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BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

22 Aug 11 - 04:28 PM (#3211051)
Subject: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Irene looks like a bitch!

23 Aug 11 - 09:03 AM (#3211370)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: EBarnacle

Yup, we're expecting her Late Sunday thru Tuesday.

23 Aug 11 - 10:06 AM (#3211403)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,999

Where's it expected to hit?

23 Aug 11 - 01:36 PM (#3211491)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

Florida to NC. Too soon to tell. Could go east a bit too.

23 Aug 11 - 01:46 PM (#3211502)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Up I-95 probably

23 Aug 11 - 01:47 PM (#3211504)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

9... follow the link. I also watch the US Hurricane Centre even though they spell it incorrectly.

23 Aug 11 - 01:50 PM (#3211510)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

incorrectly?? Centre? Sen-tree? *grin*

23 Aug 11 - 01:54 PM (#3211515)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,999

Thanks, Gnu.

Where's BWL?

24 Aug 11 - 01:54 PM (#3212102)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

The NHC has just updated the track eastward, closer to Cape Hatteras but with the eye still inland. EC is sticking with the eye just grazing the cape.

maeve... 9AM Monday on the EC track is, ahhh, have a peek.

24 Aug 11 - 02:01 PM (#3212107)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Yep...Thanks, gnu. Getting ready so we can relax and ride it out in the yurt.

24 Aug 11 - 02:18 PM (#3212116)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

130kph ain't too bad but it ain't too good either. I suspect the sustained will be about 100 givin the present estimations and track projections. Plywood might be a good idea on the eastmost windows, depending on how things go in NC. If it tracks more to the west than the EC track shows, those winds should drop significantly.

I prepared a small piece of plywood for one of Mum's windows last year as it has a simple insert for a portable air conditioner and I would trust it over 80kph. I have two such units but I fiddled an installation that will take a lot more. Looks like crap but I made them out of scrap in the garage. Still gotta duct tape the ends of the hoses tho... is the track stays on track... >;-)

24 Aug 11 - 02:29 PM (#3212119)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Hmmm... I noticed a bunch of "dirt spots" on Mum's vinyl siding the other day (kinda looks like mold spots) and decided I was gonna wash it again this summer, soon. Maybe I'll hang off. >:-D

24 Aug 11 - 02:55 PM (#3212130)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

As long as the weather lets up enough for you to apply some suds, the rain will scrub down the siding sure enough, gnu!

Nobody else around here seems to be taking the storm seriously. We're in a vulnerable position, and anything we do to prepare now will pay off for us whether for this hurricane or a storm in the future.

We have plywood scraps ready for smaller windows, and full sheets coming in a couple of days for the big passive solar windows. Setting up in the yurt to camp there for the duration, generator at the ready, various supplies gathering by the door. There is no way we want to be in the camper for what could be a significant windstorm; 30-40-50 mph was horrible enough in storms this past fall, winter, and spring.

Once we're set up, we'll enjoy the storm.

24 Aug 11 - 10:50 PM (#3212299)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Bruce... I'm still here on the Gulf Coast. Irene's not comin' my way. Gulf of Mexico... Atlantic Ocean... They're both salty and have fish in 'em, but they're not the same. The Gulf has prettier beaches and nastier hurricanes.

But there's this big ol' mess of bad weather out near the Cape Verde islands that they're saying has like a 90% chance of becoming Jose. Repeat after me, "No way, Jose! Go 'way Jose!" Just practicin'...

24 Aug 11 - 11:23 PM (#3212316)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: ChanteyLass

In Rhode Island, I'm following the storm's track, too. I've got enough meds for a few days, batteries, masking tape for windows, water, non-perishable food, a cooler, ice packs in the freezer for food I might want to move to the cooler, a wind-up radio, and a cell phone that will be fully charged if we get a hurricane watch. Right now we don't even have a hurricane warning. If we do get a hurricane watch, I'll also bring in the trash barrels, which are the only outdoor items I have. I hope the hurricane by-passes all Mudcatters!

25 Aug 11 - 10:46 AM (#3212512)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

I'm beginning to worry. This ones' path looks like the 1938 hurricane
and the 1954 hurricanes Carol
and Edna. I remember the 1954 season, although I was only 6. We lived on Bostons' north shore, about a mile inland. We lost two apple trees and had no electricity for a week. ChantyLass, how far away is Narragansett Bay from you? Providence was under 12 feet of water from storm surge in both those years. My father told about the hurricane of '38 from the house I live in now, in southern NH. He described a sugar maple next door, rather small at about 30 feet tall, falling over sideways from saturated soil and wind. It was cabled, hauled back upright and survived another 50 years. If anyone is in a warning area, one thought might be to fill a bathtub with water. If yoiu lose water supply jugs of drinking water are important, but so is flushing the toilet. If you have a land-line telephone, resurrect a plain-vanilla phone that doesn't need electricity. Also, for long-term post-hurricane digging in, knowing where a local supplier of dry ice is located might save a freezer full of food.

25 Aug 11 - 11:49 AM (#3212539)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Well, it looks like I ain't gonna get me house washed. Maeve... looks a loot better for you too. 100kph and the track is now further west so, hopefully, you won't see any really nasty wind. Of course, skeeters certaily won't be a problem. >;-)

25 Aug 11 - 12:09 PM (#3212558)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Stilly River Sage

Ok - "No way, Jose! Go 'way Jose!" - go Texas way, Jose! We crave your rain!


25 Aug 11 - 04:02 PM (#3212652)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Tinker

Stilly7 I wish we could send it your way the ground is already saturated and they are talking about 10+ inches over the next few days. Well I needed to declutter the basement anyway..... sigh....

We are about 14 miles inland but some of the tracks aren't pretty

25 Aug 11 - 04:03 PM (#3212653)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

I am making pans full of ice...(solid chunks melt slower) line ice chests with...just in case.
Also, we cook with electricity, and power outages (last time was 5 days) mean problems if we can't even cook frozen food that is thawing, so I am digging out an old gas stove in my basement (used to be an apt. there). It has been used only once in 27 years, but it would allow emergency stuff. I have 2 days to get it uncovered & adjusted.

We sometimes have problems with water getting in window wells on the south side of the house, so I dig a sort of shallow ditch to divert heavy downpours...and I cover the window wells and hope.

34 years ago I moved from tornado country.....I tell you, tornados are nasty IF they hit you, but they last only a few minutes.

25 Aug 11 - 04:18 PM (#3212657)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

I am POd! Moncton newspaper... "Forecasters' predictions are changing daily, however, as hurricanes are notoriously fickle. On one thing they agree, and that is the possibility that Irene could grow into a Category 4 hurricane, meaning winds around 217 km/h (135 mph), and rain of an intensity that is rarely seen in New Brunswick - not to mention storm surges that have become all too common along coastal New Brunswick in recent years."

The report that they could have easily accessed from the Canuck Hurricane Centre (properly spelled >;-D) was for far less than half of the wind speed they implied in the newpaper. Not much rain either. The article goes on so say we should all stock up on water and everything else we need to be totally helpless for at least 72 hours.

The elderly are easily scared because they believe the, the, the trash rags that sensationalize to sells newspapers. It is disgusting.

I printed out the CHC track map and gave it to several elderly peeps in my neighbourhood and explained it. Many thanks from them.

Do your newspapers and radio and TV practice this vile crap?

25 Aug 11 - 05:11 PM (#3212682)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Our radio & TV have been stressing that being OVER prepared is better than UNprepared. It may be too extreme of a warning, but it is far from "vile crap".
Depending on exactly where one lives and one's usual resources, 72 hours is not impossible. As I said, last time WE were hit, (Hurricane Floyd-1999), the winds were not super stong here, and it was over in hours...but many, many power lines were down and one big tree put us out of power for almost 5 days! Even the grocery stores near us were out of commission for several days, and deliveries were slow.

   The experts are saying that this has the **potential** to cause serious problems for up to 20 million people. We here near DC are likely to have more issues than N. Brunswick, but IF this storm gets nasty that far up, I'd rather see 'the elderly' (am I, at 72, in that category?) scared into excessive preparation than caught napping.

(and the US National Hurricane Center --[spelled properly from Maine south]-- says they simply don't know yet...)

25 Aug 11 - 06:02 PM (#3212714)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

I am really not sure about this one. The weathermen have cried wolf so often tht people may be inclined to ignore the possibilities.
Me? Tomorrow I am off after work for water, canned goods and an extra litter box. Maybe an extra box of wine as well. I am surrounded by big trees. Hope they stay put.
Ice machine is chugging out cubes and ny freezer packs are at the ready.
SOmehow I am more worried about the storm to follow. It looks as if it could take aim at South Portland. LOL
Stay safe all.
I remember a hurricane coming through Howard Beach (Inland tip of Long Island) and going out to see the quiet and the riot all around it. Weird stuff.

25 Aug 11 - 06:29 PM (#3212730)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

I lived in tornado-land for 35 years and never was hit by one...but the town of Udall, KS was wiped out not far away. We took ALL the warnings seriously.
"Crying wolf" is what someone does to get attention when they KNOW there is no danger. Telling someone that wolves are dangerous and 'may' be in the area is a pretty good idea.

25 Aug 11 - 06:30 PM (#3212731)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Bill D... I disagree. The eldery are already prepared. That's how they got to be elderly. Scaring them now is just sinful. Especially when it isn't necessary according to EC.

