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BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion

22 Mar 11 - 03:40 PM (#3119223)
Subject: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: VirginiaTam

How many people will die because of the jeans you choose to buy?


The Clean Clothes Campaign has launched an appeal on jeans producers to stop sandblasting their products. Sandblasting can cause an acute form of the deadly lung disease silicosis. The practise puts the lives of thousands of sandblasting operators at serious risk. It's often performed in small workshops in the informal sector in jeans-producing countries like Bangladesh, Egypt, China, Turkey, Brazil and Mexico. Almost all of the jeans sold in Europe are produced in these countries. In Turkey alone, 46 documented cases of sandblasters contracting silicosis and dying have been registered. This is likely to be only the tip of the iceberg.


more here

Some retailers in UK are being pressed to stop selling these jeans.

news article on

Looks like The New York Daily News in February 2011 published article about Levi and H&M moving away from sandblasted jeans.

22 Mar 11 - 04:01 PM (#3119237)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

I seem to remember some jeans being stone rubbed, or washed on stone. Sand blasting is a cheap (if dangerous) method of arriving at the same appearance.

22 Mar 11 - 04:19 PM (#3119246)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Donuel

Thousands of people have died from the result of polishing rare and beautiful stones.

Some countries do not have an EPA or OSHA.

The Republicans in America want to defund or abolish the EPA and OSHA along with the new banking consumer protection agency which is already so watered down as to only be an advisory panel.

Face it, industrial/corporate safety standards and regulations takes millions of dollars out of the pockets of billionaires. How fair is that?

22 Mar 11 - 04:23 PM (#3119251)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: gnu

How sickening is that? Gosh!

22 Mar 11 - 04:25 PM (#3119253)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: bobad

Victims of fashion.

Some processes employed to attain the "right" look:

Stonewashed jeans are jeans that have been treated to produce a faded, worn appearance. This is usually accomplished either by washing the jeans with pumice in a rotating drum, or also by using chemicals to create the appearance without the use of a rotating drum. Stonewashed jeans were a popular fashion trend in the 1970s.[1] In the 2000s stonewashed jeans were heavily distressed, with pre-made holes, frayed edges and extensive fading caused by sandblasting

The fungus Trichoderma is also commonly used in the process of "stone-washing" jean material. Since the fungus decomposes cellulose with the enzymes that it produces, this allows for the characteristic appearance that the jeans have been washed with a stone.
[edit] Acid Washed jeans

Acid-washed denim is washed with pumice stones and chlorine until it is bleached almost white. The process was invented in Italy by the Rifle jeans company. Acid wash jeans, worn with fringe jackets or the Perfecto motorcycle jacket were popularised by hard rock, outlaw country and heavy metal bands in the 1980s. Skinheads and punk rockers would spatter bleach on their jeans for a similar effect.[2] Acid washed jeans made a comeback in the late 2000s among teenage girls.[3]


22 Mar 11 - 04:28 PM (#3119259)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Ebbie

And it is done in order to decrease the length of the life of the jeans. While millions go without rice or beans.

22 Mar 11 - 05:11 PM (#3119292)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Will Fly

I haven't worn jeans for many, many years. Moleskin trousers for winter - white cotton or canvas trousers or shorts for summer.

(The moles don't mind, by the way) :-)

22 Mar 11 - 06:29 PM (#3119338)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Joe_F

The way to make jeans look worn is to wear them.

22 Mar 11 - 06:33 PM (#3119345)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: frogprince

A few years ago, Consumer Reports tested a wide range of jeans for durability. They got just about a precise complete reverse correlation between price and value, all the way from $12-$14 most durable thru "top dollar" junk.

22 Mar 11 - 06:33 PM (#3119346)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Amos

What a stupid thing to do to a perfectly good pair of jeans.

Ringle rangle, jimmy john jangle. Whoop! Pah!
Yer a mighty fine horse, I'm in love, of course,
'Cuz I got me a purdy woman's luhuuuve!

Got a dollar worth of beans and a new pair of jeans
An' a woman to cook and wash and things. ...

(From some stupid male chauvinist piglet Western in the 60's, I think...).


