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BS: Cat religion?

02 May 11 - 06:17 PM (#3146723)
Subject: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Shanghaiceltic

Are cats Jewish or cannot get pork cat food and our three turn their noses up at it.

Also, why not mouse or sparrow flavour? You can get every other type.

02 May 11 - 06:22 PM (#3146727)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Wesley S

I doubt they are Muslim. I can't imagine my cat doing anything several times a day on schedule.

02 May 11 - 06:44 PM (#3146739)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: gnu


02 May 11 - 07:01 PM (#3146748)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: JohnInKansas

you cannot get pork cat food and our three turn their noses up at it.

If you cannot get it, how would you know your cats don't like it?

Or am I just assuming that "our three" refers to your cats and not to you and your children?

Quite puzzling, but of course it's probably my inadequate understanding of your vernacular(?).


02 May 11 - 07:11 PM (#3146752)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Jack Campin

I was once at a bus station in central Anatolia where there was a whole gang of cats hanging around in the flowerbeds. The call to prayer went off from the local mosque, and they all immediately squatted down among the flowers and started to crap at the same time as the humans were going into the courtyard to wash. So they seemed to have adjusted to the prayer schedule.

Possibly they'd figured out that this was one time when scrounging food wasn't going to produce as much from the humans as other times of day, so they might as well use it as a toilet break.

02 May 11 - 07:17 PM (#3146756)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Dave the Gnome

Thay are all Mieowists surely?


02 May 11 - 07:43 PM (#3146775)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Why do they not make mouse flavoured cat food ?

02 May 11 - 07:50 PM (#3146777)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Wesley S

I've seen Catacombs before. Does that indicate anything?

02 May 11 - 07:52 PM (#3146779)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Shanghaiceltic

John in Kansas: I tried them of pork, oven roasted, Chinese BBQ and even chops cooked in a pan, nope they just turn their noses up. The cats that is.

If there were Muslim cats then surely some would be in Guantanameow Bay...

02 May 11 - 08:14 PM (#3146786)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Don't pussy foot around the issue.

02 May 11 - 10:06 PM (#3146829)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Shanghaiceltic

Still the food issue does give you paws for thought

03 May 11 - 12:26 AM (#3146881)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: LadyJean

I had a cat who was a bishop of the Wholey Roaming Catolic Church. He had a Cat-thedral, where the kittens came to learn their Cat-echisms, so they would know what to do to avoid being ec comunicatted.

My cat Grace O'Malley went to the blessing of the animals at Sacred Heart Church. So, she's an Irish Catolic, which explains why she doesn't get on with the boys. Hamish came from a Presbyterian lady, and Viggo is orange.

03 May 11 - 03:54 AM (#3146927)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Anne Lister

My cat adores bacon, so I don't think she's a practising Jew or Muslim.   Bacon is only second to cheese and about equal to tuna from a can.
As to religion - she worships the sun, or the radiator or the hot pipes.

03 May 11 - 07:38 AM (#3147005)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Dave Hanson

My tom cat loved bacon and pork.

Dave H

03 May 11 - 08:08 AM (#3147015)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

The Prayer of the Cat

From the above:
"The poet Carmen Bernos de Gasztold (Born 1919) wrote "Prayers from the Ark" a collect of 27 prayers each from one of the animals on Noah's Ark. The work was origianlly privately published by the Benedictine Abbeye Saint Louis de Temple. English translation was written by Rumer Godden (19071998) who went to the Benedictine Abbey in France and spent time with the poet to do the translation.

English composer and organist Ivor R. Davies (1901-1971) selected six of the poems from the collection and set them to music. Noah' Prayer, The Prayer of the Little Bird, The Prayer of the Cat, The Prayer of the Mouse, The Prayer of the Raven and the Prayer of the Dove..."

03 May 11 - 08:33 AM (#3147030)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: GUEST,Eliza

My three cats (Siamese) love pork, I generally give them the leftovers from the pork roast. Also bacon, and RAW sausage. (Discovered when they seized a sausage and dragged it outside to munch) I often wonder what the manufacurers of say, Whiskas put in their ghastly jellied lumps of muck to make them so enticing to cats. My three just love Whiskas, but it makes me gag when I put it on their plates. YUK!
My husband is a Muslim, and of course doesn't eat pork, so I'm glad the cats eat up what I can't finish.
Cats are supposed to be reincarnations of Basht, an Egyptian God. Sometimes mine are little devils, especially when they 'baptise' vertical surfaces with a quick wee!

03 May 11 - 08:44 AM (#3147037)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: MMario

Most cats don't HAVE a religion - they are the FOCUS of a religion...and like many gods accept worship as their due without much reward for the worshipers.

03 May 11 - 09:24 AM (#3147055)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: freda underhill

I love the cat prayer Lizzie. Here's
a cat mystery

03 May 11 - 10:10 AM (#3147073)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Mrrzy

here they call papists cat-licks.

03 May 11 - 10:48 AM (#3147092)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: GUEST,leeneia

My cat doesn't have a religion, but she does have a cosmology.

1. The innermost sphere is her very own. It includes her, her tail, her food dish and her litter box. Also the rug at the patio door, upon which she sits to birdwatch.

2. The next sphere includes her, me, and my husband. In the evening, we sit on the couch and read the paper. She sits on my lap, then stretches a paw over to my husband's thigh, so that we are all connected. She will keep that leg stretched out for a long time, so it's obviously important. This is her trinity.

By the way, we have had three cats, and they have all done this.

3. The next sphere is the world outside the house, noisy and terrifying. It is infested by atom bombs (thunder), pterodactyls (helicopters), dinosaurs (motorcycles) and squirrels.