25 Aug 11 - 06:52 PM (#3212744)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

I would hope to hear that President Obama is cutting short his vacation and leaving Martha's Vineyard (with the hundred or so staff, press, politicos, etc.) soon. He could get another day if he goes somewhere other than DC (maybe visit some Chicago buddies??). The last storm that really hit New England (Bob, 1991) blew all the leaves off the lilacs on the islands. A friend visiting in late September reported new growth and flowers from the very confused shrubs.

Gnu, I think you're still likely to see the blob of water that this storm carries. If it crashes into the southern coast of New England, you'd be pretty safe from storm surge. TV coverage here is still in the "it pays to always be prepared" mode, with coverage of boats on the seacoast (all 26 miles in NH) being pulled out early for the season "just in case." The weather reporter has presented a map with 12 computer predictions that's quite interesting. One shows a path over northeastern New York, 2 show paths out to sea (1 hitting you squarely) and the rest run straight up through New England. Stores are busy with people buying water (why they can't just jug up some tapwater is beyond me).

25 Aug 11 - 06:56 PM (#3212749)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Maybe they are short on jugs?

25 Aug 11 - 07:09 PM (#3212755)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

LOL, Gnu, I suppose. I always keep 6 (milk, ice tea, whatever) jugs for watering my houseplants. (2 floors, I can carry 3 at a time). I wouldn't even be bothered by people buying gallons of water, but they're buying those quart-size bottles by the case in the tv news story. I dunno, maybe all the gallons are already gone.

25 Aug 11 - 07:24 PM (#3212765)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Joe Offer

Uh, oh....I never thought this hurricane might affect me.
I'm flying into Newark, New Jersey, on Sunday evening and changing planes for Ireland. Am I likely to hit New Jersey the same time as the hurricane?


25 Aug 11 - 07:33 PM (#3212768)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

The storm is predicted to be here in New England by late Sunday, but the air traffic snarls will depend on how hard the airports got hit as the storm passed by. You might be ok, Joe, but it's a close call.

25 Aug 11 - 07:52 PM (#3212775)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Count yourself fortunate if you have what you need to prepare for a storm. Many, many, people don't.

We are preparing with several neighbors in mind. They are in housing that would not withstand the storm we could get, so may do well do stay in the yurt with us, whether Irene causes the damage she could, or whenever another bad storm wanders our way. I'm glad your elderly neighbors are prepared, gnu. Most of ours are not and cannot.

One advantage of smaller bottles is that they are easy to tuck in to your belongings if you are forced to evacuate, and that way most people can carry some water. There are also issues regarding hygiene, when wash water is at a premium and there are no water glasses. I prefer to have drinking, cooking, and cleaning water in several kinds of containers- we'll have to manage with what we have available.

25 Aug 11 - 08:03 PM (#3212780)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Joe... I would not be suprised to see flights 'affected' by this storm. New York is likely to be hit ON Sunday, and even if it has passed, delays would be expected....and who knows what damage will be done.

Watch the national news closely.

Gnu...this is not designed to 'scare' the elderly, but to help them get even older. Perhaps EC is not the last word on this.

25 Aug 11 - 08:16 PM (#3212789)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Bill D... that newspaper clip I quoted is designed to do just that... and for the gullible. "Inferring" by twisting words that winds will be 217 kph when the forecast says 100 kph max is exactly what I said it was... irresponsible journalism to sell newspapers. EC is not the last word. Mom Nature is. But, last I heard, she don't write no articles in the newspaper. And she ain't got no show on The Weather Network needer. If she did, she'd likey say to us Herring Chokers... no problem, don't worry about it unless ya piss me off.

25 Aug 11 - 08:31 PM (#3212793)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: catspaw49

Well, all I can do is offer up some good thoughts and keep my fingers crossed for all of you...........I'll send my cell number to anyone who wants it if you want to say you're okay but out of power or whatever.


25 Aug 11 - 08:35 PM (#3212794)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Charley Noble

Looks like a direct path for NYC, and then west of Boston.

For those of us in Maine it means hauling out the boats and battening everything down.

Much of the State could lose electrical power, the rural areas for up to a week.

My mother who lives down on the coast has her own back-up propane generator. Maybe we'll move in with her!

Charley Noble

25 Aug 11 - 08:41 PM (#3212803)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Cell number? What about a reacharound for those of us that ain't gonna get fucked over by Irene? Show some compassion Spaw! Some of us are under the weather in other ways.

Yes. That WAS tasteless. Dispicable. I am remiss and I hang my little head in shame.

Sooo, what's yer cell number? And, what kinda number are you wearing you brute? I AM okay... fer now.

25 Aug 11 - 08:44 PM (#3212805)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Here's an interesting blog
considering similarities between hurricanes in the recent past going back to 1938 to Irene. The blogger is not a fearmonger, but a offers thoughtful warning with some useful links, including this one:

25 Aug 11 - 09:05 PM (#3212810)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Also of interest to some:
A view of Irene from space:

25 Aug 11 - 10:09 PM (#3212834)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: ChanteyLass

I'll be very happy to sing "Goodnight, Irene" when this storm is over.

25 Aug 11 - 10:14 PM (#3212838)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

So, gnu... have you told that Moncton newspaper how you feel about excessive scariness? The warnings down here, and in New York...and in the Carolinas... can hardly be over done. This WILL be a nasty storm...but Moncton still has 3 days to soften its stance.

25 Aug 11 - 11:02 PM (#3212856)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: dick greenhaus

Last big one cost me a 22-foot sloop.

26 Aug 11 - 12:36 AM (#3212879)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Tinker

Joe if you make it to Newark, but not out give me a call....I'm not that far from the airport ... god willin' and the creek don't rise.

26 Aug 11 - 03:17 AM (#3212894)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Gurney

Stay safe, guys. It is even making primetime news on the other side of the world.

26 Aug 11 - 06:10 AM (#3212934)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Bill D... yes, I sent a letter in but will THEY print it?

Yes, Gurney, it looks bad for the US coast. 195kph at landfall in NC at 3AM local time.

26 Aug 11 - 08:27 AM (#3212970)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: artbrooks

I'm in the same position as Joe, only worse. Our Great Eastern Vacation Trip began yesterday (nonrefundable tickets bought long ago, of course). Now in Pittsburgh, with train tickets to NYC on Sunday and Boston Thursday...then on to Halifax by air the following Sunday. Our Pittsburgh daughter may get REALLY tired of us!

26 Aug 11 - 08:55 AM (#3212978)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Hollowfox

All you East Coast folks be careful for the next few days. that includes even as far inland as you, georgeward. I remember at least one hurricaine going right up the Hudson River some few years ago. the $#@!-reduction candle series has been started (only when I'm at home, folks); there's not much else but that and good thoughts and prayers that I can send at the moment.

26 Aug 11 - 09:06 AM (#3212980)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: catspaw49

They figure there are now over 50 million people under some sort of storm warning on the coast.

Hey Fox.....Should we go rescue artbrooks in Pittsburgh and show him east Ohio?


26 Aug 11 - 09:17 AM (#3212988)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

He's on a corner by a pawn shop in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania...

26 Aug 11 - 10:47 AM (#3213014)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: catspaw49

Lest some of you think Sinsull has blown a headpipe...........

There's a pawn-shop on a corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
And I walk up and down 'neath the clock
By the pawn shop on a corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
But I ain't got a thing left to hock.

She was peaches, she was honey
And she cost me all my money
'Cause a whirl 'round the town was her dream
Took her dancin', took her dinin'
Till her blue eyes were shinin'
With the sights that they never had seen.

If you should run into a golden haired angel
And ask her tonight for a date
She'll tell you somewhere there's a rich millionaire
Who is calling again about eight.

There's a pawn shop on a corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
And I've just got to get five or ten
From the pawnshop on a corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Gotta be with my angel again.


26 Aug 11 - 11:13 AM (#3213024)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

The track has shifted eastward and the wind has been upped further north. The grocery stores are very busy even tho it doesn't look bad for us on the maps at the hurricane centres. The media are sure playing it up.

26 Aug 11 - 11:20 AM (#3213027)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Could be worse, Joe & Art... think of those who decided to vacation in Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 AD....or stay in Harry Truman's lodge in Mt. St. Helens.

Well, *I* am just glad I don't have beach-front property in Ocean City, MD.

26 Aug 11 - 02:10 PM (#3213082)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

I'm thinking I may have beachfront property in SOuth Portland before it's over. LOL

Thank you Spaw.

26 Aug 11 - 02:52 PM (#3213109)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Yeah, today's change in the track and the upping of the wind sucks for Maine BUT all that could change as it has slowed down in movement. The longer it is over land the less it will blow... although that sucks for the more southerly areas.

Mom Nature coulda started this season with a Debbie or a Cathey or... but no, she goes with an IRENE!

I hope everyone stays safe. It really does look like a big blow.

26 Aug 11 - 04:34 PM (#3213159)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

Amtrack has cancelled many routes and will probably cancel more in the northeast corridor soon.

NYC subways and rapid transit close Saturday noon. Since many NYC residents don't have any other transportation, mandatory evacuation of the most vulnerable areas of NYC (orange on the map) is ordered to be completed by 11AM Saturday. A few areas that won't likely be innundated but would be cut off will also be evacuated at the same time. Good grief, this seems so organized at the front end. I hope things go well in all those shelters for the 36 hours or so it's going to take.

