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BS: King Obama

18 Aug 11 - 05:45 PM (#3209101)
Subject: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

I see on the six o'clock news that all eyes are on the Boeing seven big seven plane upon which which His Majesty and Bo, the Portugese Water Dog, are about to deplane and then board a chopper (I dunno, I couldn't be bothered to watch and gag any longer) to the summer retreat for a ten day vacation. Michelle and the kids are already there. How nice.

WTF? Slow news day? Nothing going on in FuckyoUPshima? Afghanistan? Cairo? Syria? Libya?.... ohhhhh, I gotta stop. Oh... me nerves!

18 Aug 11 - 06:28 PM (#3209125)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Amos

Get some Nicorettes, Gnu, afore ya go over the edge...

18 Aug 11 - 07:36 PM (#3209147)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Too much of that screech or whatever.

By Boeing seven... I presume Air Force 1 is meant.

18 Aug 11 - 07:42 PM (#3209148)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Bill D

It's a "working vacation"...and Obama has taken off fewer days than anyone back to Clinton.. he will have some 'family time' with the wife & kids,and spend many hours working,

18 Aug 11 - 07:43 PM (#3209150)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

Perhaps, A. But I just find it soooo odd. With all the strife in the world, with people at war, with people dying from starvation.... why are the news networks glued to Bo the dog taking a shit on the Whitehouse lawn? It's a fuckin dog.

18 Aug 11 - 07:52 PM (#3209155)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

Screech... oh, I drank a few in my day. But, the deal is, the way the press is playing this up is like he is royalty and Bo the dog is too. It just seems so surreal when there is so much garbage going on in the REAL world.

Sorry. I guess it's just me. I get sooo upset at times.


18 Aug 11 - 08:05 PM (#3209158)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Amos

THey need anything they can find to keep the turmoil alive with. The man is handling things as well as anyone in the arena could do, better than most, and they have to find something to throw around in the hopes it will stick. Make it a bus, a plane. Complain about his dog or his decision as to which toothbrush to use. Just don't let things seem "normal" or the circulation might fall!!

Media is a shitty business anymore, IMHO.


18 Aug 11 - 08:14 PM (#3209161)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

I ain't complainin about his dawwwwg.... I am complainin about the MEDIA bein such assholes fer talkin about his dawwwg. I couldn't give two shits from Tuesday about his dawwwg but the media seems to think some people do. I don't wanna hear about Bo at all, not even a bo fuckin peep... I wanna hear about how Bo's boss is gonna clear up the problems... not about fuckin the dawwwg and sellin the pups. That's just rich that is.

18 Aug 11 - 08:17 PM (#3209164)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: katlaughing

The tagline for a tv news show coming up said he was taking a hit "from both sides" for taking a vacation. The "press" doesn't give a shit about truth, just pandering to whichever group they think comprises the most viewers. They have to stir the pot to keep up revenue. It's disgusting.

The man has arguably one of THE most stressful jobs in the world and people dare to begrudge him some time to renew & be with his family? I see what stress does to my Rog on a very small scale compared to the Presidency. Unfuckingbelievable that people can't find something more important to get upset over.

18 Aug 11 - 08:25 PM (#3209168)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Beer

Christ, everyone deserves a vacation and if anyone does it is him and his family.

18 Aug 11 - 08:37 PM (#3209172)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Greg F.

and Obama has taken off fewer days than anyone back to Clinton..

The Tea Potty also need to look up the time their hero Geo. Dumbya took off while president.

18 Aug 11 - 11:57 PM (#3209217)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Why not have a vacation??...Maybe he might reflect a bit, and decide to run things a bit better!..or maybe like his vacation so much, he'll just stay there....OOOPs then we'd have Joe Biden!...Yikes!, hurry back Barry!...but then if he takes Joe with him,..and they decide to stay together, and frolic on the beach, and stay there...then.....Thank God Pelosi is not speaker any more!..for a while, Barry, had complete job security!
Don't worry, he'll be back!..then we can watch and listen to him bullshit us, and do nothing!


