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BS: Utah designates official state handgun

20 Mar 11 - 09:39 AM (#3117515)
Subject: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: number 6

Christ .... isn't a state bird or flower good enough

John M. Browning-designed M1911

This is just plain wonkiness. Is it something in the water, or bad food. Maybe it's Mormons going over the edge.

Don't want o bring up the right to bear arms argument, as that just goes on and on ... and we've been there before many, many times.


20 Mar 11 - 12:15 PM (#3117576)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

Lunacy is a growth industry in the U.S. of late. Maybe they can put The Grim Reaper on the State seal, too.

If this sort of idiocy was limited to Utah, it would be one thing.......

20 Mar 11 - 12:18 PM (#3117580)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Bobert

Hmmmm, maybe since Virginia is the gun supplier of choice for criminals and misfits it should make the AK-47 their state gun??? Maybe even put it on their flag???


20 Mar 11 - 12:31 PM (#3117588)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: McGrath of Harlow

I think a peashooter would be my recommendation.

20 Mar 11 - 12:38 PM (#3117593)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Backwoodsman

Mmmmm, I can see the signs now......"Welcome To Utah, The Small Willy State".

20 Mar 11 - 12:48 PM (#3117595)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: gnu

State gnu... I could get behind that. But a State gun?

20 Mar 11 - 01:04 PM (#3117603)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: artbrooks

The M-1911 .45 cal service automatic - pretty much an antique because of the small magazine capacity, although they are still made. I understand that it was selected because the inventor was from Utah. Now, why they feel the need to have a state pistol is another issue!

20 Mar 11 - 01:36 PM (#3117614)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: katlaughing

We live about 35 miles from the eastern border of Utah. I was not happy to read about this, but not surprised. There are some weird mentalities there, though maybe not as unusual as they have been, with the proliferation of wing-nuts all over, from news accounts.

My dad's wife used to shoot her shotgun at magpies if they got in her trees, right up against the house and not that far from the road. I hated her for that. She thought nothing of it.

One thing, for sure, the LDS church will close ranks, they do all of the time, if they feel threatened. They don't call it the Beehive State for naught.

This brings to mind Alabama's song "Words at Twenty Paces:"

Artist: Alabama
Song: Words at Twenty Paces
Album: Mountain Music

Just like a western movie
A challenge has been made
A shot fired in anger
And pride stepped off the train
Won't we ever stop this
Killin' me and you
'Til our hearts are up on Boot Hill
And there's nothing we can do

Words at twenty paces
Anger at high noon
This house ain't big enough
For both of us, it's comin' soon
We'll finish off our happiness
And run hope out of town
With words at twenty paces
Lord, it's love we're gunnin' down

How did we ever lose the dreams we used to share
The gentle touch, the words of love, the way we used to care
Sometimes you words cut like a bullet in my side
Oh which is more important, wounded hearts or wounded pride

I've got my ammunition
I know you've got yours too
We know each other's weakness
Lord, the damage we can do
Why can't we just step aside
And put our guns away
Let love come like the cavalry
Ride in and save the day

20 Mar 11 - 02:12 PM (#3117631)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Don Firth

Seriously, what can one say other than, "Ready, aim . . . ." ?

Don Firth

20 Mar 11 - 02:15 PM (#3117633)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: gnu

Don... heheheheee

20 Mar 11 - 02:17 PM (#3117636)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

To commemorate the 1911 introduction of this handgun, a reproduction is being produced in a limited number of 3000 by Colt. The price is c. $1049.00.

Browning was introduced to gunsmithing in his father's shop in Ogden, Utah, and made his first rifle, a breech-loading single-shot, in 1879. Demand exceeded the Ogden shop's capabilities, and the patent was sold to Winchester.
His shop was a true pioneer enterprise and Browning deserves commemoration.

Browning's repeating shotgun, made in the Belgian FN factory, revolutionized the hunting market.