26 Aug 11 - 05:45 PM (#3213190)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Our local power company has released a robocall to all possible customers saying that we should "be prepared" for power outages lasting several days. They have 150 crews on standby, and requests for up to 600 crews from neighboring states outside the storm's immediate reach.

However, a report about an hour ago said predictions of overall strength of the storm were being revised 'slightly' downward....but with warnings not to assume this will be easy, because it is a very LARGE storm and will bring extreme rainfall.

26 Aug 11 - 06:11 PM (#3213197)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Getting ready in Maine.

"Hurricane Irene Preparations Intensify: Heavy Rain, Strong Winds, Coastal Flooding Expected
08/26/2011 12:00 AM EDT

AUGUSTA, MAINE -- As Hurricane Irene approaches the East Coast, state, county and local officials are preparing to respond.

Governor Paul LePage today declared a State of Emergency. The Emergency Proclamation authorizes state agencies to use all available resources and personnel as necessary to cope with this emergency situation."

From the Maine Emergency Management Agency

26 Aug 11 - 06:40 PM (#3213208)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

So...does anyone have a clue as to where those 380,000 New Yorkers are supposed to evacuate to? LI? NY? hmmmmmmm

26 Aug 11 - 06:58 PM (#3213215)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Their best bet would be friends on 'higher ground' right there on Manhattan

26 Aug 11 - 07:16 PM (#3213227)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Charley Noble

It looks now as if this hurricane is going to be slowed down considerably as it grinds through NYC and Boston before reaching Maine. We're only expecting sustained winds of about 60 mph here, nasty but not a disaster if one is reasonably cautious.

Charley Noble

26 Aug 11 - 08:17 PM (#3213247)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Gorgeous Gary

Bill - We didn't need a robocall from POOPCO to figure that out. We've already had two minor power blips this week.

-- Gary

26 Aug 11 - 10:40 PM (#3213293)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Yeah... I lived in Kansas for 35 years, where it is quite windy and with lots of lightning storms, and we seldom had power outages. I guess there is more 'grid' now, where one break affects bigger areas. *shrug*

The storm is expected to be at its maximum here from 4AM to 10AM Sunday, and I fully expect to lose power sometime during that period. (Still filling water jugs and making big ice cubes in the old freezer)
Got my gas cooking stove working and have plenty of batteries for LED lights...which don't use as much power. We won't starve or as long as no big trees fall on us, the only real worry is water overflow that gets into the basement.... I do NOT want to tear up rugs again!!!!

26 Aug 11 - 11:09 PM (#3213297)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Tinker

We are looking at 8-12 inches of water regardless of the wind.... so I guess I spend tomorrow on a serious basement de-clutter and get everything organized for water. I learnt during Floyd (99) that even heavy plastic crates will float after about six inches of water and then tip allowing water in and... &*%#... we won't talk about the mess... but I may get all the laundry done.

Today we finished the yard. Screen house came down with a bit of work I don't think it was engineered to be taken apart again Oh well I think I marked it well enough to try again in the spring. My neighbor was wondering if we were taking odds on who's roof the top would end up on. Furniture is all in the garage as is the grill.

We have food and I'll get more water bottled up tomorrow. I doubt we'll have power when we wake up on Sunday....

26 Aug 11 - 11:30 PM (#3213300)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Jack the Sailor

It is a tropical storm here in Wilmington, NC now. Heavy rain. Gusts, 30-40 MPH/

27 Aug 11 - 02:31 AM (#3213323)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

While I am strongly mindful of all in harm's way, especially sister Annie, 50 miles east of Ocean City, MD in a lovely house surrounded by trees, I'm also disappointed in the 40% chance of rain for my locale. Temps have dropped in the past couple of hours, skies have clouded, and the wind is rising just a bit, but I am about 40 miles west of guaranteed harm or benefit from Irene.

I'm sure tonight and tomorrow will be exciting in Wilmington, Jack, and hope it does not cross the threshold into perilous as Irene moves through.

27 Aug 11 - 02:51 AM (#3213326)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Joe Offer

I think it's noon Saturday that all New York airports will be closed to landings, although departures may be allowed. Continental Airlines cancelled our flights through Newark late this afternoon. I'm pushing the travel agent to explore flights to Dublin through Houston, Toronto, and Los Angeles. All of these flights have seats available, and I can't imagine how flights from these locations will be affected by the hurricane.


27 Aug 11 - 07:04 AM (#3213364)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Good luck and safe travel, Joe.

Thanks to our Canadian friends Maine utility crews will have some help to address fallen trees and downed lines:

27 Aug 11 - 07:25 AM (#3213374)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Penny S.

Thinking of you all with all your preparations, and hope it passes well. All I can remember from my sister's Australian cyclone advice leaflet is that you should open the windows - which I forgot about during our little breeze in '87. (But adjacent houses had the brick gable ends sucked out!)


27 Aug 11 - 07:32 AM (#3213376)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: fat B****rd

I just wish all our friends who may be affected to be safe and sound.
Charlie in Scotland.

27 Aug 11 - 07:37 AM (#3213377)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: artbrooks

Remembering my mother's experiences the last couple of times a big one blew through Pensacola, I'd suggest anyone in the direct line lay in a big blue tarp to stretch over holes in the roof. The rain will continue long after the storm itself has passed.

27 Aug 11 - 08:21 AM (#3213393)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: alanabit

What Charlie said.

27 Aug 11 - 08:26 AM (#3213394)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: bbc

Irene is supposed to hit my area by 2 pm on Sunday. I wasn't really thinking much about it till I went to Walmart yesterday (Friday) & saw the number of folks with jugs of water, stacks of canned goods, & packages of batteries in their carts. One young girl said to me, "Are you shopping for the hurricane?" Her mom said that we will definitely lose electricity. I didn't panic, but, after that, I did pick up a few things we can eat without cooking. I am in a high area, so flooding shouldn't be a problem. I think we lost most of our "loose" branches in the ice storm last winter. Thankfully, we had no plans to be interrupted. Hope all you travelling folks do ok!


Barbara (2 1/2 hrs NE of NYC)

27 Aug 11 - 08:57 AM (#3213404)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: JJ

Please! On a music board no mention of the author of "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania?" The great Bob Merrill, who composed a string of pop hits on a toy xylophone before moving into the musical theatre.

Here in NYC, I am ensconced on Morningside Heights. Our daughter has headed for the Poconos with friends. We aren't going anywhere -- we can't, because we don't have a car, and all mass transit will begin shutting down at noon. (It will take eight hours to complete.)

The wind and rain are forecast to be VERY heavy for over 20 hours, beginning Saturday evening. We expect to wake up Sunday to no power, despite the fact that all our power lines are underground. The ground is saturated, and water will go wherever it finds a way.

We have our potable water and will fill the bathtub tonight. Our stove is gas, and we also have food that doesn't need to be cooked. Put bottles of water in the freezer to keep things cold longer and are planning what to eat first when the power goes.

We have candles, matches, plus a crank-powered flashlight and radio. The crank-powered radio will also enable us to charge our cell phone.

Dug the old corded phone out and plugged it into the land line. Have a spare hundred in cash around, anticipating the ATMs to be down.

My biggest worry right now is water blowing in around the AC units in the windows.

27 Aug 11 - 09:43 AM (#3213421)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

"All I can remember from my sister's Australian cyclone advice leaflet is that you should open the windows " Penny S.

FYI...Although some people do still believe the misinformation printed on the pamphlet given to Penny's sister, this is NOT considered good advice because it has been shown to enable the very damage we seek to prevent; see information update here: . There is some accurate information at that link.

I appreciate Penny's and other 'Catters' good wishes.



27 Aug 11 - 10:25 AM (#3213437)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Winds picking up already here just north of DC. A few gusts, then quiet for a bit...then the next band. It's gonna be interesting.....

27 Aug 11 - 01:04 PM (#3213516)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

300,000 without power so far.

27 Aug 11 - 01:19 PM (#3213523)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

The worst of it will hit Annie tonight, but she it is already pretty wild. pouring rain and tree limbs starting to come down in the yard from bigger gusts. She is riding it out at home alone because she doesn't think she will be able to get back into her neighborhood after the storm to check on her animals. She is as battened down as she can get.   Has all of her many musical instruments in inner closets and also covered with plastic in the event a tree pierces the roof and lets water in.

Says to picture her tonight lying in her hall on a mat with her windsurfing helmet on, and perhaps earplugs, in the hope she might actually sleep. In the meantime, full of nervous energy, she considering using it to restring a bunch of her instruments.

Earlier today she talked with a friend who lives about an hour inland from Nags Head who said conditions were really bad.

To give an idea of the size of Irene, I am 245 miles nearly due west of Nags Head. We have winds this early afternoon at 17mph with gusts up to 35-40. Not much rain, mostly just heavy clouds and high humidity.

27 Aug 11 - 02:03 PM (#3213539)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: McGrath of Harlow

Sounds pretty well organised, from the news here, which is dominated by it, except when it's Tripoli.

27 Aug 11 - 02:19 PM (#3213545)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

I think the worst damage, and probably the highest casualties will occur from New York north. Even though the storm will be weaker, it will be tracking far inland through New England.