19 Aug 11 - 12:08 AM (#3209224)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: GUEST,999

"Get some Nicorettes, Gnu, afore ya go over the edge..."

Hunter Thompson said that anybody who knows WHERE the edge is already went over.

19 Aug 11 - 06:44 AM (#3209332)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: kendall

Dumya was on the job for three months when he took off on vacation. Vacation from what I'd like to know.

Our new Governor, Paul LaFraud was on the job three months when he went to Jamaica to play golf.
It's that strong sense of entitlement that infects these people.

19 Aug 11 - 08:09 AM (#3209354)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: GUEST,bankley

he ought to move to Canuckastan where MPS and the PM are mostly always 'out to lunch'

19 Aug 11 - 01:47 PM (#3209511)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Bankley- Ha Ha!

A visit ot the premier's office in Alberta always elicits the response- Out of town on urgent business!

Unless there is a photo op.

19 Aug 11 - 02:01 PM (#3209527)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

Indeed Ron and Q. And, the senate is appalling... I forget the name of the lad that was on permanent vacation in, I believe it was, the Bahamas or Bermuda.

Kendall... Garge spent a month at the ranch every year didn't he? Not that even needed to be in the oral office at all.

19 Aug 11 - 02:28 PM (#3209547)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: olddude

Thats it, screw it, I am going on vacation ... yup ... maybe take me big dog to the lake to fetch sticks .. now granted it is only a mile from my house but hey any vacation is a good one ...

As fer the politics ... don't vote for me ok ... cause I ain't accepting any job in politics ... did a round on the school board once .. dang if they could have thrown eggs at me they would have ..

Anyone stupid enough to run for any political office deserves the pelting ... don't care who it is .. job sucks bigtime, ya gotta be nuts.

19 Aug 11 - 04:38 PM (#3209609)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Stringsinger

I remember Bush and McCain celebrating a birthday party in Texas during Katrina.
Talk about weird.

19 Aug 11 - 05:18 PM (#3209626)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: akenaton

Mr Obama will be having a nice long holiday very shortly, courtesy of Hill n' Bill!

19 Aug 11 - 06:25 PM (#3209654)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

Not likely. Obie gets to ride out the next twology, hands down... unless the election is rigged or stolen in some way. Of course, shit like that couldn't happen, could it?

19 Aug 11 - 06:38 PM (#3209662)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: John P

I really don't think there's anything nefarious about the press focusing on the dog. Dogs are cute, and the general public seems to like stuff like that. I really doubt they are doing it to keep our minds off other things.

It is interesting that this thread is called "King Obama". Why not "Boring Press" or "Dogs are Boring"? I'm left with the idea that gnu thinks there is some fault on Obama's part that is revealed by the press taking pictures of his dog. Given his repeated statements that the story is silly, what's that say about this thread?

19 Aug 11 - 07:06 PM (#3209679)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

John P...

John P... Nothing nefarious, just stunned. I thought I made that clear.

As for the thread name, I think it is quite fitting... as i see it, it is the press "watching" his every move, as per the "royal watching" elsewhere.

As for John P saying I fault Obama in any way, that is putting words in my mouth and attacking my character... I think I deserve an apology.

John P... "Given his repeated statements that the story is silly, what's that say about this thread?"

Nothing. It says what it says. If you can't figure it out, yer stunned as me arse. Perhaps even silly... nah, far beyond that.

20 Aug 11 - 05:12 AM (#3209842)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Dave MacKenzie

In the UK this used to be known as 'the silly season' when nothing important was happening in the world, so the press had to make up their column inches with 'silly stories'. Does this mean that nothing important is happening?

20 Aug 11 - 09:39 AM (#3209907)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Does this mean that nothing important is happening?

No, it means the media has decided the general public has a limited capacity for real issues and that capacity has been reached. Remember that the media is really about marketing, not information, and a bored audience might turn off their tellies and miss the real message which is not "We're going to hell in a basket!" but "Buy the latest, newest, most improvedest Gillette shaving apparatus with more little blades imbedded in it than you'd ever care to count!"