Also dogs and veterinarians.

This third sphere is her version of hell.

For her version of heaven, see number 2, above.

03 May 11 - 04:58 PM (#3147285)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religeon?
From: Cats

My Cats know they have been worshipped for thousands of years and are gods

03 May 11 - 05:44 PM (#3147313)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: John P

What I want to know is why they don't make cat butt flavored cat food. All the evidence indicates they would love it.

Dog: The humans bring me food. They must be gods!

Cat: The humans bring me food. I must be a god!

03 May 11 - 07:47 PM (#3147367)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: Shanghaiceltic

'What I want to know is why they don't make cat butt flavored cat food. All the evidence indicates they would love it.'


03 May 11 - 09:51 PM (#3147421)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: BrooklynJay

My last surviving kitty will be twenty on June 6. His appetite is stronger than ever and one of the cat food flavors he likes is 'Liver and Bacon.' (Now, I'm assuming that there is actually some bacon in the mix somewhere.)

But yes, mouse-flavored cat food would seem quite logical.


04 May 11 - 05:01 AM (#3147553)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: GUEST,Eliza

Whiskarse!! LOL! Actually, to me it already smells like a cat's bottom, ghastly stuff! When I was small, the only catfood available was Kit-e-Kat, which was obviously fish-based. It smelt quite tasty.
When you go into one of these Giant Pet Stores (where they sell giant pets?) the stench of dog and cat food, biscuits etc is overpowering, and it's always the same smell, whatever the product. I'd just like to know what the flavour is made from. Is it a chemical or what?

04 May 11 - 07:47 AM (#3147606)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

My cat always seemed to prefer catching rabbits rather than mice, even though the ones he caught were usually quite a bit bigger than him. It used to take him some time to drag them up the garden from the field,pausing for a rest from time to time.
He did catch the occasional mouse but he had huge paws for his size and I rather think that he just trod on them by accident.

04 May 11 - 08:16 AM (#3147623)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: GUEST,Patsy

There is a distinctive smell to cat and dog food it might be a way of preventing curious children from sampling it (you would have thought). You would be surprised at the number of toddlers who take a liking to cat biscuits if not watched I know I had to stop this happening right in the nick of time one day. Dog food has to be sampled by a taster before it is sold apparently, so I assume that it would be just the same for cats too and I expect they realise that it has to be safe for children. I wonder if a short straw is pulled for that job? That has to be the worst of all jobs.

The worst Whiskarse smell came from the liver, heart and rabbit variety I think especially the rabbit which smells awful when it is cooked anyway. My oldest cat was very difficult she had a small appetite and she would change her preference at the drop of a hat so I would buy the large Whiskas in chicken, beef or lamb, Kit-e-Kat for in-between, Sheba for a bit of posh, emergency tins of sardines and her cat biscuits.

The younger black Siamese was totally different, a walking eating machine she would eat almost anything anytime including scrambled egg and my yoghurts. She was so easy to please and she would finish off anything that the older cat left which was a bonus I no longer had to throw uneaten cat food out which was especially beneficial in the summer months when food turns bad so quickly.

My King Charles from a puppy was as finicky and fussy as the 1st cat she seemed to pick this up and other behaviour such as curling up to sleep for hours but she was always wary of them both. They never ever hurt her but she was very aware that they had sharper claws than she did and that 1st cat was the absolute boss.

04 May 11 - 08:49 AM (#3147634)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: Jim Dixon

Cats do seem to spend a lot of time meditating.

05 May 11 - 05:47 PM (#3148828)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: Shanghaiceltic

'There is a distinctive smell to cat and dog food it might be a way of preventing curious children from sampling it (you would have thought). '

When our son was 2-3 years old he used to sample the cat food, biscuits, the lot. The cats were quite miffed. In the end we had to put the cat bowls up out of his reach until he finally got over it.

He did have glossy hair though....

06 May 11 - 03:30 AM (#3149043)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: GUEST,Patsy

And a shiny nose too I bet! My sister-in-laws little ones did the same but the strange thing is toddlers do like cat biscuits. It could be that the o shape cat biscuits look inviting to them.

06 May 11 - 08:14 AM (#3149154)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: GUEST,Suibhne Astray

To the Ancient Eyptians the cat was most favoured, but as with many other cat-centred cultures the wisdom is they had no word for purr... (source The Everlasting Cat (Faber ?) lost my copy many years ago so I can't check).

06 May 11 - 08:26 AM (#3149161)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: GUEST,Suibhne Astray

PS - We killed a cat on the M61 a few years ago (on our way home from Les's singaround at The Beech in Chorlton) and even now our local cats raise their heckles and spit at the sight of our car.

Cat Folk:

06 May 11 - 08:45 PM (#3149531)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: Shanghaiceltic

^ Nice link.

I was still lib=ving in Shanghai when Dervish visited. They came down to the Blarney Stone pub after their concert (which I also went to see) and we had a jam session until the small hours.

Cathy Jordan taught me how to make up some brush tippers using bamboo BBQ skewers. They were a fantatsic bunch of people.

07 May 11 - 06:18 AM (#3149684)
Subject: RE: BS: Cat religion?
From: GUEST,Suibhne Astray

One thing I love about bodhran playing is that although it's a completely modern invention it's created some world-class percussion techniques and players with more innovations happening all the time. Of course there's a lot of not-so interesting stuff going on (hence the jokes), but I see enough young (& old) energetic & inventive players around to keep me smiling.

Getting back on thread, the secret of good bodhran playing is using the skin of a big enough cat: Lion gives a good authoratitive roar; Leopard is good for subtlety, stealth and cunning, but for really fast playing Cheetah is unbeatable.