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The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris

09 Mar 11 - 03:32 AM (#3110161)
Subject: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

BLOODY ****MARVELLOUS****, George!!!

The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris

George, do you have the lyrics? I can't find them on your page...

09 Mar 11 - 04:00 AM (#3110170)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: GUEST,Folkiedave

Tried Mudcat?

09 Mar 11 - 07:01 AM (#3110255)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: treewind

Lizzie the lyrics are on the Youtube page you linked to, right under the video. Click on "Show more"...

I'm at work so can't listen, but the lyrics are wicked. I love it!!!


09 Mar 11 - 10:14 AM (#3110345)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: alanabit

Excellent song George. You are still full of ideas and able to sum up in a few terse words what most of us only feel intuitively.
I am useless at these things, but I could not quite count the timing - which I suspect is a Greek one over eighths. Is is three triplets followed by two eights to make 11/8? I am probably way out, but I would be interested to know!

09 Mar 11 - 10:19 AM (#3110348)
Subject: Lyr Add: EYE OF THE STORM (George Papavgeris)
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Thanks, Anahata....

Doh!   *Why* didn't I look there? Heck, I typed out all the lyrics for 'Anthem for Dissent' by Splitting the Sky and that's on YouTube too, so I *know* where lyrics live on that site...

Bloomin' wild brain, even I'm not in control of it! ;0)

And...apologies for missing the first thread about this song that's linked to above.

BRILLIANT song, George! :0)

I love it because for years I've been boring the pants off everyone about how bad this recession, this period in history was going to be...It was so clearly written there for all to see, but so many chose to turn away from the Storm approaching....and whilst I'd far, FAR rather have been wrong, at least in my heart I know that all those who tried to silence me refused to take on board what was so fast approaching..

I've just been to one of my elderly ladies that I look after and I spent half the time there listening to her ranting about what's going on around the world, how she doesn't understand it, is so fearful etc...I got far less polishing done than normal, but at least I left her feeling there was hope for the world, as so many people now are starting to stand up, open their eyes and get so bloody fuming and angry at the deathly corruption that's been going on right under their noses for so long...I told her about George's song too. Sadly, she doesn't have a computer, but at least she knows there are good folks out there writing songs like this..

Thank you, George! xxx

George Papavgeris

When the students abandon the lecture halls
While illiterate role models thrive
When it's fun to be senseless on Saturday
And go sick just when Monday arrives
When the dreams of the millions are crumbling
While the towers of ivory stand
When news hounds chase the latest celebrity
While celebrities chase the next brand

It's no use then just turning your face away
And pretending that this is the norm
This is no blip on history's weather map
This is only the eye of the storm

When historical drama is favourite
But the lessons of history lost
Making promises easier than keeping them
In the rush to be first past the post
When we tell people only what's good for them
And we're angered when truth sees the light
When we cut every tall poppy down to size
And our privilege we claim as our right

It's no use now to care who will win the race
It no longer depends on the form
This is no blip on history's weather map
This is only the eye of the storm

Meeting friends face to face is superfluous
Yet with hundreds of friends we're alone
When suspicion greets anyone different
Showing tolerance just for our own
When we trust doctrine more than experience
And supposed common sense becomes scarce
When the young claim a future of hopelessness
And the old claim that youth is a curse

It's no use trying to lock up your castles now
And pretend all is cosy and warm
This is no blip on history's weather map
This is only the eye of the storm

When the clueless text votes for the talentless
Then to lead us we choose among drones
We have no doves to point to some promised land
Only vultures to circle our bones
When you're guilty for voicing opinions
And no room left for any dissent
Any faith will offend faithless millions
And what's said is worth more than what's meant

You can't say then it's nothing to do with you
You can neither abstain nor conform
This is no blip on history's weather map
This is only the eye of the storm

09 Mar 11 - 11:08 AM (#3110366)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: George Papavgeris

Cheers Lizzie, Anahata, alanabit...
The rhythm is "broken":
- The intro/bridge is a "hesitation" waltz (3/8 but in an odd number of measures - 5)
- The verse is 3 "waltz" measures followed by a 2/8, totalling 11/8
- The chorus a straight waltz (3/8)

Nothing particularly "greek" about this, other than the usual greek willingness to play silly buggers with time signatures. It is possible to do the whole song in 3/8 with no variations, however I chose this pattern because I found that the 2/8 "break" in the verse accentuates the anger, while the "hesitation" of the 5th measure in the bridge imparts a sense of foreboding. In other words, trying to practice what I preach at workshops: trying to get the tune to serve/enhance the lyrics.

I do rather like it, I confess, and I enjoy singing it (I am a sucker for "venom" in delivery), but it hasn't yet entered my gigging repertoire, too many bloody words, will these songwriters never learn :-)

09 Mar 11 - 11:18 AM (#3110381)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris

Nice one George BUT you know we would put up with it, however many words!!!

09 Mar 11 - 11:19 AM (#3110383)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: GUEST,Folkiedave.

Thanks for that George. And I thought all you did was think of a tune and write some words (or vice versa) :-)

09 Mar 11 - 12:24 PM (#3110424)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: dick greenhaus

I guess we're still On the Eve of Destruction. Good song, George.

09 Mar 11 - 12:29 PM (#3110429)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: Lonesome EJ

Nicely done, George!

09 Mar 11 - 02:26 PM (#3110551)
Subject: RE: The Eye of the Storm - George Papavgeris
From: alanabit

Thanks George. Comforting to know I counted the eighths correctly. I get to hear some very good Greek musicians here from time to time, so I am aware of the Greek tradition of playing over eighths and having any number of beats in a bar. Your song does not sound particularly Greek to me, but I noticed the odd meter immediately. It sounds good - which is what matters.