This southern Hillbilly will be sending good thoughts and hopes for safety to all my Yankee friends.

27 Aug 11 - 02:34 PM (#3213553)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

McGrath... very much so. Impressive.

27 Aug 11 - 02:37 PM (#3213554)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: artbrooks

Just sharing a public service announcement - all members of the New Jersey Tea Party are urged to head to the closest beach for an impromptu rally at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning. The New York chapter should meet at Coney Island. Swimsuits are optional.

27 Aug 11 - 02:42 PM (#3213557)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

2:30PM north of DC, and the winds & rain are starting semi-seriously...Small, dead limbs falling.
I ain't gonna enjoy the next 12-24 hrs.

27 Aug 11 - 03:08 PM (#3213572)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Jack the Sailor

Slight breeze, no rain at all here now. Our neighbors had a large brach leaning on their house. that is gone now.

27 Aug 11 - 03:20 PM (#3213581)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

I have the TV on CNN and every now and then I catch a snippet... I have a question. Don't know where it was but they have run out of sandbags. They were handing out 5 bags per vehicle/family. Whaddya gonna do with 5 bags?

27 Aug 11 - 03:49 PM (#3213592)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

This one has me scared; I admit it. We can't afford to lose any of our hard work and progress since the fire.

27 Aug 11 - 04:01 PM (#3213598)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

This waiting business is the hard part now. So far, 4 dead in NC, 3 from falling trees, one (they're not sure it's from the storm) from driving into a tree. No Darwin Award nominees ("tourist perishes when swept off rocks while photographing storm surge", etc.) yet. The state and National Parks Service have closed all campgrounds. Our homeless tend to camp out along the Merrimack, and workers are out there coaxing them to come in for a day or two. Meanwhile, the shelter set up at our local highschool (really, expecting more post-storm customers than evacuees) has announced a pet-friendly policy. Maeve, I really think we're in for a water event more than wind. Those historic storms hit as force 2, at least, hurricanes. Irene has to go over a lot of land to get us, and that'll sap the wind. I do worry for the folks along the coast and rivers.

27 Aug 11 - 05:07 PM (#3213631)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Just got an e-mail from Annie - her DSL had gone out but came back up for a little while. Don't know where she got it from, but she sent a little hurricane related humor.

‎"As Hurricane Irene prepares to batter the East Coast, federal disaster officials warned that Internet outages could force people to interact with other people for the first time in years. Residents braced themselves for the horror of awkward silences and unwanted eye contact.

FEMA advised: "Be prepared. Write down possible topics to talk about in advance. Sports...the weather. Remember, a conversation is basically a series of Facebook updates strung together."

27 Aug 11 - 05:12 PM (#3213633)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Your Yurt should actually be pretty good with wind, maeve. Best thoughts for you and TL, the farm and all the critters.

27 Aug 11 - 05:28 PM (#3213645)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Center of the Delmarva Peninsula is getting 1-2 inches of rain per hour now with sustained 45mph winds, gusts to 60.

I'm anxious for my sister. Wish she wasn't alone.

27 Aug 11 - 05:36 PM (#3213650)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Leadfingers

This side of the pond we are thinking of you 'over there' !

27 Aug 11 - 06:03 PM (#3213663)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Herga Kitty

Hope you all keep safe and dry - and please let us know that you're ok!


27 Aug 11 - 06:21 PM (#3213671)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

I find that life is never as simple as we might like to think it is.

We are only 13 miles inland, in a very rural area, surrounded by streams, lakes, and ponds. Roads wash out easily and often. Wind barrels through here in ordinary storms, to the point that greenhouses have lifted and been thrown.

Power is iffy here anyway, and when there is a regional power failure it takes a very long time to get it restored. Our telephone, internet, and electrical lines are all temporary lines. We live in a camper thanks to the fire, and have no way to protect it from any of the tall trees right out front. We have a rented porta-potty. It would be nice if it stays upright.

We are moving our belongings into the new yurt-under-construction and will pretend sleep there on a thin mattress from the camper. There will be a lot of erosion damage all around the yurt because of the disturbed ground post-construction. There are two massive white pines just behind the yurt. If they fall on our home, we are finished. We have no income and no help in case of another disaster here.

We can't protect farm equipment, nursery trees, 3 greenhouses, car or truck, or sheds. Quite simply, we have lost too much already to be complacent about further damage and loss. I'm not easily frightened, nor do I tend to complain or borrow trouble.

Oh yes- Rapparee, this one of those times when PTSD is more a verb than an adjective.

Keep as safe as you can, friends.

27 Aug 11 - 06:38 PM (#3213680)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

My heart goes out to you all. I've a dear friend in New Jersey, she's frightened too. All the shops are boarded up and empty of food. No way out of the city by public transport either now...

They're just sitting, waiting...

They're most worried about the rain, for they're at the bottom of a hill..and losing the power too.

They're not evacuating Rikers Island...

I hope you all manage to stay safe....and maeve I pray that this time the worst will pass you by. xx

With love to all

27 Aug 11 - 06:53 PM (#3213685)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: JennieG

Thinking of you all, and hoping everyone comes through this safely.....where I am we don't get storms like this, so I can only imagine what it must be like.

Lotsa cheers

27 Aug 11 - 06:58 PM (#3213688)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Tinker

Waiting .... Spent the anxious energy cleaning and organizing the basement. I know there will be water the question is how much. Even plastic crates are at least 12 inches off the ground.

PSE&G sent out this very encouraging email. Telling us before it even hits to expect a week to three weeks of outages is not surprising.... but the part about the gas distribution center being compromised is less than reassuring.

Mauve you are in our prayers.... I am sitting a few hundred miles south 12 miles out of NYC ... Floyd took down trees and left about 12 inches of water in the basement but aside from messy clean up no trauma damage. The large tree that took 4 days to get out of the street only meant we had to drive around the block to get around.

Sending you all the gentle thoughts I can find to circle with the winds.

27 Aug 11 - 07:42 PM (#3213702)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

The forecast here isn't bad... 60 gusting to 90kph and 35mm of rain. Our power is very reliable and and there are few large trees that could take out power in our area.

I am concerned for the US seaboard, especially for those in rural areas like maeve. m... don't forget the bucket. >;-)

m... I know you guys will be okay. Hmmm... speaking of buckets, tell TL to put the tractor bucket on the port-a-potty. A 110kph gust just might knock it over.

27 Aug 11 - 07:59 PM (#3213708)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Hey there, gnu. The first bucket is ready and waiting inside, complete with lid. The tractor bucket is holding down something else, since the porta-potty is too close to hazardous trees.

I reckon we will manage just fine. It's the memories of the fire and the year and a half of terrible loss and labor, alongside our awareness of how blessed we've been to have this beautiful new home, that make the current storm so stressful.

27 Aug 11 - 08:13 PM (#3213722)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Maeve, my dear, I'm holding you tight in my thoughts right now!
Last time I checked, we were pretty much in the center of the northern track of the storm here in NH. We've got lots of extra water, ice, and the usual staples stocked, gas in the car, as well as a couple gallons ready to mix for the chainsaw, in case of trees down. Our community is very good at taking care of each other, so no worries as far as that goes.

Sending "high and dry" thoughts to all Catters singing "Goodnight, Irene" who would rather see her in their dreams than in reality!

27 Aug 11 - 09:03 PM (#3213745)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Charley Noble

I've been watching the eye of this hurricane hovering over Norfolk, VA, and I'm wondering how Bob Zentz is doing. Much of the Navy fleet took off for open ocean a couple of days ago.

Charley Noble, waiting for the remnants of Irene in Maine.

27 Aug 11 - 09:08 PM (#3213749)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

Rain is just starting here in bands of a few minutes. Don't expect any serious wind or rain until tomorrow.
I have three huge trees to worry about. We'll see. By Tuesday this will be a memory.
Hang in there True Love and Maeve. And stay safe.
Wish we hadmade arrangements for the bed. At least you would be comfortable.

27 Aug 11 - 09:11 PM (#3213751)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Ed T

What's the deal with this?


27 Aug 11 - 09:21 PM (#3213754)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

It's a kid... some of them have no other way to express themselves.

27 Aug 11 - 09:23 PM (#3213755)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

"... complete with lid..."

"He said.... good idea." (From the movie "Never Cry Wolf.")

27 Aug 11 - 10:44 PM (#3213783)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: katlaughing

My daughter and twin grandsons in CT are just on the line of places which have mandatory evacuations ordered. So far, she is able to stay home. Fortunately, the shelter they would go to has crates, food, and water for pets as well as cots, blankets, and hot meals for their owners. She found all of her cats' vaccination papers and has plans on how to get them all there if need be. She has also emptied the closet under the stairs for them all, kids, cats, and her, to get in if it gets really bad. She is on a slight rise in the land which may keep things from being worse, I hope. She's also got great neighbours, everyone helping each other. Her boyfriend has had to spend the night at work, taking care of special needs patient in a care home.

Tink, stay outta that basement!:-) I hope the power company is wrong and you don't lose power at all.

Maeve and TL, I envision you snug as bugs in a rug in your yurt. Thank goodness you have it. May there not be too much damage from wind, water, and trees.

May you all be held in the light of love, free of fear, calm in the knowing it will pass, as Sinsull says.


