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Songs for Walpurgis Night (April 30)

25 Apr 11 - 04:49 PM (#3142211)
Subject: Songs for Walpurgis Night?
From: oldhippie

Are there any songs written for Walpurgis Night (April 30)?

26 Apr 11 - 01:41 AM (#3142429)
Subject: RE: Songs for Walpurgis Night
From: GUEST,mg

What is Walpurgis Night? mg

26 Apr 11 - 02:25 AM (#3142436)
Subject: RE: Songs for Walpurgis Night
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'd suggest some of the thread liked above may assist ....

Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht) is a traditional spring festival on 30 April or 1 May in large parts of Central and Northern Europe. Its celebration is associated with dancing and with bonfires.

From Wikipedia

26 Apr 11 - 04:41 PM (#3142920)
Subject: RE: Songs for Walpurgis Night
From: oldhippie

It also marks the halfway point between Halloween's.

15 Mar 12 - 10:29 PM (#3323419)
Subject: RE: Songs for Walpurgis Night
From: GUEST,slag310

Try this: Walpurgis songs It has links to some information about the stuff in the opera of Faust, and Die Erste Walpurgisnacht by Felix Mendelssohn (which has some very pretty songs that normal people could sing) also an old charm for Walpurgis dew and then all the normal May Day songs.

23 Jun 21 - 05:40 PM (#4111149)
Subject: RE: Songs for Walpurgis Night
From: Felipa

I think I am discovering, mainly via youtube, a new genre of neo-pagan folk rock.
Including FAUN - Walpurgisnacht


In den Abendhimmel steigen
Heute Nacht die Zauberweisen,
Wildes Volk und Liliths Art,
Lauernd Winde heimlich fahrt.

Lasst uns zu den Feuern streifen,
Raunend nach den Sternen greifen,
Gutes und auch böses Wort
Tragen wir heut fort und fort.

In den Weiden werden unsere Träume klingen
Und die Winde werden unsre Lieder singen.
Lasst uns mit den Funken übers Feuer springen,
In der Walpurgisnacht!

Hört die Geigen, hört die Geigen,
Die Feuer sind entfacht!
Folgt dem Reigen, folgt dem Reigen
In der Walpurgisnacht.

Ungestüm im Spiel der Geigen
Dreht sich unser nächtlich' Reigen
Und wir treten wild und frei
Diesem alten Zauber bei.

Einmal nur im großen Kreise
Tanzen wir auf jene Weise,
Bis das erste Morgenlicht
Unser Traumgewebe bricht.

In den Weiden werden unsere Träume klingen
Und die Winde werden unsre Lieder singen.
Lasst uns mit den Funken übers Feuer springen,
In der Walpurgisnacht!

Hört die Geigen, hört die Geigen,
Die Feuer sind entfacht!
Folgt dem Reigen, folgt dem Reigen
In der Walpurgisnacht


To the evening sky arise
Magic tunes tonight
Wild folk and Lilith's kind,
Secretly ride the lurking winds.

Let us prowl towards the bonfires
Reach murmuring for the stars,
The good word and also the bad one
We will today carry away and away.

In the willows our dreams will sound
And the winds will sing our songs
Let us jump over the fire with the sparkles
In Walpurga's Night!

Hear the violins, hear the violins,
The fires have been started!
Follow the roundelay, follow the roundelay
In Walpurga's Night.

Boisterous to the playing of the violins
Our nightly roundelay is spinning
And wild and free we join
This ancient magic.

Only once in the great circle
Will we dance in this manner,
Until the first light of the morning
Breaks through the web of our dreams.

In the willows our dreams will sound
And the winds will sing our songs
Let us jump over the fire with the sparkles
In Walpurga's Night!

Hear the violins, hear the violins,
The fires have been started!
Follow the roundelay, follow the roundelay
In Walpurga's Night.

translation alternative by Fulcasenia

Into the evening sky they climb
Tonight, those who are wise in the Art
Wild folk and Lilith's kin
Ride lurking in the wind, unseen.

Let us ride away to the fires,
And, murmuring, let's reach for the stars,
The good and also the wicked word
Today we bear, far and far.

In the fields our dreams will ring
And the winds our songs will sing.
We'll leap with the sparks across the fires
Tonight, Walpurgis Night!

Hear the fiddles, hear the fiddles,
The fires now are set ablaze!
Follow the circle, follow the dance
Tonight, Walpurgis Night.

Uncanny as it plays, the fiddle
Turns our dancing circle round
And we are stepping, wild and free
In to join this ancient spell.

One time only, in this great circle
We will dance in this, our way
Until the morning's dawning light
breaks our woven web of dreams.

In the fields our dreams will ring
And the winds our songs will sing.
We'll leap with the sparks across the fires
Tonight, Walpurgis Night!

Hear the fiddles, hear the fiddles,
The fires now are set ablaze!
Follow the circle, follow the dance
Tonight, Walpurgis Night.

"Zauberweisen" would literally be "knowers of magic"

25 Jun 21 - 01:27 PM (#4111361)
Subject: RE: Songs for Walpurgis Night
From: Reinhard

No, "Zauberweisen" here means "songs of magic".

Weiser, plural Weisen, is a wise man. Weise, plural Weisen, is a song.

25 Jun 21 - 03:25 PM (#4111371)
Subject: RE: Songs for Walpurgis Night
From: Felipa

THANKS Reinhard