20 Aug 11 - 11:38 AM (#3209945)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Stringsinger

Do you all want King Perry? He'll put the country on a permanent vacation.

20 Aug 11 - 02:38 PM (#3210009)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: akenaton

Well said BWL

20 Aug 11 - 02:55 PM (#3210015)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: olddude

Bee it is more like, wanna look like this skinny supermodel then use product xyz.

Or are you losing your hair. call the lawyer hotline and we will sue your parents.

Or my favorite, can't get it up .. take viagra, you will be a teenager again and all the women will swarm because they can sense your confident manhood ...


20 Aug 11 - 03:17 PM (#3210023)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Watch the BBC or AlJazeera

20 Aug 11 - 04:36 PM (#3210055)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: artbrooks

Don't watch anything on TV - it's amazing how much time that frees up for reading.

20 Aug 11 - 05:34 PM (#3210087)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Time for reading- Harlequin, King Comics, News of the World (or equivalent if NOW is dead), Sports Illustrated, .....

21 Aug 11 - 06:02 AM (#3210277)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: kendall

Gnu, "The ORAL office"? hehehe good one.

27 Feb 12 - 10:40 AM (#3314049)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: beardedbruce

"So far this year, President Obama has taken four trips, including 18 fundraisers outside the greater Washington, D.C. area. But during each trip he also conducted official business. That means that the White House -- in other words, taxpayers -- splits the cost with the Obama campaign.
But how do they split it? Take Obama's recent trip out west, when he travelled to three states over three days. He attended eight fundraisers, and held just two official events - a factory tour in Wisconsin and a Boeing plant visit in Seattle.
The cost of operating Air Force One is $179,750 per hour, according to the U.S. Air Force. White House Pool reports show that the plane flew for nearly 12 hours for that trip, which means the plane ride alone cost more than $2 million. That doesn't even include the cost of flying advance workers and specialty vehicles ahead of time to the president's destination, not to mention the cost of setting up security.
So what was the total cost of that trip to taxpayers?
"We'll never know," said Brendan Doherty, who tracks presidential travel as a political scientist at the United States Naval Academy.
"Even on a trip that ends up designated as 100 percent political," he added, "taxpayers end up bearing most of the cost."
The campaign does not reimburse the government for the cost of flying Air Force One, but for the equivalent cost of flying the president and his staff first class on a commercial airline.
Indeed, Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and on and on all used this same formula. Doherty says when it comes to presidents taking advantage of this billing technicality, each one exploits it more than his predecessor.
"If we were having this conversation 20 plus years ago, we'd be talking about George H.W. Bush's record-breaking funds. Four years after that we would be talking about Bill Clinton and how he shattered George H.W. Bush's records. Eight years later we'd be talking about George W. Bush eclipsing the fundraising pace that Bill Clinton set in his first term," said Doherty. "And now eight years later Barack Obama is breaking records that George W Bush set.""

27 Feb 12 - 11:01 AM (#3314060)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: GUEST,999

And here I am bitching to my government because our defense minister used a Search and Rescue helicopter (and military crew) to help get home from a fishing trip.

BB, how much of that can be accounted for by inflation?

27 Feb 12 - 11:09 AM (#3314066)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Bonzo3legs

And how much is lost each hour in the USA by people going outside for a smoke and catching up on Twitter/Facebook/Mudcat etc?????

27 Feb 12 - 11:11 AM (#3314067)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Not that even needed to be in the oral office at all.""

I thought Bill Clinton was the only one who had an ORAL office!

Don T.

27 Feb 12 - 11:27 AM (#3314074)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: pdq

George W. Bush spent $260 million to get elected in 2004.

Barack Obama spent a billion to get elected in 2008 just four years later.

Four times as much money in four years. That's some type of inflation alright.

27 Feb 12 - 12:08 PM (#3314101)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: beardedbruce

"BB, how much of that can be accounted for by inflation?"

Less than the total. But of course, when it was BUSH that had the record, no-one asked about inflation.