27 Aug 11 - 11:08 PM (#3213792)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bruce MacNeill

Just a report from the eye of the storm. I'm on the Va. part of the Delmarva and we've been in it all day. The eye is just off shore of me now, finally. We've had a lot of rain and some fair winds but I'd guess nothing above 60mph. I have lost one tree, a pine that appears to have broken about 10 feet off the ground and missed my LP Gas supply by inches but it missed. Lots of small branches strewn around and a few hit the house but no broken windows. Here it is 11 at night and it's been going on since 4 this morning. It's not a strong storm but it's a big storm and most of the damage will be along the coasts and from the storm surge into rivers and harbors etc. I'm on relatively high ground, about 30 feet above sea level and glad of it. If you're closer to the water, get out of there. Otherwise you're just in for a lot of rain. Best of luck to those north of me.

28 Aug 11 - 06:28 AM (#3213888)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

And an update from Annie at about 5:30 this morning, also on the Delmarva, in Maryland - Too dark to see, but she didn't hear anything that sounded like a downed downed tree. Her friends in town lost power yesterday afternoon, but other than some brief interruptions, she has kept hers. Because of the saturated soil and continued strong wind gusts she'll stay inside until later today - yard full of trees and limbs still falling. She's hopeful that all she will have is some damage to shingles from tree limbs that have hit the roof.

28 Aug 11 - 07:48 AM (#3213911)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: catspaw49

Thinking of all of you........the pictures and the news descriptions are simply unbelievable. It boggles the mind to imagine what a Category 3 would have done.............


28 Aug 11 - 08:20 AM (#3213929)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bruce MacNeill

Still windy here this morning but I don't see any real damage a little chainsaw work can't clear. My wife, an RN, was released from captivity at the hospital at 1 this morning and the roads were open and I didn't see any flooding but we've been in a drought so the soil may have just absorbed the 8 inches or so of rain we got. Wondering how my friends who live on the water made out but they all evacuated so will ahve to wait until they come back home to find out. I think flooding is the biggest threat up toward New England but haven't heard from family up there yet this morning.

28 Aug 11 - 09:36 AM (#3213961)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: JJ

Wind and rain, but no real problems this morning in Morningside Height, NYC. Reports say no one in Manhattan has lost power.

28 Aug 11 - 10:11 AM (#3213974)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Charley Noble

We're just expecting gale force winds here in Maine today, with lots of rain.

Tomorrow should be a great boating day, assuming the Whaler doesn't sink today.

Charley Noble

28 Aug 11 - 10:14 AM (#3213975)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: VirginiaTam

There is a tree fallen on power lines and on my Mom's roof. She still has power. Also has 3 leaks.

28 Aug 11 - 01:03 PM (#3214043)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: CamiSu

It has been raining here for 13-14 hours. I let the chickens out, but only opened one side of the chicken house. The sheep have a shelter, though I cannot remember how it is attached to the ground or even if it is. (Among the many things I wish I could ask David) Freezers are too full to add anything to keep them frozen, so they should not have a problem. The track looks like it is going straight through Lebanon, NH, which is about 20 miles from me. I can't close the barn entirely. The back door (12'x14') blew off years ago... The outdoor cat just came in--very wet. One dead tree between the house and garage will probably fall. Just waiting here. My biggest worry about the house is that I have never gotten the hardware on the skylights after the fire... Oh well. I will let you know when it is all over.


28 Aug 11 - 01:09 PM (#3214047)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: CamiSu

Actually just checked the NOAA website. I guess we will get a direct hit. See ya later!

28 Aug 11 - 01:12 PM (#3214048)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Susan of DT

We cancelled our monthly sing for this afternoon, but now it looks like we could have held it. Irene has been and gone (central NJ), with only some moderately heavy rain.

We did have ten inches of water in the basement this morning - not nice, but not a disaster. A plumber will replace our unhappy sump pump tomorrow.

I am happy that we have not had any electrical problems (yet - a tree could still fall over onto a power line), since I am teaching an online course that started last night. It would not be cool if I could not communicate with the class.

28 Aug 11 - 01:16 PM (#3214051)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Im am sure your students will understand.

Anyone get/ting any lightning?

28 Aug 11 - 01:30 PM (#3214055)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

I thought we had dodged the bullet totally....but lost power about 4AM (wife was awake)....and just got it back at 12:30 8½ hrs outage. I guess we are lucky...freezer not defrosted. I made coffee this morning on gas stove by lantern light.

   The general Wash. DC metro area was not terribly hard hit, but there are trees down and some wet basements. (My basement stayed rained for hours, but no super downpours)(It seems the 'bands' of wind/rain curled up and over and around us. There was heavier rain & wind in central Penn. last night than right here closer to the storm.)

Now, southern VA. and parts on N. Carolina seem to have got the worst of it, and several deaths from fallen trees reported..(including one in MD)

You guys up north will still be getting rain and such as I type this... I hope it's just a nuisance and not bad.

Stay dry, folks!

28 Aug 11 - 02:10 PM (#3214072)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: artbrooks

Although I still don't know if Amtrak will be running tomorrow, all of this makes my travel disruptions seem so very minor. All of you take care, and keep dry.

28 Aug 11 - 02:15 PM (#3214076)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

Somew trees down in WEstbrooke as well as flooding. The worst of the storm is still a few hours away. Hope the trees stay upright. Now for a nap.

28 Aug 11 - 02:37 PM (#3214082)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: fat B****rd

Like the other UK people said. We're thinking of you.

28 Aug 11 - 03:05 PM (#3214087)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,999

It's raining (from the NNE because of the counterclockwise swirl of Irene) and that seldom happens here in Ormstown. The river--Chateauguay--has risen a bit judging by the disappearance of some white water, now replaced by steady and faster flow. Winds up a bit and I expect some trees in the general area will lose limbs and a few will come down.

However, the 72 hours of rain we received about two months ago was worse than this. Of course, those who are in the path of the area around just around the eye will have substantially more to deal with. The normal safety procedures should be observed and followed by anyone outside in this type of weather. All downed power lines must be treated as live until your power company repairman/woman says otherwise. It's not a good day to canoe. The rain is not keeping a cardinal, mourning dove, two blue jays and a half dozen sparrows from the feeder and the area beneath it where the squirrels toss all the seed that is of no interest to them. That's all the seed except sunflower seeds.

It's not a good idea to take a drive just for the heck of it, either.

That's about it from your man on the spot in beautiful downtown Ormstown, Quebec, Canada.

To my American readers: would you please petition your government to drop the NAFTA and we'll take your inclement weather?

28 Aug 11 - 03:06 PM (#3214088)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,tinker

No power a tree branch took out a transformer ...about 16 inches of water in the basement. Still pretty windy... on husbands phone...all okay,but no idea when power will. Be restored
Not very good at mobile posting...good luck to those up north..

28 Aug 11 - 03:23 PM (#3214096)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

It's peltin down here. But, by the look of the radar, I expect to get my evening walk in. Wind is only suppose to be 40 gusting to 70 kph; 35mm of rain tonight. 60/90 kph and 60% POP tomorrow until early afternoon.

Just like the last one... "The storm that wasn't."

I just hope my southern neighbours are okay.

28 Aug 11 - 04:13 PM (#3214124)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

I just checked power outages in Maine. The road maeve lives on has an outage reported so I assume she is without power. The radar indicates the rain there is letting up and they may have none shortly and for some hours. The forecast for a city not far away says : South winds 30 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph...Diminishing to 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 40 mph after midnight.

I hope they and the chooks are doing okay.

And everybody else too, of course.

28 Aug 11 - 04:33 PM (#3214128)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

We lost power here for about a half-hour, it's still a bit gusty but the rain seems to have stopped. My son stopped by to do a walkaround the house (everything seems ok) and report that his brother's workplace (the food co-op in Brattleboro, Vt.) has flooded. They're constructing a new building which is a bit higher and further from the stream that flooded, but from the youtube videos, it looks like it's underwater, too.

28 Aug 11 - 05:08 PM (#3214148)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Thanks for the info re maeve, gnu.

Do you have sump pump in your basement Tinker?

28 Aug 11 - 05:28 PM (#3214157)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Just got an e from maeve. Here is some of it in case she doesn't get a chance to report...

We've lost many trees and branches. Winds continues to strengthen here, with stronger gusts taking down trees. Power is off and on, expect to lose it completely soon. Lost a maple, aspen, black cherry, quite near; many others across the street and in the close woods. Apples and pears are falling. BIG white pine outside the back of the yurt is dropping big limbs. The worst is yet to come, but we're ok so far.

Chooks are fine, though cross at being kept inside the chicken house.

28 Aug 11 - 05:36 PM (#3214161)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

Nothing going on here - no rain, little wind. Cats are annoyed that I won't let them out.
Not exactly a false alarm but false enough to make people complacent next time around.
The storm is going west into upstate NY.
We'll see.

28 Aug 11 - 05:39 PM (#3214162)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Highway 12 at Rodanthe was breached and several hundred yards are torn up quite badly. The Sound side storm surge was historic on both the island and mainland sides. Probably more damage was done inland by the wind than on the Outer Banks.

