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BS: Cocktail anyone?

03 Aug 11 - 10:16 AM (#3200909)
Subject: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Will Fly

Rather hot here at the moment - just the temperature for a nice, chilled cocktail. I'm not a frequent cocktail drinker, but a Sidecar* would go down a treat at the moment.

Anyone else for a snifter?

*Sidecar: 1 measure of fresh lemon juice; 1 measure of Cointreau; 1 measure of Cognac. Shake over ice and serve in a cocktail glass.

03 Aug 11 - 10:47 AM (#3200927)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

In hot weather, it is hard to beat a margarita.

03 Aug 11 - 10:58 AM (#3200932)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Ebbie

Interesting. The other day a friend called me and said she was bringing over a bowl of soup she had just made, that "this weather is SOUP weather."

And she was right. When it is raining and the temperature is 53 degrees soup is great.

03 Aug 11 - 12:48 PM (#3201014)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: GUEST,leeneia

53? We had 106! This has got to stop.

I've lost interest in booze, but I must admit that when it's really hot, a shot of creme de menthe poured over ice in a brandy snifter and drunk on a shady porch has its charms.

03 Aug 11 - 02:14 PM (#3201089)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Donuel

Harry (Reid) Wallbanger
Shot of milk, teaspoon of whisky, 2 teaspoons of Tang and cup of tepid water.

Hair of the dog
prepared in stupor with whatever is on hand.

Tail of the dog
Is whatever other people are having

Dick of the Dog
1 Baileys Irish Creme, 1 Kahlua, 4 shots Wild Turkey 101.
Ingested with a turkey baster.

03 Aug 11 - 03:13 PM (#3201136)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Margaritas are still, I think, pretty popular, here. I know only a couple of people who drink Martinis, and no one else who drinks cocktails, or even straight hard liquor. It has been about three years since my last...a Rob Roy. Wine and beer, the booze of choice in this corner of the world.

We did have, in the area, a bar which attempted to recreate the ambiance of the '30s-'50s cocktail lounge; it lasted less than two years. A hot dog restaurant took over the space...plain dog on a bun with mustard $7.95 (I hope they serve a a pickle at that price) and go up to $15 or $16 depending on the add-ons. Needless to say, I have not partaken of their red hots.

03 Aug 11 - 05:07 PM (#3201213)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: PoppaGator

Here in New Orleans, you would never hear anyone utter the phrase "Cocktail anyone?" ~ not using the singular; it's always "cocktailS," plural...

03 Aug 11 - 05:15 PM (#3201220)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Midchuck

There's always the Osama cocktail - a couple of shots and a splash of water...


03 Aug 11 - 05:17 PM (#3201222)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Donuel

Iced drinks give me a brain freeze even if I am careful.

I like the idea of inventing drinks

How about A Red Russian
Like a black Russian but with red Cinnamon Schnapps.

03 Aug 11 - 05:24 PM (#3201228)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Jack the Sailor

Martini is not a good hot weather drink. Liquid and salt is in order.

03 Aug 11 - 05:32 PM (#3201235)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Donuel

Ah hell just give me a Margarita already. IS it always Tequilla or rum based? do ya use a mix, a bottle of mix or what? Fancy Salt, it sounds like work to me.

I have a cabinate of liquor but have maybe 5 drinks a year since I'm skittish about migrains.

03 Aug 11 - 07:27 PM (#3201307)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Big Mick

Will I have to turn in my left wing dirty long haired hippie card IF I admit that I really like a martini, dirty, with anchovie stuffed, or Bleu cheese stuffed, olives? I'm not sayin' I do, mind you, just askin'..........


03 Aug 11 - 08:06 PM (#3201329)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: saulgoldie

"*Sidecar: 1 measure of fresh lemon juice; 1 measure of Cointreau; 1 measure of Cognac. Shake over ice and serve in a cocktail glass."

Now THAT sounds like a bit o heaven on earth! Ahmonna have to try one of those--soon's I finish off this bottle of scotch.


