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For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?

17 Sep 99 - 08:20 PM (#115128)
Subject: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: catspaw49

First to all my fellow 'Catters......This is a game, nothing more than a fun way to renew an old friendship. Mary Elizabeth Colmer posted to the "Gerry Armstrong" thread and rather than mess up a beautiful thread, I am creating this one. When I saw her name, I realized who she must be and posted a couple of cryptic questions to her about her husband Neil.

"Does 'Snoopy' the Elf from Pomeroy you're married to still have the B-25 with the MOP fretboard?"

She came back to check on the thread last night and I decided this was a fun way to re-acquaint with the Elf. You 'Catters are free to post, but don't give my name or any leading picture info, if you get my drift. I'm sure some of you will give some clues as a "payback" to Ol' Spaw...just be careful. I've blue clickyed this for her.


This is just a game...I', not a stalker or anything weird.....well, then again, this group will tell you I am kinda' strange........Anyway....I am not him, but did you know your husband once roomed with a guy who slept with his eyes open?


17 Sep 99 - 08:23 PM (#115129)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: WyoWoman

He's not kinda strange, he's deeply strange, at least from my several months' observation. But generally harmless. Generally. I figure if his wife hasn't strangled him in his sleep by now, who are we to worry?


17 Sep 99 - 09:16 PM (#115138)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: katlaughing

Oh, Mary, he's a kind and gentle soul of depth too much for understanding, at times, 'cause he gets way out there, ya know? He filled me in a little on this game and I know that he thinks a lot of your husband and they've known each other for a long time, BUT it's also been a long time since they've seen each other. BTW, that's an awesome loom in your picture at your website. Have you ever seen that bumper sticker that says, Caution: Warped Weaver Looms Ahead? Looks liek you guys do some neat stuff.

Need more clues? Keep tuning in and I'm sure you'll find out more. Really, 'Spaw is one of our most favourite and special Mudcatters, we almost lost him this spring, so it is especially fun to be able to play this little game with him.

All the best,


17 Sep 99 - 09:26 PM (#115143)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Mary, Catspaw is kind of a local institution--or should I say BELONGS in one. I think he escaped from someone's version of "Arkansas Traveller." I doubt if when you might have known him he had yet developed his taste for possum sphincter. --seed

17 Sep 99 - 10:49 PM (#115160)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Banjer

I think if ever I knew anyone who craved possum butt as much as he does I wouldn't forget.....and my memory is about as long as my, well never mind, we needn't get into that....

17 Sep 99 - 11:04 PM (#115166)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: catspaw49

Ignore Seed and Banj...........They're both banjo players, need I say more?


17 Sep 99 - 11:05 PM (#115168)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Banjer

But at least I'm level headed enough to drool out of both sides of my mouth at the same time!

17 Sep 99 - 11:15 PM (#115177)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Susan A-R

I've heard a rumor out of Ontario (after the famous Niagra meeting) that S'paw is really a straight arrow. I find this hard to believe. Seems about as warped as the curve of wood on a dulcimer to me.

Susan A-R

17 Sep 99 - 11:16 PM (#115179)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Rick Fielding

Mary, do you remember that night at the senior prom, when everything was going so well, until that hippie with the beads, sandals, "peace" poster, and Guild guitar staggered into the gym? He rasped out "power to the people" and then passed out in a heap on the floor. Could that have been Catspaw? Oh, now that I think about was me! was little Chuckie Kratz...or maybe Banjer.

Bootsie Cote de Neiges

17 Sep 99 - 11:34 PM (#115188)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Susan A-R

Hmmm, didn't you do it in four-part harmony??


17 Sep 99 - 11:41 PM (#115192)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Here's another clue, Mary--'Spaw is an auto mechanic with a degree in philosophy. So it's not that he's empty headed, it's just that what space there is between his ears is filled with totally useless data. --seed

17 Sep 99 - 11:50 PM (#115195)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: _gargoyle


The pool of the cess continues to spew....