20 Mar 11 - 02:20 PM (#3117638)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999

Utah State Symbols

State Animal - Rocky Mountain Elk
State Bird - California Seagull
State Cooking Pot - Dutch Oven
State Emblem - Beehive
State Fish - Bonneville Cutthroat Trout
State Flag - State Flag and Seal
State Flower - Sego Lily
State Folk Dance - Square Dance
State Fossil - Allosaurus
State Fruit - Cherry
State Gem - Topaz
State Grass - Indian Rice Grass ###
State Insect - Honey Bee
State Mineral - Copper
State Motto - "Industry"
State Rock - Coal
State Song - "Utah, This Is The Place"
State Hymn - "Utah We Love Thee"
State Star - Dubhe
State Tartan - Utah State Tartan
State Tree - Blue Spruce
State Vegetable - Spanish Sweet Onion
State Historic Vegetable - Sugar Beet

### Has anyone tried it and if so, is it any good?

20 Mar 11 - 02:33 PM (#3117646)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Indian ricegrass- not being a grass-eating mammal or seed-eating bird, no. Important in their diet.
It is a bunchgrass, tolerates sandy soil and dry conditions.

20 Mar 11 - 02:34 PM (#3117648)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Sandy Mc Lean

Utah's State Bird - California Seagull. That makes as much sense as a state gun. A sea bird on the desert probably spends most of his time at the state dump. Therefore why is there no state dump on Bruce's list?
Do they use the state gun to shoot the state bird at the state dump?

20 Mar 11 - 02:39 PM (#3117651)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: gnu


20 Mar 11 - 02:39 PM (#3117652)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

Utah State Symbols:

State Resident: Asshole.

20 Mar 11 - 02:49 PM (#3117657)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun

Wasn't it a flock of seagulls that led the first Mormons into Utah?

I hoped this was going to be Utah Phillips and a watergun.
Oh well.

20 Mar 11 - 02:53 PM (#3117660)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Gulls should be called that and not seagulls.

Here in inland Alberta, 'seagulls' are a sure sign that spring has arrived. They follow the river systems from south to north all over North America.
We live near a reservoir and the South Saskatchewan River. Many thousands come here in the summer. During the day the gulls feed in fields and garbage dumps, at evening they fly to water to roost for the night.
It is pleasant to sit outside on summer evenings and listen to their flights as they go overhead- they 'call' continuously.

The California 'seagull' is one of our summer breeders, common in western Canada from British Columbia to Manitoba, as it is all over the western U. S.
It breeeds inland, not in California. It goes to California only as a snowbird.

It could just as easily be the state bird of any western state (or western Canadian province).

20 Mar 11 - 02:55 PM (#3117662)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Greg F is mudcat's resident asshole.

20 Mar 11 - 02:56 PM (#3117663)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999

Thanks, Q.

I have searched and searched--and I don't think anywhere in the USA does a state claim a dump as its symbol.

20 Mar 11 - 03:14 PM (#3117675)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

What about New Jersey?

20 Mar 11 - 03:16 PM (#3117677)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

It wouldn't be right for me to acept a title that, by all crireria, should be rightfully yours, Q.

Therefore I decline the honor in your favor.

20 Mar 11 - 03:33 PM (#3117693)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Bobert

To be fair, Greg, I believe it's beyond "dump" in New Jersey... If I have it correct it is "toxic waste dump"... Kinda goes along with the New Jersey state flower... You know, dead flower...

20 Mar 11 - 03:43 PM (#3117707)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

Now I come to think on it, Bobert, I think the new Jersey State Bird IS, in fact, the seagull - specifically the Herring Gull - colloquially called the "Garbage Goose" in those parts.

20 Mar 11 - 04:06 PM (#3117718)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: robomatic

One of the wonderful aspects of MUDCAT is the great knowledge brought to the forums by those who know their songs and know their firearms. I initially got sucked into this marvelous site by an in-depth discussion of an old Alaskan song wherein some duffer highlighted the difference between the terms "30 ought 6" and "30 US". The song can be heard sung either way.

All this to introduce the story I heard when I was waking up yesterday that the Alaska legislature is considering a Bill proposed to name official state firearm.

20 Mar 11 - 04:12 PM (#3117723)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Don Firth

Alaska state firearm? Here ya go:   CLICKY.