03 Aug 11 - 09:40 PM (#3201373)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: open mike

how about a "Bloody Maria" with tomato juice and tequila...
(a bloody mary has vodka i think....)
here is a simple recipe--
here is a more complicated version..

03 Aug 11 - 11:24 PM (#3201404)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

I forgot till just now...I still have a forty year old bottle of 12 year old Canadian still in the Christmas gift box, bow and all. I guess once bottled the water of life therein no longer ages...too bad.

04 Aug 11 - 03:38 AM (#3201456)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: GUEST,BobL

Martini spritzer: 1 part Plymouth gin, 1 part bianco, 2 parts soda, tonic or lemonade. Serve in a 13oz glass with lots of ice and a slice.

Plymouth gin is a bit more subtle with the botanicals than some other gins, and the result seems quite innocuous ... at first ...

04 Aug 11 - 04:01 AM (#3201465)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Will Fly

I admit that I really like a martini, dirty, with anchovie stuffed, or Bleu cheese stuffed, olives? I'm not sayin' I do, mind you, just askin'..........

Mmm... just getting my Boston shaker out of the cupboard. Join me?

04 Aug 11 - 06:02 AM (#3201510)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Allan C.

_________ and water is my idea of a cocktail ... er, except for the part about the water.

04 Aug 11 - 06:13 AM (#3201514)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: MikeL2


Gone through the cocktails thing these days.

Now give me a cold beer or better still a good ice cold glass of Rose wine.'s boody raining here now O got the wine out....hang it........glug......that's nice....



04 Aug 11 - 07:51 AM (#3201560)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: GUEST,Patsy

Cocktails are ok on the odd occasion for a birthday celebration drink but I am not that familiar about which is which apart from the well known like Harvey Wallbangers, Sidecars, Mojitos, Pina Coladas and Tequila Sunrises and wouldn't attempt to make one. I suppose the closest I have got to making anything different I once put a chopped banana and a few strawberries in a blender with vodka part skimmed milk wooshed it up and then topped it with ice cream and wooshed it up again until thick. It was more of a healthy alcoholic fruit milkshake but really delicious.

In UK it varies from place to place how good a cocktail is, I recently called into a place with a friend and asked for a cocktail each and the barman had to get a book out and follow it step by step. Luckily it did turn out alright but surely most barmen ought to know how to put together some basic ones.

04 Aug 11 - 09:42 AM (#3201601)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Will Fly

Most pub bar staff, except perhaps those in some smart city bars, know nothing about making proper cocktails.

Take, for example, a Bloody Mary. Most pubs would give you vodka, tomato sauce and a dash of Worcester Sauce. Compare that with a proper Bloody Mary:

2 Drops Angostura Bitters (44.7% abv)*
2 Measures Russian Standard Vodka (40% abv)*
0.25 Measure Tio Pepe Fino Sherry (15% abv)*
6 Drops Tabasco Sauce
4 Measures Tomato Juice
1 Pinch Pepper
1 Pinch Celery Salt
0.5 Measure Lemon Juice
0.5 Measure Worcestershire Sauce
0.5 Teaspoon Horse Radish
0.5 Teaspoon Caster Sugar

No chance in your average pub!

04 Aug 11 - 09:51 AM (#3201603)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Mrrzy

Needs way more hot to it than that!

Surprising what drinks have sherry in them. I think a proper Mint Julep (great hot weather drink) does...

Also, don't neglect COLD soups in hot weather. Cucumber springs to mind, also avocado.

I like to make up drinks, like Irish Whisky and Kahlua. Yum.

04 Aug 11 - 10:12 AM (#3201612)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Will Fly

Chilled pea and cucumber soup - with a touch of mint... delicious!

04 Aug 11 - 06:37 PM (#3201981)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: dick greenhaus

Then there's the Phillips Screwdriver----gin and milk of magnesia.

04 Aug 11 - 10:31 PM (#3202121)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Big Mick

Will, we must have drinks sometime!! THAT is a proper Bloody Mary!!