27 Feb 12 - 12:09 PM (#3314103)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Ebbie

Wow, pdq. I thought this election year is when they're bandying about the billion-dollar figure. It is your belief that one billion was spent by Obama in the last election cycle? Wow. Pretty soon that will add up to real money. Or is it just hyperbole that is inflating?

27 Feb 12 - 12:20 PM (#3314110)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: GUEST,999

"But of course, when it was BUSH that had the record, no-one asked about inflation."

When it was Bush, you didn't post what you did, BB.

27 Feb 12 - 12:25 PM (#3314111)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: beardedbruce

When Bush was in office, there were comments here about how much more than previous presidents he was spending on travel.

As I said, it was noted ONLY that he spent more, and no thought of the difference in the value of the dollars between his administration and Clinton's was mentioned.

27 Feb 12 - 12:30 PM (#3314114)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: beardedbruce

Of course, his does not include spending by Unions,etc...

Candidate (Party)        Amount raised        Amount spent        Votes        Average spent per vote
Barack Obama (D)        $778,642,962        $760,370,195        69,498,215        $10.94
John McCain (R)        $383,913,834        $358,008,447        59,948,240        $5.97
Ralph Nader (I)               $4,496,180        $4,187,628        738,720               $5.67
Bob Barr (L)               $1,383,681        $1,345,202        523,713               $2.57
Chuck Baldwin (C)        $261,673               $234,309               199,437               $1.17
Cynthia McKinney (G)$240,130               $238,968               161,680               $1.48

Who says you can't buy an election??

27 Feb 12 - 12:36 PM (#3314118)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: beardedbruce

"Those four words headline the website of the organization Progressives United, founded by former U.S. Sen., and now Obama campaign adviser, Russ Feingold. He is referring to Obama's recent announcement that he will accept super PAC funds for his re-election campaign. Feingold writes: "The President is wrong to embrace the corrupt corporate politics of Citizens United through the use of Super PACs -- organizations that raise unlimited amounts of money from corporations and the richest individuals, sometimes in total secrecy. It's not just bad policy; it's also dumb strategy." And, he says, it's "dancing with the devil.""

27 Feb 12 - 12:44 PM (#3314121)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: beardedbruce

"WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama set a high bar for 2012 presidential campaign fundraising after reporting a haul of $46 million in his second quarter campaign finance filings released on Friday. The president's campaign is, yet again, relying on a mix of small-dollar donors and big-dollar bundlers to pay for a campaign that experts project will raise a total of close to $1 billion."

"This doesn't mean that the Obama campaign is shunning big money. The campaign also relied on a stable of 244 bundlers, donors who collect checks to deliver to the campaign. Those bundlers delivered at least $37 million, according to campaign's report of the minimum amount each bundler produced. This total was for both the Obama campaign and the Obama Victory Fund, a joint fundraising vehicle, according to campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt.

The campaign also relied on a joint fundraising vehicle that forwarded $20.5 million to the Democratic National Committee and $12.75 million to Obama for America. The Obama Victory Fund raised more than 50 percent of its total from donors maxing out at $35,800 and more than 90 percent from donors giving $10,000."

27 Feb 12 - 12:52 PM (#3314127)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: beardedbruce

27 Feb 12 - 12:59 PM (#3314130)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Bert

When George the second was in power the only inflation I was worried about was in the price of gas and of groceries.

27 Feb 12 - 01:28 PM (#3314142)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: gnu

Bush made sure your fears were well founded.

27 Feb 12 - 01:59 PM (#3314150)
Subject: RE: BS: King Obama
From: Bill D

"Who says you can't buy an election??"


As you may have read, Obama is quite in favor of changing the rules about how money for re-election is raised.... but the Republicans still hold to their belief that 'over the long haul', $$$$ will be the deciding factor.

A couple of Republicans spend hundreds of millions in LOSING campaigns in 2010..(Meg Whitfield? and one other) but Romney didn't get the message. And you 'may' have read that ΒΌ of all funds donated to Republican SuperPacs are by **5** billionaire donors. One says he 'might' give up to 100 million the get Gingrich the nomination.

if I were Obama, I too would combat this idiocy by playing (legally) by THEIR rules until it is changed.