)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

No shortage of critics of the Conservative/Liberal Government here, so what is it you are actually saying, do you want a Labour Government to run the country into the ground again ?????

What I want David to do is come down hard on benefit scroungers. No one here can honestly say that the current system is fair.

Young couples in full time employment pay for childcare, their mortgage or rent and every other bill that comes in. There are numerous workshy couples lying up on their ass all day milking the system and breeding what they refer to as "beer tokens" The government must come down hard on them.

Then you have the so called single mothers (I call them something very different) there is no way they should get a house paid for by the taxpayer, either go live in a hostile or let their mothers and fathers maintain them. It is a profession these days, young girls see the benefits that are available and go out to get knocked up.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about families living off benefits who complain, "Oh we want this and we want that!!" You're getting money for sitting at home on your backsides for doing sweet eff all when others like me worked all of our lives to support the likes of them.

08 Mar 11 - 12:21 PM (#3109716)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Sorry, meant to say hostel.

08 Mar 11 - 01:36 PM (#3109762)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

A neighbour works in Child Tax Credit investigations and is kept very busy looking at countless fraudulent claims from the type of scum that David Cameron will come down hard upon.

08 Mar 11 - 01:54 PM (#3109775)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: DMcG

I'm sure he or she is, and I don't deny there are many abuses of the system. But I can't help feeling there are far more profitable and easier ways of getting money out of the system than having a child. I suspect, for example, that a goodly proportion are for children they either don't have at all or share parenting with an ex-partner, or similar tricks to claim multiple times for the same child. All very reprehensable and illegal, of course, but a far cry from this daily-mailesque picture of hundreds of people having children specially to exploit the system (and, yes, I do know about the housing rules and how having a child bumps you up the queue)

08 Mar 11 - 02:19 PM (#3109793)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

Numbers please - let's have some hard facts - and not some just culled from the Daily Mail. Real scale of the problem?

Have you been reading about the furore over the latest disability tests - run just on a computer by a French firm? Very recently ondemned by an investigative group of MPs.

Typical example: man is judged as "having some sight problems but is fit to work". The man is blind.

Typical example: man has terminal multiple sclerosis - totally incapacitated - judged "fit for work".

These are two single examples of a government system not working. So - think on this: Before you start applauding systems and measures to deal with the "scum", be aware who exactly the "scum" are and what the real problems are. You never know - at some point in time they might be your own nearest and dearest.

This is neither a left-wing nor a right-wing point of view. It's the point of view of someone who's had extensive dealings with government agencies through Labour and Conservative regimes - particularly on the governmental, statistical front - and I can tell you that I'm bloody well unimpressed with their common sense and their capacity to do things properly and justly. And there's no evidence, so far that, for all his posturing - just like Blair's posturing - Cameron has any ability to think clearly about it.

08 Mar 11 - 02:57 PM (#3109825)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: MikeL2


I agree with Will. It is easy to accuse people of being scroungers etc etc but identifying the real ones and then dealing with them properly is something that both governments have tried over many years.

most of the scroungers are very adept at obtaining benefits illegally and detecting them is very difficult.



08 Mar 11 - 03:49 PM (#3109862)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Smokey.

People living on benefits don't drain anything like as much from the system as those in tax-paying but non-productive full time employment. The public sector is paid from tax payers' money, so any tax they pay doesn't really contribute anything to the economy. Some of those in the public sector make a valuable contribution to society with what they do, and some don't, but they all cost money and use resources, and the public sector is now bigger than the private sector. The majority of the private sector is occupied with servicing the public sector rather than producing goods for export and the majority of people in general spend more on imported goods, often unnecessary, than on goods produced here. Also, the majority of people live in perpetual debt created from 'money' which never actually existed in the first place. I forget the overall amount of this debt, but it's mind bogglingly large - without even including mortgage debt. Naturally, that devalues whatever was there in the first place just the same as printing more hard cash would; it's just slightly more subtle. There is little wonder that we are up Shit Creek, but it's by no means the fault of the unemployed or the so-called 'benefit scroungers' - their financial effect is negligable. It seems to me that the only sector now making a significant contribution to the economy is the very rich, who actually still have enough real money left to do so. It's their contribution which is keeping us afloat, or at least slowing down the process of sinking enough (perhaps) to do something about it.