05 Aug 11 - 03:40 PM (#3202182)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Will Fly

Mick - they're on me!

05 Aug 11 - 08:53 PM (#3202397)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: GUEST,Mrr

Dick g, isn't that a pile driver?

23 Apr 23 - 11:32 AM (#4170632)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Mrrzy

Ok, this was on last night's menu ...

A martini called the Lady Mondegreen. Flavors included rosemary and thyme.

I laughed rather loudly. And it was delicious.

23 Apr 23 - 06:18 PM (#4170685)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Steve Shaw

Aperol Spritz. In the sun, pre-barbie, no contest! Or anything involving Prosecco and white peach juice or limoncello. Any of those and you end up with an unsuitably large glass of Prosecco for your second drink. What's not to like. Plenty of ice cubes at the ready in all cases.

Or just a gin and tonic. Plymouth gin, ice and a slice with Schweppes tonic (never Slimline). I mean, beat that.

24 Apr 23 - 04:03 AM (#4170704)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: BobL

Martini Spritzers are like lovers: one is not enough, two are too many.
See my post of 4 Aug 2011 (was it really that long ago?), use Plymouth or Sipsmith gin and Fevertree tonic. Sorry, but for me Schweppes is now the substitute that their ads used to warn against.

24 Apr 23 - 08:12 AM (#4170717)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Charmion

For your G&T, may I recommend also a dash of Angostura?

I knew Edmund and I were an “old married couple” when we started on our third bottle of bitters.

24 Apr 23 - 05:22 PM (#4170740)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Steve Shaw

Whatever lights your fire or stirs yer loins. I wouldn't want to add extra bitters to my G&T because I don't exactly hold back on the gin. As for Schweppes, we went to the Plymouth gin distillery and they told us there that Schweppes or Waitrose tonic were the only ones to go for. Mind you, that was over two decades ago... Mind you again, Schweppes always does it for me...

24 Apr 23 - 06:46 PM (#4170752)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Mrrzy

Nobody liked the mondegreen?

24 Apr 23 - 07:55 PM (#4170761)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Ebbie

Made me smile, Mrrzy.

25 Apr 23 - 05:02 AM (#4170783)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Steve Shaw

Somebody mentioned cold soups. About ten years ago we first experienced the Andalucían tapa called salmorejo in forty-degree heat. It's very thick, it's served ice-cold in small glasses with a few little breadsticks eaten with a spoon. It has chopped hard-boiled egg and Serrano ham sprinkled on top. It's made with fresh tomatoes, garlic, sherry vinegar, a lot of the best extra virgin olive oil and old bread that's been soaked in the whizzed tomatoes, all puréed. I think I might have posted my recipe in one of those recipe threads. On a hot day it's utterly delicious - with a big glass of aperol spritz!

26 Apr 23 - 01:11 PM (#4170881)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Georgiansilver

A good ols Harvey Wallbanger for me.... ice, fresh orange juice, vodka with a topping of Galliano............

27 Apr 23 - 02:43 PM (#4170956)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Donuel

Do the English still drink an egg flip?
900ml of real-ale.
100ml of Dark Rum.
85g brown sugar (Demerara)
Grated Nutmeg (10 shavings)
1/4 tsp Ground Ginger.
3 eggs (beaten)

28 Apr 23 - 08:50 PM (#4171045)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Joe_F

When I am in a cocktail mood, it is usually a 19th-century Martini a la Rombauer: 1 part dry vermouth, 1 part sweet vermouth, 6 parts gin, dash of orange bitters, olive, ice. But my usual nightcap is plain anisette on ice. If the hot weather ever comes back (for the time being it is high in the 50s F, day after day), I'll vary that with gin & tonic.

29 Apr 23 - 08:11 PM (#4171134)
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
From: Charmion

I am very fond of the Negroni — equal parts gin, Campari and red vermouth, with a garnish of orange rind. Negronis are bloody strong, however, so I drink them only at home.

Come to think of it, I’m at home now. Oh, good — I can have a Negroni!