The East Coast really is fortunate that Irene was not a major hurricane when it made landfall. Think of how far up the coast it went without much degradation. Here in North Carolina, we were pretty impressed with the execution of Emergency preparedness plans, by the high numbers of people who headed the call to evacuate, and how smoothly the evacuation plan went. Resources were in place, agencies coordinated well, and personnel knew what to do. The post incident recovery and rescue efforts also appear to be responding quickly and in a coordinated manner.

The Incident Command System, developed by FEMA in partnership with many, many governments, agencies and emergency organizations seems to have come of age, at least in North Carolina. I think the key ingredient is Drill, Drill, Drill. North Carolina made a commitment to do so, and it paid off.

Was recently at a Hospital Incident Command System training. The instructor was part of a team sent to the Gulf Coast after Katrina. He said one of the biggest problems with dealing with the aftermath of Katrina was that in the state to which he was deployed, they had done minimal training and practice at the State level, and all was confusion.

28 Aug 11 - 06:15 PM (#3214184)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Alice

Watching incredible footage of raging torrents in Vermont that were just brooks before the rain came from Irene.
Take care.

28 Aug 11 - 08:14 PM (#3214245)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Whoa! Lots of rain in mountains spells trouble for sure!

28 Aug 11 - 08:16 PM (#3214247)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

We were without power for about 6 hours, but everything seems fine now. We did try to drive around a bit once the rain and wind abated, but huge trees were down on the Nelson/Harrisville road, so we headed back home, hoping no more would decide to land on our heads! The wind is still gusty but the air has changed, and it's clear that Irene has moved on.

Our dear friends in Vermont, however (Newfane) , as well as those on the Deerfield River in western Mass (Shelburne Falls ), are not so lucky. My heart is with them.

28 Aug 11 - 09:32 PM (#3214268)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

Alice, that was at 11 AM. This is what it looked like a couple hours later in Brattleboro.

28 Aug 11 - 10:35 PM (#3214285)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

I saw some of those videos on TV earlier. That is beyond scary. ....and there will be raging water for many hours as rain water does what it knows....head downhill. I hope people stay safe there.

28 Aug 11 - 10:41 PM (#3214287)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Alice

Yes, I've seen video of Brattleboro and other locations on the news, including the large blue building, can't remember the town, that is undercut by water and hanging half over rapids, about to fall.

The video I linked to earlier was just the best one I could find at the time I posted it.


28 Aug 11 - 10:46 PM (#3214289)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Alice

more video of flooding in Vermont from CNN

28 Aug 11 - 10:46 PM (#3214290)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,leeneia

re Brattleboro video: it is probably not a good idea to sit on a metal guardrail which is located under power lines which may be undermined by racing floodwaters any minute.

I'm just saying...

28 Aug 11 - 11:05 PM (#3214294)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Alice

The blue building I mentioned is in Brattleboro... just watching a report again of the CNN news on it. It was is a building of offices and artist studios. The water has eroded the bank up under the building and it is tilting over the rapids.

28 Aug 11 - 11:35 PM (#3214301)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Oh. My. I can barely stand to watch the videos of those rushing Vermont flood waters. Brings back terrible memories.

Bettynh, how are you faring in Maine?

Any word on other New England folks in our Mudcat community?


Please stay safe, all of you, from Tinker, north, (I think Tinker is the southern most of our Mudcat community to be impacted by flooding, at least so far.) As Bill noted, water runs downhill. Irene tracked up the western side of most of New England. Is flooding predicted in coastal areas as the waters rage down from the northern Appalachian mountains and foothills?

What about our Canadian friends?

28 Aug 11 - 11:42 PM (#3214303)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Joe Offer

Well, it cancelled my trip to Ireland. The travel agent keeps talking about how we should have had travel insurance. I thought if the trip was cancelled by the company, we would get a full refund.
Oh, well. It was only a vacation. A lot of people have lost a lot more.

29 Aug 11 - 12:41 AM (#3214322)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Desert Dancer

Oh, bummer for you, Joe. But, as you say, worse for those elsewhere... thinking especially tonight of Vermont places that I know that are in trouble.

~ Becky in Tucson

29 Aug 11 - 12:53 AM (#3214326)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: katlaughing

I always told my kids when something didn't work out like a route to a destination or such, it was probably because we were being protected from something worse, i.e. car crash or something, and it was better to just go another way or time. Sorry about Ireland, Joe, couldn't you claim it as an "act of God" and get some kind of insurance to cover it?(only half-joking.:-)

I posted this in the decluttering thread:

My daughter in CT said they haven't had too much rain, but lots and lots of wind. 91% of her town is without power. She was lucky, hers didn't go off until about an hour ago. Her beau is stuck in Essex where he works, at least until sometime tomorrow, maybe longer depending on when the roads get opened. There are so many little roads which will be covered with downed trees. My thoughts go out to all who are in the dark and to the crews who are out there working to bring back some light.

My Rog, who is a native of NH, and i were looking at the VT videos, places where we used to visit, and he reminded me those mountains collect water which must run down. It is so terrifyingly swift. Reminds me of Hurricane Gloria, I think it was, which flooded the CT river. My brother and I were driving over the bridge between Northampton and Amherst when the radio announced the bridge was being closed. We were in Mystic when Bob came to town; that was incredible what it did to the trees, etc.

May all be well and safe throughout the night and coming days.


29 Aug 11 - 02:04 AM (#3214332)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Sandra in Sydney

echoing kat's wishes

& thanks to all for your reports, we don't get so much detail here


29 Aug 11 - 03:03 AM (#3214343)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Penny S.

Still thinking of you all. Thanks Maeve for that update on windows - I have to admit the reason I remembered it was because it seemed odd. The houses with the gable ends seem to have lost them because they had no trees filtering the wind, as the identical ones which did had no damage. (This does not stop the owners wanting us to cut them down!)

And on trees, and I don't think this one is dubious, after '87, there were warnings for amateurs trying to clear trees with chain saws. Apparently a windthrown tree has energy stored in twisted branches in unpredictable ways, and can whip dangerously when that energy is released on cutting.


29 Aug 11 - 04:39 AM (#3214359)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Joe... I would take that a atep further. If THEY cancelled, they should pay, no???

The power went out here about an hour ago. No time has been given for one of two major outages to be repaired. I hope we are the one that says about an hour and it will be back on.

Quite windy but no rain. I see on the US radar there is little rain anywhere. I was just outside and it was cool to see the stars so clearly with the power outage.

The post made possible by Canadian Tire Power Pak.

I am going back to bed.

29 Aug 11 - 07:23 AM (#3214420)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: catspaw49

For all of my life I never thought about Vermont and hurricane in the same moment. Florida certainly but Vermont?   Geeziz, what's next? Earthquakes in Virginia?..............................wait a minute............


29 Aug 11 - 07:52 AM (#3214429)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Beer

Some rain and wind. Sun is out had a look around and counted the leaves that fell.
Hope those affected can recover with not to much loss. I hate to see century trees uprooted because they can't be replaced. What a bummer Joe. Not fair if you ask me.

29 Aug 11 - 07:53 AM (#3214430)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

The wind is whoopin here but only up to about 95 kph max. Gonna die down the afternoon.

Mum was getting a drink of cold water out of the fridge at 4:16 when the power went out. Later today, there will be a batteryless flashlight in every room in he house.

Power should be back on within an hour... we are in a major shopping district.

29 Aug 11 - 08:26 AM (#3214443)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

Gnu, These are costly, but great. Plug them into an unused wall socket. When the power goes off, the flashlight comes on. No hunting around to find the danged thing.

29 Aug 11 - 08:31 AM (#3214446)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Fine here. As gnu told you, we lost quite a few good trees, and it was, shall we say, interesting to lie in our bedroom-to-be wondering if the beautiful old pine would be joining us.

That section of Vermont and corresponding parts of New Hampshire have major flooding every time there is a storm. I used to live over there; beautiful countryside and people.

29 Aug 11 - 09:19 AM (#3214458)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

Janie, I'm a city girl in southern NH. The two rivers here are big enough and were low enough that we'll probably not have flooding. Damage is mainly from a few downed trees.

As dramatic as all that footage from Brattleboro is, the lasting damage looks to be the roads. The Kancamagus highway, main route through the White Mountain National Forest, is closed. Route 9, the major route across southern Vermont, is gone in some spots, undermined in many, and has several ruined bridges. This is going to take time to fix. Aside from simple transportation, these are the main leafpeeper routes, bringing NH and Vt many millions in tourist dollars every fall (it's a weird thing to be observed by busloads of tourists speaking Japanese at the local farmstand but it pays many bills.) My apple tree still is loaded with apples, so I assume the orchards in the local towns are ok (we've been growing apples in this area for export since the early 1700s).

Maeve, I'm so glad you're ok. Any chance of getting a local logger to take the pines? Beautiful as they are, they're dangerous anywhere near a building. Around here, the understory can be oak, which will come up quickly with the pines gone and are good for a century or more before they become dangerous.

29 Aug 11 - 11:05 AM (#3214522)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,999

Good to see everyone posting. Hi, Maeve.

Looking out the back window, I figure the Chateauguay is up between a foot and two feet and the flow rate looks to be 2 1/2 times normal. What's your take from where you are, Ad? I think from where you are you could estimate it better than I. The rain in town wasn't bad, but from time to time gusts would bend some trees and the tops would move five feet or so.

If anyone wants that in metric, here ya go.