I say all this as an observation, not a judgement or endorsement of anyone or anything. The only judgement I would make is on the team of clueless twats economists who first advised Thatcher on the 'merits' of monetarism.

08 Mar 11 - 04:42 PM (#3109905)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

What would be really interesting is the mental state people reach, before they decide they are right about these difficult issues.

That's what I think was the real giveaway with Sir Alan Walters. He was so sure he was right - even as terrible irreparable harm was being done to the social fabric of the country.

The trouble with politics and democracy to some extent - is that we are continually being sold simplistic answers to complicated problems. Blair was going to solve the country's illiteracy problems (which in my opinion lie at the heart of many other problems) - how was he going to do it....PHONICS. Like trained teachers have never heard of phonic reading systems.....!

Thatcher was going to solve all our union problems with 'free collective bargaining'. Arthur Scargil found out how free that was.

Politicians are like salesmen who have somehow started to believe their own phoney catchphrases. At what point the public are going to realise that they are all bullshit artists, I don't know. I don't expect it in my lifetime.

08 Mar 11 - 06:13 PM (#3109977)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Ah yes. Those who take out more than they put in. Like bankers.

08 Mar 11 - 08:11 PM (#3110048)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Smokey.

"At what point the public are going to realise that they are all bullshit artists, I don't know. I don't expect it in my lifetime."

Take heart, Alan - two thirds of Barnsley seem to realise it, though I don't suppose that will stem the relentless flow of bullshit.

As a great man once said: "If you must put people on pedestals, wear a big hat."

09 Mar 11 - 04:00 AM (#3110171)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

My goodness, are you all still here? Well, here's a bulletin from the real world.

While Cameron and his poodle, Clegg, are running around cocking up everything they touch (notably our foreign 'policy'), sucking up to complete arsehole and paedophile supporter, Andy Windsor, and the Cabinet appears to be falling apart around their ears, here's what's going on right now in just a few areas that I happen to personally know about.

Adult Education - funding axed.
Lifelong Learning – funding axed
Back-to-work schemes – funding axed
Job creation schemes – funding axed
Mental health provision and support – funding axed
Day centres – funding axed
Police pay – about to be cut
Police numbers – already being cut
Police shifts – increased from 8 hours to 12 hours
Police rest days – chopped
Police pension provision - devastated
Victim support – funding axed

It's now being left to charitable organisations, like the Worker's Education Association, who mrsleveller works for, to try to pick up the pieces (despite their own funding cuts) and try to stop our society from falling apart.

As we always expected, it's the most vulnerable in society who are bearing the brunt of cuts, while millionaire bankers, who caused the financial crisis in the first place, continue to be rewarded with obscene salaries and bonuses. Big Society my arse – biggest load of crap I've ever heard in my life. Disintegrating Society more like.

So to all those right-wing, head-in-the-sand, selfish, blinkered, I'm-alright-Jack, Condem supporters, this is what you approve of, is it? Everyone who is too old or too ill to work or who, with unemployment topping two and a half million, simply can't find work, is a scrounger, are they – unlike you who have raped society with your greed and taken 40% handouts in tax relief on your pension contributions. Maybe when you get old, get ill, get mugged or get made redundant you might just change your minds.

09 Mar 11 - 12:22 PM (#3110422)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I laugh!!

10 Mar 11 - 03:16 AM (#3110911)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

What is it you're laughing at Bozo - vulnerable people being denied the support they need - or is it just your usual mindless demented giggling.?

Come on, do tell so we can all join in the joke.

10 Mar 11 - 03:52 AM (#3110923)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Well said leveller.

10 Mar 11 - 04:31 AM (#3110940)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Well said Bonzo.

10 Mar 11 - 05:06 AM (#3110954)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

Why 'well said', Blackie? Are you denying that these cuts are taking ploace or are you such a selfish twat that you simply don't care? Or maybe it's just that you're as big an idiot as Bozo.