Don Firth

20 Mar 11 - 04:35 PM (#3117742)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Mark Ross

When Utah Phillips heard that the LDS church was finally going to admit men of color to the priesthood, he proposed that they change the statue of the Angel Moroni on top of the Mormon Temple (blowing a trumpet) , to one of Louis Armstrong.

Mark Ross

20 Mar 11 - 05:11 PM (#3117757)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

State firearms? For the love of Jeezis, what is WRONG with these imbeciles? Don't they have anything of substance to occupy their time with?

Apparently not.

Talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars.......

20 Mar 11 - 05:19 PM (#3117761)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Well i think its a great idea. You other places are just jealous cos you didn't think of it first. I never heard of the state song or the state hymn. what do you think would they be ready for a new approach?

Utah! Utah!
There ain't no place cuter!
Have some fun
With the state gun
Ride there on your scooter!

20 Mar 11 - 05:32 PM (#3117768)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: artbrooks

The Great Salt Lake, just west of Salt Lake City (duh!) is home to a very large, year-around seagull population. It is said (mostly among the unanointed) that, when the Angel Moroni announces the second coming by blowing his trumpet, the entire city will be covered in seagull crap. Did you know that he is really Italian? His real name is Angelo Maroni.

BTW, New Mexico is the only stare with a state question - red or green?

Art Brooks, U. Utah 68/74.

20 Mar 11 - 05:36 PM (#3117771)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

Hey, Q-ster:

If they want to honor Mr. Browning, how about his falling-block rifle invention, wch became the Winchester Model 1885 Single Shot rifle {Hi-Wall/Lo-Wall}, one of the top target/match rifles of the era, instead of the M-1911 whose primary use was to put holes in other human beings?

20 Mar 11 - 05:55 PM (#3117784)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: pdq

"Wasn't it a flock of seagulls that led the first Mormons into Utah?"

The connection between the Mormons and the seagulls goes back to 1848 when there was a huge population explosion of the Mormon cricket. They eat anything green and move across the land in swarms.

Seagulls seem to notify each other when there is a large supply of food, such as the dumps mentioned.

The sky filled with seagulls which ate the crickets. They are credited with saving the Mormon people from starvation.

20 Mar 11 - 05:57 PM (#3117785)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

According to legend.

20 Mar 11 - 06:05 PM (#3117790)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Naemanson

I have owned one of these. I used one when I joined my ship's shooting team when I was in the Navy. As issued by the military the 1911 semiautomatic was a lot like most Republicans. It looked good and was wildly inaccurate.

Once you took it in for a very expensive tune up (education?) it became a fine accurate shooter. Of course, now it was a Democrat...

20 Mar 11 - 06:14 PM (#3117793)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999

Another curious thing is that no state seems to have an official lingerie, official spaghetti sauce or official barometric pressure reader.

20 Mar 11 - 07:28 PM (#3117830)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: kendall

My thought is, why a state gun? What is the purpose? and then, what is the harm?

20 Mar 11 - 07:28 PM (#3117832)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: kendall

That photo of Sara will make a great campaign poster.

20 Mar 11 - 07:42 PM (#3117841)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: katlaughing

artbrooks, thanks for pointing out the GREAT SALT LAKE. Ya beat me to it. I have an old postcard from there when I was young which actually has a tiny bag of salt from same attached to it.

Mark Ross, that would be great to see Louis up there blowing his horn instead of the Italian? **bg**

20 Mar 11 - 08:30 PM (#3117857)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Bill D

A state gun? Next, the Mormon Tabernacle Cavalry......

20 Mar 11 - 09:13 PM (#3117885)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: artbrooks

Hispanics can be of any "race".

20 Mar 11 - 09:15 PM (#3117887)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

Yes, they are a linguistic group, not a race.

20 Mar 11 - 09:17 PM (#3117888)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

By the way, Chongo thinks this move by Utah is an absolutely terrific idea, and that all American states should choose an official firearm that resonates strongly with the state's past history and its main cultural values. He has already recommended the Thompson Submachine Gun for the state of Ohio, based on its illustrious use there by both gangsters and cops (not to mention G-men) in the 20's and the depression era.