29 Aug 11 - 11:27 AM (#3214539)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: katlaughing

My daughter's power was back on by 3a so no troubles there. She was kind of surprised when it went out a bunch of neighbours went outside and were having a gay old time. I wonder if it was because they could finally see the stars well without all of the lights on.

It is so sad to see old trees ripped out. I have some pix from Bob which ripped out sidewalks with roots of huge old trees. The destruction was awe inspiring.


29 Aug 11 - 11:30 AM (#3214543)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

Peter of Woodchuck's Revenge just posted that he may be cancelling his concert on the 10th. The roads between him and us are gone.
Maine seems to have dodged a bullet. Although the winds were wild after midnight last night.
No flooding at my house until Freddie the Cat in making clear his annoyance at being kept in all day peed on me in the middle of the night. That's usually Alice's job. Unbelievable...Now he is all upset because I yelled at him. That may be the first time in his ten years that I have raised my voice at him and he is very hurt. Meantime I am out a pillow and some towels.
Maeve I worried about you and falling trees all night.My trees swayed and threatened but styaed upright. Net year, if I can afford it, they come down.
For those with wet basements, holes in rooves, and damages, I am sorry but glad you are safe.

29 Aug 11 - 11:43 AM (#3214550)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: CamiSu

Woke this morning to a brilliant day, feeling like a chick who has spent the night under mama-bird. The storm track was supposed to be right over us, due in about 9pm, and instead the rai(excuse me while I go shut off the water I left running!!!)n essentially stopped about 3. I had not filled the tank as I figured that the rain off teh eaves would refill it. I mean we had already gotten about 10" at least, and the main storm was not due for another 6 hours! Instead we got...nothing. Barely a breeze. I am amazed and grateful.

Maeve, Mary, Morses-- how did you fare?

29 Aug 11 - 12:48 PM (#3214588)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Beer

I'm afraid you are a bit off 999. It is up about 6 to 8 feet its normal flow. I will mark the spot for you when you come over. It is still rising. Usually this occurs as the over flow from Chateauguay Lake up state New York arrives about 8 hours after a heavy rain fall.

29 Aug 11 - 12:56 PM (#3214593)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,999

Indeed, Ad. From here, it looks different, but we're near the old weir and it's hard to tell. You are dry, right?

29 Aug 11 - 01:06 PM (#3214600)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,999

Thanks, Ad. You have that tree (pole) marked down near the river, right? I do know it's racing by and carrying the odd tree limb with it. Saw one at the old bridge (green arch) that musta been 8" diameter where it broke off, and lots of foliage on it. Just floating along.

29 Aug 11 - 02:28 PM (#3214645)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

The estimated time of restoration of power here was 8:30 to 9:30. They got some in our area back on but we got back on the grid at about 14:00 (14:00 - 12:00 = 2PM for those still on the old system.)

Unfortunately, I lost my cable at about 10:00 so I couldn't monitor the power outage. Ya know, the only thing I missed was the internut. Of course, it's August... not February.

I feel for peeps who go without power for days and weeks. I thought about the Iraquis who had to endure power outages for months.

I see Jose has turned NE and will be far off NS and NFLD.

Bettynh... maeve does know a local logger... TL. >;-)

29 Aug 11 - 03:56 PM (#3214719)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Charley Noble

The wind and rain were pretty wild around our part of Midcoast Maine but we didn't even lose power. My brother reported from the coast this morning that my Boston Whaler did fine on its mooring.

Not bad for us in retrospect but I'm glad we were well prepared for worse.

Charley Noble

29 Aug 11 - 04:08 PM (#3214720)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,999

Never hurts to be prepared, CN. Irene was a relative no-name hurricane, but where they're gonna be and when is by guess and by God. There were some deaths, but I'd hazard way fewer than an average two-day time span with people driving on the roads and killing each other that way.

29 Aug 11 - 04:52 PM (#3214733)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Mum said the that the peeps on the radio were REPEATEDLY trying to tell the listeners that a set of traffic lights without power is a 4-way STOP fer gosh sakes! There were at least 4 accidents early on in the outage on just ONE 2 km stretch of road next to us. It's amazing and sacrey! I saw it first hand during our last two ourtages... at one intersection I had to lay on the horn and wave a woman to PLEASE GO... even tho there was an RCMP officer waving at her from across the intersection. I assume he could not go out into the intersection as it was too dangerous.

It's still gusty enough for me to keep the potted plants in the garage. Double impatiens and especially the begonias don't care for wind much over 50 kph. It wouldn't hurt them much but why bother just yet?

9... you don't have a river level pole nearby? Odd.

29 Aug 11 - 04:55 PM (#3214734)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Becca72

There was nothing more than a few wind gusts and a bit of rain at my place in Biddeford, ME. Heard from dear friends in Vermont that they are above water.

29 Aug 11 - 05:14 PM (#3214746)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Jeri

No power here.

29 Aug 11 - 08:25 PM (#3214865)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: ranger1

Portland fared just fine, but the western part of the state of Maine got hammered. Even though all the state parks were closed and supposed to be minimally staffed, my boss felt that the whole crew needed to come to work so that the work shop could be cleaned. The ancient chestnet tree behind HQ (which houses the work shop) split in two and missed the building by about six inches. He finally let me go home at six PM.

Today, I spent the afternoon helping with clean up at Sebago Lake State Park. They have massive and widespread damage throughout the park, the campground (busiest park campground in the state) is almost inaccessible there are so many trees down. There were over a dozen people wielding chainsaws, operating tractors, woodchippers and dump trucks, and it doesn't even look like we made a dent. Glad I have the next two days off.

29 Aug 11 - 08:49 PM (#3214874)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Jeri... hope it's back soon. It sucks being disconnected.

29 Aug 11 - 08:55 PM (#3214878)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

I think this link will still work...

The way Irene spread out over New England
It shows how the bands of rain were 'thrown' way out beyond the center of the path. You can see that 'lucky' us in the DC area, although we got lots of rain when bands went past, didn't get it as bad as those in western PA.
This storm was just so large that it looked like the arms of a spiral galaxy.

29 Aug 11 - 09:52 PM (#3214907)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: artbrooks

Amtrak says: "As of early this Monday evening, about a half-mile of Amtrak right-of-way remained submerged near Trenton, N.J. As the water levels recede, Amtrak engineering forces will make repairs to the track and signal control infrastructure. Updates will continue to be provided and an estimate for restoration of full service south of New York is not yet available."

29 Aug 11 - 10:25 PM (#3214922)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Mother nature never ceases to amaze, and to teach us we are not the masters of the universe.

30 Aug 11 - 12:08 AM (#3214952)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: ChanteyLass

Here in RI there was some flooding along the coast, bays, and rivers. The winds were the worst part for me. The highest I heard about were reported to be 62 mph. One out of 3 households lost power, and some people may not have it restored until this weekend. In West Warwick, mine was out from Sunday around noon until Monday around 1 PM. I figured I was prepared for 3 days without power but was relieved to have it restored. On Aquidneck Island, which consists of Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth, reports said the whole island was down. Ny son and his family live in a rural part of Middletown and have a well, so that meant no water. (I raised him a rural part of Coventry, so he knew what it was like to be without water, but his wife and children had never experienced that before.) Their power went out before mine did and was restored after mine. In Providence at least 125 streets were blocked by debris.

30 Aug 11 - 12:52 AM (#3214962)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: ChanteyLass

For anyone interested in Mystic Seaport in CT, everything there is okay. The museum did not open on Saturday so the staff could prepare boats, buildings, artifacts, etc. for the storm. It will reopen on Tuesday at 9 (usual time during summer). This link gives more information.
For those of you on Facebook, you can see Mystic Seaport's posts and photos about preparing for the hurricane and getting ready to reopen.

30 Aug 11 - 01:07 AM (#3214967)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: GUEST,leeneia

My newspaper says that so far there are 21 known dead, mostly from falling trees. That is terrible and unnecessary.

I'm sure there will be a few more deaths because of the flooding to come.

30 Aug 11 - 09:42 AM (#3215107)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Tinker

Power was out almost exactly 48 hours. It finally came on at 4 this morning.
I spent the two days before the storm preparing the basement for water and now the clean up is pretty minimal ... well except for cleaning up the speakeasy and cleaning all the wood. Today will be Murphy's oil soap and then it'll all need to be oiled .... It did well after Floyd so it'll be fine again.... actually cleanest ever...

30 Aug 11 - 02:47 PM (#3215344)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Ya know, it only JUST struck me as odd that the first storm of the season was called Irene. Why was it not Arlene? Arlene is on the 2011 list and that's the deal innit?

BTW... Katia also looks like she could be a bitch.

30 Aug 11 - 03:17 PM (#3215367)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

Arlene formed in the western Caribbean June 29, then slammed into Mexico. I'm haunted by the memory of the 1954 season, with three hurricanes (a hit, a miss, another hit) within three weeks.

As for death tolls, I'd like to see two categories published - those that a purely accidental, thus attibutable to the storm, and those that could have been prevented or were unrelated (except by time). It doesn't seem right to count a drowned surfer or premature sightseer as a casualty of the storm.

30 Aug 11 - 03:26 PM (#3215373)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

I agree.