Please tell us.

10 Mar 11 - 06:20 AM (#3110995)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Leveller, let's get real for a moment. This country is in a mess. Yes cuts have to be made, we must reduce the debt. The Labour party, have all but destroyed this nation and its economy. Their legacy is one of record youth unemployment, millions of 'illegals' and a national debt far bigger than that of Greece. Partly thanks to them, England alone is now the third most densely populated nation on the planet; with South Korea and Bangladesh the only countries in a worse state.

Political expediency will prevent any government taking the tough measures that need to be enacted in the short term. I think the challenge will come in five to ten years when the structural deficits hit the western economies like a tsunami. The pain is going to be very real indeed as a public that have been bought by political parties have to be weaned off the teat.

Firstly there has to be a realisation that foreign arrivals MUST not receive any financial support in the UK, this would include health services, education and housing. The health system itself will need to rationalise back to preventative and primary care only, cosmetic and reproductive services are not necessities and should therefore be provided only by charities or private means. Unemployment benefits should only be paid to those that have worked and paid into the system, likewise with pensions. Slash the public sector back to essential services only.

10 Mar 11 - 06:23 AM (#3110998)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I laugh at the very predictable quindering on this thread from all the usual lefties!!

10 Mar 11 - 06:33 AM (#3111003)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Well said Bonzo.

10 Mar 11 - 07:18 AM (#3111012)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Tinfoil hat time! Bozo and Dickie Noir you are not only offensive, you are irrational.

First, there is an argument whether the markets should be pandered to as such.
Second, the depth of cuts is dangerously over-aggressive on any sensible measure and risk creating worse problems than no cuts at all or lesser cuts.
Third, targetting those cuts at those least able to bear them is not only inhuman it is irrational in that it should be easier to collect from those best able to bear.
Fourth, cutting rather than taxing and spending is unwise indeed given the recessionary risks.
Fifth, as even Mervyn King has said (although not quite in these words) those most to blame should bear the greatest burden - and that is the banks and the bankers now trousering even and ever fatter bonusses as reward for their attacks on society and humanity.

It would be poetic justice should you two have to live out your lives on the pittance that the condems would leave for benefits. It can happen even to the rich. I know of one solicitor who retired to the Channel Islands (and you two probably know how much axle grease that takes) thinking himself set up for life and then lost the lot to unwise investments and the Thatcherite recession.

10 Mar 11 - 07:22 AM (#3111015)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

...record youth unemployment... Unemployment benefits should only be paid to those that have worked and paid into the system...

Do you see the lack of joined-up thought here? The bulk of unemployed youth are between 16 and 24 - and presumably the prevalence of unemployment in that sector is owing to their leaving education and unable, as yet to get a job.

So - they can't have paid into the unemployment benefit system through not yet being able to work and would consequently - under your diktat - receive nothing through no fault of their own.

Starving on the streets is obviously OK. After all, they'll be looked after by the millions (how many millions?) of illegal immigrants who will also get no money and will also be sleeping rough. You'll be stepping over them in the street. Don't trip.

Why don't you do as Poirot does, and use your little grey cells for a moment, instead of braying about what MUST and MUSTN'T be done. Just think about society and how it's to develop sensibly - or do you believe, like a previous incumbent of No. 10 - that there's "no such thing as society"?

10 Mar 11 - 07:34 AM (#3111021)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

"I know one solicitor", I know one barrister" "I am friendly with a judge" "I recall at Cambridge" "I recall when I……" Boringgggggggggggg

We are sick of "All our yesterdays" Catweasel. Cut out this working class hero who rubs shoulders with the rich and famous crap.

So what do you want, Labour back in Government to finish off the country ? Get the hair out of your ears and eyes old boy. They had their chance and we are now having to pay for it.

10 Mar 11 - 07:56 AM (#3111036)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

Well, I'm just thinking about having fun!!!