Thankfully, you post.... to the same common theme....with same common avoidable names.

PLEASE use private've driven the real contributors away.

17 Sep 99 - 11:54 PM (#115197)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: bbelle

Well ... I'm not saying 'spaw's weird or anything, but we did have a cybergooey good time at my birthday party with the smores and the marshmallow creme ... moonchild

18 Sep 99 - 12:08 AM (#115202)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Banjer

Welcome to the pool of cess, Mr Gargoyle...Before you jump in please leave your vital statistics written down somewhere so that when finished we will know how much to scoop out and stack up to recreate you!!

18 Sep 99 - 01:35 AM (#115221)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Big Mick

Ms. Mary, you are quite welcome here, in fact we rejoice that you have joined us. Please enjoy and contribute. A small contribution to "who is Catspaw?". You, or your hubby, might remember him as the kid from school who, when asked "What did you get on your SAT?", calmly replied "Drool"

Big Mick

18 Sep 99 - 03:15 AM (#115243)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Why, yes--it is a lot like John Wayne Bobbitt getting his dick reattached, ain't it, 'Spaw? --seed

18 Sep 99 - 09:03 AM (#115265)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: bbc

One thing I'll always remember about catspaw is his memory. My best contribution to the mythology is that he "has a memory like an elephant & isn't afraid to use it." That translates to--never say anything to him that you don't want to find on the front page of your local gossip rag in the future (or on a Mudcat thread). He is completely shameless (& fun). Now, really, 'paw, who has talked more about David & dating--you or me? And am I really as namby-pamby, nicey-nice as you portrayed me on the "Mudcat version"?



18 Sep 99 - 12:01 PM (#115290)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Jeri

(Aside to bbc - "Never say anything"...or send him photos of people acting silly, Ms "Nicey-Nice-Oh-My-I-Didn't-Know-He'd-Say-Anything." :-)

'Spaw is the instigator of local legends here. He is a liar (storyteller...well, maybe 'liar' is closer) extaordinaire. Juxtapose a couple of unrelated things in a message - like herons and the name of a famous country/western singer - and he'll come up with a story. I can't help but think he's always been like that. Probably has a bunch of Snoopy the Elf stories. Probably used to have entire dialogs from Cheech and Chong memorized...and George Carlin, and LENNY BRUCE.

18 Sep 99 - 01:56 PM (#115315)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Mark Roffe

I believe his name is misspelled, and should actually be c-a-t-s-p-a-w-5-0 since his last birthday. Or is he trying to stay forever young?

18 Sep 99 - 04:53 PM (#115342)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: DonMeixner


Catspaw is in fact the answer to "Oh, Whats the Use?"


18 Sep 99 - 06:14 PM (#115367)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Barbara

Remember the story about the three animals who lost their home to robbers, and scared them away by "singing"? The musicians of, uhm, someplace in Ohio, maybe? Well Catspaw is the bottom one.

18 Sep 99 - 09:58 PM (#115425)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: DougR

Mary: Spaw is a very nice man with a weakness for possoms. He never saw a bad one.


22 Sep 99 - 11:29 PM (#116698)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Big Mick


If 'Spaw ever offers you a spud (potato), make sure to ask where it has been.

Big Mick

23 Sep 99 - 12:07 AM (#116706)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Lonesome EJ

Mary, the folks around the old Mudcat like to make a lot of jokes at Catspaw's expense because, well, he's a good-hearted fellow, and just as willing to laugh at himself as he is to laugh at all the rest of us. Not much mention is made of the personal history...the numerous accomplishments of this man who has come to mean so much to all of us. The early years he devoted to the treatment of Impetigo victims in Sumatra. The period he spent in the Himalayas as an itenerant Buddhist monk. His brief career as a Tuna Boatman in Nova Scotia. The many women who, for however fleeting a moment, sparkled like shining stars in his life, only to vanish with the dawn.The selfless volunteer work he did at the Neil Young Center, permitting himself to be tested and evaluated in an attempt to gain an understanding of several psychoses directly related to a fascination with certain marsupials.

