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BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now

16 Jul 11 - 01:16 PM (#3188840)
Subject: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Donuel

We have all had our due share of warnings, research, refutations and eye witness to the destruction of life on Earth. Why do we feel the need to say "life as we know it". Is it because our lives are so short? Written historic accounts of the diversity of life and scientific eyes that see far into the past show many rises and falls of life.

In our lifetime, if you are over 40, we have seen the Cod fish die off by 96%, the frogs die off by 98%, the tiger die by 99% and virtually every species die off from over harvesting, habitat loss and pollutant linked disease.

By small steps of using the cheaper short cut and by huge slashes, burning and exploding the Earth with simple and nuclear fires.
Each short cut served a personal greed of someone wishing for a better life. A better life soon will no longer be maintained by anyone save for a few Edens which will eventually be attacked from within and without.

It will not take a tsunami to release all the deadly radiation from every nuclear plant in the world, it will only take famine and disease. So what do we do in the meantime? Recycle?

I remember a mobster named Anthoney Gingello who was taken to the hospital after his car exploded. He asked "Why aren't you doing anything? The nurse told him that the explosion had broken every tiny capillary in his body and there was no turneket in the world that could stop the bleeding.

With every tiny stream, every giant river and nearly all the ground water broken is some way, the Earth is bleeding to death and there is little that mankind can do. Cetainly not the super wealthy. There is no Corporationwho see a profit in trying to save the world with a healthy profit margin. Only the meek multitudes have a chance, but they are disaudied, deluded and disenfranchised by those who blindly only want a status quo.

Hope will live on in small tribes or among mountain people not in the path of deadly jet streams. For the rest of us shall we party to the grave? Damn straight, legalize every damn drug, pray all day, drink alcohol instead of water, entertain yourself to death, because the short cuts you traded the Earth for, have all come due. Yahoo.

Party like nothing is up to you.

16 Jul 11 - 01:20 PM (#3188842)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Donuel

Debby Downer says hi.

16 Jul 11 - 01:39 PM (#3188851)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now

The earth isn't destroyed. Man's ability to survive on it may be in danger. If we die off, the earth won't notice. We will join the dinosaurs in having had our run. End of story.

16 Jul 11 - 02:13 PM (#3188867)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Ants arise! The world is yours.

16 Jul 11 - 02:22 PM (#3188872)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: GUEST,DonMeixner

From the data base

Their brains were small and they died.

When I sit in contemplation of the human situation
I often feel a certain sense of pride.
For our achievements are many and mighty
And the evidence cannot be denied.
But my reverie is shaken 'cause my thoughts are always taken To a
tragedy that happened long ago,
When there moved throughout the land
Beings awesome and grand
The fabulous dinosaur.

They were creatures in a manner quite reptilian
In their unique and stylish way,
And their numbers could be reckoned in the millions;
But there are zero of these heroes in the world today.
They had music, art and fashion, there was dinosauric passion
And I think they'd be enraged and mortified
That when they`re mentioned today it's only to say:
Their brains were small and they died.

Perhaps some asteroid that mother earth could not avoid
Became the agent of their premature demise.
Well l understand that these things can happen,
So who are we to criticize?
When we'll spend most any price to have the ultimate device
That insures the perfect global suicide.
Well, l would venture instead that the humanoid head
Is where the tinier brain resides.
And when we're gone our works they'll start to crumble
Until nothing can be found.
In ten million years some other guys may stumble On our fossils
then some asshole will begin to expound, in some scientific study
to his cockroach science buddies How the evidence can never be
denied---They were big dumb and slow, they couldn't go with the
flow Their brains were small, and they died.

16 Jul 11 - 02:36 PM (#3188878)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Ebbie

Between this view and the view that we are in the best of all possible worlds and that everything is great and getting better, there is a saner view.

16 Jul 11 - 02:36 PM (#3188880)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: DebC

Just want to point out that Mark Graham wrote the above.

Thanks, Don for the contribution. It's a tribute to Mark's songwriting that a song he wrote over 20 years ago is as relevant today as it was then.

Deb Cowan

16 Jul 11 - 03:09 PM (#3188898)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: michaelr

The size of the human brain is a mutation, and what good has come from it is overshadowed by the bad. It now looks inevitable that we will foul our nest to the point of it being uninhabitable (by us). But the planet will heal itself, and maybe a less self-destructive life form will rise to the top. Mankind? Good riddance.

16 Jul 11 - 03:18 PM (#3188904)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: gnu

"a less self-destructive life form will rise to the top."