10 Mar 11 - 08:12 AM (#3111040)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Can't you read, or don't you know the difference between "I know" and "I know of"?

10 Mar 11 - 08:43 AM (#3111049)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Is that you have to offer to this debate ? Ah just admit defeat Catweasel.

10 Mar 11 - 09:23 AM (#3111063)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

He's got the hump because flickr closed his page down!!

10 Mar 11 - 09:37 AM (#3111073)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Oh, apart from the earlier admissions of pure selfishness, Bozo, is that another admission, this time of linkage to the moronic sociopaths responsible for fake flickr pages and similar things?

10 Mar 11 - 10:38 AM (#3111103)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Occasionally everyone is guilty of thread drift, but I see Bridge is into the realms of fantasy. What the hell are you talking about, and what has this to do with this thread ?

Possibly a case of vulgaris (also known as Barbers itch, and Sycosis barbae) is a coetaneous condition characterized by a chronic infection of the bearded region causing madness.

10 Mar 11 - 10:43 AM (#3111104)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Will Fly

coetaneous simply means "of the same duration".

I think the word you're searching for is cutaneous.

10 Mar 11 - 10:57 AM (#3111108)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Thanks Will, sorry thick thumbs today !

10 Mar 11 - 01:24 PM (#3111212)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

Well the usual brainless idiocy from Bozo who hasn't the intelligence or the initiative to put forward any form of argument when confronted with hard facts. Back to your bedsit, Bozo, you really are a straw dog.

Blackie, you're completely and, I expect, deliberately missing the point I'm making. Why, in this time of unarguable economic recession, brought upon us by the greedy financiers, should the weakest and most vulnerable be the first to suffer, closely followed by those who provide us with essential services, such as the police, fire brigade etc? Whilst, at the same time, those who got us into this mess (bankers) receive obscene bonuses? Presumably, from your comments, you think it's perfectly acceptable that essential care programmes to those with mental difficulties, the very old and the ill, and for programmes that are trying to get people into work should be amongst the first to be affected?

Please tell us, is this what you believe - becasue this is what is happening under a government composed largely of the privileged, the wealthy and the out of touch?

Now that is reality - not what it happening in Bozo and Blackshirt world.

10 Mar 11 - 02:17 PM (#3111236)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

You really can't read, can you Blackhead?

10 Mar 11 - 03:59 PM (#3111293)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Leveller, ALL SERVICES will face cutbacks. You really are missing the point. The legacy of the Labour Government got us into this complete and utter mess.

If you want to know who is to blame, it was Brown – first whilst in No 11 and then disastrously in No 10

It was Brown, as chancellor who allowed the banks to take more and more risk with OUR money.
It was Brown who allowed the formation of all these banks "too big to be allowed to fail"
It was Brown who, despite being in a boom, spent more than we were bringing in in tax.
It was Brown who, showing his utter incompetence in understanding the facts about economic policies, gave us boom, boom, borrow and bankrupt!

Don't start blaming the condems for Labour's incompetence.
And don't go saying "it was a global problem" -the boom was as global as the bust, but I see double standards of the worst kind: Everything that goes right is down to Labour, everything wrong is "global" – pathetic.

The reason we were so badly hit was down to Brown cuddling up with the banks knowing full well that the reserves were not sufficient but equally knowing that they had become so big that we, the tax payers, would have to bail them out when it all went pear…

Remember the 10p tax fiasco? Anyone with a GCSE in maths could tell that that was always going to prejudice the low earners.
He betrayed his office, the country and the people. Even worse, he claims to be a socialist: New Labour did absolutely nothing for the working class other than condemn them to a fate of minimum wage.

Labour supporters such as you, blinkered and bigoted, continue to come out with this rubbish in Labour's defence.

As for you Bridge, utter nonsense is all you contribute.

10 Mar 11 - 04:26 PM (#3111301)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

Well Mr Blackshirt, I'm afraid we're never going to agree on the causes of the crisis - history will be the judge of that. As to the solution, well there are more than one available and this government has chosen the one this is likely to cause the most damage.

