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BS: J-boy needs some kind words

12 May 11 - 07:25 PM (#3153040)
Subject: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: ranger1

J-boy got let go today. The son of one of the owners of the establishment that he worked for needs a summer job. J's immediate supervisor called him here at home and told him all the reasons he was ostensibly fired for, but eventually told him the real reason.

But anyway, he could use some cheering up.

12 May 11 - 07:33 PM (#3153042)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: gnu

Awwwwww... shit. I know that ain't cheery, but...

I heard some good jokes lately but they ain't fer the general public.

I got nuthin, cept, I hope things work out.

12 May 11 - 07:42 PM (#3153046)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

18 months of un-employment checks
Makes for a VERY cheery vacation.


While the fun lasts.

Beer is still.... cheaper than gas.


12 May 11 - 07:53 PM (#3153050)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: ranger1

If only that were the case, Garg. He's been on layoff since January, so the unemployment checks will be drying up soon.

12 May 11 - 10:05 PM (#3153078)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: jeffp

Hope he's covered by the federal extension.

12 May 11 - 11:52 PM (#3153114)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: J-boy

Getting fired from a job is never fun. It hurts and it sure as hell isn't a vacation. I was a loyal worker for those fuckers for almost eight years and they cast me aside like a used napkin. So it goes. Can somebody put up a link to "Ordinary Man" by Christy Moore?

12 May 11 - 11:56 PM (#3153118)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: katlaughing

{{{{J-boy & ranger1}}}}

There will be something better and, like jeff said, I hope the federal extension is available to him.

My son went over a year trying to find a new job after moving. I can't remember how many resumes he sent out and how many interviews he had, but, last month, finally, he found a really great job with a very good company. It took perseverance and some very frugal living, plus some personal growth, big time, but he did it.

Not saying that's the case for you, but just to encourage you that things can and will turn around. There's got to be something better out there for you!:-)

And, how about those Mad Men? I lost track!*bg*



13 May 11 - 12:01 AM (#3153122)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: maeve

Ordinary Man requested. You'll figure out your new path.


13 May 11 - 12:08 AM (#3153124)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: J-boy

Thank you kat. As for Mad Men they won't be on this year. March 2012 is the earliest we can hope for a season 5. Season 4 is amazing however.

13 May 11 - 12:13 AM (#3153127)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Janie

I'm so sorry, J-boy.

That sucks! No words of cheer, but lots of empathy.

13 May 11 - 12:14 AM (#3153128)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: J-boy

Thanks maeve. I love that song. Even when I was employed it always spoke to me.The power of Mudcat is astonishing ain't it? I feel better already.

13 May 11 - 01:04 AM (#3153141)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Gurney

Happened to me once, mate. Two weeks later they phoned and asked me to come back. I had a better job by then and took delight in gently refusing. Knew they would, I'd worked with the young fellow before, and he was a total wan**r.

I refused gently because it never does to burn bridges too thoroughly. You may need a reference at some time.

Good luck.

13 May 11 - 01:11 AM (#3153145)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: J-boy

Thank you Gurney. I do have a good reference. So that's some consolation.

13 May 11 - 01:30 AM (#3153153)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: KT

J-boy, so sorry to hear.   Change can be good, though. Remind yourself that you have much to offer and that some new place will be fortunate to have you. Hang on to your hope. Something will come.

In the meantime, now that you have some free time on your hands, I bet there are a lot of folks out there who could use your help in some way. Find 'em, and you'll both be better for it. Wishing you all the best ~

13 May 11 - 02:11 AM (#3153159)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Sandra in Sydney

wishing you all the best in job hunting


13 May 11 - 02:19 AM (#3153162)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Mrrzy

Totally bites. I haven't had a full-time job other than temp positions since getting laid off in 2002... but I am an adjunct and a sub, so I get to do things, and I make enough to live on. It'll be OK, although...

...not sure if it was Freewheelin' Franklin or another Fabulous Furry Freak Brother who said...

"Dope Will Get You Through Times Of No Money Better Than Money Will Get You Through Times Of No Dope."

Seriously, though, hang in there, best of luck!

13 May 11 - 04:24 AM (#3153188)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: GUEST,John MacKenzie

Sorry to hear your news J. I send you a virtual Guinness, and wish you good luck in finding a better job to replace it.
Hey, maybe you could go work in a state park or summat?

13 May 11 - 04:35 AM (#3153198)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: JennieG

Bummer, that's not good to hear. Have been there and it's not a good feeling, but something will turn always does. I won't say trite things about doors opening and closing, but they do, you know.


13 May 11 - 06:43 AM (#3153251)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: GUEST,Eliza

My husband has had no work for two years, so I can understand. Do hope things look up soon J-boy. Best wishes, Eliza.