30 Aug 11 - 07:03 PM (#3215519)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Keep a weather eye out for Katia

30 Aug 11 - 07:15 PM (#3215527)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Bill... I did, three posts ago.

30 Aug 11 - 07:27 PM (#3215533)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Bettynh... my gosh! I had NO idea that there were that many TD's so far! Sorry to all.

31 Aug 11 - 10:20 AM (#3215897)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

I only remember Arlene because it was my mothers' name.

News from my son in Brattleboro, VT, is good. He lives on a hill, where the primary worry was wind in huge sugar maple trees along his driveway. Wind wasn't an issue and he never lost power. In downtown Brattleboro, the brook is back in its banks. The food co-op where he works got 3 inches of water. Everything is covered in a layer of mud. His job has been unloading and trashing food from refrigerators and freezers. Part of their parking lot is undermined and closed off. One bridge looks intact but is closed for inspection.

The national coverage is really a bit much, but Brattleboro has a great community website that collected videos that the national media used without credit. It's a clear shot up major roads from NYC, too, so ABC, CNN, Fox, etc could get reporters and their trucks in and away easily. The governor and senator followed the national media, coming by helicopter. They don't seem to like their governor much. He seems prone to foot in mouth disease.

31 Aug 11 - 01:39 PM (#3216003)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Check out the Gulf of Mexico at the US Hurricane centEr. Could be a nasty storm coming up.

31 Aug 11 - 06:20 PM (#3216184)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: maeve

Update from our local power company:

"As of noon today, CMP continued to report steady progress in power restoration, with crews from northern Maine, New Hampshire and New Brunswick joining the effort."

Thanks once again, New Brunswick!

31 Aug 11 - 10:23 PM (#3216295)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Hurricane season is always an interesting time in North Carolina, regardless of where one lives within the state. We, (as well as several other southern states,) are particularly vulnerable to tropical storms moving up from either the Gulf or from the Atlantic. Much of the south and Texas (south or southwest?) are also dependent on these storms or their remnants for a significant amount of rainfall to replenish water tables, even while the more severe storms may wipe out late summer and early fall crops, or cause dreadful flooding.

I abhor the flooding and devastation that eastern NC and the Northeast experienced from Irene. At the same time, I was sorely disappointed to have not gotten more than 1/4 inch of rain in my drought-ridden northeast central locale of the state, and most of that evaporated by the March-like windy conditions.

Texas is experiencing a devastating level of drought. Hard or torrential rains there now would wreak immediate havoc, cause untold property damage and probable loss of human life. Several tropical systems in a couple of months time would also be a blessing and a salvation to millions of acres of cropland, pastures and habitat, douse raging wildfures, and recharge the water tables.

What is clear is that climate change is occurring. One could say the climate is out of balance, or one could say the balance is shifting, unpredictably driven by global warming, the other effects of population increase, and natural change processes, as well as the effects of the interactions among all these processes. Regardless, humankind does not have control of the reins. It might behoove us as a species to accept this and change our behaviors and choices accordingly.

All that was thread drift, I see now. I'll let my rambings stand here anyway.

Hope that system developing in the Gulf over-all brings as much benefit as destruction.   My early bet regarding Katia, subject to change, is she will turn northeast well before she threatens the North American coast. But you can bet I'll be checking the tropical forecast at NOAA at least twice a day.

01 Sep 11 - 12:53 PM (#3216562)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)


Hard to tell as yet. Hope she doesn't interfere with our Maine sailing trip in 10 days!

01 Sep 11 - 09:37 PM (#3216808)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: CamiSu

Brattleboro is missing a teenager, Marble Arvidson, age 17. He went hiking Saturday and never returned. Any info is greatly appreciated.

I like my governor.

01 Sep 11 - 11:37 PM (#3216840)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Nancy King

I arrived at my cottage in Sebago, Maine, on Monday afternoon, having hunkered down with relatives in Woodstock NY on Sunday. No damage at my place, but also no power when I arrived, and none until this evening about 6 pm. It was kind of an adventure at first, but got old really fast -- no running water, no lights, no refrigeration. Just an inconvenience, of course -- nothing compared to the devastation elsewhere.

Tami, I wondered if you'd get roped into the cleanup at Sebago Lake State Park -- which is VERY close to my cottage. No trees down on my property, but lots of branches all over everything -- I've almost finished cleaning it up. I now have several years' worth of kindling.

I am not looking forward to Katia...

02 Sep 11 - 12:34 AM (#3216859)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: katlaughing

My friend, who lives in NC, sent me a picture of the pile of tree limbs it took her and her husband eight hours to clean up. Otherwise they were okay.

My grandsons' first day of school in CT was to have been Monday, then it was Wednesday, today, then Friday. It seems not all parts of the city have power yet, though, so their first day has been extended to next Tuesday. They are ecstatic, but then they also have power.

CamiSu, good thoughts about the teen hiker. May he be holed up somewhere safe and be found quickly.

02 Sep 11 - 10:30 AM (#3217067)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

(From the National Hurricane Center)


Yikes! We really don't need more rain.

02 Sep 11 - 10:54 AM (#3217084)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Meanwhile, checking in from the Deep South, what will soon be Tropical Storm Lee, ruined my fishing excursion this morning. I was at Fort Pickens pier which is in Pensacola Pass, where Pensacola Bay feeds into the Gulf of Mexico. Strong winds and intermittent rain squalls ran me off after no more than 30 minutes. But, so far, the nasty stuff is not extending inland to any large extent. That'll change, I'm sure.

Current projections are for the system to move to the northeast after landfall in Louisiana, which means we'll probably get a lot of rain where I live, near the Florida/Alabama border. That's too bad for Texas. We can use the rain, but Texas is in truly desperate need of it.

02 Sep 11 - 01:49 PM (#3217176)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Bettynh... the Canuck centRe shows no such storm on it's satellite pic. That site shows a storm more to the NW and it is not being tracked.

02 Sep 11 - 02:28 PM (#3217196)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bettynh

NOAA has changed its mind a bit. Odds are down to 40%. Meanwhile in the Gulf, Lee has a name and it's not moving much. From the current prediction, Georgia (which needs the rain) wil be wet, eventually. Texas (which REALLY needs the rain) will mostly miss out again.

02 Sep 11 - 02:37 PM (#3217201)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011

Where went my post???

02 Sep 11 - 03:01 PM (#3217212)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

SINS... same way as tow of my earlier posts on other threads.

02 Sep 11 - 03:12 PM (#3217220)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: beardedbruce

Lee is now predicted to drop 15-20 inches of rain on New Orleans.

02 Sep 11 - 04:33 PM (#3217245)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

15 to 20"? Holy moly!

02 Sep 11 - 07:36 PM (#3217351)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Stilly River Sage

If they could spare 1 or 2 inches out west Texas way we'd be mighty obliged!


02 Sep 11 - 09:45 PM (#3217384)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

And in central North Carolina we are watching possibilities that are not yet, and perhaps won't be, probabilities of getting weather from both Katia and Lee. Too early to tell from the southeast and from the southwest. Best we can do is keep a weather eye turned in both directions.

I don't want anyone to get flooded, but some good rain in these parts sure would be nice. Not as nice as for Stilly and the rest of Texas. Lee holds the possibility of bringing terrible bane to some places, real boon to others and a mix of both to others.

10 Sep 11 - 06:44 AM (#3221043)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Janie

Checking in on all our friends in the Northeast to see how you have/are weathering the flooding.

Hope all are safe and on high ground.

10 Sep 11 - 10:33 AM (#3221117)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Gorgeous Gary


Fine here. There's a creek about 150 feet behind my townhouse, but its part of a larger community park that's all lower than my backyard so I'm probably OK for a while even if it does flood. Which it hasn't.

The Virginia suburbs seem to be getting the worst of it, particularly Fairfax. One of my friends is a teacher in (and lives in) Fairfax County and got at least one day off of school due to flooded roads.

-- Gary

10 Sep 11 - 11:08 AM (#3221133)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Bill D

Sunshine! I see sunshine! 3 days of drying out my basement with fans and hanging damp rugs on the back porch...and 'almost' back to livable!

10 Sep 11 - 01:29 PM (#3221205)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: Tinker

I am slowly moving back to "normal" (even if my budget is not BG) We got a new hot water heater on Wednesday and woke up to more water on Thursday ! But the pumps kept it below the new heater.

The insurance adjuster comes to look at roofs and ceilings on Monday. The wind and pounding rain really pounded out both the slate and flat roofs.

The wood paneling in the basement is finally drying out with help from the dehumidifier and fans. Luckily the last dousing wasn't as high.
I need to get trays to use on the bottom shelves so I can pick up and move stuff on them quickly if need be.

I need a vacation --- oh wait it's almost Getaway !

10 Sep 11 - 01:39 PM (#3221211)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

On the Canuck site it looks like Maria is gonna chase Katia. Good thing. Given the fact that my fingers are cold at 2:30PM I'd say this hurricane season is winding down but we'll see what happens after the full moon on Monday.

We still have humming birds (females and young) but I expect they'll take off on Monday beacuse of my cold fingers... a high of 16 today. Everything is at least two weeks early... the hummers, the bluejays, the woodpeckers... I like the cool fall weather but I hope I don't see any snowy owls soon.

16 Sep 11 - 12:58 PM (#3224285)
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
From: gnu

Finally heard back from EC... the wind speed on the track info at the Caunck site is sustained wind speed.