"Labour supporters such as you, blinkered and bigoted, continue to come out with this rubbish in Labour's defence."

As I've already pointed out if you could be arsed to get your head out of the sand, I am not and never have been a New Labour supporter - I've been a particular critic of their anti-libertarian policies - so it's totally pointless to try to have a discussion with someone who constantly distorts the facts as you do. As for bigoted - now that really is the pot calling the kettle black (oops, no pun intended). Time for you to go off and polish your jackboots, I think

"Bozo, is that another admission, this time of linkage to the moronic sociopaths responsible for fake flickr pages and similar things?"

Richard, I have to say that I think there's something very sinister about Bozo's infatuation with other people's photographs. I used to think that he was just a harmless fantasist who augmented his sad little life by inventing Walter Mitty scenarios. Now I'm beginning to think that he's some sort of perv who gets a vicarious pleasure (I wouldn't want to imagine what) from peeping into other people's lives. Let's put it this way, I wouldn't be comfortable thinking that he might be leching over photos of my wife and daughters. Ugh! It's enough to make your flesh creep.

10 Mar 11 - 04:51 PM (#3111314)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I laugh again - I think leveller is getting annoyed!!!

10 Mar 11 - 05:48 PM (#3111335)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Leveller, tell me who would you like to see in number 10 ?

Why do you and Catweasel pick on Bonzo ?

10 Mar 11 - 06:48 PM (#3111358)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

1. I have not got and have never had a flickr page. If there was one using a colourable imitation of any name or persona of mine it was a fake created by that blackshirted political party. Funny you know about that Bozo.

2. Blackshirt - you seem to have no perspective. The liberties that Brown permitted to the banks were all concessions to conservative opposition and sweeteners to those who would otherwise have voted conservative - and were wholeheartedly supported by the conservatives whose only complaints were that they did not go further. The legacy we face is not a legacy of socialism but of capitulation to conservatism and to free market capitalism.

3. The Old Etonians would cuddle further up to the banks than New Labour ever did. If New Labour permitted a problem, then the Old Etonians would actively precipitate a catastrophe. But in fact New Labour did no worse than be caught on the hop by the selfish incompetent venality of the other Old Etonians (and US retreads) who ran the banks. If Mervyn King can see this, why can't you (oh, I forgot, he is relatively bright but you are a total dimshit)?

4. Both of you twerps forget that I do indeed know the ways of the old Etonians, the old Harrovians, the Roffensians, the other public schools against whom I played fives, played hockey, played cricket, and shot. Ironic that you tug the forelock.

5. What is hardly surprising is that you cannot understand the difference between money and class or right and wrong.

6. It is also unsurprising that you hide behind pseudonyms, but I use my real name.

10 Mar 11 - 07:05 PM (#3111361)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Bridge, you really are losing it. I take it this is drink talking. I DO NOT hide behind any pseudonym. I can pm you personal details if so required.

"If there was one using a colourable imitation of any name or persona of mine"
God you are so far up your own arse, why the hell would anyone want to imitate you ?

Seriously, your late night posts are an embarrassment.

Mr. Bridge, you would not drive a car while under the influence of alcohol (I hope)
Include late night phone calls, emails and forum posts to that list.

10 Mar 11 - 08:21 PM (#3111382)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Come on Dickie Noir. Post your identity.

11 Mar 11 - 03:58 AM (#3111474)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

"I laugh again - I think leveller is getting annoyed!!! "

Not in the least, Bozo. I's one of my relaxations exposing deviants like you. Why are you not telling us why you are so keen to see people's flickr pages? What is it that you are hiding?

"Leveller, tell me who would you like to see in number 10 ?"

Well, my heart says Caroline Lucas but I can see that that is not realistic at the moment. In the future, who knows? So, I think at this point in time I'd have to say Ed Milliband although I'd like to see a bit more of how he performs as leader of the opposition. Don't assume, in your usual arrogant way, that this implies that I support all of the policies of the Labour Party. I do, however, think that it is returning closer to its grass roots. The stance of all the major parties on civil liberties is still extremely worrying.