You mean the dandelions are gonna take over? That will REALLY piss George off as he throws poison on them as soon as he can in the spring. Fortunately, I have a bumper crop every year and the wind is mainly in his direction. Keep the chemical companies in business. Hey, I contribute in my own way eh? >;-)

16 Jul 11 - 03:23 PM (#3188907)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Ebbie

I LIKE dandelions. In Juneau, Alaska's cool (chlly) climate the lowly dandelion is one of the first growing things to "rear its ugly head"(credit to Palin).

It is a bright, hardy and brave splash of color and here in Juneau, they can grow knee high to a human and their heads can eventually grow three inches across. And they last a long time. What other plant do we have that comes close to that?

16 Jul 11 - 03:24 PM (#3188908)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Bee-dubya-ell

If humankind becomes extinct, I'm pretty sure armadillos will take over the world.

No people equals no automobiles and, since the automobile is the armadillo's only natural enemy....

16 Jul 11 - 03:31 PM (#3188912)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: catspaw49

At one point I believe there was a plan to kill all the Italians in America by planting dandelions on the freeways. I may be wrong on this. All I do know is that I lost three aunts and 12 cousins this way.................


16 Jul 11 - 03:36 PM (#3188917)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Donuel

Dead species walking

Like the dinosaur glancing at the streak in the sky
there are men today who do not yet know
that they are fallen men.
Some still alive were raised in school to learn
to hide under their wooden desks when the flash
of a nuclear storm brightened their day.
Younger ones sense their malais and repeat the mantra question
'what can you do?'.

In the homes of the brave live people who will fight until the end for life in all its forms.
They will show a better way, a saner way to say no
to the cheaper shortcut, the profitable path to prosperity.

In smart homes people plan to invent their way up
and out of catastrophe.
But Earth will prove too large and slow for their inventions to work.

In fearful homes are those who will protect there young from the truth.
There are others who arm their children with the truth.
Mostly there those who do not know because they avoid the subject.
I foolishly wonder
What if?
What if our national song had been America the Beautiful
instead of bombs bursting and the rockets red glare?
What if an enlightened person had inherited the oil industry?
What if the right and left minds of man
understood the middle path of compromise.

I could cry for the last tiny tree frog alive.
Some laugh or scoff that one less snail darter has perished.
They can't see beyond the glory of a predator's victory.
Beyond that victory is the same event horizon hurtling toward every living thing on Earth.

I am comforted that life elsewhere has a greater understanding of
what is really profitable. A race smart enough to know what the
Native Americans on Earth knew.

That is until they built that Interstellar Casino.

16 Jul 11 - 03:45 PM (#3188928)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Dandelion greens are a healthy additive to salads, and cooked like spinach. The flowers make a 'wine'.
Look at recipes on the net.
When I was a child, we had a 'crazy' lady as a friend. She had a large yard, and when the dandelions bloomed, my grandmother and I would help her collect the flowere to make wine. We always had a supply in our pantry.

Calgary has stopped spraying. Here, next to the Foothills, they are a part of the natural succession in meadows and fields.

16 Jul 11 - 04:02 PM (#3188942)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Donuel

Speaking of weeds...

IF we had eradicated weeds a thousand years ago, we would not have cotton, corn and most of our grain today.

Weeds certainly can be deadly poison, even in the milk of cows that eat them, but some weeds are also medicine.

The neighbor on the corner is proud of his weed free lawn that is greener than every lawn in town from all the phosphates and nitrates that is pourd on his lawn. Unfortunetly he lives 40 feet from the park so when it rains the storm sewer pours his runoff into Rock Creek making it billow with mounds of foam for miles.

Monsanto has geneticly engineered crops that are immune to Round Up herbacide. Weeds got smart and are more immune now. Farmers who play Monsantos game are now pouring 3 times as much Round Up herbacide for the same results 10 years ago. Ergo you are probably eating 3 times as much herbacide as you used to.

We gotta give weeds their due.
I even smoked weed, do you?

16 Jul 11 - 04:09 PM (#3188948)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Donuel

the tumbleweed never existed in the great cowboy days of the American west. They are an introduced species from Russia that arrived relatively recently. But since tumble weeds are in all the cowboy movies we saw, we thought thats the way it was way out west.

16 Jul 11 - 04:34 PM (#3188966)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Ebbie

My oldest brothers and sisters were born in the '20s. Living on the North Dakota prairie, their best toys were tumbleweeds. They tied string onto their favorite 'steed' and ran behind them wherever the wind carried them.

16 Jul 11 - 10:27 PM (#3189151)
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
From: Donuel

The song tumblin tumblweeds done with the right glissando, is a favorite.