20 Mar 11 - 09:43 PM (#3117904)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Mark Ross

The way I heard it (about the seagulls that is) , after the voracious birds had finished vanquishing the hordes of hungry locusts, they were flying over Salt Lake City heading back to the lake. As they passed overhead (over Brigham Young's domicile) one of them chanced to let loose with some digestive muck that had passed through its system, landing on Amelia, Brigham's 24th wife. She immediately turned to Elder Young, demanding that he run into the house and get some tissue to wipe off the offending stain. Brigham Young replied, "Why Amelia, by the time I get back with some tissue that bird will be halfway to Ogden!"

Mark Ross

20 Mar 11 - 10:17 PM (#3117917)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Well I come from Salt Lake City with my official state handgun
I'm a fan of Donny Osmond and i want to have some fun
old Gary Gilmore! don't you cry for me
I'm gonna kill more than just two or three!

Indiana should get the Thompson - home state of John Dillinger. Although Illinois probably has a better claim - seing as its already called the Chicago piano or something similar.

20 Mar 11 - 10:40 PM (#3117928)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Naemanson

I REALLY like what Guest999 said. State Lingerie is the best of all possible worlds.

20 Mar 11 - 10:55 PM (#3117935)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Assigning anything the status of official state whatever is an act of purely political symbolism intended to make a handful of supporters feel good while the rest of us simply don't give a shit. Convince enough influential people that having an official state dildo will help them get re-elected and we'll have one by year's end.

20 Mar 11 - 11:49 PM (#3117956)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

I see absolutely no harm in some state having an official state handgun (or other type of gun) if they want to, but it's a cool opportunity for a lot of noisy outrage in certain quarters, a simply glorious chance to slag off one's favorite demons on the unspeakable Right and demonstrate one's idealistic fervor for all to see, so let's glory in this opportunity and make the most of it, shall we? ;-D The coolest thing of all is, you can post links to photos of the despised Sarah Palin toting various firepower and looking spunky while she does it, and if that doesn't get your adrenalin pumping and send your outrage meter rocketing happily to the top of the scale, nothing will.

Just think: if Utah hadn't done it, you wouldn't be having all this fun right now.

20 Mar 11 - 11:53 PM (#3117957)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Sandy Mc Lean

Well Al Capone was famous for his loyalty to the Thompson Sub-machine gun (AKA Tommy) so Ill. no doubt would want to claim it. They say that he carried his in a violin case and if that is true this is a music thread and should move above the line. Rat a tat tat rat a tat tat!

21 Mar 11 - 12:09 AM (#3117966)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

Actually it was Illinois that I meant for the Thompson. Chongo said Illinois, not Ohio. It was my error when I typed Ohio.

21 Mar 11 - 12:15 AM (#3117967)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Sandy Mc Lean

Chongo seems to have a deep understanding of shallow issues. Pay closer attention to his wisdom LH.

21 Mar 11 - 12:22 AM (#3117972)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: J-boy

I fired one of those things once. It had a kick like a mormon mule.

21 Mar 11 - 12:22 AM (#3117973)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Sandy Mc Lean

In regard to the discussion of seagulls we have a great multitude here on this island in the sea called Cape Breton. We have recruited them as the official air force of the Cape Breton Liberation Army, we have fed them an overdose of Ex-lax and have sent them of to bomb Halifax.
Don't look up you mainlanders!

21 Mar 11 - 12:24 AM (#3117974)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

He is an absolute master of shallow issues, Sandy. I feel that this considerably increases his chances of being elected president. The average American can easily relate to Chongo, because he's no smarter than their pals at the neighborhood bar, he talks pretty much the same way, and he puts his pants on "one leg at a time". ;-)

There is no WAY anyone will ever label him as a "wimp" or an "intellectual", and he's the farthest thing possible from Ivy League. I'm talking electoral magic here.

21 Mar 11 - 01:36 AM (#3118000)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Don Firth

Speaking of "wimps," if you're going to have an official state weapon, why be a wimp about it?


Don Firth

21 Mar 11 - 01:54 AM (#3118002)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

Ah, the glorious trebuchet! The official national weapon of Liechtenstein.

21 Mar 11 - 02:05 AM (#3118003)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

Okay. You have to see this:

What goes up, must...............................!!!