11 Mar 11 - 04:45 AM (#3111491)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Hello Bridge, I will give you a clue. My name is Richard Black, known as Richie as my late father was also called Richard.

Hope this helps, how is the head this morning ?

11 Mar 11 - 05:57 AM (#3111540)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

"Not in the least, Bozo. I's one of my relaxations exposing deviants like you. Why are you not telling us why you are so keen to see people's flickr pages? What is it that you are hiding?"

It's interesting, as I think all will agree, just how agressive some of these raving lefties can be when others don't agree with their political views. Those of us more inclined towards Conservative ideas are wholly tolerant of the views of others.

Flickr??? Please feel free to look at the bonzo page, there are just a few photos at the moment, nothing special as I'm a late learner.

11 Mar 11 - 06:32 AM (#3111557)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Is the fox still visiting you Bonzo ? Here in Mottram St Andrew, we had an old fox visit our garden for years. Very grey around the mouth, the children called it Hoff.

11 Mar 11 - 06:39 AM (#3111562)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

Not yesterday, we have placed a large rake at the point of entry with prongs facing outward until we get some more prickle strip for the top of the fence.

11 Mar 11 - 06:44 AM (#3111571)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Not convinced Dickie. Running Scared - hey, there's a song in there (with apologies to Johnny Preston)!

Running Scared
Loved little rich girls
Thought the poor
Should starve and die
Thought the answer
To their problems
Was that only
Rich should lie

with the background chant of

Starve the   scroungers
Starve the   scroungers

Anyone want a go at the second verse?

11 Mar 11 - 07:08 AM (#3111585)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

One of my favourites,

If you all will shut your trap,
I will tell you 'bout a chap,
That was broke and up against it too,
He was not the kind to shave,
He was not the type to bathe,
But he heard the same old story everywhere.
Tramp, tramp, tramp, keep on a-tramping,
Nothing doing here for you;
If I catch you 'round again,
You will wear the ball and chain,
Keep on tramping, that's the best thing you can do.
He walked up and down the street,
Till the shoes fell off his feet.
In a house he spied a lady cooking stew,
And he said, "How do you do,
May I convey some legal paperwork for you?"
What the lady told him made him feel so blue.
'Cross the street a sign he read,
"Singing lessons" so it said,
And he said, "Here is my chance, I'll surely try,"
And he tried to sing as he had done before,
Till his throat got rather sore,
But at bar-time he heard the Inn keeper cry–
Some time ago your guitar and vocals went bye bye.

11 Mar 11 - 08:45 PM (#3112053)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

Is that supposed to remind us of a well-known song?

Go on Dickie - record it and show us the vid.

Even funnier than your political analyses.

12 Mar 11 - 06:13 AM (#3112199)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Alan whittle

'The legacy of the Labour Government got us into this complete and utter mess.'

The thig is Richie, with the best will in theworld. Do you think this shit convinces anyone with an IQ above that of a hat at the Tory conference. After all, the Daily mail cames out with it every day. they have give most of the copies away. most people, if they get it for the free dvd, chuck the rest of it away. See what the biggest unsold pile of newspapers is at tesco everyday.

Frankly no. I don't think most Libdem voters imagined the present situation. they imagined a Labour/Dem alliance, with Brown (more honourable but less politcally savvy than his predecessor) giving some serious ground up on electoral reform.

ER is the culprit behind all our probs. It hardwires short termism into all the major parties. so when they start an initiative on education, defence or whatever -its always cheap nasty, built on the hope of electoral advantage and bullshit catchphrases.

the present crisis reminds one of the time in the 1970's when OPEC first got oil prices organised. then, as now there wasn't a cigarette paper between the main parties on the big issues of how to deal with the problem. So beam yourself down from whatever planet you seem to be on, and join up with the adult world that most of us are shafted with.

that is , unless you're just enjoying yourself pissing people off. In which case, I'll stop reading these threads.