22 Mar 11 - 11:01 PM (#3119489)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: katlaughing

I remember it as

Jingle, jangle but I see that is wrong.

It was in How the West Was Won, I believe.

23 Mar 11 - 03:42 AM (#3119549)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: VirginiaTam

I remember my 1st pair of Levi's straight legs (I was teen in mid 70s). They were nearly black blue and stiff as a board. Had to be washed about 5 times before I could even wear them. I remember, sitting on the front porch with the jeans in my hands and rubbing area by area over the bricks on the front step and when wet (very light bleach wash), laying them on the grass in the sun to aid fading.

23 Mar 11 - 04:19 AM (#3119554)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Am I the only person in the universe to not even LIKE the faded look? (Probably.)

Thanks for the heads-up VT. Great bit of reporting.

23 Mar 11 - 04:31 AM (#3119559)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Lizzie Cornish 1


Ah well, we in the West MUST have our clothes perfectly in line with the latest fashion and designer labels, you matter what the cost to others...

What do we care as we slip on our latest this or that, preen ourselves in front of our mirrors then go out feeling like those great celebritic celebraties in 'Hello' magazine...

I mean, hell, it's hard enough for us to keep up with them, isn't it? And the stress that causes us all FAR outweighs a few insignificant little people dying horrific deaths through creating our clothes..

No, I'm with Poshy Spiceywicey on this one...

She's my hero, you know...because I recall Posh once doing a charity TV appeal..She went over to Brazil and spent time with a little lassie who lived and worked on one of the rubbish dumps in the city...Lordy this child was filthy! I mean, did her mother never wash her??? Honestly! HOW Posh could have beared to have sat next to her I've no idea, but WHAT a hero she was to do it...


Poor Poshy got all fired up and then went into meltdown, because she thought this smelly little urchin led a terrible life..and I recall the pitiful sight of Posh, tears flowing down her cheeks, words coming straight from her dearest heart, about how much her own children had, compared to this dirty 'thing'...She even..yes..EVEN..SAT on the rubbish dump alongside 'it'...

What a WOMAN!!!!!!!!

God, but my respect for her went up a thousand fold that day!!

Anyway, in her kindness, she asked people to give donations to help this kid have a different life, but hell, we all know they love that kind of life, don't we, so what's the point in giving our hard-earned money to kids like that...when we can spend it on Designer Clothes, which are, let's face it, an absolute MUST HAVE if you want to be accepted as a REALLY INTELLIGENT and SUCCESSFUL person over here in The West...

Posh amazed me yet again though when she returned home just a days later, for instead of staying indoors, getting ready to sell her palatial home, or auction off some of Darlingy David's numerous cars, she gritted her teeth, got out her BEST and NEWEST Designer Bags and showed the world how to really behave! Not only that, but she was photographed a lot that week, and each time she had a new Designer Bag on her shoulder, ones that cost a FORTUNE!

Yay!!!! Go get 'em Posh!!!!!!!

And now, of course, she has her own Designer Label, where she sells **heavenly** clothes to all the rich and famous...and I'm tellin' yer, I'm savin' up for one of her dresses..or maybe even a pair of stone-washed jeans, 'cos I bet she might possibly use the best Little Urchins in the world so that she can give them a bit of money to take back to their lazy mothers who might just buy them a bar of soap!

Yup, she's the Designer Woman for me!


23 Mar 11 - 04:45 AM (#3119566)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: GUEST,Patsy

I tend to get really dark jeans in the winter which last longer and go on to fade through the next few summers. The trouble with stone-wash, sandblasting or any of these things as far as some people are concerned they look 'out-of-date' as soon as a new trend appears, you see this at an end of season sale with the 'new' style coming in virtually on the next rack. I feel so sorry for parents today keeping up with the latest colours and trends not to mention 'skinnies, baggies or bootleg.' Which is probably why the young have taken to wearing leggings with a baggy top and boots, and it's a heck of a lot cheaper than the shop prices for jeans. I remember my 1st pair of Levis too and had to sit in the bath with them on so that they would 'shrink to fit' my mother thought I was mad. She still talks about it to this very day.