13 May 11 - 08:31 AM (#3153291)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Bat Goddess

Jason, I was let go after almost 10 years from a printing establishment I used to work for. They were fiscally conservative and needed to put on a full time outside salesperson, so some salary (preferably one of the higher ones) needed to go away. One of the owners could sort of do what I was doing. Well, he, sure as hell, wasn't going anywhere! I was totally blindsided. Stunned. At least they were honest about why they were letting me go, though. They even tried to line up another job for me as marketing director for one of their clients. (Not the best of ideas, since I had worked with four of their marketing directors in the previous six years...)

In retrospect, it was probably good for me. It gained me a lot more useful experience. Financially, though, it mostly sucked.

Now I'm in a completely different field, and that's also a good move, I guess, mostly because graphic design, prepress and editorial jobs have pretty much dried up. However I'm making half of what I used to. But it's reasonably secure and more or less steady.

Four more years until I dare to collect social security...

Hang in there, Jason. There are other jobs in retail available, if that's what you're looking for.


13 May 11 - 08:48 AM (#3153296)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Richard Bridge

Here in the UK Cameron and Osborne are planning a bonfire of employee rights. It might be the same in Canada now. At the end of the day the capitalists will sell the workers down the river.

Good luck and stay strong.

13 May 11 - 09:41 AM (#3153312)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Becca72

MMC is hiring and there are lots of jobs that require no medical background...

13 May 11 - 10:00 AM (#3153322)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: GUEST,999

Been there and had that happen. If misery loves company, you got mine. But a truth I learned is this: When one door closes another opens.

13 May 11 - 10:17 AM (#3153328)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: olddude

I am so sorry to hear this, my gosh .. this economy and these companies just keep hammering everyone ... I hope he finds something else and I am sure he will ..

Love DAn

13 May 11 - 12:58 PM (#3153446)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: GUEST,mg

If you are short of marketable skills, use this time to take something at the community college..they also help with

13 May 11 - 02:39 PM (#3153507)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: open mike


13 May 11 - 07:35 PM (#3153666)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: saulgoldie

My heart goes out to you, J-boy. I wish you the best!

I echo what mg said about 'going back." I work at a community college. And we have a steady stream of re-trainers of all ages. (It is never too late!) It is encouraging to hear that many of them do reenter the work force, and often in a better state than they left it.


13 May 11 - 11:33 PM (#3153767)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: ChanteyLass

J-boy, I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you find something wonderful soon.

14 May 11 - 04:46 AM (#3153841)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: kendall

Back in 1958 I got sacked just before Christmas from a part time job. That sucked, but then I got a real job and have never been unemployed since.
You must create a space before something can fill it.

14 May 11 - 07:12 AM (#3153902)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Richard Bridge

Is "community college" free?

14 May 11 - 08:12 AM (#3153929)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: saulgoldie

I can't speak for all community colleges. But ours is relatively inexpensive. And until the Republicans find it all and kill it, there is still some financial aid available.


25 May 11 - 11:57 AM (#3160356)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words

Any news on the job hunt? I saw your cryptic post to the Santa thread and wondered.

25 May 11 - 12:05 PM (#3160361)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Maryrrf

Haven't been on the 'cat much, but my thoughts are with you. Often these events that seem negative turn out for the best. Small consolation while you're going through it, I know, but hang in there!

25 May 11 - 04:01 PM (#3160494)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: gnu

Have you tried out for the Pats or have they held walk-ons yet? Be cool to see you in the backfield. I know you could throw but I don't see them replacin Tom eh.

26 May 11 - 12:25 AM (#3160646)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: J-boy

Still looking. That cryptic post was just a goofy reply to a spammer whose post was later deleted. But I am working on my resume and honing my punting skills.

26 May 11 - 10:10 PM (#3161141)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: GUEST,mg

Good. Apply for all sorts of stuff and count on having to apply for 20-30 or more jobs to get one. Just suck it up and do it. It is a horrid time to be unemployed. Don't waste emotional energy on what happened..just devote yourself to finding something, including something part-time in the evenings that will allow you to interview in the day. If you have skills you can barter, have someone else fill out the applications for you from your resume..could be a sister, friend, whatever..and you could fix their car or whatever. It takes a mental kind of energy to apply for jobs and if it can be parceled out to someone else, great. They can do it without any cycle of getting their hopes up etc....but do it regardless. Do you want to say what your skills are? Is there an area you want to explor, like solar energy say, or nursing or teaching? Especiall

26 May 11 - 11:15 PM (#3161155)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: ChanteyLass

Please post to let us know shat is happening, J-Boy. I still hope you find something soon.

26 May 11 - 11:27 PM (#3161160)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: J-boy

Shat is happening. Shat is always happening. Just ask Little Hawk. Thanks.

27 May 11 - 08:25 AM (#3161233)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words
From: Wesley S

Your situation really sucks. And firing you by phone? What a coward. That proves how wrong he thought the situation was in the first place. Good luck with a new job. Who knows? This could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

27 May 11 - 09:11 AM (#3161259)
Subject: RE: BS: J-boy needs some kind words

IDEXX, Maine Med, and a new company Carbonite are all hiring. Carbonite is doing extensive training as well. Triple A is hiring for customer service/sales. All offer salaries and benefits. Some have flexible schedules.