12 Mar 11 - 07:07 AM (#3112225)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

I was just reading that use of torture in interrogations in Guantanamo Bay now includes playing video's. Officials there said they have had 100% success using this new technique. Two minutes into the video, most suspects confessed to everything.

12 Mar 11 - 11:47 AM (#3112395)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

Play them videos of Adele - 20 seconds is enough to make them talk, especially when she talks......achhhhhhh hideous!!

12 Mar 11 - 07:46 PM (#3112683)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richard Bridge

C'mon Dickie - why be bashful about yourself?

13 Mar 11 - 02:16 PM (#3112998)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: DrugCrazed

Sod it I give up reading through this. If I've missed some valuable debate then please do tell, since I mostly see Tory vs Labour rubbish which gets less and less entertaining to read.

Tories are not a hateful race, who must be destroyed at all costs. I am willing to believe that several people in the party are sensible and are good MPs (I'll get back to that in a minute). One of my friends is a Tory and accepts that there are errors and faults, and that Labour did do some good things.

Labour are not a hateful race, who must be destroyed at all costs. They have made some mistakes, but they have done some good. I struggle to think of things because of how limited my politcal memory is (I only started to pay attention about 2 years ago).

Liberals are not a hateful race, who must be destroyed at all costs. Assuming the Uni Paper lets me, I plan to write about the fact that I would vote LD if I were at home, but not if I'm still here in Sheffield. Why? The Lib Dem candidate for Eccles is a decent man, who doesn't respond with 2 pages of statistics or insult Labour. Nick Clegg on the other hand, I cannot trust to do what is best for his constituancy.

Benefits are broken. However, I know of people on EMA who would not have been able to get to college without it, in some cases having to forgo it so that their parents had money to buy food. There are people who are getting it who don't deserve it, and I was incensed to find that those on EMA got a bonus for showing up to their exams. That's what I call a bribe.

Just had a glance up and see "It's interesting, as I think all will agree, just how agressive some of these raving lefties can be when others don't agree with their political views. Those of us more inclined towards Conservative ideas are wholly tolerant of the views of others. " I think I'll just sigh.

Long and short of it is that both of the sides here are getting nowhere so shut up.

13 Mar 11 - 02:29 PM (#3113006)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Bonzo, how is your cold ? do you still have that nasty chest Hoff ?

Hope it clears up.

14 Mar 11 - 03:48 AM (#3113306)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: r.padgett

O I thought this said Condoms get a kicking in Barnsley, which is correct of course

I am not going to add to this debate, or am I?

1 Labour in Govt were unable to control bank and mortgage lending, Governor of Bank of England totally right
2 We the people paid for Estate agents fees, Conveyance fees, Bank (High St) and Build Society fees, house repossessions which became unsustainable thro inflated house prices which will take 10 years at least to recover as well as unwise bank lending
3 As an investor I a receiving NOTHING in interest, should I not be receiving at least enough to cover inflation? I am on a fixed income (pension) on my savings??
4 Pension savings (Stock exchange and Shares holdings) are NOT wise investments and WE should not be asked to participate in the vagaries of such investments. A GOVERNMENT backed Pensions savings vehicle is needed ( a bit too early yet as UK in big trouble)
5 UK Education is and always has been a big fiddle ~ simply shifting unemployment for 14 to 16 to 18 to 21 (Olevels/GCSEs/A levels/Degrees) with the "graduates" expectations rising still ending uop pushing brushes for nowt
6 EMA is therefore a form of unemployment benefit (sorry was)
7 Job creation and wealth thro industry was written off during the Thatcher years and continues to diminish
8 Barnsley (for those living here like me) is a totally working class town, mining, sewing factories, old glass works, hot water bottles, paper mill all part of what was industry here now long gone. Note no mills so no Asian people to speak of ~ 1% of population from ethnic minorites for many years
9 BNP fed and feed upon the fears brought by the influx of Eastern Block refugees and UKraine, Azebyjain, etc (sorry about the spelling) These peope look just like us but dont speak Barnsley. Now the problem I see is that UK Govt and Local Authorities have failed to explain about these Eastern block imigrees and why they are here and in particular in Barnsley (I make no political point here! just the facts)
10 So the good people of Barnsley having seen working class jobs go are worried? of course and have others vying for their jobs, so no wonder BNP and UKIP start to geta foothold in Barnsley and that is why Mr Carman the Lib Dem thinks we in Barnsley are racist (I spoke to him during the election outside M&S by the way) I said NOTHING!!