21 Mar 11 - 07:23 AM (#3118131)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,number 6

Kat .... great song !

An official State Dildo ... that's what Utah now needs.


21 Mar 11 - 07:45 AM (#3118145)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: olddude

Life is too fragile, no one should have guns anymore .. even me

21 Mar 11 - 08:25 AM (#3118173)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Rapparee

Arizona has had a bill introduced (which has gone nowhere) which would make the .45 caliber Model 1873 Single Action Army Colt's revolver the official state handgun.

21 Mar 11 - 09:22 AM (#3118209)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Bee-dubya-ell

As long as "official" doesn't mean you have to buy one or go to jail, I don't care. I'm much more offended by the fact that Florida's newer license plates now come with "In God We Trust" emblazoned on them. So when renewal time rolls around, I'll have the option of promoting a deity in which I don't believe or spending extra for a specialty plate. Here's a list of available Florida specialty plates. Ya'll help me pick two.

21 Mar 11 - 09:26 AM (#3118211)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Greg F.

An official State Dildo ... that's what Utah now needs.

They already have one- Orrin Hatch.

21 Mar 11 - 09:29 AM (#3118214)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999

"In a move designed to capitalize on the current wave of popularity being realized by various weapons in the United States, Quebec today announced that it would adopt the sling shot as the Official Provincial "Hand-held Weapon of Choice When You Have Fuck All Else to Do on Friday Nights". The Federal government has filed a protest with the UN Security Council, but experience shows that because they can't find their dicks when the lights are out, Quebeckers don't expect to be sanctioned for years."

From the Montreal Morning Mail and Barn Door Company.

21 Mar 11 - 09:44 AM (#3118223)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999


In the IAJMTSUAIGA Poll--called Lester for ease of pronunciation--released this morning, the choice of projectile was determined: rabbit turds.


21 Mar 11 - 09:53 AM (#3118229)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: kendall

Mark Ross, THIEF!! That's one of my favorite stories.

21 Mar 11 - 10:00 AM (#3118234)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Mark Ross

It's nice to see you read the classics Kendall.

Mark Ross

21 Mar 11 - 03:52 PM (#3118472)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: gnu

"Convince enough influential people that having an official state dildo will help them get re-elected and we'll have one by year's end."

Youse had a federal one up yer collective asses for eight years. And, it seems, lately, that hasn't changed a lot. We Canucks have been getting the looong end of the stick in similar fashion almost as long.

21 Mar 11 - 04:19 PM (#3118488)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

Peace - LOL!!!!!!!!!

Did you check out my trebuchet link?

21 Mar 11 - 06:23 PM (#3118575)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Wesley S

I'm concerned about the message this sends out. Will there be an official knife for those who want to stab people? An official car for hit and run drivers? Official bats for those who want to whack people over the head? Someones going to get left out and their feelings will get hurt. This can't end well.

21 Mar 11 - 06:36 PM (#3118586)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

How about an official curse word for those who want to verbally attack others in a most telling manner?

21 Mar 11 - 08:13 PM (#3118648)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Rapparee

Okay Bee-Dub. How about "Live The Dream" and the one about donating organs? I wonder about that last, though -- why just organs? Why not banjos, bodhrans, and bagpipes as well?

21 Mar 11 - 08:23 PM (#3118654)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Servicemen would have preferred another Browning invention to honor the inventor- the BAR (Browning automatic rifle).

21 Mar 11 - 08:33 PM (#3118659)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I dunno, Rap, maybe I'll just put some white duct tape over the "In God We Trust" part. Or get a license plate holder with a wide enough rim to hide it. As long as the cops can read the tag number and expiration date, why should they care if anything else is covered up?

22 Mar 11 - 01:21 AM (#3118753)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: JohnInKansas

Well in Kanss we have the official state bird, the meadowlark, that does little other than make distinctive noises and craps a lot.

A "side issue" on the "state wingding" is that generally, within the state they represent, molesting, trapping, harming, or possessing the emblem is ILLEGAL - often with substantial penalties.

(This, certainly, could cause problems if New York accepts the bedbug as their "state bug," as some have suggested. We hear that almost everybody there has several.)