No, he would not be so bold as to "blow his own horn" regarding his colorful past and his ongoing achievements. But he is a truly humble and gentle man... a man of whom Ronald Reagan once said " This is an American."

23 Sep 99 - 08:57 AM (#116792)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Peter T.

He is also someone who is quite capable of creating this whole scenario ("Mary Elizabeth Colmer", sure) just so that everyone would talk about him, say nice things, and fill up Mudcat space with Catspaweana, which is his real aim in life -- All Catspaw, ALL THE TIME. Shameless narcissism, really, pathetic.
yours, Peter T.

23 Sep 99 - 09:28 AM (#116799)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: catspaw49

LMAO Peter!!! Well stroked man! And that angle bothered me a bit when I started this thread. I was ACTUALLY WORRIED that some would see it that way!

Naw, in this case, it's just an unfortunate (but enjoyable) by-product of an obtuse game to re-connect with Neil. I gotta' say that if poor Mary and Neil DO show up, their thoughts after reading this have GOT to be, "If I did know this guy, I don't want to NOW ... or the gang he hangs out with!"

Still LMAO.........thanks Peter.


23 Sep 99 - 10:06 AM (#116816)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: Peter T.

Anything to get you away from wading birds.
yours, Peter T.

23 Sep 99 - 11:09 AM (#116846)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: katlaughing

Good one, Peter! Mary, if you read this, be sure to share it with your husband....hint, hint.

24 Oct 99 - 09:48 PM (#127643)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: dollmaker

Well you guys out there, I did finally come back. This thing you have here is really strange. I don't even know any of you and you are sending me messages. A bit spooky. Does Spaw have a soft spot in his heart for big spotted dogs named Rhett? I'm going to figure this thing out! The gibson guitar is now in the hands of our son, Orien See ya later Mary

24 Oct 99 - 10:19 PM (#127649)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: catspaw49

Yes he did. Now replaced with a Weimaraner named Jaeger.


"Fulbright" hangin' out at the Cat and building hammered and App. Dulcimers...and that's a nice looking Courtin' Dulcimer in your picture too.

Check out the Links pages here and go to bbc's Mudcat Resources for pix etc.

More later.....and "dollmaker" is a VERY appropriate name Mary...Please stick around and I think you'll find this one of the best spots on the web. Lots of good music, great friends, lively debates, and much love and caring.


24 Oct 99 - 11:00 PM (#127656)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: katlaughing

Mary, were only strange until you get to know us, then we're well...I dunno, except to say we are good people with a good sense of humour and compassion, support, love of music and eash others, passion about music and other things that interest us and that Catspaw is one of our most revered and beloved characters.

Here is one more hint: have your husband take a look at the pictures with you.

katlaughing...ya'll come back and set a spell

25 Oct 99 - 09:30 PM (#127962)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: dollmaker

The double dulcimer is the work of a local artisan, Warren A. May.We had it made for us in 1986.Maple and spruce.Very nice sound.Good to hear Spaw is into building, too.We just play them, oursselves. Acquired a 12-11 dulcimer at Christmas last.We play for the visitors to our shop almost every day.Thank you for being so direct in your answer about your ID,Spaw.It's very good to hear from you.

25 Oct 99 - 10:08 PM (#127978)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: annamill

I love this man. Who reflects my soul and mind, and heart.. I love this man!!

Love, annap

25 Oct 99 - 10:23 PM (#127987)
Subject: RE: For Mary Colmer--Who is Catspaw?
From: catspaw49

Ok annap....geez, I don't know what to say...but you know I love you too.......I mean who else could I have entrusted with the job of SPUDS DELIVERY....and you did such a FINE job too!!!!!