14 Mar 11 - 07:09 AM (#3113354)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie

Sorry & all that, but I just cant get excited one way or another.

It was a by election. These are a sideshow bit of entertainment to provide commentators with something to talk about. Nothing more, nothing less.

Come the next election, the result of this constituency will count, or if it affected an otherwise hung parliament it would have counted.

But it didn't.

And it was Barnsley.

So the result was known before the ballot.

Back to reality?

14 Mar 11 - 07:46 AM (#3113380)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I wonder how the Barnsley accent is written!!!

14 Mar 11 - 09:14 AM (#3113442)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie

I can go some way to answering that.

When Elsecar Pit shut, many of the lads came down to work at the pit where I worked.

I recall asking a bloke to stop talking for a moment whilst I got out my Collins English - Dee Daa, Dee Daa - English Phrase book.

he said "Stop lakin' abaat or I'll bray thee kite."

I said, "Excuse me, could you repeat that in my indigenous language please?"

Anyway, by the time I got up again, he had buggered off down the gate. Managed to soak him fully clothed with a hose pipe as he came out of the baths though.

Happy days. (Explaining my shiner to the wife took some doing mind.)

14 Mar 11 - 10:40 AM (#3113501)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: MikeL2

Hi Willy

My grand-father worked at the Elsecar pit. He retired when it closed. By the time I was "a twinkle in my father's eye" my parents had moved to Cheshire.
We used to go on holiday to my Gran's at Elsecar – yes we did !!! I learned to swim in the lake in Elsecar Park.
I couldn't understand much of what my grandparents were saying due to their "Barnsley Brogue".

Grand-dad played cornet in the Elsecar Pit Band and I used to go with him and watch them practice in the pub sometimes.
I see that the Elsecar pit site is now an antiques centre and has been featured a few times on BBC's Bargain Hunt programme.

I agree with you about the By-Elections being notoriously difficult to use as prediction for a General Election. But you wouldn't have to be a political genius to have predicted a Labour victory.
But not many (any ??) political correspondents predicted Libdems to come 6th !!!!


14 Mar 11 - 12:19 PM (#3113555)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: r.padgett

I am available to speak Barnsley or write it as required!
Dee Daa is of course Sheffield accent equivalent to Thee Thaa in Barnsley

We do still say thee and thaa in Barnsley being the "tu" form of you,

" Weer are thaa goin? I'm off t'tahn"

Where are you going? I am going to town.

Where are thaa bahn [bound]? Where are you going?

14 Mar 11 - 05:09 PM (#3113735)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I shouldn't think the Conservatives are the least bit bothered if they speak like that.

15 Mar 11 - 04:17 AM (#3113964)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: theleveller

Glad to see you're all still having fun with this thread.

I'm afraid I won't be coming out to play for a while due to an increased workload and family commitments (wouldn't life be very dull without our kids, eh?)

Play nicely while I'm away.

15 Mar 11 - 06:03 AM (#3113999)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: Bonzo3legs

I hope your work goes OK. Up to 3 or 4 years ago after the January rush to meet the tax return deadline, things were quiet here for a while but not any more.

15 Mar 11 - 10:58 AM (#3114185)
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
From: GUEST,Steamin' Willie

Thanks for the elocution lesson Ray!

Reminds me of the joke Tony Capstick used to tell about the Irish lads who robbed a bank in Barnsley...

I also recall your choice verbal reaction to being given out egg before wicket at Stainsby many years ago.. That didn't need any interpretation, despite being pure Barnsley!