Thus, of course, people whinging about the "state gun" quite likely are blaming the wrong side for this, as it's really a plot to move on to "the emblem must be protected," thereby banning anyone from having one.


22 Mar 11 - 02:52 AM (#3118768)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: JennieG

LH, will Shane have any input into choosing the official weapon for Ontariario? I can hardly wait for that one.

Perhaps it's a frozen Tim Horton's donut....just think on could be shot out of a cannon, fired from a slingshot, or even just thrown. By hand.


22 Mar 11 - 06:26 AM (#3118843)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999

"it could be shot out of a cannon, fired from a slingshot, or even just thrown"

But that would then have Ontario using Quebec's choice. This will lead to no good. "Mark, my words." OK, Mark hasn't brought my words so I will quote:

Quebec today announced that it would adopt the sling shot as the Official Provincial "Hand-held Weapon of Choice When You Have Fuck All Else to Do on Friday Nights".

22 Mar 11 - 01:56 PM (#3119148)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Dorothy Parshall

Thank you, 999, for a very good laugh!!!!

22 Mar 11 - 02:05 PM (#3119152)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Reminds be of flying Air Canada years ago when they brought me a blueberry muffin for breakfast. Ice cold and as hard at the balls fired at the Plains of Abraham.

(I carried a bag of peanuts and a Snickers for years afterwards when forced to fly Air Canada).

22 Mar 11 - 03:39 PM (#3119220)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Jack Campin

Is this going to be the official California firearm, then?

Hello Kitty M16

22 Mar 11 - 03:58 PM (#3119236)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: gnu

Jack... heheheheee.

Perhaps it's a frozen Tim Horton's donut....just think on could be shot out of a cannon, fired from a slingshot, or even just thrown. By hand.

Been used for years... as hockey pucks. (The apple cruellers are hard to shoot with.)

23 Mar 11 - 05:29 AM (#3119591)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Some states should definiteky have an official guitar.

Would Pennsylvania get the Martin D35?

California get the strat?

Where else...?

23 Mar 11 - 08:12 AM (#3119666)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: kendall

Maine would get the Apollo.

23 Mar 11 - 10:54 AM (#3119792)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999

I'd nominate California for the Air Guitar.

24 Mar 11 - 01:32 AM (#3120202)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

No, no....Blind River has already taken the Air Guitar, and Shane is its foremost master. He is the Airic Clapton of Air Guitar. He makes other Air Guitar players fall to their knees and start chanting "We're not worthy! We're not worthy!"

24 Mar 11 - 01:50 AM (#3120205)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,999

This is scary. You're starting to make sense to me.


24 Mar 11 - 01:52 AM (#3120207)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

I think California should get that godawful thing that Kurt Cobain designed.

24 Mar 11 - 05:10 AM (#3120253)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: JennieG

Hawaii would definitely have to have the ukulele!

LH, what sort of Air Guitar does Shane like to play? I ask because a local charity shop had a tennis racquet for sale recently and the thought occurred to me that it could make an air guitar......if one was really desperate.


24 Mar 11 - 07:03 AM (#3120279)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,Grishka

The air ukulele is a very handy instruments, traditional with residents of Air Hawaii. It may take some air conditioning, though.

We Europeans keep learning. The only US state bird I knew of before reading this thread was the Kentucky one, the fried chicken.

24 Mar 11 - 07:21 AM (#3120284)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: olddude

In Pennsylvania it has to be the Am Chord

24 Mar 11 - 07:58 AM (#3120311)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Florida should get Bo Diddley's square guitar.

Mississsippi should get the black Gibson that Robert Johnson has in the photograph.

Tenessee - obviously a gretsch Tennessean - is that what Chet Atkins used to play?

new york should get that weird twelve string Pete Seeger used to play.

Illinois - BBKings 335 - for that sort of Blues sound.

24 Mar 11 - 08:59 AM (#3120360)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: artbrooks

New Mexico gets the guittaron. At least, unless we already have a different state instrument...

24 Mar 11 - 01:27 PM (#3120537)
Subject: RE: BS: Utah designates official state handgun
From: Little Hawk

An old tennis racquet would serve Shane admirably for the purpose, Jennie. He spells it "racket".