23 Mar 11 - 05:05 AM (#3119577)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Darowyn

I went shopping for jeans last week.
Most of the shops looked as if they had been stocked up from a jumble sale. The jeans were in a worse condition than the ones I was replacing!
(the ones that had crumpled and faded because I'd been wearing them for three years to do the gardening, work in the garage, decorate the house etc).
Then there were the ones with the leg seam winding round the leg, so that they came out bandy legged, or the ones with the sagging crotch, presumably so that your trendy teen could look as if he was wearing a nappy!
It was not all bad though, oddly enough. The narrow black Levi s that I like are clearly so unfashionable that I got them half price!
I just don't get buying pre-ruined clothes- or artificially distressed guitars either. The way to look like a worker is to work. The way to look as if you have played a thousand rough gigs is to get out and play them.
It does remind me a little of the kids (technically adults actually) in Jamie's Dream School who demand respect despite never having done a useful act in their lives.
They don't want to 'pay their dues'.

23 Mar 11 - 05:33 AM (#3119593)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: GUEST,Patsy

The good thing about finding jeans today especially being under 5ft 2ins it isn't such a task to finding a length to fit as it used to be. I can remember having to take up most of the length of my jeans, cords or trousers and then the legs would be all out of proportion so if by a miracle I a found a good pair of jeans I stuck with them as long as I could.

23 Mar 11 - 05:49 AM (#3119602)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: GUEST,Suibhne Astray

I thought this was going to be about those low slung jeans that make even the slimmest of girls look fat by pinching in at the hip; not a good look...

I tend wear Italian air force cast-offs most of the time though around the house I like ASDA tartan pyjama bottoms.

If you want sandblasted, just hang them out on Blackpool dunes for a day or two.

Otherwise, the shocking truth of capitalism & fashion.

You can even get pre-worn electric guitars these daus, which actually don't look pre-worn at all - they're as battle-scarred as an airfix spitfire. Why I ask myself?

23 Mar 11 - 07:58 AM (#3119652)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Rapparee

Well, I bought a new pair of Carharts last year for fishing and things. Heavy denim and double-faced front to deal with briars and such.

Jeans are WORK clothes. They were inexpensive and long-lasting, which is why so many people wore them. I wear heavy jeans and they eventually look worn -- when they look too worn I dispose of them (hazmat, usually).

23 Mar 11 - 08:34 AM (#3119683)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion

Westward Ho The Wagons with Fess Parker who sang Ringle Wrangle. Later to play Davey Crockett.

23 Mar 11 - 08:52 PM (#3120124)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: The Fooles Troupe

Many years ago, I found some $10 Chinese made cotton jeans that were almost indestructible - 'normal' jeans were many times that price. They took over 15 years to finally die, the main hassle was that the pocket liners decayed first, but were great for painting, gardening etc.

They took about 30 washes to turn the most beautiful pale sky blue, which I found comforting and relaxing. the texture just got softer and softer, and more comfortable to wear.

The Chinese have moved 'upmarket' since then, and even their jeans don't last as long any more.

23 Mar 11 - 10:12 PM (#3120145)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Donuel

We have merely taken our sweat shops and put them in Asia
They are frequently locked shops in high rises and when they catch fire they burn up in the fires. Last year 30 workers burned to death in one sweat shop alone.

If you get budget clothes odds are they were made by a child or a wonab making less than$5 a day

23 Mar 11 - 11:05 PM (#3120164)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Little Hawk

I don't buy jeans that are pre-aged. Nor do I buy shoes that are pre-worn. Can't see the point in doing so!

24 Mar 11 - 08:51 AM (#3120352)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: melodeonboy

Some seven or eight years ago, while on holiday in Norfolk, I happened to be in a shop called Roy's. I bought two pairs of jeans - you know, the fairly "normal" ones that don't look as if they've already been worn for ten years and then pissed on.

I've worn them frequently since. One pair is just starting to wear through on the upper leg (possibly melodeon friction!), and the other is still going strong. The cost? £3 each!

So perhaps it is true, both that cheaper jeans last longer, and that "treating" jeans makes them wear out more quickly!

