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BS: Cameron's Iraq moment

08 Jul 11 - 08:12 AM (#3183679)
Subject: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Peter K (Fionn)

With the arrest of the British PM's former press chief, the News of the World saga has achieved a critical mass that will fatally undermine the Cameron premiership. I had been fairly relaxed about the coalition government, seeing it as the only logical outcome of the cards dealt by the electorate last year. But the best Cameron can hope for now is to stagger on as a lame-duck leader, perhaps for years, a la Blair post-Iraq.

At a hastily convened news media conference this morning he obfuscated in respect of the advice he was given from authoritative observers before hiring Coulson and - with reckless hubris - said Coulson was still a friend.

The worm did turn to the extent that Cameron dissed one of the Murdochs - the junior one at least. First he said that when Rebekah Brooks offered her resignation as chief exec of News Inernational, it should have been accepted (ie by Murdoch). When asked if Murdoch should be interviewed by police re his admissions of misleading parliament and authorising pay-offs to buy silence about criminal activity, he said he was not in a position to tell the police what to do, but that Murdoch's comments did raise a number of questions....

Brooks will be lucky to last another week, but in any case will be out by the time Coulson (whome she hung out to dry) has finished helping the plods with their enquiries. But beyond that, don't be surprised if both Murdochs are eased out of their own empire. Rupert's favoured style of journalism is already coming into question in the US, with advertisers backing away from his disgusting so-called news channel, Fox News. No-one with any money will want to be seen giving it to the Murdochs any time soon, and their American shareholders are only inerested in the money.

Cameron will stagger on, but with his confidence shot to pieces, with even the Tory-adulating (London) Daily Telegraph now turning out copy like this:

Cameron in the sewer because of his News International friends

08 Jul 11 - 09:48 AM (#3183721)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Peter K (Fionn)

We may assume that the BSkyB bid - which is where the big money is - is dead in the water.

Robert Peston is probably closer to this than anyone.

08 Jul 11 - 09:54 AM (#3183727)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Bonzo3legs

In your dreams pal, Cameron is stronger than ever.

08 Jul 11 - 10:03 AM (#3183733)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Stu

Cameron's even more up the arse of Murdoch et al than B.liar was, and that takes some doing. He's close friends with Rebekah Brooks whom he lives near and is in his close social circle, and is tainted by association. The fact he still hasn't condemned Brooks or Coulson for their nefarious activities speaks volumes, but as I've been saying for years the Tories are nasty, selfish people and like attracts like.

08 Jul 11 - 11:43 AM (#3183772)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: McGrath of Harlow

But the best Cameron can hope for now is to stagger on as a lame-duck leader, perhaps for years, a la Blair post-Iraq.

The trouble with that is, Blair won the next election in 2005 after conning his compliant colleagues in the Lab-Con coalition to go to war illegally in 2002. (With full backing by Murdoch of course, both for the war and the election.)

No justice in this world it seems...

08 Jul 11 - 12:40 PM (#3183798)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Try reading the link in my first post, Bonzo3legs, and if you still think Cameron is "stronger than ever" then perhaps even he might think you need a brain transplant.

Here's how another Tory-supporting paper, the sober-voiced Financial Times, sees how the saga is playing for Cameron:

How Murdoch missed the news

08 Jul 11 - 03:57 PM (#3183919)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Gervase

Peter, it's probably best to ignore the witterings of Bonzo; s/he's demonstrated often enough on the Mudcat that s/he's a couple of pence short of the shilling when it comes to any analysis of current affairs, and probably even believes Daily Express op-ed pieces. Don't feed the troll!

08 Jul 11 - 04:32 PM (#3183939)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Geoff the Duck

This situation should give the Liberals the perfect excuse to kick Cameron into touch.

08 Jul 11 - 05:05 PM (#3183947)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Were all in this together" takes on a new meaning.

08 Jul 11 - 06:51 PM (#3184001)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: Peter K (Fionn)

I've been tempted to wish for the GtD scenario, but I think the one envisaged by McG is perhaps the best we can hope for. If the LibDems pulled out there would be a general election either immediately or soon after. In that case I doubt if the Labour machinery and finances would be strong enough to give us a better outcome than we have now. And Labour is nowhere near ready in policy terms for fighting a general election.

Whichever way it goes, and whoever is in government, the politicians have broken free from the Murdoch grip and that, at least, must be good.

09 Jul 11 - 01:41 PM (#3184466)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: McGrath of Harlow

There is a real possibility that a motion repudiating the BSky deal could be tabled in the House of Commons, and get a majority.

10 Jul 11 - 10:44 AM (#3184836)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: SPB-Cooperator

In would be good to see cross-party support as Murdoch would no longer have the power to threaten to manipulate/influence the 'popular' vote against parties that do not toe his line, even at the cost of digging Cameron out of the proverbial.

10 Jul 11 - 06:13 PM (#3185092)
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron's Iraq moment
From: DrugCrazed

Well, I feel slightly better about Clegg. At least trying to insist on a judicial inquiry gives him a back bone. Ish.

Though I haven't seen this around much (I swear this is the last time I'll post it on Mudcat. Honest)