24 Mar 11 - 02:09 PM (#3120560)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Greg F.

We have merely taken our sweat shops and put them in Asia

Not to worry- those sweatchops will be back and flourishing in the U.S. once the Republicans have successfully completed their anti-Union campaign.

Welcome to the new 1905.

24 Mar 11 - 02:19 PM (#3120563)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: GUEST,Eliza

melodeonboy, I adore Roys of Wroxham!! Was there just this morning, got 2 T-shirts for £5. I go there twice or three times a week, we get our groceries there too, always good value. (Mrs Roy is in our W.I.!) Their clothes are never particularly fashionable, but eminently SENSIBLE. Norfolk people I find are not too interested in fashion, and far too 'canny' to buy silly jeans costing the earth, but half-ruined by various processes. I once had a friend come down from Liverpool for a visit, and she was horrified at the out-of-date look of the folk here. She said no self-respecting Scouser would be seen dead looking like us! But we've got common sense, also average income is low here, so we use our loaf!

25 Mar 11 - 05:50 AM (#3121059)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: melodeonboy

I'm glad to hear Roy's is still going. If I'm ever up that way again, I'll pop into Roy's and get another pair or two of jeans!

25 Mar 11 - 07:59 AM (#3121143)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

He seems to own ALL of Wroxham...unbelievable...

Had the best holiday of my life in Wroxham, messing about on the kids loved every moment of it...and Norfolk is where my heart lies...the Broads, that is..I'd move there in an instant if I could..get myself a rowing boat and pootle around with the coots and swans every spare moment I had. We gave a duck a lift on that holiday, all the way from Horning to Wroxham, bless him....Beautiful skies and sunsets...

I'm pining!

25 Mar 11 - 08:18 AM (#3121163)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: GUEST,VaTam

Yeah I noticed that "Roys" was on almost every shop front in Wroxham, but it was my understanding that Roy is a woman not a man. Don't remember where or how I learned that.

My one and only trip to Norfolk was a very cold, grey, bleak October weekend. I should go when the weather is fine and see if I feel different about it.

Maybe I will get some jeans.

25 Mar 11 - 08:26 AM (#3121172)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Tam, we rented a small bungalow which came with a rowing boat, as it was down one of the little 'tributaries' off the main stretch of waterway. Each morning the sun rose with the most staggering beauty and shone straight into the lounge...It was in April, so all of nature was having babies...and the Mum's brought them down to us to feed...

I could spend my entire life feeding ducks, swans, birds etc..I'd be happy as a lark doing that..

Some part of Norfolk can seem very bleak, miles of flatness and little else, but around there is lovely, thatched cottages, little honey pots of cottages, right beside the river...and everywhere there are herons and wildlife...It's just utter magic!

And of course, there's also Norwich just up the road, or you can get there by boat too...A church for every week of the year to be found well as the Castle and some lovely shops, the market..

I am SO in the wrong part of the country! :0)

25 Mar 11 - 08:49 AM (#3121192)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: GUEST,Eliza

Guest VaTam, Roys was begun by two brothers in the late 19th Century and to this day their descendants (still called Roy) own and manage the stores, of which there are now several throughout Norfolk. Mrs Roy (widow of one of the former owners) attends our WI.
Norfolk is a lovely county as it's still very unspoiled, not a single motorway! It's a time-warp of the fifties and sixties really. The Broads are gorgeous, but the coast is also superb, many gems such as Cromer and Sheringham, plus wildlife and bird sanctuaries. Fields and farms everywhere, and many old traditions. The Norfolk accent is also delightful, I adore living here and have done for the last 35 years.
Sorry, this is way off thread!

25 Mar 11 - 01:05 PM (#3121395)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: Mark Ross

I remember my mother giving me 10 bucks to go clothes shopping. I would head down to the Army-Navy Store and come back with a brand new pair of Levi Shrink to Fits, a brand new Levi jacket, and a chambray shirt. And that also included my bus fare.

Mark Ross

26 Mar 11 - 06:13 AM (#3121818)
Subject: RE: BS: Killer Jeans: Deadly fashion
From: JHW

Off thread Bill Nash
does this to guitars!